The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 04, 1919, Image 7

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This Woman Recommends
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Her
Personal Experience.
McLenn. Neb. "I want to recotn
mend Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable
.compound to all
women who suffer
from &ny functional
disturbance, as it
has dono mo mora
good than all tho
doctor's medicine.
Since taking it I
havo a fine healthy
baby eirl and have
gained in health and
strength. My hus.
band and I both
praiso your med
icine to all suffcrinp
women." Mrs. John Koppelmann. r.
Mo. 1, McLean, Nebraska.
This famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, has been restoring women of
America to health for more than forty
years and it will well pay any woman
who suffers from displacements, in
flammation, ulceration, irregularities,
backache, headaches, nervousness or
"thq blues" to givo this successful
remedy a trial.
For special suggestions in regard to
your ailment write Lydia E. Pmkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Tho result
of its long experience is at your service.
VTation R.Colaman,
I'atent Law jer, Washington.
D. f. AdYiee and bnoka f r.
Bates reasonable. Highest references, llestsorrlces
Ask the Chairman, He Knows.
The sweet young thing was visit
ing the stato senate.
"Oh, tell me," she squlggled, "where
do the stnndlng committees stnnd?"
Cutlcura for Sore Hands.
Soak hands on retiring In the hot suds
of Cutlcurn Soap, dry and rub In Cu
tlcura Ointment. Remove surplus
Ointment with tissue paper. This Is
only ono of the things Cutlcura will do
if Soap, Ointment und Talcum aro used
lor all toilet purposes. Adv.
New Ailment.
The Smart Fellow Calm yourself,
any friend. What's thd matter with
you, nnyhow?
The Disgruntled One I've been try
ing to stnrt a conversation with that
old fogy slttln' over there by the gro-.
eery. Every time, I'd try to tell him
something he'd holler, 'Tley?" By
.golly, It made me hot!
The Smart Fellow Sort of a bej
fever, eh?
Tlllle Was Right.
The teacher had just asked the oc
cupations of the children's fathers.
"And whnt Is your father's busi
ness, Tlllle?"
"He's a bookkeeper," said Tlllle.
Just then the teacher noticed that
Elsie's nose went up In scorn.
"What's the matter, Elsie?" asked
teacher. "Isn't Tlllle's papa n book
keeper?" "Well, my father says he Is," re
joined Elsie. "At least he's never re
turned nny of father's."
An Advance Copy.
While Morton T. Hidden was a mem
ber of tho staff of n recent Hoosleq
governor, ho made friends with one of
the porters of a train that runs Into
Indianapolis. The other day he was
on the train and was recognized by
the porter. "Hain't you In Europe?"
he asked. "I done would think they
would a took you on that peace
Mr. Hidden smiled. "Not me," he re
turned. "I'm a Republican."
The porter sighed and then looked
disappointedly at Mr. Hidden. "You
would have matyo such a handsome edi
tion." lip deplored. Indlnnnpolls Star.
Why. .
i nstead
of coffee
Try the change
for ten days
if health or
other reasons
appeal to you
You'll like this
excellent table
beverade with its
rich miTd coffee
like flavor the
results of the
change will appeal
is sold nowadays
During the rush of spring
work mllklngs in the morning
will bo done on time but at night
the danger Is In leaving this
work for llio women folks to do
or until after dark. No graver
mistake can be made. A cow
permitted to lose her milk flow
cannot again bo brought up
without every pound of grnln
costing two prices. Don't save
on one hand to lose on the other.
For Economical Production Wage
Earning Cow Should be Fed Its
Full Capacity.
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Tho problems Involved In winter
feeding are usually distinctly different
from those of summer feeding. Pas
ture (or green feed), usually tho basis
of summer feeding, Is not avnllnble.
Broadly speaking, there arc two fac
tors involved In this problem, first, to
satisfy the needs of tho cow and, sec
ond, to suit the pocketbook. The cow
must hnve an araplo supply of feed
of a palatable nature, and this feed
must be supplied at a price which will
permit n profit on the feeding opera
tion. In fi'ncral farm practice It Is advis
able, so far as it Is economical, to use
the feeds produced on the farm. Oft
en the freight rates and the middle-
A Purebred Guernsey With a High
man's charges, If saved, will consti
tute a good profit for tho feeder. This
Is especially true of roughages. Such
feeds are bulky and in most cases must
he baled nt u considerable cost; the
freight .rates also ure much greater in
piojiortlon to tho nutrients contained
thnn on the grains.
When land Is high In price and tht
markets for dairy products arc good, 11
Is often impracticable to grow all the
feeds on the farm. In such cases an
rangements first should be made to
grow the roughage, on account of the
high cost of transporting these feeds.
In most cases the prime object of tho
form under such conditions will bo to
supply the greatest possible quantity
of roughage.
It Is n difficult problem to provldo a
symem of winter feeding of roughago
which will make the best use of home
grown roughage and nt the same tlmo
insire full production.
In addition to containing the proper
nutrients in the right proportion, part
of the ration 8,1'ould be of a Bucculent
nature. It Is extremely difficult, If not
Impossible, to keep cows in full produc
tion throughout the winter without
somo succulent feed. There are two
chief sources of succulent feed for
winter feeding silnge and roots. Of
these, silage is In almost universal use
by commercial dairymen. While al
most any green crop may bo
used for silage, the heavy yields
of corn, as compared with other
crops, and Its comparative euso of
handling, together with Its keeping
qualities, make It the leading silage
crop. Where the , cost of land and the
prices of dairy products are high, and
the system of farming of necessity Is
intensive, it Is questionable whether
tho dairyman should consider nny oth
er silage crop.
Chief Function Is to. Supply Succu
lence Have Special Applica
tion for Cows Only.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
The chief function of roots In cattle
feeding Is to supply a succulent feed.
Under gcnernl farm conditions tho
quantity of nutrients grown per ncro
in root crops Is email In comparison
to tho cost of production. These root
crops, however, can bo preserved dur
ing the winter equully well whether
largo or small quantities are fed
each day, and therefore havo special
application when only n few cows aro
to be fed. Of the different root crops
mangel wurzcls. furnish tho greatest
yield per acre. Other kinds of beets
und turnips and carrots may be used.
Turnips, however, should bo fed after
milking rather than before, ns they
cause a bnd llavor In tho products if
fed Immediately before milking.
Look nt the tongue, mother I It
coated, It Is a sure sign that your lit
tle one's stomach, liver and bowels
needs a gentle, thorough cleansing at
When peevish, cross, listless, pale,
doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natu
rally, or Is feverish, stomach sour,
breath had ; has stomach-ache, sore
throat, dlarrhcea, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in n few hours all tho foul
constipated waste, undigested food
and sour bile gently moves out of the
little bowels without griping, and yon
have a well, playful child again.
You needn't coax Ick children to
take this harmless "fruit laxative;"
they love Its delicious taste, and It
always makes them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which has
directions for bnhles, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plnlnly on the
bottle. Bewnre of counterfeits sold
here. To be sure you get tho genuine,
ask to see that It Is made by the "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company." Refuse
any other kiud with contempt Adv.
Sitting Rooms, Both.
"Architecture hus changed In the last
tew years," sighed the observing feller.
"When I was n boy they called 'cm
candy kitchens. Now they are known
as Ice cream parlors."
It You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it is that bo many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and aro soon forgotten? The
reason Is plain tho article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. Thii
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as likr
an endless chain system the remedy i
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to tliorc who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Tako for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many year
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has bo large a
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is duo to the fact,
so many people claim, that it fulfills al'
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes, the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer Sc. Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Lnrce and medium fire bottle
tor sale at all drug store. Adv.
Opposltes Meeting.
"Let thnt man down easy."
"He's hard up;"
Don't stay upset 1 When meals don't
Qt and you belch gas, acids and undi
gested food. When you feel lumps of
Indigestion pain, flatulence, heartburn
or headache you can get Instant rellat
No waiting t Pape'a Dlapepsln wfD
put you on your feet As soon as yon
eat one of theso pleasant, harmless
tablets all tho Indigestion, gases, acid
ity and stomach distress ends, Yonr
druggist sells them. Adv.
About 0,000,000 acres of land U
given over to tobacco cultivation In
tho world.
Bttdacbr, Dillon Attack, Indlrwilon, rt
Crd by Uktne May Apple, Aloe, Jlp mult
te Pletunt I'clUt (Dr. Pierce'). Adr.
Time Is a file that wears but makes
I ao noise.
Aid for Automobile and Motortruck
Traffic During Winter Over Lin
coln Highway.
(Prepared by the United Statos Depart-
mcnt of Anrlculturo.)
The weather bureau of tho United
Stntes department of agriculture has
arranged, In co-operation with tho
state highway commission of Pennsyl
vania, to aid the automobile and mo
tortruck traffic during the winter over
the Lincoln highway between Pitts
burgh and riarrlsburg by giving out
dully Information of the weather con
ditions prevailing over the route and
Issuing wenthor forecasts and warn
ings of heavy snows and cold waves
for tho region traversed. The plan Is
for tho assistant superintendents of
hlghwnys nt points along the routo to
report to tho weatler bureau office at
Pittsburgh at eight o'clock each morn
ing by tolcphono or telegraph the depth
of snow or ico on tho highway, giving
Its general condition. These reports
Road Roller Doing Repair Work.
are published In tho newspapers and
furnished to the dltferent nutomobllo
clubs, thus becoming available to auto
mobile and motortruck drivers passing
over the highway. The forecasts and
Warnings nre given public distribution
and telegraphed to tho superintendent
of highways nt Hnrrlsburg, who gives
Instructions to his forces along the
highway to make provisions for tho
anticipated weather conditions. This
service wns In operation last winter
and gave great satisfaction. The
weather bureau Is ready to give simi
lar service to other traffic routes as
may bo desired'.
Road Improvement May Well Be Con
sidered Reconstruction Measure
Increases Farm Values.
Roads should not be neglected at this
time In our endeavor to increase food
production. Road improvement might
well be deemed n reconstruction meas
ure. In many communities they aro
much better than In others because tho
farmers are back of the good roads
movement. They realize that a good
road saves labor, time, horso llesh and
automobile repairs and in addition In
creases the selling value of the farm.
Every progressive former should
havo a road drag and not bo afraid to
use It. A well-dragged road Is a well
crowned road, and a well-drained road.
Tho dragging should follow each rain.
If properly used it will bring a thin lay
er of earth toward the center of tho
rond at each dragging. The travel will
roll und solidify It between rains.
On roads where too much crown has
been formed the nnglo of tho drag can
bo reversed. A few dragglngs will re
duce tho high crown to a mre level
nnU much safer road for fast automo
blto traffic.
Upon Good Roads Depends Marketing
of Various Crops and Better
Schooling of Children.
Good roads aro tho very foundation
of country life. Upon them depends
tho marketing of what farmers grow,
tho pleasures of social life, and the
better schooling of the children. If
Ufo Is made better by good roads, sure
ly they aro worth paying for. Thero
Is nothing so much worth whllo as
happiness. Tho lnterurban lines havo
Increased It for a few; the nuto has
brought It to many more, and good
roads ovcrywhero would bless all.
Cause of Soft Shells.
Soft-shelled eggs aro often caused by
tho fowls being confined, becoming
overfnt, and from lack of mineral mat
Feed for Idle Horses.
Horses will do well, If not worked,
on clover hay alone. Even If worked
moderately, good clover hay muy ho
made to be sufficient.
Big Loss by Rats.
Rate destroy $200,000,000 worth of
food annually. Destroy tho rat.
W , if?
r'ffiTTfi'ettaiiiirTTV" -h7rr i .
Not a cure-all.
tional remedy for
all inflammation and conges
tion of tho mucous mem
branes. Catarrh attacks tho mucous linings, in any organ,
In any part of tho body. It la not, as somo imagine,
confined to the noso and throaty Nalthough nasal
catarrh 1b tho most common form and aflllcts many
Unchecked catarrh soon breaks down tho tlsauo and
destroys the organs or part Evldenco of tho rav
ages of catarrh, are all around us. Without desire
to frighten anyone, wo say: ''Guard yourself against
catarrh as you would against tho direst plague.
Fortify your system. Tako Peruna."
iNsrmiNQ woiids Fon tiiih sick most thosei
A Good Medicine In -the Fnmlty.
I had a bad case of LaGrlppe and could set no
relief. Peruna cured me. It Is a line medicine, we
often use It In the family rand find it Rood.
Kast Lake Station. 2S6 First Avenue,
Birmingham, Alabama.
Peruna has cured my stomach and I feel like a
different person. I only took twelve bottles of Pe
runa and can eat anything without distress, some
thing I have not aone for fifteen years.
I recommend Peruna to everybody suffering with
catarrh of the stomach.
1029 loth St..
Columbus, Georgia. J. J,
Peruna is Indicated for all forms
of catarrh or catarrhal inflammation
and congestion of tho mucous lin
ings In nny part or organ, such as
nose, throat, bronchial tubes, lungs,
stomach, bowels, kidneys, bladder,
etc. It Is fine for coughs, colds and
effects of the grip and an excellent
preventive remedy.
If you want health, insist upon
having Dr. Hartman's World Fa
mous Peruna Tonic.
Sold Everywhere.
Brief Respite.
"Congrntuluto me," said Mr. Dub
walte. "What for?"
"I'm out of debt. I've Just paid the
last bill X owed."
"I do congratulate you. How long
do you expect to stay out of debt?"
"That depends on the. trolley car
schedules. Mrs. Dubwulte has just
telephoned mo that she Is headed for
Has been used for all ailments that
aro cnused by a disordered stomach
and Inactive liver, such as sick head
ache, constipation, sour stomach,
nervous indigestion, fermentation of
food, pnlpltntlon of tho heart caused by
gases In tho stomach. August Flower
Is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion
both In stomnch and Intestines, cleans
and sweetens the stomach and alimen
tary canal, stimulates tho liver to se
crete the bile and impurities from tho
blood. Sold In nil civilized countries.
Give it a trial. Adv.
Natural' Procedure.
"Tho people In this bourdlng house
aro always talking about operations
for appendicitis."
"Why don't you tell them to cut It
Garfield Tea, by purifying the blood,
eradicates rheumatism, dyspepsia and
many chronic ailments. Adv.
You have probably observed that
when some persons speak their minds
they don't say much.
Nothing circulates so rapidly as a
Now Quickly
Those painful attacka of indiges
tion, heart-burn, belching, disgusting
food-repeating; that puffy bloated,
lumpy feeling after eating, dys
pepsia and stomach miseries -all
point to Just ono awful American
disease commonly known aa ACID
Fortunately thoro haB been discov
ered a wonderful modern remedy
called EATONIO-that brings instant
relief from nil theso otomacb miseries
because it absorbs tbo hurtful excess
acid in tbo stomach and drives out tho
bloat and gas. You won't know yon
havo a stomach, bo free of pain you'll
feel. Besides, it saves yon from more
serious ailments bocauso it is a scien
tific fact that ACID-STOMACH fre
quently creates conditions which baffle
the best medical skill. Many cases of
cbronio etomnch trouble, biliousness,
eevero headache, general weakness,
rheumatism, trout, lumbaco. intestinal
ulcer, cancer of tho stomach, heart
EATO N i a
but a ra
catarrh and
All oleic and .suffering should
wrlto Th'o Peruna Company, Dept.
8-82, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hart
man's Health Book. The book la
free and contains perhaps just the
information you are seeking.- It is
sent in a plain wrapper to any ad
dress. DO IT TODAY.
Ask your dealer for a Peruna
Catarrhal Fovor
Pink Eyo, Shipping
Fovor. Eolzootlo
And all diseases of tho horso affecting his throat speedily
cured; colts and horscu In tho name stable leapt from hav
ing them by UBlng SPOIIN'H COMPOUND, 3 to 6 doses of
ten cure. Snfo for brood maren, baby colts, otalllons, aU
ages and conditions. Host skillful sclontlllo oompouaa.
Sl'OHN'.S Is sold by your druggist.
SPOIIN MEDICAL CO., .Mfr.., Gonhen, Ind.
Many people suffer from Chilblain without
realizing what It Is. Oue application of Bea
ton's Ono NlKht Chilblain llemcdy will relieve
the most stubborn caeo. We guarantee it anil
will promptly fcfund the money If you fall U
get relief. We have ocoupled the most promi
nent Drug Corner in Omaha for twenty yean,
which means our guarantee la good.
Sent by mall on receipt of 25o.
16th und JTarnam Omaha, Nebraska
For Hogs &&d Poultry
Sold direct from factory to
consumer. If you want to
get the best results for the
least. money write or call on
Consolidated Products Go.
Men With Rig
Wanted to sell Rawleigh's Products. Eatab
lished demand. Large profits, healthyi
pleasant, permanent Give age, occul
pation. references. W. T. RAWLEIGH
CO., Department WUN, Freeport, III,
Your Beauty Doctor i
AlldnwsliU) BotpO, Ointment S5 60, T&lcmmm. 1
Sample rnch free ot "Ottlcwt, Stpt X, Bertes."
pains and oven heart failure can b
traced directly to Acid-Stomach.
Avoid theso dangersdon't let acid
etomach wreck your health. Don't
drag outyour days fooling all in, down i
and out, weak and ailing. Keep th
vital spark flashing. Eat the thing
yon liko and digest your food In com
fort. Then you'll feel fine bo fit
mentally alert havo pep and punch i
tho power and will to do things.
Take EATONIO and givo your
Btomach tho help to put it in a fins, .
healthy condition bo that it will digest ,
your food perfectly and mako every !
mouthful you cat register 100 in en-
richlng your blood and building up ,
your bodily etrength. 1
Get n bfg box of EATONIO TAB- ,
LETS from your druggist today. They
taste good Just like a bit of candy.
The cost ifl trifling. It ia absolutely
guaranteed. If it fails to relievo yonr
etomcch misery, your druggist will
veiunu your money.