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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1919)
Just Received Large Shipment o Records Engagement Rings. Jtii.3l,rnlil, ?iinrklJnfr, diamonds In mountings of puro gtld quality and J 1ciij- worth j- of me pledge of Irao love. A Clinton diamond Is always a good BCiu to buy. It Is n ilgh grade stone, and the utmost In diamond value for the prlcj. . -yt ' Tiffany solitaire rings'. to ?r00 Fancy rings $10 to 2."() C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and ..OPTICIAN.. At the Sign of the Big Ring CITY AJW COO'TY 3NEWS. AND Gfafanola I 3 .We have a iimited supply of the following records: "Smiles," 2A578 .t 85c "Missouri Waltx," A5SI1S $L25 "K-K-Kuty" A2M0 83c "Over There," A21S9 ...... .85c "Hawaiian Nights" A597I S1.25 UM .Mother's Prayer," Al.JG2....S3c "She Is .My Hosle," (Harry Lander) , A2208. . . ,.src "Lcts Ilury the Hatchet," A2G17.. ' . S3 Cents. "Long, Long Trail' A2033-. 83c "The Regiment's Return, Ai!50 83c "Dreaming of Home," Sweet Homo Trio, A2CCS S3c "Ostrich Walk," Jazz, A2G1S 83c "Good 3Ionilug, .Mr. Zip, Zip, Zip," 'A23JHI 83c "Ji'Krw tiling," Jolson, A231fl....85c "nanls Across tho Sea," A2510...,83c "I Wish It Was Sunday Night," Comic, A1T20 ..S3c "Whistling 1'ete," Comic, A1291...8&C "a, JKaXK Wiero Is Thy Sting, Comic Song, A2032 85c "I AJn't (Jot Weary Yet," Fields A2CC9 83c "Kisses" Duet, A207B 85c "Have a Smile," A2CS1 S5c Wo haio a large supply of Hawaiian, Hand and Accordlau Records. DR. 0. n: CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL "We havo the- following Instruments for HOIERIATE DELIVERY: Stylo A $ 18.00 tSyle K 32.50 Stylo C ' 47-10 yo i co.oo Stylo E-2 05,00 Style (J-2 120.00 Electric G-2 150.00 Stylo K-2 175.00 HARRY DIXON JEWELER. "Wo niako Phonograph Baying Easy." J. T. Koefo returned yesterday from a business trip to Omaha. Platte White, who had been spend ing gcvoral weeks In Omaha, return ed homo yoBterday. J. Q. Wilcox this week purchased of Mrs. Edwlna Schatz tho property at 6"1 west Fifth In which ho resides. Evoryono who saw Wm. Farnum In Les MlsorablcaV at tho Sun last night pronounco it tho best they have seen. J, E. Nelson is expected homo to day from Chicago vhoro ho had been spending ton days buying goods for Tho Lcodor. Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Bank building. Over, the Top Red Cross auxiliary will hold u business-meeting at the school house in District 44, Wednes day, March 5th. Lieut. Cobbey, who was wounded while in Bcrvico overseas, arrived yes terday for a visit with hlB sister, Mrs. Zook at tho state farm. Stamphor Schmalzrled left yester day for Sutherland wlicro he will tako a position with tho potash company aa assistant to WI'l Norrls. It Is not a day too early to get that new Dodge Brother car ordoredl "They do stand up." J. V. ROMIGH Dealer. 7-g Mrs. Geo. Patterson and daughter, now Hying at Fonda, Iowa, arrived this visit relatives and friends and to close up business matters. Paul Nolan has received word that he'Wiccoasfuly passed the examination bofore tho stato pharmaceutical ex amining board and will bo given a rilpComa as a lieoncod pharmacist. Dr. Morrill. Donttst. Office over Wilcox Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Klllon, of Wal lace, havo boon spondlng this weok in town. Enroute over in tholr car Mon day thoy had a breakage of tho mn chlno and were detained util today in having repairs mado. Special for Saturday Swift's Pre mium Hams 38 cents a pound. LIERK-SANDALL CO, Will Norrls loft yesterday for Suth erland whore ho will have chargo of uio iokob ror uio potash company which is now building itR Plant. Mr. Norrls will begin blocking out tho lake and gottlng them in readiness for pumping. Dr.. II. C. Brock. Donttst. X-Roy Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Wo havo been having some fairly good winter weather this week, yes terday being particularly so with tho tcipporaturo not far abovo zero, n lOeon wind blowing and frosty snow filling tho air. Wednesday night tho temporaturo dropped to two a,bovo zoro. GroulTd Ilarley and all other Muds of feed. Phono 200. LKYPOLDT & PENNINGTON'. Frank Macombor, living north of the river, arrived tonio Wednesday night from ovorsoas. Frank was in several engagements, and was wound ed In tho arm which necessitated send ing him to a hospital. H0 still has a rathor bad- arm but It Is bolloved that in timo ho will regain Its full use. Private money to loan on Improved farm land. No delay, money sumo day yon niako your application. 0. II, THOELECKE. Thirty friends nd neighbors gath ored at the homo of Mrs. E. O. Cool, 521 wost Tonth street Wodnosday ev ening and enjoyed thomselvos In playing variouB gamos. As it was Mrs. Cool's birthday sho was pre sented with a beautiful boquot of car nations and a pair of kid glovos. A hot suppor was sorwrt. . Mrs. Louise Peters camo up from Grand Island Wednesday tovvlHit friends for a ftw day. , Farnum la At his bout in "Les MIseraliCeB."' Don't fall to sea this at the San tonight. Ljet time. License to wed was granted Wed nesday to Franklin Chrlsteaften and Elisabeth Snyder, both of .Majtwetf. I For Sale White Leghorn coekorels and an Incnlmtor. Phone black 1132. Mrs. R. -A', Gormen Is expoctod home today from Malvern, la., whore sho had gonttt tfett her mothor Tor a few days. C. C. Hiipflr left Tuesday evdnlng for Chicago to sign up a contract far the right to soil a musical instru ment in Pacific const territory. A fow doslrablo .second-hand Fords nl tho right prices. Hendy-Ogler Auto Company. Mrs. W. R. Harcourt has boon ser iously 111 for sevoral nays. As soon ns hor condition warrants she will bo CkC; for troatniont and probably an Co.. for treatment and probably an operation. Special for Saturday Swift's Pre mium Ham 3S cents a pound. LIBRK-SANDALL CO. A reprosoirtntive of tho Redoath- Homer company was In town yostor day seoklng to arrange for a lecture courso next winter. Ho will return Monday with tho hope of closing a contract Th0 20th Century Club will hold an art oxhlblt and' tea at the homo of Mrs. Ralph Smith, 523 wost Socomi fitreot from two to five o'clock this (i'rlday) nftornoon. A fee of 25 cents will bo charged. Christian Science service Sunday 11 a, m. Wednesday evening meet ings every week at S:00. A cordial invitation to attend those srvice3 Is extended to i4. Building & Loan building, room 25. For Sale Good dining room set. Phono Black 1159. 12-2 Word received in town yesterday announced that Mrs. John Corbett had passed away at her home in Wal lace tho preceding day. Mrs. Corbett was one of .the early settlers of Wal lace fcreclnct and a slstor of Tim Han Ifln of this city. Frank D. Knapp arrived at Max well Sunday from overseas service. Ho received three rounds at Chau toau Thierry and was In the hospIW! for three months. He hopes to fully recover in time from the effects of hl wounds. ' For Sale Good second hand Ford Car. Durbln Auto Co. . Supt. Wilson Tout will return Sunday night from Chicago where he has been spending this week attend ing a convention of citv nmi suporintomlents held) in connection uiu annual meeting of the na tional cducationul association. I have frequently board tho fol-? lowing remarks made by uninterest ed parties, very often owners of other cars-Tho Dodge car ia the best value on tho market today" also "The Dodge Is the best four on the market " There Is a ronson tor such unsolicited tostlmony. Inquire of J, y Ro mlgh. doalor. Alfalfa .Molasses, (.'round liarleyr -wm iu. overjump In the feed line. Phone 201:. LKYPOLDT & PENNINGTON. Some darn fool said, "never run af or a woman or a street car-there'll be another along In a minute." But Po y in tll0 pi10topar. .In PurauIt of v uio Keith Monday. Thero's a merry chase and an underdog wins ou know the race Isn't a.way3Bto the SoFvmlrn?Ur room cottnge at 404 o. YA mow. Phono 7S4F2. g" t.s T!10 V,iCtry CBmP'sn t the Bap tist church closes Sunday night. Fri ay night is hich B;w, the ne--.To Swim or to Drift." on Saturday evening there will bo a ser. Mco hi charge of Mr. Deal. A noys. DaelGZ Ch0r",S W,H SlnE aoi will preach. t .. 1... " ui 1 rio lntonso colli ovn. . 16 tavo een he.,1 each nlght this S cZ L T r ,UOr dec,sl08 for Christ and manv rmnMn.. Prayer meeting this afternoon at 3 P 211 Desirable Real Estate for Sole. A nlno-room rosldonco, two-story and basouiont. S02 wost Gth st. A niodorn homo. A llvo-room, and baUi, residence Modorn oxcopt heat. S0G wost 6th st A flvo-room, andbath, rosldonce Modorn oxcopt boat. S0SwcrGth'st Abov)o roslioncos all hao bath toilet, gas, olectric lights and tole pliono connections, also comont walks and curb. 8 The wost 4S foot of Lot 2, Block 101. A good buslnosa location. Lot C, Block 123. A beautiful rosi donco lot on wost 5th street , 7 ,"I0C? yB' notMl building lot 1 wost Front stroot. south part of city.UlTNorth PUtle wCnll, or see O. S. HUFFJLMn', phone Income Tax Expert Here A federal income tax expert will In one of tho offices cm Uio third' fidflor ol, She federal building fan March 12th, 13th, 14th and lith to help any who wish assistance in figuring their income tax. -: :o: Hog Snlo Is Satisfactory. The salo of Duroc Jersey sows at the state farm Tuesday ls reported by Supt Snyder to tiavo boon satis factory, although the crowd prosent was rather snmll. Buyers were pres ent from Chappell, Big Springs., Oga lalla. Brady and otlier points. Over fifty head wore sold. They were a finely bred lot of nnimals. a o : . A Successful Dunw. The fifth anmutl dance of the Span ish War Voterans givon at tho K. C hall Tuesday svonuig wns largely at tended and participants had a very pleasant ovoning. Tho ball was a suc cess financially as well as socially, tho not receipts amounting to ninety dollars. ThlB sum will be used for tho benefit of mombors who may en counter hard luck. ::o:: ""S9th Division Homo In Juno Wednesday's dally papers contain ed th0 good news that tho.S9th divi sion, which forms part of the army of occupation in Gormany, will be sent home in Juno. In this division are hundred,, of the Nebraska drafted men, which includes a bunch of North Platte and Lincoln county boys. Wo aro all glad that in another four months wo will have tho opportun ity of welcoming them home. ::o:: Davis Company Incorporates Articles of incorporation of the J. S. Davis Auto Company have been filed with J. S. Davis, Mary E. Davis, J J. Crawford, W. J. Tiley, J. E. Fil Lion and J. R. Lain as Incorporators. Tho capital stock 1H $75,000 divided into shares of $106 each. Tho gen eral nature of the business is to wholesale and retail machinery, auto mobiles, repairs ana accessories; tho operation of machine and repair shops and also to buy and sell real estate. :o:; COMING MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MARCH 10-11. m&OFWVE ADVENrUWE JM COMEDY PATHOS MS Keith Theatre. Hulls for Sale. Choico Hereford Bulls from one to three years old for sale. Address' H. P. Hansen, North Platte,. Neb. ::o:: . Tho city fire department will hold a dance at tho city fire station to morrow evening. Wanted Contracts for plowing. Call at 075 No. Locust Phono Red 556. 22 J. W. Elliott, or new druggist, has been about the busiest man in town since ho took possession of the drug stock. Jimmy says he is working ovory minute, and does not regret severing busincs s connections at North Platte and casting his lot with j us. .Maxwell Tolcpost For quick nctlon and satisfactory talc list yonr land with Thnclcclcc tf : :o: : ALWAYS USE COW BRAND FLOUR op SB1 3 M0RTH PLATTE 17--..mtp 1... . CJn .BEST KORTH PLATTE. Kl&y 1 iurr DtVAnuxjJ Did IT MAKES BETTER BREAD PATRONIZE NORTH PLATTE INDUSTRIES DIDN'T WANT TO BE LEFT OUT Doughboy Had Good Job Eehlnd the Lines, Cut He Hated to Miss the Big Show. lie was an American, in France in n uniform trudsliu; nlnntr tnwnnl tlm i; front, a husjjy chap wearing a worried look on ids face. "Say, do you know whore the Nthty ntth Ys?" he asked. "Right on -4he road going straight toward Germany." "Not through fighting yet, aro they?" he queried anxiously. ".Nope; they're never through." "You've said it. Bo. You see, I kind of batted out of luck. They sent me off to school, and I've missed n lot of the show. I'm on permission now, but I figured I'd come up mid fight awhile with the old crowd instead. Got six days more before I report for the new Job." "What kind of school did you go to?" "Horseshoeing school. I graduated first-class horseshoer. Not bad work, but too far back to get any Bochos. That's the reason I'm spending permis sion with the old outfit. I heard they're going right after tho Helnles, so I came out to get in on the party. I gotta beat it along. So long." He trudged along the dusty rond, speeding up In spite of his pack, to catch up with" the "outfit" before the show was all over. on Misused Donkey. The British transport to Buku and back again Is said to have been largelj accomplished by donkeys, writes Nor man llapgood In Leslie's. In Mesopo tamia the donkey does nearly every thing. He delivers the drinking watei to the houses of Bagdad. Ho trans ports vegetables, fruit, marble, brlch for ordlnnry life. In war he carries tho soldier, his kit, and tho donkey' own meal of barley. Where did tin donkey ever acquire the renututlon oi I Knitter ctltriM? lTn Ic ntnliililn Inilt.c fViaMf, uMim. . " ...... .11., V, trlous, sure footed. It was on a donkej that Mahomet went to heaven to lean tho will of God. The Savior on Palu Sunday .entered Jerusalem on a don koy. The little animal's history is dis tinguished, ns his character is strong and his intolloct sound. That the writ crs of fables and the concocters of say ings have contrived to ruin his fami there Is nothing In history to Justify. it it INCORPORATED 1887. Building andj' Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. This Association is prepared to make Loans: On Improved City Property or to Improve Same. To assist in the purchase of City Property To pay off existing mortgages on City Property. These loans are repaid in small monthly payments just like rent. Borrowers in the Home Association repay their loans with a saving of from 20 to 30 per cent over that of any competing Association. it T. C. PATTERSON, President. SAMUEL GOOZEE, Secretary. ... TOWNLEY. President of the National Non-Partisan Imw Will Speak at Grand Island, Friday, Mar. 7, 1919, Afternoon and Evening at the Auditorium These meetirigs will also be addressed by other league speakers of national reputation. Issues of vital interest to both farmer and laborer will be discussed. The producer and consumer should get together on such matters as will be handled by the speakers at these meetings. The public i3 cordially invited regardless of party affilia tion. A special invitation is extended to all Progressive men and women. State. National and World Problems will be DISCUSSED. ::wis::ra::w Jlerlln ugainst Hie Spartnnuis. i :.: :3 it It if it