The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 21, 1919, Image 4

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Diamond Rings
ury flint's, and perfectly cut.
Jeweler and
The Catholic ladle will hold an ex
change at tho Maloney store tomorrow.
Will pay good rent for modern
Iioiiho of live or six room). I'lione 34.
Mrs. Chan. Roguo and Mrs. Millard
Hosier returned Tuosdny evening from
a vImH In Omaha.
Mrs. Belle Swarthout, of Plutts-
molith, arrived "Wednesday to visit her
Hon Oakley and wlfo.
II. L. Pennington returned Tues
day from a week's buslnoss trip in
the Elkhorn valley.
Wanted A competont girl for gon-
oral hoUHowork. Aptdy to Mrs. W.
O'Connor. 710 west Fifth Htreet.
niiim r.i.fii itin wiiii tim Mniimmiii i t'oiniuiny
hank, Iiuh accepted tho pohltlon ofi In March, 1918. during tlic War
cashier at tho Hondy-Oglor garage, i SavingH Stamps drive, oigniy uiousunu ,
Take Care of Your
l. '', Battery
' 'V-
Take a Hydrometer
Reading Evciy
Two Weeks.
fr, , ,
9 .
Official Service Station
McDonald Bank Building.
Phone 731
Judge Woodhnrt rently Httitld n
marriage fred Haveraon and Bather
IlroUtwell, both of ' KeyaUMie.
For al Burred Plfmmtk Ruck
CiK!krIi. Itwine 7r14 13-8
William Krod. of drawl IMdnd.
formely located here, went through
thin city Jaat weHi enroota td Miri
dan. Wyo.. where he wu callitd by th
criticfil condition of hi father.
See H. IMxon Son, Bywrtght Spe
cialist andaee well.
The department wan called out yt
terday to extinguish a fire whlrfh had
started in the frame building at the
corner of Sixth and Locust. th roof
igniting through a defecttYe fltttf.
The lni;l'' brilliant dlfltsond, In a
plain M'dlni? of pure tfold or platinum,
(hat brings '( (he m-m' full heauiy,
In (he Ideal cnagenient rlnjp. Jit In (he
recognized betrothal pledge.
Our engagement rings are diamonds j D Morrill. Dentist. Office over
cIiom.ii it lib extreme cnre-icrr hrll- Wilcox leimrtment Store.
1 Funoral service for Mr. Hah
Haul, of line color, free from detract ' Dean, who died Saturday night of the
' flu, were held at the siaioney onapei
. yesterday afternoon, conduct! by
Liter. II .
Miss M. OionBfl; iiwtai bath and
; Swedish Massage, ladles and gentle
j men. I'hone 897. Brodbock bldg Mr
The janitors and firemen at the fed
' prat building liave been granted an
1 advance of $6.00 per month in their
j salaries, the Increase dating baok to
Janitors now receive $55
A..i c r .1 ii- i' -'and firemen $70. 1
At the Sign of the JJjg Ring, Wante(A glr, , a farnliy of two.
Good wage. Apply at 820 wost Fifth
for phono ilea 5Z4. j
Mr. T. J. Kerr went to Omaha laat
night to meet her huaband who haa ,
been honorably discharged from th
mwllcal corps. Dr. and Mra. Korr ,
will visit relatives In 'Iowa before re
turning home.
For SaleSide board, book cnae. 1
rockers, leather couch, dresser. In
quire 714 west Fourth or phone
267.. - 19-2 j
The statement that Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Horminghausen would leave North
Paltte was erroneous, it is true Mr. I
Horminghausen has sold some of his'
real ostate and purchased a farm in j
I,own, but ho and his wife will continue
to make North Platte their homo.
A fw desirable second-hand Fords;
nt the right prices. Hcndy-0(,'Icr Auto
Good Hair Ribboi(sV'
are exceptionally hard to find. We have just
added three new lines to our stock that are of
exceptional quality and moderately priced.
Wilcox Department Store.
For Sale Flvo room house, lights
I dollars worth wore sold in Lincoln
water, now bar,.; cement walk's, tawnjv ?I JT.,Tn
VtUI III IlillU IJUil riKx. i
shade. .102 Houth Chestnut. 20-3
Work, begun thin woek on tho 22x132
foot one story brick building which C.
T, Whelan is eroctlng on east Front
For Halo A Ford touring car and a
Saxon roadstor. Call at tho Now
Mothod Tiro Kopair Shop; 19-2
Harry Dixon has returned from
Omaha, leaving Mrs. Dixon there as
tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. Con-
ui': .
uoo uaniry, or raxion, who recently
returned from Horvice overseas, lias
been visiting friends in town this
Two frosli milch cows for salo. E.
J, Harmer, 'A mllo southeast old Myr
tle poslofllce. 19-2
Wednesday morning over six hun
dred soldiers and sailors were served
with breakfast at tho Itcd Cross Can-
too ii.
A train load of artillorymeu who hud
been Ih France as members of tho
First army passed west Wednesday en
route to California to bo doinobollzod.
Got $1,00 worth of Palm Ollvo goods
for 89c nt tho Nyal Drug Store. Lim
ited supply of Palm Ollvo good for
this sale. Got your shuro before thoy
are gone.
For salo or will trado for North
Plutto (hvolllng.fnrming outfit, stock
and machinery, also farm for rent.
It. II. Stock, Phono 7G0FG or Routo I),
IIox 45 A 10-2
F. W. liormlnghauson has sold 400
acres of laud southwest of town to
Geo. McKaln for $21,200 or llfty-throo
dollars mi acre. Mr. HormlnghauHon
bought tho land a fow yours ago for
$2I pur auro,
Men's host quality overalls and
jumpers $1.00 each at
meantime many people who bought
last year are cashing them in at the
postofficcH of the county.
your Hay and Grain. Obtain our!
Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buyj
prices boforo you sell. tt
A buy dealer said yesterday that
good prairie hay is now worth $27 a
ton on track at North Pltto. That's a
big price, and It is unfortunato thut
so much of tho Lincoln county crop
was sold at from $15 to $17. Unloss
spring weather opens up at once there
is a possibility that some hay will
need bo shipped into Lincoln county.
Tho pleasant weather of Tuesday
and Wednesday Induced us to start
gardening nnd uncover our tulips and
hyacinths and then as usual, camo
tho chango of weather Wednesday
night with n temperature below freez
ing. Hut spring arrives today and
pleasant weather may bo expected.
I Jiuvo recently culled in my service
Mr. W. II. Sour'., who l an expert
plow mnn cf 30 joarn prnctlcnl expe
rience In tho farming country of tho
mlcldlo wtst. Rest assured your plow)
will bo put in tho proper condition
making it a rail sfttisluctiou when you
sttii sprin:? plowing. Urlng your
plows lioro for tlio best work.
17-4 J. II . VAN CLEAVE.
Mrs. Abu Snyder, of this city, Iiuh ca
tered tho Omaha News subscription
contcHt nnd Is soliciting subscription's
and, renewals for that paper with tho
hope of securing tho Chalmers car.
Mrs. Snydor is a nioHt trustworthy and
dependable young woman and Is de
serving of tho support of tho people of
tho North Plutto territory. She will
enter tho campaign, which begins
March 25th and ends May 22d. with
much energy,
: :o:
Wanted Man with family wants a
pluco on a farm or much, by tho
month of will take plucu on shurcs.
Cull or addroHS 408 south Dowey, i dross,
Mortn I'laito, Nebraska. 20-1 17-4
, For Kent
1G0 acres ono mllo north of Wnllaco,
Nob., for ono-fourth of crop dollvcred
in Wnllaco, Nob. Sec. 11-10-34. Ad-
Nortli Platte, Noli'
Save time, steps and inconvenience by pay
ing hills by checks drawn on us.
Instead of going out of your way h pay hills
when due, mail a check.
Your cheek automatically becomes a receipt
by .endorsement you will never have to pay the
same hill twice.
Check-book stubs provide a place for keep
ing a record of income and expcndituies you
always know where you stand financially.
ye furnish all necessary supplies, keep your
books and render a statement of your account
monthly without extra cost.
Platte Valley State Bank,
Deposits Guarcmtaod Under1 b&uyg of hxe Stale
Mrs. W. S. Law, of Sutherland, is .
i Kiting her sister, Mrs. John Vincent.
County Commimloner E. II. Spring-!
r returned yesterday from a short j
iHlt in Denver. j
See II. Dixon & Son, Eyeeight Spe-i
' iallst and see well. '
Mrs. V. Christcnsen will leave the 1
vrst of the week for St. Paul, Nob., to
lslt relatives.
The ten months old child of Mr. and
Mrs. George Swartz died Monday
night of the flu.
P. J. Norton was up from Grand Is
and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
I'. A. Norton Wednesday.
Onyx silk hosiery in all the popu
lar spring shades to match your new
Hhoes. BLOCK'S.
Mrs. Harry Trimble, of Omaha, en
route to California, stopped over yes
terday to visit friends.
Dr. L. J. Krause, Dentist, room 3
McDonald Dank building.
Mrs. L. C. McGraw has resumed her
duties at the Wilcox store after a two
weeks' absence with the flu.
All that's new in millinery at The
Leudor Mercantile Co.'s. Miss Little
in charge.
Mrs. John Heall is doing clerical
work in the county judge's office dur
ing the illness of Miss Essie Wess
burg. Silk petticoats and pettlbockers In
endless variety at
The North Platte Volunteer Fire
Department will hold Its annual ball
at the K. C. hall on Monday evening
following Easter. Sunaay.
For Sale Five room house, mod
ern except heat. Inquire at 714 west
Second street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Sharply Thompson, of
Hershcy, were looking after business
Interests in tho city Wednesday.
Now spring suits, coats, dresses and
waists arc dtlll arriving daily at
MIbs Wilson, a Red Cross nurse,
passed through on No. 19 yesterday
from Pittsburg to Siberia.
Brick work on the Ilcrrod building
was completed this week, and prob
wus completed this week and probab
store will be In its-new quarters.
See II. Dixon & Son, Eyesight Spe-j
cinllst and see well. j
Mr. and Mrs. Bulman," of Sarnla,. i
Canada, wcr.e guests of Mr. and Mrs. t
Honry Parker this week while enrouto
homo from a trip to San Diego. j
Wanted Woman to work by day,'
steady employment. Mrs. J. S. Simms, 1
403 south Sycamore. ' i
Men arrived from Omaha this week
to Install tho Baker Ice pant In the
new Palace Hotel. This Is quite a j
large refrigerating plant nnd furnish
os tho refrigeration for a large cooling 1
room. I
Wo have broken all records so far
this season in selling moro coats,
suits, and drosses, wonder why? Be-
cause wo deliver tho goefds, the right
styles nt tho right prices ut
Dr. II. C. Brock. Dontist. X-Ray1
Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148!
Two grips filled with clothing were
left In tho lobby of tho postofflce Wed-1
nesday by some unknown party. Post
master McEvoy would llko tho owner
of tho property to cull and take pos
session of it.
See II. Dixon & Son, Eyesight Spe
cialist and sco well.
Wrestling exhibitions between
eight North Putto- mat men will bo
held at tho dromon's hall this
ovoning. An ndmlslon of thirty cents
will bo charged, tho entire receipts to
go to the athletic association fund.
Tho best dressed women in tho city
get their spring outfit ut BLOCK'S
I lid Ins' Oiitllttlnc Store becauso it is
tho only storo In the city thut specinl- j
Izoh in Handling America s neat and
most up to tho mlnuto womon's up-
parol exclusively.
Arthur Shivers wns fined $5.85 In
tho police court yostorduy for abus
ing Ills wlfo nnd using foul language.
Tho complaint was filed tho early
part of tho week by ills niotlior-ln-law,
but when tho case camo up for lieur
Ing she was conspicuous by her nb
Ronce, Howovor, thoro was puf
llclont ovldonco to wnrnut tho as
sessing of a fine.
Gym llxhlhit This Afternoon.
Tho girls' gymnasium class of tho
high school will glvo a froo public
exhibition at the Franklin auditorium
tills aftoruoou. Tho drills will bo un
dar tho direction of Miss Morrow, tho
physical directress.
-: :o: :
FOR saw:
Three good residence lots on west
Fifth, in 1800 block. For further par
ticulars inquire 1210 west Fourth or
phone Red 470. 19-4
:o: :
Rapid heart throbbing does not nec
essarily mean hrart disease; generally
11 is caused by .a disordered stomach.
Prove it for yourself by taking Prickly
Ash Bitters; if the stomaah is at fault
the heart symptoms will quickly dis
appear. Price $1 25 per bottle. Gum
mer nt Prim Co.
i hese Shoes nre sold by E. T." TRAMP & SONS
You cm'f Art fvf.
ter shfwvt. In valno
stvle or fit anvwhpro
then those we offer.
We Kn ow Shoes '
That is the reason we
can always satisfy your
shoe needs. Being
judges of real I ?
ishoe Values
wc arc enabled to
buy advantage
ously and con
tinue our prac
tice of maklngit.
l tobuvvourihoa
know how to fit
your lect and ai.
wavs carrv inn
WfMf h .mil tl,M In
do It properly. We
Good Fit
Right Price
Latm Stylet
Solid Value
What more could
you want
it l.n'f nnlu
that we know .either.
Wc KnowFcct
and WM Irnnu hnui In
come and correct foot
irouoics oi au sorts.
' nrXrhntt
Wfl tin,frtn.l If. .
. , ..MV.M.,,V .ill, ,11-
""H oi mese iarnou
Jl. ocnoil Appli
ances est a. in mu.
every Individual
inor n pfwi n n .1 ...a
can shsninipiu
Ftuiuw; you
If Vnn hrfnrf itm.
J ...... JUUl
root irouoie to
Our advice and
examination is
free, uilfh nn
obligation Involved
And your feet will be looked after by
H. 111. I1UPFER,
Over Stamp's Bakery
Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at Public Sale at my
place eight and one-half miles southwest of Maxwell, in Box Elder Can
yon, six miles south of Blgnoll and twenty-three miles southeast of
North Platte, on
Thursday, March 27th
Sale to commence at 12:30
1 team of mares, weight 2,200, smooth mouth; 1 team mares, weight
2,500, 7 years bid; 1 horse weight 1,100. 3 years old; 1 mare weight
1,200, 7 years old.
S milk cows, wlh be fresh this spring, the rest yqung stock.
68 fall shoats, 12 brood sows, registered, 1 malo pig, registered.
20'horse power Garscptt engine in No. 1 shapoj. I. Case separator,
32x54, Garden City feeder, new, new feed grinder, horse power grinder
new fanning mill, 3 one row cultivators, disc, $ mowers, 2 drills, 3
gang plows, buck sweep, planter, checkrower anil wire, one-horo cul
tivator, breaking plow, 5 wagons, six-hole corn fehellor, two-hole corn
sheller, 2 buy rakes, manure spreuder, 2 seventoot binders, new two
row, walking plow, two section harrow, corn linder, 1 horse power
engine, washing machine, ten-foot tractor diab, three-section harrow
two-row cultivator, new 3-horso power engitfe, 2 pump jacks, Stude-'
baker, modol 1912, household goods and otlifi- articles. Several sets of
TERMS 8 months time bearing 8 per cett interest from datcof sale
No proporty to be removed until settled fof.
C. F. Kline, Owner
L. C. 1'IMOH, Clerk. ' ' II. M. JOIIANSEX, Auctioneer.
Pure Bred Poland China
50 Head o Bred Sows
These sows are of the famous herd of Phil Daw-
son, of Endicott, Nebr., and will be sold at auction
in the new sale pavillion at fair guounds in
These sows are 'the big type, from prize winning
stock, all immune, guaranteed breeders and will
farrow in April
TERMS: Cash or bankable note
Phil Dawson, Owner.
Auctioners; COL. W. MOSIIIER, Plninview
Col. L. M. McCLARA, Ogalalla.