(The THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JWUAUY 31, 1919. No. 6 JfANY CASKS OF NEED AUE i'OUM) JIY COMMITTEE. Tho commlttoo appointed by tho Twonttoth Century Club to Investigate needy families in tho city and adjacent country and solicit bedding and chil dren's garments, roport that tho needs of the destitute aro greater than tho supply. Hero aro a fow instances of cases found by tho committee: Widow, husband dying of flu a couple of weeks ago, sick herself, four children, ono bed, children sleep on straw on floor, no bed clothing, noth ing to cat; supplied by commltteo with provisionH for a short tlmo; bed ding and garment for children needed at once. Man and wife with six children, husband and father sick with ilu and not ablo to work, children sadly in need of clothing and shoes. Widow with flvo small children who lives in outskirts of city, earn,, scanty living over wash-tubs, must walk to and from residences collecting and de livering washings; garments for chil dren greatly needed. Many other Hko conditions anj sit uations have been found, and should tho weather turn cold there will bo absolute suffering among tho needy and sickness and deaths aro certain to follow. Storoj in closets, or attics or else where, in your homes may bo garments that these iu,nfortunntes need. Will you not see at onqo what you have that the committeo can uso and tnko it to the nubile library on Friday of any week, or phone Mrs. Italtih Smith, who is chairman of the committeo? : :o: : Tho Clrent. Soro Vfido Clearance Snlo of THE LEADER 305 K. CO.'S has broil attended by thousands. ! WHY NOT I'LAN 011 A NEW COURT HOUSE. sincerity 1ms been pnr t flic fs't nnd 'roTou bv tlio Ruvlntr VnMlo. Tho sav ings lmvo toon mmsunl. Bo with us on ! "V;;, J, 1 tlio Inst day. February 1st. Every- Imitation forsame A numbor of counties in tho state are agitating tho proposition of build ing a memorial hall as a momorlal for tho soldier boys who wero engaged In tho great world war and a bill is now. pending in the lcglstlnturo authorizing countlos to issue bonds and build such a building. Lincoln county needs a now court houso and needs it badly. Tho county is ontiroly out of debt and I well able to erect a building that would bo a credit to tho county. Tho government is asking us as a patriotic duty to erect such buildings at this time in order to "provide em ployment for tho unemployed includ ing tho soldier boys who are being de mobilized. Such a building should be strictly llro-proof and should bo built to pro vide for tho future needs of the county. In erecting a cour,t house a mom orlal hall could .easily bo included that would provide a meotlng place for tho soldier boys, whefo they could havo tholr reunion meetings from time to time and In which tthero could bo placed the record of every Lincoln county boy who served In the war. This record could bo made in bronzo or marble so it would he imperishable. This building should also provide amplo rest room with easy seats, toilot and lavatory facilities for the benefit of farmers and their families when they visit the county seat, also a suit able seated room for farmers meet ings. It will tako from six months to a year to arrange for financing a build ing, procuring and agreeing upon plans and letting a contract, and a year or moro to erect it. and if wo aro to respond to tho patriotic ruk- gestlon of the government to assist in providing employment In this critical time, it is nono too soon to begin tho nine: remcei 211 nor cent or more from Calico to Coats. Lists wore circulated among the farmors who visited Brady last Satur day to have them tako stock in a co operative grain elevator. It is pro posed to purchase tho Omaha eleva tor hero which Is for sale. A numbor of shares wore sold Saturday and tho work is going on successfully in tho country this week. We hopo to roport tho Ipurchaso made by next week. Brady Vindicator. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Office Wilcox Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Aufdengarton NEED NOT o: : PAY FULL COST OF THE WAR. London. Jan. 30. Tho peace confer ence has settled one Important point with regard to tho indemnity question, tho Paris correspondent of the Even ing Standard says ho has reasons for reporting. Tho conference, ho do Clares, has eliminated any Intention of -calling upon Germany and her as soclates to pay tho allied countries tho cost of the war, or to impose over heavy indemnities upon tho enemy na tions. 1 "But the minds of tho conference," went tp-North Platto yesterday morn- Se, correspondents nana; "are nxcq nir. Mrs. Aufdencarten returned ln "IUIU uu " TAmnin - until Pitnninv fininiin reparation for unjustiflablo damage Tribune, I 'lone. A very sharp distinction is being aot,vTrctoo not, 0ff i drawn between damage which result- ,,'"7 nZ ,,,',,, ,: ed from legitimate warfare nnd dam heater; brand new mediclno cabinet ,, ,... and window shades. Call Red 830. G-2 WAR MOTHERS' CLU11 IS FORMALLY ORGANIZER. jfEGllO HltEAKS JAIL: .CAPTURED AT LEXINGTON. Orvlllo Lamb sold his Melbota, Ne braska, ranch last Friday to Bob Lee of Melbota, for $100,000. age which was wanton.' ro : Wright's Ham Pickle. Tho new meat curing Droces. 50c. Sold at tho REX ALL DRUG STORE. CRYSTAL THEATRE SATURDAY and MONDAY DOROTHY PHILLIPS in that great Photoplay t eight o'clock AVednostlny evening forty-two mothors of soldiers assem bled nt the federal building nnd formed a permanent organization to bo known as The war Mother's Club or Lincoln county. Tho meotlng was called by Mrs. F. W. Rinckor, Mrs. Edith Gnntt, Mrs. Miltonborgor and Mrs. Boguo. Mrs. Rinckor, acting ns temporary chair man, profildod over tho mooting and after stating the objects for which tlio meotlng was called tho following of ficers were nominated and elected: President, Mrs. jRtnckcr, vice-presi dent, Mrs. Donogan; secretary Mrs. P M. Sorenson, treasurer, Mrs. Stroitz. These officers with Mrs. Gantt, Mrs. Miltonborgor and Mrs. Boguo form tho executive committeo. Tho object of tho club Is to provldo for tho reception and entertainment of rctvrnlng soldiers of Lincoln coun ty and to bring tho parents in closer relationship with each othor. Tho chairman appointed tho follow ing committees: Lookout committee, Mrs. Jonnston, Mrs. Busklrk and Mrs. Iddings, who are to look aftor the wel fare of tho boys who are not provided with homes. Publicity committeo. Mrs. Clabaugh. Resolutions were read and adopted endorsing tho'net of our legislature in passing tho bill allowing six months pay to our discharged soldiers nnd It was further resolved by tho War Moth er's Club that wo Join our legislature In asking Congress now assembled to pass this bill. A committee of eight was appointed to arrange for tho first party on Feb. 14th to be hold at the Masonic Tcmplo, to which all soldiers with, their wives, sisters or sweethearts aro to ho guests and henrtlly wolcomed by tho mothers and fathers of tho boys who havo been in the sorvico of tholr country. Tho Mnsonic Tcmplo Craft has kindly donated the tomplo fbr tho entertainment nnd Mr. McEvoy has arranged for our meetings to be held at tho federal building. The chairman has called a meeting for February 11th to which all mothora. or Doys who aro in service or attention tho vocational schools are Invited to bo present. : :o: : Among tho Soldier Roys. Arthur McEvoy, who Is stationed at ,tho Seattle navy yards, arrived homo last Saturday on a furlough which ex tend,,, to February 4th. While ho HkCs jus work, be-is ready to receive his discharge at any tlmo. Robert Laudon, who Was In a medi cal corps at a cantonment, received his discharge this week and returned home. Wm. Ritner and Lester Adams, who aro stationed at an eastern canton ment, expect to receive their dis charge in a fow days. Homer Rldenour nnd Harvey Heath of Wallace, who worn wounded over men", are now In a hospital In New vork. Nothine has been heard of Carl Heath since ho was roportod missing a couple of months ngo. Fred Anderson, who had boon in sorvico oversens, returned homo yes terday. : :o: : USED CAR SALE. 66 PAY ME" NOTHING BETTER ON THE SCREEN KEITH Saturday WALLACE REID IN :.: :.: t.t i.t H :.: $ :,: j.t j.: :.: :.; B :.t :.t i.t n "Believe Me, Xantippe" Reid wagers $20,000 that he can forge a check, notify the police of his act and evade them for a year. You will want io see how his wager turns out. TWO PART COMEDY. i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t it i.t it J.t it i it North Platte, Neb., Jan. 4, 1919. BANKER'S AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO., Lincoln, Nebraska. Gentlemen I want to thank you for the prompt man ner in which you settled a loss to my car by reason of a collision. I hold a Complete Coverage Policy on my Au burn Roadster, protecting me from loss by fire, theft, torna do, collision, public liability and property damage, and on December 8th, I collided with a car owned by A. Woodcock, which was standing on the street. Your adjuster gave me a check covering the full amount due Hinder the policy for t damage to my car and also damage to tne Woodcock car, Yours truly, W. C. Hahhold, i.t tf i.t i.t $ :.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t it it :.: i.t J.: H H :.: i it it ti Cnll on GOODMAN & BUCKLEY; Aecnts. for rates ' LJ ' on Public Liability, Property Demage, Fire, Tornado, Collis- i.t 1U11 Ul 111,11. BANKER' S AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE- COMPANY, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. i.t i.t it t. i. l 8 $." oft' on any Car Sold this Week. beginning Wednesday, January 29th I will sell any of my used cars, all of which havo been overhauled In my shop, and bear my 30-day sorvico gunr anteo, at a $50 discount from tho prlco listed on tho used car board This real saving to you will give ad ditional room tor the new Dougo and Chandler cars. Remomber this salo lasts only to Saturday ovening, Febraury 1st. All at ?50 less than tho marked prices, listed a long tlmo before this salo was planned. Terms to resnonslblo nartlos. Liberty bonds takon at par on any car. J. V. ROMIGH. Dealer. Who Guarantees His Used Car. Gth & Locust Sts. North Platto, Nob : :o: : Tho funoral of Clins. Oross (not Groves) who died of ilu Sunday, was held Tuesday afternoon at tho Ma- lonoy Chapel, Rev. Hess conducting tho sorvico. ::o:: Estray Notice. , Taken up on or about January 23, 1919. on section 14-12-31, by tho un dersigned who thero resides, ono bay horse, 2 yrs. old, weight 800; black maro 2 yrs. old. weight 800; gray maro 2 yrs. old. weight 800: no brands. Owner call, prove nronorty. pay charges and tnko animals away. J. M. CRANDALL. SEEK TO PROVIDE CLEAN' AMUSEMENT FOR YOUNUSTLRS. Wilton Rrown. who loaded guilty to breaking into tho npartmont of C. C. Hupfor and-stealing a diamond ring, and who was In Jail ponding a sentence by Judgo Grimes, broke Jnll oarly yestorday morning. His llborty. however, was not long-lived, for ho was npturod at Lexington about 10:30 yesterday foronoon nnd brought back! to thw city last evening. Drown chiseled through tho north wftll of tho Jail noar the northwest window, a point nt which several other prlsonors In years past had broken through and escaped. Working In the main coll room with a stovo poker as his tool, othor Inmates who watched him suggested that an alarm ,bo given, whoreupon Drown picked up a r-ouplo of tho bricks ho had pried ooso and threatened to mash their heads If they mado an outcry. How ovor. shortly nfter Drown mado his got n way. Sheriff Salisbury was no- tilled Drown mndo an opening Just largo enough to squeezo through in fact, considering his slzo and tho slzo of the holtf. It was a mighty tight squeeze Onco outside of tho Jail Drown headed for the railroad yards, and catching a frolght, started east. As soon as warned of tho negro's escapo Sheriff ISalsbury lmmedlato- v uot busv on tho phono, ns well ns busy looklng for a clow of the direc tion taken by tho fugitive. His quick efforts wero rewarded, for boforo eleven o'clock yestorday forenoon Sheriff Denton, of Lexington, wired that ho had captured tho much desir ed coon. Drown, during his resldonco In North Platto. has been considered a 'bad nlggor," and tho rocord ho mndo since bore Is proof thnt ho has not been misjudged. : :o: :- - LAST CALL FAIR WAKXIKfl! When tho Clock strikes . Saturday night THE LEADER MER. CO.'s irtfcnl storo wldo clearance snlo -will come to tin end. Saturday will bo tho Inst DAY on which you can buy tiny article in tho stioro a( 20 per cent or more loss tiinn regular prices. Do wllh us on tho LAST DAY. ::o:: TTOItTH PLATTE MONEY SfADE PATIENTS HAPPY. Jixtract from a letter written homo by Dr. SImms, who 1R with baso hos pital No. 49 ovorseas. 'Tills Xmas was mado much moro plci)sant by tho Xmas monoy which tJu,Red Cross sent,,of which North PJscto contributed" her share. Tho "pa tients wero certainly glad that thov were in Daso Hospital No. 49. If the people who contributed to this fund could.have seen the boys whoso stock ings wore filled, nnd whoso plates wore heaped with a real Christmas dinner, they wor.ld have been moro than repaid." Daso Hospital No. 49 was closed .Tiinunry 20th nnd tho unit is expected homo the latter part of February. As Dr. .Simms belongs to this unit. It Is probable that he will arrive homo and In' ready to resume his practice by March 1st. To provldo cloan nmusomont for tho boys and girls of tho toen-ngo In North Platto was tho object of a con ference hold at tho Franklin school building last ovening, at which fifty i-r more fathers nnd mothers and school teachers wore prosont. In call ing tho mooting to order, Supt. Tout proposod a nupibor of propositions which tho conforenco might consider, among which was a glco club, orches tra and baud, tho boy scouts, tho camp- ilro girls, a Y ,M. C. A., a swimming pool, nthlotics, a program for the father and son week which starts February 11th, and tho need of a Chautauqua for summer nnd a lec ture conrso for winter. O. B. Elder was elected chnlrmnn of tho meeting nnd M. B. Crosby socr6 tary, ahd for an hour or moro tho propositions proposed by Supt. Tout woro discussed nnd generally favored by tho speakers The result of tho meotlng was the appointment of Supt. Tout as chair man of a committeo to nrrango for a community concert at tho Franklin auditorium at such dnto as ho sug gests at which tlmo tho pronosltlons .submitted last ovening will bo furthor dlsausscd; tho appointment of a com mlttoo to confer with tho school board as to whothor funds. aro avail able to purchase cortaln instruments for a band nnd apparatus for a gym nasium, and tho selection of a com mitteo for tho obscrvanco of father nnd son week. .ll'DOE SENTENCES THREE TO THE PENITENTIARY. :o: : John Schnrmann Dies. John J. Schnrmann died at a hos pital early yestorday morning of a complication of diseases aftor a short illness. Tho docoasod was eighteen years of ago and of Into years had mado his homo with his graudfnthor, Anthony Joffors. Tho funoral will bo hold Monday. : :o: : DraUo's TURPO. To roliovo cold on tho lungs. 2Gc at tho REXAXL STORE. Mark McCarty, brothor of Jw II. McCarty and Mrs. F. O. Doll of this city, is roportod dead in Dolgium. IIo was a momuor of Co. II., 302nd Inf. Rritfenliain Found. Word was received In North Platto ypsterdhy that Private Drlttenham, whoso homo Is south of Drady, and who was reported missing in action in Franco, hns boon found In England. It Is surmised that ho was wounded tho fighting lino, sent back to a hospital in overlooked. Englnnd nnd his name -: :o: : RuMer Slumps. Dutter sold In Omaha January 19th fur sixty-seven cents; tho samo class of buttor sold In tho same market yes turday for forty-llvo cents, a drop of twenty-two cents. lias anybody hoard of buttor dropping twenty-two cents In North Platto? Tho slump Is said to bo duo to an over-supply of tho : :o: : Vincent Roddv went to Denver tho flrst of this week to visit rolntlves, re- 'irnlng todny. Films developed free nt tho REX- ALL DRUG STORE. Roy Halllgan, who was discharged :it Camp Dodgo this week, returned homo yesterday. Miss Roso McGlnloy. of Paxton i amo herd ye'sterday to visit with tho Misses Horrod. H. G. Harkln. formorly of tho Koohlor Hotel In Grnnd Island, came ' lioro yestorday to accopt a position as lay clork at tho Hotel McCabo. I Frolght rates on Drltlsh stoamors '"thor than for government cargo, havo uoen reduced approximately 00 2-3 norcent, on shipments from tho United MatoB to tho United Kingdom. KEITH TO-NIGHT Virginia Pearson in 'THE QUEEN OF HEARTS" BENNETT COMEDY Love Loops, the Loop ' i . . . . . . ft THE FARMERS' AUCTIONEER S('a your auctioneer nnd sottlo on ) tr snlo dale, and fix It Ko It will In 0"fcro ns Htllo us posslblo wllli other sales. This Iiiformiilloii ns ivoll ns othnr tlolulls can bo supplied by til i aiK..'oneor and ho will gladly assist , you lu every way possible. H. M. JOHANSEN j North Platto, Nebraska Tho Lincoln county contingent at the state porfltontlary will bo inorcas od by throo after this wcok, Judgo Grimes having sontoncod that number to that institution last ovoning nnd this foronoon. Amos Hush, colored, convicted of manslaughter in causing tho death of Hill, also colored, on tho morning of Docombor 29th In tho McDonlnd build ing on Locust stroot, rocotvod his sen tence last ovoning not loss than ono year ahd moro than ten at hard labor. Wm. VnnNntta, convicted of Incost, with his fourteen yonr old daughtor as his victim, was this morning given a sontenco not oxceodlng twonty years. Wilton Drown, who pleaded guilty to burglary, dug his way out of Jail yesterday but was captured at Lexing ton, was given a sontenco of from ono to ten years. Tho Judgo consldora Drown n "bad nlggor.' nnd did tho statutes nllow him discretionary powers ho probably would havo given him a moro pronounced sontenco. Shorlfr Salisbury will tako tho throo men to Lincoln In tho nonr future. ::o:: Hershoy Times Ileins. Tho D. M. Loypoldt Co., shipped out flvo cars of cattlo to Omaha tho first of tho week. Geo. Mudd and Geo. WllBOn wore qulto badly bruised up last Sunday ovoning whon they drovo off tho brldgo ovor tho Irrigation ditch nonr tho Wilson homo. Thoy woro In Mr. Mudd's Chalmors cars which was wrecked up qulto badly. Mr. Mudd was hurt qulto sovoroly In tho shouldor nnd cut on tho fnco soino by tho wind shield, Luckily both men aro still alive. D. E. Martin received "word tho first of tho wcok from tho Captain of Co. F. 59th Infantry tolling how Paul mot his death In tho Argonno, Franco. It wnB In tho Inst battlo that compnny was In. Paul waa hit near tho heart with a mnchlno gun bullet. Ills last words to his chum, Corp. Noel Rookor, i nnd his pals woro, "Goodbyo, boys, I'm going." Ho lived but a very short tlmo aftor ho was hit. . SUN THEATRE TA MirilTt annette keelerman 1 AT THE THE SUL 'QUEEN OF THE SEA' A Triumph ol Beauty and Thrills 15c and 25c BARRISCALE In... 6C Rose of Paradise' Taken from the-popular Ameri can novel of the same name written by the same authoress as 'Tcss of The Slorm Country." Also BILLY WEST The Funniest Man on Earth in "THE PEST" SATU RDAY Matinee 2:30 Night 7:30 WRITING PAPERS by the pound are far the most inexpensive you can use. Lord Baltimore Pound paper gives you a full pound by weight, about 90 double sheets, of . this well known, quality stationery, the best possible to make or buy at the price 50c Envelopes to match, packed in packages of 25 20c two for 35c. The SEE US FOR SERVICE Store rjJTT7