The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 14, 1919, Image 4

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1 . I . . . i . I i i it tr.. il. II- n..n..ln ilnrMnhn I Gut .1 Info ntiil Wiillni-u' Pnrfr Tnnfirlif I i 1 . 0,fJ Umwr.J
. vir . y-v Loster Adams, wno nau neon mi American imr ji.uici i uumu wumun i jrewi8ui-i c-viun. ...... ...D..V. mur- i
Loster Adams, who had boon In
training at Camp Mills, N. J., and
lator sont to Camp Loo, Va., arrived
homo yesterday. He was among
troops ready to embark for overseas
duty when tbo armlBtlco was signed.
Valentlnesat tho RKXAL.L STORE.
Special on Swift's I'romlum Hams
and Rncon for Saturday. Swift's
Monday and Tuesday
February 11th, a lotter was read from
Mrs. Edith Metlln, of Omaha, stating
that Tho Amorlcan War Mothors'
Club had been Incorporated for a
porlod of DO years, and had now bo
come a national organization. ,
Mrs. Metlln Is State orgnnlzor for
Promtom Ham 38 cents per pound; Nebraska.
Racon 53 conts. Half or wholo ploco. Tho club adopted the namo of
LIIDRK-SANDALIj CO. ' American War Mothers, and to com
ply with tho national by-laws, the
following addition to the provlously
American War Mothers' Club. Homo Guards to Reorganize. I Soldiers' nnd Sailors' Tarty Tonight.
At tho mothors meeting hold at tho . Following the formal mustorlrig out Tho War Mothors' Club requests tho
fodoral building Tuesday evening, i of tho Homo Guards Monday rtlglit, 1 presence of all solillors, sailors, ma-
Mrs A. M. Johnson loft Tuosday
morning for Chicago whoro she will
visit friends for a month or more.
Private Young, who had beon In an
eastern training camp, and whoso
homo Is In this city returned yostor
day. MIbb M. aieman, steam bathB and
Swedish Massago. ladles and gentle
men. Phono 897. Erodbock bldg. 85tf
Will Schram, who Is In training nt
tho Great Lakes naval Btatlon, arriv
ed homo this week on a ten-day fur
lough. FoundPair steel rimmed spectac
les In case. Owner can have samo by
calling at this offlco and paying for
this notlco.
SEE -us for Service. Tho REXALL
Mrs. Chas. Boguo had tho mlsfor
Tho Central Labor Union of this
city has gent to Lincoln a strong en
dorsement of Sonato fllo No. 99,
which proposes an lncronso In tho
salaries of county officials. This bill
was .Introduced by Senator Hoaglaild.
Potcard Valentines at tho REX
Water plpos In tho attic of tho fod
oral building sprung a leak Sunday
' night with tho result that tho west
i side of he third nnd second floors
i wore pretty well soaked, tho water
i dripping through to tho post-office
work room.
SEE us for Service. Tho REXALL
Tho Trlbuno hopes to' bo able to
announco within tho next two weeks
that n certain business man will erect
twelve OT flftoon dwellings olthor for
sale or rent. He now hns tho proposi
tion undor consideration but has not
yet reached a conclusion.
Prlnito monoj lo loan on Improved
farm land. No delny, monoy Mimo day
you mnko your application. 0. H,
Tho funeral of tho Into Mrs. F. D.
Wostcnfoldt was held from tho Epis
copal church Tuesday afternoon, Rev.
Franklin Koch conducting tho ser
vice Tho church wns crowded with
sympathizing friends nnd many floral
tributes banked tho chancol.
Lots of new spring suits nnd coats
aro coming In ovory day at THE
LEADER MER. CO. When In tho
store ask tho snles peoplo to show
them to you.
According to tho bulletin Issued uy
tho Stato Hoard of Agriculture, Lin
coin county Is given first plnco In the
production of corn last year. Tho 1918
nt hor homo Tuosday nnd suffer a
fractured wrist.
mn. win. uoBu iiuu u '-1 cro tn this county is placed nt 5,035,
iuno to ui mo bushels. Lincoln county with
2,975 acres of sugar beets ranked
third In acreage
Old Trusty and Queen Incubators
and Hroodcrs at Factory Prices.
swon imos. 8-8
L. C. Cnnkry, wIiobo homo Is west
C. T. Whclan nnd A. W. Plumor
loft Wednesday night for Omaha
whoro thoy will spond sovoral days
combining business nnd pleasure.
Wnntoa-GIrl for general, Iiiou&e- ' nf Sutherland, and who was In sor
work. Apply to Mrs. J. J. Hnlllgan, vc0 oversons, nrrlved In town yester-
304 west second. i"--ldav. Ho loft North Platte as a mom
, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. D. Winn, former
North Platto rosldonts, camo up from
Koarnoy Tuosday to attend tho funer
al of tho lato Mrs. F. D. Wostonfeldt.
Frod Wostcnfoldt, who has boon In
training at an castorn camp, and
whoso homo Is In Montnna, was called
horo Tuosday by tho death of his
Shqrwln-Wllllum's paints and var
nishes. Otto for ovory surfaco nnd pur
pose. Sold only at tho REXALL DRUG
Wodnosdny wna Lincoln's b!rthda
but It was not generally observed aft
such In North Platto. Only Institu
tions which observo nil holidays clos
. od their doors.
Cidyton Whcolock, who wns In aor
vlco ovorsoHS, arrived homo yesterday.
Ho ronchod Now York a couplo of
wooks ngo and was sont to Camp
Dodgo for demobilization.
It Is not a dity too early to got that
now Dodge Urothorn car ordered.
"Thoy do stand up." J. V. ROMIGH
Donlor. 7-8
TliQi dancing party given Tuosday
ovonlng by tho Catholic Girls' Club
was nttonded by a sufficient iuunbor
of daucors to pack tho big hall.
Evorybody Roomed to thoroughly on-
Joy tho ovonlng.
Don't loso your poultry with colds,
pip or roup, when you can cure It
with Mc'H Roup Remedy. You can got
It at tho North Sldo Drug Storu or
of R. McFnrlond, 2004 oast 4th st. No.
Platto. Nob., box 020. 0-tf
elected offlcors was made: Mrs
Woodhurst, Corresponding Secretary;
Mrs. Evans, Historian and Mrs. Elder
The Corresponding Secretary wnr
instructed to apply for a charter, and
a commlttco was appointed to for-
mulato a sot of by-laws govornlng
he local organization.
At this meeting the membership
was Increased to sixty-two.
: :o: :
Men's and boys mncanaw conts aro
being sold at Just beforo packing
away prices, Hargaln prices an all
overshoes for men, women nnd chil
dren at tho LEADER MER. CO.
those -nrosont rc-oreanlzod by a un-, rlnos and visiting soldiers to attend
anirnous vote and appointed Cnpt. W. tho party to bo glvon at tho Masonic
S. Baldwin ns chairman and Wm. Ly-, Temple at eight thirty this even
man secretary. On motion a mem- Ing. Urlng your wlfo, sister or
oorshlp roll was oponcd nnd signed swoothonrt with you. Wear your unl
by all present. Tho moetlng adjourn- form and como prepared to have a
ed subject to the call of the ohalr- i Jolly good tlmo. Fathers you aro ox
man. In tho meantime tho roll Is pectod to be there too.
onen for signatures at tho business ::o::-
houso of Win. Lyman, 514 Locust
SOI r-
hor of Company E and wns sent over
sens the enrly part of Inst year. After
arrlvnl thoro ho was put on special
service as a drill officer and spont
- ..... I- ...
mo3X oi mo unio in fw exirumo
southorn part of Franco.
Jon tool Talcum. Tho-utmost In toilet
powders. Sold only nt tho Roxall Store
Mrs. Clomontlno Barnes, who camo
horo from Pnxton to recelvo medical
treatmont, dlod Tuosday ovonlng nt
tho home of hor son Harry Ramos in
ho Fourth ward. Tho doconsod was
past slxty-flvo years of ngo. Tho ro
nalns wero taken to Pnxton for In
terment, as was also thu body of
Mrs. Unguhnrt, a daughter of Mrs.
Ramos, who dlod Monday night.,
(loo. S. Arnold, tho Rawlolgh man.
Tel. Rlnrk 1013, Ros. 014 Garflold.
All orders promptly dollvorod. 4-8
Two windows on the north sldo of
Uio Building & Loan building wore
broken in by the forco of tho storm
Wodnosdny. Ono of the big plato glnss
windows on tho north sldo of tho Mc
Donald bank building wns shivered
'nto a thousand pieces, and a window
in tho Llpshitz building sutTorcd like
wise. Tho wonther bureau reported
'he highest voloclty of tho wind nt
fifty-eight mllos an hour.
Kidney disordors causo much dis
tress of mind nnd body. Such nil
ments should not bo neglected, be
cause they load to dlseasoa that aro
dangerous. Prickly Ash Blttors Is a
fine kidnoy tonic. It strengthens tho
kldnoys and purlflos tho stomach nnd
bowols. Prlco $1.25 per bottle. GUM-MERE-DENT
DRUG CO.. Snecinl Act.
Pooling Sllmly Attended.
Iwlng to tho stormy weather and
counter attractions, tho mooting at
tho Farnklln auditorium, called to dis
cuss ways and moans of furnishing
nmusoment for our boys and girls,
wns rather sllmly attended. Tho moot
ing, presided over by O. E. Elder,
was opened with community singing,
led by W. H. Mungor and followed
with mighty good and Interesting
tnlks by Supt. Tout, Rov. Koch and
A. W. Shilling along tho lines of pro
viding ontortainmonts for young
Anothor meeting will bo called In
tho near future at which It Is hoped
tho attendance will bo largor.
: :o: :
Closing out all winter goods at big
bargains. Underwenr, sweaters, for
mon, women nnd children at THE
: :o: :
First Presbyterian. Tho pastor
will speak morning and ovonlng. Sub
ject for 7:30 p. m. "What Is Chris
tianity?" Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Loigh Carroll, Supt.
Protestant Episcopal. Sunday, Feb
10, 1919. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion
9:45 a. in. Sunday school. 11:00 a.
m. Morning prayer and sermon. 7:00
p. in. Evening prayer and address.
3:00 p. m. Sunday school St. Paul's
Chnpol North Side.
Rev. Arthur Dittos Jones, Rector
: :o: :
Wright's Condensed Smoke has the
ronl smoko flavor. REXALL STORE,
: :o: :
Desirable Real Estnto for Sale.
A nino-room residence, two-story
and basement. 802 west Gth st. A
modern home.
A live-room, and bath, residence,
Modern except heat. 8015 west Gth at
A Hvo-room, and bath, residence
Modern excopt heat. 808 west Gth st,
Auovte residences all hao Ibath,
toilet, gas, electric lights and tele-
phono connections, also cement walks
and curb.
Tho west 48 feot of Lot 2, Block
101. A good business location.
Lot 0, Block 123. A beautiful real
donco lot on west 5th street
Lot 2, Block 95. Good building lot
on west Front street.
Lot 3, Block 9, Taylor's Add., in
south part of city. All in North Pliitu
Would also soil my Cigar and Tobac
co business. 009 Dowey St.
Call,-or boo G. S. HUFFMAN, phone
Having sold my shoo business I will
for a short tlmo offor my modern
homo nt a bargain.
W. II. DIENER, 820 East Gth street,
Phono Red 133.
I wish to secure a high class local
representative as District Suporvlsor
for tho Nntlonal LIfo Insuranco Com
pany, of tho United States of America
Wo are an old lino Company, over 50
years old, writing litghost class old
lino insuranco only. Top contract to
right party. Answors confidential In
all cases. EdWard T. Kollhor, General
Agent for Nebrnska, 1215-1G City Na
tional Bunk Building, Omnha, Nebras
Un. 7-4
Est my Notice.
TaUou up on or about January 23
1919. on section 14-12-31, by tho un
dorsigncd who thoro resides, ono bay
horso, 2 yrs. old, woight 800; black
maro 2 yrs. old, woight 800; gray
maro 2 yrs. old. woight 800; no
brnnds. Ownor call, prove proporty
pay chargos and tako animals away.
STRAYED About two months ago
from sections 25 nnd 35, flvo miles
northeast of Dickons, two Whito
facoj yearling stoors, branded with
jug or bottle brand on left sldo on
ribs. Good reward for nny informa
Hon loading to rocovory of Bnmo,
JOHN WILKHN, Dickens, Neb
Wanted Contrncts for plowing. Call
at 075 No. Locust. Phono Red 55G. 22
If you never raised poultry before, you should do
it this year! Don't buy 35-cont meat and 50-cent eggs
1 a a W a.
You can proauce your own chicken dinners and eggs
for breakfoitl Can cut your cost of living! Get this
simple easy-to-oporate, modern incubator and see for
yourself how wonderfully it helps solve your cost of
living problem tris year.
W. R. Maloney Co,
We hare Been many bunion luOi-rera llmi.
Uir and praying far rvllel -(hen they used
VAIKYITOOT and are now happy and satisfied
What FAIltYFOOT has done (or others. It
can do (or you, and we absolutely guarantee It
instantly auer application mo nam ana in
flanimaUon dlaitar. l'AIUYFOOT litcraUy
welts away the bunion enlargement.
For SO yean this remarkable remedy has
nenentea nunqrcis oi mmisanus ot men ami
women all over the countnr. Get a hoitrxlnT
Vou must bu satisfied, or we want you to return
Annual RnJI is'e.xt Tuesday.
The Vlominn's CathoJjc Order of
IV)rrestors will glvb tholr seventh
annual ball at tho K. C. hall noxt
Tuesday ovoning. Those dancing
parties wero inaugurated by the For
resters six years ago and onch yoarly
event has been largoly patronized by
reason of the offorts mndo by Uio com
mittee to bco that each attendant had
an enjoynblo evening. Thoso who at
tend noxt Tuesday ovoning will find
the splendid lmll comfortable, tho
floor in good condition nnd tho music
by Doucet's orchestra all that could
be doslrcd.
Forbes Appointed Chairman.
Milton J. Forbes has been appoint
ed chairman of Lincoln county's War
Savings Commlttco for Uio year 1919.
taking tho placo of Ray C. Langford,
who so ably led our county In tho War
Savings drive during 1918. Mr. For
bes Is rapidly completing his organi
zation so ns to bo ready for the drive,
plans of which will bo Issued from
the stato commlttco at an early date.
Tho Tribune congratulates Mr. Forbes
on his appointment nnd nssuros him
of tho samo support that was given j
last year in helping to make the 1919
Irlvo a complete success.
Card of Thanks.
Wo hereby express our slnceie
thanks to friends, neighbors and fra
ternal societies for their many nets
of kindness tendered us during tho
Illness nnd after tho passing away of
wlfo nnd mother, and for the floral
F. D. Wostonfeldt and Family
Smoky City Wfcill Paper Cleaner
saves both tho bother nnd expense of
vaporing. The REXAL STORE.
For Itont
1G0 acres good nativo hay land for
1919 season, four mtos from North
Platto In Sec. 2-13-31. Address H.
A. Trlller, G8G 38th St., Dos Moines,
la. 10-3
Having purchased tho North Side
Uacksmlth Shop, I nsk my friends to
call and share their patronago with
me. I havo been with Mr. VanCleavo
tho past seven years and am able to
lo first class work and promise satis
faction in very way.
Don't neglect signals of dlstross In
tho kidneys. Uackacha, norvous disor
ders, palo complexion dark rings
nbout tho eyes, mean kidnoy trouble.
Regln promptly taking Prickly Ash
Blttors; It Is a kidnoy remedy of tho
ilrst class. Price $1.25 por bottle.
Gummoro-Dont Drug Co,. Special Agt
t ft ll v. I
tit 1 W - Iflf
Mini :
.minium "
usual New
aro made
Now that tho
Year's resolutions
and broken
Mako ono worth while
One you'll keep I
Resolve right now that from
this on, you'll make Electricity
do all tho hard part of your
Mako it light
next to sunlight.
your home
Make It wash, iron, cook,
clean llko no other servant
can bo mado to do llko oven
you, yourself, can't do.
Then you'll onjoy real house-,
keeping genuine home-making.
Thore's a world of sug
gestions In Our Shop. All
of us aro thorough Elec
trical men ready to help
you plan and select.
Make the Resolution
You'll keep It!
Rheumaticky Achy j
How the rheumatically inclined cringe
with the pain and ache. What distress,
what torture. Is it necessary? We do
not think so.
Our Rheumatic Remedy
is scientifically designed to relieve pains
of rheumatism, neuralgia, gout and sciati
ca. We have every reason to believe in
its efficiency and its power. We do not
think it will fail you any more than it has
failed anyone else- Why not try it.
Phone 5.
Drug Co.
IP U E3 L 1 3 J Li EEEI
I will sell nt my farm ono-half mllo south and one-half miles west
of Hershoy, on
TUESDAY, FEB. 18, 1919,
Commencing at 1:00 P. M., with the following described
property, to-wit: -
12 Head of Horses
Ono Porcboron Stallion, coming 3 years old; Two registered Perch
oron mnros, 5 nnd 12, woight 2800; and ono colt. Ono black maro, 4
years old .wolght 1300; Ono brown maro, G years old woight 1300;
Ono tenm bay geldings coming 4, woight 2400; Ono team black
goldlngs, 4 and 5, woight 2400; Ono black gelding, 4 years old,
woight 1100: all broko to work. Ono black colt coming 2 years old.
10 Head of Cattle
Consisting of 3 milch cows, 2 hoifors and 5 calves.
Four Head of l'uro Ural Poland Chlmi Urood Sows.
Machinery, Etc.x
Consisting of ono gang plow, sulky plow, potato planter, three
mowors, thrco Bwoops, stackor, rako, disc cultivator, alfalfa renova
tor, buggy, two wagons', rnck and box, gasoline engine, pump Jack,
com shredder, four sots of hnmess, saddle, 8-ft. disc, four or flvo
dozen Duff Orphlngton chlckons, somo old railroad ties, nnd num
orour other articles.
TERMS: Sums of $10 and undor, cash. On sums ovor that amount
8 montliB tlmo will bo given purchaser on good bnnkablo paper
drawing ton percent Interest from date of salo. 2 percont off for cash.
COL. I. J. RROWKFIELD, COL. It. f. SHA1TELL, Auctioneers.
4 .
1, '
it ami Ket your money back.