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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1919)
yiiliiimiiiiiinrniiiiiiiiiiiimimnr.inirij; FATE'S WEB By AGNES G. DROQAN. 41 liiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliniilin (Cop rtffltt. 1U18, Wexti-m .NuWHHaiwr tinii i Fate lias a mysterious way of weav ing Her vul and cnmeshliiK within It the most unsuspecting. Thus, I'olly WlntOrgrpon, pIutitiitiK In her village homo a trip to the city to buy a new hat, and big John Brand, homo for the first time In many years from the West, little know in their hearts that Fate was slyly drawing them to gether. I'orhaps If Folly had known, she might have remained In Falrvillo. For her knowledge of love and Its ways had heon. gained entirely from certain hooks, first censored by Aunt Electa. From these tales Folly learned that Ideal lovers approached their fair ones always In an attitude of reverent hom age. Foreknowledge of John Brnnd'H confident manner of claiming bin own might therefore have deterred n frightened Folly from visiting the city. John himself, fresh from the life of the great outdoors, would have scoffed at being drnwn under any circum stances Into the scented atmosphero of a ladles' millinery parlor yet here they both were, with Fate preparing to lilng her net In Folly's sheltered life, the buying of a hat wns on adventure. So, her checks flushed with excitement anil her eyes sparkled In pleasuro as she wandered from table to table, select ing those to be tried on. Hig John, waiting frownlngly on n satln-covcrcd sofa, was overlooked. With the memory of those perfect he roes stamped upon her mind, there wns nothing In the Westerner's appear ance to arouse Folly's Interest. She selected a velvet turban from n 'stand nt his side, and proceeded to draw It down over her llufTy hair. The effect was charming. The Westerner, who hnd been regarding half-con-tcmptuously the girl's frail daintiness, sat up suddenly with new attention. There wns an expression In tho dewy eyes bcncalh tho turban's brim which ho had never seen before. Half shy was tho look, and wholly appealing. John Brand had k'nown many wom en efficient, good and clever. Hut their eyes had not shone with that sclf-sacrlficlng womanly light, or so tho Westerner thought, for fate, you see, was holding the mirror. Ho wns obliged to see the manager of this great department store upon n matter of business; his Impatience led him In the chase to tho millinery department, where it. was said that worthy could he found. nis Impatience vanished as ho .leaned back, watching Folly as she sur veyed her own rellected face. "I like this shape very much," she said. "It Is great!" the Westerner genial ly commented. Folly wheeled about, flushing rosily; she ban fancied herself speaking to tho saleswoman, who was not now near. "I've got a picture of my mother," ho went on, 'Villi a little velvet thing like that on her head; It was taken years ago. She died before I was old enough to remember her. Hut yon make me think or that picture some waythe hat. the look In your eyes." Folly stared. The strange big man finished musingly, as though In- had forgotten her presence. "I would like to have this same shape covered In blue," Folly said. ''I made the trip In town today because it Is necessary to have the hut for n special oecnxion. Could yon promise . it surely for the day afler .tomorrow?" "Impossible!" the woman answered, wearily, "Wo are swamped with work. Twelve hats promised for a hlg society wedding tomorrow; more the day after. It Is an unusually busy senson. Could you not take this pur plo shape?" "The hat must match my blue suit." Folly lamented. John Brand, upon his own sldo of tho mirror, could not know of the disappointment through which tho blue-eyed girl was passing. Folly had dreamed of the blue suit and bat she would wear; simple they would have to be, hut of a late fash- Ion. No other hat of suitable price or appearance wns available In her limited search. The train for Falr vlllo would leave soon. She would hnvc to go hack and wear again among them all her old and faded felt. ' "I suppose," the saleswoman sag gested presently, "tlint I could per suade one of the trimmers to take tho hat home and make it up for you af ter hours. Hut they've been working bo hnrd they are pretty tired " Now, though John Fraud could not realize In his experience of the hlg things of life, how very real to Folly was her disappointment In this In stance, ho did realize tho unselfish "Oh! I would not think of adding to tho girl's work," said Folly. "I will como in again nt a Inter time." Around tho Westerner's heart crept a comforting glow. It wns as though nftor long search he had como upon that which he most desired. if And as Folly came around tho mir ror ho wns talking to the manager, . who listened with deference. The manager turned to shake bauds with his customer, Miss Wlntorgrecn, nnd the Westerner, whoso great suc cess hnd been achieved through recog nizing opportunity, Immediately be ssought tho mannger for n Introduc ed tlon. Bo Fate cast her net I And neither Polly, John Hrand, her husband, or Aunt Klecta, the censor, have had cause to auesjloq Fate's wisdom. WALLABY QUICKLY WIPED OUT Australian Pest Didn't Last Long When Its Pelt Became of Valuo In the Market. Before the ndvent of tho rnbhlt nnd the fox In Austrnlia tho rock-wallaby made Its home among the cliffs bor dering the Snowy river, whore It pnsses through southern Monnro (N. W.), literally In thousands. Tho little red-brown quadruped was then becoming u grass pest, nnd us Ids skin was then worth only 4 cents the pelt hunter didn't bother much about him. Ltiit mi Interested mutton merchant some years ago put n premium on tho skins, nnd tho writer nnd a mate started out one winter morning, wfth bout two Inches of frost on the ground and every tree powdored with hoar-frost, for tho wallaby ground. ho artillery consisted of two guns, one u single muzzie-iontier. fine breeih-loader was then a rarity on Monnrb.) By noon tho hunters had downed over sixty wallabies. Tho beasts were so numerous In somo quarters that two wallabies occasion ally fell to n single shot. Soon after that the pelt trader scented profit, nhd the work of demolition began. ow these cMffa are silent and desert ed, save for Reynard and tho eternal rabbit, which crops the wallaby pas tures close and from this rough coun try will never he exterminated. DULL AND CHRONIC HEADACHE Affliction, Physician Asserts, May In variably Be Traced to the Pres ence of Rheumatism. Rheumatic headache may he acute, but In most enscs it is dull and chronic, lnstlng for weeks, months or yenrs. It is slightly more common In women than in men, and it occurs very rarely below the ago of -0, and most common ly above -10 years of age. The pain Is real and muy be constant, or fairly steady with Intermissions, writes Dr. Hugh T. Fatrlck In the Journal of American Medical Association. It does not occur in Instantaneous shoots or brief excruciating paroxysms, Nausea nnd vomiting nre not present with it. There uro good days, had days, but with moro or less pain or soreness al ways present. Tho headache Is.worsu after exposure to cold or dampness. This form of hendacho Is really n rheumatic affection, and evidences of pnst rheumatism are almost always found. Its exact nature Is obscure ; bac terial infection of tho tissues of the aching region is probable. Treatment consists of prolonged, repeated appli cation of heat and tho employment of persistent massage of the area of pain, which Is most usually at tho back of tho head on both sides, and may ex tend down to neck, shoulders nnd hack. It Is tender to deep pressure, but not to surface pressure. Vastness of Mexico. It cannot ho reiterated too often that Mexico is n vast country. Mexico extends In length over two thousand miles, or Is ns long as from Iceland to Afrlcn. It measures n thou sand miles ucross the widest area. It is vast, it contains every climate from tropical to northern; It has huge moun tains, somo of tho greatest volcanoes in the world ; and some of tho largest rlvors are to lie found in tho south, although water Is lacking In tho north. Tho north Is flat and hideous, the south beautiful and mountainous. Mexico produces every class of ore and nvtry form of agriculture and some of tho most picturesque and beautiful old Spanish towns In tho world romnln from tho days when they were built by Crtrtez In 1519. One cannot help being struck with the contrast between tho two coasts. On tho Faclllc shoro everything Is dry ; on the Gulf (Atlantic) everything Is wet. A deptli of eight or ten feet of Eoll is common. From "Mexico," by Mrs. Alec-Tweedle. Arabian Tabic Customs, "Whenever I visit San Francisco I tllno with an Arab a business ac quiilntunce and the members of his family," said Thomas Hart well of Mexico City. In an Interview at Now York. "In their eating they still at tempt to follow the customs of their country. At their table I tasted for the 'llrst time the most popular Arab dish, which is called pllaf. It Is mado of olive oil and a few nut kernels mixed with rice. My host's wife makes her own bread, which Is baked In fiat cakes an Inch thick and compares very well with the linker's bread which tho Americans use. Tho Arab is a dry eat er mid does not tnke his coffee with Id's repast. I find that my host and his family sip their cotToo in small cups und regard it as u luxury. They stilt hold to tho belief, In splto of the fact that they Imvo lived in this country for several years, that those who do not mako a nolso with their lips in drinking coffee aro lllbred." Portunal'a Many Holidays. Christmas day is not so generally observed as New Year's day. It h.:s, moreover, only three different dates. Tho only country whoso holidays re veal little of its political, racial or n- Unions origin is Portugal. This is i.a calendar: .lauuary 1, dedicated to uni versal brotherhood; January HI, dedi cated to the memory of all those who fought and died to establish the repub lic of Portugal; May H, In memory of tno discovery of Brazil by the Porta- guose; June 10, municipal holiday at Oporto ; October 0, tho dutu of tho cs- tabllshment of tho Portuguese repub lic; December 1, Flag day, to coieinem- orate the Independence of tho coun try; December 'Si, Family day. Xotlco to IVntcr Consumers. Dills for water for tho "past three months aro now duo and payable at tho wntor office A discount "of one cent por thousand gallons will bo . given on all bills paid on or hoforo January 20, 1010. No discount after the 20th of January. HERSHEY WELSH. Water Com missioner. Charter No. ."HOG. Keserve DIat. No. 10 Report of tho condition of tho FIRST NATIONAL BANK at North Platte, In tho state of Nobras kn, at the dose of business on Decani l,r SI. 191S. mcsbimcKS Loans nnd lls counts JG81,8fi0.71 Overdrafts se cured and unsec ured 740.CS I'. S. ImiiiiIm (dIIkt (linn MIllTl' IllllXlH.) (J. 8. bonds de posited to so euro circulation (par value .... $100,000.00 U. 8. bonds nnd certificates of Indebte d n e 8 s pledged to mi- . cure- 17. H. de posits (par val ue) 2S.000.00 V 8. bonds ami certificates of In debtedness own ed nnd unpledg- od ; r.5,000.00 Lluorty Loan Bonds. 3V4, 4 nnd 4 Vi por cent, un pledged Liberty Loan Uondx, 3V4, I and I 'A nor cent pledged to se- 150,000.00 curo U. 8. de posits Liberty Loan Bonds, 3, and 4 Vi per cent, pledged to se cure postal biiv Ings depoHlt . . Payments nctunlly made on Liberty -t Vi per cent bonds of the Fourth 1 Iberty Loan owned . . . 1,000.00 6,000.00 55,000.00 69,500.00 IIoniIm, NccurltlcK, etc.: uondB other than U. 8. bonds pledged to se cure postal sav ings deposits Securities other 3.000.00 than U. 8. bonds (not Including Btocks) own ed unpledged ... 3S.023.SG Total bonds, se Hecurltles, etc.. other than U. S. Stock of I-'edor-al Reserve liank (50 per cent of sub scription) .... Valuo of bank ing house 59,000.00 Equity In bank ing house .... Furniture and fixtures Ileal estate own ed other than banking house Lawful resorvo ' with Fed oral Ueservo Hank . . 53,2?4i79 Cash In vault and net amount 41.023.8C 4.500.00 59,000.00 4,928.50 750.00 duo rrom na tional banks ... Not amounts due from banks nnd bankers, nnd trust compan ies other than included In Items 13. 14 or 15 Checks on othor banks In tho samo city or town as report ing bank (oth er limn Item 17) Itt-demptlon fund with U. S. Treasurer anil duo from U. S. Treasurer Interost ORt'iieil but not collect ed approxim ate on Notes and 11111s Hecolv able not unst 202,043,70 3,771.81 20,?S1.S3 5,000.00 2S4.185.19 Ilia . . . . 11.05 Total ...$1,331,990.02 LTAHlHTIES Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus fund . . 50,000.00 Undivided profits . . 3,373.05 Less current expenses, Interest, and taxes paid none- 3,373.05 Interest and discount collected or credit- ett.'ln advance of maturity and not earned (approxi mate) 10,002.39 Circulating notes outstanding . . 00,900.00 Net amounts duo to banks, bank ers, and trust companies (other than In cluded In 31 or 32) 135.CQS.08 ' Individual do- . posits subject to check SSGjSftl.GQ Certlllcntos of deposit due In less than 30 days (othor than for mon ey borrowed) .. 34.13Q.2S Cashiers checks outstanding 9,005.02 Dividends unpaid .. 10,000.00 Time deposits subject to re serve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notlco, postal savings: Certlllcates of deposit (other than for mon ey borrowed) .. 2t0.0S1.4l Postal savings depos ts D.S20.1S Othor time do- ; posits 22.7S1.1J United States de posit (othor than postal savings) War loan deposit account b.uu'J.U'J War savings de posit cortlucata and thrift stamp deposit account 703.15 Othor United BtntoB deposits Including de posits of U. a disbursing offlcors 1,000.00 Cash letters of Credits and Trav elers.' chocks outstanding . , 00.00 1,071, 113. 9S Totnl $1,331,990.02 aiato or Nebraska, county or Lincoln as. 1, I' L. Moonoy. Cnshlor of tho above- named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement is true to the boat oi my Knowledge ana tieiier. P. n. MOONIO'V. Oa.hl.r Subscribed and sworn to bofore me thU 7tb dav of .lanuary. 1919. N. 13. lU'CKLKV, Notary Public, worrect Attest: 12. V. HEEBEUOErt, HAT C. LANQFOub, john j. iiallioan! Directors, NOTICE! Why not write your fire nnd cyclone Insurance with n reliable company who Invest their premiums in Liberty ll.ifula fiii.l irtvn imp ntttifv flln fr.w1tt $cc ,18 for form nnd automobile rates NEBRASKA HEAL ESTATE CO. W. E. FLYNN ATTOItNEY-AT-LAN ' ' Office over McDonald Hunk. Office Fhone ll.'IC .lies. IMiono HL'li L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. My ono host rcferenco I'm nlwavs dated ahead Fhone nt my expense for dales OGALALLA, ISE11UASKA NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ol Postoflice. Phone 58 A modern institution for the scientific trentmpnt of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ky and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lucas, M. D. J. B. Redfiekl, M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. GEO. B. DENT, Fhsylclnn and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstretrlcs. Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phonos: Offlco 130, Residenco 115 Office Phono 340 Res. Black 37G DIt. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platte, Neb Rcferonco:- Farmers State Bank It. I. SIIAPPELL, AUCTIONEER Sutherland, Nchr. alway tako stock buyers with mo ana always soil for tho high dollar. DERRYBERRI & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertaken, and Funeral Directors Day phone 11 Night phono Black 5S8 Notice lo Creditors. Estate No. 1G05 of Hans D. Jergen sen, Deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss. Cred llors of said estate will take notico that tho time limited for presentation and llllng or claims against said cs tato is May 7th, 191!), and for settle ment of said estate is January 3d, 1920; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county on Februa ry 7th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. in., and on amy an, iuiu, at iu o'clock a. m., to receive, examine, henr, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly I1ICU. Win. II. C. WOODHURST, J7-J31 County Judge iVolico of Hearing. State of Nebraska, County of Lin- coin, ss. In the matter of tho Estate of Aaron Mills, Deceased. In tho County Court. ot o.. .w.Ufi. .htaoaoitaajoaetaollheee To all persons interested in tho os tato of Aaron Mills, deceased, both creditors and heirs, tako notice, That on tho 21th day of December, 1918, Carl Gottlieb Fredrich, Hied his peti tion in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska sotting forth that ho Is tho owner In fee slmplo of tho fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Tho SWU of Section 26. Township 13, North of Rango 32 West 6th P. M. in Lincoln County, Nebraska; that the said Aaron Mills died intestato on Fobruary 11, 1898, in Lincoln County, Nebraska, bolng at tho time of his death a resident and inhabitant of said Lincoln County, Nohraska, and that at tho tlmo of tho death of tho said Aaron Mills ho was owner in fco slmplo of tno nbovo (loscruiea real ostato. That moro than two years havo elapsed slnco his death that no application has uvui uuun iiiuuo iui uiu iiiiiuiiuiiiuin.ior property Hold in trust of an administrator in tho State of Nohraska, that tho deceased left sur viving tho following named holrs and no othor: AVlUInm Mills, Egbert Mills nnd Oscar M. Mills. You aro further notified that said potltlonor prays tho Court to fix a time nnd plnco for tho hoaring of said peti tion, that notico of said tlmo nnd place bo given to all porspns interested in said estate, both creditors and hoirs, and for tho Court to dotormino tho tlmo of tho death of tho said docoasod and for a dotormlnatlon of tho heir ship of tjioaald deceased, a decree of kinship nnd tho right of descent of said real ostate. You aro furtlior notified that said inattor will bo heard hoforo tho Court at tho County Court room of said Court on tho 31st day of January, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., when any porson may appear, object to or con test said potitlon. Dated Decombor 24. 1918. Wra. II . C. WOODHURST, J7-J27 County Judge ROSE COMB RHODE j i ISLAND RED COCKERELS! I have a good supply of splendid Roso Comb Cockerels that aro all brand now blood in country. Largo bonod, sturdy fellows, that will pleaso tho fancy or the most partic ular breeder. Twenty birds that range in price from ?3 to $10 each. These aro from high scoring, bred from lay ing stock. Seo theso beforo you buy elsewhere. So. Park Poultry Yards Itoso Combs Ilcds Only. J. H. VAN CLEAVE Best Price Paid for AT the Hog Market Office at the Old Stock Yards We also buy cattle. Call phone Black 381 for prices ED. TODENHOFT, North Platte, Nebraska. hk Price for Furs. From $2 to $4.50 for prime skins. Muskrats from 20c to $1.30 L. LIPSHITZ. Notice of, Incorporation of, Guodman-Iluckloy Trust Company. Notico is hereby given that Edward R. Goodman, Newton E. Buckley, Graco S. Goodman, have associated and John Burke, have associated themselves together for tho purpose of forming and becoming a Corpora tion, under tho laws of the State of Nebraska. That the name of said Corporation is "Goodman-Buckley , Trust Com pany." That tho principal place of transacting tho business thereof, is North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka. That the general nature of the business to bo transacted is to re ceive trust funds for investment or in trust;- to act as a safo deposit company; to accept, and execute all trusts and perform all duties as may bo committed to them as assignees, receiver, trustee or depositor; to take, accept and hold any real or personal property In trust and to care for, manage mid convey same; to act as agent or attorney-in-fact for any per son or corporation for the manage ment and control of any real or per sonal property and tho sale thereof, and the investment of money: to ac cept from and execute trusts for mar ried women in respect to their separ ate property and to act as agents' for them in tho management thereof; to act as administrator or executor of estates or as guardian, curator, or conservator of the property of per sons under disability; or as trustee of any person or estate; to loan money upon real estate and to borrow money and to execute and lssuo its notes payable, and to pledgo its real estate, mortgages or other securities thorofor; to buy, own, hold and sell bonds, stocks, warrants, bills of ex change, notes, mortgagos and other in vestment securities, negotiable or non- negotiable; to purchase, own or rent real estate and to orect buildings thereon nnd to do and perform all acts and exorcise all powers connect ed with, belonging or incident to the powers and. responsibilities herein before, stated. That tho amount of tho capital stock authorized by tho said Corpor tlon is Fifty Thousand Dollars ($ri0,000.00), all of which has been paid in full. That tho tlmo of tho commencement of said Corporation Is January 1, 1919, and tho tlmo of tho termination thoroof is January 1. 19G9. That tho highest amount of Indebtedness or liability, to which tho Corporation in to n.t anv tlmo nnlilnrt Mflnlf la i Thlrty-threo Thousand Thro0 Hundred Thlrtv-throo nnlinm nml Tiiirtv.thrnn cents ($33,333.33), exclusive of money That tho offlcors, who aro to con duct tho affairs of said Corporation aro flvo directors, a Presldont, Vice President and Secrotnry-Treasuror. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, Decombor 27. 1918. EDWARD R. GOODMAN. NEWTON E. BUCKLEY. GRACE S. GOODMAN. NELL E. BUCKLEY, JOHN BURKE. D31-J24 Incorporator Nollco oMWItloiw Estato No. 1G10 of Evangolino Gough, deceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, To all por sons Interested In said Estato tako notlco that a potitlon has been filed for tho appointmont of O. E. Eldor as administrator of said ostato, which has boon sot for hearing heroin on January 24, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated Decombor 28, 1918. Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, D31-J17 County Judge. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black G33 y. T. PKITCIIAUD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of tho Court House. LEGAL NOTICE. Morell Keith Neville; Plaintiff, vs. David Cash nnd Ellen L. Cash, and tho heirs, doviseos, legatees and per sonal representatives and against all persons interested in tho estato of David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, de ceased, and against the unknown ownors and claimants of tho following doscribed land situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, Northeast Quarter of ' Northeast Quarter and Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Section 1, Township 13, Rango 30; East Half of Northeast Quarter and Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section 35, Township 14, Rango 30. Tho un known holrs, devisees, or legatees of Abram Wiloy, deceased, unknown heirs, devisees or legatees of Cynthia T. Wiley, deceased, and the unknown holrs, devisees or legatees of Frank M. Wiley, deceased, nnd ngalnst tho unknown owners or claimants of the following described land situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, South half of Northeast quarter and Lots 1 and 2 of Section 4, Township 13, Range 29. George A. Hoagland, his holrs, dovisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and 'Unknown claimants of the following described land situated in Lincoln County, Nebraska, South Half of Southeast Quarter, South Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 13, Range 29, Defendants First Cause of Action. To David Cash, Ellen L. Cash and tho heirs, dovisees, legatees and per sonal representatives and all persons interested in the ostato of David Cash, deceased, and Ellen L. Cash, deceased, and tho unknown owners and un known claimants of the following de scribed land situate In L.ncoln County Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NEVi oS NEi) and Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) of Soctilon One (1) Township Thirteen (13), N. of Range Thirty (30) and tho East Half of Northeast Quarter (E. of NEVi) and Lots One (1). Two (2) and Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteen (14), N. of Range Thirty (30), West 6th P. M., defendants. You and each of you will take notlco that Morell Keith Neville has com menced an action in t;he District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the ob ject and prayer of which said potitlon is to quiet title in plaintiff against you and each of you in the following described lands situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NE4 of NE14) and Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) of Section One (1) Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thir ty (30), West Gth P. M., and East Half of Northeast Quarter (E of NEVi) and Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteon (14), Rango Thir ty (30), West 6th P. M., and to have decreed to him new and independent title by reason of adverse possession of said described promises against you by himself and his grantors. Second Cause of Action. To Abram Wiley, Cynthia T. Wiley, Frank M. Wiley and tho heirs, dovi sees, legatees and personal represen tatives and all persons interested in (he estate of Abram Wiley, deceased, Cynthia T. Wiley, deceased.and Frank M. Wiloy, deceased, and tho unknown owners and tho unknown claimants of the following described lands sit uate in Lincoln County. Nebraska, to wit: South half of Northeast Quar ter (SVj NEVi) and Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Section Four (4) in Township Thirteen (13), Range Twen-ty-nino (29), West of the 6th P. M.. defendants. You nnd each of you will take notice that Morell Keith Novillo has commonced an action in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, tho ob ject nnd prayer of which said petition is to quiet title in plaintiff against you and each of you in the following des cribed lands situato in Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, to-wit: South Half of Northeast Quarter (SV2 NE,4 and Lots Ono (1) and Two (2) of Section Four (4), Township Thirteen (13). Range Twenty-nine (29), west of tho 0th P. M., and to have decreed in him now and independent titlo by reason of advorso possession of said describ ed lands against you by himself and his grantors. Third Cause of Action. To George A. Hoagland and the hoirs, dovisees, legatees and personal reprosontntivos nnd all persons in terested in tho estate of Georgo A. Hoagland, deceased, and tho unknown owners and unknown clnlmants of tho following doscribed lands situato Jn Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit: South half of Southeast Quarter (SV of SEVi) and South Half of Southwest Quarter (SVa of SWVi) of Section twcivo ua), Township Thirteen (13), Rango Twenty-nine (29), west of tho 6th P. M.. defendants. Yam and each of you will tako notice that Morell Keith Neville has com monced an action in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, tho ob ject and prayer of which said petition is to quiet titlo in plaintiff against you nnd each of you in tho following de scribed lands situato in Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, to-wit: South Half of Southeast Quartor (SVa SEV4) and South Half of Southwest Quartor (SVa of SWV4) of Soctlon Twelve (12). Township Thlrteon (13). Rango Twen-ty-nino (29). west of the 6th P. Jr., and to havo decreed in him now and indepondont titlo by roason of ad vforso possession of said tre-scribed promise? ngalnst you by himself and his grantors. You and each of you will mako ansvvor horoln on or boforo tho 17th day of Fobruary, 1919, or your de faults will bo taken and Judgment taken and entered against you as In said petition prayed. MORELL KEITH NEVILLE, J?-5w Plaintiff.