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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1919)
4 IV mm cot 2i THIRTY-FIFni YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.f-PjSimUAttY 25, 1919. No. 13 XKS. KVA HAL1MVIN PIES AT LOS ATiGKLES SUNDAY Mrs. Eva Baldwin, widow of A. S. Baldwin, for many years a resident of North Platte, died nt Los Angolos Sunday, and tho funeral will bo hold in that city today. This information was received yesterday by tho local chapter of tho Eastern Star, of which tho deceased was a member. Mrs. Baldwin, who made her home with her Bister in Los Angeles, nad been sick for over a year, suffering from oryslpclas wtilch had greatly reduced her in weight and which seem ed to gradually waste her strength and vitality. Tho passing away of Mrs. Baldwin will bo rogrottcd by North Platte friends. Sho was of the highest typo of womanhood intellectual, courteous, charitable, and altogether a woman who would be highly regard ed in any community. : :o: : The girls' basket ball team of tho Brady schools camo up this morning and will visit tho tato farm, the flour mill and other North Platto in dustries. Thoy w'P return to Max well this evening and play a gamo with tho girls' team or that village. Tho Episcopal guild win meet in tho church basement Thursday af ternoon. The entertaining committee will bo Mesdames Purdy, Hatch, Rob inson and Bean . NORMA TALPIADGE in "THE SAFETY Draw the "Safety Curtain" of enjoyment over dull cares for an hour or two and see another emotional triumph for tbe unsurpassed Norma Talmadge. CRYSTAL THEATRE Smartness and Comfort New- Footwear IT -isn't often. that you will find ease and style so perfectly combined as in these new '"John Kelly" shoes for women. You should visit our store and see how carefully and prettily these shoes are made and how they fit. Prices are moderate for such splendid shoes. FRIDAY and SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28, MARCH h Exhibit of Spring Trimmed Hats. phasizes tho resourcefulness of the premier millinery displays McVICKERS Ilnrcourt Sells Business "Win . E. Ilnrcourt who has owned and conducted tho Ilnrcourt Clothing Co. for several years, sold the busi ness yostorday to John B. Edwards and E. W. Reynolds. The purchas ers arc experienced clothing men. Mr. Edwards for a numbor of years has been tho western representative of tho Dnvid Adlor Co., of Milwaukee, one of tho lnrgest clothing manufac turing concerns in tho country, and during Mr. Harconrt's army sorvlco has ")oon looking after tho interests of tho store. Ho moved his family from Omalfa to this city several months ago. Mr. Reynolds camo hero from Beaver City, whore he had been engaged in tho clothing business . . . t .. .1 l.n.l J j i.ui u luuiiuei ul y intra, miu liiiu uiiiuu i(been in tho employ of tho Ilnrcourt Co. Messrs. Edwards and Reynolds aro two livo wires and are certain to do i good business. Mr. Harcourt retires after n very successful business career in North Platte. Ho has boon progrosslvo and popular, and has earned tho good will of tho people. Ills plans for tho fu turo have not been fully outlined. Mrs. Fred Baker, of Omaha, Is a guest at the C. S. Clinton home, hav-1 1 .. 1 . . .1 C ........... !tf.n Dnl.nn I wi& iirrivuii ouiuiuuj. mm. utiivvi was a former resident of North Platte. nle lint yrnir land with Thnelocke. tt For quick action mul satisfactory ft' CURTAIN" TONIGHT and TOMORROW McViokers Millinery pre sents for your approval an early exhibition of the smartest creations in trim med hats the superb se lections of our expert buyer who has just re turned from an extensive survey of the eastern market. The exhibit em 111 this organization in assembling of the west. MILLINERY LABOR rxiox JI12N ahk HEltti'FOK A CAMPAIGN C. W. Black, a member of the American Federation of Labor, and also a member of tho Allied Prose As sociation of Boston, and H. H. Long, buainofls agent of tho Grand Island labor unions and organizer for the Amorcnn Federation ot Labor, arrived Saturday and will remain for sev eral wooks conducting a campaign in tho interests of organized labor and the buslnos men of tho city. Mossr. Black and Long will featuro a closor co-oporation botwoiin organized la bor and tho business mon; bellovlng that through such the lntoroets of both will best be served. Tho gronter vol ume of business a morchant doos, tho grcator number-"of employes he needs, and the higher salaries ho can afford to pay, and steady employment and good wages are two of tho cnrdinnl principles ot organized labor. An other of the campaign hero will bo to havo merchants handle ex clusively, or as far ns possible, un- Ion made merchandise, and by so 'do ing merit and receive the trndo of all North Platte union men. Mr. Black bclioves that tho homo mer chant deserves tho trade of homo peoplo in preference to mail order h uo aseshndescla.tTgBt.CIt . .dnyl houses, and ho is strongly of the opinion that a closer co-operation of merchant and organized labor will- result in greater homo pntrcnago. During tho visit of Messrs. Black and Long in tho city they will make a number of addresses before the Cen tral Labor Union and before indi vidual lodges of organized labor. : :o: : Thlsllo Down Ton The 20th Century Club will give a Thistle down tea to its members and invited guests nt the home of Mrs. Ralph Smith, 533 west Second street, Friday of this weok from two to flve. A number of thistle down prints will bo shown, a form of art in which Ger many oxeelled before tho war, but in tho production of which the United States now surpasses the world. Light refreshments Will bo served and a, fee of 25 owits will, be charged. . - ::nT:' -' VofornnV Ball Tonight. An ovenlng full of onjdyment a waits all who attend tho fifth annual ball of tho Spanish ynr Veterans this evening to bo held at tho K. C. hall. Tho members of tills organization havo planned for a lnrgo attendance and assures all that nothing will be loft undone that will add to their en joyment. : o: . . LOCAL AND PERSONAL Don't fall to see William Farnum in "Los MIsornbles" at the Sun Thursday and Friday. Tho Noth Platte high school basket ball team was defeated at Ogalalla Saturday evening by tho team of that town by a score of sixteen to thir teen . Hoxall NINETY-THREE" Hair Tonic keeps tho scalp in perfect con dition. REXALL STORE. The Washington Birthday party held by tho Masonic fraternity Sat urday evening was largely attended. Dancing was tho main featuro of tho evening. Nallold Cuticle preparations at tho REXALL STORE. Tho funoral of tho lato W. E. Park, who died Thursday ovenlng at tho homo of liis daughter, Mrs. Will Ot ten, was hold from the residence Sat urday aftiernjoon, Rov. H.osso con ducting tho service. Jonteol Tnloum, Indlspenslblo for tho toilet. Tho REXALL STORE. Miss Villa Whlttakor returned yes terday morning from Clilcaea where she spent a couplo of weoks mimyuiB uio now creations in mil linory and purchasing a stock for her hat shop. REXALL SARSAPARILLA TONIC tones up tho blood. REXALL STORE. MIsb Mills, Iloor walker in tho O'Connor storo, received a telegram Sunday that her mother In Ohio was seriously ill, and after sho had loft another telegram arrived stating that tho mother had passed away. Sherwin-Williams House Paints covor well and last. Tho REXALL STORE. A meeting of the board of directors of tho Chambor of commerco will bo hold at tho court room in tho Fed oral building Thursday ovonlng at seven-thirty to take up tho machin ery question and partcoilarly to de cide upon a tractor. Everyono In any way interested in this question Is in vited to be present nt this mooting. Opening Display at McVickers' Mil linery Friday, February 28th and Saturday. March 1st. JIECKPTION TO :it.7YXl .JlltS. WALLKNHAITT THIS EVENING Mr. and Mrs. John Wallenhaupt, who leave shortly for Chicago to make their home, will be tendered a farewell reception nt the Odd Fel lows.' hall this ovonlng by tho Sarah Robokali lodge For a long period of yunrs Itoth Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallen haupt have boon members of the n.hi Fellows and Robeknh Degree and this , courtesy shown them by the local I lodge Is woll morltad. Tliia n.....i couple havo boon roaidents of North I latto for twenty or moro vonr mul ; hnvo always onjoyed tho good will ami esteem of all nemiulntanros. Thoy gn to Chicago to spend the sun set of life with ono of their sons. - .:n:: : Harry Block has rotunied from Now York whore ho spent three wooks purchasing spring Mocks for his storos in this city and at Columbus. Ho says business In the oast is very activo and tho prospects excellent for a continuation. Mrs. Block and chil dren, who had beon at Columbus for a douple of months, accompanied him homo. The Royal Nolghbors social club will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Max McGrow, C23 west Seventh. As sisting Mrs. McGrow will bo Mes dames M. C. Rodgors, John Allen and Chan. Llork. Al members and their frlonds are invited. ;o: : Hereford Bulls for Snlo For.r two-yoor-old Heroford Bulls for sale. Address T. S. McCrone, North Plnt'te, Neb. THE FRONT 10 6 TH I 10 II 5 TH iij 8: 8 10 II 4 TH frusta s The above are the only additions to North Platte, on the market, where residence lots are improved with cement. side walks, water and gas mains, graded streets and sewer. The sewer is much deeper in the ground, because the sewer system runs eastward, hence deeper basements may be built in this part of the city. These improvements make these lots the most modern and sanitary of any in the city. Many beautiful homes have already been built, and others will be built this year, in these additions. The location, too, is good, the lots being in the best additions to the city and being but from 7 to 10 blocks east of Dewey street. To reach the business district it will never be necessarv to cross railrord tracks, whether the Burlington builds or not. ' All the lots shown upon above map, which have prices marked thereon, arc for sale at said prices. All other lots have been sold, A 5 discount will ve given for cash, or lots will be sold on easy terms to suit purchaser. Liberty Bonds will bo accepted, at full value, in part or full payment, of any of the above lots. For Sale By WM. E. SHUMAN. 107,111 Deaths l Army Washington, Feb. 24. Deaths dur ing the war In the American expedi tionary forces and among troops In tho United Stntos fr.jni nil cauaes, the War dopartniont announced today, numbered 107,444. In tho expeditionary forcos tho to tal was 72,951. Of those 20,829 re sulted from dtsoasc, 48,76$ from In juries rocolvod in fnttlo nnd 3,354 from all other cnusos. President Arrives In Boston President Wilson arrived In Boa ton from oversoas yostorday and was given a wonderful ovation. Ho spoke at Mechanic's hall to a big crowd, toll ing Ills audionco of tlia progress that has beon mado In tho peace nogotoa tlons abroad. Tho Europoun nations, said tho president, has fujll confi dence in tho United States. : :o: : Mustculo Tomorrow livening Tho musicalo to bo given by tho pupils of Florence MncKay will bo held tomorrow ovonlng nt tho Prosby torlnn 'church. Mr. Paul Harrington and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tramp will nsslst tho students. No chargo bo mado but a silvor offering for the benefit of Bolglnn nnd French orphans will bo taken. Tho Hobart M. Cablo piano will bo used. : :o: : Wll Burko has resumed his former position ns clerk In ono of tho Union Pacific offices. Arthur McEvoy, who had boon in sorvlco in tho navy yard nt Seattlo, arrived homo last night, having ro colvod his discharge. 111 iz IZ 3 8 f 10 II IZ O m to tt 2 PLACE TO HOT I.YTKMj IS AUTHOR AS WELL AS ACTOR Bert Lytoll, who will be aeon as tho star of "Unoxpoctod Placos" at tho Sun thontro Wednesday ovenlng, is not contont with being known to fnmn only as an actor but also had aspirations as an author nnd play wright. In making tho soroon version of "Unoxpoctod Placos," which was ndnptod from tho story of that nnmo wrltton by Lieut. Frank R. Adams published in tho Bluo Book Mngazlno, A. S. LoVIno, sconario writer for Metro collaborated with Mr. Lytoll. This wa3 not tho actor's first attempt as ho had aided in writing tho script ot "No Man'H Land." This was only tho beginning of Mr. Lytoll's Htorary efforts ns lio has now wrltton a play which was bought by Motro and which will bo adapted for screen purposes. Mr. Lytoll will himself bo scon as tho star in his own play. ::o:: Miss Florcnco Stack rosumod her duties at tho Clinton storo yesterday after an extended Illness. Mrs. Leonard Redmond has boon assisting In. tho Western Union offlco during tho Illness of Miss Cora Sou ocr, Will Friend, of Grand Island, form erly of this city, will go to Omaha this weok to submit to an operation. Miss Ethol Strong left tho Intter part of last weok for Omaha, to ro liuiln for a couplo of months. Miss AUco FItzpatrIck, wh hold n position in tho U. P. yard offlco 'for a year past, roslgned a few days ago. ST. Si LlJ t ,Mir",,l",""T' ''0 7 V), a ST. Jildrions & 4 yj q P K lo o 3 )f. I $ X vv VJ. vx. ST. z en CD. 3 10 II IP. ST.