The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 24, 1919, Image 4

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    Give Your Eyes
a Square Deal
This Year
MIsb Mabol McVlckor, of Lexington,
snont a day or two In town this wcok
on buHlnoHB connected with hor mll-
llnory stor
iCHarenco HAdnond, who had,
beon called horo by tho doath of his
fatliort rotttriod, to Log AngoltH
Tuosday ovonlng.
A civil Horvlce examination for clork
carrlor will bo hold at the local poet
offlco Fobruary 8th. This examination
lrtonon to inalod only.
B. F. Seoborgor haw boon confined
to tho homo since Monday by aftor
ofToot of thtf Jin, but will, probably
be out In n fow days.
MIsr Ida Pholan, inlllinor at tho
Whon you consldor tliat a parson's
oyos aro tholr most procloun ponsoB
Hlon, It's appalling how caroloss they
aro in using thom. Many parson,, who
always fool tlrod, wonder at tho end
t)if ilnv wliv ttinv fthnulil bo 80
nvi,ni.Htnil wlm mmnlaln of constant Loador In8t "ornon, will occupy a
oxhaustod, wlio compiam or allII,,Br ,)OBit(m wltli tho -McVlckor
hoadadho or of othor minor ills, are j B,U)J) tho comlllg 80nBon.
surprised when they are told that the, p
Hdurco of all their trouble,, lies In (lay 15nrgaiH wort, -while. THR
tholr oyos. HKXALL. DUUO STOKE. 1
Just as you can oxhaust a horso j Arthur Morrlck, of Maxwoll, who
through ovorwork, you can oxhaust had a vory sovoro caHO of llu and for
your oyos through overuso. Pcoplo 1 sovoral days was not oxpoctod to
with normal oyos, for cxamplo, should ,
novor road, wrlttf, sow, or do any
Nollco (o Mothers. "
'Tho mothorB of tho boys who havo
boon, or stilt are, In the sorvlco of
tholr country, aro requested to meet
In tho Fedoral Court Room Wednes
day ovonlng, Jaraunry 29, 1919, at 7:45
o'clock. !
Mrs. F. W. Itlncker
Mrs. I. L."Mlltonborgor
Mrs, Chas. IJogue
Mrs. T. F. Gantt -
Dour Mr. Hjo-glnsH "Wenrcr:
Do you know that If you break your
glsssos that you can have a now lenso
ground right horo In No. Platto? II.
DIXON & SON havo a complote grind- I It Is protty hard to onjoy tho scenery,
Ilrynn Hleirlns Writes from Gcrninny
Tho following extracts aro takon
from a lottor written by Bryan Hlg
gins to lilH paronts:
Decombor 18, 1918.
My dear paronts: I suppose you havo
been wondorlng what has happened
to mo, probably watching tho papers
to see my name in the casualty list as
misHng, I havon't had a chanco to
write you tho past month. You havo
probably read in tho papers about
General Pershing marching his army
to tlie Rhino. That Is what I havo beon
doing and havon't boon ablo to mall
any lottors. I havo surely seen a lot
of country tho Inst month or two, but
Ink plant from which they ctiTf grind
;a lenso Just like yours If you tako tho
plocos to thom.
Consult them whon you havo oyo
troubles. Their Optomotrlst Is nt your
Yours trulv.
livo, is now convalescing.
liny C. Langford 1b recovering from
, . . i ... i. ,.. 4i. ,., an attack of the flu, but it will bo a
kind of closo work for moro than two , . ,.' i, ,,.111 i
or throo hours at a tlmo, in daytime. I
For pcoplo with woak eyes, ono
hour should bo tho limit for closo ap
plication of tho oyos. j
Tho Iosb work ono does at night,
tho hotter. Children, for oxamplo,
flhould novor uso tholr oyo at night
for any period oxcoodlng fifteen min
utes to half an hour. Tho samo Is truo
of adults whoso oyos aro not in tho
host of shapo.
Many peotdo work ln glaring lights
without realizing tho strain that tho
glnro puts on tho cyo. Ono should
novor allow tho sun to shlno on tholr
nowspapor or book becauso of tho In
evitable gluro produced, nor should
they try to read whon ln such a posi
tion that tho book or papor is bo
twoon tho oyos and tho light, thus
shutting off a good doal of tho light.
It would bo a good thing, If posT
fllble, if ovon desk UghtH could bo so
arranged as to dlroct tho light from
If your vision Is In anyway dofoc
tivo, you owo It to yatirsolf to havo
your oyo examined at onco. Probably
you'vo beon intending for somo tlmo
to havo thom attended to. What bottor
timtf to carry out that resolution than
January tho month pt good .resolu
tions.? Call. and boo us at puco.
Jeweler and
At ihts Sign of the Big Ring
a. w. 1'iumor 10a Tuesday jor a
ton-day stay at Excolslor Springs.
Mrs. A. M. Solbcrt loft Wodnoa
day for a visit with friends in Wn
Kortown, S. D-
Undor tho January apportionment
of stato school monoy Lincoln coun
ty will rocolvo $5,970.83.
Pantry Spoclal Frl. and Sat. 35c
cofToo for 23c ItEXALL STORE.
Will Ilurko has hoon discharged
from service and has rotumcd homo,
as has also Gcorgo Andorsou.
Mrs. A. F. Stroltz has returned from
Omaha where alio received troatmont
at a hospital for Bovoral weeks
Mrs. E. F. Scoborgcr, who had boon
visiting friends at Slgoumoy, Iowa,
roturncd homo yostorday nftornoon.
Mrs. Wayno Leonard, of Trinidad,
Colo., has boon spondlng this week
with her paronts, Mr. and Mrs.
Pantry Spoclal Friday and Satur
day: 10c Lomon Extract 2.'Ie. REX-
condition to rosume buslnoss.'
Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buy
your Hay and Grain. Obtain our
prices boforo you sell. tf
Mrs. Earl Hamilton, of ' Omaha,
passed through Tuosday onrputo to
California whoro sho will spend
tho remainder of tho wlntor.
Frank Murray wont to Excolslor
Springs Tuesday night -whore ho will
spond a week or ton days rccuporat
Ing from a recent nttnek of pneu
monia. Tho vlllago of Urady Is figuring on
a proposition to install a transmis
sion lino to Gothonhurg for lta elec
tric current, Tho lino would cost
After bolng confined to" tho liouso
for two wooks or moro with pleurisy,
T. C. Patterson was ablo to rosumo
work at his office tho early part of
tho wook.
AK high as sixty-four carB of hay,
grain and stock por wcok Is boing
idiippod out of tho North Platto sta
tion. Tho bulk of tho shipments at
prcsont is hay.
Miss M. Sicilian, stoam baths and
wedlBh MaBsage. ladloB and gentle
men. Phono 897. Urodbock bide 85tf
With 170,000 automobiles owned
and I mo, In Nebrasko, 4t Is flgiured
that ovory man, woman and child In
tho stato could bo mobilized at Grand
iBland within twonty-four hours.
A social danco win bo glvon by
tho II. of R. T. Tor tho bonoflt of
tho ladles' auxiliary at tho Masonic
hall noxt Monday ovonlng. A spe
cial invitation is extended to sol
diers and ullors-
In ordor to place employees on an
eight-hour basis, tho Union Pacific
freight liouso and office In tho future
will closo at 5:30. Frolght will bo re
ceived up to four o clock p. m., instead
of 4:30 as heretofore
Liout. Allan Atchison, who vnB re
cently discharged from sorvice, has
rosiuncd his position as a travoling
man out of this city. Ho will bring
Mrs. Atchison here as soon as ho can
socuro living (tuartors.
For Snlo Hronzo turkoy toms
Phono 79GFM- 3-G
If you havo novor soon "Women's
Weapons," come to tho Crystal to
night. Whothor It is working cxpor
lenco or exporlenco ln dodging, cpmo
just tho same,
Georgo Huntington canio down
from his ranch north of Paxton yes
torday in his car. ABkod a to road
conditions, ho replied "Thoro aro no
roads. It took mo eight house to drlvo
down from tho ranch."
Dcdgo Ilrothors cars for lmmedlato
.delivory ono touring car and ono
Commercial "car. AVho wonts thorn?
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. 3-2
W. J. O'Connor oxpocts to leavo
Sunday on a business, trip to Kansas
City and Chicago. Later in tho wcok
Mra. O'Connor will Join him and thoy
will go on to Now York City whoro
thoy will spond two wooks,
Poland China Ho&s Sell Well.
Tho salo of thoroughbred Poland-
China brood sows hold at the Ilosack
barn Tuosday 'aftornoon by C. J.
Landholm & Son was a pronounced
scccoss. Forfy' bond wore sold at an
avorago prico of $88.12 oach. and buy
er came from a number of pointB
within and outslda Lincoln county.
Wo understand tho Mossrs. Landholm
wore woll ploasod with tho rosult of
tho salo.
Tho salo of Liborty bonds of small
denominations is said to bo heavy
among North Platto holdors, tho Bales
bolng mado at a discount of from four
to eight por cent depondent on how
Iwidly tho holder needs tho money.
Many of these bonds, aro bolng sont to
Omaha and Chicago brokors in ordor
o avoid publicity hero at home. Un
less tho need of monoy Is very ur
gent thoso bonds should bo hold by
tho purchasers.
Pantry Spoclal,-Friday and Satur
day 25c Cocoa 19c. REXALL STORE.
A real estate agont says vory Httlo
city proporty Is listed for sale. Boforo
tho armlstlco was signed 'property
wnor whb 'ere eligible to servico
llBtod tholr proportlos for sale, .but
whon war ceased and there was no
probability of thom leaving they wlth-
Irow their residences from tho market.
wild riding Tom Mix. Soo him tonight
at tho Keith In "Mr. Logan,, U. S. A.,"
and bo sure to stay for tho SuiiBhlne
comedy "Mongrels."
Indications this morning aro that
tho A'prlJ weather wo have been hav
ing for thrco or four weeks Is about
to bo Interrupted and moro coal for
tho stovo. and furnace will bo needed.
Ho this ns It may, wo aro mighty
thankful for tho pVasant weather wo
havo had since Christmas.
For Salo or Trade; Threo horses,
throo shoats, two pairs. Pearl guineas,
ono pair white Holland turkeys. Also
good houso and lot In No. Platte.
Phono 79GF15.
"Small Change"
and Checks
Men of means as a rulo carry Just a
Jlttlo "small chungo'' In Uwlr pockvt
for potty oxponsos, Thoy Invariably
.havo a check book in tholr possession
for convcnlonoo In paying regular
ltefildos tho convenience of paying
your bills by chock and always hav
ing iho right change with you, your
check is an undlsputjctl receipt.
Pay your bills by chock. Savo time,
worry and avoid mistakes. Tills bank
will Do glud to accommodate you with
11 check book.
Platte Valley State Bank
tramping ovor muddy roads and over
mountains with a heavy pack on your
back. Wo havo boon marching thru
German territory for two or three
weoks and found tho people much
different than wo oxpected to find
them. Tho first Gormnn town wo
strurk tho pooplo took us into their
houses instead of showing uq Into tho
lnrns as wo had boon used to la.
France. The first thing tho women did
wni o cook us somo" potatoes, fix us
i i"pnor of 'notatoos, coffee, broad and
btitlor and Jam. That Is tho way we
found It all the way. The peoplo don't
havo much to say abou' tho war, thev
aro glad tho war 1b over and don't
av they won the war but sav they will
havo better times than they would of
had had Germany won tho Avar. It la a
inischty good thine that thoy realize
whnt Is tho host for them.
Wn havo had an awful hard march,
'"it I think wo hnvo at hist finished It.
T don't know how lomr wo will bo
hero, but T tblnk until thov pot roadv
o "ond ui homo I bono that won't bo
We nro row about, twontv-flvp mile-
f-rm tho Rlilno and thMv or thlrtv
i"o mlleq from Content-:. I will bp
ablo to toll von lots that I oanno
"rlto now T will write arnln wlion T
i. I bono von mav havo n Mem
fiirlBtwi" nnd 0 TTnrnv "pw Ynr. T
lnn't think It wpl bo Innr pntil wo
nro started on our wav homo.
Vour loving son.
::o:: .
I). A. .Will Meet Monday.
A meeting of tho D. A. R., postponed
from tho early part of tho month,
will bo hold Monday ovonlng at tho
homo of Mrs. C. F. Iddinss. Tho nro
Thoro aro tricks and tricks with gram will include music by Mrs. B.
I s Coming
The long awaited sexuel to
"The Riders of the
Purple Sage"
a powerful story of the great
west written by Zane Grey
Firslshow 7:15 Second 8:45
I Keith Theatre 1
I Wednesday and ,
I Thursday, Jan. 29-30
n Nakor, "Progress of tbp World War
with map illustrations," by Mis Gantt,
roll call with genealogical query, and
tho election of delegates to the Con
tinental congress and tho stato con
: :o: :
JCSK9I -ft
Are comimg tlu but not sufficient to
fill all orders. We are allowed a
small portion of each week's output.
Your early signed or derwill help an
early purchase. See us at once.
Ford Touring - - $385.60
Ford Roadster - - 559.96
Ford Coupolet - - 713.78
Ford Sedan - - - 841.97
0CXX3000000000O ooooooooooooooJ
Sj jooooooooooooco
Ford one Ton Truck. - S611.2
Fordson Tractor, - - $936.00
Oliver Plow, two bottom, $150.00
Farm Machinery Prices
on application.
Hendy-Ogier Auto
Ford Authorized Sales and Service.
East Fourth Street.
J. L. SOUDER, Sales Manager
MWTinTfriiiiwTTi.m.iiTriniiirinmTifti mammal, im nnM.i.whi n.m immm
Berlin. Tho Berlin pre3s seems to
bo mnanlmous on tho opinion that
Horr Nauniann will bo tho first nrosl-
dent of tho Gorman democracy. The
presR Is equally confident that Chan
collor Ebort will head the now mlnls
try of tho government.
Tho new democratic 'party is com
posed of liberals and tho old nationa
lists and it is bollevcd that a coalition
of theso parties has boon effected that
will lnsuro their supremacy and
strength against further aggregation
of othor political organizations.
Somo of tho most nblo Gorman
leaders aro a part of tho now regime,
which was sanctioned by tho public
oloctlons Monday, it is learned. Tho
constituent assembly will include
members of tho old radical party and
tho socalist and democratic leaders.
It is regarded In Paris that tho new
Gormnn government will mako pos
sible carrying out of peace conference
programs on a sound basis now, as
far ns tho German peoplo are con
corned. : :o: :
For Sale A well established and
paying medlclno route, car and samp
lo outfit Included. Thono 7G0F5, or
addross R. II. STECK, North
Platto. 2-5
: :o: :
Avoid Irregularity in tho bowel
movements, It leads to chronic con
stipation: a condition that poisons, tho
blood and breeds disease Prickly Ash
Blttors restores regularity and puts
I tho system In ordor. Prlco $1.25 por
1 . .11. n r. . J !.l
jiouiiu. uummuro-unig k.v, ohuuuu
Say! Stop, Listen,
Do you know what we sell??Just read
over the list and if you need anything in
our line, phone 206 or call at 4he Lamb
building on north Locuat street.
Lamb Building, North Locust St.
Phone 206
The Foderal Land Bank at Omaha has authorized
J. C. H0LLMAN, Attorney
and Secretary-Treasurer of the Osgood National
Farm Loan Association, to receive applications for
Federal Farm Loans.
Abundant Funds
Interest Rate 5 1-2 Percent
Those loans may run 34 and a half years and are payable in
small semi-annual payments. Liberal options of payment on
Do Not Pay Big Commissions.
The Federal Land Bank 1ms been established by the govern
ment to make Farm Loans at cost. All profits are divided
among the borrower. No other institution can give you these
Has been loaned to farmers by the Omaha Land Bank the past
year. If you need a loan it will pay you to see us soon. Let us
explain this system to you.
J. C. HOLLMAN, Attorney
And Sec-treas. for Osgood N F. L. A.; Rooms 1 to 5 Brodbeck
Building, North Platte. Nebraska.
The undersigned will offer at Public Sale at his
farm Ave miles east and three miles south of the state
farm on
Wednesday, Jan. 29, '19
commencing at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following described
property, to-wit:
Constisting of two mares weighing 1100 each, 10
years old: one mare, smooth mouth, weight 1000; one
gelding, smooth mouth, weight 1000.
Thirteen coming 2-year-old steers; nine cows;
three 3-year-old hdifers; five milch cows, threo of which
are fresh; six 2-year-old -heifers; ono yearling heifer;
six ono year old steers;, an extra gopd registered Short
Horn bull.
Do Laval cream separator; McCormick grain bind
er; two-row cultivator: farm wagon; single row cultiva
tor; grain drill: McCormick mower.
Terms Sums under $10 cash, over that amount
eight months' time at 10 per cent interest. 2 per cent dis
count for cash.
A. S. GREGG, Owner
El) KIERIG, Auctioneer. ItAl' C. LANGFOItD, Clerk.