Mavm 7 THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 4, 1919. No. 15 MAY OltCANI.i: A I.OCAI, 1IOMI2 Ili;il,I)I(J ASSOCIATIO.V To relieve the lainnml for lioincB for rental iiurposeH nml at the same time Klve tho liomcloss an opportunity to purchase a home on easy payments, there la now In process of orKnulza tlon what Is to he known ns n Homo Guilders' Association to ho financed hy twenty-flvo or nioro men and with a capital stock of not less than $25,000. The ohject of the association Is to purchnse lots, erect houses thereon and as above stated rent or sell thorn on the Installment plan, ' In view of tho fact that from fifty to one hundred houses for rental pur poses are needed In North Platte In or der to accommodate tho demand, and that people who desire to locate' here hut cannot do so because they cannot secure houses In which to live,, the proposed Home Builders' Association Is certainly a move In tho right di rection. Why Not n Knnkl Ticket. Editor of'Trlbune: Now that t(ic world war Is over, Is tho "plo' to bo monopolized hy tho fel lows who evaded servlco by getting be hind their wife's skirt or aro wo going to see that tho honors nnd emoluments shall go to tho hoys who waived ex emptions and entered tho servlco of their country? Speaking of candidates for city of ficers at tho spring election, why not have a Khaki ticket? How would this strlko you? For Mayor George N. GIbbs. For City Clerk William Rltnor. City Treasurer Raymond Tlghe. For City Engineer 11, U. Cochran. Thlg Is only a suggestion . There is no end of good material amongst the boys who wore the khakt. A CIVIL, WAR VETERAN. Can you fall In love with a ghost Sun thoatro tonight. THEATRE DOROTHY GISH in ope Ches Means matrimony of course but it also shows how a happy hearted girl packed all her troubles in her "hope chest." I ICRYST A L 1 THURSQAYiD FRIDAY Mil Tonight and Tomorrow MARION "The Biirdeia of Proof The story of the young bride of a cabinet minister who is suspected of aiding the -enemy. Excitement and thrills lead to a surprise outcome. Keith GEORGE BRONSON HOWARD'S 'COME THROUGH Remarkably thrilling. Wonderully entertaining. By far the best suspense drama produced this year. Keith Theatre FATTY ARBUCKLE in 6& His one hesl dish Friday's Feature, Tom Mix in Fame and Fortune V A drama that snaps like an electric spark. Saturdays Feature: Wallace Reid in The Source. Adults 25c. Balcony 20c, Children 15c Including War Tax. Putting It L'p tn the farmer. Tho Trlhuno loams from an offi cial source that tho farmers of tho country aro oxpected to buy inor heavily of the Victory loan bonds than they did of any of tho previous Is sues. Tho government officials tako the position that the farmer has boon guaranteed a big price for his wheat, and that In making this guarantee the government stands to loso abput a billion dollars. Thus as tho govern ment has made a sacrifice to maintain the wheat price, the farmer should niako an equal sacrifice In buying bonds to the utmost limit. It Is fur ther argued that by guaranteeing tho price of wheat nil other farm produce Is held up In price. : :o: :- MoMiitiltitrN In February. W. C. Rltncr returned Sunday night from a two months' visit lii central Pennsylvania, tho scenes of his boyhood days and not far from where The Tribune editor when a boy seated him self on n piece of plank and slid down tho hills covered with strongly crusted snow. Mr .RItner says tho winter In Pennsylvania has been very open, no snow, no Ice, no cold wcathor, nnd with all streams open. Ten days before ho loft ho was In a section where tho mo squitoes were thicker than ho ever saw them on an August evening In tho Platto valley. Wo rather questioned William on this statement, but ho de clared It to be a fact. MIhm (innlt to AVeil. Miss Alloon Gnntt, county superin tendent, will become tho bride, on March 18th, of Captain Roy L. Coch ran, who recently returned from over seas duty. Miss Gantt will retain the superlntendency of tho county schools. Captain Cochran Is a deputy state en gineer and his work for tho next year or two will be largely In Western Ne braska. Ho will therefore niako his headquarters In this city. ::o:: Xotlde to IluMlneNH Men. Any merchant who haB not signed up with tho North Plntto Central La bor Union In their co-operative adver tising and educational campaign can bo carried In tho guldo books and in newspaper by calling nny time this week on R. L. CANT LIN, Business Agent C. L. Ul But It must be this week. Henley Sellx IutereMt. T. F. Healoy is selling his interest in tho A. N. Durbln Auto Co. to Mr. Durbln, tho sale to bo closed today. Mr. Ilealey, who has lived In Lincoln county since before the Indians and buffaloes left, experts to go to Omaha to reside, having been offered a satis factory position in that city. :o: :- ATTKNTION I. tl. O. F. All iiiemberK of (hp order nre re iu'ted to lie preNent '1'liurNilny, Mnrch fltli, nt 7::;0 l'. M. xliiiri nt the hull. CIiimh Initiation. .1. :tJY SWOPK, Secretary. -::o::- For Sale Vacant lot northeast cor ner Fifth and Oak streets. Dr. II. C. Brock. 15-tf Ciilf Menl, l'lj? jrcnl, Jteff Mash, Milk Wish, iiml Mor-Mllk nt LEITOLDT & l'KSNINGTON. CRYSTAL THEATRE DAVIES IN 55 THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday issxam 99 is food for laughter Friday and Saturday LOCAL AIS1) PEKSOXAL M. B Crosby transacted business In Omaha Saturday. Russoll Langford has boon a visit ing In OiiihIhi for a day or two. .Tudgo and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland aro uoth suffering from la grlppo. The V. K. O. will meet Wednesday afternoon of this weok with Mrs. C. F. hidings. Members of the Travel and Study" Club woro ontcrtnlncd last evening by Mrs. w. II. McDonald. Tho bible class of tho Presbyterian churoh will meet Friday afternoon with Mm. Isaac Dillon. Miss Hlldroth, of the Western Union office, 4-oturned yesterday from a visit with rolatlvos at Kimball. Mrs. 13. 8. Davis and son Robert Loo accompanied Mrs Davis mother, Mrs. Eskew, to Omnlm this morning. Miss Minerva Hastings entertained eight girl friends at six o'clock dln nro Monday In honor of her thirteenth hlrthdny. Mrs. C. W. McVlckor roturned to the McVlcker Millinery Saturday after spending some time at her homo In Denver. A lot of white nnd colored outing flannel remunnts, saving you 4 to 13c a yard on ovory yard you buy at The Leader Mercantile Co. Lost Eastern Star pin, star set In largo circle. Flndor please return to Brooks' studio for reward. Georgo Slmants was quarantined for tho flu Monday. Mrs. Slmants hns boon qui to 111 with pleurisy for the past veek. Spring Suits and Coats arriving dally, AH new spring stylos which nro especlally attractive this senadn. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. A baby born to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Jncobs Friday evening died tho fol lowing morning. Mrs. Jacobs was for merly Miss Irene Stuart. , Is a man entitled to absolute obedi ence from his wife should ho not obey her as well? Tho Metro play, "Secrot Strings," to bo shown at the Sun thentre Wednesday will show you the. wife's opinion.. A fine fine line of ready mado chil dren's clothes, with a touch of em broidery to completo them. 15-2 THE ART STORE, Negotiations aro pending .for tho sale of tho F. E. liullard property on west Third street to F. M. Kuser, who for a number of years has been living on a ranch northeast of town, but who is selling out and will move to town. Change of Ownership greaj ae arcoiiri Clothing Gs $50?000 Stock now Attention Sir KnlghtM 1'nlestine Coinmnndery No. 18 will Klve a dinner nt MhhoiiIo Toinplo, Tin-sday, Mnrch 4th at G:S0, In honor of Sir Robert A. Armstrong. Hlnht Eminent Sir Edward H. Clnpp, Grand Commnndor of the Grand Com tvnndery of Nebraska, will pay Pales tine Cominandery nn olllclal visit at which time the Order of the Tomplo will be conferred. All members nnd visiting Knights arr cordially Invited. HARRY DIXON. Commandor. ::o:: W. 1 lleery Critically III A telegram received In town yester dsy announced that V. T. Heery, of Kansas City, formerly district forumau at this terminal was critically III with double pneumonia. Tho mossngo stated that his chnnco for recovery was slight. Mr. and Mrs. Beery hnve made Kansas City tholr homo for about a year pnst. Yesterday morning opened warm and balmy, nnd wo were congrntulat Iiik ourselvos that we wero to havo spring weather. About ten o'clock vo met Observer Shilling who laughingly remarked "a cold wave Is coining." It came last evening and with a llgl)t fall of hliow . Mrs. Roy Cottorell, District Chair man, and Mrs. Frank Buchanan, loavo tonight for Omaha to attend tho Wonion's'lilbcrty Loan cominltteo con ference held thoro March Cth and Cth. All district chairmen aro expected to be present and plans for tho coming campaign will bo discussed. Now spring 'suits, coats nild dresses coming In every day at Tho Londor MeroHlitllo Co. Tho 20th Century Club will moot this afternoon with Mrs. Hnrry Cram er. Tho program will bo In charge of Mrs. Edwards. 0, L. Patterson camo down from Denver this morning and will remain for two or throo dnys visiting friends nml transacting business. Wnn tod Competent girl for general housowork. Mrs. J. C. Ilollninn, phono Red 384. Tho II. & S. Agency reports tho sale of six lots In tho Cody addition to tho Emrlck brothers; also four lots In the Ponlston addition nnd two lots In Taylor's addition. J. E .Sebnstlnu has sold to Win. Dow hor tho rosldonco property at 802 east?;: ",Sinu enstV'Slxth street. art riow spring models In milli nery nt The Lender Morcanttlo Co.'s department. In charge of Miss Letts. Mrs. H. M. Grimes wont to Ognlalla this morning to visit friends while tho i Judgo Is holding court. The lost Wonderful Sale Ever Held in North Platte. jg M No Wonder this Store was Crowded to the Doors on the Open- ing Day of this Sale. Think of What it Means to Attend this H Extraordinary Money Saving Event. jg . SAVE 1-3 TO J2 ,: Successors to HARCOURT CLOTHING CO. ' jfl ,MHT OATHS FUJI COUNTY FAIR AIMlANCii: FOR Al'TO HACKS The hoard of directors of the coun ty fair at a meeting held Saturday af ternoon selected Soptombor 23-87 ns tho date for tho county fair and also made preliminary plans for nuto races on the fair grouuds on tho nftornoon of July 4th. Enrllor dates for tho fall" woro sug gested, hut It was found that In order to secure entries for tho racos It was necossary to sotoct dates correspond ing with fair datos In counties oast of hero. Soptombor Z3d will bo entry day, the 24th, Sfitli and JCtli will bo the horse racing days, while tho afternoon or the 27th will be devoted to auto and motorcycle races. For the auto races on July 4th pursoH aggregating $2,650 will bo hung up, nnd tho slzo of thu purses arc certain to attract tho attendance of a largo number of speedsters. J. J. Craw ford was selected to manngo the r,ncos, and his work In this lino In tho pnst In sures a mighty good progrnni for July 4th. :o: :- ATTENTION I. O. O. 1 All member of the order lire re iienteil to lie proxrnt Thursday, Mnrch Mil, nt TiHO I. M. Nhnrp nt the hull. CIiimm Initiation. .1. CITY NWOl'IS, Secretary. : :o: : J. J. Halllgan Is In Ognlalla this weok attending district, court. Fit out tho hoys nnd girls In our Host Evor black stockings, tho kind that wears and Is absolutely fast col ors, nt 33o a pair at Tho Leader Mer cantile Co. Frank Matsky of Ogalalla, who has been taking rheumatic treatment of local doctors for several weeks, was taken suddenly 111 In a local busuosn houso Mondny noon. Ho was removed to a local hospital. When In Tho Londor Mercantile Co.'s ask to ho shown the now spring nnd summer silks. They're wondorful. Boautlful lot of new blouses at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s. Tho blblo group will m cot this week at tho church parlors. Tho A. E. Class will bo entortnlned by Mrs. H. L. Pennington 'at 1021 wcBt Fourth stroot. Tho new group nt tho homo of Mrs. M. Loudon, C02 south Pino street. Tho Red Cross knitting rooms In the odoral building will " opon from two till flvo o'clock every dny except Sat urday. Workers aro urged to attend lis qulto a number of knitted rofugoo garmentH-have-he&r.callo.di.for... S.VT.TI SAtTI SALT! All I.iutlH of salt, nt LEYI'OLDT & PENNINGTON. Phone 20(5. (jow Record On! Rox Bench's tremendous drama of redemption, "Laughing Bill Hydo. In which WIU Rogers plnys tho title part, will bo tho attraotlon at tho Crystal tioxt Saturday nftornoon and ovonlng, WIU RogorB has this to sny: ''I nln't ono of those horo movlo cowboys that can Jump on a horso for a far distance. Tho klnda horses I rldo nln't thoro when you Jump on 'em." Plan to soo thla wondorful plcturo olthor afternoon or evening. ::o:: FOR SALE All kinds of nursory stock, thor oughhrcd White Wynndotto eggs for netting, Regnl strain, my homo on enst Fourth, with ono of two blocks In cluded; also my ranch of SCO acres 4 mllos southeast of Tryon at $8,000,00, Also a few stands of stlnglesa bees. R. McFARLAND, Box 020, Phono Rod 732, 200R block, North Plntto. tt SUN THEATRE TONIGHT! June Elvidgo in "The Zero Hour" A different sort of a picture mode doubly pleasing by the work of the star. And a Lyons-Moran comedy "Marry My Wife" WEDNESDAY Olive Tell in "Secret Strings" Could you lovo a man after you found him to be a thief? See the answer in ths picture. The Screen Telegram The latest news in pictures. Otflco fhono 340 Jlos. Black 376 Vr-WMl SlIAITKR,- . Osteopathic Physician v Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Nob. Pliono for Appointments. Breaking Crowds on Sale at as