THE 8EMI-WEEKLV TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 1 Holshevlk prisoners chopping wood near Archangel, guarded by Yanks. '1- Gen immliet d'Kspeny. com mander of ttio allied forces In the Halknns, anil General Allenby, conqueror of Turkey, meeting at Constantinople. 3- i land-made silk Hag presented to Mrs. Wilson by tho French Women's league. FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF PEACE DELEGATES IN SESSION WHAT YANKS ENCOUNTERED IN THE ARGONNE This Is the Hrst olllelal pliotograpli to arrive In this country showing tho peaco delegates In session la Paris. 'These delegates aro from every country In tho world. HEADQUARTERS OF PRINCE MAX IN AN UNUSUAL UNIFORM I'rineo Max, who was lit charge of the German troops defending tho (Argonno forest, had his headquarters In this boombproo' bhoiter protected jlty walls of cement. r ' WHERE GERMAN ASSEMBLY CONVENES tmi i mmmm This is tho Itoyal theater In Weimar, where the Herman national asscm Jly 1b In session to try to settle tho future government of tho country. POSTSCRIPTS Malno lumbermen prefer to uso Htennt log haulers now on long roads. The average, loud hauled by two horses Js generally less than :i,0(M) feet, board jtumsuro. Under fair conditions the tit nni log hauler will haul about 7,000 t h on a sut of slodfl A train of six U- bleb can bo taken ahlng hun v -V log hauler would contain Htii 'o.roo feet. An Englishman Iiiir Invented a cover for hatchways on vessels that oper ates on the principle of n roll top desk Electric service Is available In 10, OKI communities In tho United States, compared with :i,5tr served with gas A railroad In Englnnd supplies toys for children taking long Journeys to relievo the monotony of riding. For edibles served In glasses a glass has boon invented with a sort of pocket on one side to hold a spoon. A veritable city of dugouts and bombproof shelters In the center of the Argoune forest from which the IIu un made their defense. This was ono of the bloodiest battles of the war, due to the fact that the Hun defense was practically Impregnable until our boys destroyed these dugouts nild bombproof shelters. DORMITORIES ON THE PLAZA IN WASHINGTON ''Mm ft S 'ess- Washington's plazu, a parking space recently purchased for Intensive beautifying, has been turned Into dormi tories for women war workers. Tho space lies between tho Union station and the capltol. Two in a room, the girls Hay $-15 ench lor housing and two meals a day. MAJ. PIERRE VAN DUEREN 7 It is protmhlc that among the thou sands of men In uniform you have seen on tho city streets you have never seen one wearing this particular uniform. This man belongs to the most cxclu slve branch of Undo Sam's lighting forces ho Is ono of the regular naval gunners who manned the big 14-Inch naval guns which helped smash the German linos on the western front. 1 I'hero were only HOD mon, all picked from the regular navy ranks, in this service. Their uniform Is similar to ' that of a marine except for the In signing, which are those of the navy. I Many of the 000 have returned to this country and are now at the naval bar- i racks In Brooklyn, N. Y. HUNS HELD THIS CHURCH FOUR YEARS Interior of a small chureh in IScrtrumnlx which was used by the Germans to billet troops, now restored to allies, showing strnwr.strewn pews which were occupied by tho Germans for four years. WHERE SUPREME COUNCIL MEETS Couldn't "Sec" France. "How do you Uko this country, George?" asked an olllcor of n coal- black southern plantation darky, whom ho found working on a road In the rural part of Frnucc. "Thlsyer's no country for a nigger, cap'n," replied tho toller In ollvo drab, I been here eight months and I ain't even seen a rabbit. Is you?" Then George went back to Ids shovel muttering curses against a land In which ono couldn't oven find a rabbit. Another durky was asked whother ho was glad tho armistice had been signed. "You bet I is," ho exclaimed. "I wants to get back to Oeo'ga soon's 1 kin. All 1 seen over hure Is rain and klll-o-metts." MuJ. Pierre Van Dueren of the Bel gian army, photographed on his ar rival In Now York on tho French liner Ln Lorraine. Major Dueren has re- , celvod the French Legion of Honor, the Croix de Geurre. the Belgian Order of Chevalier and Italian and Busslan decorations. Ho Is here on a diplo matic mission. Actress Grew Too Fat! A remarkable lawsuit has recently boon decided m fnvor of a moving picture actress who sued her employ ers for $715,000 for breaking a con tract. The young woman declared that sho was engaged for $500 a week 1 nnd was discharged because her em ployers said she had gained In weight I They had stipulated that sho I was to weigh no more than 110 pounds, nnd clnlmcd that hor wolght roso to 120. She denied this acquisi tion of "too, too solid flesh," and sev eral witnesses upheld her. Tho court awarded her $10,000. Evidently nil admiration for tho "tragedy queen," tfinlostle woman who onco re- soundhigly trod tho bonrds, has van I Ished from tho sorJs of the tnovto fans ns Intcrpretou ny mo mm com I pnnlcB. Tho supremo council of the allied peace delegates holds ts m i t nigs in this building, the French ministry of foreign alTalrs, on the Qual d'Orsay, Paris. SCRAPS An agent of the bureau of fisheries, S. F. lllldebrand, who conducted ex periments ln tho vicinity of Camp Han cock, near Augusta, Ga tnct with noteworthy success In controlling tho breeding of mosquitoes by the use of Ilsh. A Ilrltlsh school of archeology Is to bo founded at Jerusalem, under tho auspices of the Ilrltlsh academy. Tho school Is to be conducted t ns a re search body, to carry on oxcavatlon in vestigations and as a training school for nrcheologlsts. Tho loss of potential lives ln Eng land and Wales during the war, duo ti1,lka'm,nlsl,od ,,,rtl rntp. nmounta to u.)0,000. The nrntinrt ,tho other belligerent European coun- ines huh pronamy boenevon greater. Dr. Danjo Ehlnn. a lending Japaneso Christian pastor at Tokyo, predicts that Buddhism will die out when' mill tarlsm and Imperialism are abolished, and Christianity will become the re Weekly U'L J",mnoso- Twonty-two per cent of Ceylon KVSUT -