K W. GRIFFITH presents "THE GREAT LOVE" igaggBKMsaiHisii ! www 1 1 iiaMwsa33i8 Keiih Theatre North Platte? With practically the panic cast as the Birth of a Nation LILLIAN G1SII, ROBERT IIARRON, HENRY WALTHALL and GEO. FAWCETT. You saw them in the Birth of a Na tion, now you see them in the Great Love, a mighty story of woman's regeneration by war. The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that can wield a weapon when need be. KEITH THEATRE & February 34 XES5S222 DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald Stats Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL LAST CALL FAIll WARNLNfi! When tho Clock strikes 9, Saturday night TUB LEADER 3IEIL CO.'s great store wldo elenrnnco sale will como to nn end. Saturday will bo tho lust DAY on which you can buy any article In tho store at 20 per cent or moro less thnh regulnr prices. Re with us on tho LAST DAY. Mr. anil, Mrb. O. II. Thoelecko re turned tho early fart of the week from a visit in Omaha. Mrs. Dan Valerius - left Tuesday morning for a visit with friends In Cheyenne. . P. A. White wa discharged from tho district court Jury tho early part of the week and returned to Omaha. Mrs. Simon Whito and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ecklund of Hershey, wore guests this week of Mrs. O. W. Size more. Geo. S. Arnold, tho Rawleigh man, Tol. Black 1013, Res. 614 Garfield. All orders promptly delivered. '4-8 j ' The residence of John Baty, at Big nell, burned Tuesday together with nearly all tho furnituro and wearing apparel. , For Sale Pure Bred Whito Rock Cockerels, V. R. Flshel's strain. Phono Black 920. C-2 Mr. and Mrs.- James Dorram left Wednesday for Portland, Ore., to visit their son Clifford who is in tlio navy at Bremerton. For Sale Bronzo Phono 79GF14 turkoy toms. 3-G Mrs. Henry Peterson, of Grand Is land, spent several days In town this week a3tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson. Tho WBodhurst Insurance Agency has moved from a room over the Rush Mercantile Co. to quarters In the Rey nolds' building. Mrs. Graco Tanner, who had been called here by tho death of her father F. T. Redmorid, loft Wednesday fori her homo In California. A fow desirable second-hand Fords at. tho right prices. Hcndy-Ogler Auto Company. Postmaster McEvoy tells us that seventeen year old boys arOj needed for tho navy and needed badly. Those desiring to enlist will bo furnished transportation to Omaha. Miss M. Sllcmnn, steam baths and Swedish Massage, ladies and gentle-1 men. Phone KU7. tsrouoecu piaa srtr If vou want a nlco house, poultry nnd friflt tract of C acres. Seo me soBni Price reasonable. R. McFAR - LAND. 2005 East 4th street. P. O. Box 62C, North Platte. Otf Special Banking Ser vice for Farmers. No matter ivhat your plans may bo for 1010 you'll need tho help nnd co operation of a good bnnk. You'UI bo pnf In faking this hank Jnto partner ship with yon during tho coming year. In ndditlon to our offering a complete bnnklng scrvlco our officers nro al ways ready to discuss your business or financial problems with you and confidentially. Wo pay 1 Interest on Certificate of Doposlt accounts. Keop your Idlo money working. Platte Valley State.Bank NORTH Z. Llout. Harold Fcnnor, who had been stationed at Camp Dodge, arrived homo yostorday, having recelvod his discharge. Claudo Peters, who had been cnshlcr at the Hotel McCnbo for somo tlmo loft a fow days ago for Lincoln to at tond the university. Joo Soudcr, salosman for tho Hon-dy-Ogler Co., returned Wcdnosdny night from Hnstlngs, whoro ho attend ed tho Fordson salesmanship school of instruction. Dr. H. C. Brock, Dontlst. X-Rny Diagnosis. Roynolds Bldg. Phono 143 Tho furnishings for the McCnbo Cafb, to bo conducted by Mrs. Albert Abol, hnvo arrived and will at onco bo placed In position. Tho opening of the cafe will ho announced later. Phonograph and 40 records for salo chonp if tnkon soon. Log house on So. Dewoy. W. J. Hendy has returned from Des Moines whoro ho attended tho tractor demonstration. Ho also stopped over in Hastings for a day and attended tho Fordson school of instruction. I desire to Inform my friends and patrons that I have removed my in surance agency to room 8; Reynolds' building. Mrs. Kelso will be In charge of tho office. Wm. II. C. WOODHURST. Don't loso your poultry with colds, pip or roup, when you can euro it with Mc'q Roup Remedy. You can got It at the North Side Drug Store or of R. McFarland, 2004 east 4th st. No Platto, Nob., box C2G. C-tf W. B. Park, living eight miles west of the city, will have a public salo on Friday, Feb. 7th, at which he will sell somo stock, farm machinery and grain. G-2 Tlio Great Store "YIdo Clearance Snlo of THE LEADER ME It. CO.'S hnsbeen attended by thousands. Us sincerity lins been putr U ho test nnd proven by Uio Buying Public Tho sav ings Hiiro been unusual. tie with us on the last, day. February 1st. Every fhliij? reduced 20 per cent or more from Calico to Coats. I. B. Bostwick. an old-time resident I living south of Hershcjy, dropped into I Tho Tribune offlco Wednesday while transacting business in town. Ho ro- cently returned from Beatrice where lie hail gono to help cciotirato tne ninety-seventh birth anniversary of his mother. Tho aged lady retains her faculties to a wonderful extent con sldering her advanced ago. For Sale Thorobred Buff Orphlng ton Roosters. Phono Red 50G. 2 Tho Catholic Girls' Club was enter tallied Wednesday evening In tho basement of St. Patrick's school by Mesdames Omar Huff, Perry Carson James Hart and Miss Vtuinita Hayea. Card games wero played and tho first orizo was awarded to Miss Bessie Smith. Miss Bessio Chamberlain ro ceived the second prize. They mado arrangoments to hold a social danco in tho K. C. hall on Fobr. 11th and Misses Hazel Smith, Edna Sullivan ' and Ethel Frye wero appointed on tho 1 committee. The next meeting will be held at tho homo of Mrs. Thomas Hag gorty In two weeks PLATTE, NED. TWO QU1XX CHILDREN DIE CI1 SPINAL MENINGITIS. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Qulnn, who live ou tho J. I. Smith farm at the Baker school houso tour miles west of town, died "Wednes day night of Spinal moningitlB. Thcso childron, one an infant but a few months old, tho other threo years old, wero taken sick about four o'clock Tuesday afternoon. A physician was summoned during tho evening and ho at first pronounced thom Buffering from some sort of poisoning but later developments convinced him that both wero cases of splnnl meningitis. Ono of tho children died about two o'clock at night, tho other about llvo hours lator. Tho giuidd'en death of their loved ones, their only children, camo aM a prostrating shock to the paronts, and they aro receiving tho assistance and condolences of friends and neighbors. ro : ; Sine Your Eyes. rPl i nti la r t y- n . t f r f Mm litimnn eT. ganisni that is worth more than tho 1 L,lv ?e,B5 f.aV S 1IUU Illb CAltUl 111 111U UJLlblll business, having worked at tho trade part of tho tlmo for over twenty years. Have satisfied customers in moro than twenty-flvo towns through out tho state. PrIcos reasonable. J. F. JENSEN, Eyo Specialist and reg istered Optician. THE EYE ROOMS. : :o: : .Bessio Barrlscalo thrilled a big crowd of onlookers during tho filming o her latest Paralta Play, "Roso O' Paradise," when she was called upon to perform a most hazardous feat high above tho ground on tho sido of a roof of a building In Los Angeles alley. Tho crowd .stood breathless bo low while tho llttlo star climbed caro fully out of tho window and along a narrow lodge. Tho sceno when pre sented on tho screen represents Miss Darriscalo as Jinny In tho net of mak ing hor oscapo from a dosorted build ing in tho slums of tho city where sho had been Held prisoner by her schem ing undo, who iK endoavoring to se cure a rortuno wlilcn is rightfully hers. James Young, who directed tho making of tho production, wished to havo tho scono enacted by a substitute ror MfsH Harrlscalo .but sho would not listen to the Idea nnd mado a thrilling scono without nny outward Indication of nervousness. This accomplishment marks another doparturo of Miss Bar - i.awi.uo uuiu.u mo miueitt. onu had never boforo boon called upon to attempt the performance of any such inn. luaig una iiiuHo who buo nor in "Roso O Paradise," which conies to tho SUN Thcntro Saturday will gasp as did tho onlookers whon tho sceno was enacted heforo tho camera. ::o:i' Tomorow Last Day. Tomorrow will bo your last oppor tunlty to buy lndlos ready-to-wear garments at BLOCK'S for half-price, for tho big salo closes Snturday oven- Ing. Mr. Block says tho snlo lids been tho most satisfactory ho has ovor hold, notwithstanding tho mild woathor. "Tho big cut in prices hns been ro- sponsiblo for our extraordinary bust- ness." said Mr. Block. ::o:: For Salo Ono light Ford truck in good condition, also CO-irallon nil l.ar- rol. and CC-gallon under-ground gaso lino tank with brass pump attached i an at i bo, Uhestnut street or phono Black 1112. THlIBSMV.FDJnAV-MTII&MV PFRPTIArV 1Q.11.1R Twic Dflilv 2:15 and 3:!fJ W 'HEARTS OFTHEWORLD'IS MOREtfHAN A PJCTURE play; it is a world drama; it goes straight TOTHE HEART. IT IS THIS HUM ANxQUAUTy THAT MAKES 'HEARTS OF THE WORLD'ASIO AS MANKIND.' .CHARLES PARNTON N-YEvenirtf World!" 5r&SUZSr LOVt. RW GRIFFITH SUPREME yRlplPH! HEARTSmWORLD (JwentyTJious.andlfces ffMesjDtrrtillejy MajthorLMbins rleets.Qr zdp'aejins TheteshKliflrdfCities JTheChnreof theTarik ENCHANTING SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Secure Tickets at Box Office at n on Feb. 12 PRICES 50C, 75C, S51 PLUS WAR TAX WET AND COLD IX FRANCE SAYS KAUCII. Joe Rauch, writing to tho homo folks from Eloinmoy, Franco, under dtito o'f December 30th, snyB: '' "Wo aro drilling every day and tnko a hike nearly every morning, 'with our pack nnd boliovo nio It is some load when wot with rain. In this pack wo carry threo blankets, a rain coat, overcoat, "pack carrier, ex tra shirt and underwear, threo pairs of heavy socks, extra pair of shoos, tent, pole nnd pins, shaving outfit, towels, steel helmet, gas mask, cart ridge belt and rifle. Somo load, don't you think. Wo had battalion inspection 'Phrsdny and all who didn't hnvo, their 'nil equipment wero red-lined. I had iill of mine. It is still mining hero nnd cold ;md It is a wonder that half tho boys do not contract pnoumonia or rhou- nintlsm. I have a bad cold and am fighting to keep it from getting mo.;;: down nnd out. Some of tho boys kick about drilling, but I boliovo that If it wore not that wo keop hardened by ?.J.C,B", V' aWo t0 i ,.l.l !,. 1 .1 , ct weather Don't know win on wo aro to leavo here. Ono report is that wo aro to go homo, another that wo will ho sent to Siberia. :o: DEAR PUBLIC: Many of you havo been neglecting tho most important and precious thing you havo and thnt is your eyes. When thoy got red, burn and smart at the plcturo show or your bend aches, that is tholr only way of crying for help .Seo HARRY DIXON & SON, Eye sight Specialists today. ,Thoy aro quipped to glvo tho very highest irrado of eyo sorvlco. Yours truly, GOOD ADVICE. ::o:: Mrs. Itolilnson Dies In Portland. A telegrnm received by John Day Wednesday nnnounced tho death of Mrs. II. L. Robinson at tho homo of hor son Guy in Portland. Tho docensed was for thirty or moro years a resi lient of North Platto, leaving horo In 1912 to mako hor homo with hor son in Portland, following tho death of i hor husband. Sho was sixty-two years 1 "V BO. mu nau uvea a uovout ciiris- "n "io. : :o: : FOR SALE. I Two good lots with frult-bearlng 1 bushes and trees, with a five room house, Mm ror llvo horses nnd hay- ,nnw witii minnrv nitnriimi n nno ad Now Homo" sowing ma- , lilno ns good as now. nnd othor house i,ni,i rumi.tm.na Wm. ALBEE, 1021 No. Pino St. C-3 : :o: :- Stoarn's cough drops. Nono hotter, "c at tho REXALL DRUG STORE. A business man whoso head Is al ways working on somo schemo for tho bonoflt of others. BUKnests that along about the firat of Mny North Platto business men treat returned soldiors and sailors to a fish fry. 'and In con- noctlon tho "with iprovldo a program of entertainment, principally field athletics, such as tugs-of-wnr, relay races, hurdling and Qthor ovonts in which all tho participants shall ho roturnod soldiors nnd sailors, sultablo )rJZ0 to Blvn to lo winners. Wo Il0artlly second tho suggestion of this - ,),,8,,108 ,na Advanco showing of spring stylos in women b roady-to-wcar garmonts at ut BLOCK'S, pjORY EVER TTOLQ. S F. O, Johnson, Frank Strollborg and A. C. Burton -.attended tho Qolkon brood sow salo at Gothenburg last weok and eacli purchased animals. Johnson purchased two at $250 and $255 respectively, Strollborg ono for $155 and Burton eight which cost him an average of about $140 each. Tho Harrington Mer, Co. will buy your Hay and Grain. Obtnin our prices boforo you sell. tf FECIAL For one week, commencing Saturday, Feb. i: 1st, we will oiler our KleanKwick Vaccum it g Washers at a greally Reduced price. v Those machines differ from the Peg Dolly type 0 washers as there are no pegs to tear holes in fine garments, lace curtains, etc. They run easy and :.: i.t i.t :.t .t i.t i.t J.t i.i i.t a :.t j.t wash clothes os clean and quickly as any process known. Guaranteed for one year. W.R.M i.t i.t if i.t j.t J.t :.: j.t if i.t i.t J.t j.t j.t j.t J.t j.t i.t j.t j.t j.t j.: j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j: j,: j.t J.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t it J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t 66 QUALITY FIRST NORTH PLATTE 5? Vk. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.fl - -1 la S3 L COW BRANDiJf Wo wish to oxtond our most slncoro appreciation and thanks, to all, who bo kindly assisted us during tho ill ness and death of our bolovod, wife, and alstor ana also for tho beautiful lloral offerings. . , F. W. DIXQN and family MRS. II. A. SURDER. For Salo Flat tdp desk with pol ished ground plato glass top. Phono 54 G or Red 830. SALE ON eft H't Washers MONEY COMPANY ... j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t t.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.: j.t j.t j.t J.t Jt J.t j.t j.t J.t J.t j.t J.t j.t j.t J.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t J.t j.t J.t 59 AnJHonest Motto Honesty lived up to makes "Cow Brand" Better Flour J.t