' Wat . fflwt 0o THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 2B, 1919. No. 5 Movw CLAIMING: McCAHK TELLS OF CHRISTMAS IX OEIUfAXV. LOCAL AND PERSONAL JIBX A Jilt OA I CAX HE I HOME IX SIX MONTHS. Writing to hlH parents, Dr. and Mrs. McCabo from Obermendid, Germany, Clarence McCabo undor date of. Do combor 25th. in scrvico overseas, says: "Cliristmas Lay in' Obormendlg, Germany. This day will long bo re momborod, and I shall think of it at each Christmas time as the years pass, not because I am specially happy at this time, but bocauso of tho stran geness of my surroundings and be cause it is tho first peaco Christmas nftor tho war. In fact I may doscribo my feelings and emotions as thoso of sadness, as I passed the snow covered streets tonight. Glancing in at tho win dows, hero and there, I could see the Christmas trees with their dazzling lights, sparkling warmly for tho happy children within. They are happy, in deed, their Christmas has not been embittered by tho war, for they are not old enough to know. Last ovoning tho snow began falling and continued to fall until lato In the night, covering everything with a blanket of puro white. Whon it ceased tho clouds began to break up and drift away and when I woke early thla morn ing tho moon had come up arid was shining brilliantly on tho breast of the now fallon snow. Tho frozen pond down in tho field below resembled a pool of quicksilver, so brilliant was its surface. This morning dawned clear and cold -and tho "people began to pasB to and fro, going and coming from mass. All this time, all day, my thoughts havo bjoon elsowhero and thinking what an ideal Cliristmas this would mako wore I at home, back among tho friends I used to know and with my father and mother who lovo mo and whom I love. It will not bo long, I think until I will really be at homo again. Everything seems to bo running smoothly in this part of Germany and I cannot see any reason why wo should bo required to occupy German terri tory for any great length of time. I received twelve letters last night. They ctuuo just in timo for Christmas. Sovoral of them wore from you. It had beoon such a long time since I had received any letters, and coming ai this time, they holpetl to make things seem a little moro like Christmas. I know that you appreciate this peaceful Christmas after tho war. The war has been a tragedy to everyone, but I think that no one can ap'preciato peaco as much as a soldier who has como face to face with war's conse-'-nuonoes. What doea it mean to me? What if I wore this very night crouch ing in a shell-hole in no man's land expecting every moment to be blown 'to atoms? Instead God has given us peace, and I am able to sit here in tho comfort of a warm room and write to you. So you may know how I apprec- iato for the first timo In my life the following taken from tho Gospel of St. Luko: "And suddenly there wa, with tho angel a multitudo of the heavenly Mrs. E. A. Cook, of Grand Island, arrived yostorday to visit her siBtcr Mrs. Harry Byboe. Your favorlto magazine at tho REXALL STORE. Tho Catholic Girls' Club will meet Wednesday ovoning in tho basement of the St. Patrick's school. Miss Lucillo Martini spent tho weok end with her sister Mrs. Fred Hm musscn in Ilershoy. Old Trusty and Queen Incubators nnd llroodert. nt Factory Prices, SIM OX imos. Miss Marguerito Roddy visited with friends in Grand Island tho latter part of last week. Miss Helen Martin, of Ogalalla, camo Saturday evening to visit with Miss Effio Christ for a few days. The quarantine was removed yester day from tho homo of Chas. Cornell, Mrs. Cornell having been ill with tho flu. Washington, Jan. 27 General March chief, of staff, informed tho sonnto military committee Monday that shipping arrangements had boon 1... ...itir.1i tf rru ....... ..l(lit l.n (itltUU U, Itllltll UVViUUU ItlUlL Illicit- w f ij- lKi... .....i innA i J transported homo monthly and that ' nil of the American expeditionary I ' ' forco could, bo returned homo nnd de-l , ( nptiircs Lot of lloozc i)inl)iHzml within six months. ! Sheriff Salisbury nuvdo another Insane Man Taken lrp. A strangor was plckod up at tho dtfyot early this morning infforlng from insanity. Ho insisted on, tonrlng off tho curtains from tho window, throwing tho cnwpldors up in tho air ami attempting to climb tho pillars. He was tnkon In charge by Shoriff 'IVcn-Apo Conference). A conforonco ot all persons Inter ested In b'oys nnd girls of 12 to 20 yoar of ago has boon called for Thursday ovoning nt tho Krnnklin School building. Whllo conditions in .North Plntto arc as good as thoy nro USED CAR SALE. foil off on any Car Sold (his Week. lloglnnlng Wednesday January 29th, I will sell any of my usod cars; nil ot which havo boon ovorhnulcd in How many Americans will ho held abroad in the army of occupation is to bo- determined by PresIdOut Wil son, Goueral March stated, but more haul of wshlkoy Sunday ovoning whon ho confiscated four suit cases contain ing fifty pint bottle., on train No. 20. As Is always tho enso, no ono on tho Americans nlrqady havo been desig-1 trnm claimed ownership of tho suit nated for rotum homo than origin- -,QR- Tho Shoriff has grown so ac ally proposed by Marshal Foch. Ho "istomcd to boozo lndened grips nnd indlcatod that ton divisions hnd been miU ca80S "int ho can detect thorn suggested as Amor:ca's contribution ory oasu. to the army of ocupatlon. In most places, tho wnr has madoiy shop, and bear my 30-day Borvico changes In environment which must guurnntoo, at a $G0 discount from tho bo takon Into ncount and which will lrleo listed on tho usod car board. 'itully affect tho boys nnd girls of ThIR real saving to you will givo addl- ::o:: Itaskct Hall Team to Gothenburg. Honglund Introduces Hills. The High School Paskot Ball team Senator W. V. Hongland introduced will go to Gothenburg Friday ovoning six bills In tho state senate yoster for tho first gnmo of tho season away day. Thoy wero: from homo. The Gothonburg team Is Requiring railroad trains to stop ono of tho best in tho west usually at depot platforms for safety of pas- and whllo thero Is no dope on the KANTLEEK Rubber Goods. Thoy songors. ; players this year it Is expected thoy can't leak becauso thoy are moulded1 Increasing salary oH county com- will bo up to tho usual standard. In ono piece. REXALL STORE. I misslonors from $4 to $5 per day and Tho line-up of tho local team has not , ,, , ' ton conts a mile for traveling. i yet been announced. Robert A. Schell. of this city, who Requiring comity boards nt first' ::o:: imti uuen i" huiwlu iu riuiiLo, ua reKUinr session in year to dotermino Hero's Our Opportunity. " ""'"u compensation to uo paiu county sup- yestorday. j orintondonts. Francis J. Dunn, formerly of the ' Fixing fees to bo charged by clerks Nyal Drug Co., who Is now conduct-iot district court. ing a drug store in Grand Island. Rogtflating Ioes of( county clferks, spent Sunday In town. I county judges and county treasurers. r , , Requiring owners of Irrigation Mrs. Mary Dunn, formerly of this ditches to Install Recording gauges city, who has been matron of the to snow amount 0f water used. N . Grand Island depot for several .0. Mwfo 8Pent SUmlay h0r WUh l0Cal 1 F, (,,",,11S' VldlniK. i Austin Traub passed away at tho For baby, Mother Kroh's Family , detention hospital Sunday night of, own name Tho diversion dam in tho North Platto river at Whalon, Wyo.. whoro wator iH diverted to irrigate nearly 200.000 acres of Nebraska soil, 1b capnblo of generating not les than 25.000 horsepower enough to light and heat every homo nnd business house from the Wyoming lino to North Plntto in tho river's valloy and turn ovory Industrial wheel. Unless tho people wnko tip and tnko stops to retain tins gr.cax pvivjlegto In their it will bo grabbed off by Remedies. Sold only at tho REXALL Hit. and 's wife and two children ari i eomo corporation. DRUG STORE. ; 111 with tho samo disease. l ::o::- Wm. Klinrtnr nP Ttrlolmiin Aiiufrnltn Dorothy D.IViS. employed at tllQ V.viwwt ltiiRtimlul Illvnufmi. wna Mm mmaf ,.nJnnl.. P ll ,! rooming 110USO, (11011 fcUJlUny 01 nnnnnhni.ni inn 97 11m Hnrmnn .U bill 1 I,U1UUI Ut 1TL1. ailll I I. m, , .... 1 .'I..MI.hMt. UMIH M.. ,.U V.Vt. !... Mrs. R. M. Cathers, while enroute U l H 10 f" , 119 woro 8niPPeu to K0vornmpnt la expecting a great Pol the city. These chnnges must be mot and that Is tho object of this moot ing. Tharo is no admission nnd no other invltntlon Is needed. Tills Is not a nioetlng for children nor for boys or girls but It lH for ndults who nro Interested la boyn nnd girls. The meeting will bo hold in tho Hoard ot Education rooms nt tho Tront entrance nnd will bogln nt-olght o'clock. WILSON TOUT. ::o: : Ruing unnblo to seouro tho desired locntion, wo aro forced to coutinuo businoss nt tho old placo, but aro go ing to glv tho public special prlcos as an Inducement to como to us on Front street. Our Spring stock la ar riving daily. Wo will discontinue tcth & Locust Sts. nnnuiing Dolt goods and will handlo Undies Ready-to-Wcar exclusively, consoquontly wo aro giving you real prlco3. Wo aro closing put our Hats at fi, 2C, and 30 conts and tho largo Bats at 88 cents, and our draporlos go at half price, whllo thoy last. Should you need draperies for spring now Is the opportuno timo to buy, them nt renl prlcos. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho Chrlstlnn nld society will meet Thursday nttornoon nt tho church. A ten cent lunch will bo served. Uonul room for Jtho now Dodga and Chandler cars. Remember this salo lasts only to Saturday ovoning, February 1st, '17 Dodgo Brothers. 17 Ford Roadster. 18 Chovrolot Model 25 Bulck. '18 Studobakor. , 17 Maxwoll. And othors. All at $G0 loss than tho marked prices, listed a long timo beforo this sale was plnnnod. Tonus to responsible parties. Llborty bonds tnkon at par on nny cnr. J. V. ROMIGII. Denlor. Who Gunrnntcos His Used Care... North Platto. Neb. : :o: : Tho funeral of Mrs. Bornetta Dixon, wifo of Frank W. Dixon, sso died tho latter part ot Inst week, wns hold from tho family homo oivwost Sovonth Btroot yosterdny nttornoon. Wo wish to thnnk ouf many dear frlcndf, nnd neighbors for tholr loving kindness nnd sympathy nt tho timo of our groat sorrow. ' MRS. DO RAN MARIE DORAN ISABEL DORAN Chicago. Mr. Shorter is cattlo buyer in Australia for Swift & Co. Leslie Bare, who is assisting in taking an invoice of Union Pacific property at all stations on tho system camo down from Greeley to spend Sundny with his parents". Mrs. Margaret Taylor, who had been employed in the office of U. P. car de partment for some time, left the latter part of last weok for Denver, where sho will remain indefinitely. Tho Episcopal ijulld will meet Thursday afternoon " in tho church basement. Tho entertainment com mittee will be composed of Mesdames Ray Snyder. Annie Church, D. C. Onsdon and James Dorram. A combination tccting Healing- T"l Tl ATT i-imnv-.v-a i . . I V I III . 11 K, (1 I ,l , N I I llfK' lino It Cnn it ruiRuiigs jesioruay. ' -hovlst invasion in tho snrinir. It. J Chas. Groves residing on west preparing to raise nn nrmv ot 2.000.000 Eleventh street, died yostorday from u to bo commnnded by Field Marshal rolapBo of tho flu. Ho had been sick Von Hlndonburg' with tho disease and had essayed to! 0nn nrmv Krout) w, bo fl0nt ,n(o reSUmo WOrk. When llO Was acaln' onat Prnnotn nnntlmr Intn sn ward off tho nntictpntcd invasion. rtrlckon with fatal results. Mrs. Mae Simpson, formerly of the Wilcox Store, has taken a position with the Tramp dry goods department. A combination cream, Jonteol. Pro- tOpHllP' TTnnH1fr Qnfcnfltnn. nni.tl. Vi. ..n - . . ...... r) .'.. ii iiwuur, fving. .REXALL STORE has it. Soo -tifl tor SUKVIUK. Robert Horner, of Wallace, was In town on business yesterday. In or der to escape driving over bad roads cream Jonteol Prn-ihQ r0(, horso0!lck to Sutherland and Softeninir boauti- lcamo ,,own 0,1 tho ni0lng tralnv HI? Aifoadv Hb.ooo vowntcors Havo ro torted for sorvlro Tho national as fifMnbly is oxivctetl to soloct army councils, which will liavo no political nowors,, it will also consider tho for mation of a militia, with 250.000 men jrvlng flvo monthg at aytime. , k , 1 A soothing lolss for crackled. Hps. snow drifts nro still encountered on tho country roads. ' Rl'Or's Camnbor lea. At tho REX ALL DRUG STORE. Miss Matu PaulBon returned Friday from DesMoInes. having been called home by the Illness of ncr mothor. : :o: : PropareJnosB applies to tho human body as well as nations. A bottlo of Prickly Ash BltterB on tho sholf at home Is tho best and clieapost form of preparedness for Indigestion, const! !fl mi TO The Missionary Society of tho Pros- Jonteol Vnco Powdor. Invisible and byierian church will meet Friday after- clinging. Sold only nt tho REXALL nrmv Tiralsinir Onri. nnd nnvincr; P.1orv!00n at three with Mra. Ttntlnv Ttnoli- I STORE. Seo US for SERVICE. to Gotl in the bichost. nencn on nnrtli. aainn. Mrs. Stone, of Chicnsrn. whn ron. ' p- Temple wont to Sutherland ---.j . . . - -t - -i- m,i ... i . .. , i i iiiuLi ciiuua lui iiuiiuuaiiuii, good will to men." . n.ents the Board o the Northwest mori ing to write insurance far ' . trotMcH. n ,B tho ::o:: Uv, present the Jubilee Work. All 11 ('Ple of days. I doso taken in time that wards off Si. Germain Case In Progress. if' , . tn.e clnirch aro urged to bo Mancel Overman wont to Keystono sickness and saves nionev. Prlco $1.2G When the caso of tho state against. 1'?,",, to lloai' tile Plans of this in- yesterday whore ho will accept per bottle. Guminoro-nont Drug Co.. St. Germain and McFadddon. both of i --liJl-i"1 "'C,""M5 LaV 1 temporary employment In a bank. 'Special Agents whom wero charged with assaulting tho.Stado glrl. 'was called in the dis trict court Friday, tho attorney moved for a discharge on tho grounds of a faulty information. J.ulgo Grimes quashed tho case but remanded tho I defendants to the custody of the sheriff for further action. A new information was issued yos torday and tho defendants arraigned in tho county court where thoy waived preliminary examination and) tho caso taken to tho district court whoro the trial against St. Germain wns began yesterday afternoon audi is still in progress. i ::o:: Jontoel Face Powder. Invisible and! clinging. Sold only at tho REXALL STORE. Seo us for SERVICE. Whon work is resumed on the Ger-ing-Fort Laramio irrigation project in Nobraska, the hugo shovels usod in excavating will bo electrically oper ated, the power being gonerated by water In tho completed portion of tho canal. This project Is to bo com pleted in time to furnish water for tho 1920 crop and will Irrigate S0, 000 acres in Nebraska. UN TO-NIGHT THEATRE MONTAGU LOVE in "TO HIM THAT HATH" It is a biK Forceful Convincing Photoplay. You will enjoy it. Also a LYON-MORAN comedy "Comping Out" WEDNESDAY edith story m "THE SILENT WOMAN" A breezy play of the great northwest. It's a long jump from a 4 logging icampitoJ'Iew.york'sIaahionnble quarter. Also latest News in Pictures. Thursday-Friday fkVfoxTJ1 Greatest Spectacle ANNETTE KELLERNAN in "Queen of the Sea" Cost $1,000,000 1,500 People Daring 85-foot dive. Burning of Ship at sen. Great Storm in mid-ocean. Fight for life in the Surf m v-y3TWrf rtfWTTV UUV r i f m m 1 J eith Theatre orth Platte :o: : Pooplo easily constipated dread winter no fruits, no vegetables to help tho stomach. Your best relief, your greatest frlonds, is Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea, guaranteed to positively reliovo. constipation or your money back. Gold by John O. Patter son, Druggist. MARION DAVIS the musical comedy slar in the first of her select pictures "CECILIA OF THE PINK ROSE" an American ideal of the true and beautiful KEITH TO-NIGHT and Tomorrow GOOD MUSIC upreme Triumph! The Masterpiece of the Master Performer D, W.. GRIFFITH'S 18 MONTHS IN MAKING ! Taken on Battle Field of France Tells the Sweetest Love Story of Modern Times HUHOR-PATHOS-.LOVE SEAT SALE TUESDAY FEB. 12 2 P. M. Box Olfice Thursday-Friday-Satur. Feb. 13-14-18 Twice Daily 2:15 8:1 5 IT HAS NO EQUAL D. W. GRIFFITH'S Enchanting Music Symphony Orchestra Direct from Large Cities All critics agree that D, V. Griffith has out-classed his won perful production "Hirth of a Nation" PRICES 50c, 75c, $1 Plus war Tax Prices 50c, 75c, $1 Plus war Tax STUPENDOUS-STARTLING-GRAND-SUBLIME-TREMENDOUS!