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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1919)
he lorth THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. N081TH PLATTE, NEB., IEBRUARY 28, 1919. No. 14 Cnbunc. mew LOCAL AND PERSONAL Charley Horrod hns been transact ing business In Chicago for sovoral days past. John Christ ana Will Howe, two young boys, started out Wednesday to tour the west In a box car, but were intercepted nt Paxton by tho town marshal and returned homo. x Ioypoldt & Pennington deliver Conl, Flour mid Feed. Phono 200. C. P. Howard, who has been living northwest of town for ten years, will leave shortly for a visit at his old homo in Columbus. Ohio. Ho is in clined to believe that ho will locate in Tonnesseo. Wo ate requested to announce that thore will bo no church services at tho Presbyterian church Sunday, but Sunday school will bo hold as usual. Tho pastor, Dr. Curry, was taken 111 yesterday with a rather bad attack of influenza. Mrs. Roy Cotteroll is suffering from a vory severe attnek of tonslltls. Both Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Curry ae in bed suffering from an attack of influenza. Rev. Franklin Koch, who waited on them last night, reports thorn better this morning. Though tho attondanco at tho How ard sale northwest of tho city Tues day was not as largo as expected, bid ding Avas fairly brisk. Cattle sold a iittlo low. but farm machinery brought good prices. The receipts of tho stfo were in the neighborhood of $7,000. Mrs. Frank Woodgate was oporntcd upon at a local hoffpltnl on Monday of this weok. She Is doing vory nicely. A wavo of sickness struck tho boya In tho Roxall drug store yostordny, and today Charley Tigho. Hoyt Smith- ors and Raymond Toddenhoft were unable to lenvo their homes. Frank II. Lang, section foroman at Big Springs, was unloading rails at Julcsburg Wednesday morning when one of them foil on him, breaking his back and neck. Ho dlod within a fow minutes from tho injury. The D. A. R. will moot Monday ovenlng with Mrs. T. C. Pattorson. Tho program will bo solectlons by the D. A. R. quartotto, "War Poets and Poems,', by Miss Nanlno Iddings, selected poems, rull call with origi nal story or poem, Nebraska Society D. A, R. Conferenco plans. F. L. Moohoy returned yesterday from Omaha whero ho' 'attended a conference of state district chairmen of Liberty Loans. At this' meeting sev eral Washington and Knushri City loan officials woro present nmi outlined the phuig for tho Fifth or Victory loan, which plans aro similar 'to those em ployed in other campaigns. This Vic tory loan will be for six billion dol lars. Nebraska's quota Avll bo about sixty millions and Lincoln county wilt bo expected to subscrlbo "between flvo and six hundred thousand dollars. Tho' campaign will open April 31st, tho day following Easter and'wlll con tnuo for threo weeks. Twlnein Buys flu) nan Land Dr. J. S. Twlnom this week pur- i LOCAL KJll'LOYMKNT Ill'ltKAU MA K US A 0001) siiowinu chased of B. J. Quynnn 320 acres of land situated southwest of tho city for a consideration of $25,000. This land, which was part of tho Beer ranch, was purchased by Mr. Quynnn loss than a your ago for $19,000 cleans up $6,000 on the dent lu calling nt tho dlTlco of tho U. S. Employment service wo find that branch of tho Department of Labor quietly doing some vory oiYectlvo and ho thu8'worK m U8 imo' "9 ,rt 8ll0Wn oy 1,10 .tartly. Tho storm abated about ton Tho Iowowm& ainusues, gnmereu irom rviock and tho tempornturo dropped Bad Yostordfty, Bright Today. For sevornl hours yesterday aftor noon and last ovenlng North Platto und surrounding section was lu tho grasp of a blizzard. Tho falling snow was nceompanlod by a stiff wind, and t f snow wns swirled and drifted TO INSUItK V0HLD PKACK , WK MUST RATIFY LEAGUE A U-BOAT WJBJDDING That was the plan of an unscrupulous spy which a brave American girl spoiled. PEGGY HYLAND in "MARRIAGES ARE MADE" Also the Sennett comedy Ladies First KEITH THEATRE TONIGHT! BELLI E BURKE IN In Pursuit of Polly - Did you ever watch a fellow nearly break his neck and fair ly burst his heart trying to catch a girl, only to lose her? If so you will sympathize with the loser in this photo play. Keith Theatre Monday and Tuesday MADGE KENNEDY IN The Kingdom of Youth" The story ol a never ending honeymoon. Mrs. Newly-Wed fixes things right. Saturday and Monday CRYSTAL THEATRE Meet me in "The Kingdom 'of Youth." Crystal Theatre Saturday or Monday AUTOMOBILE . INSURANCE . Wo are now in a position to 'give a material re duction in the insurance rates on automobiles. The charge for a combined policy of fire and theft has been adjusted so. you do not pay the same high rates as in the large cities. We have an attractive "full coverage" policy protects against public liability, property damage, collision, fire, theft and tornado. Bratt, Goodman & Buckley, PHONE 65. Improvements on tho lnml nro old but In fair shape. This lonves Mr. Gny nnn without any Lincoln, cotint real eutnte,. having sold his home placo last summer. Ho .Is, however, looking around for a tract of land that suits him. Auto Dealers Organize In order that they may work more In hnrmony and by closer co-operation benefit both buyer and seller, tho autoinobllo donor? of North Platte mot Wednesday evening ami organized the North Platto Autoinobllo Dealers' As sociation. Tho offlcors elected wor.o C. M. Trotter Presldont, Avery Du vall secretary and J. J Crawford treasurer. The association will hold regular meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. Tho formation of this organization moans Improved service to auto own ers wherever such Is possible, nnd 13 therefore to tho owners' oencflt as well as to tho benefit of tho dealors. ::o:: An Enjoyable ItecKal An audlenco that filled the seating ca'paclly- of tho Prosbytorlnn church auditorium woro delightfully enter tained Wednesday evening at a recital given by tho pupils of Miss Flor- j once McKay nsslstcdNby Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tramp and Paul Harrington. Pupils participating in the program were Emma Bogue, Anna McGrow.Zoo Itoynolds, Lucille Boyorle, Betty Tur- ple, Leota Scharmann, Margaret Ed wards, Francis Edwards, Dorothy El der, and Clara Sorcnson, tho lattor giving her selection on tho pipe or gan. Each number was well rend ered, enjoyed by the audience and heartily applauded. Mrs. Tramp sang In n pleasing way .1 Gathered a Roso" and "I Know a Lovely Garden," each of which re ceived merited recognition from tho audience. Mr. Harrington gave a group of four songs which ho render ed with his usual brilliancy and effec tiveness, and Mr. Tramp pleased his auditors with group selections on the euphonium. tho records kopt. During tho months of Novcmbor, Doccinuor and January usually very uuu months lu nil lines of business I bo seen this mornlnir. thoro woro G14 catlors at tho local Tho 9torm Is reported to have boon office, 4G2 applications and reglstra- more sovero along tho North River tlons for work, GO per cent of whom branch than hero lu town. were referred to positions and most of I This mornlnir tho sun Is shining nnd local indications aro for continued If tho Longuo of Nations constitu tion la not ratified by tho United States It will bring despondency to a. war-worn world, the league will fall aud chaos nnd turmoil beyond des cription will result In Europo, Presi dent Wilson told memborB of tho Son- : :o: First Lutheran Church Morning worship, 8:30, subject "The Ono Thing Nedeod." Evening worship, 8:15, pre-Lenten message, "Besido tho Way to tho Cross." At this service the Lenton calendars will bo distributed. Special music. Sun day school at ono o'clock. Evoryono is welcome at these services. REV. C. P.' KOCH, Pastor. those referred woro reported placed. In January tho office mailed out a lottor to each farmer, business and stock-man in tho district comprising 23 countlos requesting that thoy file their applications for help wanted and aaslsl the servlco In securing positions for returned soldiers nnd sailors or placing them In their former Jobs. Many responses wore received nnd ns n result n largo number of roturncd soldiers and sailors hnvo been placed In good positions by tho office It has been demonstrated during tho past year that tho U. S. Employment Service has been of great bonoflt dur ing tho strenuouH days of tho war and thore is no diubt but that ltH work will become still moro important In thoso reconstruction days, nnd as Its , $$ work becomes moro far- reaching nnd ( more gonoralb; known to tho public, 1 It will "prove, of inostlmablo value to ; jj both omployors and employes. ' Wilson Will Sail March 5th. iTPsiuont wnson will make ono moro public speech boforo ho gGes abroad In the Motropolltnn op era house, In Now York, on tho night of March 4. Ho will jro directly from tho opera house aboard tho Gcorgo Washington, sailing for Franco oarly on the morning of March 5. This announcement came from tho Whlto House Thursday. Former Presldont Tatt Is oxpoctcd to be n special speaker at tho same meeting, which will bo hold under tho apieea 'of a non-partisan committee of representatives of various soci eties advocating formation of a Lcaguo of Nations. President Wil son la said to be very eager to have Mr. Taft on tho program with him. ::o:: ,(Wt Hnlsc lllockuiie. Tho blockade of Germany could not bo raised until Germany had signed a pence treaty which would jnako war Impossible, Proinlor Lloyd Georgo declared in speaking at tho in dustrial parliament Thursday afternoon. rlMrlnir thu lllrrlit tn toll linlrki 7nrn Though tho fall of snow was not heavy ' n for,o8 ro,af,ons conunittoo and drifts two and three foot deep aro toihouf for,ol1B" affairs commlttoo Wod- ba soon this mnrnln. nosdtt)' night, following tho White nouso manor to wnicu mo mcmoors or tho two commtttcog had been Invited to dlscusn with him tho lenguo's pro posed constitution. Tills Is to bo his clllof argument in presenting his case to tho pooplo of tho United States. The presldont bolioves tho lenguo tho world's morning star of hope. For an hour and n half tho prosl- falr Weather. Mr. S. C. Brogan and Miss Donnn Moore, both of Keystone, were united Uont frcol und fnmkl d,8CU88aU the n marriage at thp St. Lukes church prowiscd constitution, answering nu- morons Inquiries from mombors of congross at a sort of round-tnblo dis cussion following tho dinner. Tho loft on No. 13 for Denver, wlioro thoy sijond their honeymoon. Mr. Brogan is a prosperous . young farmer Conforonco conUmiod unt nftor mId. iil-ui ujbiuuo wnuo mo nntio was ,,,. , , , ct,.. , hoystona-Ognlalln rogs nowovot, s:o:: t" Rev'. Fr. McDald and tho prlost whoi Arlolgh Jonca, who had boon In sor is his guest, returned thl8 morning J vlco ovorsens, reached homo yostor from Denver. day. postmistress Nows. "nt BAPTIST CHURCH TONIGHT "To Swim or to Drift, 8 O'CLOCK HmMM...MW..m..M..,M,... Jt i.t j.: 8 I 79 :o:: AT THE :o: : Albert Schatz, of Omaha, has boon in town for a day or two transacting business nnd visiting friends. : :o: :- RAJ, VI SXl'l'l SALT! AH ';1ik1h of still nt LEYI'OLDT & l'KNNINOTOX. i'lione 2lin. WHY We Believe MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS ARE THE BEST YOU CAN EMPLOY. FIRST They- are not "Cure alls." There is one made for each ordinary ailment. SECOND-Their efficacy has been demonstrated by thousands of satisfied users for the past fifteen years, THIRD Every drug and chemi cal entering into them is of known purity and potency. We not only reccommeml these prepara tions to you but will cheerfully refund the full purchase price if not satisfactory. THE J STORE See Us for Service A complaint filed In the county court yesterday by Ruby Callnndor, an unmarried woman, charges Wayne Casy with being tho father of hor, un born babe. A warrant for tho ar rest of Cass was placed In tho hands of Shoriff Salisbury yostordny after noon. It will pay you big to patronize tho sale of tho Edwards-Reynolds Co. which opens tomorrow morning. Courts will bo sold at a reduction of from one-third to one-half. Dlvldonds on running stock and In- tei est on paid up stock are being com putod by Socrotary Miss Salisbury of tho Mutual IJ. & L. Association for tho six months period ending March Iht. Tho dividends credited to run ing Btock for tho period is ?10,8G4. and tho Interest to bo paid on paid up stock Is $13,977. : :o: ! FOR RUNT Storo room nt 109 west strrot. Phono Black 419. Sixth 11 Offlco Phono 340 Res. Black 376 IHt. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician llulton. Bldg. North Platto, Nob. Phono for Appointments. KEITH THEATRE o Saturday . Sessue Hayakwa in "The White Man's Law" Fmiling Bill Parsons "BILL'S SWEETIE" A riot ol fun. SUN THEATRE WM. FARNUM IN XES MISEKABLJSS' XiJC The Greatest picturceyer screened 35j J. Warren Kerrigan in SATURDAY "Prisoners of the Pines" Every one knows that Kerrigan is one or the hest stars of the screen. Also BILLY WEST in his newest picture "A ROLLING STONE " Matinee at 2 O'clock Night 7:1 S Monday BESSIE LOVE a IN The Enchanted Barn" A bewitching star in n 100 percent romance, and the second episode oE 'THE MAN OF MIGHT, Special Service for Farmers " . Because of the handicap of distance from town, extremely husy seasons, etc., most farm- . ers need special service for taking care of their banking needs. . j This institution is officered and equipped to deliver this kind of service in the fijllest, measure. Farmers will appreciate what we arc pre-" . " pared to do for them in the way of saving time . and Steps through the use of the mails and telephone, Find out about this service the next time . t' you arc in town. We are never to busy to talk to you. . Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Deposits Guararvteed Under Lidiu7S. of ..this. State