The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 11, 1919, Image 10

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lltA L IIAHi:, Editor nnd Publisher
Oiio Year by Mall, In adranco. .$1.75
Ono Year ljr Carrlor, In advance, $2.00
Entorod at tho North l'latto, Nebraska
Postofflcc as Second Clans Matter.
Maxwell Telopost Items,
Contractor F. II. Whyto and wife,
on North Platto, w'orft InritfnxweJl
Saturday. Mr. Whyte is figuring on
tho now Farmers State Dank building.
AMfhur Merrick who wag at
death's door with tho flu 'pneumonia
two wcckH ago. was sufficiently re
covered Saturday to go to an Omaha
(From the HorHhey Times.) I hospltiaL 110 was accotnpanl'od hy
Through tho courtoy of formor Mrs. Merrick anl his brother Roy.
Htation agent F. C. Donnolly,' who had Harry Schriver left for Excelsior
charge of tho Hershoy station during Springs Saturday for the purposo of
tho yonr 1918, we are able to give tho recuperating and gaining strength,
following statomont as to tho number No had boen bedfast with flu for some
of carload lots of commodities shipped weeks and was baroly able to be up
out of Hershoy during tho year: , when ho took the train hero. He
From Hers hev Nay 790. boots 201. iooib prouy won khockou out by nis
Hore uro some of tho artlclos on
whlah you will pay tax undor the new
fed oral rovenuo law:
Frolght Threo por cont.
Express Ono cent for each 20 cents
or fraction thereof.
Pawwnger faros Eight por cont
not including commutation,
Pullman Eight por cont.
Tolophono nnd tolograph moHsnge
-Fivo cents on chargos ovor 11 conts
nnd under 50 cents; 10 cents on
cliurgos ovor CO cent.
Llfo InsurancesEight conts on
each $100 of Insurance.
Marino, Inland, casualty and flro In
surance Ono cent on each dollar gf
Near boor Fifteen I'or cent of sell
ing price.
Soft drinks Ton por cent of manu
facturers' soiling prlcoj I cont for
each 10 cents or fraction thereof pnld
by consumer for Ice cream, Ice cream
sodas or other soft drinks.
Mineral wntcr Ton conts por gal
lon on manufacturers' selling price.
Cignrfl $1.50 to ?15 por thousand.
ClgnretteB $3 to $7.20 por thous
and .
Chewing and smoking tobacco and
snuff Elghteoji cents a pound.
Thoators nnd other amusements
Ton por cent of admission at box of
fice. Club duos Ton por cent on duos
abovo $10 a year.
Exciso taxes on salo price aiutomo
bllo trucks Thrco por cent.
Automobiles and motorcycles Five
por cont.
Tiros Fivo por cont.
Sporting goods Ton per cent.
Pianos, organs, phonographs, otc.
Fivo por cont.
Chowlng gum Throe por cont.
Cnmoras Ton per cont.
Photographic films nnd platos Fivo
por cont.
Flro nrms for prlvato use Ton per
Electric fans Fivo por cont.
Thormos bottles Fivo per cent.
Cigar holders and pipes of meors
chanm or ambor Ton por cent.
, Fur garments Ton per cent.
Tollot soaps nnd powders Throe
por cont.
Ton por cont on tho excess of prlco
abovo following amounts: Carpots and
rugs $5 por squaro yard trunks, $50:
traveling bags. $25; pursoa and shop
ping bags, $7.50; umbrellas and ipnra
, sols. $4; fans, $1; womon's bats, $15:
men's hats, $5; shoes, $10; men's
neckwear. $2; men's silk stockings.
fhlw'!1,0'1" H.llk 8tocWnB. 2; mon's
shirts, $3; pajamas and night gowns,
$G; kimonos, pottlcoats and waists,
Jowolry, wntchos, clocks and opora
glasses Fivo nor cont. 1
' Motion plcturo films exhibits Fivo
por cont. '
Mill I 1 r C0"l
r.0, lllll,ont" nml ,mtont moilt'
clnos Fciu.r nor cent
Bowling alloys and billiard rooms
oriesr$20."y r a,,ool,n "1
Automoblos for 1ilm-tn ton
nrafts or eliock..-2 CenN up to $100
Mon thiriof 3U,"UOn Tl0 rrrnc
cattle 186, hogs 55, shcop 8, horsos 1, several sick spells recently;
whont 57. barloy 1, ryo ,8 alfalfa
ineal 9, Hour 3, corn 27t.Junk 3, whlto;
clnvor seed 2, miscellaneous 7, total ,
1418. ,
Tho Horshoy station also handles
tho frolght business of several "blind
stations" near by, among thorn O'Fal
lons, Sarben, Glonburnlo and Nichols,
and the shipment from thoso nrc as
O'Fallons Hay 49, rye 2, beets
1G4, total 215.
Sarlxm Hny 50, cattlo 17, hogs 3,
wheat C, boots 129, total 205.
Glonburnlo Hny 43, beets 20, to
tal 09.
Nichols Hay 139, boots - 08, to
tal 207.
Thus tho total itonber of cars billed
nut from tho Horshoy station during j
tho year 1918 reaches tho grand total
of 2,114, a splendid showing for our
town and community, and yet our
possibilities In this great valley aro
Hershoy Times Hems.
Dolbert Martin arrived this evening
from tho Grand Island business col
lego for a short visit with his parents.
He Is taking a commercial course.
William Leypoldt took his llttlo
daughter to Omaha yesterday to a
hospital whero sho will undergo an
operation In ono of tho cords on her
nock, and which was retarding the
growth of tho sido of her head.
Tho Times was misinformed last
wook as to Chas. Loypoldt moving to
Omaha soon. He purchased tho Eves
resldonco property the first of the
week and will soon move to 'llcrshey
witli his family. Welcome to Hersh
oy. Charles.
I jjou urowniieiti nrriveu Alonilay
from Kansas City whoro he has com
pleted a course in an auctioneering
school. Doll Is now a full fledged
"i oionor,
"Washington, Feb. 8. T"he annual
postofflco appropriation bill, carrying
a total of $400,000,000, and providing
for tho expondltUro of $200,000,000 ad
ditional for road building in the next
threo years, was passed tonight by
the senate without a record vote. Tho
measure now goes to conference.
The principal fight ovor tho bill was
on tuo committee's amendment ap
propriating $200,000,000 for construc
tion of roads, $50,000,000 of which
would be available this year. The op
position was led by Senator Thomas
of Colorado, democrat, who sought to
have It eliminated on tho ground that
It was general legislation. Tho amend
ment finally was adopted, however, by
ote or oi to 17.
It takes a staff of not loss than
three thousand to man the newest
New York hotel, which advertises a
capacity of 3,000 porsons. It has been
claimed for some time that tho I'help"
around a modern hotel would number
almost as mnny people as the guest
capacity .and now wo have this stan
dard put down ns ono of the doilnlte
pledges that tho servico will nlwuys
bo kept at the highest standard. So
long as tho patrons of the large city
Hotels insist upon this grade of sor-
Vice, ns well as the location of tho
hotels in the high rent districts, Just
so long will room rates continue to
.... , i uiuiiui , mis sevurai saies to cry,
bo much greater In the future t!intlllrcB,iyt H0 lie OXl0CtB t0 gct ln(0
thoso figures will sink Into inslgnlfl- ,i. i,rnoa iintu. r. .
canco.whon once tho great movement , ,orrlt horoaboutH , g7ent and 'we
wisli t'ol. Dell success.
Is started and onough people begin
to ronllzo what wo really have bore.
Two Papers Endorse Court House.
The Maxwell Tolopost republishes
Tho Tribune's article on tho ques
tion of a now court house and makes
tho following comment: "The abovo
sounds very sensible and tho Tele
post, knowing tho risk of subjecting
tho- county and court records, many
of which cannot bo ropluced, to fire,
endorses ovory word of tho abovo sug
gestion. If thoso records burn, some
men would havo mortgages to repay.
clouded titles to lands, lost Judg
ment Hens, nil entailing endless liti
gation, whllo somo nion would have
too many wives and somo women too
mnny men at their apron strlncs.
Then, why not tho living enjoy tho
convwnlonqoB montloncilv? Why not
honor our soldiers whllo they nro
1th us during tho dccllnlnc years
f their parents than lcavo that
ploasuro to anothor generation?
Tiio jsrauy vindicator says;
Editor Daro of tho North Platto
frlbuno suggests that now 1b tho
tlmo to begin thinking of building a
now court house. Ho nlso advocates
soldlorB' memorial hall In connec
tion with tho building. Bamo to bo
sed as a rost room for farmers and
their fnmlllcB whon visiting tho coun
ty seat. Tho suggestion 1b a good
ono. and ovory ono knows tho county
neons a now winning.
ml" "'Hon. L.ust wcolc's casualty
Villi It lf till rttitl . r
-" "'""' ik nnro uinn mon
",7 i'u(iiuonury-rorco missing In
action Hub boon corroded to innko
the total 7.783. General March said
vju.iuuu rorsning Had reportod tho
now total with tho information that
-i ' . " . woro 1110 r(,lt of tho
records 'in tho contrni
records ofllco In Vm,u'n
At tho samo tlmo Gonornl Pershing
gfivo tho wnr douartmont now totals
of tho casualties In tho First nnd Soc
ond dlvlslona. tho mnrlno brigndo in
inu nuor uoinur incitnimi Tim m-at
'division had a total of killed, died of
""""' iiiiHHing m action and prison
ers of 5.248 and tho Second division
mini wnB ti ,.'()(!.
UovermiHMit NhmIh lUlllons.
Washington. Docords of tho trons
ury department woro dlsclosmi in mn.
gross ln conno'ctlou with action on tho
six billion dollar rQVOiitio ltd l . ihi
blggost tax levy over proposed In this
country, uatn shown Indicated that Mi
Uuc to bo assessed Mauler provisions of
tho proposed law would bo equal to
sixty dollars durliur tho year of 191!)
and forty dollars ln 1020 for itncli of
tho ono hundrod million tpooplo In tho
united stutos.
It was ulso shown -that tho proposed
tax will ralso only ono third of the
amount required by next Juno and tho
imianco will havo to bo ralsod in
somo othor manner. This sooms almost
certain to bo done by tho lBsuanco of
additional bonds, thlH and next year.
That two moro Ioaiih will bo lloatod
Is cortaln .and moro may follow.
Unemployment Is Incroased.
Washington. A "much Jioavlor In
orcaso" of lunemploymont tbls wook Is
roportoi by tho labor department
The porcontnge of cities roportlng
siirpluflos of labor ban risen from fifty
to llfty-Bovon. tJitloa roportlng short
ages of labor havo dropped from thlr
toon to elovon por cont. Supply of
labor (equal to domand wuh roportod
by 32 por cent of tho cltlos comparod
.with 38 last wook.
Kidney dlsordoni causo much tils
tress of mind And body. Such nil
tnonts should not to nogloctcd. bo
cnuso they load to dlsoasos that aro.
dangerous. PrlckJr Ash Dlttors la
lino kldnoy toulo. It Btrongthons tho
kidneys and purlfloo Uio stomach and
lK)Wols, Prlco $l.EC nor 1kU1o. GUM
Tho stockholders of tho Farmers'
Co-oporatlvo Association held their
anniml meeting tit their offices in
Horshoy Wednesday., Tho books had
been audited for tho past year nnd
tho figures npproved. Henry Frels
was re-elected president and R. A.
Framo secretary. P. A. Anderson
was olected on tho board of directors.
Mrs. Julia Todd received a letter
from her son Glen who 1b with tho
47th Company of the 5th Regiment
now located at Waldbrolthbach. .Ger
many, as part of tho army of occupa
tion. Ho has seen Btronuous service
end expects to get homo soon. Tho
division ho wns in had ten per cent
of tho total A. E. F. casualties and
ca'pturcd twonty-flve per cont nf the
total prisoners nnd artillery credited
o the A. E. F. At nresent Glon Is
located In a castlo nnd ho sent his
mother somo beautiful nost card nic
Mirci of tho castle and surrounding
Tito bill Introduced ln tho legisla
ture raising tho pay of precinct as
sessors from $3 to $4 a day has passed
a third reading and will probably pass
notn nouse and senate.
: :o.'
STRAYED About two months ago
from sections 25 nnd 35, five miles
northeast of Dickens, two White
faced yearling steers, branded with
Jug or bottle brand on left sido on
ribs. Good reward for any informa
tion leading to recovery of same.
JOHN WILKEN. Dickens, Neb.
: :o: :
If you want the family to bo heal
thy and active, glvo them Holllster's
HocKy Mountain Tea this month. It
regulates tho bowels, helps the ap
petite, puts llfo and energy In tho
whole family. 35c, Tea or Tablets.
J. O. PATTERSON. Druggist.
Urady Vindicator Iloms.
Charlos Nelson Is another Drady
sodlor boy to roturn homo, last Sun
day. Ho was mustored out of sor-
vlco Inst wcok,. Mr. Nelson was ono
of tho many that was on tho ocean
whon tho armlstlco was signed, and
the transport ho wbb on turned back
o tho states after bolng out several
undrcd mllos on Its way to Franco.
lmvm jonnson wno went to Omaha
last wook to confer with tho officials
of tho North Platto Light & Power
Co., returned homo Tuesday mornlnor.
Tho compnny will probably build n
transmission lino for Mnxw'cll and
Urady If tho two towns can guarantee
tho company onough business to make
if. a paying proposition for them.
I Ho !lzo of tho guarantao to b3
asked will dopond lnrcelv on tho
ost of buldlng n lino, which 1b yet to
o neuron out.
Nath Uratton Informs, this wrltor
that tho farmers of this vlcinltv are
subscribing dally for stock in tho
'armors' co-oporatlvo olovator com
pany. Tho company oxpects to nur-
maso tho Omnha olovator nronurtv In
Drady. Dotwoon fivo and six thous-
nd dollars havo boon subscribed nl
oady. and tho rost Is oxnoctod to ho
sold by Saturday night. Ten thous
and dollars is to bo tho total stock,
aim it is said tho olovator can hn
nought for $0,500.
Sutherland Courier Kems.
C. A. Lau and A. D. Yates sold 134
head of steers to a party from Now
ton, Kansas, last weok. They brought
$100 per head.
While at tho stock show ln Denver
Jamos Shoup bought a steer that
wolghB 2130 pounds. Ho Is going to
toed It and see It ho can't make a
good sized steer of It.
Somo people seem to think that
thero Is Diptherla at Henry- (Joker's,
all of which is a mistake. MIsdiMario
was home on a visit but took sick
after sho went back to North Platte.
She Is getting nlong nicely now.
As soon ns tho weather Is a little
warmor A. W. Potorson will start the
erection of a brick building on the
ground whoro his old store Is. When
completed ho will havo a building for
ins arug store winch will be modern
In every respect.
: :o: :
I wish to secure n high class local
roprosontatlvo as District Supervisor
ior mo wationnl Life Insurance Com
pany, of tho United States of America
Wo aro nn old lino Company, over 50
years old, writing highest class old
lino insurance only. Top contract to
right party. Answers confidential In
all cases. Edward T. Kollhor, General
Agent for Nebraska. 1216-16 Cltv Na
tlonal Dank Dulldlng, Omaha, Nebrns-
Ka. 7-4
: :o: :
Estrny Notice.
Takon up on or about January 23,
1919. on section 14-12-31. bv tho un
dersigned who thero resides, ono bay
norso, a yrs. old, weight 800; black
maro a yrs. old, weight 800; gray
muro - yrs. . oiu. weignt SOU; no
brnnds. Owner call, prove property
pay chargos and take animals away.
That's what we have done. We have put in
a full line of the Old Reliable Queen Incubatory sold
m these parts with satisfaction for many years.
i NoWx 's "p to you Are yu t?oins t0 he patriotic and
make a little money on the side this year, by raising a hunch
of robsters and pullets to sell next fall or are you eoinn to
sit tight and pay the other fellow for your meat and egysf
Queen Incubators
Hatch Chicles Taat Live and Grow
That's tho kind you want. You v int
big hatches, of course, but 100 per . nt
hatches don't mean much if half the
chicks die. A Queen Incubator co ia
but little more than the cheap kind, a d
the extra chicles that live and grow soi n
pay the difference.
Wo sell Queen machines because they
have a splendid reputation ns reliable
hatchers not only here, but all over
the country. We have some Queen
books that are interesting. You are
welcome to n copy. Just step In nnd
ask for one.
Local Agents, North Platte.
-: :o: :
North Platte, Nebraska
By caling this number you can as
certain whero I am.
Practice Ltintted to
Surgery and ltadium Therujij
728 Clt) National Bank Building.
Omaha. Nebraska.
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoflicc.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
clontiflc treatment of medical,
urgicnl and confinement casei.
Completely quipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lncas, H. D.
J. B. Redfic!d.M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D.
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernity and convalescent pati
ents. Successful operation on
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
Hospital Phone 110
Office Phone 183
Residence Phone 283
1008 West Fourth Street
North Platte, Neb.
Fhsylclau and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
nnd Obstretrlcs.
Ofllco: Building & Loan Building
Phonos: Ofllco 130, Residenco 115
Wiy not writo your flro and cyclono
Insurance with n rcllnblo company
who Invest tliolr premiums In Liberty
Bonda and giro our county tho credit.
aco ns for farm and nutoniohllo rates
Office Phone 340 Res. Black 376
Osteopathic Physician
Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Nob.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - Nebraska.
.. Knights ot Columbus Building.
Phono 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska
Referonco:- Farmers State Bank
Sutherland, Nobr.
I alway tako stock buyers with me
and always soil for tho high dollar.
My one host reference I'm always
dated ahead Phono at my expense
for datos
Licensed Embamors
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day phono 1
Night phono Black 5SS
In tho Mutter of tho Estato of
Hospital Phone Black 033
House Phone Black 633
Graduate Vetorlunrlaii
Eight years u Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Nutlco of Petition.
Estate No. 1024 of Walter G. Mc
Nool, deceased In tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: To all
porsons Interested In said Estate take
notlco that a petition has been filed
for the appointment of Mary C. Mc
Neol as Administratrix of said Estato
which has boen set for hearing heroin
on March 7. 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated February 4. 1919.
Fll 3w. County Judge.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estato No. 1613 of William A. Mil
ler, deceused In tho County Court of
Lincoln County, Nobraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estate will tako notlco
that tho tlmo limited for presentation
nnd filing of claims against said Es
tiato Is June 14, 1919, and for settle
ment of said Estato Is Fobruary 7,
1920; and that I will sit at tho county
court room ln said county on Mnrch
14, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. in., and on
Juno 14, 1919. at 9 o'clock a. m to
receive,-oxaniino. hoar, allow or ad
just all claims and objections duly
F11-4W County Judge.
Notlco of Referee's Salo..
Notlco Is horoby given Uiat by vlr
tuo of an ordor Issued to mo by the
District Court ln nnd for Lincoln
County, Nobraska, In an action whero-
In Katlo B, Lowo is ptalnufT and Marie
Lowo, Emmott Lowe, a minor: Laura
F. Lowo, a minor; and Mabel Lowo, a
minor, aro defendants, I will on tho
8th day of March. 1919, at tho hour
of two o'clock of said day at the east
front door ot the court houso in tho
city of North Platto, Lincoln County,
Nobraska, sell at public auction to tho
hlghost blddor for cash tho following
descrlbod real estato eltuato in the
County of Lincoln and Stato of No
braska, to-wlt: Southeast Quarter
(SEV4) of Section Twonty-flvo (25),
TOwiuljlp Nino (9), North of Range
Thirty (30), wost ot tho cth p. m.
Dated this 28th day ot January. 1919
F4-M7 O. E. ELDER, Referee
To Alllo G. Burlison now Alllo G.
Kamrar, Augustus E. Burlison, Sarah
A. Burlison, and to all persons Inter
ested In tho estato of James H. Bur
llson, deceased and to all heirs and
creditors of said Jamos II. Burlison.
deceased, and to all persons interested
ln the SWJ4 and tho S of the NWV1
of Section 25, Townhlp 13, North, of
Range 31, Wost of tho 6th P. M. In
Lincoln County. Nobraska:
ou and each of you are hereby
notified that on tho 1st day of Febru
ary, 1919, Thomas G. Rowley, filed his
petition In tho County Court of Lin
coin County, Nebraska, in which said
petition It Is alleged that James II.
Burlison died Intestate on tho 6th day
of November, 1892 at Hamburg, Erie
County, State of Now York, and left
surviving him no children nor the
chlldron of any deceased children,
and that ho left surviving him Alllo
G. Burlison, his widow, now Alllo G
Kamrar, Augustus E. Burlison, his
father, Sarah A. Burlison, his mother,
nnd that said persons are his solo and
only heirs at law and next of kin, also
alleging that said Jamos H. Burlison
died seized of the SWV4 and tho S
of tho NWU of Section 25, Township
13, North, of Range 31. West of the
6th P. M., In Lincoln County, Nebras
ka. It Is also alleged in the said peti
tion that tho petitioner. James G
Rowley, Is now tho owner of said land
having derived title thoroto by mesne
conveyance, from tho said heirs of
James H. Burlison, deceased.
You aro further notified that tho
prayer of said petition. Is that a tlmo
bo set for tho hearing thereof, that
notlco be given to snld heirs and to
all persons Interested In tho estnto
of James II. Burlison nnd tn ill credi
tors of said James H. Bu'nn nnd
to nil porsons Interested In ti" SWVi
nnd tho SVj of tho NW4 of Section 25
Township 13, North, of Rane 31.
Wost of the 6th P M.. ln Lincoln
County, Nobrnska, and that on tho
hearing of said 'petition tho Court
detormlno thnt said James H. Burll
fon died on tho 6th day of November
1892, Intestato nnd seized of tho SWi
nnd tho BVt of tho NW'4 of Section
Township 13. North, of Rontjo 31.
Wost of tho fith P ".M.. ln Lincoln
Countv Nobraska. and to detormlno
nvh the hairs of tho snld Jamos II.
urllson were nt tho tlmo of his death
iieirreo of klnshln and their right to
inborH said lands.
And vcii nnd each of vou aro there
frvn notified to nonpar nt tho Coun'v
T'idr"' offlon In the OouHhoiiBo In
'.n Hv of Ynrth Plnte. No'wiRkn.
Mm pth dnv of Mnrch. 1919. to
ohv rn"to " nnv thorn bo whv the
-o..or f snld notlttou should not. bo
F4-21 County Judge.
Office over McDonald Bank.
Offlco Phono 113C Ros. Phono 112C
General Farm Sales a Specialty.
References nnd Dntos at First Na.
tlonal Bank, North Platte, Neb.
Phono 1000.
VT. E. Gates, February 4th.
John Primrose, Fob. (5th, 1911). .
John Spencer, Jr.. February 11th.
W. B. & C. P. Howard, February 25th.
J rod Juiscr, March lath.
Best Price Paid for
Hog Market
Office at the Old Stock Yards
We also buy cattle. Call phone
Black 381 for prices
North Platte, Nebraska.
big Price for Furs.
From $2 to $4.50 for prime skin3.
Muskrats from 20c to $1.50
Notice for Publication.
Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Broken Bow,
Nebraska, January 22, 1919.
Notlco is hereby given that Bloss A.
Elias, of North Platte, Neb., who, on
.August 14, 1915,mado Homestead En
try North Platte No. 06272, Broken
Bow No. 0118666 for tho S SEH,
Section 22, Township 15 North, Raugo
30 west ot 0th Principle Meridian has
filed notice of intention to make
three-year proof to establish claim to
tho land above described before the
County Judge of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, at North Platte, Nebraska, on
tho 10th day of March, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses: Den
nis Brlen, C. R. Smith, Patrick Mc
Graw and John Woldon, all of North
Platto, Nebraska.
J28f28 Register.
Notlco to Creditors.
Estato No. 1610 of Evangeline Gough
Deceased, in tho County Court .of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, S.S. Credi
tors of said said estato will tako
notlco that the time limited for pres
entation and filing of claims against
said estato is May 28th, 1919, and for
tho settlement of said estato 1R Janu
ary 24th, 1920, that I will sit at tho
county court room in said county on
Fobruary 28th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a.
iu and on May 28th, 1919, at 10
a. m., to receive, examine, hear, allow
or adjust all claims and objections
duly fllod.
J28f2S County Judgo.
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Anna
Margarotha Meyer, ' Deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given to any and
all persons having claims and de
mands against tho ostato of tho said
Anna tMargaretha Moyor, deceased,
that tho 17th day of May, 1919, has
boon set and appointed aa tho day for
tho recoptlon, examination and ad
justment and allowance of lawful
claims and demands of all porsons,
against said ostato and that tho
County Court of Lincoln County. No
braska, will at said tlmo receive, ox
amln!, adjust; and' allow all such
claims against said estato, aa provid
ed by law, at the County Court Room
ln the Courthouse in tho City of North
Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, and
nil porsons so lntorosted ln said es
tato, will appear at said time and
fdaco and duly prestont tholr said
claims and demands ln tho manner
rcquirod by law,, or show causo for
not so doing, and ln enso any of said
claims or demands shall not bo pre
sented on or prior to tho said 17th
day of May, 1919, tho samo shall be
forovor barred.
signed this notlco and affixed tho seal
of said Court this 17th day of Janu
ary, 1919.
(SEAL) County Judge. J21F14