THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. SCENES OF WARFARE AND PEACE IN GERMANY PRESIDENT WILSON LEADS A PARADE IN WASHINGTON 1 Civilians In Itcrlln being searched by soldiers for concealed weapons. 1! Crowds In tlic street Hoeing to escnpe tlie ruin of bullets during Hie lighting with the Spartncnns. 3 Ooverninent soldiers firing from behind a barricade 4 Scene ut u polling 'station In Landau, Ilavarlii, during the recent election. TORPEDOED TRANSPORT COVINGTON SINKING - " . . - ; ' . ? s... x A " . y. ' . ii . . ( - 5 teiiw? S.VlES' .'tx&i&tx mm vim? . Torpedoed by u Ilun submarine July 2, while she was about 100 miles off Hrest bound for the United States, the transport Covington Immediately began to sink. This unusual photograph, taken the next day, shows the Covington listing heavily, n short tlino before the. end came. WHERE COLONEL HOUSE LIVES IN PARIS ! " ' CAPT. JOHN JACOB ASTOR Kntrnneo to the residence of Col. 10. M. Houso of tho Ameilcan pence delegation ut 78 Huo de i'llnlverslte, Paris. CAIRO, EGYPT, DEVASTATED BY FLOOD Xjf . ' I If i 5 t , N " ''rf. - IH' ' ' " & 1 P The commander In chief of the urmy and navy personally led the parade In Washington In honor of the returned heroes of the District of Columbia. The president, Indicated by urrow, Is currying a flag. U-BOAT SHELTERS AT THE DOCKS OF BRUGES Gorman U-boat shelters built ot concrete anil steel, with roofs of enormous thickne&s Cor protection against allied airmen, at the docks of Bruges. GEORGE P. HAMPTON Cnpt. John Jacob Astor, second son of Union William Waldorf Astor, on nrrlvnl In New York for n visit to America. Captain Astor was accom panied by Ids wife, Lady Violet, daugh ter of tho late Karl Mlnto, former gov ernor general of Canada, lie lost his left leg while serving with the British Hoynl Garrison artillery last Septeni ber, and Is here to recuperate at Palm 1 leach. GRAVE OF ONE VICTIM OF THE HUNS Two Canadian soldiers at the grave of lime. Delabre Celmle, ruthlessly murdered by the Invading Gennans In 1914. DANIELS USING WIRELESS TELEPHONE A llond. th'i like of whlili has never before been witnessed In Cairo, swept iineioiit city and wroiiyht hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of dulling. The photograph shows the ruins resembling (hose left after an earth-yim'w. Birds In Nrw Zealand. In Nuw Zeala'jd there nro now 20 acclimation societies, organized for the purposo of protecting the native wild life of the country and Introducing and protecting new game birds and ani mals, says nn exchange. Tho societies 'are all chartered by tho government and are undor government supervision. They have Introduced Into tho colony a large number of pheasants of dif. ferent varieties, California quail, Aus tralian opossums, woodcock, rainbow trout, salmon, etc. .Tho societies pay bounties for the destruction of hawks and other enemies of useful birds and i mammals. George l Hampton, nutlonal dlrec tor of farmers national headquarters, heads a delegation selected by the ' fanners' nutlonal conference, to attend , the pence conference. The purpose of tho trip, according to a resolution adopted by tho conference, Is to sup-1 port President Wilson In his efforts to form a league ot nuuons xor uie prevention of future wars. Town Little Changed by Time. ft nil the cities In the Turkish em pire, as one writer has well snld of It perhaps Mosul Is tho one that 1ms ' been least touched by western civil i.,.iinn. Rullt on ground thnt once was ft suburb of Nlueveh, It stands on tho western bank of the Tigris, look Ing across nt tho mounds -which are j nil that remain of the glories of the capital of ancient Assyria, xsmeven has ft history that stretches through out ft period nenrly 2,000 years long, ending with the fnll of tho empire of Sennacherib about tho year COO II. C From that time until Lnynrd unveiled the paloces of Ashurbanlpal nnd Sen ....i,r,riii nnd unearthed tho lltcrnrv chamber containing tho famous deluge tablet, the ruins of Nineveh for 2,500 long 'rs slont undisturbed. ..j Western Nauinjr Secretary Daniels tnll.inw r the wireless teb -phone to th pi - neut, who was on tho George Washington.