THE srMIAVrZKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. rjl Look tor the II :yfffijf Wi sealed package, but glj HlH have an eye out IfllB also for the name jjg 1111 WRIfil FY'S li pKIfjff That name Is your pro- B lllllllllllSI tcctlon adalnst Inferior , H jSi Imitations. Just as the H sealed package Is pro- K tectlon against Impurity. m illilnllllfff- he Greatest Name IK UB; In GoodyLand THE KITCHEN CABINET Sumraor will surely corao annln. Tho earth needs snow and cold and rain. Just as our hearts need Brief and pain. And so bo cheery! 'Occupation for an Idle Moment. "Charley, denr," sulci young Mrs. rorklns, "have you a minute to spure?" "Yes." "Well, 1 wish you would tell me ex ictly what Is meant by n 'league of nations' and 'freedom of the seas. " A Young Girl well groomed is an attractive sight Red Cross Ball Blue if used in the laun dry will pive that appearance that everyone admires. All good grocers sell it; 5 cents a package. -a Attention Farmers The Income Tax Law requires all who come within Itsmeanlng to render a report at the end of each year, and to be able to verify the name by proper evidence or nccoun ts that can be nn derstood. Cnu you do It? The Farmers' Business Record enables you to do this, Well made and special for farmers. It is worth 110.00 to them. Use It and you will not overpay or underpay. Tax for 1919 will be about 8; 1918, 12. Send T5c P. O. Money Order for complete 12.00 Itecord and Agents' terms, opportunity to make from 15.00 to (20.00 per day during next CO days. Don't delay. Address HUNTER RECORD CO.. Omiki. N.l. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 3-1919. Wasted Time. Fatigue Is prone to look backward, thus measuring the pathway twice. Exchange. Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Womcns' complaints often prove to bi nothing else but kidney trouble, or tbc result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys arc not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organi to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and maybe despondent; it inakei anyone so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the .kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. A good kidney medicine, possessing real healing and curative vuluc, should be a blessing to thousands of nervous, over-worked women. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney liver and bladder medicine will do for them. Every reader of this paper who has not already tried it, by -enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ISinghamton, N. Y., may receive sample size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase the medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Adv. BWEET3 FOR THE YOUNQ FOLKS. There arc so many sweets that may be made with little or no sugar that we need not cut tho small people off without their ration of sweets. oven If we are snv- lnr sneur. rfCfTl rult Cakea. qaAtjsWsOl Take three-fourths ' " of a cupful of rais ins and one-fourth of a cupful of wal nut meats and a few grains of salt. Put the nuts and raisins mixed through the meat grinder. Shape Into (small flat cakes and wrap In waxed paper. Chocolate, Nut Bars. Melt six ounces of sweet chocolate over hot wa ter, bent until nearly cool, then add n half-cupful each of chopped raisins and peanuts with one-fourth of n tea spoonful of sulL Mix well and press Into the top of a tin cracker box. Leave until linn, when It will come out without breaking. Gut In bars and wrap In waxed paper. Maple Cream. Take two cupfuls of broken bits of maple augur, put Into a paucepan with three-fourths of a cup ful of cream, Doll without stirring un til tho candy makes a soft ball when dropped In cold water, or to 230 de grees Fahrenheit. Hemove from tho heat and do not disturb until cool. Stir and bent with a wooden spoon until the candy begins to harden, then turn It .Into trrenscd tin boxes In which biscuits wero purchased. The candy mnv ho left In the box if It Is to bo sent away, keeping In much better rendition than If It were cut anu wrnnnod. Stuffed Dates. Stuffed dates are a sweet that everybody likes. A varl ety of Btufllngs'may bo used which will add to-the pleasure. A whole lllbert or a whole. Brazil nut, with the brown skin removed, may be used as stalling, Small balls of peanut butter rolled Into balls with powdered sugar, can died plneapnle and preserved ginger, roasted almonds, salted peanuts, pe can meats and walnuts, all make lino filling. A bit of fondant flavored with vanilla or a little orange marmalade rolled In confectioner's sugar. Is an other dainty. Coconut Macaroons, Take a can of Eagle brand milk mid mix It with trrntcd coconut until thick. (Iron on hut tercd sheets and bake in a moderate oven until brown. The milk with the suuared coconut sutmlJes all the sweet ening needed. A little grated choco late added will make chocolate maca roons. ' Puffed Rice Jack. Hull a linlf can ful of molasses and n tablespoonful of vinegar with a teaspoonful or butter I ;intll it hardens In water, then stir In enough puffed lice to cover each with , the sirup. Put Into n greased drlp- ping pan to cool. 4 but n r and sugar. Fold In one and ono-half cupfuls of cooked, strained and sweetened cranberries and tlu beaten whites of the eggs. Hake lp tw layers. Add cranberry Julco tfi the icing. The middest words that IIpr run wiy Aro thoso wo utter not at nil; And our most bitter tears nro they That must not fall. . The meanest man In the world Is he who disillusions a child at Christmas. Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough and Itching with hot baths of Cutlcura Soap and touches of Cutlcura Ointment. Also nmko use now and then of that exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum, one of the indispensable Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Adv. Confectioners should mnko their can dles over bonbon fires. Grow Wheat lit Western Canada One Crop OHen Pays for the Land i?Wi Mi! tit , r-imrl-i nffera the greatest advantages to home seekers. Lame Drofits are assured, you can buy on easy payment terms. Fertile Land at $15 to S30 per Acre land similar to that which tbrourh many years has averaged front 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre. Hundreds of cases are on record where In Western uaxidua n'j -r y ' - - - , -, T . ::r :, . , t . . ments ol the Dominion ana rrovmces 01 Msnuoua. oasKsicncwan anu aiuo u " j I n . I j Grain crowing ana iock rcaising. rrn.M.MV4m Panaris nffrntlanri aifltlfh lnwfitTUrtS. the hliZh In. raitla.aheea and houa will remain. Loans for tho purchase of stock may be had at low Interest; there are good shipping; facUIUes; best of markets: free schools; churches: splendid climate; low taxation mono on impruvcuicuw. Per MTtlenlu ss to Mcstiea ol UuuM lot MU, nS. luoiirmwa inniuin. reduced rUwM rts, U., pjU to Bupt. or imnwmon. uiuws. ia.. w W. Y. BENNETT, Reem 4, Bee Building, OMAHA, NEB. Canadian Government Agent SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS. This Is tho senson when cakes an candles find favor wjth both old an young. President Wilson's puaix Favorite Cake C h o 1 r J line tho peel from on -4k lemon, add It to a noum of butter, stirring tint i creamy, add a pound sugar and continue bent iiik 'or ten minutes Wend with this the yolk of nine eggs and tli Juice of live lemons, beating for an other ten minutes. Add to this mix lure a nuurtor of a pound of raisins the same of currants and seedless raisins, and cherries, cut In shreds and the same of mixed peel finely shredded. Then fold in the stlllly beaten whites of the eggs, a pound o wheat Hour and a quarter of a poum of rice Hour and an ounce of baking powder. Put this mixture Into greased and papered tin and balc In a slow oven for three hours. Honey Doughnuts Take two eggs two tablespoonfuls of shortening, one and a half cupfuls of honey, one cup ful of sour milk, to which has been udded a teaspoonful of soda and tin cupfuls of Hour sifted with two tea spooniuis or cream of tartar. Itoll and cut us usual. Dutch Peppernuts. Mix together pound and a quarter of brown sugar two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, on tablespoonful of cloves and one tea spoonful of baking powder. Into tl stir three eggs and add as much lion as Is possible to work In, for the donh must bo very stiff. Holl moderately thin and cut In circles tho size of i quarter. uaKe in a slow oven. These little cakes puff up when baked an may he Iced on the flat side If dealied They will keep for months. Cranberry Cake. Cream half a cup ful of butter and one and a half up- ruis or urown sugar together, add tine ....,11 , . Mun-iiciueii j'oiks. nave ready t n cupfuls of sifted flour, a teaspoonful or soda, n teaspoonful each of clnna men and nutmeg, and a half a tea ponful of doves, add them to -in 1 'heerf ulneas Is just as natural to the heart of n man Btrnng In health hh color to tho cheek; and wherever thero la habitual Klooin thero must bo either bad nlr, unwholesome food. Im properly snvoro labor, or erring hub ti.n of life. Uli.ikn. SWEETS WITHOUT SUGAR. l'he following sweets without sugar will bo welcomed by the housewives who have Uie sugar-sav ing habit: Honey and Nut Sand wiches. Mix one cupful of honey with two ten spoonfuls of lemon Juice, then stir In enough fine ly chopped nut meats to make a thick paste. Spread on slices of but tered bread, place two ogether and cut In any desired shape. Honey Blancmange. Take half a upful of honey, one-half cupful of ornstnrch, a quarter of a cupful of milk and two cupfuls of boiling milk with a pinch of salt; moisten the corn- si arch with the cold milk, then add the boiling milk, stir and boll eight min utes, then add tho salt and honey. Put into small wet molds to cool. Turn out. sprinkle with n few chopped nuts and serve with cream. Prune Pudding. Take one and a half cupfuls of pitted prunes and threo tablespoonfuls each of honey and but ler, one egg and one cupful of butter milk and a teaspoonful of soda, half a cupful of Hour, half a teaspoonful each of salt and almond extract and ono cupful of rolled oats which has been well parched. Mix and pour Into a buttered mold and steam for two and one-half hours. Servo with a hard sauce. Date Charlotte. Take one-hnlf pound of good dates, one and one-half cupfuls of water, three tablespoonfuls of honey, the strnlned Juice of one or ange, a few drops of coloring, one heaping tablespoonful of gelatin and two cupfuls of whipped crenm. He- move the stones from the dates, add to the water honey nnd gelatin, the or ange julco and the coloring. Cook slowly until tho dntes nro Roft. Pour Into a wet ring mold and set awuy In a cool place. Turn out and servo with whipped cream. Prune Salad. Wash, soak and steam a pound of prunes until soft. When cold remove the stones and All with chopped walnuts. Arrange on let tuce leaves. Sprinkle with lemon Julco and placo a tablespoonful of mayonnaise on top. Servo very cold. You are uartlculnr nbout your chil dren's lilaym.ites; tho books thoy rend uro tholr closest and most Influential inthnntos. SWEETS MADE AT HOME. The repertoire of the average worn an In candy-making Is fudge' and mo Insses taffy. These wlrer well made aro not to b slighted. The creamy line-grained fudge It something of an art U prepare. Chocolate Fudge. 'fake two cupfuls ot sugar, one-third cupful of corn sirup, one-half cupful of milk, a tablespoonful of butter and a square of grated chocolate. Cook all togeth er until a drop In cold water can be rolled In the lingers. Set away to cool, and when lnko warm add nuts and vanilla and stir until It begins to thicken. Pour Into a greased pan and mnrk off In squares before It gets too hard. To prepare the fondant, take n smooth keltic or saucepan; Into It put a pint of sugar, a half cupful of wa ter and a large tablespoonful of corr sirup. This last Is to keep the slrur from graining. If no com sirup Is al hand use an eighth of a teaspoonful of creum of tartar. Stir until the su gar Is dissolved, then boll until a sofl ball Is made In cold water. Pour out on a lightly greased slab or platter using care not to take the last droj. or scrape the kettle, as stirring will often cause the grain to form, which will ruin tin; candy and It will need tc lie boiled again. If the candy does grain, add more water and sirup 01 cream of tartar and boll again. Novel stir while boiling. When cool enough to boar the linger, begin to stir from the edge to Hie center with a wooden spoon. Continue to stir and kncaO with the hands until a white, smooth loaf Is made. Set a wily for a day or two to ripen, covered with a butterei! paper, In a cool place. Now the foun dation Is ready for uny kind of flavor color or combination of fruit. For chocolate creams, break off a piece of fondant and uild vanilla, then roll In small balls. Put out and chill so they will be hard. Melt unsweet ened chocolate In a saucepan over wa ter. To a half a pound add a plere of parallln the size of a walnut. The par- ii III 1 1 thickens the chocolate. Dip the balls In with a hat pin and let them drain on a waxed paper or greased baking sheet. f i Net Contents 15Pluid Drachm 1 JILUUUU- Hi AciablcIYcparftuoaurflj-i SJmilnUnaUicIo()dbyKcfiuiv n 1 1lntiUicStomaclisanagOTl!i TltcrclrmoilniDcsUori, j, ChccrfulncssundRcstfontjto ihM- nnliim.Morpnlncnor i uriT B t." a. ...I. Unf GonstlpnllonandDlarrhoci ami fevcrisnnyaa LOSS OK SLEEP resulting thcrctonywpwj- ... t. tnfnf Facsimile 3isnj""'r.-- Era GmwnGoKMNr. GASTORIA For Infants and OMldron. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of mm mui nil iiiwn Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use va For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA VHI OSNTAUH aOUFlNV, N(W VORR Off. BAILEY DENTISTRY1 K ICTnr JP STS becue It la ono of the UrRt!t dentsj 19 DL1 ILK organizations In tho United 8tates Dccauso eaoh doctor Is a specialist In some branch ot dentistry Because no case la too-large to bo handled In its own offlces malm tains Its own laboratory. 30 years of sorvlco to its credit thousands of satisfied patrons t4 refer you to. If you prefer better dentistry choose nauey yuamy. Its guarantee lnoludes perpetual upkeep service. BAILEY THE DENTIST 7th Floor City Natioot! Dank Bids;. , Omaha Dr. G. D. Shipnerd, Mm Retiring. Maude I hear that your husband is of a retiring disposition. Mnj Yes, but not usually before three o'clock In the morning. To keen clean nnd healthv tnko Doctor Tierce's Pleasant Pellets. Thoy regulate liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. And a llttlo kindness Is a charitable thing. Ilnppy are they who do for others nnd whom others do not forgot. WEAK KIDNEYS MEAN Constipation, indigestion, sick-headacht and bilious conditions aro overcome by i coarse of Qarlield Tea. Drink on retia ing. Adv. A big theater in which moving pica .tares are shown is lllled to overflow Ing nightly In Jerusalem. A WEAK BODY YtTtiAM vau'ca tflfi stti liAfltf YfTiria rt creak a little at the hinges. Motion is as 1 used to bo" ts a frequent and unwci- inmm t liniml.r riin!n linllltF flinntintlU vuimi; biiuuftiiv 1 upon which good health and good opiritu epot is generally the bladder. Unpleasant sifmnlnma itimv fVintnanlvPH Tntnflll flTlll annoying cornplicaHons in other organs derly people. If you only know how, this trouble can be obviated. For over 200 years COLT) MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been relieving tho in convenience nnd pa'n due to advancing years. It Is n standard, old-time homo remedy, nnd needs no introduction. It is now put up in odorless, tasteless capsules. These nro easier nnd more pleasant to take than the oil in bottles. Knelt capsule contains about one dose of nve drops, innn mem jupi hk yvu wnllnnr nf water. They poak into the Fystem and throw off the poisons which nro making you old be fore your time. They will quickly relieve Tho city council of Montreal. Can.. has passed an order to prevent strikes of nil kinds. those stiffened joints, that backache, rheu matism, lumbago, Bciatica, gall stones gravel, "brick dust," 'etc. They aro aJ effective remedy for all diseases of thj bladder, kidney, liver, stomach and allied organs. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule They frequently ward off attacks ol tn dangerous ana iaini uiremm ui mo L. neys. Tiiey nave a oenencini eiiccv. often completely cure the diseases of thj bodily organs, allied with the bladder and kidneys. If you aro troubled with soreness acrpsi the loins or with "simple" oches and paini in the back take warning, it may be tin preliminary indications of some drcadfu malady which can bo warded off or cured if taken in time. Go to your dmgnist today and get a hot of GOLD MEDAL Tlanrlcm Oil Capsule Money refunded if they do not help you Three sires. GOLD MEDAL nra the purej original imported Ilnarlem Oil Capsules! Accept No Substitutes. Adv. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh Is a local dlseaee greatly Influ. enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore tequlrcn constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATAMIH MEDICINE! In taken Internally and acts through th Dlood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE) destroys tho foundation of the disease, Rives the patient strength by Improving the general health and assists nature In doing Its work, 1100.00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE falls to cure. Druggists TEc. Testimonials free. F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Loudon's telephone and telegraph wires extend to T.'l.BOO miles over head mid 021,000 miles underground. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water odd 1 oz. Bay Rum, u small box of liar bo Compound, and V4 oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you cnu mix it ut homo at very little cost. Full directions for mak ing and use comet in each box of Ilarbo Compound. It will gradually dniken streaked, faded gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will not color tho ccnlp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off.Adv. Portable electric nmchliTery has been Invented to screen coal and load It In wagons. LVKO I sold Inorldntlpaetf only. Ilk picture RIukII ubatltuMs. Thoso who aro weak and reduced from an attack of Influenza or Pneumonia will experience wonderful recupcrativo effects from the uso of The Great GeneralTonie ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Constlpntlon can bo cured without drugs. Nature's own remedy select ed herbs Is Garlleld Tea. Adv. Tho only substitute for a chunk of wisdom Is n chunk of silence. - . VLf A Wholesome, Cleansing, fill!" Refreshing ond Ueollng VM Lollon Murine for Red- IO ness, Soreness, Granula- VT tion.Itchingand Burning M-tJF vOo the Eyes or Eyelids; "2 Drops" After th Movies. Motoring or Goli will win your confidence. Ask Your Druggist for Murine when your Eyes Need Care. M-ll Muriuo Ey Rsmudy Co., Chicago BEST BUYERS"SELLERS " cattuI noGS.sHttp STOCKYARDS-OMAHA Children's Coughs m7 be checked and more serious condition! of ths throat will be often avoided h; promptly giving the child a doss of iai PISO