The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 24, 1919, Image 1

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No. 4
Wxt lorth iJlatlr
C. C. Ilu'pfor lyva boon confined to
his room for a couplo ot days with a
btul cold and symptoms ot tho ilu.
Tho II. & S. Agency lias sold tho
Tylor proporty In tho 1300 block on
wost Sixth street to Alex Huntington
for a consideration of $4,000.
Sweetness plus Youth plus Love
liness plus Talent plus Beauty equals
Marion Davjlos In her flrt Soloat
Picture "Cecilia of the Pink, Roses."
Coming to tho Crystal Theatre next
Owing to a mistake in the, shipping
department of tho film oxcliango wo
wero iiumblo to show our Thursday
program. We hopo It will not happen
again and wish to state that we will
show the Mutt and Jeff to night with
our regular program. Tho SUN Thoatr0
For Salo Ono light Ford truck in
good condition, also GO-gallon oil bar
rel, and G5-gallon under-ground gaso-
lino tank with brass pump attached.
Call at 214 So. Chestnut street or
phono Black 1112.
The Encampment degree of tho I.
O. O. F. will hold initiatory ceremonies
ft tho Jiall this evening, which will bo
followed "by a banquet. Grand Patri
arch Hanson was present at an en
thusiastic meeting held last evening.
Ho wont to Gothenburg this morning
but expects to roturn for this even
ing's meeting.
Davo Anderson, who had been In
sorvico overseas, roturned homo last
Mrs. A. M. Harris loft for New York
yostorday aftor a visit at tho homo of
J. B. Hirschfold.
McVlckor's millinery Invites you to
cair and sec the now lino of satin and
straw hats Just received. I
Mrs. Wood White went to Omaha
last evening whero sho will attond tho
John McCormack concert tonight. En-
route homo sho will visit rolativos In
Grand Island.
Rev. J. H. Gurry, who had boon
quite sick for a week, Is much improv
ed and requests us to announce that
ho will holQ tho usual services at tho
Presbyterian church Sunday. '
Saturday, Feb. 1st is tho last day of
tho store wldo sale of THE LEADER
MERCANTILE CO. Como beforo the
close of salo. Bring tho whole family
make a holiday of it everything re
duced 20 per cent or moro, from cali
co to wool coats and suits at ono
half price.
Flu, patients at the detention hos
pital recover and aro discharged: oc
casslonally ono succumbs to tho dis
ease, but to tako tho placo of these,
now patients appear. The cost of con
ducting tho hospital I, somewhat of a
burden on the Rod Cross treasury, but
it is an institution that both mercy
and charity demands shall bo main
tained though all Ipationts are not of
tho charity class.
. WV
I Cecil BDemille's Production-- 1
;We Can't Have Everything
With Kathlyn Williams and Elliott Dexter
No matter what they have, most people want more.
"Kedzie'' wanted to be a motion picture star, Mrs. Chee
ver wanted a divorce and Jim Dykeman, who married
Kedzie, wanted to marry Mrs. Sheever. They all got
what they wanted, but how? That's what makes such a
wonderful comedy-drama. EXCELLENT MUSIC.
Keith T
Monday and Tuesday g
27-28. g
Mrs. Ovctetroot returned to Lincoln
this morning aftor a visit with hor son
M. L. Ovorstroot.
Mrs. Mary Nolr, who has boon visit
ing hor daughter Mrs Enrl Stamp for
aovornl months, will return to Omaha
A dancing party under tho auspices
ot tho Elks' orchostra will bo hold
Thursday evening of noxt week at tho
Elks' home.
SergL Jack Husband, who was sta
tioned at Camp Sherman, Illinois, re
ceived his discharge this week and ro
turned homo.
Sorgt G. B. Crippon, who wa sta
tioned in a Maryland cantonment, ro
colved his discharge this weok an(i re
turned homo.
Tho O. I. A. will lnstnll officers at
tho K. P. hall this afternoon at 2:30.
Fbllciwing tlip oeroinonles refresh
ments will bo served.
L. B. Dick Is confined to tho house
with an abnormal condition of tho
liver. Mr. Dick has not been feeling
his best for thirty days past.
, Only Seven days left that you can
savo 20 per cent or moro on ovory
thing you buy during the store wide
salo of tho LEADER MERC. CO.
Walter Dcason, charged with lar-
cony. was brought over from Grant
yostorday and lodged la tho Lincoln
county jail for safe keoplng.
Only Seven days loft that you can
save 20 per cent or moro on every
thing you buy during tho store wldo
salo of tho LEADER MERC. CO.
Mrs. S. M. Cawker, of Denver, who
waR called hero somo timo ngo by tho
death of hor fathor tho ac "Gregory
Schatz, will return to hor home Mon
McVlckor's aro showing tho now
Victory hats. All tho new nnd stunn
ing shades and stylos are now on dls
In tho district court today tho caso
of tho state against Win. St. Germain
and Ernest McFadden is being heard
Thoso mon are charged with assault
ing with felonious attempt ono Olive
Stado. a girl under fifteen years o
foge, on tho 25th day of November.
E. II. Evans and Albin Sandall, who
hrid been home on a furlough, loft yes
terday afternoon for Now York to ro
Join the battloship Texas. Tho fleet of
which tho Texas is a part will leave
February first for the coast of Cuba
for target practice. Upon roturn from
this trip Messrs. Evans and Sandall
hope to receive their discharge.
-r - - - - i
On or about tho night ot Octobor
. .. A 0 A Tl . 1 1
charged with tho murdor of George " SU00 worth of automobile tiros
Hill, also colored, on tho night of dlwpnonrort from a Union Pnc lie car
Dtcembor 29th, in tho two-story frame f "mXm?la I'oaumably standing
building on Locust street between 1 lh North .1,nlt" V""18- Pu-u,ro of
trim court Wodnosday forenoon. Somo X " J.n i. iT, V .
littlfi timo wa snont in aocuriiiir n (luly ,onort0'1 to tho claim dopnrtmolit
UCU6 UlllO U spcni 111 SOCUriUJ, n ninnlin nm Mm unprnt HnrvW mon
"JrM-, ! or the company placed on tho case.
..Bui in uiuiiiuutiu iu ii i-uiioiuu.uuiu B.,nnM,i,x,i i ir,.,,,, ,, m.
extent. With County Attornoy Keofo
and its contents as far as North Platto
and Judge Hoagland appearing for an hor0f luo BOCrot sorv,co mon
mm uooeri iiciuiy lor no oicnso, uo .Patterson, ot Donvor, camo horo to ln-
suumiss on oi ovmonco in i ca8c iw vostigato tho early part of tho weok,
K.ui liming uiuuiwij imnoi uio uuui- ,.8 reflUi 0f h , v sit Harrv
noon anu w-as noi nnisneu unui yes- Donggott a switchmnn in tho local
tordny aftornoon about two oc.ock vnnls. wn nrroHtml AVwlmii nv nvnn.
when tho dofenso began submitting Its ing on th0 charge ot taking two auTS
QMUonco. tiros from a car In tho vnriiB on tho
The ovidonco ailtiuced at the trial nEht of October 18th. It is Tliarcod
uiuoreu uui uiuo irom mm given ai i tlint thoso aro two of tho th rtv-four
un pronminnry Hearing in tno lowor which dlsapenrctl at tho samo time
court. DoiiKKott will bo arraicned in tho
uusn ana iir. ana Mrs. hiu occu- county court In a short timo.
IHoii (ii'artors on tno seconu lioor or ::o:
tho .building. Aftor midnight of Do- Goorgo Kano, of Sauth Bond, Is
coiubor 20th Bush was attractod by fclsltlng hlH slstor, Miss Clara Kano,
crios from Mrs. HIU who wns ovulcnt
ly getting tho worst of a nuarrol with
hor husband. Bush wont to the rooms I nround yesterday
rtnmitilnil 1t Hill mi.l tfrttnainrl innlnat I
Hill mistreating Ills wife, wheroupon
tho two mon becamo Involved In a
wnr of words. Bush wont back to his
room, followed by IUU, tho lattor
standing In tho hallway at tho en-
tranco to Bush's room. Bush insisted
that Hill go back to his room, nnd
Aftor a ten-days' tusslo wfth tho flu,
John LoMnstors was ablo to bo
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reese, of Platts-
niouth, who had been visiting friends
In town, loft for homo yesterday.
Saturday, Fob. 1st is tho last day of
tho storo wldo salo of THE LEADER
MERCANTILE CO. Como before tho
closo of salo. Bring tho wholo family
picked up an axe as though to enforce nmko a holiday of it ovorythlnc ro
his request. HIU declined to move duccd 2d per cent or moro, from call
whereupon. Bush went to a closot and co to wool coats and suits at
pulled out a gun. Hill dared Bush to half price.
shoot, whoreupon the lattor opened ::o::
fire, tho bullet entering tho front of Approval of tho plan for a torn
.Hill's neck nnd cutting tho Jugular orary navnl forco of 225,000 mon, ox-
It Is Willi extiTino pleasure (hat tfo
uiinounco our recent purchase of tho
Itioner Shoo Stock.
Our Slock of LatUos-Rcady-lo-Wcnr
gnrinonlH will still Mo niiiliitatned In
lis present location.
Quality inorchuiuliso nnd courteous
treatment will remain paramount In
ho lh stores.
At. tills time wo wish to express our
silicon) appreciation and (rnitltudo to
our many Friends and Patrons with
whom wo hue hud such pleasant
business relations during the past
iilucUcfon years In (ho grocery nnd dry
(roods business.
Numerous orders' nro boliir placed
for wonifprfiil How lines of classy
(in (I distinctive slioo.s nnd ft Is our
Minicst deslro that you call nnd glvo
us tho pleasuro of sorvlng1 you.
1'. T. TJtAjrP & SONS.
Slalcnionls by Director lliuos.
Director Gonral Hlnos In a stntomon1
said that $340,000,000 imust como out
of tho rnlroad administration revolv
ing fund in making the first year's
sottlemont with -tho railroad com
panies. Restoration and bottormont of tho
pro-war standards ot passongor sor
vico at tho earliest momont was urg
ed by Director General Hlnes In an
address boforo tho American passon
gor traffic association.
Director Gonoral " Hlnos said that
presoiit Indications pointed to a ro
diir.tlnn nf frolcht traffic thin vnnr.
ono ami consequently did not expect any
great reduction In tho gonoral lovol ot
rates during tho year.
vein. Hill staggorod back to his room, cluslvo of officers, for tho year begln-
threw hlmsolf on n bed and in a fow
minutes expired.
Tno ovidenco and pleadings wore
completed Just beforo six o'clock last
veiling and tho caso glvon to tho Jury
After supper at tho Liberty Inn tho
Jurymen entered tho Jury room and
within forty minutes rendored a vor-
dlct of manslaughter. Tho ponnlty for
thU crime Is from one to ten years
in tho penitentiary.
: :o:
ning next July was voted by tho
nouso naval committee.
Tho ngroomont for tho control oT
tho trnns-Slborinn railroad glvoa tho
Americans control of tho lino from
Porgranlchana to Omsk, a distance of
3,000 miles.
Tho Montana stock growors' assoc
iation went on record against govern
ment ownership and dporatlon of Hvo
stock facilities as proposed by tho
Simms bill.
' This is of interest to you if you desire to buy or sell n home.
The II. & S. AGENCY SOLI) and closed seventy-eight deals for CITY PKOPEItTY
from March 1st, 101S, to January 1, It has mado four sales since January 1st,
1915), thus beginning the hcav year in proper style.
Our list, now comprises about sixty properties ranging in price from $5)00.00 to
$5)000.00 situated in all parts of town. We have buyers for homes priced from $2000.00
to $4000.000, especially in tho Second and Third wards. Also there are daily calls for
vacant lots in these two wards.
List with us and wo will sell if it is possible to do so. If you desire to buy, wo have
some rare bargains.
Own your oavii home, it is cheaper. Sleep under your own roof, and be sure you
don't have to move. Pay like rent, but be your own boss.
Nebraska Seven Million Dollar Company, the Second largest in tho World, and can
LOAN you tho MONEY to build your house on vacant lots. Also we placo Investments
at 0 per cent in paid up stock in the Association; or at 7 per cent or better in monthly
installment stock which pays out in 117 months. Ask us about it
Tho INSURANCE and BONDING DEPARTMENT of the II. & S. Agency writes
bonds, fire, tornado, automobile, farm, liability, 'property damage, hail, and all other
known kinds of insurance, except health and accident insurance. Nothing but Old
Line, responsible companies in the office. Will bo glad to have you consult us.
Thanking you for your good patronage last year and soliciting part of your busi
ness this coining year wo remain,
H. & S.
1-2-3-4-5 Brodbeck Bld'g.
Phones Red and Black 612
New Textile Material
Ti.vtlllt. snld to be used In 2a of
.tho largest German fnctorles, Is a sub
istitute material 'that' Is. predicted to
r . t .1. 11 i " ' i i .
nbt til., ll'lll. UK fl lliriI1IIIIIllI Ulllll- I jt ... -r l.i'i.. n
iffl"" ' " -a iuihiw mmvimni i ceriiimiy uou my
-.uuu uu- "" . " nnn uo imu-njMn ic5rnm
h sis or a nancr inruim mm u
Cause for Thanks.
"I met . a real optimist tho other
day," snld the -war hospital surgeon,
thread twisted together and, though
the percentage of long filter Is very
small, It is claimed to have yielded
products that the uninitiated cannot
distinguish from the former linen and
Jute fabrics. The liber gives a nnu-
ness that paper fabrics do not pos
sess. The material is made Into weav
ing and sewing yarns and webs of all
(1 wlicir
they picked Jilm up the first thing he
said was: "Thank God It wns the lejr
with tlie rheumatism 1' "
Protosfnnt Episcopal. Jan. 21. 1010.
8:00 a. in. Holy communion, 9:45
Sunday school, 11:00 a. m. Morning
prayor and sormon. 7:00 p. m. Evening
prayer and address St Paul's Chapol
North side: 3:00 p. m Sunday school.
Rev. Arthur Dittos Jonos, Hector.
1st Lutheran. Morning worship
S:30, subjoct "Tho Centurion's Faith."
Evening worship 8: IB. subject, "Who
Is tho Lord, that I .should obey His
volco?." Sunday school at ono o'clock.
A christian wolcomo to nil.
Itov. C, Franklin Koch, Pastor.
, i t S O 1 '
Tlio Policy of tho Ford aiotor Com
puny, to sell Its earn for tho lowest
posHllilo prlco, consistent wJUrdopemV
ftblo quality. Is loo rc-ijMlrc'o7nidritTliorof6rc-
bocauHo of
profiont condllloiiH, tlnA, can bo no
changes In prlcon on Ford Car. FORD
MOTOR CO. Detroit, Midi., Jan. IB,
A funny one occurred In Judge
Wood's court the other day, olworvun
the Los Angeles Times. It was a di
vorce case and the witness was ln
clined to be vague. Finally lie mus
tered up courage jind said:
"I can't testify much, Judge, 'cause
I don't know what this Incompatibility
"Qold feet and hot words," suapped
hln linnor.
Shirley Mason and
Ernest Truex in
"Come on In"
Bill Parsons and Billic
Rhodes in the 2-part
Juanita Hansen in "The Sea Flower"
Taken from Gso. Hull's story that ran in Scribner's Magazine and
A Two Reel Comedy
Matinee 2:30 Night 7:30
MAE MURRY "JJ My n fotf
A Story of a Show Girl who risked her soul for the man she loved
EARLE WILLIAMS in his latest release
"The Man Who Wouldn't Tell" '
. TOM MIX in
"MR. LOGAN U. S. A."
Ouick action, wild riding
straight shooting and dashing
Tom Mixwhat more could
you ask.
Also the Sunshine Comedy .
North Platte, Neb., Jon. 4, 191.9.
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Gentlemen I want to thank you for the prompt man- S
ner in which you settled a loss to my car by reason of a $
collision. I hold a Complete Coverage Policy on my Au-
burn Roadster, protecting me from loss by fire, theft, torna- 8
l do, collision, public liability and property damage, and on jj
$ December 8lb, I collided with a car owned by A. Woodcock, $
i which was standing on the street. Your adjuster gave me a
ti check covering the full amount due under the policy for jjt
damage to my car and also damage to the Woodcockar,
Yours truly, W. G. Haruold,
Call on GOODMAN & BUCKLEY, Agents, for rates J
ublic. Liability, Property Dnmagc, Fire, Tornado, Collis-
on Publi
ion or Theft.