I - A: COST OF WAN FIXED Scmi-lHHccuIy (nlumc-, UtA L BARE, Editor anil Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: nun iVnr hv Mall tn ndvnncp 1 75 Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska lecture to a Gorman civilian: Postofllco a8 Second Class Matter. "Just take my advice, ho "and , atay right horo In Oormany where you mm iv Ki'itinr VUV 7th Him belong. Thoy aro laying for you fol 1LIIKUAK1 7IM, luiv. ! Jow.fl )mck j,, tho Htates and you aro (JAN WO.MHN VOTE IN Tin; si'rino election? 1 Lincoln Journal: Aro tho womon of Nebraska entitled to vote at tho com- Ing municipal elections in Nebraska? ' On the faco of It the decision of JiiiIko , Fluniiburg on tho referendum petition loavos last yoar's suffrage act In full effect. This means full votlntr HKhts for women In the municipal elections savo whore Judicial offlcos mav bo ! concomod. Tho decision of the district judgo Is to be appnal.ed, however. ' There Is onon vh room for doubt as to tho stntus of the women In tho moan- whllo flomowhat to cloud tho sltua- tlon.at Is to bo boned that tho final i decision In tho case will bo rondorcd In tlmo to sottle all doubt. Meanwhile, ' If tho present leglslaturo had much ' doubt as to tho outcome, it would probably bo glad to repass tho law with tho omorgency clause making tho women's title to tho ballot at the coming oloctlon Indisputable. ::o:: Sland to Lose a Itilllon. Grain dealers ahnoarlm? Tiiesdnv boforo tho bouso agriculture commit-,tHoy ,ovo tho United States hotter too at Washington proposod that tho tln' aermany, but don't you bollovo government pay tho guaranteed price You (lon,t ll0nr ot any refusing to of $2.20 por bushol for tho 1010 whoatl,urn t,iclr machine guns on Amorlcan crop and sell It to tho consumer nt i troapB. ui course, wo navo nothing to tho world, market prlco, which they''10 wItu passports horo, but wo don't estimated would bo about $1.25. Tho witnossos gonorally bollovod this plan would cost tho government probably a billion and a quarter dollars, but said thin loss was proforablo to any attompt on tho part of government to maintain an artificial prlco. Ropro sontatlva Lover of South Carolina, suggostod throo othor plans: that tho wheat mopomont ho entirely on tho pro-war basis; that tho govornmont possibly bo restricted by tho govorn mont bplnjr r- M'orlzod to soil or huv so as to provont manipulation, anil that tho domestic movomont lm en tirely on tho pro-war basis with tho oxoort movoment under fcdornl con trol. ' A Job for Even- Knlilfnr. WaBhlngton. Fob. 5. ."Evnrv nniiiinr who put on tho uniform of tho Unltod States, who fought or trained to fight, will havo a job if ho wants on'o " Sec retary Raker declared today In dollv orlng tho oponlng address at tho 14th annual convention of tho national rlverfl and harbors congress. Tho' secretary omphaBlzod tho duty of American IiubIiioso men to co-op-orato In what tho govornmont wan doing ln this direction, and HIllll flint ovory chamhor of commerco, board of liuuu ur otnor Bimnar organization! should reallzo Uio need for Its ipartlci patlon. Berlin Nlghli jf,, filiyi I'ovorlsh calotv rfi?nH tho .night lifo of Uorllu according to an officer of tho alltod mlwi.in jubt returned from tho capital. Tho cafeB . L!',0Wt,t!l1 ordlnoty dlnnor ocs ?00. "i .mp'.i.c fotcluH ?:(0 i 1)o'Ij Tho rest of Berlin, howovor, Is starv ing and crlmo Is o tho Incroaso. nio peoplo appear to bollovo Presi dont Wilson will seoure a fair peaco for thorn and savo a good doal out of tho wreck, including tho Gorman 'colonies. CHl'WII ANNMINCEMENTS. , ,l!St, ri,urc ud Sunday school 10M0. Sormon 11:00. Themo "lleliQld Ho Prayeth" or "What you can expect r a man who prays." Parents aro In vlted'to nttond tho morning sorvlco with their children. Tho smaller chil dren will have their Sunday school hour In the church basement whllo tho older child listen to tho sonnon. All are roqt'ostod to come promptly at 10:30 or flvo mlnutos oarllor. n. v p n t n.on . Evening worahlp at 7:30. Themo "Bo' comlng a Man." A sorninn fnr tn-.,. ngo hoys, a conpanlon sormon .to the ifnuu in parents last Sunday All aro cordlnllv lnvli,i , tho Baptist church Uieir church home. a. u. HULL, Pastor. FOlt' SALE. JIaving sold my hoo business I will ior a short tlmo off or my modorn iipmo at a bargain. W. II. DIENER, 820 East 0th street, i-nono, jicrt 133, ::a:: Card of TliankH. It is with hoartfolt gratltudo that wo take this moans of thanklne nnr many frlonds for tholr kind assistance io us in our grief In tho doath of our two eons, and husband and for tho uuuiHiMii uowors. Mr. and Mrs. Danlol Grooloy Mrs. Forost Greeloy and sons. : :o: : Only 8 por cent of tho womon om ployod In factory work In Now York Btuto last year drew wages In orcosa of $20 a week, and 53 per cont drow loss than $12. Tho flcuros hilaco tho workers abovo suspicion of profiteer ing. ::o:: Kidney disorders causo much ills tress of mind and liody. Such all niQiits should not bo noloctod. bo causo thoy loud to diseases that aro dangorous. Prickly Ah Blttors is a flno kidnoy tonic. It strengthens tho kidneys mid purlflea tho stomach and bowolB. Prlco $1,25 por bottlo. GUM MERE-DENT DRUQ CO., Spoclal Agt :o? :- . . Entniy Notlca . ,, Taken up on or atiout January 23 -1910. on section 14-12-31. by tho un dorsigned who thoro roBldes, ono bay -Jiorso, 2 yrs. old, wolght 800; black maro 2 yrs, old, wolght 800; gray maro z yrs. old. wolgut 800; no brands. Owner call, provo property, pay chargos and talco animals away, J. M. CuANDALL. are anxious to return. A eorrospondont writing from Cob lenz, Gcrmnny, says: Wlion tho correspondent ontored on8 of 1,10 headqunrtorB offices today, a lot safor right bore." Wit. .iit.lWri.. nllnlsrwt lila linnltf aril. uted and rotro(i "What's tho inattor with tho bird?" naked tho correspondent, and the enp- tain explained: "He's anothor of those damned borhoa that we call 'Amorlcan cltl- zens for convenience.' Wo havo had about Cf dozen wanting passports to tlio liniioci stales. uney woro worn in Germany, wont to the United States and took out citizenship papers and then, nccordlng to their Btorlos, clthor Just happonod to ho over hero when tho war started or woro forcod to ro- turn and Join tho German nrmy. Some fought for four years. "Now thoy know that hard times aro ahoad of Germany and want to go lack to Amorlca, whore It Is soft picking. I suppose they will oven send American money over to holp pay tho Indemnity. "Thoro aro others who moroly took U'olr first papors and quit right thoro without a thought of becoming cltl zons. It wag moroly convonlont for tnom to bo aula to say tney had np- Plied for citizenship. Thoy also say toll tho bocho soldiers that without first telling them tho wolcomo that awaits thorn ln tho stnteB If thoy go." ::o:: COMMISSIONER'S PROCEEDINGS. Fobruary 3, 1919 Board mot, present Koch. Ilcrmlng- liauaon, Springer and county clerk. ClnlniB woro allowed a3 follows: O. Hicks, road work, $9.00. Grant McNcol, road work, $39.00 Davo Roynolds, road work, $5.00. II. S. SandorB, road work, $15.00. J. F. Snydor, bridge Work, $15.00. J. F. Snydor, dragging roads $12,00. Ira McPhootors, dragging, $51.75. . faundry porsons, road work. Dlst, 58. $40.00 Sundry porsons road dragging $7.50 ftou. toi. uo tolls, $24.63. E. C. Hostottor, bridge work, $52. W. T. Elliott, brldgo work, $G0. Nob. Tel. Co., phono rent, $18.43. A. S. Allen, office oxponsoa, $47.67. A. S. Allon, salary, $137.50. Anna Andorson, caro Emma Ander son, $35.00. L. A. Gambrcl, salary and cash Items f77.6U. Fred Tobas, brldgo work, $30.00, Esslo Wessburg, salary. $75.00. Fayo Elder, Bttlary, $65.00. Alloon Qantt, salary. $133.33. Ailoou Qantt, offlco expense, $27.79 mrs. j. u. uaii, caro of TufT, $18 At J. Salisbury, salary, $145.00 Tim Sutton, salary. S100.00. E. S. Brownoll, rent hall oloctlon, Sundry persons, vltnl statistic ?35.75. Howard McConnolJ, dragging, $33 A. E. Huntlngont, bailiff? $20.00. Tt IT T . ivi 1 1. uuiulv. services ntnt urown, s&u.oo Sundry porsotiB. sorvl COS Ktfifn vfl urown. ?100.00 h. H. Springer, sorvlcos anil mlln- ago, SYK.0. F. W. IlormliiKhauBon. sorvIceH mwi miiougo, $78.20. S. J. Koch, services nml mil on rrn f.)U,UU. (1 f Art n ' Paul Moyor, surveying, $20. 80. N. P. L. & P. Co., services, $225. .i. u. uompniii a. son, printing, $18 nun u. Aioyor, omco rent, $12.00 .J R. Rltlior. rlvnr wnrlr i"7n nn S'oo B II"tehln8 caro ot i)00r'. Bond of L. C. Mnrovlsh annroved nH assessor ot Hoouer precinct. UOIHl Of J .Q Kettle. nHSORflnf Mnv. won procinct apnroved. UOIHl Ot Will. LovilOldl rnnil nvnr. seer uistriot 4, approved. Adjourneil to Februnry 4, 1919. o: : Allies Outllno Desires. Paris. A roiich outiinn nt n.n ,i Biros Of tho flVO irrnnt iimvi.ra nut. iiiuiiB inoir aspirations through tho uuiiuu liouieroiico. HUM Imnn mm n nnh lie. Franco insists on crontlnn nt hnffn kuuos aiong tno uiiino, posBlbly Pal atinato and RIioiiIbIi Prussln Rh oentlnn nt fnr. tresses furthor north nil tlln Tllilnn Annexation of Alsaco I rosioration or tlio Sarro rlvor line is uesirou. International freedom of trnnall Uv iiiimuo uim wnior wnvn in mn,in n tioaturo of Great Britain's domands Mie wants mandatory powor ovor Gorman Islanda south of tho oqumtor uiiu uver ucrmnn Boutliwost Africa uurman wast Africa and In Mosopo IUII1IU, Italy IISKB for tho TrnnH.m n uir as uronner Pass, possession of loiiuiuB in mo Aegoon sea, and th province ot Adal a. She wmihi ui, uip uaimation Islands or noutraliz atlon of that torritorv. uoumanin wnnts to annox the Haps uorK IirimnPOB K)f IlllrMnw- nn u.,,1 iransyivania and tho nErlcultn -nl uisirici. or uanat. Sorbla also dnsl a largo stretch of tho lattor tor -u tory. Tho provinces of Bosnia i M Horzogovlna aro also doslrod hv Servla. Bolglum Insists on reparation f -damages at least to tho sum of flfte' billion francos and nosslblv emnt sums. She also wants tho loft bank t f tho Shcldt rlvor nml will Weblscllo In Luxomburg to docldo If emu country uosiroa to annox with Frnnco or Bolglum or retain her auto nomy. -::o:: If you want tho family to bo heal thy and actlVO. ulV0 tllOin Ilollintnr'n Rocky Mountnln Teat this month, ij ii-KuiuiuH mo oowois, noips tno ap potlto, puts llfo and onorgy In tho wholo family. S5e, Toa or Tablots. J. O. PATTERSON, Druggist. AT 200 BILLION. Loudon, Feb. 5 Tho dlreot cost of tho war Is estimated nt 40.000,000, 000 Pounds ($250,000,000,000) in a spooial article In tho Dally Telegraph today. Tho author estimates' the in direct cost of diminished trado and financial disturbance at 60000,000, 000 Pounds. "Vast sums," ho says, "havo been used for Bheor destruction and vast public debts havo been Incurred for which thoro Is no corresponding causo. Throughout two-thirds of the world usoful production lias beon sus pended four yoars and Its placo tnkon for slaughter of human llvoa and an nihilation of accumulated wealth. "But we may hopo wo havo ended forover the danger of Prussian mili tarism. If out of the ruins of the last four yoars thero arises i now, bright er ami happier world thon tligjillllons that havo beem spent will not all have been spent In vain." ::o:: r Miss M. Sllcman. steam baths an'' Swedish Massage Indies and centlf men. Phono 897. Brodbeck bldg. 85f ::o:: STRAYED About two months ago from sections 25 and 35, five miles northoast of Dickens, two White- faced yearling steers, branded with ug or bottle brand on loft side on ribs. Good reward for any informa tion loading to recovery of same. JOHN wILKE.N. Dickons, Neb. THE FARMERS' H. M. JOHANSEN North Platte, Nebraska PHONE (118. By callng this number you can as certain whoro I am. Don't Dry Dishes- -Far i em Why wait until noxt summer bo foro buying that Electric Fan! It's usoful. you know, tho year 'round Bosldcs By noxt summtir tho supply of fans may bo as limited as Gorman victories. You can got oxcollcnt sorvlco from your Electric Fan even In zero weath- or. "How?" Just as many othor shrewd hoiiBowIvos do. For InBtanco Drying dlBhes, clothes, fruit. Driving heat out of tho kitchen into loss warm rooms and halls. Directing it against tho radiator and distributing heat cvonly throughtout tho room. Como In and let's talk it over. It's often wlso to , buy fans in tho oarly fall whon they aro to ho had. Buy beforehand! Buy now! N. B. You say yon havo a fun. "Well Is It usablc workable? Bettor have Is overhauled for Winter's war work. Wo do It quickly economically. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY OOCTORJ). T. QUIOLET Practice Limited to Surgery und Itmllttm Thorup 728 City National Bank Uulldlng. Omaba. Nobrnskx Notico of Roforeo's Sale Notico 1b horoby given that by vir tuo of an ordor Issued to nio by tho District Court in and for Lincoln County, Nebraska, in an action whoro in Katlo B. Lowo is malntiff and Marie Lowo, Enimott Lowo, a minor; Laura F. Lowo, a minor; and Mabel Lowo, a minor, aro dofondants, I will on tho 8th day of March. 1919. at tho hour ot two o'clock ot eald day at tho oast front door of tho court houao ln tho city of Nortli Platto. Lincoln Countv. Nobraska, soil at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash the following described roal ostato eltuato in the county ot Lincoln nnd Stato ot Ne braska, to-wit: Southeast Ounrtor (SEV4) of Soctlon Twenty-flvo (25), lYlwrialiln MHn fi X . 1 . -w. ..,4u yatl iurill OI UUIlgU Thirty (30), Wost of tho Gth P. M. Dntod this 28th day of January. 1919 et-oii u. js. tJUDER, Roforoo. AUCTIONEER NORTH PLATTE t ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for thn pciontific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement caseo. Completely equipped X-Rsy and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lccas, M. D. J. B. RcdficliM.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. GEO. I). DENT, riisylclnn and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 115 Office Phono 340 Res. Black 376 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Neb. Office phone 241. ReH. phone 217 L. C . DROS T, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - NebrasKu. Knights of Columbus Building. Phono 308 ALBEJtT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska. Reference:- Farmers State Bank R. I. SIIAPPELL, AUCTIONEER Sutherland, Ncbr. I alway tako stock buyers with me and always soli for tho high dollar. L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. My ono best reference I'm always dated ahead Phono at my expense for dates OGALALLA, NEBRASKA DERBYBERRT & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Night phono Black 5SS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF LIN- COLN COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In tho flutter of tho Estato of JAMES 1 1. BURLISON, Deconscd, NOTICE. To Alllo G. Burlison now Allio G Kamrar, Augustus E. Burlison, Sarah A. Burlison, and to alt persons inter- ested In tho estato of James 11. Bur- uau , uoa'i sm uim io a croditors of said James H. Burlison deceased, and to all persons nterestod In tho SWA and tho S of the NWVi of Section 25, Townhip 13. North, of. r , B, U i. , , l" ' Lincoln County. Nebraska: You and each of you aro hereby notified that on tho 1st day of Febru ary, 1919, Thonins G. Rowley, tiled his 'potitlon in tho County Court of Lin coin County, Nebraska, in which said potitlon It Is alleged that James H. Burlison died Intestato o the Gth day of November, 1892 at Hamburg, Eric County. Sta o ot Now ork, and loft surviving him no children nor the children of any deceased children, Tln L? IV i- ' I! ' r.. f, ..Jii "' i.V; Kamrnr. Augustus E. Burlison, his father, Sarah A. Burlison, his mother, and that said persons aro his solo and nnlv Imlra nt Inw nml unvt nt lfln nla only heirs at law and noxt of kin, also alleging that said Jamos H. Burlison died seized ot the SV and tho QV"' :ua n nf iim Mwu nt sontinn 05 Tni,in or "JJust all claims and objections 13, Nortli, of Rango 31, West of the Gth P. M.. in Lincoln County, Nebras ka. It Is also alleged In the said poti tlon that tho petitioner, James O. Rowley, is now tho owner ot said land having derived titlo thoroto by mesno convoyance from tho said heirs of James H. Burlison, deceased. You aro furthor notified that the nvm-ni. nf on 1,1 nntltlnn la Hint n llmA i. . fn .1, i ti notico lie given to said heirs and to all porsons Intorostel ln tho estato . i V ; " ' TSTn ' of James H. Burlison and to all credi- "mt the 17" f ,May' 191,9' haB lors of said James II. Burlison and KC(m Bot ad aPPotatod as tho day for to all persons Intorostod In tho SWV, "l0f roptlon, oxamlnatlon and ad and tho S of tho NWV of Section 25 JBtmont and allowance ot lawful Township 13. North, ot RanKo 31. claims and demands of all persons, Wost of tho Gth P M., in Lincoln pt ostato and that tho County, Nebraska, and that on tho County Court ot Lincoln County. Ne hearlng of said 'petition tho Court knuika, w 11 at said tlmo receive, ox determtno that said Jnnies II. Burlt- n adjust; nnd; allow all such nr died on tho Gth' day of November. clalms against said estato, a3 provid 1892, intORtato and seized of tho SW ed,by lnw at tho County Court Room nnd tho SK. of tho NWU ot Soctlon 1,1 "10 Courthouso in tho City of North ?5. Township 13. North, of Rano 31, Platto, Lincoln County, Nobraska, and Woat of tho 0th P .M.. In Lincoln nU persons so interested In Bald ob Countv Nohraskn. and to determine tftto, will nppoar at said time and who tho holrs of tho said Jamos H. nlnc0 and duly preslont tholr said Burlison wore nt tlio tlmo of his death, claims and demands in tho mannor denrreo ot. V'nsbJo and tholr right to roquirod by law, or show causo for Inherit salt Ipnds. not so doing, and ln caso any of said And yo't and oach of you aro thoro- claims or demands shall not bo pro tnm notjfipil to nnnar nt t.b Countv sentcd on or prior to tho said 17th Titdga's offlco in tho Courthouso in nay of May, 1919, tho samo shall be bo nt.v of Vorfb Plnt.to. Nobrnqn forovor barred. the Rh duv of March. 1919. to IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havo i'w o(iiib f nnv tboro bo whv t'io signed this notico and affixed the seal ir,vpr of said notltton should not bo of said Court this 17th day of Janu cranted. ary. 1919. Wm. II. C WOODHURST, Win. H. C. WOODHURST, F4.2 County Jiidg. (SEAL) County Judgo. J21F14 Dlt. TWINES HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent patir ents. Successful operation on Appendix, when necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 110 Office Phone 183 Residence Phone 2S3 1008 West Fourth Street North Platte, Neb. m NOTICE! Wif not writo your flro nhd cyclone insnrnnco wltn n rclinuio company ; who Invest Uiolr premiums In Liberty ; Bonds and glvo our county tlio credit. Sec us for farm and automobile rates NEBRASKA REAL ESTATE CO. W. E. FLYNN ATTORNEY-AT-LA" Office over McDonald Bank. Offlco Phono 1130 Res. Phono 1120 ED. EiEKIG, Auctioneer. General Farm Sulcs a Specialty. References nnd Dares at First Na tional llnnlc, North Platte, Neb. Phono 1000. SALE DATES: Vi. E. Gates, February -Jtli. . John Primrose, Feb. Cth, 1910. . John Spencer, Jr., February 11th. W. 11. & C. P. Howard, February 2,th. Fred Kuscr, ainrch IstJi. Best Price Paid for AT THE Hog Market Office at the Old Stock Yards We also buy cattle. Call phone Black 381 for prices ED. TODENHOFT, North Platte, Nebraska. Big Price for Furs. From $2 to $4.50 for prime skins. Muskrats from 20c to $1.50 L. LIPSHITZ. Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office at Broken" Bow, Nebraska, January 22, 1919. Notico Is hereby glvou that Bloss A. Ellas, of North Platte, Neb., who, on August 14, 1915,inado Homfbstead En try North Platte No. 0G272, Broken Bow No. 011866G for tho S SEVl, Section 22, Township 15 North, Range 30 west of flth Princinle. Meridian lias nip.i intention to make!"- wuey, deceased, and the unknown three-year proof to establish claim to tho land al)OVo ascribed before the County Judge of Lincoln county, Ne- braska, at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho 10th d o Marchi 19J9 ninhnanl names as witnesses: Don- nla Brlen c. R. Smltu Patrick Mc- Graw and John Weldon, all of North Platto. Nebraska. MACK C. WARRINGTON. J2Sf2S Register. Notico to Creditors. E3tato No. 1G10 of Evangeline Gough Lmcolu County, Nebraska. f voKmaim qh Pmrti. tors o sa,d said estato wJU tako nnH,0 ,hnt th(, Minn ,.,..,, fn nrps. nutation and filing of claims against I estate is May 28th, 1919, and for tho sottlomont of said estate 1 Janu ary 24th, 1920, that I will sit at the county court room in said county on Fobruarv oSth 19i o at io o'clock a r COrilUry -Sill, iJiJ, at 1U O ClOCK a. m., and on May 28th, 1919, at 10 duly fllotI,w,T n wnni WM. H. C. WOODHURST, J2Sf2S County Judgo. LN THE COUNTY COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA In tho Mattor ot tho Estato ot Anna Margarotha Meyor, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notico is horeby glvon to any nnd 4 a" porsons having claims and do "?8 & Aho tato o,tho sa d Hospital Phono Black 633. ' House Phone -Black 633 Vi T. WIITOIIAH1), Graduate Veterinarian Elghfyeara a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. i LEGAL NOTICE. Moroll Keith Neville, Plaintiff, vs. David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, and tho heirs, doviseos, Jjjgateoa and per sonal representatives and against all porsons Interested in tho ostato of David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, de coased, and against tho uukuown owners nnd claimants of tho following doscribed land situate In Lincoln County, Nebraska, Northoast Quarter of Northeast Quarter anil Lots 2. a and 4 of Section 1, Township 13, itango 30; East Half of Northeast Quarter and Lots 1, 2 ana 3 of Soctlon 35, Township 14, Rango 30. Tho un known heirs, devisees, or legatees of Abram Wiley, deceased, unknown heirs, devisees or legatees of Cynthia T. Wiloy, deceased, and tlio unknown heirs, devisees or legateos of Frank M. Wiley, decoased, and against the unknown owners or claimants of tho following described land situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, South half of Northeast quartor and Lots 1 and 2 of Soctlon 4, Township 13, Range 29. Goorgo A. Hoagland, his heirs, dovisooB, legatees, personal represen tatives and unknown claimants of the following described land situated in Lincoln County, Nebraska, South Half of Southeast Quarter, South Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 13, Rango 29, Defendants First Causo of Action. To David Cash, Ellen L. Cash and tho holrs, doviseos, logatoes and per sonal reprosentatives and all persons interested in the estato of David Cash, deceased, and Ellen L. Cash, deceased. uim mo uniuiown owners and un known claimants of tho following de- Bcrioeu land sltuat? in Lincoln Countv Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast Quartor of Northeast Quarter (NEi4 of NE&) and Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (V ot faection Ono (1) Townshln Thirteon (13), N. of Range Thirty (30) and the East Half of Northeast Quarter (Ei2 of NEy) and Lots One U), two (2) and Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteon (14), N. of Range Thirty (30), West Gtlr P. M.f defendants. You and each of you will tako notice that Morell Keith Nevlllo has com moncGd an action In t;ho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of vnu. tho ob ject and prayer of which said petition is io quiet title in plaintiff against you and each of you in the following described lands situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NE& of NEi4) and Lots Two (2), Threo (3) and Four (4) of Section One (1) Township Thirteon (13), Rango Thir ty (30), West Cth P. M., and East Half of Northeast Quarter (E of NE&) and Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteen (14), Rango Thir ty (30), West Gth P. M., and to have decreed to him new and independent title by reason of adverse possession of said described promises against you by himself and his grantors. Second Cause of Action. To Abram Wiloy, Cynthia T. Wiley, Frank M. Wiley and tho heirs, dovi seos, legatees and personal represen tatives and all persons interested in tho estato of Abram Wilov. deceased. Cynthia T. Wiley, doceased.and Frank owners and tho unknown claimants of tho following describod lands sit uate in Lincoln County. Nebraska, to wit: South half of Northeast Quar ter (S NEU) and Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Section Four (4) In Township Thirteon (13), Range Twen- ly-nino (ZU), west of tho Gth P. M., defendants. You and each of you will take notico that Moroll Kolth Nevlllo has commenced an action In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you. th ob ject and prayer of which said petition ia io quiet title m plaintiff against you and each of you in the following des cribed lands situato ln Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska, to-wit: South Half of Northeast Quarter (S1 NE&) and Lots Ono (1) and Two (2) of Section Four' (4), Township Thirteen (13), Rango Twonty-nlno (29), west of tho Gth P. M., and to havo decreed in him new and Independent titlo by reason of ndvorso possession of said describ ed lands against you by himself and his grantors. Third Causo of Action. To George A. Hoagland and tho heirs, dovisees, logatoes and personal representatives and all porsons In terested in tho estate of George A Hoagland, deceased, and the unknown owners and unknown claimants of tho following described lands situato in Lincoln County, Nobraska, to-wit: South half ot Southeast Quarter (SV of SE,4) and South Half of Southwest wimrior or sw) ot Soctlon Twelvo (12) .Township Thirteen (13) Range Twonty-nlno (29), west of tho Gth P. M.. defendants. Yqui and each of you will tako notico that Morell Kolth Novillo has com menced an action in tho District Court of Lincoln Connty, Nebraska, against you and oach of you, Uio ob ject and prayor of which said petition la to quiet title in plaintiff ngainfit you and each of you in tho following de scribed lands situate in Lincoln Coun- :nebr?sk,a' t0"w,t: Sout Half ot Southeast Quarter (S SE&) and ? JUw Jf of Soutwest Quartor (SLA of SW4) of Soctlon Twelvo (12) ty-nlno (29). west of the Gth P M and to have decreed in him now and Independent title by reason of ad vcrso possession ot said described promises against you by hlmsolf nnd his grantors. nT,Y,vlLaunl ,each of WH mako answer horoin on or before tho 17th day of Fobruary. 1919, or your do- nt PVS1.?, ontercd gainst you as In said petition prayed. MORELL KEITH NEVILLE. J7-5w Plaintiff.