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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1919)
A FREE SERVICE -but Important Clinton's department makes no charge for Mriiiglhonlng, tightening mill ml Justing J our glasses. It Ih Jiiiporlmit (lint j our lassos kcI right, anil that I lie louses do nut wobble. Wo consider keeping glasses adjusted part of Hie service lno persons who wear glasses. Xo matter whoro yon bought yours, wo will lighten, struigli (en and adjust (hem wllhout charge us often as necessary. C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and ..OPTICIAN.. At the Sign of the Big King LOCAL AND I'tiltSOXAL Fivo Logan county men woro In town yoHtordny onrouto home from Sidney whoro thoy attended tho dis trict good roads convention. M- W. McCullcmgh, who was up from Maxwoll yesterday, stated tho liu conditions In that vlllago an(i vi cinity arc very bad at prosont, about fifty cases bolng roportod. "A Daughter of tho Old South" with Paulino Frederick will show at tho Crystal tonight for tho last time. And It Is something that you ought not to miss. Glenn Itltnor left today for Newport Nows aftor vlstlng his parontH for a fow days. Ho entered tho navy as a second class sonman but Is now a fire, man In tho federal morchant marine. Robert Loo changed bis mind about living another man's 1 if o "wlion tho other man's wlfo and children appear. Soo "Loss Than Kin" at the IColth Saturday night and oe what he does about It. Not a bit too oarly to get that Dodgo car ordered If you .will want It for oarly spring .dollvory. Built so woll that people havo always wantod more Dodges than tho factory can produce Ask nny 'owner tho ronaon for Dodge succcHs and Halos. Tho roads that load into North Platto, which had boon almost impas sible for ton days, are Improving, and tho carrlors on tho rural routes aro now covering tho entire mileage. Somo of tho patrons on tho ronton had not received mall by carrier for nearly a month. "Smlllig Bill Parsons" goo a beau tiful vision but Spoils It nil by talking about hor In his sloop. And Hill has to havo his bout alibi tin tap whon his wife asks for an explanation of his conversation. See tho fun at tho Crys tal Thtotro Saturday afternoon or ovonlng. Percy O'Hrlon, who had boon n ployp,i ns machinist in tho local shop,, left Wednesday night for Kansas City where he will take a position as ma chinist for tho Standard Oil Co. While In Kansas City several monthB ago Mr OT.rlen purchased a homo, and Mrs. O'liripfi has since been living there. For Sa!e--I'odlgrod Uolglnn Hares. Mrs. 0. II. Mooro, 221 So. Sycamore Phone Red 102. Herman Oman, formorly of the east part of this couity, but who has been living In Alaska for n number of years, arrived home last woek and Monday brought to thls city a Gotbon burg lndy whom ho wed, Judge Woodhorst performing tho coromony. Mr. Oman will rtturn to Alaska with Ills brido. For rent, throo unfernishod rooms for light houso keeping. Nice loca tion. Phono Itcd 070. 2 Tho fodoral government will bring over a ship load of Gorman helmets and othor war souvonirs which will bo given to those who do commond nblo work In tho fifth liberty loan drive. If Charley Tonrplo doos as woll In the noxt drlvo ns ho did in tho last two, ho will be entitled to a whoel barrow load of souvonirs. PA NTH Y SPECIAL. Tea and Coffee at money savins prlcos Friday and Saturday. RI3XALL STORE. Wo wish to thank our many neigh bors and friends, nlso tho Elks, K. C.'s, Frolght Offlco Friends, Motbodlst Aid nnd St. Patrick's Choir for tho many acts of kindncus during tho sickness and at tho death of our dear one. Mrs. Frank Hedmond and cbildron. Mrs Anna Redmond and cbildron. (Jet a Detroit Weather Proof Top en (en days (rial. llondy-Oglcr Onto Co. Tho ombargo on hay shipments to Omaha wns lifted yesterday and this will rosult In groator activity In sbip menLs from tho wostom and north western parts of the state with pros pects of a break in tho market. While tho Omaha ombargo was in forco bay from this point was shipped rnthor froely to oastorn Nebraska sections which woro affoctod by the dry weath er last year. Wanted A good, ntcady gentloman lv salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Lincoln county. No oxperienco need ed. For full particulars write nromntlv to Dr Ward's Medical Com pany, Winona, Minnesota. Established 18G0. ''!-' V. 1. Insurance (,'liilms Multiply. W. O. Jonos. of Denver, superinten dent of Insuranco on tho Union Pacific was In town yostorday looking up data nn Mm ilnnMi nf Hnrrv Mooro an1 F. T. Redmond. Mr. Jonos informed 'us that in 1917 death claims were paid to tho boneflclarlos of sevonty-olght ITnlnn Pacific oini)lovco. while 111 1918 ovor :t00 claims were paid. This big increase is one to nonius irom mo iiu. Ho showed uM a list of twenty clafms adjusted rocontly and in eighteen of the case death, was due to the flu Thin insurance is carried freo to tho employees by tho Union Pacific com pany. : :o: : Htnrr Kleclcd Cashier, Tho annual meetliiK of tho stock holders of tho McDonald State Hank was hold Tuesday and Chas. MeDonnld and W. H. McDonald ro-olectod presi dent and vicc-prosldeiit roHpectlvoly. W. E. Starr, who has been with the Institution for tbirteon years, was elected cashier, a promotion ho woll dosorved by reason or his general ef ficiency and the faithful sorvlce bo has glvon tho bank. Mr. Starr's friends will bo glad to learn of his advancement- Will Attend Fireman's Convention. Tho annual convention of tho N'e biaska Volunteor FIromnn's Associa tion will be held at Fremont Tuob day, Wt-iiii'-sday and Thurdny of nat week. Th members of the local .de partment who expect to nttend nro: Cy Rwssoll, Chas. Snndall, Thos. Jof- fors, Emll Traub, Fred Anderson, J. L. Bruck, Chester Macombor and J. R. Raskins. : :o: : Criminal Cases (o bo Heard- Among tho cases that will probably como up for trial in tho district court noxt week will bo thoso of VanNatta charged with incest, Amos Rush charged with tho murdor of Goorgo Hill, and tho colored boy who is charged with stealing a diamond ring of Mrs. C- C. Ilupfor. : :o: : This Is tho time of year most try ing on thoso Inclined to bo consti pated. Many dread winter becauso of It. Don't worry, Just take Hollistor's Rocky Mountain Tea, nature's gift of wondrauis herbs, so scientifically blended, results aro guaranteed. Sold by Geo. Frator, Druggist. .Mrs. Spccbt Pusses Awny. Mrs. Daisy May Speoht aged twon-ty-nlne, wlfo of Engineer Will Specht, died at her Iionlo about sovon o'clock Tuesday morning following an at tack of flu. Tho funeral was held Wed nesday afternoon, tho services being conducted at tho grnvo Instead of at the houso. Tho paronts of, botb Mr. and Mrs. Specht were present when the end came. Mr. Specht is seriously ill and has beon for some tlmo. Throe children are loft motherless, tho old est but seven yoars of ago, and who was released from tho hospital yes terday aftor having been nn inmate there for several months. The II. of L .F & E-, of which Mr. Spocht Is a member, nre looking aftor matters for tho family. Mr. and Mrs. Specht came here from Grand Island throo or four years ago. ii n I'latlo Valley School ltiilldlng Rums. Firo Monday afternoon dostroyod tho brick building known as tho Platto Valley school seven mllos west of town. Tho roof and tho intorior wns burned, and whllo tho walls woro left standing they nro said to be fo badly warped that thoy will need be torn down. The origin of tho Ire Is not definite ly known', but somo think, that soot accumulated in tho chimney, caught flro and falling In a moss bn tho roof set flro to tho shingles. The touchers and pupils heard peculiar noises which inrreased in volumo as tlmo Massed. Tho furnace was oxamlned and found to bp all right, but on going outside I the roof was found nblazo. Tho building was erected In 1912 at a cost of about $8,000. An InBiir nnco of 35,000 was carried. A tempor ary buildlna; Is being erected In which thp term of school will bo finished. 31 uslc for Soldier Hoys. The Junior Red Cross has purchas ed two small phonographs and pre sented thorn to tho canteon. Thoso phonographs and records will be plac ed on tho trains to ontortaln soldiors passing through, especially thoso trains carrying tho wounded or con valescent. Tho instruments will be carried through to Sidney or Chey enne and thon returned on oast bound trains, and will bo kept in constant service going and returning. Tho fur nishing of thoso phonograph s was suggested by" an army surgeon as ono moans of cheering up wounded boys who would be very tired and perhaps, disconsolate; upon reaching thla point on tholr Journey from coast to coast. -::o::- Judgo Woodhurst, who for tho first ten days of thl8 month performed a innrriago coromony each day, reports a complete stagnation in tho matri monial lino this week. Storago room for rent. Call at York Feed Store. Phono 73. 104-3 -: :o: :- Wo wish to thnnk the R. of L. F. K' E-- the friend nnd noiebbors for their kindness and floral tributes dur ing tho sickness and death of our lov ed one. Win. Snocht and children: Mr. nnd Mrs. F. E. Spocht; S. Mooro; Mm. L. J. Corbln; Lulu Spocht; Mr. and Mrs. Towle. -: :o: : Estray Notice. RIocky, red, horned steer, weight 1.000, motal tag in ear, between July 15th and November 1st from experi mental sub-station. Suitable reward for recovery. 98-12 W. P. SNYDER. Supt. rices Ea on, Crone nnd Piko MaMoncrj, plain or fancy id 50c j lo .0.00 per box. Estrnun Kodaks, nil sizes at $1 to $120.00 Davcl'a (Jim ran Iced) Rubber goods, any piece you want Waterman's Fountain Pens, $2.00 and up Moore's non-leakable Pens, 2.00 and up Everendy Flush Lights and lotteries, all sizes, SI to $5 Universal Lunch Sets with or without Thermos bottles, 32.00 and up Victor Records 85c and up Victor Victrolas $22.50 and up You can get it at GUMMERE-DENT DRUG STORE i.t :.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t .t i.t i.t i.t i.t J.t i.t i.t i.t i.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t J.t I J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t it J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t t J.t J.t Jt J.t J.t - J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t J.t itJt2J5!5iJ2!i!!!!M!vMMM..........l................ fe Say! Stop, Listen, Read! Do you know what wo sell? Just read over the list and i you need anything in our line, phone 206 or call at the Lamb building on north Locuat street. WE II4NDLB COAL OF ALL KINDS CARNATION FLOUR CORN ML'AL GRAHAM FLOUR PAN CAKFi FLOUR BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 3IIXER CHICKEN FEUD CORN WHEAT SCREENINGS CORN CHOI' BARLEY Sl'ELTZ EGG MASH FOR CHICKENS CALF MEAL OF ALL KINDS. ALFALFA MOLASSES FEED COTTON CAKE LINDSEED OIL MEAL TANKAGE LEYP0LDT & PENNINGTON, Lamb Building, North Locust St. Phone 206 .4 J.t Jt J.t it I.t i.t i.t it jt j.t j.t 8 j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t jt j.t jt j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j.t Stores Prime ateera , $19.00020.35 Good to clioico ateera 17.WMsl9.FE Common to medium steer 10.75v416.75 Yearlings, fair to fancy 16.0019.90 I'ntcows anil helfnr i 8 3516.35 Canning rows nnd heifera 7.256. 8.25 Hulls, plain to beat 6.Efl12.fO Poor to fancy calves 6.7515.75 Western ranee utters 10.00W18.C0 These newspaper quotations represent live cattle prices in Chicago on December 30th, 1918. The list shows price ranges on nine general classified groups with a spread of $13.85 per cwt. the lowest at $6.50 and the highest at $20.35. Why this variation in price? Because the meat from differ ent animals varies greatly in quality and weight. Although the quotations shown are in nine divisions, Swift & Company grades cattle into 34 general classes, and each class into a variety of weights and qualities. As a result of these differences in cattle prices, (due to differences in 'weights and meat qualities), there is a range of 15 cents in Swift & Com pany's selling prices of beef car casses. These facts explain: 1 Why retail prices vary in different stores. 2 Why it would be difficult to regulate prices of cattle or beef. 3 Why it requires experts to judge cattle and to sell meat, so as to yield the profit of only a fraction of a cent a pound a profit too small to affect prices. Swift & Company.U.S.A. Keith Theatre TONIGHT AND ...SATURDAY... CHARLIE CHAPLIN The one and only Charlie in "Shoulder Arms" TONIGHT Bonnie Annie Laurie with Peggy Mylond SATURDAY-'Less Than Kin' with Wallace Reid SHOW STARTS EACH NIGHT AT 7:15 Adults 25c Balcony 20c Children 15c SPECIAL SERVICE FOR FARMERS Tlio slcndy growing popularity of this bank among farmers Is due lo but one tiling; we have equalled our selves to serve farmers to give them tlio kind of service Uiey wnnt and oM-t. Tho average farmer, owing to his handicap of distance from town, needs special service, lly tho use of the mails and the telephone we have hecn able to largely overcome this hnndl cap. Come In and see us the next time you arc hi town, favestigate our complete facilities aim meet some of the men who by long experience with farmers are especially well qualified 'to servo you. Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. n N ty.v.y.ys.'.';' iAY.s,; BROOD S OW SALE North Side Feed and Sale Stable, NORTH PL ATTE. NEB., Monday, January 20th, 1919 Commencing at 12:30 sharp, F. O. Johnson and Frank Strollberg aro soiling CI head of Regis tered Duroo Brod sows bred to flvo different Herd Boars. In this salo will bo tried sows, fall yearlings and spring gilts. Novor boforo has there been suicb. a draft of brood sows sold at North Platto. Tho best of breeding and individuals. Also 5 fall male pigs. Anybody needing a good herd boar for tho futuro Bhould attend tills salo and get an Illustrator Giant breeding, tho biggest of tho breed. Wo aro intending to stay In tho hog business and would appreci ate very much If you would Join us by buying a sow or two and grow hotter hogs on your farms. It Is prosperity upbuilding to tho country and yourself as well. You will feel moro llko working around your hog lot by knowing you havo a woll brod bunch of hogs around you. Wo need somo help to work up this kind of brooding and thoro foro start whllo wo aro trying to lntroduco these sales. Buy ono now and If luck Is with you, tho start Is 'inado. Wo will not descrlbo tho breeding of theso hogs through this AD but If Interested write for a cataloguo. Thoy aro ready and will bo mailed on request Tho animals to bo offored for salo will bo brought to tho salo barn Saturday, whoro thoy can bo seen prior to tho Balo. Don't forget tho dato, MONDAY, JANUARY 20th, at 12:30 at tho Mogenson Feed and Salo Barn. Wo would llko to havo yon with us that day whether you buy or not. FRANK STROLLBERG & F. 0. JOHNSON, Owners- NORTH PLATTE, :-: :-: NEBRASKA '..,.,.......,, ........: