The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 14, 1919, Image 4

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Che Most Complete
I JeiudrvcSnop
jjj1 in. tcCitl; r
HE store where your tiee'ds
tire understood and your
wishes instantly gratified
is the store whore you like
to make purchases. Because
of our amazing collection o beauti
ful and artistic things &old and
silver ware, jewels, cameos and
works of art our store has become
an inspiration to cur patrons.
Wo havo selected only those articles "which
nro euro to plea3o. We hnvo insisted upon
tho highest quolity, the best desi&nsk tho
most caicful workmanship. Our customers
nro permanently pleased. ,
In tho selection of rin&s wo exert tho utmost
enro. That is why wo sell tho famous
"W-W-W Guaranteed Rin&s. "Wo know in
selling them wo fcivo you tho utmost in de
sign, quality and workmanship. The &ems
are beautiful, tho settings solid fcold. Each
rinft ir absolutely guaranteed against crack
ing and loss of settings, They aro priced
os low as $3.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
On tho night of Pobruaty 25th two
hundred cases of booze wore shipped
from Archer,-Wyo to Elrdwood tjfd-
ItiL'. hIy inllnu went nf (own. nml tlmrn
(unloaded, Where the whisky Is
cached, and who claims it ownorshlp.
are propositions which the officers
have hoen unable so far to 'Unravel,
but closo watch Is being kop't and it
is stlll'hoped that the ownortf' will,
boforo tho stuff 1b all disposed of,
make Homo misstep that will lead to
tholr detection.
According to the story told, a box
car .was ordered spotted -at Archer
for a man who wanted to ship stock
and farm machinery to Bird wood. It
la known that in the car were three
cheap horses, a riuantity of baled hay.
a man nassed middle tico and the
! booze, tho latter being covered with
tho bales of hay. The car is known
to have reached Blrdwood on Feb
ruary 25th and unloaded during the
night of that day, but thero tho clew
ends, for porslstcnt searching of tlf
country has failed to fevcal the
horses, the baled hay or tho booze.
It is known that a wagon drovn up
to tho car and was loaded, biit there
Is no clew as to whle'i direction Hie
wagon was driven after leaving the
car, as hay wagons have made a well
beaten road along the sidetrack.
(It is generally believed that the
boozo was shipped in by North Platte
parties and either cached in tho coun
try or brought to town and sccro
and will bo brought from its hiding
place ad rapidly as sales aro made.
Tho coining of tho shipment was
tipped off to certain men nrount town
a week in advance of its arrival, and
they were asked if they cared to buy
a case. Only a day or two ago a
certain businoss man was approached
and asked if ho wanted to buy from
one to seven enscs of boozo, but ho
turned down tho offer. It is sup
posed that this boozo offered was part
of the Blrdwood shipment.
Mrs. W. C. Shclvor is visiting hor
parents In Wisconsin.
EnBign Judson P. Armstrong was
eont to Koystono Thursday to rollovo
tho U. P. station ngont thero.
For SaHo BIcyelo with light and cy
clomotor. CaU at C1C oast D St. 3t
P. A. Norton ha3 sold his west
houso in tho 300 block on West Se
cond street to O. It. Robinson.
Palmollvo Special $1. GO worth ot
goods for 89 cents at the REXALL.
Goodman & Uuckloy aro having two
houses orcctcd on west Sixth street
which they aro building for sIo pur
poses. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Boll und Mr.
and.Mrs. Will Otten havo been attend
ing tho auto show in Omaha this
week v
Lot your Ear bo your Judge. Walk
er Music Co.
P. L. Moonoy spent Tuesday In
Omaha attending a conforenco of dis
trict and county chairmen of tho, J
LIborty Loans.
For Sale Four room cottago at 404
So. Willow. Phono 784F2. 8tf
Street Commissioner W. B. Salis
bury returned Tuosday night from ai
montlfs visit with his brother in
Tonica, Hi.
Lost Black lynx muff, at canteen, (
on Sunday, March 2nd. Initials M. ;
P. .embroidered on tho strap. Call
MrsT T. C. PattorBon, phono 1C4.
. A now lot of Llttlo Boy Bluo Blous
cb to fit boys 4 to 14 yearH on salo at
7Gc,, 05o and $1.45. Mado tho boBt
kind, on salo at Tho Leader Mercan
tile, Cob.
, Mls.8 Lillian Curry arrived Tuosday
from Washington, D. 0,, having been
called liomo by tho illness of hor par
ents, Rov. and Mrs. Curry. Miss
Curry has bon engaged In war work
in AVashlngton for tho past year.
For Salo Vncant lot northeast cor
ner Fifth nnd Onk streets. Dr. II. C.
Brock. 16-tf
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P.. Harcourt went
t Omaha WuiModay night whciv,
Mrs. Harcourt. tho has been ill Vjc
a month will submit to nn operation
by Dr. Jonas.
Why pay more when you can buy
Boys' Bib Overalls at 95c and $1.45
nnd Men's Union Mado Bib Overalls
at $1.95 per pair at Tho Leader Mer
cantil Co.'s,
Just rcqvod 500 pounds Llggett's
box candies. Try them at tho REX
Petitions nominating O. E. Elder
for city clerk and Roy Mehlmann for
city troasuror, aro being circulated
this week for signatures. They aro
both tho present incumbents and havo
, ,mado cxcpljont officials. - , i
Let your Ear bo your Judge. Walk
er Music Co.
Wanted Contracts for plowing. Call
at 075 No. Locust. Phono Red 556. 22
Tho Twentieth Century Club will
meet Tuesday, March 18, with Mrs.
M. E. Watts, Mrs. Ray Langford as
sisting. Tho literary department, with
Mrs. Prank Buchanan as leader, will
bo in charge.
Tho annual meeting of tho Mutual
Building nnd Loan Association will
bo held at tho Association building
Saturday of next week. Tho polls for
tho olcctlon of directors will bo opon
from ono to nvo p. m. and from seven
to eight p.m.
Roxnll Cherry Bark Cougli SyruP
It will stop that cough. Seo ub
for service. THE REXALL.
Wo call you mothors' attention to
tho now lot of Kupld Klothes for Kids
and Klddos and Little Creeper Wash
Suits on salo at 95c, $1.45 n nd $1.95.
Bcnutlful styles and mndo better than
most womon can mako them. On salo
at Tho Lcador "Mercantile Co.'b.
Remember that when you bring your
Ford car to us for mechanical nttentiQii
that you gel the genuine Ford service ma
terials, experienced, workmen and Ford
factory prices, Your Ford is too useful,
to valuable to take chnuccs with poor
mechanics, with equally poor quality ma
terials. Bring it to us and save both time
and money. Wo are authorized Ford
dealers; trusted by the Ford Motor Com
pany to look after the wants.of Ford own
ers tbat't tho assurance wo oiler. , We are
getting a few Ford cars anil fust come first
to receive delivery.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Company
Mrs. Herman Thoclecke Dies.
Mrs. Herman Thoolecko died at her
homo in tho First ward Wednosday
night after an Illness of four days
with tho flu. Mrs. Thoclecke was
called to Omaha soverji.1 weeks ug
tako caro of her mother who waF
In doing this she weakened her con
stitution and while In this condition
she was called homo by the Illness of
her husband. In caring for him hor
condition was further weakened, an-'
when she was taken with tho llu she
was unable to withstand tho attack.
Sivo children, tho oldest thirteen
years and tho youngest six months.
nro left jnotlierless. Prior to mov
ing to town a couple of months ago,
Mr. andIrs. Thoclecke lived on. the
O. II . Thoolecko" farm west of town.
Y6ur eyes need tho very best nt
tontion that can bo obtained, therefore
tako Into consideration the attention
that is given your eyes at II. Dixon &
Son, tho oyo specialists. Their 'opto
metrist devotes his entiro attention
to their optical department. Ho is a
graduate of tho largest and most rec
ognized oyo echopl in America., felt I
offlco Is onulppod with the most tJiMo-'
uato instruments. In connection with
tho Dixon optical department is a
complete lonso grinding plant In
which they can grind your lenses tlto
same day your order is placed. Ser
vice, quality and satisfaction aro
their by-words.
Spring Wearing Apparel for
Ladies and Misses
The Season's Smartest Models
in Ready -to-Wear Now on
:o: :-
Issues another Real Estate Bulletin
April 1st. If you aro Interested "hf
owning or building a homo,' turn In
your name and address at once so you
will receive tho Bulletin regularly.
Phone Red or Black 012, giving us
your nomo. - 18-3
1 : :o: :
My residence property; flvo room
houso and two good lots with fruit
bearing bushes nnd trees. Barn and
other outbuildings. Also 500 bush
els Korshon onts; good for seed.
1S-3 1021 North Pino Street.
: :o: :
Word was received in the city yes
terday that W. T. Beery who has
boon very seriously ill with pneu
monia In a Kansas City hospital, is
much Unproved.
For SuT.o Seven room houso at No.
2 south Maplo street. 17-tf
For Salo Two art squaro rugs, also
small rugs nnd Ingrain fluff rugs. Also
do weaving of all kinds. Phono Red
975, or call at 308 south Walnut
street. is-3
Archlo Iluntor wrltoa his father,
W. W. Iluntor, thnt ho la in Ger
many with tho army of occupation
and Is getting along nicely. Ho figured
in a numbor of engagements, but es
caped Injury.
Wanted Girl for general houso-
work. Small house, good wages.
Wrlto of phono Mrs. J. AV. Hondy.
Tho Kentucky colonel said "Thero
are two tastes that havo to bo acquir
ed, suh; ono Is for olives nnd tho oth
er is for water." And John Barry
more as Bob RIdgoway in "On tho
Quiot" nt tho Keith Monday and Tuos
day, thoroughly ngreos with him. That
1b until ho saw tho girl and tho $20.
000,000 that wont with hor'
Dr. II. C. Brock. Dontlst. X-Ray
Diagnosis. RoynoldB Bldg, Phono 148
Shnrpon your Discs by tho cold roll
process. Tho only perfect wny. It
Bavos all tho matorlal, rotalns the per
fect shapo, gives thorn a knlfo odgo nnd
makes tho edge a llttlo hardor. Don't
drag a dull disc over your field. It
IR harder to run nnd does loss good.
Tho cold roll process 1B growing moro
popular each year. A trial will con
vinco you. J. II. VAN CLEAVE,
1C-4 110 West Sixth St.
Do you have spoils of dizziness and
overythliiK turnlnp black beforo tho
eyes? TIicbo nro symptoms of torpid
liver and clogged condition of tho
bowels, Tnko Prickly Ash Bitters and
get rid .of tho misery. It Is tho right
thing for Such disorders. Trlco
n.25 per bottle. Clummore-Dent Drug
We have assembled only the high
est class merchandise fromNhe bcit
people of the country, and we, as
well as the firms Irom whom we buy,
are ever ready to stand back of all
our merchandise.
We are ready to compare prices
and quality, and you may rest assured
that we are giving you the very best
merchandise. that money can buy.
Suits, Coats, Dolmans, Capes and Dresses.
Dr. Pritchard spent Tuesday In
O. A. Johnson, of Tryon, was a bus
iness visitor Thursday.
Perry Buchanan nas neen suffering
with rheumatism for tho past week.
Don Clabaugh, now located at Butte,
Mont'., has been visiting his parents
tills week
Palmollvo Kneolnl Sl.fif) wnrt.1i nf
goods for, 89 cents at the REXALL.
A new lot of sonaratf! skirts, ninkn
your selection now. E. T. TRAMP
At tho city primary election held In
Kearney , Tuesday ouly 220;;vote,'vero
oast. Twenty-flVo women 'voted
your Hay and Grain. Obtain our
The Harrington Mer. Co. will buy
prices boforo you soli. , tf ,
Rollln E. Johnson and Hazel An
derson, both of Gothenburg, were
united In (marriage by Rev.; Hull
Tuesday. J, " .
Miss Preston has resumed her
duties at the Wilcox Department
Store after a weeks absence due to
Let your Ear bo your Judge. Walk
er Music Co.
All members of the Epworth League
and their friends aro invited to at
tend a party at tho church parlors
this evening.
B. C. Davis was fined fifty dollars
and cost3 In tho county court Tues
day for tapping an electric light wire
and using tho current.
Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and
Swedish Massage, ladies and gentle
men. Phono 897. Erodbeck bids 85tf
The ladies of tho Christian church
served a fine chicken dinner in the
church basement Tuesday and wore
liberally patronized.
With four members of his family
sick, Editor Eamea of tho Maxwell
Telepost 'had qulto a task In getting
out his pnpor this week.
Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dentist, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
Every express brings another lot of
nowor model Coats, Capes, Suits,
Drosses and WnlstB. Wo havo tho
stylo you want at the prlco you wish
to pay. Tho Lcador Mercantllo Co.
R. L. North, n former U. P. cm
ployo of this city, has been in town
this week. Ho is now district rep
resentative for the Continental
Works Co., ft Chicago, manufactur
ers of cement, paints and oils.
Just recoved 500 pounds Llggett's
box candles. Try them at tho REX
Wo extond our slncoro thanks to
frlenda nnd neighbors for their kind
and timely assistance and many kind
acts during tho Illness and following
tho passing away of our loved wlfo
and mother and for the floral trib
utes .
Ono of tho nctors In tho "Eyes of
tho World," tho moving plcturo pre
sented nt, tho Keith Monday and Tues
day and which drew capacity aud
loncos, was Pred Burns.whols known
in North Platto and was for a num
bor of years ono of tho riders with
tho Wild West show. Burns was tho
rldor In tho plcturo who assomblcd
tho ranchers to search for tho kldnap--op
injJopuoAv oin opmn pun j3 po
scont down tho stop declino of tho
Tho new automobile bill has been
recommended for engrossment and a
third reading In tho legislature with
out a dissenting voico. It provides
for a tax of $10 on every automobile
and fifty cents a hundred on tonnage
in excess of 2,000 pounds. Tho tax
on a 3,000 pound car would therefore
bo ?15.
Dr. Morrill, DenWst. Office over
Wilcox Department Store.
Tliis has been a week of hurrying
and scurrying for tho fellows who
delayed making oiit their tax sched
ules, as tho schedules must bo filed
not Inter than tomorrow night. In
making out these schedules tho as
sistance of bankers and lawyers has
beon invoked, and for three days past
an internal revenue agent has had an
office in tho federal buldlng lending
assistance to those who called.
Chic Miliia-
ery Modes.
When women select new hats
from our displays they aro cer
tain of getting a maximum of stylo
at a' mlmlmum price. Llserc,
Pinoapplo and Milan straw crea
tions aro prominently featured in
''these interesting groups.. The
earlier .you come, the greater the
Department Store
For Kent
100 acres ono mllo north of W'allaco,
Nob., for ono-fourth of crop delivered
in Wallaco, Neb. Sec. 11-10-34. Ad
dross, W. R. HARDtTNG,
17-4 North Platto, Nob
K.rrxaiC Jim.CU
Remember the
At the Besack Barn North Platte
Saturday, March 15th!
Horses, Mules, Cattle
and Machinery.