The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1919, Image 1

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No. 16
Major Fred J. Wurtelo, former prnc
torcd tho servico as captain In the
tared tho servico as a captalnln In tho
medical corps and later promoted to
major, has been transferred to tho
WoSt Point military academy. For
somo tlmo Major Wurtelo had been
stationed at Dlltmoro, Tonn. whero
ho had thirty-two physicians under
him. Mrs. Wurtdlo and daughtor wor
with him at Blltmoro and will accom
lKiny him to West Point whoro ho has
beon assigned officers' quarters . 1
Along with Major Wurtele's transfer
was a recommendation that ho bo pro- J
moted to lteutcnant-colonel. Tho
North Platte friends of Major Wur-'
tolo will bo pleased to learn of his
success in tho service.
:o: :
Appointed Secretary.
At tho meeting of tho Red Cross
executive- commltteo Tuesday ovonlng
Miss Sarah Kelly was appointed secre
tary of tho Homo Service section of
tho chapter. Tills Homo Sorvlce soc
lon supercedes tho Civilian Rollof and
Is broador In Its scopo of work. Miss
Kelly will attend a Home Servico
school of Instruction which will -be
hold for nix weeks beginning April
15th at either Omaha or Lincoln. ,
Miss Kelly has been closoly asso
ciated with war work since Us Incep
tion, both as an energetic member of
tho Sammy Girls and in tho Canteen
JservIcA; in fact over Teady to help
whoroMpr help was needed. -
Petition for Paving District
A potttlon IB being circulated among
property holders on west Fourth
street asking the city to create a pav
ing district to extend from tho pave
ment line on, Locust west on Fourth to
Washington avenuo, a distanco of elon
en blocks. Whether a majority of tho
property ownera will sign tho petition
is not yet known as up to last evening
only a email percentage of the' owners
had been approached. t d4i;
For all that is new in Millinery Visit
tho Millinery Department of The
Leador Mercantile Co. This depart
ment in cljarge of Miss Little.
Judge Woodhurst united in mar
riage Tcesday 0. H. Westerfold ofi
Canton, Illinois and Mary A. Pena, of
Salt Lake City.
Crystal Theatre Saturday and Monday
The incomparable Rex Beach story. A story that is far away
from war scenes. A story that is not built around Fifth Avenue,
but a story of the great Alaska, such as no one but Beach could
Saturday's Extra Added Attraction, "
Will be on Exhibition at the
Hendy-Ogier Show Room
Price Complete
Supply wii! be limited on Sedan and
Coupelet Models. Orders will be
filled according to dating.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co.;
Ford Sales
Tho directors of the Chamber of
Commerco hold a mooting Wodnesday
evening, discussed road making ma
chinery at length and obtained from
local dealors prices on tho several
makos of trucks and tratotors. These
prices ranged from about $1,000 to
$3,700, but tho directors folt that tho
present available funds wore Insuf
ficient to Justify tho purchase of tho
higher prices machines, though per
haps it would bo cheaper in tho end to
do so. Tho first definite "move made
by the directors was the purchaso of
a road maintainor, an order for one
of these machines having beon placed
yesterday. Those maintainors cost
about $675, and is a light blade ma
chine which cuts off the humps In a
road and fills up tho low place8 as it
goes along. It can also be used for
scraping the dirt from the sides to
tho center of tho roadway, Until the
maintainor Is received no action on
a tractor or truck will bo tak6n. Each
machine will bo given a tryout on tho
maintainor, after which thq' kind of
power will bo determined,
H. L. Pennington, W. J.'Hendy and
J. E. Nelson were appointed as tho
road commltteo nnd they, will have
gonerall supervision of (hat work.
::o:: -
Capes and Dolmans, tfiVrage cf the
season, in all tho wanted shades and
mado of tho very newest, materials at
popular prices at BLOCK'S.
Thoro Is a report current, whethor
with foundation wo know not, that tho
Union Pacific is planning to build a
viaduct across the Locdst street tracks.
Tho rumor says that the south sido in
clino wortld begin at tho head of Dew
ey stroot on tho company's' rght-of-way
and make a bend In reaching the via
duct. Wo hardly believo that such
an improvement will be made so long
ns tho Union Pacific is in it present
Sharpen your Discs by tho cpld roll
process. Tho only perfect way. It
saves all the material, Tetalns the per
fect shape, gives them a knifo edge and
makes the edge a little harder. Don't
drag a dull disc over your field. It
If, harder to run and does less good.
The cotd roll process lg growing more
popular each year. A trial will con
vince you. J. H. VAN CLEAVE,
16-4 110 West Sixth St.
F. 0. B. Factor',
and Service.
Ford Sedan
Woundpd In tho St. Mlhlol sector,
captured ivhllo attempting to swim u
stream, taken to a Goruum hospital
for treatment nnd later seut to ti Gor
man prison camp, aro somo ot tho ex
periences of Marion Ilanklurf" whoso
homo 1b near Pnxton, and who nr
rlved In North Platto Wednesday and
stopped over for tho day while cn
routo homo. Hanklns nnd his brother
entorod tho sorvlco nt about tho snmo
tlmo, and overseas they wero mom
bers of tho samo company. ,. In tho.
drlvo In tho Argonno forest Hanklns'
brother was killed within twenty fcot
of him. It was In tho .St, Mthk sector
that Marion "got his." Ho was sont
out as a membor of a scouting sauad
and while acting In that capacity was
wounded In tho shoulder. Ho nttem'p
ted to swlm a stream to ovado capturo
but his wound mndo swimming slow
and painful nnd boforo he reached
the further sido was mado a prisoner.
Ho was taken to a Gorman hospital in
Alsace and while there Kaiser Wll
hclm mado a round of tho hospitals
nnd through n window he wns able to
seo him. When Hawkins was able to
leave tho hospital ho was sent to a
Gorman prison camp. In this fcamp
ho was woll treated by Uie German
Red Cross nurses, but .had It not
been for tho packages of eatables
sent by tho American Red Cross his
meals would have been mighty mea
gre. After tho nrmlstico had beon
signed Hankins along with 2,000
other allied prisoners was exchanged
and through the assistance of tho Red
Cross ho was enabled to reach Toul,
Franco, and later was Included in a
shipment of troops homo. Hawnins
'woundl still bothers Win to some
A sale that's reaWto close out within
a week Wo offer you your choice of
all our Mon'g an,l Young Men's Suits,
except Serges or overcoats, as follows:
The picking is tho best tho first days.
AH Suits up 1o $15.00 your nick now
AH Suits iin to S21.50 your nick now
AH SjilLs up to $2(5.50 your pick now
All Suits up to $.1.1.50 your pick now
AH Suits up to $.18.50 your nick now
At these 'prices It makes at before
the war pricos or less Come early
nnd you'll not ho disappointed.
: :o: :
Now Hector Arrives
Rev Rolland O. Mackintosh, accom
panied by Mrs. Mackintosh, arrived in
town Tuesday night. Mr. Macintash
coming here to accept tho rectorship
of tho Episcopal church. He was
formerly archdeacon of tho dioceso of
West Missouri but soon after war was
declared ho was commissioned a chap
lain in the army and for eight months
was in service overseas, attached to
tho 12Sth P. A.. 35th Division. For
four months 1' was in the lino and
wa8 in the center ot tho Arconne
Mr. Mackintosh has beon solicited
to givejui address tcUing of his ex
periences abroad and this he has kind
ly consented to do as soon aa ho cots
"squared" in his new "position. Mr.
and Mrs. Mackintosh havo a w.imc
son who , is attending tho Kearnev
Military academy.
: :o: :
New Hooks nt the Llbrnry
Rccent additions to tho Children's
Department: V
Alcott Rose in Blotvn.
Baisdoll Rhymes andvTales.
Rurgess Happy Jack. "
Burgess Mother West ' . WindV
Whore Stories.
Dyer Dogs of Boy Town. .
Dyer Sniffy. Snappy nnd Velvtt
Eastman Indian Scout Tales.
Land Brown Fairy Book...
Olcott Elves and Fairies.
Perkins Belginn Twins.
PouUson Child Stories and Rhymes
Whito Magic Forest.
Baby Days and Tho Child s First
Book aro helpful to mothers and
Tho circulation of books has in
creased over 100 for each day this
Cheaper L'oslngo
Postmaster McEvoy received an o!
; iiflf. bulletin yostordny in which ft
1 was stated that on and after July 1-t
I next lottor postngo would ho roduci'l
from 3 to 2 cents and nost ennla rmm
) two to one cent. Tills won't curtail
our living ex'penuof, to any groat e-
! 1..!. ... ....
n-ui. iiul uvory muu 1)11 added to a1"
lothor littlo bit makes a littlo ht moiv
Dr. A. J. Ames, who hau beon 1
cated at Potter for several years,
a visitor In town today. Ho haa ui l
his property Interests and practice f
Potter and expects to locate at Can- i
City, CoL
With over seven thousand doll,
lying unused in the road fund of h
commissioner . district, County Cot -mfssioner
Hermiughausen has a K"1 '
financial start for road Improverm t
in the North Platte district UilB sprir r
Word has been received of the bli '
f a 7 pound boy on Tuesday, Mar !i
4, to Kevi and Mrs. , A. Cram. Mot!) r
mm uauy me doing nicely. Mr. en r
who left hers about a year airo to .
Another lot of noVf Dros Silks has
arrived nt Tho Lender Mercantllo Co.
James K..FIynn, Jr., who has been
in service in Franco for tho past
year, lg oxpocted to sail for homo tho
lattor part of this wook.
Mrs. W. V. Hoatfland was called
to Lincoln Wednesday night by tho
Illness of Senator Hoaglnnd, who is
suffering from a bad caso of flu.
Mrs. B. A Ellas nnd childroi
'who hnvo been, visiting In California
for several weeks, aro expected to
Lretur.n the latter part of this week.
For all thnt I3 now In Millinery visit
the Millinery Department of Tho
.Leader Morcnntilo Co. This depart
ment In chargo of Miss Littlo.
Mrs .Lottie Cronln lias been seri
ously ill with pnoumonia for a week.
trained nurso camo from Omaha tho
early part of tho week to help caro
for her.
North Platto omploycs of tho Union
Pacific wore paid a compliment yos
tordhy njt tho safety flrst mooting
when tho reirional director Mint
I ho had no suggestions to off or ns tho
worn at mis terminal wna abovo crit
icism. A wost o'nd woman phones us that
she is in favor of nominating women
for mayor and membors of tho coun
cil. You aro not alono In this, dear
woman, wo aro all In favor of it nt
least nearly nil of us. Why not tho
women call a mass meeting and nom
inate a ticket? Do so, and The Trib
une will boost tho nominees.
All Lincoln county soldiers nnd sail
ors who oxpect to attend tho War
Mothers' supper on March 17th nt tho
Masonic hall at seven o'clock nro ro-
quosted to notify olthor Chns. Hcpfor,
Harry Plzer, Harris Stuart, Russell
Langford or Louis Kelly as soon as
posslb'.o that tho mothers mny know
iiow many to plan for.
Mrs. Thos. E. Ayers, living on west
Sixth street died of flu Wednesday
night), forty-eight hourB following tho
death of hor husband from tho samo
disease. Tho Ayres came hero from
tho east part of the state soveral
months, ago, ho to accept a position
with the American Express Co. Tho
remains of both will bo shipped today
to their formor home.
If you want to bo sure to got Uio
ojiglnal New York styles you aro sure
for find them nt BLOCK'S, because
Block doos not bolieve in supplying
his patrons with garments bought out
of agents' trunks), hut goes down to
tho New York market overy season
and spends weeks of his tlmo select
ing tho world's best and newest gar
ments t supply hi8 cvor growing
Sixteen now auto tires wero found
in tho loft of a barn on the premises
occupied by Miss Pinkey Jones on
west Front street Wodnesday after
noon. They nro suposed to bo part
of tho thirty-four tires stolon from a
car in the local yards In October. Tho
find was mndo by Miss Jones whllo In
search of some nrticlo stored in tho
barn. The sheriff was notified who
took possession of tho tires.
7$ With Your Chicks?
How often you hear some
person say: "I have no luck with
"Luck" with clucks starts with the
incubator. If it's a good incubator
properly heated, properly regulated
(which is very important) and properly
ventilated your chicks will start off
with vitality. They won't come out of
i the shell half dead and totally unfit to
I start on their way through life.
I So many people trust their eggs and
vthcir hopes to a cheap machine, for
getting mat it is not only now many
you hatch that counts, but how many
live and prosper.
Start Your Chicks With a
Queen Constitution
LManyrPplp tell us that they havef'nrver
Known a maihme that liatclitd micIi itruoe,
oAnltliy chick as the Qui'tn. Ihe Queen s
;iceurU?ly regulated it will tal e care of A
temperature variation ot 70 ilrree-t without"
dinger. It is built of genuine Cahlornia Ktxl
v.ood very scarce in these days of imitation
i'wl riieap substitution.
Redwood ilea not olitorli the odor from the
h iichiiia effBl. Cheaper woods and pnRtchoarri
L.'ing in iron and tin machines retain tha
r- Sr to weaj;en and kill the hatchinx chick.
r:-U of th chicks you lose within the first
ttt wdeks die because they did not have
l-"tr vitality to start with. Get a good
(! iiine this ioasoii. Come and look at th
Qu. iB. y
Simon Bros., Agents.
Office Phone 810 Res. Black 378
y " DR. SHA1TKR,
0kl0f)f(ithle 1'iiyslclan
Hilton Bldg. North Platte, Neb
L? f t
Aftor olevon months in 8qrvico, nlno
nnd ono-hnlf months of which porlod
.vns spent 1 France, Everett nnd Gil
Ifcrt Adams, Orlio Rcnonu and Law
renco WIIhou arrived homo this morn-
February, 1918, and within llvo weeks
they had been lnndod In Franco. They
sailed from Brest for homo Just five
weoks ngo today. Georgo Slzomoro
was oxpected to arrive with thos6
boyj.f bit was ntllt at Camp Dlx
.when thoy loft. He will bo homo In
a day cr two.
Tho boys ..return homo tho plcturo
of health, and clean shaven and nat
tily uniformed they certainly looked
peachy.' Tho hoys, however, woro not
icaiuorucd sdLdlors whllo abroad;
thoy experienced hard and costnnt
drilling, their meals woro not always
Buch ns thoy should bo and nnd their
dlco'plng quarters wero not to thoir
choosing, but thoy nccoptod conditions
cheerfully. Their exporienco hna been
of vnluo to them, yet they would pre
for not again go through thoso ex
periences. LATE NE W'S "pA RAO KA I'll S
Tho Spanish Influenza opldemlc
which swdpt Donvor nnd tho stato In
tho fall and winter months of 1918
nnd 1919 caused the death of 1,397
persons In Dcnvor, according to offi
cial statistic compiled up ,to Murch 5.
A settlement has beon reached bo
twoon tho Berlin Btrlko leaders and
the government, according to in
formation from tho German cnpital
Thursday. Tho strikers had tho sup
port of tho SpartacanB nnd In tho
fighting which accompanied tho
movement mnny persons wero killod
The Postnl Telegraph compnny to
day announced to Its SU Louis cm
ployos that a flat lncreaso of 10 por
cent In wages, datlnir from .Tnnunrv 1
Iliad been granted them. The Increase
is said to bo effectlvo throughout tho
Berlin. Tho military situation on
tho eastern front Is painted in blnck
ost coCors by Field Marshal von Hin
donburg In an interview printed horo.
Tho field marshal declares that unless
Uio population gonerally rallies to tho
defonso of thoir homos and families It
will bo lm'posslblo to ward off nttacks
by Bolshovlk hordes.
Tho United States food rollof shin
Westward Ho, which has Just arrived
at Dantzlg, Is tho first allied vessel to
pas8 .through Uio Kiel cnnnl since
ou,tbroak of . tho war. Throutrhout
thowflfty-four mllo trln. throuirh
this -.historic wa'tforwny no Gorman
ship was soon. Tho harbor nt Kiol.
foamewly a great German naval base,
was described as a 'gravoyard,'
uu me casualty iists of tho French
army, tho word 'missing' is written
opposite the names of 314,000 men
investigations nave established the
fact that of this numbor all hove for
approximately 120,000 must bo aban
A 'Iron division,' composed of of-
cers nnd mon from tho remilar army
will leave Wilher.mshavcn this week
nnd march against tho Russlon Bol
shevik at Lilian (on tho Baltic coast).
said a dispatch from Berlin Timrs-
::o:: i
The Tribuno hns pretty woll sound-(
cd out tho sentiment rolntivo to a now
court houso nnd finds conditions fav
orablo if an nctlvo campaign is In-1
stituted. It is now up to the mon of
North Platto to seo that an organizn-1
tion 1R 'perfected nnd tho campaign
started. I
Jack Carroll has recoived word that
his bother Will, who was In sorvlco
overseas with an aero squadron had
arrived at Ham'pton Roads,, Va and
lopod to bo homoln a short timo.
Tho Lincoln Cocnty chairman ot tho i
Blue Trinnglo campaign reports that,
AnccCn county is going woll over the
All kinds of nursory stock, thor
oughbred White Wyandotte eggs for
soiling, iiugui Hiram, my nuiuu on uuai
?.i . I . . .. . '
'"ourth, with ono or two blocks in
cluded; also my ranch of GG0 acres 4
miles southeast of Tryon at $8,000.00.
Also a few stands of stinglcss bees.
R. McFARLAND, Box- 020, Phono Red
32, 2005 block, North Piotto. ttf
i t
Jerry Rowcn Passes Away
. Jorry Bowon, of Arthur, formor
druggist of this city, died nt a local
hospital nt 10:15 Wednesday night ot
kidney trouble Ho was brought
down from Arthur Monday night and
his condition nt that tlmo was such
as to prccludo hopo of recovery. Mr.
Bowen had boon fooling badly for
sonto tlmo past, but ho thought Ills
lllnesg, wn8 largely duo to a bad cold,
nnd her doforml coming to this city for
treatment. Ho leavos two daughters,
Mrs. R. S. Baker ot Curtis and Mrs,
Ralph Clnbaugh of Corpus Christl,
Texas. Tho latter will arrlvo today and
Mrs. Bakor will bo horo tomorrow If
sickneaj, in her family permits. Mr.
Bowon was past seventy years of ngo.
Funoral arrangements hnvo not boon
c(implet,ed other than that tho burial
will bo In tho local cemetery.
: :o: :
Tho boys' nnd girls' basket ball
teams of the Oshkosh schools arrived
Inst night and will play twin games nt
tho Franklin auditorium this evening.
For Quick Snlo
Wo havo nbout CO good lots In
Bollovuo Addition which for a short
tlmo wo aro offorlng at bargain
prlceB. Anyone Interested In tho
purchase of a lot, seo us at 620
Dwoy stroot, or call phono rod 572.
Carmel Myers in
A Reol Dramatic Gem
A picture that is right up to
the minute and a 2-reel Big V
Footballs and Frauds
WHh Slim Somerville.
Matinee'2;00r' - Night 7:15
Why I Would Not Marry,
The great morality play, The
love trails of the most beau
tiful woman on earth
Man of Might
So the Odds Was Even
Get this thrill and a hun
dred others. See
In Zane Grey's Ate
"The Light of
Western Stars"
At the
Into Y. M. O. A. war work has .
'opted a cill in Lincoln.
Phono for Appointments