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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1919)
- Ill I THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. WAR CROSS WINNERS OF THE 370TH INFANTRY 1- Dr. Alexis Curi'l of the Rockefeller Institute, who bus returned iifler Ions service In charge of thr French field bWfpllnl at Montdldler. 'i. Photographic proof of the merciless way In which Jugo-Sluvs were murdered by the Aus trtnns lu .Serbia. H- Local lire department of Montabaur, In German occupied territory, returning from a blaze. H. M. S. VINDICTIVE IN OSTEND HARBOR ENTRANCE - - t i n jjawi ' y ..... $f. ' Front row, left to right: Oapt. G. M. Allen, Lieut. O. A. Jirowning, Oapt. D. J. Warner, Lieut. Itoy 11. Tlsdell,( Capt. J. II. Smith; rear row, Capt. J. II. Smith, Lieut. P. Hurd, Lieut. Col. Otis II. Duncan, Maj. J. It. Whlto, Capt. W. li. Crawford, Lieut. W. J. Wurfleld, Capt. M. Jackson; otllecrs of the Three Hundred and Seventieth In fantry colored troops, who have been awarded the Croix de Guerre by the French government for bravery In action. These men are mostly from Illinois. , PRESIDENT WILSON AT CHATEAU THIERRY TIiIh ship with ItH gallant crew uHtounded the world by Its remarkable feat of bottling up the former U-boat base nt (Mend. The Vindictive was run Into the entrance to the mole and mink. AERIAL CAMERAS USED IN THE WAR MISS MARJORIE STINSON PS )w'wnMii,.iiimiiiir; . Wettern Newipapvr l'nttm( riiotograpby played an Important part In the winning of the war, as It iwaH by the use of aerial cameras that photographs of the llun positions were made. This photograph shows different types of aerial cameras used. r EBERT TROOPS FIGHTING THE REDS President Wilson saluting the veterans at Chateau Thierry as he was leaving the station at the time of his recent visit to the scene of the great American victory. MRS. EDWIN F. GAY Marjorio Stinson, slsier of Katlu-nu.-Stlnson, Is the only woman to wii m a pilot's license has been grnntc.i ivj the Joint army and navy board .f aeronautics. Though she Is only nine. , teen years old Miss Stlnson has 1 a Hying for live years. Shu Is working lu one of the drafting sections of the navy. mmataBtmnimmimiimnm i i mm mnnnTfiniiwaraaaKS THE GOLGOTHA OF THE CANADIANS Washington always welcomes an of llclal soutliern hostess, especially one as charming as Mrs. Edwin F. Gay. wife of the new senator from Louis iana. The Gays are from Now Orleans. Medical Men Patriotic The splendid hualth In which the Canadian corps has boon maintained Is ilue to the unceasing vigilance and tireless efforts of tho Canadian army medical corps. It Is estimated that 75 per cent of the medical profession in Total Eclipse of Sun In May. Tho total solar eclipse, May 20, 15)10, will bo comparable with the eclipse of last summer In tho long stretch of continental territory covered by the path of totality, though not In accessi bility of places along the path. The track extends ncross South America at Its widest part, and also across enuatorlal Africa. Tho duration of totality will bo exceptionally long (six i Canada was engaged In some profes slonal capacity In connection with tho " ' s or moro). Tho Carneglo Do- iinned forces of Pnnnilti. nldmc ,it ft.""" ' ,, ., ,,, " ' nnrtment or Terrestrial .uaguoumu, . home or overseas.-Current History. , ',,,,. ,s ..innninsr to send two expeditions to favorablo points. Windmill Drives Dynamo. 4 ,1. .1 ..I . . I .. ...I.. . i ujiiiiiiiii'iirivinK wiuouiiii inieiy ' described by II. C. Vogt has sails lot) feet In diameter, with an area of transmit the power and the speed Is Gormnn coveniineiit- troops stationed upon tho roof of a shack, armed , Increased by tho gearing from li!K with light machine guns, are bhown protecting u government building in revolutions per minute of the main Jlerlln against the Spurlatans. I L500 for tllu l""io. War Horses to Be Honored. The Who Cross fund has decided to iaiii a sneclal badge for horses which 1,030 sipiaro feet. A wind of 24 feet mve seen servlco In war. The badge per Bocouu gives iKi-norse power, will, It Is hoped, not only uisiinguisu Cog wheels with spokes In tension those horses which have "done their to western rtcwapapcr uniun w This piece of bronze sculpture, representing the crucifixion of a Canadian) soldier by the Germans, was a featuro of tho Canadian memorlul war exlilbt tlon held in Burlington house, London. hit " bul will also servo as n remind er to their owners and drivers to ac cord them fair and generous treatment. BRIEF INFORMATION. Tho carelessness of smokers and the Ignorance of children nro to bo blamed for most of the flres which occurred In New York during the last year. Consul A. T. Hneberlo reports from Pernambuco, llrazll, that the consul ate would be Interested In receiving catalogues of seeds or any articles pertaining to horticulture, as well as catalogues of thoroughbred cnttle. An English army olllcer Is the ln-i ventor of a flexible false bottom that can be attached to trucks for rap? Idly unloading them by turning twa crnnks. Allen Innguago newspapers n Con- ada are rapidly adopting English A cellulose factory at Krogstad,' Nor-! way. will double Its capital stock with a view to enlarging Its capacity (J !' traducing n process for nmin,,,, ..!.. ifrom sulphuric waste. " it