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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1919)
IRA L HAIti:, Editor anil Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Ono i'car by Mall, In advance. .$1.78 Ono Year by Carrier, In advance, $2.00 Entorod at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Class Matter. t . . FRIDAY, FKIIKUAHY 28, 1010 LOCAL ANI I'UKSONAL HrltH'H'H I I I M-I-M'I"M'M-I-H-MhH! Sixes M1HH Wnlltn has arrlvfd lTl Kan Has City to accept a itosltlon In the MoVIckor mlllnory shop, Pote Soudom, who Is a member of tho urow of tho battlwdilp Oregon, now stationed at tho Norfolk navy yard, Is homo on a sixteen-day fur lough. MlsB Inna Bradley, who lH attend ing tho Grand Island business col logo, canio homo tho early iart of fho wook to visit hor brother who was spondlnR a furlough In town. Tho oldest of tho Van Natta girls, who figured In a recent lncost case, has been placed In n homo for tho fTldhdloss In Omaha, whore she was takon a few days ago by Mrs. Salis bury. A. P. Kelly returned the oariy part of tjio week from Omaha. Mrs. Kelly, Who accompanied hlin, went from Omaha to Ostooosa, Ia,, to visit hor daughter Esther who lH at tending flchool. A gathering of men was hold In tho ' Presbyterian - church Tuesday ovchlng to discuss -probablo candi dates for mayor anl momhors. of tho council. Tho meeting was not large ly attended and wo undorstand no doflnlto action was takon. Architect Roynolds lH completing tho plans for tho duplex house whlcr Duller Huchanan will orcct on west Second, and tho modem rcsldonoc Mrs. Sarah Bangs will build on wost Fourth. Bids for tho erection of both will bo asked for In tho near future Lost On stroota or noar town on Wednesday, two sacks of cotton seed nut cako. Finder pleaso phono 490. It Is probablo that Rev. Arthur D. Jones, who has resigned tho rector ship of tho Episcopal church, will tako tho rectorship at McCoolt, which was offerod lilm by Bishop Boeclior a wook or so ngo. Tho matter has not however, boon definitely settled. For Sale Twin Calves, two wooka old. Price ?25.00. Phono Black No. 047. 14-3p Proporty ownorjj on wost Fourth Btroot aro not making any pronounced movo toward street paving this sum mer, although by common consent that is tho section Unit should tako tho Inltlntivo in tho 'paving of rcsldcuoo streets. John C. Don has returned from Arapahoo and McCook, whero ho transacted business for sovoral days. Ho mado Iho trip In his car uud lib says, ho found tho roads "horrible.,' Wihon John C, says 'a road is "hor rlblo" It moans thoy aro roally and truly rough, for ho soldom complains of ronds whilo driving htt Hupp. Miss M. flioiimn, steam baths and Swedish MnsHiige. Indies and gentle men Phono Hit; P.rodtiwk bldir KRif Two now jiiunos aro now inontloned In (connection with the mayoralty raco Julius Pizor and Carl Ilollmnn, both jot whom aro good men and who would hfuko a strong offcrt to rid tho city of boot . jigging, tjicarlet womon and pok or'pliiying. Whothor either aro avail able as candidates wo aro not ad vised. Tho .recording of decdo and mort gages has boon quite aottvo in tho county clerk's office this inoV.tli, but March will bo tho big month for (Deeds. Many sales of nat, ostato .tinddr contract woro mado last sunv incr and fall with March 1st namod as ' "settling day" tho day on which tho money Is to bo paid and tho dood ox ocutcd. Spoolal for Saturday Swift's Pro mltim Hams 38 iconts a pound. LIERK-SANDALTi CO. ' How Would you llko tho Job of get ting up tho local pages on a news paper on euolia day as yostorday, with tho - wind blowing, tho snow falling and tho strootB dosortedT And yet you rathor .fool that tho nioortor should Oil tho pagos rcgardlofls of woathor conditions or tho activities of tho peo ple. Days such aa yoateday glveB tho reporter tho Monday blues. Phono 200. (,'onio In and ask as about our Al fulfil jroliiKsos food. LF.YPOLDT & PKNNINOTON. Phone 20G. -1111. . . nk l A wunm micuii iiuys iroiu luuiurruw ijb common pooplo will bo required to All out our Incomo tax Hchcdulos while thoso with Uio big bank rolls havo a somewhat longor tlmo In which to perform tho work. If you havo kept books tho paat year tho task of filling out tho sitihoduo will not bo heavy, If you "guoss" at your Incomo tho story will bo different. How ever an export from Uio rovonuo offlco As a safe, conservative war-time in vestment the Oldsmobile either six or ei&ht cylinder model stands entirely alone. It pays excellent dividends in conserving your time, energy, money. It is a medium priced car handsome, powerful, economical to own and operate. A reputation of 21 years is behind it. Let us prove its power and performance. Phone 1117 DURBIN AUTO CO. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hanson wont to Omaha Wodnosday to visit for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hanlfln woro.avb Baino by cnlllng at this crtlled to WallaJoe Wednesday by . tho "d paying for this notice, sorlous illness of Mrs. John Corbett, The last social funeton nrlor Tho party to bo given Saturday ev onlng for tho Sammy Qlrls at the IC C. Hall will bo exclusively for Sam my GIrIB and their gontlomon frlonds. Found Bunch of keys. Owner can offlco a sister of Mr. Hanlfln. to ;Lont will bo tho annual ball of trol hall Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buy I machinists' union at tho'K. C your Hay and Grain. Obtain our I noxt Tuesday ovonlng. prices boforo you sell. tf Simon Bros, yesterflay took out a Archlo Bradley, who had been j heating plant which they will Install spending a furlough at homo, re- In tho Mylnndor farm resldqnjco re turned to Now Orleans Wednesday tojeontly erected seven miles southwest tako .up his work in the navy. I of town. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adams recolvod word yesterday that tholr sons Gil bert and Evorett Adams had arrived from oveseas and woro at Camp Dlx. Now Jrsay, preparatory to dmoblllzn tion. Corporal Charley Perkins has also roached tho United States. Tho lattor was wounded In a log In ac tion. The board of director8 of tho Cham bor of Commerce were to havo met last night, hut tho storm lnterferred. The object of tho meeting was to se lect a tractor .and other machinery for road work, for which a fund of nearly live thousand dollars has been raised. iU. M. BAKER, Sec.-Treas. 221 South Walnut St. E. M. DAWSON, President, 502 So. Walnut St. District Red Cross .Heeling A district meeting of county chair men of Rod Cross work was held In this city Tuesday afternoon, a dozen pr more out of town representatives attending. J. L. Clllnn. of Crlcago, in charge ot ibho Homo (orvlcp and Civilian IMief Work was prosent and made an addross. It was pointed out by tho speaker that our first duty to tho returned soldlor or sailor is to soo that he finds employment in his former position, pr a position Is se cured for him, and that It is part ot tho Red Croa8 work to act in conjunc tion with tho federal employment sor- vlco to attain thIH ond. Tho Home Sor- vco department should sec that wounded soldiers ho placed In tho vocational schools provided hy tho government. Mr. Olllan mado plain tho fact that tho worlf of tho Red Crosg has by no means ended. ::o:: (!amp Fire Fxchnngo Tho Nlcnfigeo Campflro girls wUl hold an exchango of cako, cookies, doughnuts and candies Saturday af ternoon at Dorryborry & Forbes stero. The public Is urged to patron ize tho girls as all tho money earned will go to defray tho expenses of this campflro to tho state summor camp of all campllros In tho state. ::o:: Spoclal for Saturday Swift's Pre mium Hams 38 cents a pound. LIHRK-SANDAUj CO. Lout begins Wednesday of noxt wok and for a porlod of forty days or moro society will lnrgoly ho woarlng Naoliynloth . Tlioro woro 07 ladles and girls in Maxwoll who subscribed and paid In to tho Y. W. Bluo Triangle fund, and the County Chairman,. Mrs. Daisy illnmnn, writes and publishes "Max well tho Hr'st to sond In check, and nearly throo times over the top. Mnxwoll Telopost. : ;o: : (SUM. KID.NAPKII Ki TAXI SAVF.S CONTRACT SKCKKTS vmm TIIK FOES United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way, Employes & Railway Shop Laborers. LOCAL N O. 899 Affiliated with American Federation of Labor and T. L. C. of Canada. North Platte, Nebraska, February lGth, 1919 We the undersigned committee representing the Victory Lodge, Local 899 of the U. B. of M. V. E. and R. S. L. of North Platte, Nebraska, d uly appointed by said Lodge to draft resolutions pertaining to Goververnment Ownership of all Railroads beg to submit the following: WHEREAS, It is a known fact that the Railroads in the hands of private owners were in capable of fulfilling their duties of public carri ers with any degree of success. WHEREAS, The management of different Railroad Systems have on numerous occasions ac knowledged that it was impossible to find ample funds for the betterments and upkeep of their properties and the improvements necessary for terminal and road facilities. WHEREAS, Under private management there was embargo after embargo placed upon necessary freight movements throughout the whole country causing loss to the shipper, the re ceiver and the public in general. manipulation of stocks WOXDKItFiri. WORDS . From a North Platto "citizen.. Is your back lame and painful? Does It ache especially nftar exer tion I thoro a soreness In tho kidney region? Thoso symptoms suggost weak kid neys? If so thero Is danger In dolny. Weak kldnoya gciii fast weaker. GIvo your troiublo prompt attention. Doaa's Kldnoy Pills aro for weak kiduoys. Road this North Platto testimony. Mrs. E. I. Jenkins, 821 North Dewov street says: "I havo had no occasion to ubo Doan's Kldnoy Pills for years, as I havo enjoyed oxcollont health. However, I haven't forgotten tho ox- porlonco I onco had with Doan's and nm ready to clvo thorn credit for putting my kldnoya In good condition and removing backacho and tho other disorders I had at thaltj tlmo." Prlco GOc. at all dealers. Do- simply ask fora kldnoy romody p-n; uoana money I'liis uio samo Tlirlllliifr Scene Is Filmed In "The I Knchanted Barn." How a young girl, by quick wit and bravory, saved valuable contract so rets from enemies of the government, aftor they had kidnaped her In a taxi cab, Is vividly pioured ''Tho En chanted Barn," the vTLsSfaph Bluo I Ribbon Featuro which will ho the at , traction in tho Sun heatro Monday. ! Bessie Lovo is tho star In the feature i and Is supported by a strong cast, In cluding: Shlrloy Ilolllster (Miss Lovo) is a private secretary, who rents a barn In tho country for hoi Invalid mother. Hor landlord Is Sidney Graham, ft young millionaire, whom sho loves, but despairs' of winning becauso sho believes him engaged' to a socioty girl. Sidney, however, does lovo Shlrloy, because of hor pluck In mak ing a homo In a barn, and ho has In every posslbjo way tried to help thorn along. Shirley is called to Washington by i her employer and entrusted with Uio papers, and while In a tarlcab is ov orpoworcd. Sho mnnagos to acrbble an uppoal for help on tho ny Jeaf of a book and hurl3 this Into a passing au tomolrtle: Sho also secretes tho pal)-! ors In her flippers. Then sho ia tak en to a deserted houso. Her appeal for holp rea'choH tho po Ico and Sidney rushes to the capital anl leads tho rescuers who find her Just In tlmo and, of course, Shirley learns that her landlord's love, not his sympathy, has mado tho bnrn an enchanted homo for her. This is ono of tho big scenes in tho picturo in which Miss Love shows hor groat dramatic power. ::o:: Bapllst Church 10:r,0 Sunday schoo and church;' 1 11:0-1 sermon, thoino. "Solomon's l warning." special music, solo bv Ira Deal who will also conduct tho chor uH choir; a: 00. afternoon sorvleos at ino enurcn for husbands and wives; o:ao. B. v. P. U.; 7:30, flnal sorvice of tho Victor' Campaign. Therao: victory Depends Upon Decision of Chnraetor." Tho public is Invited to nIAond nl of tlioro pirvtcos. Ira L. Doal wil havo chargo of tho mu sic at all of those services. A. C. HULL. Pastor. : :o: : . WHEREAS, Under private ownership and mis-management and there were many railroads placed in the hands of receivers. WHEREAS, Through State Laws of various States there was no uniformity of tariffs and restrictions upon railroads' that it created little show of National disaster. WHEREAS, Under private management the worker was enslaved by low wages and poor working conditions without any redress, except through strike without the privilege of arbitra tion, thereby causing attendent inconveniences to the public. WHEREAS, The private management of railroad maintained a policy of self aggrandize ment. Voting dividends beyond a reasonable percentage on money invested, this policy does not work to the betterment of Labor conditions either in living wages or facilities of living, nor benefit to either shippers or receivers. Thereby .having a tendncy to increase the cost of living to workers and public in general. WHEREAS, The managements atid private controllers'' impoverished the system by paying ligh salaries to unnecessary officials and corporations and lobbyists. THEREFORE, be it resolved that Victory Lodge, 899, of the United Botherhood of Main- tainance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers, of North Platte, Nebraska, thereby de manding of you as Senators and Congressmen of the United States, elected by popular vote from this district do in the future create and support all legislation 'Pertaining to Government owner ship of railroads, especially bills for raising of revenues to purchase same. Same purchase to be made on physical valuation of said property. IT IS RESOLVED, that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to all of our representatives in the federal house and also to the Grand Lodge of this Organization. It is further resolved that a copy be printed in our citf papers. Signed: J. T. MURPHY, J. E. JEFFRIES, , " HARVEY BENSON, C. P. CAMPBELL, Committee. - Card of Thanks wo uesiro to extend our slucoro thanks to frlonds art! neighbors for tho many acts of lrtndnoss oxiondod to us during tho Illness and follow ing tho death of tho lato W. E. Parks. BLA J. PARKS, MR. and MRS Win. OTTRM. ::o:: inn juhu, l'lg arcnl, Era Mash. Mrs. Jonklns had. FoBtcr-Mllburn t . Ml,k 3Ias,, d Mor-Mllk at Mfgs., Buffalo. N. Y. I IiUYPOUIT X- FIINNIXOTOY. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER ASSORTMENT OF STYIES. In Standard Custom Garments of Chicago is now in ami ready for your inspection. Wo will be pleased to- lake your order now. We also make Uniforms for Conductors and Brakcmcn from 326 up. Call on us and sec our new line of goods Yours truly, 218 E. 6fh Street CARL. &ERLE The Government has lifted the ban on cereals and relinquished its lease on the, new Bevo building. Our plant, voluntarily tendered the Government, is now ready to resume full capacity production of T RE&US PAT. Off. i America s Cereal Beverage i if Like all Americans, we have made our sacrifice to help win the war. Now we are ready to renew our full duty as a great National industrial institution. Anheuser-Busch St. Louis SR will bo horo for a coujplo of dnyB bo ginning March 13th and ho may bo ablo to liolp youi out.