The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 28, 1919, Image 6

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Strange Quiet Now Rests Over
Land Torn by Shot
and Shell.
Plain Vegetables and Certain Meats,
Even Choice Wines, Aaaln Are
Plentiful Friendly Lights
Seen at Night.
llehlnd the Lines Iti France This
land of recent battles Is u queer lund
now. Over the shell-torn villages and
blasted woods, the pitted Holds and
mlii of all that once was Is a strange
quiet. The winter Hky Is lacking In
airplanes and great llocks of crows
have taken their place.
A few villagers have crept hack to
eee what remains of their homes and
holdings, hut probahly the winter will
have passed before reclamation and
reconstruction are undertaken on u
Inrgo scale.
Along the roads repaired and re
bridged for the allies' advance Into
Gorman territory long camion trains
move slowly and always southward.
They travel leisurely now, for the need
of hurry Is gone. They bring back
the salvage of battlefields, all the
things that go to mko war, abandoned
or captured.
Endless Trophies of War.
Truck load after truck load of rllles
nnd shells, of water bottles and linvor
fiacks, cartridges, machine guns, bayo
nets nnd trench knives and pistols,
mess kits, overcoats, caps, an endless
catalogue of paraphernalia are brought
In. The battle zone Is still full of It
oil, In heaps and racks, waiting sal
vage. Now and then come trains of air
plane camions burdened with disman
tled flying machines of every type and
every nation, engine and fuselage and
running gear on the truck and the
grent wings on its specially designed
trailer. Some of them are unharmed,
but many show bullet holes through
the frail fabric or the ruins of u crash.
A fair proportion of them bear the
Maltese cross that marks them boche.
There are trains of captured enemy
artillery, particularly of motor bat
teries, driven and manned by French
men, and these are happy outfits.
Often the guns are decorated with
evergreens and nlwnys the French sol
diers luugh and wave a greeting. As
they creep through the villages the
populaco llocks out to view the can
non that for four years r.ent death and
devastation to their land, and the
children clamber on the carriages and
out oti the grim barrels.
Hut It Is the troops on the way back
that are most Interesting, returning
to rest areas or to their ports of em
barkation for home. French or Amer
ican, their behavior Is the same. Al
ways they greet everyone cheerily or
boisterously and always the French
ofllccrs salute with a smile when they
Though Loudon Is oxercrowded now more than ut any time during Its
history, American Jackles are being well taken care of by the American lted
Cross. This photograph shows where 701) of our tars are accommodated each
night In the nuignUleent halls of the Law Courts building.
"Watch Kaiser Lovers,"
Says Chief of Police &
Leavenworth, Knn.- -John T L
Olynn, chief of police here, had
5 the following placard hung In his h
olllce during the war:
A "Olllcors, keep a sharp lookout
2 for German spies, Hun ngents, I.
W. W.'s, nnd all other kaiser t
4i I I.. A ..a,..! .... mtl !,.. '.itti
IIM Ul.l 111 iwJl mm yf,
hell. Signed, John T. Olynn,
Chief of Police."
4 A group of Germans, many of
ineiii iiiiiciuin, iji-iiiniiui'M nn- y'j,
chief be removed from olllce. He
Is still the chief. Z
Curbs Ambulance Speed.
St. Louis. Hy u genernl order
Acting Cider of Police O'llrlen, all po-
Hcimum are Instructed to see that no
fimbiilanet' driver public or private
exceeds 20 miles an hour In answering
or returning from calls.
meet nn American car, while the men
wnve nnd shout : "La guerre est tlnls I"
or n slmllnr greeting, liven the chil
dren cry "Finis I Finis!" to the pass
ing car.
Travelers Are Welcomed.
Strangest of all arc the lights nt
night In the hamlets and villages, or
shining frlendllly from the Isolated
farmhouse, In regions further back.
For f-o long France seemed a deserted
land to the traveler by night. Hour
after hour the press correspondent
has traveled at night without a glim
mer to be seen In the countryside, and
now from every hill and vale the
cheery windows shine and the villages
are ablaze. The papers devote col
umns to the Illumination of I'arls, but
it is here In the remote part of France
where war has been that light nt
night seem most wonderful, even If
they are but candle or little lamp.
Washington. The first threo Amer
ican soldiers to die In battle on French
soli fell In the village of llothcltnont,
about twelve miles enst of Nancy- The
population of this region decided to
erect a monument commemoruting
their saerlllce, and u repllcu of this
proposed monument was sent to Pres
ident Wilson by Ambassador Sharp
at I'arls n few months ago nt the re
quest of those in charge of the proj
ect. Originally It was the Intention
to hold the ceremony of dedication In
the very village or Hethelmont. where
the threo young heroes had given their
lives for freedom, but the community
was situated so near the thing line
that the ceremony had to be held at
Nancy. Ambassador Sharp has sent
to the stute department a graphic re
port on the subject. A large crowd
of distinguished people were present
at the dedication exercises.
M. Minium, in his address before a
huge assembly at Nancy, emphasized
tho fact that the three young heroes
In whose honor the monument had
been erected were not, Indeed, the
first Americans whose blood bad
tinged the battlefields of France.
Young men from the United States,
Impatient to tight, hud enrolled volun
tarily In the French and English ar
mies and already It: 101(1 their num
ber exceeded liO.OOO.
Carried American Flag.
A very touching Incident Illustrates
the patriotism of those Americans who
had Joined tho French Foreign Legion
beloro tnc umicu aiuie - " "
Wtir. Ol lieniK uiiiu ui iwn wi:mj
under the Star-Spangled Hanuer they
procured an American Hag and decided
that each of them, In turn, should car
ry It wrapped around his breast. In
this way our flag was present In all
those numerous combats In which the
London. "I'hantoin torpedoes" from
tho clnutU sunk n Turkish ship carry
ing 11,000 troops. Just before the end
of hostilities. Only the armistice pre
vented other aerial "phantoms" from
operating effectively against the Ger
man warships In the Kiel Canal and
other German navy shelters.
These hydroplanes discharging tor
pedoes above the water have been
the great secret of the Hrtlsh navy
during the closing month of the war.
Scientific olllcors of this branch of
the nuvy ngreo that these mysterious
planes are designed to accomplish
from the air more effectively and
more swiftly what the torpedoes from
submarines can achieve.
An armored shin currying twentv of
these machines met the German sur-
f rendered licet at sea ready tor action
hn Cuse the Germans should attemnt
Mime eleventh-hour trickery,
These amas'.lng planes ascend from or deck, climb thousands 0f feet
for a sudden dive from the clouds ut
Where once eainlons or staff t;nrs
loomed Ilghtloss In the roads to the
Imminent threat of collision, and often
Its accomplishment, the brilliant head
lights stab the night.
There In every village now the trav
eling stranger can obtain food, not In
variety, perhaps, but enough and
very hospitably. The deprecatory po
lite and necessary refusal to requests
for refreshments that usually were re
ceived In little hamlets or single farms
has given way to n cheerful offering of
what there Is, for the farmers know
now that the specter of a winter of
short rations has disappeared. The
rationing of certain foodstuffs Is still
In effect. Hread tickets are necessnry
In public eating places, no matter how
unpretentious; butter and milk are sel
dom to be had and olioee Is scarce,
but of plain vegetables and certain
meats there is plenty, nnd the light red
and white wines of the rountry aru
forthcoming when demanded.
At this season there Is game In tho
small town markets, hares and rab
bits, venison, red-legged partridges and
the large French quail and wild bonr.
It is high, but not so high as It always
is at home.
colors of the Foreign Legion partici
pated. Twice It was pierced by bul
lets nnd stained with the blood of
wounds. Once he who carried It fell,
the American volunteers searched tho
field and found their dead comrade,'
took from his body the well-beloved;
colors, and, armed with this emblem,
they went forward to new exploits.
When the United States tooWup the In
sulting defiance of Germany these,
American volunteers, already voter-,
ans, took their places In their Nation
al army and presented to France this
flag which so proudly they had borne
through numerous battles, and the
French reverently deposited It at the1
Invalid os.
A few days after the first Amerl-'
cans entered the trenches the Oerninns
desired to test the worth of their new1
enemy. They directed an attack
against the sector. Valiantly did the'
American soldiers support their bap
tismal fire.
Old Not Yield an Inch.
They did not yield one inch of thelt
positions. Tho enemy who had pene
trated for a moment Into their trench
es withdrew, leaving numerous dead.
Three Americans were killed In tho
French lines, one pierced by a revolver
shot, the other two stabbed with non-
lards. They were Interred In a field 1
below the hill on which, are clustered '
the houses of the village of lletltoh
niont. It was decided that the names
of three llrst victims should be
Inscribed on stone, and although tho
Q(nM ml ri Rmi dtnonMo)H
I,, keeping with the Importance of the
historic fact to be commemorated, tho
design Is artistic and was drawn by
Louis Majorelle. Tho cross and tho
thistle of Lorraine are entwined with
the stars of America. The Inscription
on one bide reads:
Tlmt on tho other side:
In Lorrutne territory
the three first
American soldiers
killed by tho enemy
on November 3d, 1917.
Corporul JAMKS n. CH13SIIAM
(ot EvnnHvlllo)
(of Pittsburg)
Private ME HI. 13 1). HAY
(of Clldden)
As worthy sons of their great
nnd noble Nation they hnvo
fought lor Justice, Liberty
and Civilization ngalnst
Gornun Imperialism,
tho soounro of the human nice.
ri' If la Mint nn tlwt fnnn rf 41.!.-. '
J IHr- .1 ....v .... ... . .. v ... lull
monument Is engraved in enduring let
ters the fact that In Lorraine territory j
repose the llrst three fallen American I
soldiers. I
Strap Identifies Fox.
Worthlngton, Muss. Under tho
I thick growth of fur on the neck of
a fox which Walter L. Tower shot the
other day was a leather strap. It was
Identified by Charles A. Kllbourn as n
strap which was on a young fox which
he once had. The fox escaped from
captivity 11 years ago.
a speed of 150 miles an hour, straight
en out fifty feet above the sou and
discharge a torpedo direct at the ene
my ship. Then they dlsappeur Into
the clouds as suddenly ns they up
poured, and so swiftly that the eneinv
craft has no chance of training its
guns or machine guns on It.
How tho dllllculty of discharging a
torpedo In the air Is overcome Is a
nnvnl secret. It Is known that se
rious accidents marked the expert,
mentnl tests with these wonderful nm-
Common Law Wife Wins.
St. Louis. Mrs. Catherine Clark,
who testified she was tho eoniinon..
law wife of Walter L. Clark. Frisco
railroad switchman who was knocked
from an engine and killed ut too
Chateau avenue viaduct April 1, 1017
000 by a Jury In circuit court. Sh
' bus Just been given a verdict of Sio.
I sued for S'JO.OOO.
Autumn to winter, winter Into sprint?.
Hprlns Into sun.mer, summer Into full
So rolls the chatiKlng yt-ar, and so we
Small cakes of various kinds may
hi' made now which will last all win
ter and mime n
cup of tea a real
Joy If accompa
nied with a dainty
rake r ck.v.
Cinnamon Stars.
Take one pound
of unblatiehed ul
tn o n d , chopped
line, one pound of powdered sugar.
I u bites of seven eggs, one teapoonful
; nf cinnamon. Heat the egg whites
! Miff and dry. fold In the cinnamon.
Take out one-third of the mixture and
I liitu the rest fold the almonds. Sjirond
powdered sugar on a board and form
the mixture into n sheet a fourth of
I an inch thick. Cut In stars, cover with
Icing, set aside and bake In a very
dow oven.
Sand Tarts. Take one cupful of
. .. . i . .. r
i nutter, .one ami one-hail cupiuis 01
mgar, three eggs, yolks and whites
beaten separately, one tuhlespoonful of
water, half a tcuspootiful of baking
powder and Hour to roll. Koll very
thin, cut in shapes and sprinkle with
sugar and cinnamon. Hake In a mod
erate oven.
Pcppernuts. Heat four eggs 15 min
utes with a Hover egg-beater, add one
pound of powdered sugar and beat
another 1." minutes. Add the grated
rind and Juice of one lemon, one ton
sponnful of powdered cinnamon, one
half a teaspoonful of cloves, one-half
a grated nutmeg nnd one cupful of
Hour with one and one-half teaspoon
fills of baking powder. Add (lour to
roll and cut with very small cutters,
bake on buttered tins In n moderate
Nut Cakes. Take one cupful of nut
meats, chopped fine, one cupful of
sugar, one cupful of flour, two eggs.
Flavor with lemon or rose and form
Into small balls the size of a walnut,
and bake. ,
Sprlngerlle. Heat four eggs as stiff
us possible (15 minutes Is about long
enough), add a pound of powdered
sugar and beat again 15 minutes. Add
Hour to which a teaspoonful of baking
powtier lias neen sineii ami ron out.
' sprlngerlle beard face down
and press with u weight to print tin
figures well Into the dough. With a
sharp knife cut the cakes apart and
let them stand over night. In the
morning sprinkle with aniseed and
bake In a moderate oven. Do not add
too much Hour.
Icicles. Roll rich pastry very thin,
spread with butter and sprinkle with
cinnamon and sugar. Koll up very
tightly and cut In Icicle length". Hake
and then roll In powdered sugar before
During the yenra within which we
live, life will never bo again as lei
surely nnd enre-freo ns It has been.
The imiKiiltuile nnd Importance of the
problems of reconstruction of tho
world's torn mentnl and material fab
ric are too ureal for KP'ilal tolera
tion In the future, an In the past, of
the mentnl shirk or the spendthrift of
time, and there 111 be no such toler
ation. Piosldont Hopkins.
Since our eilucntlon by war's nt
resslty, we are accustomed to the use
of various substitutes
and we will continue to
iim" them In some incus
ore. for they have proven
to he satisfactory foods.
Rolled Oats Bread.
Take one and a half
ciinfuls of honey. Pour
over two cupfuls of boll
lug water and let stand until hike
warm. Then add one cake of softened
yenst and five cupfuls of Hour. Knead
slightly, set In a warm place and let
rfse for two hours. Knend thoroughly
form Into loaves (thlr. will make two)
and put into pans to rise. Cover well
and hake .10 minutes, when It Is light
Oats Muffins. -Take two-thirds of. a
cupful of rolled oats, one and one-half
cupfuls of flour, one cupful of scolded
milk, one egg, four tcnspoonfuls of bak
llip powder, two tnblenpoonfuls of melt
id fat, one-half toaspoo;iful of snlt and
three tnblespoonfulK of sugar. Turn
the- scalded milk over the out men I and
let stand ten minutes, then ndd the
other Ingredients with the Hour sifted
with the baking pnwdc. Hake In but
tered gem pans.
Left.Over Salad. Take n cupful of
poultry bits, picked the bones
add one-half cupful of celery cut line
one-half cupful of mayoniialsi
dressing, a lew m.vos, neets or
pickles will Improve the salad. If the
meat Is coarsely chopped nnd mixed
with the dressing and seasonings It
may be molded in cups nnd chilled
After two or three hours untnold and
serve on lettuce..
Honey Lemon Pie. Take otuMinlf
cupful of honey, three tiiblespoonful
of cornstarch, mm iff. the gritted rind
nf otie-fourth of a lemon, one nnd om
rourtn eupruis ot seamen nun;, om
tiwspooiiful of f: t and two tuhlcsponn
I'lils of lemon In it. Combine the
'Iqitld. ' nev. I in u r'-il and fat. Let
will end th'-'Ven with cnrninnh
. ,., I,,.-. In- i DM-i-.t I'll -i Hrtle mid
i .U. ii'. nil 'i iti . . i: nun-
1 I
utes, then pour over the beaten egc
and cook over water five minutes. Stir
In the lemon Juice and when the mix
ture Is partly cool, pour Into a baked
pastry shell and bake.
These ale the Klfls t ask
Of thee, spirit erono;
Htrennth for the dally task.
f'oiiMKe to fHce tho road,
Oood cheer to help me bear the trov-
eler's load.
And for tho hours that come between.
An Inward Joy In all things heard find
Keen. Henry Van Pyk
In hotels where beef tenderloins are
ut into steaks or trimmed tor roast
ing, the ends and trim
mings are used for Salis
bury stenk. In the home
xiicli meat Is too expen
sive to buy for chopping,
so the tenderer portions
of the round are used.
The meat Is put through
tho finest cutter or
scraped, carefully, first
on one side then on the
M her. For each pound of prepared
meat, take-one-quiirter pound of beef
marrow; crush the marrow and mix
evenly through the meat, then for
ach pound of the prepared meat ml
very gradually one-half cupful of
old water. Press Into shape, but not
loo compactly. Keep the edge as
thick as the center so that they will
fiok evenly. Hroll over coals or In a
as range, or pun broil In a very hot
frying pan. Let the meat cook on one
side till a drop of meat Juice appears
on the top. then turn at once to cook
on the other side. Serve with broiled
bacon and French fried potatoes.
Mexican Ham. Take a slice of hum
V Inches thick ; rub Into It one small
teaspoonful of mustard and a table-
poonful of brown sugar. Lay the ham
bottom of a casserole, rare and
slice sulllclent potatoc for the family
and cover to the depth of U or :? Inches.
Dot with bits of butter substitute un
less the ham has a thick edge of fat.
Sprinkle with pepper mid cover with
milk, much like escalloped potatoes.
Set In the oven nnrbako for two hours.
Spanish Steak. Take a slice ot
omul steak "J Inches thick, firease a
pan or cnserole and place steak In the
bottom of the dish. Slice onions to the
lopth of an Inch and finish with thinly-
Heed potatoes '2 or It Inches deep. Dot
with sweet fat : sprinkle with salt and
pepper ami cover with milk. Hake in
a moderate oven two hours. Tomatoes
niav be used for varhvty In place of the
milk. These dishes are favored fot
the busy day, as the vegetables and
meat are all cooked together and rendy
to serve.
These nre tlio thliiffs I prize
Anil hold of denrest worth:
Light of the papplilrp skies,
Penco of the silent lillla.
Shelter of woods und comfort of the
Music of birds, murmur of little rills.
Shadow of clouds that swiftly pnss.
And after showers the smell of tlow
ers And of the fiood brown earth,
And best of all. along the way friend
ship am) mirth.
Henry Van Dyke.
Those who have tasted the old-fash
intied suet pudding will enjoy this one
for It Is without eggs.
Baked Indian' Pudding.
Scald one quart of
milk In a double boiler
Mix half a cupful of In
dian meal with a tea
spoonful of salt and oik
cupful of cohl milk, nnd
stir Into the hot milk;
com nine to stir until the mixture thick
ens; cover und let cook ten minutes',
add one cupful of molnsses. half a cup
ful of finely chopped suet, half a tea
spoonful of ginger, on teaspoonful of
Innainoii, and one cupful of cold milk;
mix and turn Into the baking dish. Let
bake In a slow oven half an hour; add i
two cupfuls nf milk, stirring it well, nf-
tor hair an hour a third time stir In
two cupfuls of milk, then let bake un- 1
disturbed three hours longer. Serve
hot with n hard sauce. Kulslns may I
be added which will Improve the fin-
vnr. ,
Peanut Butter Cookies. Take three j
fourth of a cupful of peanut butter, '
one half-cupful of sugar, one egg, one- j
half cupful of pastry flour and one- 1
half cupful of hurley Hour; ono-hnlt
tonspnnnful of salt, wo tablespoonfuls
of milk and two teaspoonfttls of bak I
lug powder sifted with the Hour. Koll I
ntiil hake ns usual.
Japanese Sucy Drer.-ing for Sundae
Take two ounces each of dates, figs
ralMns. pecans and ulmoiids. one
fourth of n cupful of maple sirup, anil
one cupful of mnrslimullow paste,
("hop each article separately, very fine:
lilanch the almonds before chopping
then mix all the Ingredients togethei
and lej stand overnight to ripen.
Cream of Asparagus Soup. Takt
one-half cupful of cooked nspnrugus
one-half cupful of the liquor from tin
can of vegetable If freshly cooked, oik
ami one-half cupfuls of milk heated and
thickened with two level tablespoon
fills of rice flour. Suit to taste ana
ndd a siiiull piece of butter when ready
to serve.
From Suffering by Getting:
Her Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Pittsburgh, Pa." For many month
1 was not able to do my work owing to
. a weakness which
caused backache
nnd headaches. A
friend called my
attention to one of
your newspaper
advertisements and
immediately my
husband bought
three bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham'e
V egetablo Com
pound for me.
After taking two
bottles I felt fine
and my troubles caused by that weak
ness are a thing of tho past. All women
who suffer as I did should try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. J as. RonrtBEno, 620 Knapp St,
N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Women who suffer from any form of
weakness, as indicated by displacements,
inflammation, ulceration, irregularities,
backache, headaches, nervousness or
"the blues," should accept Mrs. Rohr
berg's suggestion nnd give Lydia E.
Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound
thorough trial.
For over forty years it has been
correcting such ailments. If you have
mysterious complications write for
uavice to Lvdia E. Pinkhom Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass.
Fop Baby's
Itchy Skin
All rtrnrrcldtnf Soan 25. Oint
ment SE and SO, talcum 2S.
sample eacn iree oi --vuu
aura, Dtpt. E, Bciten."
A load of liquor merely udds to a
nun's load of trouble.
Cute plmplea, headache, bad breath bj takloi
Hay Apple, Aloe, .lalap rolled Into a tiny tus
111 called Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Toilets. Ad.
Girls beg the ouestion when
try to induce men to propose.
For a illsordered liver, take
fiV'J Tea, the Llerb Laxative.
digglsts. Adv.
Everything In the world even re
spect Is to he bought. Auerhach.
Important to Mothora
Examine carefully every bottle ot
CASTORIA, that famous old retuedj
for Infants and children, nnd see that H
Signature oi(tfM&&
In Uso for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorim
The Underworld.
Silas (in a whisper) Did you git a
peep at the underworld nt all while
you wuz In New York, Ezry?
Ezra Three times, b'gosh 1 Subwuj
twice an ratscellar once. Buffalo Ex
press. Music of the Battlefield.
A few weeks ago u writer attempted!
to describe the noise of war nnd de
clared It was Impossible. Pletro Mas
cagnl. the famous Italian composer, Int
er made nn attempt. He was visiting
his two sons at the front, and witness
ed a battle for the first time.
"This Is Indeed music I" he exclaim
ed. "It seems as though all the big
drums In my orchestra were multiplied
by t million and have suddenly gone
mad !"
How It Happened.
"Pardon me," said the army cook,
for military chefs are prone to address
their underlings courteously, "hut I
prithee tell me where you learned to
peel potatoes so artistically? I ob
serve that you do not cut off the
cuticle In great hunks, as, alas, too
many do, but loosen a bit of the skin
of the tuber and then deftly strip It
all off. You must have bad much ex
perience In skinning e'er entering upon,
a soldier's life?"
"1 did. thank you. sir," replied the
accomplished member of the kitchen
police, "l'efore I decided to make the
world safe for democracy I was a
country hanker."--Kansas City Star.
by eainpj
as your
cereal dish
This standard
food needs no
added sweet
ening for it
is rich in rbs
own suar,
from wneaf;
end barley
by the special
process of
"Thoro's a ffeoson"