cMrj TIIIRTY-FIFril YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEBRUARY 7, 1919. No. 8 KED CltOSS WOKKEKS AltE NOW BADLY NEEDED. If tho North Platto ami Lincoln county Rod Cross Workors are to maintain tho excellent ' roputation thoy gained during tho war, it Is nip to them to respond to tho call for as sistance in filling out tho quota of refugee, garments allotted to Lincoln county. By reason of the very few at tending tho work rooms, tho comple tion of tho quota Is progressing very fljlowly. A Jotter from Wtnrihlngton urges haste on thoso garments that the work be rushed with all possible spoed. These refugeo garments will bo shipped abroad February 1st, hence tho need of rush work. A Red Cross representative who han Just returned from Belgium and Prance says tho need for tho gar ments Is greator than ever. It Is helped tho Red Cross workers of the city and county will respond heartily, as thoy have In the past, to this call for Immediate service. : :o: : "Slacker" Records Wanted. The Canteen Is In need of records for tho phonographs which they send out on tho trains having wounded sol diers. Those who have "slacker" rec ords records that thoy are not using will confer a favor by donating them to the canteen. Tho plan of sending out tho phono graphs with tho wounded boys has proven a mighty good thing, for the lxys are highly delighted with them. When a phonograph Is placed on a car yolls of pleasuro go up, and tho ma chine Js kept busy until Cheyenne Is reached. Tho machines are sent out on No. 19 one morning and are re turned on No. 6 tho following morn ing. : :o: : Charged with Larceny. An information was filed In tho county court yesterday against Frank Hinklo charging him with stealing from Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cathers ai chain and watch valued at $50, a stick I pin, signet ring, and f ap.OO worth of war savings stamps. Hinklo worked at the U. P. ico houses and roomed at tho Cathers' homo, along with another young man, Not only did ho take tho articles be longing to Mr. and Mrs. Cathers, but bo decamped with property bolonging to his room mate. Hinklo was located at Superior, Neb., yesterday was plac ed under arrest and Shorlff Salisbury left for Superior last evening to bring him back f,or trial. . I l 0 . 9 iiroro Bills by Ilnaglainl. Senator Hoagland Introduced the , following bills in tho senate Wednes day: To ralso salaries of officials in cities of from 5,000 to 25,000. Regulating transportation of live stock by common carriers. Joint resolution to congress on the subject of soldiers' relief. Regulating handling of Hvo stock In stock yards. Providing that wills must bo kept on Hie in the county Judgo's office during tho life of the testator and provides that the filed will shall be legal unless a written revocation is also filed," : :o: : Record for Soldiers. Derryberry & Forbes have received and will send freo to, every soldier in Lincoln county, a ' very attractive soldiers' record book. Divided ounder appropriate headings of enlistment training, engagements, etc., aro spaces for data concerning life and exper iences wliilo In camp and on tho field. .Mrs, Sophia Anderson ,1'asscs Away. Mrs. Sophia Anderson, aged slxty flvo yoars, died at her homo In tho Fourth ward Monday night. Tho de ceased had resided in town for a long period of years and wns well known. Sho leave ono son, Conrad Anderson, In tho employ of the Union Pacific. Funeral services woro liold at tho Episcopal church Wjdiiesday after noon conducted by .Rev. Franjdln Koch. ::o::uii Jtoos6vclf Memorial Tomorrow. A pntrlotlc program has boon pre pared Cor the Roosovolt Momorlal next Saturday. The first part will bo an address on tho life and work of Thoedore Roosovolt by Rov. Hoss. Following the address will be some music and tho scond part of the pro gram which will consist of a pageant by the pupils of tho high schools. Tho program will be n tho Franklin auditorium and will begin nt S:15. It is freo. ' ' : :o: : Reception This Evening. Tho Sammy Girls have prepared n fino program of music and readings for tho reception wjilch thoy will ten dor returned soldiers and sailors nt tho Elks' homo this evening. A cordial Invitation Is oxtonded to tho general pubMc to be present. Following the musical program dancing will bo the order of tho evening and light refresh ments will bo served. Every soldier and sailor should ninko'it a point to bo prosent, for thoy will bo given a very hearty welcome ::o:: Homo Guards Attention. All members of tho Homo Guards, both infantry and cavalry, aro re quested to be present at tho Frank lin auditorium next Afonday evening for the purpose ot being officially mustored out of sen-Ice. In connec tion, with tho mustering out there will bo .Important (business to transact which will Intorest all membors. CAPT. A. W. SHILLING, CAPT. W. S. BALDWIN. NOTICE. If thoso who kindly contributed heda and other articles for equipping the flu hospital desire to have such rp'.urned, please notify C. F. Tracy or leave word with tho Walker Music Co. Tho hospital will be thoroughly fumigated before removing the fur- F CUT AND COUNTY NEWS. nlturo. ::o: Chris. Paulson, for many years In tho employ of tho, Union Pacific as fireman and engineer and woll known v too cuizoTiB genorawy--napurcnas-ed the Schwaigor cigar sforo. taklne nososion yesterday. Mr. Paulson will use evorv endeavor to maintain, and if nnqs'b'o Increase, tho popularity of tho store. You can buy sweaters, winter1 un der wear, outing flannels, over shoes and all tho Men's and Boys' winter suits, overcoats and macanaw coats at Just before wo pack them away prices at tho LEADER MER. CO. Tho Mexican arrested a month or two ago at Birdwood for peddling whiskey, completed his jail sentenco Wednesday, and was immediately ar raigned before U. S. Commissioner Woodhurst on the federal charge of transporting whiskey from a wet state into a dry state. W. R. Malonoy was called to Grand Island the early part of tho week by the Illness of his father. All winter goods are being sold at big bargain prices. Womon's winter coats, suits, wool and silk dresses nt THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. Mr. and Mrs. C. Frodrlchson uuuV children loft yostordny for-a visit with i'rionds In Kansas City. Kodak supplies. Largost stock In the city at tho REX ALL STORE. All mombers ot tho Epworth Li gtio and their friends aro invited to nttond a social to bo hold at tho church this evening, rfupt. Tout left Wednesday even ing for Lincoln to nttond a mooting of ihe district leaders of tho Junior Rod Cross which was held yesterday. Now Spring Styles in Suits, Coats,) and Millinery aro being shown by tho LEADER MERCANTILE CO. Dr. Rcdflold had Loulo Llpshitz ar rested Wodnosday on tho chargo of provoking an assault. The case was, callod in mo police court yostoruay and a eontlnuauce takon for ono wcok. The REXALL STORE delivers. Call No. 4. Mrs. Frank Junk, eldest daughter of Mra. Georgo Argue, a former North Platto resident, died at Choyonno this week of pneumonia following an ill ness of but two days. Buy your films' nt tho REXALL STORE. Wo dovelon them free. C. O. Woingand left last night for York to nttond tho annual convention of tho Nebraska Hotol Men's associa tion. Mrs. Woingand nccompnnlcd him as far as Grand Island whero she will visit her sister Mrs. Louise Peters for a fow days. Mixing the prim and propor East with tho big and burly West was like mixing oil and water. But thoy got around It by getting rid of tho water, Seo how It was done In "A Dosert Wooing," Kolth tomorrow night. All winter goods are being sold at big bargain prices. Womon's winter coats, suits, wool and silk dresses at. THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. Thoro is nothing lovely about Jeal ousy; It breaks hearts and homes and nover did a bit of good in tho know ledge of man. Jealousy la the thomo ot tho photoplay "Greon Eyos" showing at tho Crystal for tho last tlmo tonight!' It shows you how baseless is Jeal ousy and how faith and trust bring happiness to Iranian lives. Visit tho REXALL STORE. Wo lead in all lines. Chlof of Police Jones filed InformU' tion against" a dozen or moro Front AltMY TO MAINTAIN ORDER AT SEATTLE. Seattle, Fob. C Unltad Statoa troops from Camp Lowls are quar tered tonight In Sunttlo and Taooma lo "stand ready for any emergency," as army ofAoors said today, result ing from tho slrlko this morning of 4.".000 union men in sympathy with 2.').000 shipyard workors who walked out January 21 to onforco doniands for Incroaso of pay. Aiuthority for tho uso of troops was granted by Sccrotnry of War Bakor upon advices from Gov. Ernost Lister of tho situation In Tacoma and Seattle " iV, h.Tn Thlrtv-flvo thousand union men ,.J its orrl ory and pvery buyor has boon Soil Threw OldsiuohllcH. Tho'Durbln Auto Co. roports tho salo of throo Qldsmobllu so fnr this week. Frank Strollborg, tho woll known farmer living wost of town purchased an eight cycllndor 1019 motlol, e. car that ovoryhody pronoun ces a beauty and Is guaranteed to bo as good art It loo let). Iko Curlts, a far mor living south ot town, purchased an Oldsmobllo six, and Albort Byrant also bought a six. Tho Durhlu Compnny has now on hand a full lino of Oldsmohllos, and many prospoctlvo purchasers aro In vestigating their morlts. This com pany has sold ninety Oldsmobllotf In I vivVn K-Vf sm n uV'r.i' wol satisfied with tho performance of tho car. -::o::- the vicinity of Soattlo quit work to tiny, labor leadors sold, but In Tncoma rntmtian wn nnl art pntinrnl utiii Mm Whllo going homo to lunch yostor carmen, timber workors, harbors and ,,a: no.?n M,s8 Annlo Krnmph sllppod retail clerks. ,u,u 1011 " ino ,c siuownuc anil bus- Stronf nn Btnnno.l rnmihitr In WlllCd UIO iniClUrO Ot a Sllinll 1)0110 111 Seattle, schools closed, irostaurants n" ,u,.Kle: A l''yHicinn was called who and theatres closed their doors, nows- I1 , , . , 1,1 n, .' nna wiUl papors suspended and other Industries P"u ' , i"o " irninpn win ceased nnoriit nir. Twolvn annn Ulfrli. """"o ",r worn: ai uio i'lrsi in a ens, established by culinary unions "Oiinl Bank. to feed strikers ami others who dopond You can buy sweators, wlntor un- upon restaurants ror moais. i'atrons uor wear, outing llannels, over shoos or the kitchens woro lined up and and all tho Men's nnd Hovh wlntor served In military mess fashion. Bar ber shops closed and elovntors stopp ed running. Only emorgoncy tolograph busInosB from Seattle was handled by tho tolo graph companies Tho tolophono sys tem continued in service suits, ovorconts and mncanaw coats, at Just boforo wo pack them awns'. prices at tho LEADER MER. CO. Sammy Girls can loavo tholr cakos at tho ElkB' homo between four nnd six o'clock today, or thoy can bring No dlsordor has rosul'ted from tho thom w,th thom th,B ovouIB strike, Mayor Ho Hanson ot Seattlo For Rent A sulto of furnished said. rooms for two Kontlemon. Inmilra at rno city government Is propnred for 505 cast Fifth or phono block 140. n M V A?n ntrvfkii in Itrt rwlitrwl nml 1 A ilflA '.u Soo ,us for SERVICE. THE REX. J I Coining Homo Llko Tramps. Washington. Criticising alleged 'allure to equip properly Amorlcan forcos abroad, dolay in payment to uoldtors and dopondonts nnd many acts of tho govomment in the war, Senator Frollnhuyon of Now Jorsoy, aid in the sennto that Amorlcnn sol dlors had roturnod ragged and pom nllcsa "clad moro llko tramps." IIo advocated placing of responsibility nnd concluded with, tho following rot oronco to Prosldont Wilcon: "It Is very woll for tho presldont to break tho precedents ot a century that ho mny head trluinphnl procos slons in foroign capitals, sleep in tho chambers of royalty, dlno off of gold plntos In tho palnces of tho foroign Caesars nnd havo his photographs takon with kings, quooiis and prln cosaos. But what of tho American prlvtnto who returns to his native shores dismissed without a dollar In his pocket?" ::o:t How War was- Kept Going. Washington. Sixty days boforo the nrmtstlco was signed, nnd whon the situation on tho wostorn front hnd reached a critical stage, Marshal Foch cabled tho fuol admin istration: "If you don't keep up your potroleum situation wo shall loso tho Avtir" Tlila nml nflinr ninsqnrrott from nuiou loaders woro maao ptiDiia oy tho Cuol administration to show how dUvorlos ot Amerlrau gasoHno In quantities on tho western front nlono provontcd alterations In tho plan ot campaign which forced the contral powers to an armlBtlco. ::o:: Now Spring Styloa In Suits, Coats, and Mllllnory aro being shown by tho LEADER MERCANTILE CO. -::o: Copper ' Minors' Wages Reduced. Butte, Mont,, Fob. C The flvo prin cipal mining companies of the Butlo district today aro posting notices at their mines announcing a reduction of ?1 lu wages beginning tomorrow. Tho statlementi of tho Anaconda Minlug company, tho largost bmployer or lauor, says that commencing Febr uary 7 the wages for regular minors will bo $4.75; shaft miners, $5.25; Journeymen in tho different crafts. $5.50. Tho wago of minors has boon ?5.75 and others in proportion. Tho now scale will apply whllo coppor sells from 17 to under 19 conts, nnd until lurthor notico will not bo re duced if the coppor price should fall below 17 conts. Salt Lako City. Feb. C The Utah street nnd Dowey street business mswopper company today announced a THEDA BARA m Cleopatra" -The most Amazing and Stupendous Picture Ever Taken ax)ocricxinonno TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY At 15 and 25c THE SUN. ENID BENNETT in n if i.t j.: j.t :.: :.: i.t it i.t if It xt it Saturday KEITH THEATRE "A Desert Wooing" When she married a millionaire she thot she would have servants galore but poor thingshe had to sweep her own house. Extra added Attraction Smiling BILL PARSON in "BIRDS OF A FEATHER" i.t it i.t :.t i.t a i.t :.: i.t it 'May we all get what's coming to us!" This toast given by Geraldine Farrar in was the "THE TURN OF THE WHEEL" The story of a beautiful young wife tight in the grip of a blackmailing scoundrel who held her honor on his sneering lips. Crystal Theatre - Saturday and Monday Wednosday for failure to cloan the snow from the sidewulks as provided iy ordinance. Tney anneared In nolo court and were fined $1.00 each and costs, tho latter taxing them $1.35. Tho fine was, wo 'understand remitted. For Sale Ford touring car and a seven months- old red poll bull calf. Phono 7S7F022 or call W. T. Leake, Birdwood ranch. 7-4 Tho water department Is sending mt to consumers statements showing tho amount of water each consumer used during tho three-month periods from April 1, 1918, to Jnnunry 1. 1919, tho discount allowed, tho amount paid, tho credit balance, ami tho amount of arrears If any. This gives tho con sumer a complete record for the nlno months. Having sold their ranch, C. V. and W. B. Howard will on February 25th sell their herd of Angus cattle, farm and haying machinory, hogs, Pcrciior on stallion nnd other property. 0-2 In anticipation of tho fifth Liberty loan campaign to bo held probably in April, C. F. Tomplo and J E. Sebas tian, who conducted tho former cam paigns, are already mapping out a program. Thoy expect to Introduce some now features that thoy believe win materially aid them In securing Lincoln county's quota, whatever it may be. I wish to secure a high class local roprosentatlvo as District Suponisor for the Natlonnl Life Insurance Com pany, of the United States of America. Wo aro an old lino Company, over 50 years old, writing Highest class old lino insurance only. Top contract to right party. Answers confidential in all cases. Edward T. Kellher, Genoral Agont for Nebraska, 1215-1G City Na tional Bnnk Building, Omaha, Nebras ka. 7-4 VA I yyId tfl suPerD cast lnat includes II If A VMM j LOUISE HUFF and a story that is internationally famous, combin ed to make a picture that you simply can't afford to miss. A picture based on Sir Gilbert's famous book is bound to be good. At KEITH Monday and Tuesday g Comedy Nite Tonight W UZ LIT n TTTmrri .181 1 I m aj Theatre jfj EjfJ As a 100 percent salesman Jfj Jj GEORGE WALSH finances jf the war for five days in Jfj "ON THE JUMP" LJj and a riotous 2-re el com Efi edy ifi "The Son of a Hun' It begins with a wedding and ends with a battle Don't let anything keep t il.!. uu I1UII1 WHO reduction In wages of minors nnd mill men approximating 75 cents n day, eflectivo tomorrow. ::o:: Lockout in Hulldlng Trades. Now York, Fob. 5. Virtually nil building operations In this city woro tied up todny by a lockout declared by membors or the building trndco em ployers' association, according to nn annoiincemejit hero tonight by Wil liam J. Bo won, of Indiannpolls, president of tho international union of bricklayers, masons and plasterors. Air. Uowon, who arrived In Nfv York today said his purposo in coming hero wns to prevent tho lockout becoming nationwide. ::o:: Censuro Secrofnry of War. Lincoln, Feb. G. Tho Nobruska ptato senat.) loila. again passed a res olution introduced by Senators Neal, Cronin, Hammond, Heed and Johnson, condemning the action of Secrotary of war Bakor for granting 113 con scientious objectors In tho detention camp at Leavenworth an honorable dischargo from tho sorvlco, clothing them with civilian clothes and tender ing thom back pay, amounting In some instances, it was claimed, to $400 and $500. A similar resolution was passed ln tho houso. : :o: : "No Beer, No Work." Nowarlt, N. J., Feb. . A "no beer, no work," slogan was announced Itoday by representatives of 110,000 building trades workers, who condem ned nation-wide prohibition and voted to ask tho Essex trndo council, com prising many thousand union mou in Newark and vicinity, to start a move ment for a strike throughout tho state July 1, whon tho temporary wartime prohibition law becomes effectlvo. Tho delegates favored manufacture and salo of light wines and bfiCi : :o: : Unification of operation of govom ment controlled rnllroads In tho east- ' ern region resulted ln nn ostlmnted saving of $23,248,000 during 1918, com pared with tho annual cost ot run nine thoso roads under private owner ship, according to a report propnred for tho director general of railroads by A. II. Smith, regional director, Hiker's Senaflg, a laxative of morlt, sold only at tho ItEXALL STORE, Floating saloons beyond tho throo 1 lie limit nro suggested as ono moans combatting tho coming drouth. Just tiling to discourago tho habit. Ohq -up nt a bar rocking In a rough would wreck the taste and some r. V. B. nnd C. P. Howard will sell r cattlo. hores, mules, farm nlnory, etc., nt tholr former rnnch mllos north of town on Fobruary SUN THEATRE TO NIGHT! VIOUET MERSEREAU in "THE NATDREL GIRL" A REAL PICTURE, also A big V two-reel comedy 'HUMBUGS AND HUSBANDS" Saturday ... Mat. 2;30 Night 7:30 MONDAY MARY MACLAREN in 'BREAD' Ida May Park's masterpiece of real ism, a story of q hungry soul and. a two-reel side-splitting comecly Love, Laughter and Laugh' HARRY MOREY in HOARDED ASSETS" One of Morey's best pictures and U. S. WAR REVIEW H, G. Fleishman Morris Milder STOItK delivers. tl nr 7' 20t '1 o ItEXALL Plu i'O No. 4. Ot account of tho Sammy Girls to- copt.on, tho danco advertised for tho K. C . hall this ovenlng has boon callod off J. A. McMIchaol loft the early part of this wook for a ten days' stay at To my North Platte Friends and Patrons GREETINGS! I am still faithful to the old town do your shop ping at home, but if you can't get what you want, let me send it to you. THESE STYLES DIRECT FROM Metropolitan FASHIONS CENTERS Square Ihroat Pump. T Patent Satin $9.00 $8.00 Dagette Oxford. $9.00 Patent Satin Suede $10.00 $10.00 All Satin 9 inch Boot $14,00 F. & M. BOOT SHOP Fornam St., at 16th Omaha Excelsior springs, Mo.