Peering Over One's Glasses It In effective on the Mtngc for the rknrncter representing "Id nKC. lint It In rlillrutniiN la rent lite. "Why wear KlnsHCN Hint give you only linlf the wertlce tliey should f I,et Clinton lit joii with modern lil-fo-cnls, vliloli give (nr mid nenr vision through n single Ipiihc Hint In niM'onr nnee In n onc-rnngc gins. Our lil-fncnlM will Improve your vls lun, lie very comfortiilile.uiiil keep your orc it secret. ATTENTION I. O. O. I. All member of Hie order nre re queued to he present Thursday, Mnrch Olli. nt 7130 I. M. nhnrp nt the linll. Class Inltlntlon. J. MUY MWOI'H, .Secretnry. 2 Jowcler and ..OPTICIAN.. At the Sign of the Big Ring DR. 0. II. CHKSSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL John Null 8ient several days In Bid noy lnt week transacting business and visiting frlonilH. MIbh Floronce Wilcox, a Htuilont nt the' Stato, University, spent tho, week end with the homo folks. Sonator W. V Hoagland enmo tip from Lincoln Frlihiy nnd remained until BundHy transacting private bus iness. CJcorxc Hubbnrd, who wiis jln the navy nnrt Btatlonod nt Sun Pedro, Cel., arrived homo Friday, having, recolvod Ills discharge. Mr. and Mrs. "V. T Wilcox loavo to day for Los Augclos and other Cali fornia points, where Hovornl woeltH. they will, spend Will Itltnor arrived homo Friday and yesterday entered tho county dork's olllcc, n position ho hold heforo entering the service For Sale lllcyclo with electric llKjit and cyclometer. Cnll at CIS eattt D ntroot. Frank .rorome, oxport piano tuner, who Iiub recently been discharged from tho army will he In North I'latto about March 1st nnrt expects to meet nil his Id friends and customers. A returned army olllcor recontly stated that DQdgo , llrothers caro re quired loss servlco and pulled bettor In tho Flanders mud thnn nnycar In tho government service, Including the largo nnd costly cars. J. V, ItOMIQII. II. N. Smith has purolmned of John Mang 040 ncres of land twelve miles north of LeMoync. Mr. Mang homo Btcnd(?d 480 ncroa of land nnd recolvod a patent nndt purchased the othor ICO nqrooMr. and Mrs, Smith will prob ably spend part of noxt summer on tho land. Tho brldgo across tho river north of town will ho repaired by John Hltnor an soon ns conditions will p.urmlt. Thirty or more piling will need bo re placed and mnny of tho sills are rot ted. This bridge, whloh was built In 18811 has reached a condition that will mako It obsoloto In a few more yonrs. AlllMOit Wilcox has accepted the po sition of mall carrier on the illguell route. Loo Tlghe, attending the state unl vorlBty, came home to spend the week end with rolatlvos. Hugh Davis, who had beon stationed at Camp Demlng, N. 31., has returned home, having rocolvod his dlschnrgo. Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Dank building. It. L. Ilakdr, who has been burying hlmsolf at Stapleton this winter, came over Kunday to visit friends. J, I), Frederlcl, who had beon tn tloned at a onmp In Tonnossoo, recolvod his discharge last wook and roturnod home Sunday night. Mrs. 3ene Crook, Mrs. Andy flclmrinunn nnd Mrs. Ella Mrfo Lanyon wont to Kenrnoy Friday to attend a nhlstlen Science lvclure. . Dr. Morrill, DonMBt. Offlco ovor Wilcox Iiojmrtment Store. George Hlzemoro, who hade been In sorvlco overseas, arrived ut New York the latter part of lost week, and will soon receive his (Uncharge. The bAtket ball team of the junior high school was defeated at Gothen burg Friday evening by a score of eleven to twelve. Dr, II. C Brook. Dontlst. X-Ilav Diagnosis. Reynolds Bide. Phono 148 A boy bnby was born Saturday morn ing tp Mr. and Mr, Itelph Sawyer, Mrs. A. M. Selbert returned Saturday from a protracted vlult with relatives in Watertown, 8. IX The Presbyterian aid aoclety will meet at the chureh Thursday afternoon with JleadamoH W. V. HoaKland. J, V. ItomlRh and (3. C. Loomls as tho enter- tnlnliiR committee. . A foiv doslrnllo scconiMiniul Fords at Iho rlglit prices. Ilciuly-Oglor Auto Lompnny. Abstracter O. 12. Rider believes that the real estate deals In Lincoln coun ty which became offgotlve the tlrst of this month will aggregate closo to one and one-half million dollars. March 1st last year the sales wore In round numbers ono million dollars. For Sttlo Four room cottage at 404 So. Willow. Phono 784F2. 8tf C. J. Landholm, living four and one nan mnos west or town, returned a few days ago from tho oast part of tho state whoro ho attended salos of Poland China hogs nnd purchased live fioad which cost him $080, an average of $ir0 each. Mr. Landholm, who Is a well known breeder, Is constantly In creasing tho quality of his herd. Alfalfa Molasses, Ground Hurley, Mystic, ami ovorytlilntf in tJio fet'd line. Phono 20(1. TiKYL'OLUT Si PKNNIXOTON. v, u. wnaioy aim wiro wcro pas sengers for North I'latto yesterday Mr. Whaley rocontly purclinsed. ranch six miles south nnd six mllos west of tho I'latto. which ho has ar nttRod to tnko possession of soon, nnd noxt week will Bhlp his household Roods" to his new location. Ho Is nmonR- tlio older rosldonts of the county, haviiiR lived for tho past thlr ty-throo yonrs In Plntto proclnct. Ho la, well known In Dnwnon county hav HfR sorved ns sheriff In 1908 nnd 1D09. Tho Pioneer trusts that nothing but Rood fortune may be his portion In his now location. LexInRton Pioneer, nt 075 No. Locust. Phono Red 55G. 22 Wnnted Contracts for plowing. Call If the bowels are cloRRed up poisons Kt Into the blood, cnusliiR loss of strength, skin oruption, dlzzlnoss and vortlRO (blind tUiiKKors). Prickly Ash Ulttors will open tho bowols, drive out the Impurities and rostoro stroiiRth, euorgy and cheerful ftilrlts. Prloo $1.25 per bottlo. Gummore-Dont Dru Co. LOCAL AND TEKSONAL rB. AURUst Spllntor has ftled a' pe tition for dlvorco In the district court. For Sale Ono cock and ono cookercl of the White Wyandotte strain. In quire of Chief of Poltco John Jones. Lcypoldt & Pennington deliver ('onl, , Flour nnd Feed. Phono 200. The II. & 8. ARcncy reports tlio sale of the Sam Soudor property In the south part of tho city to GeorRO Ar nold. Tho War Mothers' Club will entdr taln all returned soldiers and sailors nt a dinner nt tho Masonic hall on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day, For quick nctlon and satisfactory nlo list your land with Thoclockc tl W, C. T. U. will meet at the homo of Mrs. Iloso Louden, 602 south Pine, TuoBday afternoon, at 2:30, Mrs. W. Snyder will superintend tho meet- In K. Alvln Ilauch returned the latter part f last woek from service at tho Phila delphia navy yard and haB resumed his former position with the Llerk-San. dall Co. Ground Hurley and all oilier Muds of feed. Phono 20G. LUYPOLDT S: rEXXINGTOX. Phono 200. -::o: Hulls for Snlc Clioico Horoford Bulla from ono to thrco years old for sale. Address H. P. Htuison. North Flatto. Nob. am ALWAYS USE HUHTH PLATTE V EiectwcwillSt NORTH PLATTE.NtB. I COW BRAND-? IT MAKES BETTER BREAD PATRONIZE NORTH PLATTE INDUSTRIES Wi SPRING AND SUMMER ASSORTMENT OF SHIES. In Standard Custom Garments of Chicago is now in and ready for your inspection. We will be pleased to take your order now. We also make Uniforms for Conductors and Brakemen from $26 up. Call on us and sec our new line of goods Yours truly, 218 E. 6th Street CARL GOERIE Governor McKclvIe has signed tho hill which permits school dostrlcts to levy a maximum tax of 100 mills by a sixty por cont.Voto of tho voters of the district; ' yndor the old .law the maximum levy was forty-five mills. The Wnltomath Lumber Co. and tho H. & S. Agency have entered Into a contract to erect two houses ln tho south part of town. These housed nro to he erected for sale or rontnl purposes- Work will bcRin ns Boon as tho weather will permit. Old Trusty nnd Qnccn Incnbntors and Brooders at Factory Prices. SIMON BROS. 8-8 Miss .Ruth Hubbard, of North Platte, spent Sunday at that town with relatives. Miss Hubbard Is a profes sional nurse and for several weeks has been In attendance on Mrs. Albert KJar, who has had a sovoro s'oko of pneumonla,vnnd who Is reported to bo mendliiR slowly, LoxInRton Ploneor. Tho llnrrlngton Mer. Co. will buy your Hay and Grain. Obtain our prices before you soil.. tf Lieut, Kdward 13. Cnrr, who had boon stationed with tho aviation corps at Kt. Sill, Oklahoma, arrived Sunday and has entered tho law ofllco of HoaR latid & HoaKland. Ltout, Carr, whoso home Is In Iloaver City, Rraduated from the University of Nebraska law de partment In 1917 In the samo class with Capt. Victor IlnlllRau. Mrs. Chas. McNamara, who has been 111 with tho flu at her parents' home In Omaha, Is roported to ho Yolvalos clnR. Uert McMurtroy, who purchased tho Montgomery tract of COG aores woBt of the statoi Xnrni, took possosBibn of the placo laAt woek. Ho had been liv ing near'Suthorland. Dorothy dish, who was "Tho Little Disturber" In "The Hoarts of tho World," provos to be a vory oharmiiiR heroine In "Tho Hopo Chest' at the Crystal Thursday and Friday. UoKlnnliiR Wednesday, March Gth, wo will mako a special sale on bath towols solllnR thorn below cost In ordor to make room for Ladles' ltoady-to-Wear which Is arriving dally, 13, T, TRAMP & SONS. Postmasters In Lincoln county, In cluding North Platte, report that war savings stampH aro being cashed In groat numbers, whjch Is not very en cournglng In view of tho fact that another war savings stamp cnmpalgn Is about to be started. Postmasters say that tho stamps aro being cashed In by parties who aro not In urgent nooil of money. Pririito money to loan on Imnrored farm lnud. No dcluy, money samo day you imtlco your application. 0. II. TIIOELECKE. Mr. Hlser Pnsses Awny. Mrs. Martha JHIeor, seventy-eight years of ago, passed away Saturday morning at the home of hor daughtor, Mrs A. P. Heeler, Sho had beon In poor health for a numbor of months, and for some tlmo had beon In a help less condition, 'the funeral was held from tho residence yetcrday,,4 aftor noon. Mrs. Hlsor was ono of' the early settlors In tho sputh part of. the coun ty, having located In Wallace, precinct In 1885. lloreft nro tho daughtor, Mrs. Heeler, nnd n koii In California.'' C C. Hupfor returned Saturdaj nlght from Chlcngp whero ho had boon trans- acting business for sovoral days. ::o:: I'lTIIMC SAIH Tlio undersigned will sell at public sale on tho lot across from the post ofllco on y , , Snturdny, March Sth, at 2:00 p. m., tho following property: Ono team of mnres, smooth mouth, wolght 2!jOO set of work harness, so driving harness, lumhr wagon, wagon with hay rack disc, hay rako, lG-cnch walking plow, two.-sectlon harrow, au tomobile trailer, cnrrlage; lot of good household goods, and othor articles too numeorous to mention. Terms cash. AUGUST SPLINTKH, Owner. Itay Langford, Clerk. II. M Johansen, Auctioneer. J i CONCERNING - f- ' q Vho makes Dodge U rot hers Motor Cars J A flic firm is n close forporation, consisting of tlie two lrotlicrs,j John V. and Horace E. Dodge. i IIow long have Dodge Hrothcrs been in the auto mobile business? A Over 15 years, during 11 of which they built every steel part for Ford, and gears for many other makers but for the last i years they have been producing the car which bears their name. Q How about the stability of the makers of this car, A "With large resources, ample experience nnd the world's second largest automobile factory, the future of the business can be judged by the past, as they have grown in four years from nothing to second place in tho industry. Q iIIoav long have they built the present model of their car? A Four years ago this month, the first Dodge Broth ers car was shown in North Plntto and the same model is being sold today, except, for various im 1 provements which have been made from time to time. As "Motor Age" said two years ago, "No car has ever entered its third year with so few changes or need of changes." QvyiintJs the capacity of tho Dodge plant? A Over 000 cars a day, or around 200,000 enrs a year. Q Who Is the largest owner of Dodge Brothers cars? A Tho United States Government. Over a year ago they standardized on Dode cquipmont for pas senger cars and light trucks and now uso thous- nnds of them in most every branch of military service. Q Are thoro other largo owners of Dodge fleets? A A great number of the country's largest corpora tions have standardized on Dodge equipment, for thoy buy thoir miles whore (hoy can buy them cheapest and first cost is but a minor considera tion. Somo recent western buyers are M. E. Smith of Omaha (1(5), Wheeler & Motter of St. . , ,Too(22), and Central Coal and Coke Co., of Kan :'" , City (0), and Standard Oil Co. of Nobraska. QWhat points of merit nre mostoflen spoken of by owners of these cars? A (1) Economy of both gas. and oil and freedom of v repair expense. (2) Ability to get service and repair parts at fair and reasonable prices everywhere the car is sold (which is country wide). (3) The wonderful and almost everlasting body finish. (4) Ease of riding and control. (5) Their speed which delights some of the younger generation. 1 ((J) The (power to pull out of the impossible places. (7) " Their known standard value and remnrket ablo used ear value. Q What arc the outstanding characteristics of these cars? A Medium weight, medium priced car, built with all the care of expert workmen, and with a fine re gard for the selection of the best in materials and equipment in fact built up to the standard of only a few of the extremely high priced care. Q-A- -What is the price of Dodge Brothers Cars? -The touring, roadster and business car models all sell for $1200. The Sedan and Coupo convert ible cars at $1800, delivered at North Platte, freight and war tax included. Prices nre fixed to July 1, 1010. Q When can I obtain delivery on a Dodge Brothers car? A A reasonably prompt delivery can now lie made on most of the models, but deliveries aro made in rotation on signed orders and there is a present shortage of Dodge Brothers cars all over tho country and spring will accentuate this situation. Today would not be a day too early to file your order specifying date of delivery desired. -P. S. Sedans and Itoadster models aro quito far behind and early orders very necessary on those. DEALER, ' Sixth and Locust Sts. ItEMEJrBEIl THE OMAHA AUTO SHOW NEXT WEEK, 3IAltCH 10 TO 15 INCLUSIVE.