: VW enuBtokly ffribune IRA L mmi, Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono fear by Mnll, in advance. .81 .75 Ono Year by Carrier, in advance, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofilco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 1010. LIKUT. COHHY'S llXPEUIENCi: AND HF.COUD IN THE UAH. Lieut. Luthor Cobby, who had boon visiting his sister, Mrs. Hook, nt tho state farm, loft for Denver this wook, Supt. W.. P. Snyder furnishes tho fol lowing rotative to Lieut. Cobby'B record and experience In tho war: Tho modesty of the returned sol dlor Is surpassed only by tho modesty of his family. I' or ton days past a hero of the war has boon with us and few know of his prosence or his part in tho war. Entoring tho firing zono with tho first American troops; continuing in tho fighting for more than a year un til wounded shortly before the signing of the nrmlstlce; single handed tak ing tho first German prisoner captur 1 cd by Amorican troops; being award ed the Croix do Guorro for holdlnc tho Germans Wck of tho Marno at Chateau Thierry; for flvo days and nights without rest or sloop with his manhlno guns, when during ono day tho Germans mado nlno attempts to forco a crossing of tho bridge ho hold; being forty-Blx days without undress ing in tho St. Mlhlcl and Argonno fighting; going into No Man's Land alone with a shot gun to get a ma chine Bun that his men wero unablo to' locato and in doing so shot by a bullet from tho gun ho was aftor; ly ing wounded in a shell holo direct ing tho flro of his mon whllo tho Ger man bulIctB wero peppering about him and a little later being compll montcd by tho captured Gorman of ficer of tho gun ho was aftor and glv on an Iron Cross by this officer; hid ing in shell holo while the Germans passed by him forcing tho Amorican troops driving them; lying all night In a water logged shell hole with his wound fcstorlng; being shifted hero and there for flvo days before reach ing a hospital whore tho Argonno mud could bo washed off and ndequato care given; recommended for tho Amorican badgo of honor, which will undoubtedly bo nwarded him Thcso phases sketch Just a few of the heroic deeds accomplished, tho suffering endured' hy Lieut. Luther Cobby." An truly as over tho proph ets ontertalncd angels unawares, wo now cntortnin heroes. "flod's Jinn" Tho supor-photo-play production which has boon heralded whorovor shown with a supolatlvo degree of praise, 1b truly a wonderful picture presentation. Proconting a vivid story of Now York's, Broadway and night life, It abounds with replica seta of cabarots, tho dives of tho "Sons of Subtor ranca," tho rendezvous of tho Scarlet Host. Superbly beautiful uro tho oxterlor scones whlch aro profuso in tho pro duction, and lavish must lmvo been tho oxpcndlturo to make tho Interior Bottings of tho mngnltudo which thoy reveal. For those who cravo the thrlls, thoro Is tho scenos of tho raco courso, tho stirring scontis of the Crusadors, tho wreck of tho tramp clipper on tho rocks In which Jack Sherrlll wds nearly drowned and tho heroic strug gle or tho lioro to reach tho vesso: whllo for those who cravo tho lesson, thero Is told a story which has never boon rivalled for Its potent teaching. II. B. "Warner, favorlto of both atago and scroon, is tho star of tho production, and In his support is a tremendous cast. "God's Man" comes to the Sun tho litre, direct from Its Now York suc cessful run, for two days, beginning Aionuny next, Wo call you mothors' attontlon to thu now lot of K lipid Klothes lor Kids land-Klddos and Little Croopor wash suits on sale at 05c, $1.45 and $1.95. Beautiful stylos and nuulo bettor than most womon can nialco thorn. ,On salo nt Tho Loader Mercantile Co.'b. The rocoptlon for tho no"'roctor, Rov. Holland Macintosh, at tho Epis copal church parlors Wednesday ev ening was, duo to tho Lonton season, i ruthor quiet affulr. About ono hun dred and fifty friends and members of tho . parish wero presout to welcomo Rov. and Mrs. Macintosh. A mu sical program was rondored and light refreshments of cako and punch wero sorved. Lot your Ear bo your Judge. Walk er Muslo Co. I havo recently called in my horvlco Mr. W. H. Soarjs, who Is an oxport plow man of 30 jwiru pntctloul oxpe Tlonco In tho farming country of tho middle west, lust assured your plow will ho put in tho proper condition making It a real satisfaction when you ui - spring plowing. Bring your plows lioro for tho best work. 17-4 J. II, VAN CLEAVE. ::o:: SALESMAN WANT KB Rosponslblo man to boII and set monuments. Extra good pay. Com mission. No territory restrictions. Address Box 12, Bird City, Kan 184 ::o:; For tho BUrlous diseases Mint attack tho kldnotys l'rlolcly Ash Bittern is n romody of merit. It rollovos baclc ncho, dizziness, persistant hoadnohe, loss of strength and norvutis weak ness, symptoms which I ml I onto Ulilntiy trouble. Trlco $1.25 per bottle, aum . more-Pent Drug Co, LOCAL AND lEHSOiYAL Mr. and Mrs.. Monzel, of St. Louis, nro visiting Mrs. George Troxlor. Miss JoBophlne MoKeown of the ton cent storo forco, Is ill with tho flu. A danco will bo hold at tho city fire men's hall tomorrow evonlng. PALMOLIVE SPECIAL. SAVE MONEY AT THE ItEXALL Frank Herrod, of Ogalalla, Is vis iting his mothor, Mrs. Iloglna Horro The L. C. McGrnw homo on wost Third street has been quarantined for tho flu' Mrs. L. C. Carroll spent tho first of tho week in Gothenburg visiting. friends. Get your now Kodak at tho Itoxall. Mrs. Frances Doyle, of Schuylor, 1 vlstlng hor slstor, Mrs. J. A. Guy man." Cecil Worloy has purolmsed tho C. E. Fredorlckson property on wost Second streot. For Salo Six room Bungalow modern except heat. No. 2 So. Maple. Now Millinery arriving daily at Tho Loador Mercnntllo Co.'s. Miss Little in charge. Mrs. It. B. Dlckoy returned Wed nesday from Choyonno whore sho had boon visiting frlonds for tho past week. If you want to sco a twolvo o'clock feller In a nlno o'clock town como to tho Crystal tonight nnd sco Charles Hay at his best. Wanted A girl for general house work. Inquire nt 304 west Second street. 17-2 A meeting will bo held at tho Pres byterian church basement this even ing to discuss tho political situation nnd perhaps placo in nomination a candidate for mayor and councilman. Ilcxall Cherry Bark Cough SyruP It will stop that cough. Seo us for sorvico. THE REX ALL. Rev. Arthur Jones left yesterday for Callaway whero ho will hold ser vices. Ho will do special work for Bishop Bcecher until April first, when ho will go to McCook to ussumo tho rectorship of tho Eplscpal church. Have you seen tho Dolman Coats and tho now spring Capos? A big as sortment nt E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Carl Skaggs returned Wednesday night from tho Great Lak6s naval training station where ho was called by tho Illness of a brother who was suffering from pneumonia. He left tho brother improved - though ho is likely to bo confined to tli hospital for Bomo time. Now Millinery arriving dally at Tho Loader Morcantllo Co.'s. Miss Little In charge. Tho costumo party proposed for the noar futuro by tho Sammy Girls has beon postponed. An Important meet ing of tho Girls will bo hold at the homo of Mrs. McGraw Monday ovdn- ing and all UVo urged to attend, A few' doHlriihlo second-hand Fords nt lliiT right prices. Hcmiy.Ogler Auto i;oiiipni)y," , Alice 'Brady will bo the featuro at traction 'lit tile Crystal next Tuesday and WcdnOdday In ono of tho host play sho has ovor produced "Tho Whirl pool." Don't forget tho dates and look out for further advertising on this picture. v Llout. T. J. Kerr, who has been with tho medical corps at Camp Hum phrey! Virginia, expects to recolvo his discharge tomorrow nnd will prob ably reach homo within u week. This Is tho third time Lieut. Kerr has been placed on tho demobilization list', having twice failed of release from Bervlco. 4 Mrs. Elizabeth Danze and Ray An derson and Miss Freda JolVmstcu nnd David Anderson wont to Ogalalla Wednosday whore thoy wore married. Mrs. Danze has been employed at tho J. C. Pennoy storo, whllo Miss Jol lonsteu assisted at tho Brock dental offlco. Both couples left on an even ing train for Portland, Oregon. COMMISSIONKHS' PROCEEDINGS. March 10, 1919. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, prosont Koch and. Springer and county clorki Tho following claims wore allowed: Mrs. G.co. S. WIHnms, mdso. for county poor, $0.00. Sunday porsons. dragging roads, Com. DIst. No.2, $11.25. flutherlnnd Courier, publishing, $12.G7. Nntional Refining Co., oil, $20.30. H. C. Rldlngor, rond work,$4.C0. Mrs. Emma Pulvor, cure of county poor to January 1. 1919, $734.50. North Platte Water Co., water $54.97. Adjumcd to March 17, 1919. ::o:: For Rent 040 aoroB 35 cents per aero. All good pasturo and hay land. Sec. 1-10-34, one mllo north of Wallaco, Neb., on C. B. & Q. R. R. Address, W. R. HARDING, 17-4 North Platte, Neb' ::o:: Ituffalos on (he Market What Is said to bo tho first herd of buffaloes ovor offered for salo on any open market in the world was received In South Omaha Monday morning. The herd consisting of eighteen cows, four yoarllng calves and a huge bull is part of a herd of 250 buffalos from tho famous Trln chcra ranch, formerly owned by Gen eral Palmer and located hear Fort Garland, in southwestern Coloralo. Tho bull in this herd which was purchased in Chicago for $1,000 is a veritablo monarch or the desert and weighs 2,200 pounds. Tho cows weigh on an average of 1,200 pounds each- : :o: : Tnxl Livery To any placo at any time Day or Night. Phono 181. Clair Lomon. : :o: : Fewer Men Aro Out of lVork For tho first time slnco tje nrmls tlce was signed tho department of la bor reports a decrease In tho num bor of unemployed scattered ovor tho country. Reports received from tho largest manufacturing centers over tho country show that 35G.50G men aro seeking employment In tho eighty plants represented, this being eight thousand less than the figures made public last week. Tho report is en- couraglng to department officials. ifjMjaijtiiiaaiitWH Rheumatism Relief -25c. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets), Aro Helping Thousands Who Trlod Ex ponslva Tilings Without Rosult. It's Guarantood. . . m9 Jiilli i AninQ h i - nfii mi wiiii . I nt uv it -if, Ros. Black 370 .Offlco Phono 340 BR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic' Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Nob. Phono for Appointments. Thora nro three vital processes of human oxlstonce, tho dlgostlon of food, tho extraction of nourishment from It and tho elimination of wnate. ' Poor dtccsllon and assimilation means falluro to dorlvo full nourish ment from food nnd that In turn often menus Impoverished blood, weakness, uncmla, etc. Poor elimination means an accumulation of wnsto matter which poisons tho body, lowers vitality, decreases tho power of roslutanco to dlseuso and leads to tho development of many serious Ills. Itlieumatlsm, duo to some Inter forenco with tho process of elimina tion, falluro to set rid of certain body poisons, cannot bo oxpected to yield to any mcdlclno that falls to correct the condition responsible for It. Could nny reasonablo person expect to rid himself -of rhoumntlo pain as lone as rheumatic poison Is allowed to remain in tho body. Thlnlc of this. It explains tho suc cess of Nature s Remedy (NK Tablets) In so many cases where other medicines have failed. Thousands aro using Nit Tablets every day and irot tlnir relief. Why pay flvo or ten ttpics us much for uncertain things? A S5o box of Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets), containing enough to last twoiity-Hvo days, must help u, must Rive you nromnt relief and r t- lsfnctory benefit or cost you nothlii . Nature's Remedy Is not only r r tho relief of rheumatism. It i -proves digestion, tones tho liver, r ulates lctdnoy and bowel action, 1 -proves tho blood nnd cloanses t system, You've trlod tho oxponai medicines nnd doctors, now mako tl.o real test. You'll get resuttB this tint Just try It Nature's Remedy (Nit Tablets) Is sold, guaranteed and recommended ly your u.ugglst. Tho Corner Brug Siore, Cluis. Tight', Manager. Now tliat tho Year's resolutions and broken usijal New aro made Make ono worth One you'll keep! while Resolve right now that from this ou, you'll make Electricity do all tho hard part of your housework. Mako U light next to sunlight. your home Mako It wash, Iron, cook, clean Hko no other servant can ho mado to do llko oven ; ou, yourself, can't do. i Then you'll enjoy roal house keepinggenuine, homo-making.. Thore's a world of sug gestions in Our Shop. All of us aro thorough Elec- . trlcal mon ready to help you plan and solect. 3Inko the Resolution , You'll keep It! NORTH PLATTE LIGHT AND POWER CO. B3CHE L-BlISSGER NO. 11 SALE OF Ou - Mostly Anxiety 4th breeding. Three sons of Beau Mischief AT Grand Island, Neb., A banner opportunity for the. farmer or stock man to add quality registered cattle to his herd. For Catalogue Address EM9 Callaway, Nebraska. BENG I'cacc Pact Ready Next "Week With tho military terms already impotent even against tho army of HttlO' Switzerland at its close. adopted by tho Supremo War Council vls,ong Qf tho mUltary treaty Is the and the naval terms quite well formiv- twelve-tyear enlistment plan which lated, it Is1 likely that the prellmin- abolishes the old conscription act 'of ary peaco will bo ready for tho ac- tho German government. This will .coptanco of the German government allow a purely professional army of by March 20. Tho military terms are ono hundred thousand men, doing Such that Germany will bo reduced to away forever wltlithe danger of an a status lower than that of her small- army of several million trained mon est neighbor. The most powerful which was posslblo under the old con mllltary nation of tho world at tho sorlption basis. Tho infamous gen beglnnlng of tho war, sho will be oral staff will also bo wiped out. mMJk NR-TABLETS- NR AOTICIJ fiiitlifnlitirtir Smith .Side Irrigation Com imiiy, ;itlifiiliiru, . lluiey, fiotlifuliurK-. nnd nil iIutm IiiHtcnI ed. 1 You nnd ouch of you nro hereby no tified that n hearing will be held at tho Statu Kuginenr'H office, located nt 410 Statu Capitol building In Lincoln, Lancaster County, State of NebrasUn, on the ISth day of April, 101U. at two o'clock P. M., for the purpose of do clarlnif enncolled and forfaited all pre tended claim or rlKhts purporting to havo been Krnntod under water appro priation Docket No. 681, dated Oc tober 20. lH'Jt; located in wntor division No. l-A; tho point of division bulng "On the South bank of the stream In the NWtt of Soctlon 30, Township 12, HaiiKo 20 West of tho 0th P. :m. In Lincoln County, Nebraska," and tho land covered by mi Id appropriation Is doscrlbod as follows: Parts of (tactions 5, 4, 3, 9, 10, 11, 1G, 15, 14, 13, 22, 23, 2l, 20 mid 2C. Township 11, North llnniro 20; partH of .Sections 19. 20. 30. 29. 2S. 31. 32. S3. 34 and 35, Township 11, North llaiiKO 25; Parts of Sections 5. 4. 3, 2, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 24, Township 10. North Huhko 25, I'artH of Sections 0, 7, S, 9, IS, 17. lfi. 15, 14. 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 25, 20, 27, 2S, 29. 30. 33, 34, 35 and 3G, Township 10, North HniiRe 24, and parts of Sections 1 and 2, Township 9, North HanKO 24, all west of the fith V M. In Lincoln and Dawson Counties, Nebras ka, or those portions of the leiral nub- divisions of the hind abovo enumerated not covered or claimed by other Irriga tion works entitled to prior appropri ation for the lrrlttntlon theroof, lunountliiK In all to about twenty flvn thousand acres. You and each of you nro hereby no tified to npear at said hoartiiK nnd show cnuso why said appropriation herolnbofore specifically described should not be forfolted and cancoltod. STATU HOARD OK lUItirSATION, HK1HWAYH AND DUAINAOIS. Hy OKO. K. JOHNSON. Statu Knglneer, Secretary. Dated thU 11th day of March, 1919. (SEAM mMA12 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR 191S. 11 RECEIVED PAID OUT Cash balanco on hand from 1917 $ 58.29 Receipts from all sources, " 14,705.13 Mule riding $ 518'4S July 4th, Auto hies j G.20T43 County Fair r 7,031 .'80 Concessions ; ' G49.53 Rents , v- 171.60 Miscellaneous 132.39 Received from Lincoln County 1,000.00 Received from Paid Up Stock Subs. 950.00 Premium Awards -r Music, Advertising and Miscellaneous Expense Prizes County Fair -,r- Prizes July 4th, and Sundry Exponso Attached - Donations Red Cross . 500.00: Sammy Girls. lOO'OO ; Internal Rovenuo - Free Attractions County Fair ,. Improvements - Raco Track 423.15 Horso Ilnrns 1,478.00 Agricultural Hall 90.00 Hog Ram , ' 5GG.00 Grounds 84.00 Band Stands , 85.00 Bleachers - 147.05 Sundry Improvements 549.70 $ 1,145.00 1,198.52 5.05G.5G 4,085,36 GOO. 00 145.71 1,045.00 3,423.30 Total Receipts j.. Total Expenditures Balanco on Hand . Capital Stock Paid Up Stoolr Outstanding Stock STOCK ACCOUNT $16,71342 ?5,000.00 $16,695.54 13.97 $16,713.42 3.450.00 1,550.00 Eggs for Sorting Prize Roso Comb R. I. Reds for sotting. Pen No. 1 are eight pullets that aro beauties. You would say they aro perfect reds. All standard weight or over, red to the skin, big boned and good layers. Headed by a cockerel that is superb, from stock that took first at Omaha last winter. 15 eggs $3.00. Pen No. 2. twentv-flve 'niirn lilnrwl hens and pullets, many of them the oust winter layers, nil standard weight or over, well uullt and mated with three dandy bin cockerels, snlondld specimens cf birds. You ought to call anu seo tins stock. 15 eggs from No. 2, ?1.50. J. H. VAN .CLEAVE, So. Park Poultry Yard. 16-4 702 W. A St. THE FARMERS' AUCTIONEER i i ,ii 1 11 H. M. JOHANSEN North Platte, Nebraska PHONE 018. By callng this number you can as certain whero I am. I$5,000.00 SUMMARY Cash Balanco as abovo . $ 13.97 Stock Outstanding 1,550.00 Outstanding Bills l r . Indebtedness I. 2.323. S7 $5,000.00 3,887.84 (INVENTORY OF IMPROVEMENTS Grand Stand $ 2,50971 Judges' Stand 1 100.00 Old Stock Barn ' 7S9.05 rfFfinco 146.00 Bleachors 357.00 . Hog Shod 708.70 v Agricultural Hall 1,069.00 Raco Horso Barns (2) 1,725.00 Cattle Barn 963.00 Poultry Barn , 682.89 Stock Yards (2) 232.38 Race Track (complete) 2,024'00 Ticket Offlco 50.00 $3,8S7,84 $3,887.84 $11,356'73 Order of Henrlng on Final Settlement. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County-,ss. In tho County Court In tho Matter of tho Estate of Jere miah Snyder, Deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others interested in tho Estate of Jere miah Snyder. Take Notice, That tho Executor has filed In tho County Court, a report of his doings ns Executor of said ostato, and it is ordered that tho samo stand for hoarlug tho 1st day of April, A. D., 1919, before tho Court at tho hour of 9 o'clock A. M., at which tlmo any per son Interested may appear to contest tho same. Notice of this proceeding and tho hearing thoreof is ordered given to all porsons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho North Platto Tribuno, a seml-weokly nowspapor printed in said county, fc, threo consecutivo weeks prior to said date of hearing. "Dated March 10th, '1919. WM, H. C. WOODHURST, MU-25 County Judges.