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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1919)
JHYPTOK DON'T MOVE DADDV, YOU LOOK SO FUNNY He's squinting over his rending glasses he cause they do not afford distant vision. JL. glasses 11 th e INVISIBLE BIFOCALS GIVJ3 1U2UFKCT NUAU AND l-'Alt VISION IN ONH HARRV DIXON & SDN Optometrists and Optician.- We Grind Our Own Lcnsct NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. School Opens Fn liter. Tho Board of Education has decided Unit tho host way for tho Junior nnd Sonior High Schools to mnko up tho tlmo lost by Uie Flu' closing 18 to ox tond tho day. This has pro von moro natisfactory than holding school on Saturday or running over Into tho summer. Doglnntng with Monday,. Jnn. ,20. tho morning session will hogin nt 8:40 and closo nt noon- Tho afternoon swslon wilt open at 1:15 and closo nt 4. This adds 35 minutes to tho school day and a groat deal of work can bo done In this tlmo. Some dlfflcutlos in ndjvtatlng to thl8 now schodnlo will no doubt come up and they will bo work ed out ns heft thoy cnn. This wholo matter applies only to tho Junior nnd Senior High Schools nnd not to tho' Ward Schools. w::o:: Xolleo to ltaltrond Men. HARRY DIXON Is tho U. I. watch Inspector. Arrangements with him cnn ho made so that yov. can buy your R. R. watch on time at tho cash price. : :o: : School 'ot Dismissed. When tho Artlllory Rand from tho Sunset Division nnd tho soldiers ac companying it, paraded In front of tho High Schools! Wednesday, tho pupils wore dismissed to see tho men and hoar tho music. When tho contingent started for tho depot a largo part cf tho student body returned to tho school and took up their work. Quito a number wero carried away by a re port that school had heon dismissed nnd followed to the depot. Tho report was a fako and school was not dis missed. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Denlist Office over the McDonald Stuto Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Binkley, of Ilorshey, spent yes terday In town as the guost of Mrs. Will Stegall. Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Bank building. Mrs. Edward Walker left yester day morning for a week's visit with frlends in Kcnesaw, Neb. Pantry Special. Friday and Satur day at tho REXALL STORE. About twenty-flvo couples attended tho Initial dance given by tho Eks' orchestra Wednesday evening. Harry Block has returned from Co lumbus where ho visited Mrs. Block and his newly arrived daughter for a week. PANTRY SPECIAL. Tea and Coffee at money saving prices Friday nnd Saturday. REXALL STORE. Twenty-seven returned soldiers aro to bo made Seattle police officers when they pass the civil sorvico examina tion, It has been announced. Dr. Shaffer, Osteopath Physician, over tho Oasis. Phone 340 for appoint ment. Ray C. Landford returned Wednes day night from Sarben with those symptoms which indicato flu and lias since been confined to tho house. Miss M. Siemnu, steam baths anil Swedish Massage, ladles and gentle men. Phone 897. Brodbeck bldg S5f District court will convene next Monday and tho jury will roport Tues day morning. It will probably re quire two weeks to dispose of tho jury cases It will pay anyono who is interested in diamonds to see the wonderful dis play In DIXON'S front show case- J. B. McDonald returned to Omaha last night after spending several days in town. He came up to attend the annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho McDonald State Bank. Vow Desirable SccomMIiuid Fords Jlcmly-Oglcr Auto Co. J. B. Hemphill had two bones broken in his left hand Wednesday forenoon when it was caught in a I printing press. Tho flesh of tho hand was also somewhat lacerated. J. V. Romlgh reports Ul sal oJ a Dodgo Brothers Coupe to Dr. Pease of Gothenburg, Dodgo roadster to Bankenburg Bros., Dodgo touring cars to Uhl Harrison and Harry Duebery. For Salo Rufjuis Red Rabbits for meats and other purposes. Aso a few Flepish Giants. Inquiro at 222 east Tenth street. 2-4 Mrs. Edward Fisher and daughter Peatrico, of Groen River, Wyo., were guests Nr- nnd Mrs. Clyde Cook Wednesday whllo enrouto hoiqo from Rochester, Minn-, where tho daughter submitted to an operation. My Automobilo roadster for Bale, or will trade for another auto or for good town lot, residence property or land proposition. JOHN S. TWIN EM, M. D. tt Major John S. Milan, who was re cently discharged from Camp Frank lin, Maryland, arrived in town tho early part of tho week to accept tho position of wiro chief for tho Nebras ka Telephono Co- Major Milam was Jn tho engineering corps. For Sale Good 1917 Ford roadstor, in extra good shape, price reason able. Also 1917 Dodgo touring, rebuilt and guaranteed and looks and acts like new at a bargain. J. V. ROMIGII Garage. Wo desire to express our sinccro thanks to tho many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness, and for tho beautiful flow ers sent, al the funeral of my son and our brother. Mrs. C- P. Dick and family. Rolland Warren, who has been on tho -battleship Texas for two years, arrived homo this week on a furlotugh to visit his mother Mr3. F. E. War ren. His ship is at present 'it Norfolk navy vard. but during the war wad with tho United States lleet in the North sea. Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buy your Hny and Grain. Obtain cur prices before you sell. tf Chief of Police Jones picked up this week on west Fourth street an ap parently ownerless Ford touring car Tho licenso auanber is 159194 but the car has never been registered in Lin coln county. Tho supposition is that the car was stolon, driven to this city and abandoned. In the car "vns a grey overcoat. Tho Chief is holding tho car awaiting tho appearance of tho owner. Pantry Special. Friday and Satur day at tho REXALL STORE." Company F. of tho 14Cth artillery, together with the regimental officers and the band, passed through Wed nesday noon. The men and band were detrained and marched through the streets for a half hour or more. This regiment was part of the Sunset divi sion and saw service overseas. The menNwill bo demobilized when thoy reach San Francisco. Your opportunity to savo money money Friday and Saturday at the REXALL STORE. The Tribune on many occasions has found it a distinct advantago to have in North Platto a mechanic such as John LcMastors and a shop so well equipped with mhacinery and tools. This proved particuarly true Tuesday, when a break occurred on the lino typo, which had it not been for Mr. LoMasters' skill and his well equipped shop a wait for repairs from Chicago would havo been necessary, and in tho meantime not a linotype wheel would havo turned. Dr. TI. C. Brock, Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Corporal Chas. Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker, of Maxwell, has resBincd hi8 studies at the Kear ney stato normal after spending somewhat over a year in tho servico Ho was sent to Kolly Field, Texas, in December, 1917, and remaining there until last September ho loft for Long Island and landed in Liverpool a month later. On November 10th ho started for France, but orderB wero received to stop all movements of troops. Ho remained in England until November 23d, when ho boarded a transport for homo nnd was mustered out December 20th nt Camp Funston. For quick action nna twtlifactory alt) lint yonr land with Thnclecko. tf Tho funeral of tho lato F. T. Red mond was held from St- Patrick's church Saturday forenoon, Jan. 11th at ton o'clock, tho. Knights of Colum bus and the Elks attending in a body Tho church was filled with friends who paid tills last earthly respect to one who had been for so many years a resident of tho city and so closely Identified with EtB commercial and social activities. Rov. Fr. McDald who conducted tho sorvico paid a splendid 1 tributo to tho deceased. St. Patrick's choir, of which Mr. Redmond was an aotivo member for many years sang the requiem mass, nnd intlmato friends sang tho solos. Public Auction . I will sell at public ntction across from tho postofflce on Saturday. Jan- IStli, a lot of good hnuseholii coods. a nineteen hundred nnd seventeen model Maxwell oar In good shape, nnd a lot of wrenrhes and other articles too nu merous to mention. Rale to commenco nt 2:30. F. O. PIELSTICKER, H. M. JOHAXSEN, Clerk Auctioneer. For Sale. Ford touring car, newly over-haul ed, mado into truck witli big roomy scat and top. Inquire New Method Tiro uepair Shop- 511 Locust, No. Platte. : :o: : For Sale. Houso and corner lot, G rooms and Juatli, modern except heat. Good barn, chicken-houBo and coal houso, trees, good lawn, Bidowalk. All In good con dition. Phone Red 1140. 2-2 : :o: : CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. OFFICER HOAflLANirs PRISONER GIVES 11131 THE SLIP. :o: : . : :o: :- First Lutheran. Morning worship, 8:30 o'clock, subject, "Ills First Miracle." Evening Worship, 8:15, sub ject, "Why I as a Christian Minister am Opposed to Eddyism, falsely call ed Christian Science-' " Tins is an answor to the reply of Mr. Claudo do Long of the Board of Publication, Boston, published some weoks ago. Everyono will bo welcome. Sunday school fat- ono o'clock. Rov. C. Franklin Koch. Pastor. Methodist. Preaching 11 a. m. sub ject "Christian Stewardship." 'Preach ing 7:30 p. m. subject, "Tho Iniqui ties of tho' Fathers." Epworth League fi:30 p- m. Loader Floyd Daniels. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Prayer meeting :03 Wednesday ovening. Teacher training class Wednesday S:l5 p. m. subject "Etarly Childhood Presbyterian Church.-- Sorvice8 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by tho pastor. lieccptlon of members. Sunday school 10 a. in. Leigh Carroll Sunt- The mem bers aro urged to bo present to hear Important announcement. Good music mil a hearty welcome. Tho Trtbuno was a llttlo promature In stating that Officer lloagland had arrived from Illinois with hl9 prisonur llaynes. Ilonglnua did arriro, but ho was niinu8 tho mnn, for tho Inttor gave him tho slip. Hnyne was takon in ciiBti.dy at Gnlosburg, 111., and Hong-! ittiiti led him from Jail handcuffed, to tho hotel whoro Haynos' wlfo and two chMrcn woro stopping, ns it vu the Intention of Mrs. Haynos to necoin pnny hor husbnnd back to this city and "clear him of tho charge." Tho worldly possessions of tho llaynes were packed In live suit cases, nnd up on premise of Ilnynes to "be good," tho handcuffs woro rontovod In ordor that ho might assist In carrying tho suit enses across tho street to tho do pot nnd into tho car. Believing that Hnynos would not attempt to Jump from a moving train lloagland allow od him to sit In a sent with hla family without bolng handcuffed, nnd ho, Honclnnd. took n seat n short dlstanco away witli his back to the family. All went woll until noar Burlington, In-, when tho train slowed down to about twenty milos nn hour. Hongland look od around nnd casually notleod Hay nos hat and coat and thought IiIh prisoner still in tho seat. A moment Inter ho had a ."hunch" to Invostlgnto and uiion doing so found Haynos gono. His wlfo professed Innoeenco of his got-a-way, the train was searched but no llaynes could bo found; ho had jumped from the train whllo it wns in motion hatless and coatloss. Upon reaching tho first stop lloagland wired back to tho Inst town passed to watch for Ilnynes, which wits about all ho could do .vjidor tho circumstances. When tho train reached Lincoln Mrs. Ilnynes concluded sho would remain in Lincoln Instead of coming to North Platte, but later it was found sho had purchased n ticket for Springfield. Mo. It is probablo Haynos will Join hor there, and tho ofneors of that city have been wired to watch for him. : :o: : A While Man Sold to the Highest, Bidder for One Hollar. Nnuios of Deceased Soldiers Wanted. Rosldbnt ot Lincoln county who havo lind rolatlvos dlo or woro killed whllo In tho sorvico ot tholr country aro requoflted to nt onco sond In the nnmos to T. C. Patterson, Chairman Council of Dofenso, North Plntto. Buy an , ovening gown or a Jorfiogl dross at exactly bno-hnlf tho former soiling price Tho ontlro stock has been placed qn salo nt BLOCK'S nt a discount of fifty por'cont. Pantry Special. Friday and Satur day nt tho REXALL STORE. it t.t t.t tt :.: :.: it it it it it it i.t it i't Oh! YOU PATENT FLOUR -: :o: :- With suits selling at exactly one- half their former price it Is not strango that BLOCK'S storo for the past ten days has been a very busy place. When Block says half prico, ho means just what ho says. Any $25 suit in tho houso at $12.50, tho $30 suits at $15.00, tho $40.00 suits at $20, and similar reductions on highor priced suits. : :o: : Peoplo easily constipated dread winter no fruits, no vegetables to help tho stomach. Your best relief, your greatest friends, Is Hollistors Rocky Mountain Tea, guaranteed to positively relievo constipation or your money back. Sold by John O. Patter son, Druggist. : :o: : NO TIME TO WASTE ENERGY J. Warren Kerrigan will bo seen on tho screen cf the SUN Theatre in his latoet Paralta Play, "Ono Dollar Bid," which Is a screen adaptation of Credo Harris' romantic novol of tho Ken tucky hills which was published a few years ago under tho title of "Toby." Tho story offers exceptional oppor tunity for the kind of work in which' Mr. Kerrigan has achieved his fore most successes- Early in the notion of the play, he is scon as a young man of reQnonient who has sunk to the lowest obb, cast aside by the whites, ho lives in a negro hut. no one know ing or caring who ,hc is or from whence ho enmo. As the story devel ops, ho rises under tho Influence of a girl of high ideals until nt last- he becomes ono of tho dominating fac tors of tho town which had shunned liin as an outcast. Tim entire thoirto is intorwovon with" strong situations nna romantic momonts, to all of which Mr. Kerri gnn "arises with that charm of manner which has been responsible for his phenomenal success ns a delineator of screen typos. Tho production was mado at the Bruditon studios i Hollywood, Cali fornia, under the direction of Ernest C. Wardo, who has surrounded Mr. Kerrlgnn with a capablo supporting en st, including MIrs Lois Wilson, who Iw cnptlvntod tho hearts of hor audiences, appearing nB leading lady opnosito Mr. Kerrigan in his many former successes. Among others in the cast aro Joseph J. Dowllng, Clif ford Alexander. Arthur Allnrdt, Lea trico Joy and Elvira Weil. At tho SUN Saturday. : :o: : ANNUAL RROOl) SOW SALE. Fifty Illumined big typed Poland China Brood Sows to bo sold Thurs- day, Jan. 3. Salo to ho hold Insldo largo ImriiNm tho farm four milos west of Lexington regardless of tho weather. If Inlorcstcd send for cat alognc J 0 ANDERSON MONDAY at THE SUN HeddaNova "Changing Women" Story that is Out of the Ordinary Run nnd U. S. Official War Weekly. Western Poet Offers Good Advice When He Says, Forget That Bald Pate for the Present. Lives there a man with soul so dead that never to himself he's said, when the hnlr on his pnte, once thick, began n-Iooklng thin nnd sick: "I'll put some dope on that there hnlr anil soon have foliage to spare." Lives there a mnn who bus not spent his Inst red solitary cent for dope the bnldhead druggist said would bring more hnlr upon his head. Nay. Man seeks the far soli tude nnd rubs his shining pnte with crude, or nibs a pint of vaseline ench ntght onto his polished bcniii, rubs nil the dope ho can nfford on to the thing ho calls his gourd then to tho druggist doth cavort, and buyeth mango euro by the quart ; but all his labor is In vain, ho never grows another mnne. Man that Is born of womnn Is of few hairs and a funny phiz. He thlnkcth in his bosom he would look young ns he used to bo if ho could on his poll grown bare contrive another crop of hair, Oh man I O blfurcnted gent I don't chase tho hnlr that lofjg has went That biz Is plcayunlsh biz. Use nil tho energy that Is, und nil of your hnlr money for tho winning of this dreadful war. In this hero war game don't you know you should ho in the bnldhead row. Judd Mortimer Lewis, In Houston Post. WHEN YOU Buy "KANTLEEK" RUBBER GOODS Yeu get Service ns well No Seams No Patches No Binding No Splices to give away Neck, sides, "bottom and every part is moulded in one piece. "KantleeK" means universal guaranteed satisfaction. THE STORE SEE US FOR SERVICE Uncle Sam says wc con make That Old Style Patent "COW BRAND ' THAT QUALITY FIRST FLOUR ts Every First Class Grocer in North Platte has "Cow Brand" Patent. BUY A SACK. the Only Patent in Town i.t it KKKKKK::t:r5t:KKKKHt:KKKKKKKK WE ARE OFFERING 45 Head of Big Type Poland-China BROOD SOWS Consisting of 10 Tried Sows, 11 Fall Gilts nnd 18 Spring Gilts: Sale to lio hold in tho Hosack Barn. 2 Blocks south of -tho 1J. V. depot In North lMnito on Tuesday, January 21st, 1919, beginning nt one o'clock p. m. Tho Tried Sows nro mostly slrod hv Ornhan Hob 90173 by tho Big Orphan 03348, boiiio of them sired by Jumbo Chief 80512 by MOU,ws Doublo Chief 77098. Tho Fall Gilts aro airod by Star Victor 84409 by Nebraska Hon Amazon 74110. Tho Spring Gilts aro slrod by Extrn Wonder 8S380, by Extra Long G9014. I havo bought, my breed ing stock out of such hords as J. E, Smatlan, Schuylor; Phil DawBon, . Endlcott; and La Vorn A. nail, Albion.' Thoy aro bred to Fancy Big Bono by Giant Big Bono Prospect, others nro bred by Long Boy by Nebraska Boy. Others aro bred to Tlnims Prospoct owned by La Vorn A. Ball. All of our hogs will bo catalogued., Blids may bo mailed to Jcsslo Johnson Lincoln, or A. W. Thompson, York, Nobr., In our caro. General Remarks: Will say that wo aro offering ns good a bunch of Brood Sowb as a map will look at. Somo of our trlod sows will comu into tho ring weighing 000 pounds or hottor. Wo aro offering somo oxcoptional good Fall Gilts that will go out, mnko good, bred right nndffood in ovory way. Our Spring Gilts coming just flno, thoy nro lato far row but In good thrifty condition, growing llko woods. Our hogs aro not loaded down with flesh, Jjiat la n pink growing condllton. All of our hogs aro cholera Immune, doublo treatment, C. G. LANDHLOM & SON, Owners, Col. A. W. THOMPSON, Auctioneer. V. C. PIKLSTICKKIt, Clerk. GEIKKN'S ANNUAL SALE Sows of DurooJersey Bred Will ho held at (he Sclunal Garage at Gothenburg, Neb., Jan. 25th at 7:0 P. M. Night Sale. tt it it it i.t it i.t it it 9 :.: it i.t i.t it i.t :s The offering consists of: 8 Tried Sows 22 Full Gills 25 Spring Gilts Sirea: Nebraska Perfection, Smooth Giant, Sensation $ Wonder, Great Wonder, Tho King, Great Sensation, ft Golden Model, Badcr's Smooth Sensation, Great Won- j tier's Model 2nd, King Sensation. Bred to Grand Model I' I Am, Nebraska Model, Badcr's Smooth Sensation. A I't splendid lot. Double cholera treatment. it yt it it it it it 8 .: j.j .: :.: tt it it it it Free entertainment at Gothenburg Hotel. Write for Catalog to H. D. GEIKEN, Route 4 COZAD, NEBRASKA .: t.t t.t t.t it t.t t.t it it t.t tt t.t t.t it it i.t t.t tt t.t t.t i.t it it t.t i.t i.t it tt t.t it it t.t i.t t.t t.t it it tt t.t i.t it t.t tt it it i.t it i.t tt tt it i.t it it it t.t i.t t.t i.t it t.t tt it it i.t t.t it it t""tf'''tt"''