The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 11, 1919, Image 1

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    Ehc jtorfh
No. 17
i - - - 1
- ' -
A Washington dispatch dated Mar.
9th, says: Several hundred thousand
railroad shop employes have asked
tho railroad administration to incrcaso
thoir wages about 25 per cent. The
board of railroad wages and working
conditions has agreed to hear their
caso Wednesday.
Tho shop trade employes who were
given ono wage advance last year, in
addition to the general increase in
pay, now ask that tho basic rate per
hour be changed from G8 cents to 85
cents for trained omploycs with pro
portionate raises for assistants and
helpers This would make tho rato
for second- class workmen about GO
cents per hour.
Tho application also urges that any
increase bo made retroactive to Janu
ary l. Shop employes participating
in this wage demand include ma
chinists, blapksmlths, boiler makers,
sheet metal workers, electrical worlc
orsers and car men.
Itallroad men report that farming
operations have started in tho Ster
ling neighborhood. Many farmers
were In tho fields plowing yesterday.
Everyone lovea a northern
gives you a splendid one in
"The Code of
the Yukon"
Thirteen contractors and builders
met Saturday and organized the North
Platto Master Builders' Association.
Officers olected wero H. R. McMlchaol
president: H. W. Donaldson, vlco-prcs-
idnt; E. W. Cross, rcording secre
tary. This organization is in lino with U"
centralization of interests throughout
tho country; a movo for mutual beno
!id protection, tho stablllznlg of
prices where such is possible and in
tho ond redound to tho advantago of
tho community whoro such such or
ganizations exist. Through this as
sociation a more friendy feeling be
tween tho builders will b6 brought
about, greater assistance will -bo lent
to each other, and this is cortain to
be of benefit to tho members. Through '
this organization It is moro than prob- ,
able that building operations in North
Platto will bo given an impetus.
::o:: u
Coin Stnlkfj Itlli CuUlc j
Sunday and Monday of tills week F. j
J. Sullivan suffered a ecVerb loss, ,
twenty-four head of his twb.and throe j
year old steers dying from, corn sta'ITc ,
msoase. woru also reaoliou us that
Ed. Brlegel lost Uiirty-ciglit head of
cattle from tho same cdiiso. This
means a loss of several thousand dol
lars to both parties. Sinalier num
bers havo also been lost by other
farmers in this vicinity. tirudy Vindicator.
n ,. r",.la,l.,.. T-M. wl.lln' luul ul . "." JUUBe.
uui.j ui,i...ii.omU.,t, "vuii, """"iwa kpr Miibip Pn 'North Plnttn
in Lincoln last Wcok, lind a conference YIUKer MU8lc - "onn 1 lauo.
with State Engineer Johnson relative.' Mrs. Chas. Wolr, of Grand Island,
to tho state aid road between this city is visiting at tho P. M. Soronaon
and Sutherland. This is tho road for home.
which bldB for construction wero n3k-1 JUrs. Ilnmor, of- Lowollon, Ncly,
cd last summer but all bids rojocted is visiting hor daughter, Mrs. L. V,
becauso they wore higher thnn tho os- i Catiflman.
tlmato mndo by the state engineer
1200,000 DRAFTED 31 EX 31 AY
C. I Tracy left this morning for
Los Angeles whoro ho will visit for
soccral weoks.
In his talk with Mr. Koch Mr. John
son stated that ho had raised tho es-
tlmato for tho work to bo performed in
1919, nnd he would ask tho govern
ment officials at Washington to apply
tho 1919 prlco to tho work authorized VTpland, roturned last night
for 1U18. Undor tho 1918 estimate tho , . , , , ,
Retention in tho nrmy of nbout 200,
000 mon, obtained originally through
tho drafts anil by transfer from the
national guard, Is planned by tho War
department in building up a tempor
ary military establishment of tho na
tion. This was definitely made known by
Goneral March, chief of staff, who an
nounced tho decision of tho Avar do
Miss Annie Kramph, chairman of
tho Homo Scrvlco section of tho Red
Cross, is in receipt of a bulletin rela
ting to tho bonus of sixty dollars au
thorized by congress, to all porsons
who havo sorved in tho military or na
vnl forces and who havo been honora
bly discharged olnco April, 1917. This
bonus is not paynblo to heirs of en-'
listed mon.
It is payable to (1) all officers of
whlln tl,n IMA nstlmnfn U Hilrtv.flvn J!.0- ." UBO, good Wages
cents. If tho government grants tho wrUo of l'ono Mra- J- W. Ilcndy.
state engineer's request bids for tho Tho Royal Neighbors will hold their
North Platto-Suthcrland project will regular meeting nt Iito K. P. halt
bo ro-advertlscd- It Is bollovcd that, Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock,
a contract at thlrty-flvo cents can bo' .,. r.c c,.0 ,, rt
secured, but It not then tho county ukEreMtt'lvlS UJ ts. Cnpof: CoatS
may decide to do tho work Itself rath- alL$0 DPARTMPNT STORE
or than let tho federal and state aid wO- DL AHTMLNT STORE,
go by default.. i James Standor, of Louisville, Neb.,
Engineer Johnson stated that word , is the guest of Geo, Frater today.. Mr.
from Washington as to whether a ; Standor is on hl3 way to Cheyenne
raise in the 1918 cstlmato will bo where he has largo land Interests.
granted should bo received in a short
partment that tho army would "not bo
reduced untlor any circumstances bo- tho mltltnrv nnd nnvnl force: m
Miss Clara Soronson, who ha'd beon I liuv G(9,909 until somo lnw was pass- soldiers, Hold clorks nnd nurses of tho
visiting friends In Lincoln and Grand edV?. 8 tho Pormnnont force nrmy; (3) enlisted men of tho rog-
ii.u mo mimary promems uuu con- uinr navy nnd marine corps, all rc
front us havo been carefully consld- sorvlsts (malo and femalo) ; (4) S. A.
ercd determining tho number of mon t. C. mon and rolcased sailors. '
nocessary," General March said, "and Officers, soldiers ,'flold clorks and
wo cannot get along without that num- nurses of tho army who havo been dla-
-509,909 and they will bo hold.' , charged and havo received thoir final
.,..::o.:.l 777.. lnay without tho sixty dollars bonus,
n. r. u. r.ius ivieci uiucers i should wrlto to tho zono flnnncn nffl-
: :o:
Tho engineer acquiesced In tho sug
gestion that tho work be done on tho
original Lincoln Highway route out
of the city, crossing tho tracks on Lo
cust street instead of a mllo west of
I. 0. 0. F. XO'HCE
The First Degree will be conferred
upon n class of candidates from North
Platte nnd Sutherland, Thursday even
ing, March l.'Jlh. , All members arc re
quested, (o bo present. '
J. GUY SWOPE4! Sec'y.
::o:: .
Soldiers Welcomo Homo
Every member of tho Lincoln County-Welcome
Homo CommlttoO is re
quested by Chairman Carroll to meet
In tho Federal Court room Tuesday
evening, March 11th, at S o'clock,
Business of Importance Is to be trans
acted. GOOIl CAXi: SEED .'
It. Loavltt, North Platte, Neb. 15-2
y jo tio "laiiSnq jail o0"Zt IV
No one knew she w,as a good womenshe did not know it herself
until she saw the- light. Why grope in the dark? Come and see
the picture at "
Wednesday and Thursday
"A 9 (Fclock Towri
When the homd town gets too small for the Village Cut-Up.
High life in the average small town's social circles.
Crystal Theatre Thursday and Friday
Where Is Ralloy?
A short time ago M. L. Bailey sold
Ills placo north of tho n6rth river, and
aftor having tho transfer mado on tho
books In tho county clerk's office in
North Platto, ho Immediately disap
peared. It is known that ho had about
?G000 on his pe:snn, and by some,, foul
pHay is hinted at. It Is also claimed
that ho was seen on a train near
Grand Island. However, he is gone,
leavine a wife and family with quite a
burden of obligations to meet. Hor
shey Times,
: :o: :
Some Chickens
H. C. Rowo, who lives in the south
part of McPherson county, brought in
truck load of chickens yesterday
which ho sold to tho North Platto Pro
duce Co. for $474.55. These chickens
wero of tho Buff Orphlngton strain,'
wero all grown by Mr. Rowo and tho
averago selling prico of each fowl
was fl.3G. Mr. Rowo still has 250 left
from which to raise this year's crop . '
This was tho greatost number of
chickens which tho Produce Co has.
over purchased of an individual.
Flu Conditions
The flu condition in North Platto is
almost tho same ns last week, just
row more resldonces having been
placed under quarantine. DurlnK the
three days ending last evening twolvo
houses had been released from quar
antine and fifteen placed under quar
antine. The occupants of quite n
number of tho houses quarantined
aro making protests, claiming that
Remember that when you bring your
Ford car to us for mechanical attention
that you get the genuine Ford service ma
terials, experienced workmen and Ford
factory prices, Your Ford is too useful,
to valuable to take chances with poor
mechanics, with equally poor quality ma
terials. Bring it to us and save both time
and money. We are authorized Ford
dealers; trusted by the Ford Motor Com
pany to look after the wants of Ford own
ers that't the assurance we offer. We are
getting a few Ford cars and first come first
to receiver delivery.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Company
The funornl of tho lato Jerry Bowen
wbb held Sunday aftornoon from -tho
Masonic temple, tho sorvlco of that
organization, of which ho was a mem
ber, being read.
Mis Laura Bretzor was most pleas
antly surprised yestcrdny when four
ton boys and girls helped celebrate
hor birthday.- Slio was presented
with many beautiful and useful gifts
Tho local' lodge of Elks elected tho ccr, Lemon building, Washington, t
following officers last evening:
Exalted Rulor T. F. Hcaloy.
Leading Knight Paul Harrington.
Loyal Knight W. II. Mungor.
Lecturing Knight Dr. II. E. Mltch
oll. Tyler A. W. Plumor.
Secrotary A. P. Beoler.
Trcasurci Harry Dixon.
Trustee C. T. Wholan.
Dolcgato to Grand Lodge A. B.
Hoagland; alternate, J. T. Kocfo.
Delegates to Stato Convention C.
T. Wholnn, A. W. Plumor, P. T. Mur
ray, O. E. Elder, S. C. Baker.
Ono neod not bo Wind In ordor not
tO See. Wieil yOU fOOl bored ns i'OU' rllBrlinrirn nnnnra u-IMi tl,n
...... .i .1 . r r-i
C, stating date of discharge, and their
present- address, enclosing discharge
cortlflcnto which will bo returned to
tho soldier with tho check-
Of floors and mon of tho navy Includ
ing tho mnrino corps who havo been
rolloved from nctlvo duty, discharged
or dlscnrollcd prior to tho approval of
tho act, will present their claims for
tho bonus, substantiated by their dis
charges or orders to innctivo duty, to
tho disbursing offlcor, bureau of sup
plies nnd accounts, navy department,
Washington, D. C, for paymont.
Tho original discharge, cortlficato
should bo sent to Washington. It is
, suggested that tho mon rogtstcr their
fhn wn, rn,,.a ' ! I oolc out o V ArLcary window, It Is cork or olao lmvo a coined copy
The War Mothers will glvo a St. becauso you do not seo. If vou w 11 .o.i .i.m- .i.f .u'i.
Patrick's day dinner at tho Masonic 8o your eyes you will see that tho I Vr.Xi.. 'i V "w". b
hall on Monday. March 17th, to all curling smoko bobs and twists and J
1 1 u. . . ........ Il.-l 1 !. W.
UlUUIBUB tUIUl UVU1J IlllilllUlll, mill LI1U
returned soldiers, sailors and marines
All men from tho scrvlco aro urod to
bo present.
Thore has been quite a crop In
the price of Mens Overalls this week.
V o will sell you men's heavy white
back blue Denim Overalls for $1.50.
This Ir tho best quality.
Lost Red grip, containing baby
clothes, aprons, Eastman kodak, post
card size, between depot and Llork
Sandall's or on west Sixth street.
Reward for return to Roxall drug
A recent photograph of Llout. Cecil
Cool received by tho homo folks show
him to bo fat and saucy looking. Hoi
is with tho army ,of occupation and
hears of nothing that would indlcnto
an early return home.
Wo express our appreciation of the
klndnesfa shown us by friends, and
especially to tho Masonic fraternity,
during the illness and following tho
death of our father, tho lato Jerry
Bowon, and for tho floral tributes.
Frank E. Proston, who had been
conducting a grocery and confection
ery store on north Locust street, died
Thursday night of tho flu. Ho was a
sori-ln-law of Mr. and Mrs. Avery
wash that flaps on tho clothes lino
dances a morrlor danco than a harCo
quln. There is beauty in tho ugliest
things if you only ubo ypur oyes
Tho Light," showing nt hto Kelt'
Wednesday and Tliursday you may
learn how a bund
Fdn sai.r
10 ncro tract under Irrigation, 1 all
alfalfa oxcopt building spot, stucco
bungalow with S rooms, 4 closets, hall,
fireplace, built In so at boxes, cabinet
and work table; full basement with ln-
nnlillor itnoa liln,1001" tollot, hot air furnace, Bafagr,
sichtless eves mnrn unilnrfltnniHnnlv Chicken Iioubo, barn for 4 cow8. young:
than most of Uio world uses Its sight, orclinr(1. fenced, and yard and barn
yum lunueu wmi jiuuvy umuituii wire
Frank Mncomber, who arrived homo pou-h nhiokmiM lmv nmi c-nHoiinn -n-
a few days ago, has a rather bad look-1 Rlno B0 with' the place.
Ing loft forearm, tho bono of which j ir,.3 fkank n BUCHANAN
was shattered by a ball last 'Septom- . :t,:i) '
nor during tno lirst urivo in tho St.
1 1 . 1 1 . mi i - l a
itiiiuui nuuiur- inu una la out ol
alignment and will probably bo moro
.or less stiff and weak.
For Kent
1G0 acres ono mllo north of Wallace,
Noli., for ono-fourth ot crop delivered
In Wallace; Nob. Sec. 11-10-34. Ad
dress, W. R. HARDING,
17-4 North Platto. Neb'
their Illness Is nothing moro than a ' vall, with whom ho and his wlfo
Ernest Rinckor, who has been sta
tioned at tho Oiflcers' Material School
at tho University of Pennsylvania, In
Philadelphia, has beon definitely as
signed to tho Insurance department at
Great Lakes, 111. This Is tho largest
naval station In tho United States and
handles tho Insurance for tho mon
from about fourteen states.
Tho grocery and confectionery storo
on the north sldo which was owned by
Mr. Frank Proston and which., has
been closed since his death last week,
was opened or business yesterday
morning. Perry Loudon will bo in
charge of tho storo until tho samo is
disposed of. Tho Goodman-Buckley
Trust Company Is acting as adminis
tor of tho estate.
Tho Lutheran Girls' club which was
to meet with Mrs. Andy Yost Wednes
day night, has been postponed until a
later date,
lived. Ho leaves a young wlfo to
whom ho was married less than a
yoar ago. The deceased was twenty
yoars of age. funeral services wero
liold Saturday.
: ;o: :
City Politics Quiet
Not much is doing In city politics
though tho election is but four weeks
distant. About tho only evidence that
there is to bo an election aro tho po
titlons circulated for. tho nomlpa
tion of Horshey Welch for water com
missioner and Carl Simon for coun
cilman from tho Frst ward.
Some peoplo say that Leslie Bas
klus is a candidate for mayor, but that
gentleman states that ho is not. Geo
N. Glbbs Is being urged to becomo
a candidate for mayor but as yet ho
has not consented. J. H. Stone Is
nl&o mentioned as a candldnto, as Is
also Julius Plzor and Carl Hollmnn
Tho Trlbuno has beon waiting for
tho womoi' tu bring out a candldnto
it mayor, but n seems inoy cannot.
' I eet a woman to make tho raco, al
Talking machine and records for 1 though several havo been approached
sale cueap. Phono Red 1009. 17-2 on tho subject.
What would make a more beautiful
and lasting gift for the bride than
a well selected piece of silver
Dixon's large selenion of
is a necessity to the bride. Her
table will need many of the taste
fu. pieces on display at Dixon's-
Lot Your Ear Bo . Your JudKO.
Walker Aluslc Co.. North Platte,,'
t --i
Office' Phono 340
Res. Black 376
Osteopathic Physician
Bolton Bldg, Nbrth Platto, Neb.
"phono for Appointments,
Gene Stewart boasted lie'd marry tile first girl who came
into town. That is the start of Zane Grey's red-bHooded,
gripping story
"The Light of Western Stars"
A triumph for DUSTIN FARNUM
See it Early You Will Want to See it Twice.
S iTlST Wednesday and Thursday
15 AND 25 CENTS.
1 and 1-2 ton truck. Dodge Brothers
engine, slightly used, at a real bar
gain. Has 6x10 foot platform body,
stakes and seat All complete
Also 1816 Dodge Touring, looks like new,
overhauled and guaranteed