&&&&&&&& ' H2H H SERVICE STATION, 99 McDonald Bank Building. --ilUtffl PHONE WW Battery Cheerbl 0 service 3 IRA L BAK! Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One tfcur by Mall, In (idvnnco.. $!."" Ono Year hy Carrier, In advance, $2.00 Kntorod at tho North Platte, Nebraskn Postofflco as Second Class Mattor. TL'KSDA V, FKIUtl'AllY 85lh, 1010. MTV AND COUiNTY NEWS. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Waldron Sunday morn ing. Miss Tholina Frater has aceoptod a position with The Trlbuno, succeeding Miss Eva Dick. For Sale Four room cottage at 401 So. Willow. Phono 784F2. - Stf Found Hlack kid glovo. Owner call at The Tribune offlco, pay for IblH notlco and tako proporty. Jonteol Face powder, glvos a healthy bloom to tho cheoks. Tho REXALL STORE. Miss Lena Raskins, who Is om- ployed In Omaha, came horo a few days ago to visit with tho home folks. Fresh Whlttman CnndIos at tho N'yal Drug Store. If you llko WoBlorn plpturos with a littlo bit of tho Eust thrown In, hoc "The Man of Dronzo" tonight at the Sun. Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Rank building. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox' return ed Saturday evening from St. Joe and Chlcagn whoro they combined business and pleasure. Miss Littlo arrived In town from Chicago Sunday and will have chargo of tho millinery department at The Loador. Tho Christian aid society will moot In tho church basement Thursday af ternoon. All members are urged to attend and bring their friends. Fresh Whlttman Candles at the Nyal Drug Storo. R. F. Robinson, who hado been cm- ployed In Wyoming towns since last spring, returned to town yesterday to nccopt a position with Tho Tribune. Fresh Sassafras Hark at tho REX ALL STORE. Could you capture throe German splos? Dick Holloway, played by Rert Lytoll In "Unexpected Places" bad this mtisfactlon. Share It with him at tho Sun Wednesday. Julius PIzer loft Sunday night for ExeolBlor Springs whoro he will spend a couple of weeks. Uo had intended going to Hot Springs, Ark., but later concluded to stop at tho Alisaouri health resort. Soo us for Service. Tho REXALL STORE . Ex-Prosldent Wm. II. Taft was an oast bound passtngor yesterday morning, but ho was still in bod when tho train reached horo and tho crowd which bad assemblod to soo him wore disappointed. Ask to soo tho Hetty Ross Hat at MoViokors' Opening display Febru ary 28th and March 1st. Fred Kusor, who sold his ranch fourteen miles northeast of town last fall, will sell sixteen head of horses, 110 had of cattlo and a lot of farming machinery on March 18th. After tho salo Mr. and Mrs. Kusor expect to move to this city. Mako your homo spick and span with Shorwin-WIllams Urichten Un finishes. REXALL STORE. Charles Dixon wont to Omaha Sun day night whoro ho will spend tho wook attending the convontlous of tho stato optometrists association, of which ho is secretary, and tho stato Jowolors' association. As an Insufficient number of appli cants wore secured for tho clerk-car rier examination, (male only) advor- tlsod for Fob. 8th tho examination has boon postponed until Mnrch Sth 1U1U. Any nutlo who will roach his eighteenth birthday within thirty days of tho dato- of tho examination may tako sumo. An owner of a Dodgo Hrothors car told mo tho past week of making a 1700 mUo trip with a Dodgo with an aVorago of 23 mllos to tho gallon of gas, and without a slnglo adjustment to tho car. If oconomy and stability aro what you want In your noxt car, Inqulro of J. V. ROMIGH. Dealer. ::o:: If you want tho family to bo heal thy and active, glvo them Ilolllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea this month regnlatos tho bowols, holps tho ap potlto, puts llfo and onorgy in tho Iwholo family. 35c, Toa or Tablets J. O. PATTERSON, Druggist. Tho Greatest Littlo Town. j Jontoel Talcum, tlu talcum with tho Ralph W. Graham, of La Grange, JlOO.000 odor. Sold exclusively at 111., a son of Geo. E. Graham a for-1 the REXALL STORE. mer North Platte business mhn, sends' ::o:: ... rt,in.M Trii.mii and oallrnnr '. rady Vindicator Jlcnifi. I"".,;: " ,i., , m, ...J M. Trotter, of North Platto, Llpe O' Type or Two" column of that paper nppoared a clipping from The Tribune relative- to Tom Healoy fall ing In Omaha while helping a stout lady across an Icy street. In Ills lottor Ralph says: "1 hare always main tained that North Platte Is tho great est little town In God's country and to pain recognition In Chicago's gront est newspupor serves only to substan tiate my statement, even If it Is at the expense of Tom Healcy. It might hasten Air. Henley's recovery to know that R. L. T.'s Lln-O'-Type Is the moBt widely read and absorbed column of any Chicago newspaper. Extend my sympathies or congratula tions, whlchover the exigencies of the occasion require, to Mr. Hoaley." :o: Forty-nine Is the number of, resi dence lots yot left ln tho Trusteo's and RIvordalo Additions. A few years ago these additions were placed upon the market. Ono hundred and nlnoty two residence lots were laid out and Improved with sidewalks, sewor. gradod streets, wntor and gas mains. Tho gradual growth of the city east ward has absorbed all but forty-nine of thoso lots. A large portion of the lots sold have been Improved with homos and many of North Platte's best and most modern homos are located In this rosldonco district. Tho own ers figure that tho demand of the prosont sonson will Just about close out tho romnlnlng lots of thoso addi tions. In order to assist buyers, the owners aro offering to accept Liberty Ponds at full valuo, tho same as cash in full or partial payment of any of tho lots shown in tho advertisement with tho map on the first page of this Issue. Tho lots arc for sale by one of the owners, Attorney Wm.E. Shumnn, of this city. : :o: : transuctod business in town Wodnes dtjy. Mr. Trotter to dato has shipped tnlrty-elght cars of alfalfa hay to market from the place, he has leased r.outlt of town. Two trucks havo been doing the hauling for tho past two weeks . Miss Effle Reatty returned from Omaha last Sundny night, whoro she had been caring for her mother, who was takon to Rochester. Minn., last week. Robert Realty returned from Pochestor, where ho had accompanied his mother, father and sister. Tho Mayo s doctors will observe Mrs. Ileatty's condition for a few weeks beforo deciding on nnother operation. : .o: : Ground Chick Food at tho REX ALL STORE. io: HKI'KPTIOX GIVF.X TO TIIK OLDKST W C T I' WORKKll The B. P. O. E. dancing club will hold ono of their bi-weekly dances at tholr hall Thursday evening. Oscar Haddock, who has been em ployed as mall carrier for sevoral years, resigned a few days ago and will engage in carpenter work in fu ture Miss Esther HogsQtt, who has been lit Califiornla for somo time and has boon very 111 for soveral weeks, is expect ed home in the near future and will remain hero while convalescing. Mrs. Arthur McMullen returned Sunday from a pleasant visit In Grand T-1....1 ...11. f..l..1a C. S. Clinton left last night for Omaha to attend tho conventions of the stato optometrists and tho stato Jewelers. R. W. Patrick, of Omaha, state grand doputy of tho B. P. O. Elks, made an official visit in the city yes terday and made an address at the rogular mooting of the lodge last night. Wn; FARNUM in... 66 1 Ul R S JT WW om 9? One of tho oldest now- women and newest old wo tn on that North Platte can boast In W. C. T. U. work Is Mrs. Mary Stobblns who took a part In the celebration yesterday of her own 70th birthday. The W. C. T. IT. represented at the reception given ln Mrs. Stobblns' honor at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Wvman. 3tS south Sycnmore, reminded Mrs. tSRSESSBSSE Stbblnn how now and few such bod- ies wero when sho Joined tho Union great many years ago, now ono of : thp oldest orders In tho United States. Sho had boon continuously active In W. C. T. U. work and hold- K lug different offices In nor younger ilnvu fllln rnmillna mm tf tUn silflnaf ft n nottod nlant in bloom. A hirthdav rako with 7!) twinkling candies was H a feature of tho luncheon. Special ft committees took charce of enter- ft tnlnmont and music, singing and so clal conversation witfeh was enjoyed ft bv all nresont. . MRS. MINNIE PERKINS. W. C. T. IT. Press Supt ::o:: g Miss M Slomnn. steam hnths and jj vcedteh Massage. Indies and gentlp- A stupenduous story of legal injustice, self-sacrifice and heroism. From prison bars to heroic glory with William Far num doing his best screen acting, BEST OF MUSIC. THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday. A, C. TOWNLEY,,! non riinnc 807. Erodbeck bide. it SRtf ft Editor Dunn, of the Sutherland i'.i Courier, pleads guilty to Tho Trib- uno's chargo that he Is hell-bent on county division, and advises us to lit, ton l 111.. .iimlillnr.n ItTn ...111 I ftlrs. A. .1. SnllRMIlrv loft n fniv ilnvu I 0 'If. to livo thirty or forty more years. I urivo out constipation, promote ap- LOGAL AN I) l'ERSOXAL it ! and health. Holllster's Rocky Moun- if tain Tea. nature's' gift of wondrous herbs. Results guaranteed or money back, 35c. GEO. FRATER, Druggist. ago for Omaha. Leslie Bare returned to Denver Sun day night after visiting tho homo folks , potlto, improve digestion, Induce re- it'.t for a'couplo of days. freshing sleep, get renowod strongth Tho Luthoran Girls' Club will ho on tortalned tomorrow ovonlng at the homo of Mrs. L. U. Dick. Tho American War Mothers will meet In tho court room of the federal building noxt Friday evening. It is not a day too canjy to got that new Dodgo Brother! car lordbrori. "They do stand up." J. V. ROMIGII-rr Doalor. 7-8 Horbort Harris, a car inspector, has purchased lot 7, block ! In Miller's addition, whoro ho will mako his home. Dr. Morrill, DonMst. Offlco over Wilcox Department Storo. Will Klenk has sold his resldonce proporty on west Third street to President of the National Non-Partisan League Will Speak at Grand Island, Friday, Mar. 7, 1919, Afternoon and Evening at the Auditorium These meetings will also be addressed by other league speakers of national reputation. Issues of vital interest to both farmer and laborer will be discussed. The producer and consumer should get together on such matters as will be handled by the speakers at these meetings. The public is cordially invited regardless of party affilia tion. A special invitation is extended to all Progressive men and women. State. National and World Problems will be DISCUSSED. :.t :.: :.: i.t it it it it ::o:; NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 1GGS of John A. Nat- tingor, deconsed, in the County Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. , . Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested ln said Estate, tako notice that "the Administrator' has filed a final account and report of his .administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such, which have been set for hearing be foro said court on March 21, 1019, at 9 o'clock a. in., when you may ap pear and contest tho samo. Dated February 21, 1919. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, F25-M11 County Judge. WVVV INCORPORATED 1887. j: :.: i.t it Mutual Building and Loan Association, Of North Platte, Nebraska. Frank M. Hagoy, who Is employed as a telegraph operator, for a consldera- lon of ?3,G00. Having sold their proporty on wost Third street, Mr. and Mrs. John Wnllenhaupt will leavo shortly for Chicago to mako tholr homo with a son. Dr. I. C. Brock, Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Engineer John A. Skow has pur chased tho John Wnllenhaupt rosl donco proporty on Third street, ju.st west of tho Christian church for a consideration of $3,500 Tho Clovor Hats and Vcstces sets aro among tho attractions at McVick ers' this 'week. C. R. White, of Sutherland, has purchased tho hardwaro stock of C. 11. Wood In that town. Mr. Wood has boon engaged In business In Suther land for inuny years, starting when Uio town was in Its Infancy. Prlvnto money to loan on improved farm land. No delay, money same day you mako your application. 0. II. TIIOELECKE. i.t XOTH'E OK REFEREE'S SALE ft Notlco Is hereby given that by vlr- K tuo of an order issued to mo by tho it District Court in and for Lincoln $. county, Nebrnska, on the 19th day of JJ ooruary, iaia, in an action wnerein Frank Greenwood is plalntllf and Pat rick Greenwood, Kato Fletcher, John Greenwood. Jr., John Shaffer, Ruth Muller, Juno Shnffor, Pinklo White, Charles Shaffer, a minor and George Taylor, guardian of Charles Shaffer, aro defendants, I will on tho 29th day of March, 1919, at the hour of two ft o'clock P. M. of said dato at the east U front door of tho Court IIouso ln tho -J city of North Platto, Lincoln Coun- ft ty, Nebrnska, sell at public auction J. il.n lilnlmrt, 1.1.1. Ir... f r nnal 1. r. fnt i lowing (loscrihed real estate, to-wit: st East Half (EM:) of Section Thirty (30), & Northwest Quartor (NW) of Sec- tlon TJwenty-nino (29), Southeast ft Quartor (SE4) of Section Nineteen J. (19), and South Unit of Southwest J? Quarter (SV. of SWVl) of Section Nineteen (19), all In Township Ten i.t ft ft :.: '. i.t ft ft ft RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. This Association is prepared to make Loans: On Improved City Property or to Improve Same. To assist in the purchase of City Property To pay off existing mortgages on City Property. These loans are repaid in small monthly payments just like rent. Borrowers in the Home Association repay their loans with a saving of from 20 to 30 per cent over that of any competing Association. :.: :.: it i.t a it if it i.t :.: i.t ft ft ft ft ft ft :.: i.t ft ft ft H it T. C. PATTERSON. President. SAMUEL GOOZEE, Secretary. :.: it i.t i.t (10) , Ivfinco Twonty-nino (29) ( wost 01 j vvvvwvvvvww thn at 1 M TJnnnln Ponntv Ma- l)riiBlcu nl bo Iot Kiclit (S) In IHock Six (6) of Poniston's Addition to tho ' ;: -ltv nf N'nrth Plntte. T.ineoln conntv. J.5 i f f V a it i.t INUUIUHKU, HU1I1 111IU1 IU UU HU1U ilb it . wholo or In soparato tracts. i.t Dated this 24th day of Fobruary, 1919. O. E. ELDER, F25-M28 1 Referee top, listen. Read! Havo you a littlo Honor In yo i homo In anticipation of tho Inn drouth which tho national prohibition aniondmont proscribes for tho ne' future? It so look out for tho anti- saloon leaguo, which has designs on your collar, or woll-stockou dark closot, whatovor tho caso may bo. Not coutont with having won tho groat prohibition victory thru tho ratification of tho prohibition consti tutional amendment, tho anti-saloon loaguo now proposes to attack tho "stocks on hand" of private- Indlvld ua!s, and plans n prohibitive tax and a search and solzuro law .to bring to the full light of day tho liquors that havo found tholr way Into tho homes of tho country. Tho telephone servico has not been exempt from tho increased cost of kvbor and materials. It is costing this company a groat deal more to fnrnish telephone service now than it did beforo the war. :.: ft it i.t i.t i.t i.t ft H ft ft i.t it i.t ft ft t:t ft :.. ft :.: :.: ft s ft i.t i.t ft it 8 Do you know what we sell? Just read over the list and i! you need anything in our line, phone 206 or call at the Lamb building on north Locuat street. WE HANDLE COAL OF ALL KINDS 0ABNATI0N FLOUR CORN MEAL GRAHAM FLOUR PAN CAKE FLOUR BUCKWHEAT FLOUR MIXED CHICKEN FEED CORN WHEAT SCREENINGS CORN CHOP BARLEY SPELTZ EGG MASH FOR CHICKENS CALF MEAL OF ALL KINDS. ALFALFA MOLASSES FEED COTTON CAKE LINDSEED OIL MEAL TANKAGE LEYP0LDT & PENNINGTON, Lamb Building, North Locust St. Phone 206 ft :.: :.: :.: 1: i.t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft :: i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t ft ft ft ft ft if ft i.t ft ft i.t ft ft ii r