THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, A Terrible Ordeal ! Gravel and Kidney Stone Caused Intense Suffering 'Doan's Brought a Quick Cure. Kdw. J. Turccck, 4332 Eichelburger Aye., St. Louis, Mo., says: "I was taken with a terrible pain across the back and every move 1 made, it felt like a knife being driven into my back and twitted around, It lasted about half an hour, but noon came back and with it another affliction. The kidney ecreuons uegan to pain me: the flow was scanty and burned like fire when Eapfling. I had severe eadacbea and my bladder sot baldly inflamed, too, and I noticed little par ticles of gravel in the se cretions. Doan's Kidney l'ills had been recom . i-i , iiicnucu to me ami l DC- M pan their use. The first Tumtk half box brought reljpf and I passed a stone the size of a pea. It was a terrible ordeal and afterwards a sandy sediment and particles of gravel settled In the urine. I got more of the pills and they cured me. The inflammation left and there was no more pain or gravely I now sleep well, cat well and my kidneys act normally. Doan's Kidney Pills alone accomplished this wouderful cure." "Subscribed and sworn to before me," JAMES M. SMTT1I, Notary Public. Get Doan't at Any Store, 60c a Bos DOAN'S "pYJLV FOSTER-M1UJURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Westward Bound. One night the soldiers were tolling what they did the first time they hoard the big guns nt the front. One fellow spoke up nnd said: "The first time 1 heard n big gun I ran so fnr In Ave minutes that It took me three hount tfo get buck." BOSCHEE'SSYRUP Why use ordinary cough rcmedlw when Boschee's Syrup has been used o successfully for fifty-one years In 11 pnrts of the United Stntes for roughs, bronchitis, colds settled In the throat, especially lung troubles? It gives the patient n good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expec toration In the morning, gives nature chance to soothe the inflamed parts, throw off the disease, helping the pa tient to regain his health. Made In America and sold for more than half century. Adv. Naturally. "What was the result of trying your 3lny on the dog?" "It raised a howl." RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half p'nt of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, -a small box of Barbo Compound, and -or. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very lit tie coat. Full directions for making and -use come in each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded ray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not sticky or rreasy, and does not rub off. Adv. To Hold Him. "What would you do If you were .Married to a fast young man?" "I think I'd speed up a little." Shave With Cutlcura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity, akin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irritation even when shaved twice dally. One soap for all uses shaving, Jbathlng nnd shampooing. Adv. X-ruy apparatus has been invented for killing the tiny parasites that eat mall holes In leaf tobacco. For Constipation, Biliousness, Liver and Kidney troubles, take Garfield Tea. Adv. Nearly anyone can write a book but it takes 'brains to close a broken urn 'brella. WceklyHeaUh Talks Where Most Sickness Begins and Ends BY FRANKLIN DUANE, It. D. It can be said broadly that most human lis begin in the stomach and end in the otomacb. Good digestion means good health, and poor digestion means bad health. The minute your stomach fails to properly dispose of the food you eat, trou ble begin to crop out in various forma. Indigestion and dyspepsia are the common est forms, but thin, impure blood, head aches, backaches, pimples, blotches, dizzi ness, belching, coated tongue, weakness, poor appetite, sleeplessness, coughs, colds nd bronchitis are almost as common. There is but one way to have good haalth, and that Ls to put and keep your stomach in good order This is easy to do if you take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It ia a wonderful tonic and blood purifier, and ia so safe to take, for it U made of roots and herbs. Dr. Pierce, ol Buffalo, N. Y., stands behind this stand ard medicine, and it is good to knev that oo distinguished a physician is proud to have his name Identified with it. When you take Golden Medical Discovery, you are getting the benefit of the experience of a doctor whose reputation goes all around the earth. Still more, you get a temper ance medicine that contains not a drop of alcohol or narcotic of any kind. Long ago Dr. Pierce combined certain valuable vege table ingredients without the use of alco holso that these remedies always hav been strictly temperance medicine. If piles are torturing you, get and us Pierce's Anodyne Pile Ointment, Th rJck relief it gives is hard to believe until you try it. If constipated Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be taken while sing Anodyne Pile Ointment. Few in deed are the cases which these splendid remedies will not relieve and usually over eome. They are so good that nearly every drug (tore baa them for sale. GOVERNMENT TO HELP DAIRYMEN Ready to Assist Owners of Herds in Controlling Infectious Dis eases Among Animals. ASSISTANCE RENDERED FREE Members of Several Cow-Testing and Bull Associations Have Accepted Offer and Report Good Results Herd Lists Issued. (Prepared by the United Stilton Depart ment of Agriculture.) Any lienl of cuttle built on u founda tion of diseased stock cannot survive profitably for any length of time. The wise breeder who is establishing a herd, therefore, will see that his orig inal stock comes from herds known to be free from disease and that the ani mals have not been otherwise exposed. More than thnt, the established breed er, to safeguard the health of bis herd and meet the Increasing demand for healthy stock, should use every means at hand to maintain a herd known to be healthy. Government Asks Co-operation. The dairy division. United States de partment of agriculture, co-operating with the tuberculosis eradication divi sion, is ready to assist members of cow-testing and bull associations In controlling Infectious diseases among Dairy Herd on Southern Farm. their animals. This assistance Is ren dered free In associations whose mem bers request It and who will co-operate with the bureau of animal Industry in maintaining healthy herds. In several cow-testing and bull asso ciations the members have already ac cepted federal assistance und report good results. Practically all members submit their herds to the necessary tests and in this way start tuberculo-sls-freo communities, which nre ex pected eventually to grow to coun ties, then to states, and finally the en tire United Stntes may be freed from bovine tuberculosis. Accredited Herd Lists Stimulate Sales. Accredited herd lists will he Issued nt suitable Intervals. These lists con tain the names and addresses of the owners, und n statement of the breed of cattle maintained by those owners whose herds are found to be free from tuberculosis. Already approximately fiO.OOO copies of the first list have been distributed among breeders, state officials, exten sion men. breed associations, and oth ers. Breeders whose names appear on this list state that as a result they have received numerous inquiries from prospective purchasers, some buyers even desiring to purchase the entire herd. Certain communities have become unfavorably conspicuous for the large number of tuberculous cattle found In them, and purchasers of cattle both for breeding and slaughtering purposes are shunning those sections. On the other hand, when sections become noted for their healthy cattle, buyers obviously will seek animals from tho breeders In such tuberculosis-free lo calities. PROPER SOIL FOR SOY BEANS Crop Does Not Require Much Drainage for Best Development Too Much Water Harmful. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The soy bean does not require n well drained soil for Its best development, although It will not succeed where wa ter stands for any considerable length of time. Swamp and peat soils, after being drained and limed, have usually been found to produce this crop very well. Soy beans will thrive on soils that are too acid for the successful cul ture of red clover. BEST AS A DORMANT SPRAY Lime-Sulphur Is Effective When Ap plied of Proper Strength Kills Egg Clusters. Lime-sulphur nnswers practically all purposes us u dormant spray, being effective, when applied of proper strength, for San Jose nnd other scale Insects. It also kills many egg clus ters of Insects und serves as a fungi cide, killing the spore's of many of the diseases thut Injure the trees and fruit. WAYS TO ERADICATE SLUGS IN GARDENS Insects Are Menace to Gardeners and Mushroom Growers. Poisoned Bait, Clean Culture and Use of Lime and Powders Recom mended to Destroy Destructive Member of Snail Family. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Halt poisoned with arsenic, clean culture In 'garden nnd greenhouse, and the use of Unit' and powders, such nt finely powdered salt and road dust are roeommcudpd n means of destroy ing the spotted garden slug anil other Injurious gnrdoti "dues. The spotted garden slug, which fre quently becomes a menace to garden ers and mushroom growers. Is some what wormlike In appearance, ranges In length from one-half Inch to nearly seven inches, and varies In color from a yellowish gray, or brown, mottled with black, to nearly black. It thrives In damp, dark locations, such as under old decaying hoards and logs, In cel lars and creameries, along hedges and beneath damp refuse. It Is particu larly fond of lettuce tomatoes, pens, beans and other vegetables when grown either under glass or In tho open, and frequently causes damage In mushroom beds, to celery during the blenching process, and to vegetables, especially potatoes In storage. It re mains under cover until nightfall, when It comes out to feed, and re turns to the same place before morn ing, leaving a trail of sticky mucus. The common toad Is among the slug's few natural enemies. Owing to Its habits of feeding by night and con cealing Itself during the day, the slug is very ditllcult to control. Spraying with ursenicnls Is Impractical, because slugs avoid most poisonous substances, l'olled or baked potatoes sprinkled with white arsenic have been found effective as a poisoned bait. In mush room houses the most effective remedy Is to .surround the beds with a border about two Inches wide, using lime, salt, or road dust, which prevents the slugs from, passing. rieuningn the hiding places of the slug and sprink ling lime, which is the standard rem edy for slugs, about Infested areas, is the best treatment In gardens and greenhouses. INSURE SAFE WATER SUPPLY Woodlot or Orchard Conserve Soil Moisture and Rainfall Should Be Kept Clean. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment ot Agriculture.) On any farm a woodlot, grove, or windbreak Is highly desirable, not only to supply fuel and small timber, but for Its beauty and tho protection It affords. If kept clean nnd free from stock, such wooded area, an or chard even, may he made to serve an other useful purpose, that of supplying water, says Fanners' Bulletin 941, "Water Systems for Farm Homes." Forest-covered lands conserve rainfall and soli moisture, and In many In stances afford ideal sources for farm water supplies. The farmer, there fore, who fences off his woodlot, or part of it, or forests an Inclosed area and keeps it clean for water supply purposes, Is following closely the wise policy of cities and towns which, to Insure safe, ample water supplies, ac quire elevated, sparsely settled water sheds, and clean, forest, and patrol them. SHOCK LOADER QUITE HANDY Means Provided on Tongue Secured to Axle for Moving Frame to Hori zontal Position. The Scientific American in illustrat ing and describing a shock loader, tho Invention of (J. Ilackley of Aholt, Mo says : The object of this Invention Is to provide n shock loader In which the frame Is pivoted to an axle which Is supported by wheels, means being Side Elevation Showing Frame in Ver tical Position. mounted on the wheels for drawing tho shock there ugalnst when the frame Is In a vertical position and holding it, and means being mounted on u tongue secured to tho axle for moving the frame in n horizontal position. DROUGHT-RESISTANT PLANT Department of Agriculture Finds Vari eties Especially Adapted to Great Plains. (Piopared by the United States Depart ment ot Agriculture.) Improved and uniform varieties of sorghum, millet, alfalfa, and broom grass capable of resisting drought and especially adapted to climate and soil conditions of the northern portions of the grout plains have been obtained by the United States department of agriculture by selection from mixed eoinmerClul stocks. URGES RESUMING ROAD WORK President Favors Earliest Possible Re sumption of Highway Construc tion His Letter. (Prepared by United States Department of Agriculture.) President Wilson favors tho earliest possible resumption and extension of highway construction tinder the fed eral aid road act and has written Sec retary of Agriculture Houston to that effect. Tho secretary of war ulso has written the secretary of agriculture in favor of highway work. The president's letter follows: "Dear Mr.. Secretary: "I heartily agree with you that it would be In the public Interest to re sume in full measure the highway con struction operations under the federal aid road act, und to do so as speedily ns possible. 1 understand the neces sity which existed for their contrac tion during tho stress through which we have been passing, but that obsta cle Is now removed. I bellevo that it would be highly desirable to have an additional appropriation made availa ble to the department of agriculture, to be used In conjunction, If possible, with any surplus state and community funds, In order that these operations may be extended. It is Important not only to develop good highways throughout the country as quickly as possible, but It ls also at this time es pecially advisable to resume and ex tend all such essential public works, with a view to furnishing employment for laborers who may be seeking new tasks during the period of readjust ment. Knowing thut the department of agriculture and tho state highway authorities In each state have been carefully working out road systems and developing plant) and specifica tions. I have no doubt that all activi ties In this field can bo vigorously con ducted through these two sets of exist ing agencies, acting In full accord. "Faithfully yours, "WOODUOW WILSON." Tho following letter has been re ceived from Secretary of War Baker: "My Dear Mr. Secretary : "I am In full agreement with your view that there should not only be u prompt resumption of rond construc tion under the federal aid road act, and under such further authority aa may exist for separate state action, but also that additional funds should be made available to your department for Coralline Rock Road Near West Palm Beach, Fla the extension of such work. The war department, as you know, detailed one of Its ofllcers to serve your bureau of public roads in Its consideration ol highways which might have a value for military purposes, and I shall be glad to huve the closest possible co operation continue as the work en 1 urges. "Cordially yours, "NEWTON D. BAKKIt, "Secretary of War." PREPARE ROADS FOR WINTER Ditches Along Highways Should Be Opened Before Ground Freezes Then Use Drag. See thut all drain ditches along the road are opened befjre the ground freezes; then ftmooth, drag nnd yncl the center of tho road, and you will have provided for tho essential drain nge, without which wfl ennnot expect to hnve good highways. All rocks should he picked out of the track be fore they freeze to the ground, harass log both man and benst when fchoy pass over them during tho winter months. Low places at bridges and culverts should bo filled und leveled up to mako winter travel mora endur able. Repair holes In bridges, to guard ngnlnst serious nccldents by nomo horse getting his foot fust perhups breaking his leg. Civilizing Agency. ! Napoleon and Caesar left their most ' lmnnrluli(tilii mttnunnntu In fitwlu . . . They are the greatest and Mircst civilizing agency. Frederick Chamberlain, In "The Philippine Proh lem." GonH Road Led to Rome. In the dnys when all roads led to Homo It was because Borne built good ronus. Good for Everybody. Good roads are good for everybody. i an three brands seated In air-tight packages. Easy to find it is on sale everywhere. Look for. ask for. be sure to net WBSB6LEYS The Greatest Name in Goody-(.and III "i iPE R F E CT GUM rS1 H SEALED The Flavor Lasts Shot Electricity Into Iron. Ann Illchter, timekeeper of the Mer chants Heat and Light company, hud a rather Interesting and surprising con versation In reference to an electric Iron recently. A prepossessing Vomnn came In with nn Iron for repair. She Informed Miss Klchtcr that the Iron was burnt out, whereupon she was Informed that It could be made us good as new by put ting In new heating units that would cost $2.G0. "Oh, no you won't," said tho woman. "I hud trouble once before and I took It to a man. lie attached It to some thing, which shot electricity Into It and It only cost me 18 cents." Indian apolis News. The Early Mistake. "Didn't ICve ask Adam to eat the apple, thereby bringing sorrow to the human nice?" "Yes," said the woman with snappy eyes. "And I'll bet many's the time Eve wished that instead of Inviting him to have something to eat she had asked him to carry in wood or mend the roof or something hu'd bo sure to refuse." Important to Mothers ISramlno curefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of in use lor over M Years, Children Cry for Fletcher'fl Castoria Fig Trees in San Joaquin. Ten thousand acres of Smyrna fig trees have been planted In tho central San Joaquin valley since the wur be gnn. Speeding Up. "What do you think of this league of nations?" "I think It ls time for them to piny ball." 'Mock Y w..m Panaris ' Sheep and Hogs brings certain "access. It's easy to prosper where you can raise 20 to 45 bn.of wheat to tho acre and buy on easy terms. Land at $15 to $30 Per Acre Good Grazing Land at Much Less. nllvav and I rir1 Cnmnanlea offer imuaual Inducements to home ..-I,-. ,...,n. i w.rn for the purchase of stock or other f The Governments of the Dominion and Provinces ol . nianitoDA, onsaoicii wan and Albcrtu extend every encouragement to the farmer and ranchman. You can obtain excellent land at low prices on easy terms, and get high prices for your uraln. cattle, aueep nnu iiohb low luxca vnuue improvements), good markets and shipping facilities, jree school., churches, splendid climate t laualcntlan. W. V, BENNETT, Room 4, Bee Building, OMAHA, NEB, Cnnadlan Government TIGHT New Zealand Air Mall. Tho postmaster goucral for Now Zealand has announced that it ls pro posed to establish an aerial mall sorv Ice extending from Auckland to Dune din, a distance of about 700 rolled. STOMACH ACIDITY, INDIGESTION, GAS QUICK! EAT JUST ONE TABLET OF PAPE'8 DIAPEPSIN FOR INSTANT RELIEF. When meals don't fit and yoa belcb gas, acids and undigested food. When you feel lumps of distress In stomach, pnln, flatulence, heartburn or headache Here ls Instant relief No waiting I Just as soon as you cat a tablet of Pape's Dlapepsln all tho dyspepsia, In digestion und stomach distress ends. These pleasant, harmless tablets ot l'upo's Dlapepsln never fall to make sick, upset stomachs feel flno at once, and they cost so llttlo at drug Btoras. Adv. Wilt Rebuild Famouo Inn. Hotel men of tho United States will raise S.W.OOO to rebuild a famous Bel gian Inn In the town of Furnes in Flanders, for some time tho headquar ters of the ttclglan army and of King Albert. As the Hotel Noble Hose, this Inn was for centuries celebrated among visitors to Flanders. Concealment. "You never could bellevo anything a German diplomat said." "Hellevo html" exclaimed Mute Cayenne. "I couldn't even understand him." if Hfesieraii Canada is as profitable as Grain Growing rtratn Hmwlnir li a nrofit maker. Rablflff Cattle. f '.Hnntlnaml tnlov hrr nrosneritv. Loans made arming requiiementa car. be had at low interest. ana sure crops. fjWtStXR CmSM! Agent