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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1919)
0 'or, THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 11, 1919. -" A . No. 9 (The , LOCAL FIRM SHIPS 17(51 CANS OF HAY. Tho placo occupied by hay in the agricultural productions of Lincoln county is shown to a marked degree by the shipments made since the first of last July by tho firm of Loypoldt & Pennington .from stations in the Platte Valley in this county. During tho past seven and one-halt months this firm has shipped from Lincoln county 1,761 cars of hay, approximat ing 21,000 tons, for which they paid tho growers $416,920. This Is equiv alent, to disbursing! over $2,000 a day for every working day of tho period nnvnim1 twf tit a d1i I rm fin f a NTrvf rittl V docs this glvo evldonco of the value of the hay" Holds of tlie valley, but gives an Insight into tho volumo of business transacted yearly by this firm, whoso shipment of hay from Elkhorn valley points aro nearly as great as from Lincoln county, and in addition buy and soil grain, mill stuff, flour and coal. But these shipments of 1,761 cars of hay by Loypoldt & Pennington does not by- any moans represent tho full valuo of tho hay crdp, for thero aro not only other shippers, but some few of tho growers do their own shipping. Taking tho alfalfa shipments in con junction -witli the hay, tho value of both would mount up well toward the million dollar mark. ::o:: Tho best valentine. LIggctt's choco lates. Sold exclusively at tho REXALL DRUG STORE. WILL TALK GOOD JIOADS AT T1IK BANQUET TONIGHT. i i i I A Good Roads banquet and supporl will bo hold in tho basemont of thci Episcopal church this evening lunder tho auspices of tho Chamber of Com merce at which it is expected that not less than one hundred good roads , boosters will be prosent. Tho Epls-1 copal ladles will servo one of their usual splendid suppers, and this will bo followed by talks ind discussions i on good roads. ' Two out-of-town speakers have boen' secured for this meeting. Ono of these Is Mr. McClaman, of Knnsas City, who has chargo of tho new potash plant at Sutherland, and who Is a highway engineer. Ho not only knows the theory of good road-bulldlng. but has had practical exporlenco in road building in all kinds of soli. TJio other sponker is Engineer Mlr ick, who is a deputy to Stato Engin eer Johnson, a man who has made n study of road building in Nebraska, has observed the methods of construc tion and noted that which was bad as well as that which proved good. At this meeting It Is hoped to evolve a plan whereby tho roads load ing Into North Platto may be Improv ed, not only In the Immediate vicinity of tho city but In outlying districts. This plan may call for expenditures bv tho business men of the city, and If so, each should cheerfully boar his rart. for good roads are needed and good roads we must have and that n. d. q. FIKKMKN HOLD ANNUAL HANQl'LT LAST LVKNING. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ADDITIONAL DLl'AHT.MIJNTS MUST AS MUCH IIOOZE AT THE STATE FAKM. ' IN STATE AS EVEK. EVELYN NESBI1T in 66 I WANT TO FORGET" The story of a woman of the world who found regen eration in sacrifice. An appealing story dedicated to the patriotic women of America. KEITH THEATRE I CRYSTAL THEATRE Wednesday Night. Thursday Night. The Ideals of the Motor Car Business. By GEO. C. HIJB1JS, Assistant Sales Manager for Dodge Brothers. "If tho splendid work dono during the past few years in putting the soil ing methods of .the Industry upon a higher plane in the eyes of tho public Is to continue, then it may become necessary to adopt measures among representative dealers that will make It highly unpleasant for unscrupulous dealers to misrepresent, by their cheap methods, the real character of tho motor car business. "Public confidence is as big and vital an asset to the industry as a whole as It is to the individual dealor, and any dealer who clearly, shows that he has no' regard for such confidence should not bo permitted to profit by it. "There are three things all of . which have to do with commoif hon esty that will largely detormlno the future of this business: "First, the manufacture of honest cars. No manufacturer has a right to mislead tho public or to force thev dealer to compromise himself by rep resenting a car to be something which lie secretly Knows it Is not. There can be no such thing as per manent4 success for either a car or a dealor that is not basted on probable merit. "Second, an "honest, helpful, abso lutely uniform and businesslike rela tionship betw'eon tho manufacturer and his dealers. "Third, oppn-nnd-abovc-bonrd deal ing with motor car purchasers, with ' no fictitious allowances on used cars to cover up price concessions; no fictitious "free" service thnt is charg ed for In advance In tho price of the car: no fictitious claims for merit or iierformanco that cannot be easily proved. "Tho application of simple honesty at thoso vital points will provide tho surest possible guarantee for a healthy futuro for thoso dealers and manufacturer who hoyo " vision enough nnd courage enough to follow a straight line. "Tho real dotcrnilninc factors for tho fiiUure aro In Uio Ideals (or lack of thorn) of tlio men engntrcd In tills business, rtitlior tlinn In certain nfrunlslni; flnnnclnl or economic eon-1tlniiN. I have been trying to hew to these lines in North Platte, with gratifying results., I intend in the future to continue to sell good DodgeBrothers and Chandler Motor Cars and to give real service to my buyers. I know such methods and service will appeal to. you, when you come to buy your car. Drop in and talk it over any time. J. V. ROMIGH, Dodge Brothers MOTOR CARS. Sixth and Locust Chandler Phone 844 Tho annual banquet of tho Nortji I'lntte Flro Department was hold last evening at tho Liberty Inn, nlmost the I entlro membership bolng presont to- j gethor with a number of guests In eluding Mayor Waltemath and mom-j bors o tho city council. A splendid i moip was served tho banqueters at ; tho close of which a number of toasts were proposed by Toastmnstor J. T. Kcofe. Thoso responding woro Mayor Wnltomath, Councilman Dell and Von J Oootz, Chief Russell, Messrs. Baskins, i Sullivan, Ronilgh and Baro. This was the first banquet slnco the completion of tho new fire houso and the addition of new equipment and the department mombors wero con gratulated upon tho improved condi tions under which thev could now fight fire. ArraiiKomcnts aro being made to Incrense the membership nnrt n this thoy had the promise of the onrouracomont of tho city official nnd the iruet( nresent. Tho memborR pxnrpjged their nnnrclnMon of tht -ri" fir house "io added pqulomon nvl "'ifh nil' Inpren",d me,vibf,rslifcn nnnfldnnt. tb"t the North Piatt" T'rnlnnp tfn'uittmnrtt will l)C SCCOJld r mnr In thp otntr. ::ov Conf nil Labor Union Tonlfrhi. A nor-ulnr ni"Hluc of Hu Central Tyibnr Union wl'l be lteld this (Tncs. dtv nronliitr. Secretaries of nutans ufi'lMatcd will idensh see that delcgtalos n,re present. Important bnslnossr will come before this mrSetlnir. II. L. CANTLIX. President. : :o: : Annual Balls. The seventh annual ball of the Wo men's Catholic Order of Forresters will bo held at the IC. C. hall Tues- dav evening of next week, Fobruary 18th. Tho United Spanish War Veterans will hold their annual ball at tho K. hall Tuesday evening, Fobruary 25. Tho local lodge of the International Association of Machinists will .Rlvo their annual ball at the K. C. hall on the evening of March 4th. : :o: Y. W. C. A. Campaign. The Blue Triangle campaign of tho . W. C. A. will begin next week and wo aro ufged to seo that wo go "over the top" In this drive. It is im possible to use any of the money col looted In tho IT. W. W. campaign for any other thing than War Work, and that menus all tho other problems must bo financed olsowhore and hence the Blue Triangle campaign Our quota for the state is $20,324ani for Lincoln county $180.00, TIM: money will go toward solving .pome of tho national problems such ns the work among foreign born women, work aniong the girls in tho tuber colosls camp In Arizona, work among tho Mormon centers In Utah, work with the girls in Honolulu and along our Mexican borders, and dozens of others. Mrs. Chester II. Aldrich is Mnjor-Ocnoral for Nebraska and Miss Ada Heaton is State Director. Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh wll have chargo of tho drlvo In our city. : :o: : C. H. Walter roturnod this morning from a business trip In tho enst. Mrs. liny Rhodes, of Wood Rlvor, the guest of Mrs. 11. A. Lawhoad. Harry Samuolson roturncd Sunday from a buslnoss trip to Omnluj, Kansas l itv nnd St. Louis. ncd sub call Victory Xoi Yet Complete. In an interview Sunday, Georgo Clomenceau, tho French premior, said: "I have said that the war is won. It would perhaps bo moro accurate to say thnt thero Is a lull in the storm. Recent disclosures have enabled to look deeper Into tho purposes of the enemy than wo could heretofore. It was not puroly a dream of mllltarv domination on tho part of Prussia. It was a definite, calculated conspiracy to exterminate Franco ns well Indus trinity and commercially as In a mili tary sense. "And this explains mnny of tho activities of tho Gorman army which wo wore not ablo to understand. Wo can now seo why they stole tho run chlnory from our factories, why thoy destroyed tho coal mines of Lens; vhv thero was all tho wanton devastation of French territory, oven when thoy woro in retreat. "And In this plmao of their ar- making effort they have not beon a I to gether unsuccesful. Tho Industrial life of Franco has been so wrecked that Its resuscitation Is most difficult, while Germany has boon ablo to .ive hor factories Intact and ready for im mediate efficient oporatlon. "And financially, by reason of tho blockade, (tho valuo of which :i- mllltary factor no ono will question) tho Gorman war debt is almost wholly a debt to her own people, easily re- rludlated, whllo tho debt of Fran"- Is ono which must bo paid. "Even as to tho military triumphs over Germany thoro Is a situation not altogether without disquieting den tures for France. It is quite true that tho allies have takon tho German navy and In a largo measure have dlwrm- ed tho enemy. But thoro romnlns a chaotic yot fruitful, Russia from which groat help may bo drawn b tho Tuotons." ity nnd St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swope left last night for Omaha where thoy will visit for sevoral days. Paul Nolan wont to Omaha last night to tako tho examination for a licensed pharmacist. Mrs. Andy Schnrmnnn nnd daughtor left this morning for n visit with frlonds In Kcarnoy. Churlos Cornoll returned this morn ing from Denver whoro ho was called by tho death of a sister. Charles Boguo loft Sunday for Og den whero ho was. called on buslnoss connected with tho B. of R. T. Jontool Talcum. The utmost In tollot powders. Sold only at tho Roxall Store All Trainmen and their famlllos aro invited to attond tho Valentino party to be hold at tho K. P. hall Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Buchanan leavo tomorrow nftornoon for Lop Angolos whero thoy will remain until spring. The First Ward Lutheran Ladles will moot this weok with Mrs. John Rodlno, 102 south Dowoy. Mrs. Illn man will assist. Mesdames Gantt, Lannln, Troxlor and McGraw will entertain tho Epis copal guild iii tho church basement Thursday afternoon Mrs. Chas. Mutchlo entertained a number of ladles In honor of Mrs. J. R. Shaw, who celebrated her bovou-ty-flfth birthday Saturday. Tho flu has apparently about run Its courso In North Platto. Today but five houses nro quarantined for tno disease Ono houso is quarantined for dlptherin and ono for scarlet fever Mr. and Mrs. Hovt Smlthors wont tn Omaha this mornimr whero Mr. Smlthors will tako an examination bo foro thoStnto board of pharmacy. Wanted Girl for housework. In- nuiro of Mrs. Will Waltemath, 42,1 W. 3rd street. Dr. II. E. Mitchell returned this morning from Omaha whero ho was in attendance at the now era move' fpont mnugurnteu ny tno i'reBnyior an church. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Coatos return ed Saturday evening from Omaha whero Mr. Coates attended tho lum bormon's convention and Mrs. Coatos visited friends Wright's Condensed Smoke has tho real smoke ilavor. REXALL STORK, Agents. Up to last evening tho commlttoo had sold an even hundred tickets to tho good roads banquet which Will he hold in tho Episcopal church base ment this evening. With 100 boosters present the good ronds movomcnt ought to start ofr with a spirit tnat moans accomplishment of dostred onus Smoky City Wall Paper Cloanor saves both tho bother and expense or papering. REXALL STORE. Adillllniinl ilrmiirtinnnta mill nvnntt. slon of oxlstlug departments nro plan- lor uio .ortn l'intto experimental 1 -station, to lunugurato which will I for mi niiliiri?nniint nf tlin ntntit tha cractlon nf new linllilt m-n . Thn added departments will bo puro bred neoi camo ami poultry, and thero will no n decided expansion In tho Irriga tion douartment. Tho Nnhrimlm Airl. cultural Collopo. whlrli In fhn nnrnnf ot tno iNortn l'intto sub-station, fully realizes tho Importnnco ot this west-) tern suuion m tno dovoiopment of llioilarn methods nf fnrinlni- nml fltnplr. growing and foodlng nnd takes kindly to any suggestions mndo by Supt. Snydor. Not only does Donn Burnott iook witu ravor on tins suiwstatlon, hut ledslators annreclntn Itn vnh-r. and aro not slow to mnko tho needed appropriations for tho expansion and umonnnco or tno 'pinnt. Supt. SllVdor wont to Lincoln Inat night to confer with Dnnn Tt regard to tho now departments about oo inaugurated. : ;o: : On nnd After March 1, 11)1!) Tho II. &. S. Aironnv will niihllnh n monthly ronl estuto bulletin giving a COinplotO list Of tho lnta nnd ti they hnvo for sale. If you aro going son, or imuu pnono or cnll on at OllCO nnd irlVO lis vmir nnma and nddross so you will know what is uomg m tno H. & S. Agency. Brcdbock Bldg., North PIntto, Nob. ::o:: Durlnc tho nrnd patra," William Fox's famous scroon uiaion ot uio passions nnd pageants f Ecvnt's fllrnn nimnn I.. ,., , . - nmuil lllCdn Bara nnnonrn In tl... ilin "no iijimirou mousnuu lunches woro consumed by tho armlos of Romo and Kl'yi. in nilllinon. t immnm o of fornco worn oniiBmnn,! 4i,n II.-.. i i uj v,,u 1111 thousand horses. SCO it at tho SITN Tlinn Wa.1... - . v v j if uiuiUn" n.v umi inursday. Cars driven bv Ilnrrv nnlf1viilMi nti.l Frank Martin cnllldmi nf ii of Dowoy nnd Fourth last ovonlng. "urn uuiH wor namnged and tho oc cupants badly shaken nip though not seriously Injured. W. J. Tlloy who was riding with Martin rocolved tho worst Injuries. Tho callod meotlnir of ilm Wnr iMntlinr'fi Plltli will mnnt nf ln1.t . 111. tonight nt tho federal court, mnm" All mothers of soldiers nnd nnll nrn nro urged to bo presont. Tho Homo Guards, both Infantry and cavalry, wero mustered out of service last evening nt tho Franklin auditor lum by Captains Shilling nnd Bald win. Tho Guards. proved their useful noss in a numabor of ways during the war-period and assisted to a groat ox tent in keeping patriotism at fever heat. Butler Buchanan has asked bids for the construction of a duplox house on tho cornor lot east of his presont homo. Tho estimated cost exceeds llf teen thousand. Wo understand that ono apartment of tho houso will bo occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Buchnnan nnd the otl(er by Perry Buchanan nnd family. Wanted Competent girl for p lior ni housework. Wages $8 a wffk. Phono 243. 9-3 Just nt tho hour when tlin innmhnrH of tho tiro department woro assembl ing ror tiioir annual banquet last eve ning tho alarm was sounded nn l tho boys mndo a run to tho round r iuso whoro tho John Fayo houso w, in tlamos. Tho houso was boyonl tho ronch of hoso and tho flro had potton too much of a start to bo qucncli' d by tho chomlcal apparatus. Tho building burned to tho ground, but tho nccu pants succeeded In getting on' tho household goods. Wright's Condensed Smoko. Saves tlmo. Apply it with a brush. REXALL STORE, Agent. :.: :.: :.: i.t i.t J.t :.t :.: . if i.t i.i :.: :,: i.t :t Xi EXI DA trousers FREE :.: :.: :.t i.t i.t i.t it it i.t i.t it it i.t with every Shayne-Brun Tailored Suit Dress in fashion. Choose from the Shayne-Brun classy patterns and each one guaranteed pure wool. And don't forget Sxftra trousers FREE if you ORDER NOW HARRY SAMUELSON, The Suit Man A Lincoln special appearing In to day's Beo sayo: In a speclnl messngo to tho lower houso of tho stato legislature today Governor S. It. McKelvio stated that thero was as much boozo in tho stato whon ho took offlco as thoro was when tho stato had opou saloons. Ho said thnt tho Illegal traffic In liquor has becomo thoroughly established and boozo runnors nro now covorlng tho state in a systcpilzed nnd business like manuor. He chnrgod that tho heads of Illegal traffic woro making moro money than wns mndo by legal zed saloon keepers. Tho bootleggors are more dnngorous Urn n the opon saloon, ho said, and tho commercialized Illegal traffic in tho smnll towns Is demoralizing tho young men of small communities. Ho nssorted thnt drinking wns encourag ed for young men by donlors in tho contraband In order to Increnso their business. Tho statomont wns Issued whon op- nononts to tho bill asking for an. ad ditional $25,000 fpr the enforcement of the prohibition amendment becamo active. lIUMMtKl) THOUSAND LUNCHES TO FKKI) AILMUIS IX "CLEOPATRA" -::o::- Equnl Suffmgo Killed. Washington, Fob. 10. By n margin of ono vote, cqunl suffrage met its fourth defeat today In tho sonnto. No further action at this sosston Is now possible but advocates announcod that tho now nearly half a century old campaign for submission of tho Susan B. Anthony constitutional amendment to tho states would bo rouowed whon tho sixty-sixth congress convened. On tho final roll call today, G5 sen ators ono loss than tho required two thirds voted for ndoptlon of tho res olution and 29 sonators cast their ballotB against it. Comparatively brief debate procodod tho vote, which of flcnlly killed tho resolution ndoptcd by tho houso on January 19, 1918, by a voto of 274 to 130. Defeat of tho mcasuro was witnessed by crowds of womon In tho gnllorles, but there wero no demonstration and dramatic inci dents which hnvo marked' provloua Bon into votes on tho question woro lncklng. Up to the last moment, -managers of tho resolution oxprosscd confidence ot securing tho ono voto they needed, but tho opposition- hold firm, Senntor Hitchcock, of Nobrnska, vot ed against suffrage. :o:: "Elovon hold-ups nnd robborles re ported' In last two days, with no offen ders caught." 3uch aro tho headlines n today's Omaha Bee. That's qulto interesting toXorth Platto peoplo who oxpoct to visit tho Nebraska metropolis. f AT THE sun theatre I hursday. It was bewildering. The girl he loved stood be fore him, apparently a murderess, with her victim at her feet. Around him stood his captors, des perate men, hungering for his life. And then, all of a sudden, everyone began to laugh and pound him on the back! What was the answer? See IRENE CASTLE in her latest Pathe Play, the thrilling "The Mysterious Client" Also ' I Mutt and Jeff "The Dow Boy." Rheumaticky Achy How the rheumatically inclined cringe with tbe pain and ache. What distress, what torture. Is it necessary? We do not think so. Our Rheumatic Remedy is scientifically designed to relieve pains of rheumatism, neuralgia, gout and sciati ca. We have every reason to believe in its efficiency and its power. We do not think it will fail you any more than it has failed anyone else. Why not try it. Gummere-Dent Drug Co. Phone 5.