The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 17, 1919, Image 8

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'4 -
I HA L RARE, Editor mill i'uMlHhcr
Olio iVnr by Mall, In advance. .$1 .7"
Ono Year by Carrier, In advance, $2.00
Entered at tlio Nortli Platto, Nebraska
I'ostoffico a Socond Class Matter.
PIUDAY, JANUARY 17lh, 11)1!)
for it an on iioozi:.
LoglsluturoH of 35 HtatcH ono loss
than tho required two-thirds havo
rutlllail th prohibition coiiMtltutlonal
aniondinunt. Several Htato nssoin
hllos now In session aro oxpocted to
taka action today with tho probable
race botwoon Nebraska, Missouri and
Minnesota as to which will bo tho
thirty-sixth on the list.
Ratification was completed Wednes
day by tho leglslatores of five states
Iowa, Colorado, Oregon, Now
llampshlro and Utah making a total
of 12 in two days.
Tho amendment under Its provi
Dions bocomoH offectlvo ono year from
tho dnto of Its final ratification' Addl
tlonal legislation hy eongroHB Is neces
sary to niako It operative and ground
work for this already Ihib been laid
Tills loglslattlon will proscrlbo pen'
allies for violation of tho amendment
and dctormlne how and by what agon
clou tho law shull ho enforced.
If ratification Is complotcl this
month, many bollovo tho country will
bocomo permanently "dry" noxt July
1. tho dato on which tho apodal war
time prohibition, recently passed by
congress, goes Into effect. This law
prevents tho manufacturo and Halo of
intoxicants for bovorngo purposes and
romalns In force until tho demobiliza
tion of tho nation's war armies Is
: :o: :
Charles G. Dick, oldest on of Mr.
and Mrs. C. P. Dick, was born nt
Pattsmouth, Nob., on Sopt- 30th, 1878,
and camo to Lincoln county with his
pnronts two years later, remaining
horo until nearly slxtoon. At that ago
ho wont to Sldnoy with his father
whoro ho nttonded and graduated
from tho high ischool. leaving tho noxt
year for Montana. He was working
as a printer at ICallspol whon at
tho outbreak of tho Spanish Ameri
can war ho onllstod in tho First
' " , " . ."" '3,,." ....
m, ni.nii..t..nn - .i ,J
noarly throo yoars in actlvo service
.On in I'nliim (n Hi .. paiihIi'V nn.i l
civilian llfo ho located In California
i.lllr... 1lf l, 1,.., ..(.! ,., ,i
whoro ho ongaged In district reclama
tion work, rising from an assistant to
the captain's position, on tho drodgo.
For tho past 4on years ho had boon
l'nl1rlnn. It, viiftnim iwiftu .P iinnlnnl
C a . m, ,n Z rla.nn i
jocts. For tho last three years and nt
tho time of his death ho was captain
or. a drodgo for tho Dutton Drodgo Co.
rtf San Francisco.
Ho dlod Sunday nttornoon, Jan. 5,
1019, at Martlnoz, Calif., or bronchial
pncpmonla and Influenza. Funoral
services woro held on Monday. Jan.
13th. from 'tho homo of his brother L.
I). Dick of this city. Itov. J. II Currv
of tho Prosbytorlan church officiating.
and lntormont made In the local
Ho was o monihor of the Masons,
32nd dogroo. the I. O. O. F . and tho
Jvntghtu of' Pvthlnr Ho leaves to
mourn him It's mother. Mrs. C. P.
Dick, two brothers Leounrd and Fred,
, now In sot-vice overseas, and sister
itiva nil or tins city.
rom tho ToloDOHt.)
m..J,, t, lm,n" nuTcliivsoit tho
NolHon Uobb 320 aero farm- Henry Is
mimK IIU81I1UBH Illl UIO lllllO allU WO lirO
Kiu.i i buu mm prospur.
..1 .1 i .. ii
' i-iv.iiui luuiruir H iHii i riuinn
rill Pnn Mam I II
. .. , , ; 'V " ""n K"Hl,11 ,uul
"wiuim-u in ino arm, oui is coitinir
. - i . . .. ... .
Miiil Vii? y nrm lH yot
nuuo sun.
,r . .... i .1
kkiiiuii.v iiiui iiiiii; m o coiisuuieii mo
ni1.,i,. . -
vmmwi mini rriuiKO JUBl WOSl Of
..... ,l,il. ... , . . ..
limn iiiin.ii nun uucuiiioti i y ino
m-l.ii.. .i- . .. . .. . .
ilium iiuiiiiyf ami mo limors louso-
linl.l nfl'l i li ...
in. i.i iiuuuia, u.l't)l, IHJIl UII1I DlMIUing,
woro lost.
Talk almut monov boliic tlcht. Mr.
Prior, cnshlor of tin, Mnxwoll Stato
Hank, says that bunk's deposits nt the
oloso of last wook woro $151,427, tho
grpntnst In tho history of tho bunk
Unrry Sohrlvor hlpped four cars of
cattle from horo and Hovon from Goth
enburg to Omaha tho latter part of
last wook. lulovon cans Is a good ship
ment from this pnrt of tho stato. and
moans quite a roll of bills.
In viow of tho chungo of tho Inter
national situation it lion boon decided
to discontinue tho weekly examina
tions for atonographor mid typewriter
positions in tno Field Sorvico. Exam-
minions ror inese positions will no
hold Jan. 23, Fohr. 27 and March 27-
ApniicaiioiiB may no oouuncu ai uio
postofflco and should ho filed with tho
secretary at saint nun, mum., at least
ono wook prior to to tho dato of tho
Thousands of Italian and Austrian
war prisoners aro planning to como to
Amorlca as soon as lvosslblo, John H
Donsporo, director of tho fcnloral cm
ploymont sorvico. told tho houso lm
nilgnulon commlttoo at tlio noaring on
bills to "prohibit Immigration.
Teachors' Exnmlimtlen.
Tho Lincoln County TeachorB' ox
nmlnawons will ho hold Saturday,
January1 18th, In tho North Platto
High school building.
104-3 Co. aupt.
Avoid Irregularity In tho Ikwo1
movonionts, It loads to chronic con-
BtliKitlon; a condition that poisons Uio
hlood nnd hreodB dlHoaso. Prickly Ash
Bitters restorofl regularity and puts
the', ftvstom In order. Prlco $1.25 nor
lyt,1!o. auynmoro-Ih-ug Co, Sitoclal
Tho Pr'odldont of the United Stato,1
Woodrow Wilson, and tho Governor i
of tho State of Neb.. S. It. McKolvie,
have appealed to tho people of the
Stalo of Neb., to come to tho assis
tance of tho starving people In the
lands of Syria and Arinonla,
It Is said 400,000 people today stan,i
on tho threshold of starvation. Re
llof for thoso people must bo prompt
and ample.
Tho International Sundny School
Association have takon an actlvo
part In tho raising of monoy for thoso
unfortunate people, and tho Interna
tional Sunday School Association aro
co-operating with tho Amorlcan Com
mittee for Armonlan an(i Syrian rollof.
Wo tho officers of tho Lincoln Coun
ty Sunday School nsaoclatlon do call
on each and ovory Sunday School In
Lincoln Co., to contribute liberally to
tho rollof of Hi oho sulTorlng people.
Tho Govomor has fixed Jan- 12th
to 10th when those contributions
should bo jnado but on account of
many Sunday schoolH having suspen
ded meetings in tho last thrco months
on account of tho Epldonuc of In
fluenza that time cannot bo generally
Thoroforo, wo call on the workers
and Individual Christian and non
christian In each community In Lin
coin county to promptly respond to
this call by sending from $1 to $5 or
$10 to Mrs. Dr. Curry, Sec. and Tros.,
of tho Lincoln Co. Sunday School As
sociation, North Platto, Nob., who will
forward all monoy to tho proper of
ficers Immediately.
Wo cannot urgo too strongly thnt
each and ovory family of Lincoln
county should do something.
Wo havo responded thru patriotism
to tho success of tho war vo now
aro called on to respond to tho call
of Humanity Will wo answer? Wo
know tho 'people of Lincoln county
will Bend hi their money on rocolpt
of tins Information for this nohlo pur
pose. Act promptly. You do not know
how many Uvea your contribution may
J. II. Edmlston, Prosldont; A. S
Allon, Vlco-Presldont; Mrs. Dr. Curry,
Sec- and Treas., Lincoln Co. Sunday
School Association
-: :o: :-
commissioners proceedings.
Januay 14, 191!)
Hoard of county commissioners mot
In regular session, proaont Koch, Hor-
nilnghimi'sen and Sprlngor and county
J. F. Snydor, settlement 1018 over
Hoor DIsL 32. $192.12.
w. C. Knight, mdso county poor,
r ,m. ...., ,.
'"' D""' '
" UU.
Sundry 'persons, road work, Dist.
1. $37.25.
F. I). Marr, houso rout county poor
Bruit, Goodman & Buckley, pro-
'"! ouiPy treasurer's bond $300
Pi? lvn"?rl"n:,lnm-0,.
Horman Johnson, road work. $12.50
O. C. Lucas, road' work, $G.00
I). F. Frol, roa,i work, $7.50
Jamos Dochan, raid work, $13.50
S. Workmnn, road Work, $28.35.
C. Li. Grant, hauling gravol, $G0.
A. W. Wilcox, road Work, $25.00
II. P. Zaulcr, road work. $78.00.
Sundry porsons, road work Dlst.
55, $39.00.
tV. Plcard, work county Ju1koh of
n' Via in
Wilcox Dopt. Store, mdso county
poor, $55.53.
Qco. E. Prosser. office oxponsos
Goo. E. Prosser. fco3 nnd ronortinir
D. E. McDonald, road work, $32.50
Tho following bonds woro approved:
Tnl.11 niU.,tn naaoucinr. !.... ...
ni on. nnn.. tvi
Sossor North Hosodalo; I. V. Daley
rood overseer Dlst. 37; Frank Hrostel
nunralm nic r.c. ni..,D n
wf vim.ui iMoii! uu, viiiin. vniiiii imoun-
a()1. Antolnnn nrnnlncl- Pnrl VIMHmr
I ' " - - -
ivifaronns rlt o
Otto Wolls. road work, $30.00
imu,., ni.,.i ........... ...
I ulMl IIIUU IIV 111A1MIJ ui a III .miA-
woll precinct asking for appointment
i . n Wti..
u. ii. intiu iia iirvfiunnui nil mini
I ,i-ni.,i i. i.. ...,..i..i.i
Mi.uviiui, iiuu i in in tiiiiiiiiinuil
c.,.1-.. ri
."iiiniij iiuiouim, i uuil nuin, imi.
l jo Tt'i nn
nin-ui, o an
" niiiiini, mini iiwin, ,..ou
John Wllklns, road work. $1.40.
Ed Wilson, road work, $7.10.
Jamos Griffith, road work, $1.10.
Chas. Thomas, oil, $10.10.
I.osl lo Griffith, road work. $3.10.
Frank Sholl, rond work, $0.00.
W. F. Jomos, road work, $2.00.
George Jowshorry, road work, $2.00
C. E. Jamos, road work, $2.00.
II. C. Hastings, road work. $4.00
H. A. Lattlmer. road work, $1.40.
Elmer Wllklns, road work, "$1.40.
John Kldwoll, road work, $2.50.
W. A. Iittlmer, road work, $3.40.
James Frlsto. road work, $2.50.
Frank Lavalle, road work. $3.00.
Hattlo HormlughauHon, houso rent
county poor. $30.00.
O. H. Thoolecko. premium county
troasuror's bonds. $300
O. H. Thoolocko. premium deputy
treasurer's iionii. $112. no
Adjourned to January 20. 1919.
: :o: :
Miss Mary Plckford .Douclas Fair
banks. William S. Hart. Charlos S
Chaplin and D. W. Grlltth havo hand
od togothor and tho actress and actors
will horeaftor produco tholr own 'c
- turos, according to an nniiouncotv n
- mado hv Douglas lilrlmnks. Tho it
- ot Mr. Griffith, who Is a nroducpr 'n
tno now alignment wns not dofln'
ly announced. Mr Fairbanks said
unci ins associaios manneu to nro
tholr own pictures and that tl
- would also oporato their own r
loaalng corporation, hnndllnc: tho Mr
from their Inooptlon until thoy roach
od tho oxhibltors.
iMr the ailments common among
women, such a sick hoadaoho. hack
ncho, heartburn, norvou,s w"eakiess
and constlpntlon, Pricklv AbIi Bitters
Is a eplondld Tomedy. It purines tho
bowels, tones tho tomnch, clears tho
complexion, Bwootons tho hroath. re-.oclock a. m.
stores onorgy and choorlness' Prlco. Dated January 9, 1919,
$1.25 per hottlo. Gummero-Dont Drug
Co. Spoclal Agonta.
Proparodnoss applies to tho human
body ns well as nations. A uottle of
Prickly Ash Bitter,, on tho aholf at
homo Is tho host and cheapost form of
proparednetm for lndlgoti.tJon, conttl
pation and kidney troubles. It Is tho
dose Uikon In time that wards off
ntcknostt and savos monoy. Prlco $1.25
per bottle. Gummore-Dent Drug Co.,
Special Agents.
Don't Dry Dishes
-Fan 'em
Why wait until noxt summor bo-
foro buying that Electric Fan! Its
useful, you know, tho year 'round.
Ily next Bummer the supply of fans
mny bo as limited as Gorman victories.
You can get excellent servlco from
your Electric Fan oven In zero wcath-
"How?" Just as many other shrowj
housowlvos do. For Instance
Drying dishes, clothes, fruit.
Driving heat out of tho kitchen
Into less warm rooms and halls.
Directing It ngainst tho radiator
and distributing neat evenly
throughtout tho room.
Como in and lot's talk It over.
It's often wlso to buy fans in tho
early fall whon thoy aro to ho had.
Buy heforohanu! Iiuy now!
N. U. You say you have n fan. Well
Is It usable workable! Uoltor have
Is overhauled for Winter's wnr work.
Wo do It quickly economically.
General Farm Sales n Specialty.
Heforouccs and Dates at First Na
Uonal Ennk, North l'latte, Neb.'
Phono 1000.
A. S- Gregg. January 2!)th.
W. E. Gates, February 4th.
Fred Kusor, March 18th.
Charley Itohlnson, Mnrch 20fJi.
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernity and convalescent pati
ents. Successful operation oil
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
Hospital Phone 110
Office Phone 183
Residence Phone 283
1008 West Fourth Street
North Platte, Neb.
Practlco Limited to
Surgery and Katliuin Therapj
!8 City National Dank Building.
Ontnhn, Nebraska.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C . DROS T,
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraaica.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Phone 308
Rooms 1 and 2 Helton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Notico of Petition.
Estnto No. 1013 ot William A. Mil
ler, deceased, in the county court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska: To all per
sons interested In said estate, take no
tico that a potition has boon tiled for
tho appolntpont of Martin A. Slevers
as administrator ot said ostate which
has boon sot for hearing herein on
February 7, 1919, at 9 oclock a. ni.
Dated January 10, 1919.
Wm. H. C. WOODHritST.
County Judge.
Notico of Petition.
Estato No, 1612 of Earl E. Butler,
Docoased, In tho county court of Lin
coln county, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska: To all "per
sons interested in said estate take no
tico, that a petition has boon filed for
tho nppolntmont ot William M. Sl
mantB as administrator of said os
tato, which has beon set for hearing
norom on Fobruary 7th, 1919. at 9
J14J31 Ccomty Judge.
Vhy not nrlto your Arc and cyclone
Itisiirnncn with a rcllablo company
who Invest tholr prciniiims In Liberty
llonils ana giro our county ino crcuu.
Sec us for farm mid ntitomoblle rates
Office over McDonald Jtuitk.
Offirc I'liono 11!!0 lies. I'lione 1120
ary ono best reforenco I'm always
dated ahead I'lione at mr expense
or dates
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North 01 1'ostcflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
surgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ksy
and diagnostic laboratorivs.
Geo. B. Denl. M. D. V. Lucas. M. D.
J.B. Redfield.M.D. J. S. SIP1S.M.D.
rhsjlclan nnd Surgeon.
Special Attention GIrcn to Surgery
nnj Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Residence 115
Office Phone 340
Ros. Black 370
Osteopathic Physician
Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Neb.
Reference:- Farmers Stato Bank
Sutherland, Nebr.
I alway take stock buyers with mo
and nlways soli for tho high dollar.
Licensed Erabamers
Undertakers and Funoral Directors
Day phono 41
Night phono Rlnck fSS
Notico to Creditors.
Estate No. 1G05 of Hans D. Jorgen
son. Deceased, in tho County Court of
Ll"colncmmy. Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, ss. Crcd-
itors of said estato will take notice agent or attorney-in-fact for any per
that tho time limited .for presentation son or corporation for tho managc
and filing of claims against said cs- Innnt ml control nf nnv real or ner-
tato is May 7th, 1919, and for settle-
mem. 01 sam estate is January ju,
1920; that I will sit at the county
court room in said county on Februa-
ry 7th, 1919. at 10 o'clock a. 111., and
on May 7th, 1919, nt 10 o'clock a. m.,
to receive, examine, hear, allow, or
adjust all claims and objections duly
J7-J31 Countiy Judge,
zrr, 7-7: ;
wo oi Hearing.
State of Nebraska. County ot Lin-
coin, sb.
...v. 11 1 01 l"e ai'uu
.uuis, uocoaseu.
in tno count) court. change, notes, mortgagos and other in-
ct o...w.,iC..htaonoitaaioaetaoieeo vestment securities, negotiable or non-
To all persons interested in tho os- negotiable; to purchase, own or rent
tato of Aaron Mills, deceased, both rcai ostato aml t0 crect buildings
creditors and heirs, take notice. That tliereou and to do and perform all
on tho 21th day of December, 191S, actg and exercise all powers connect
Carl Gottlieb Fredrich, Hied his petl- C(l wltn bolonglng or incident to tlio
nun ui mo uuiity ouiL ui umu-oiii
County. Nebraska sotting forth that he
IS tno owner in iee SimpiO Ot 1110 IOI-
IOWH1K uoacrioeu rem OBIUIO, tu-wu:
ino aw -a 01 aocuon ju, tomisnip id,
iortn 01 itango west otu i'. ssi. 111
ijinuuiu vouniy, .ouruaKii; umi uio
sam Aaron aims uieu antesiaio on
February 11. 189S. in Lincoln County,
Nebraska, bolllg at the time Of his
death a resident and inhabitant of said
.n.u.u uuiii. ncu.Mni, uii
tho time of the death of the Bald Aaron
Mills ho was owner in fee simplo ot
tho abovo described real ostato. That
more than two years havo olapsod
since ins uooui mat no nppnciuiun uua
ever ueon mauo tor mo appoinunent
of an administrator In tho Stato of
Nebraska, that the deceased left sur
viving tho following named heirs and
no other: William Mills. Egbert Mills
and Oscar M. Mills.
You are further notified that said
petitioner prays tho Court to fix a time
and place for tho hearing of said poti
tion. that notice of said Umo and placo
bo given to all porsons intorestod In
said estato. both creditors nnd heirs,
and for tho Court to dotormino the
time of the death of the said deceased
and for a dotermlnation of the heir
ship of the said deceased, a decree of
kinship and tho right of descent of
You aro further notified that said
matter will bo heard heforo tho Court
at tho County Court room of said
Court on the 31st day of January'.
1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., when any
person may appear, object to or con
test said petition.
Dated December 24. 1918.
J7-J27 County Judge.
TCI AMn rpin rnPTPRPI 5
I havo a good supply of Bplendld
Hoso Comb Cockerels that aro all
brand now hlood In country. Largo
bonod, sturdy fellows, that will
pleaso tho fancy or tho most partic
ular breeder. Twonty birds that range
In prlco from $3 to $10 each. These
aro from high scoring, bred from lay
ing stock.
Seo thoso heforo you buy elsowhoro.
So. Park Poultry Yards
Hoso Combs Itcds Only.
Price Paid
Hog Market
Office at the Old Stock Yards
We also buy cattle, Call phone
Black 381 for prices
North Platte, Nebraska.
Big Price for Furs.
From $2 to $4.50 for prime skins.
Muskrats from 20c to $1.50
Notice of IiicormruUon ot
Goodman. Buckley Trust Company.
Notico 1b hereby given that Edward
It. Goodman, Newton E. Buckley,
Grace S. Goodmau, havo associated
and John Burke, havo associated
themselves together for tho purposo
of forming and becoming a Corpora
tion, under tlio laws of tho Stato of
That the name of said Corporation
Is "Goodman-Buckley Trust Com
pany." That tho principal placo of
transacting tho business thereof, Is
North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka. That the general nature of tho
business to bo transacted is to re
ceivo trust funds for investment or
in trust; to act as a safe deposit
company; to accept and execute all
trusts and perform all duties as may
bo committed to them as assignees,
receiver, trustee or depositor; to take,
accept an(1 hold any real or pcrsonal
property in trust and to ' care for,
,nnniro ,, cnnVPV sumo: to act na
sonai property and tho sale thereof,
and the investment of money: to ac
cent from and execute trusts for mar
rled women in respect to thoir separ
ato property and to act as agents for
them in the management thereof; to
act as administrator or executor of
estntos or as guardian, curator, or
consorvntor of tho property of per
sons under disability; or as trustee
of any person or estate; to loan
money upon real estato and to borrow
money and to execute and issuo its
note3 payablo, and to pledge its real
estate, mortgages or other securities
therefor; to buy, own. hold and sell
bonds, stocks, warrants, bills of ex-
powers and. responsibilities herein
i,oforo stated
Tilnt hn nnmnnt of t.lim canllnl
ntn1f niiMinrlyo.l hv Ihn Rnlil Pnrnnr,
tIon lg Fj(ty Thousand Dollars
, j50.000.001. all of which has been
paj . jn
That tho time of the commencement
of XCL Corporation Is January 1.
1010 nnrl Mm Hn,o nt tlin fnnnlimtlnn
thereof is Janunry 1, 19G9. That the
ntglieBt amount or lnuohtodnoss or
uhimv tn wiiioii tim rnrnnrntinn
ia to n nnv time snhloct itself ia
Thirfv.throo Thnnsnnil TlireA Tlunilrci
Thlrty-threo Dollars and Thirty-threo
Centa ($33,333.33). exclusive of money
or property held in trust
That tho offlcors. who aro to con
duct tho affairs of said Corporation
are five directors, a President, Vico
President nnd Secretary-Troaauror.
Dated at North Platto. Nebraska.
December 27. 1918.
D31-J24 Incorporator
Notico of Petition.
Estato No. 1G10 of Evangollno
Gough, deceased in the County Court
of Lincoln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato ot Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said Estate tako
notice that a potition has been filed
for tho appolntmont of O. E. Elder
as administrator of said ostato, which
has heen sot for hearing heroin on
January 24, 1919, at 9 oclock a.m.
Dated December 28. 1918.
D31-J17 County Judgo.
Hospital Phone ;Block 633.
Houso -Plidfip TDlddk 633
w t. rRrrciiAM), '
Oratluato Votcrlnarllm
Eight years a Government Votorlnar-
' Ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Court Houso.
Morell Keith Novllle, Plaintiff,
David Cash and Ellen L. CaBh, and
tho heirs, doviseos, legatees and per
sonal representatives and against all
persons interested in tlio estato of
David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, de
ceased, and against tho unknown
owners nnd claimants of tho following
doscribed laud sltuato in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, Northeast Quarter
of Northeast Quarter and Lots 2, 3
and 4 of Section 1, Township 13,
Rango 30; East Half of Northeast
Quarter and Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section
35, Township 14, Range 30. Tho un
known heirs, devisees, or legatees of
Abram Wiley, deceased, unknown
heirs, doviseos or legatees of Cynthia
T. Wiley, deceased, and tho unknown
holrs, devisees or legatees of Frank
M. Wiley, docoased,' and against tho
unknown owners or claimants of the
following described land situate in
Lincoln County, Nobraska, South half
of Northeast quartor and Lots 1 and
2 of Section 4, Township 13, Range
29. Goorgo A. Hoagland, his heirs,
doviseos, legatees, personal represen
tatives and unknown claimants of tho
following doscribed land situated in
Lincoln County, Nobraska, South Half
of Southeast Quartor, South Half of
Southwest Quarter of iSectlon 12,
Township 13, Rango 29, Defendants
First Cause of Action.
To David Cash, Ellen L. Cash and
tho heirs, devisees, legatees and per
sonal representatives and all persona
interested in tho estato of David Cash,
docoased, and Ellen L. Cash, deceased,
and tho unknown owners and un
known claimants of the following de
scribed land sltuato In Lincoln County
Nobraska, to-wit: Northeast Quarter
of Northeast Quarter (NEH of NE&)
and Lots Two (2), Thrco (3) and Four
(4) of Section One (1) Township
Thirteen (13), N. of Range Thirty
(30) and the East Half of Northeast
Quarter (EM: of NEVi) and Lots Ono
(1), Two (2) and Throo (3) of Section
Thirty-fivo (35), Township Fourteen
(14), N. of Range Thirty (30), West
Gth P. M., defendants.
You and each of you will take notico
that Morell Keith Neville has com
menced an action in tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
against you nnd each of you, tho ob
ject and prayer of which said potition
is to quiet titlo in plaintiff against
you and each of you in the following
described lands situate in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast
Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NEVI
of NEi) and Lots Two (2), Threo (3)
and Four (4) of Section Ono (1)
Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thir
ty (30), West Gth P. M., and East
Half of Northeast Quarter (EVs of
NE4) and Lots One (1), Two (2) and
Threo (3) of Section Thirty-five (35),
Township Fourteen (14), Rango Thir
ty (30), West Gth P. M., and to have
decreed to him new and independent
title by reason of adverse possession
of said described, promises against
you by hlmsolf nnd his grantors.
Second Cause of Action.
To Abram Wiley, Cynthia T. Wiley,
Frank M. Wiley and tho heirs, devi
sees, legatees and personal represen
tatives and all porsons interested in
the estate of Abram Wiley, deceased,
Cynthia T. Wiley, deceased.and Frank
M. Wlloy. deceased, and the unknown
owners and tho unknown claimants
of tho following described lands sit
uate ln Lincoln County, Nobraska, to
wit: South half of Northeast Quar
ter (SV NEU) and Lots One (1)
and Two (2) of Section Four (4) In
Township Thirteon (13), Rango Twen-
ty-nino (29), West of tho Gth P. M.,
You and each of you will take
notice that Morell Keith Nevlllo has
commenced an action in tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska,
agninst you and each of you, tho ob
ject and prayer of which said potition
Is to quiet titlo in plaintiff against you
and each of you in the following des
cribed lands situate in Lincoln Coun
ty. Nebraska, to-wit: South Half of
Northeast Quartor (SVi NE4) and
Lots Ono (1) and Two (2) of Section
Four (4). Township Thirteen (13),
Rango Twenty-nine (29), west of tho
Gth P. M., and to have decreed in him
now nnd Independent titlo by reason
of ndvorso possession of said describ
ed lands against you hy himself nnd
his grantors.
Third CiiiiKo of Action.
To Goorgo A. Hoagland and the
hoira, doviseos, logatees and personal
ropresentntlvos and all porsons in
terested in Uio- estate of Goorgo A.
Hoagland, deceased, nnd tho unknown
owners nnd unknown claimants ot the
following described lands sltuato in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt:
South hnlC ot Southeast Quarter (S
of SEVi) and South Unit of Southwest
Quartor (SVa of SWVJ) of Section
Twelve (12).TownshIp Thlrtoon (13).
Hango Twonty-iUno (29), west of tho
Gth P. M.. dofondants.
You. and each of you will tako notico
that Moroll Kolth Novllle has com
menced an action in tho District
Court ot Lincoln County. Nobraska,
against you and each of you. tho ob
ject and prayor of which said petition
is to qulot titlo In plaintiff nguliiBt you
and onch of you In tho following de
scribed lands sltuato In Lincoln Coun
ty. Nobraska. to-wlt: South Half ot
Southoast Quartor (S SlOVi) and
South Half of Southwest Quartor (84
of SWM) of Soot Inn Twelve (12),
Township Thirteen (13). Range Twen-ty-nlno
(29), west of the (llh P. M..
and to havo decreed In him now and
indepondont titlo hy roason of ad
Vorso possoasfon of nald described
premises against you by hlmsolf and
his grantors.
You nnd ench or youi will make
answer horoln on or before tho 17th
day of Fobruary, 1910, or your do
faults will ho tnkon and Judgment
tnkon and entered agatuat you an In
said 'petition prayed.
J7-5w Plaintiff