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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1919)
EVELYN NESBIT in 'Ik Wo man wsio we An intense and powerful photoplay of a woman's struggles to keep her life clean for the sake of her son. January 15 and 16, Wednesday and Thursday Keith Theatre COMMON CLAY By VICTOR REDCLIFFE. LOCAL AJfl) PERSONAL Miss Mldred Norris rcturnoi to Ora-! alia Sutoday after a visit with rclatlvos ' In town. i f you want to soo "Johanna En-Ists,- with Mary Plckford tonight will bo your last chance. Dont forget at Tho Keith. Vincent Roddy who Is stationed at tho Mare Island navy yard, arrived homo Sunday on a furlough that will extend to February 7th. The narrow room between tho Sun theatro and tho Nyall drug store has been leased by Mrs. Albert Abel who will conduct a coffee house. John Monroe left yesterday, for Om aha where ho will take treatment for stomach trouble which has mado life somewhat of a burden to him for some timo past. ' For rent, threo unfernished rooms for light house keoplng. Nice location- Phono Red G70. 2 Tho H. & M. Shoo Store ln Omaha, of which our former resident Harry Fleishman is tho heart, opened for bus iness yesterday- Evidently tho 13th has no terror for Harry. The Y. P. M. S. of 'thci Lutheran church will, meet Friday evening at 7::30 at the' homo ot Margaret Fred-1 rickson. Members and friends aro urged to be present. I A social will bo given for the young : people of the Christian bible school j in tho basement of the Christain church Friday evening, Jnnuary 17th, at 8 oclock. An invitation is extended to the soldier boys who are not at tending bible school elsewhere. The fines In tho county court for the last six months of last year amounted to $1,121, which is evidence that the ways of the transgressor is costly. Tho excess fees for the half year were abo,ut two thousand dollars which wero turn ed over to tho county treasurer by Judge Woodhcrst. The office is some what of a money maker for the county. Donations Asked for t lie Needy The 20th Century Club met with Mrs. M. E. Scott on Tuesday afternoon, January 7th, Mrs- Plolstickcr assisting tho hostess. As is tho'custom, dainty refreshments were sorved at 3:30 and the program followed ltnmedmtoly. Airs. Cramer gave a splendid talk on "Womans Part in tho Reconstruction Work, which was followed by a goneral discussion. In tho business meeting, tho club decided to follow up the work of tho Christmas timo and voted to nsk tho public for contributions or clothing, bedding and money for tho needy of our city. A commltteo was appointed with Mrs. Ralph Smith chairman who will be at tho Library building every Friday afternoon from two to six to receive and distribute such articles Thero are a number of cases needing help and our peoplo aro sure to respond. as they ulways do when tho call for help comes. Tho names of those in need are asked to be reported to Mrs. Ralph Smith. Plenso bear this in mind and bring your cloth ing to tho basement of tho library building on next Friday afternoon, Jan. 17th, and following Fridays until further notified. Tho club will meet Tuesday after noon, January 21st, with Mrs. Charles Edwards, Mrs. W. H. McDonald as sisting. A discussion, Responsibili ties of Women as Voters will bo led by Mrs. York Ilinman. Tho literary department will have charge of the program. : :o: :- KEITH THEATRE Friday & Saturday CHARLIE CHAPLIN --IN- "SHOULDER ARMS" Three thousand feet of Charlie's ideas of killing Huns. First Show 7:15 Adults 25c, Balcony 20e, Children 15c, including war tax. f DON'T Neglect Your Cough At the first sign of a cough or cold take REXALL Cherry Bark Cough Syrup or REXAL.L Cold Tablets and check what might lead to serious results THE STORE la Public Auction. I will sell at public auction across from the postofflco on Saturday, Jan ISth, a lot of good household goods, a nineteen hundred and seventeen model Maxwell car in good shape, and a lot of wrenches and other articles too nu merous to mention. commence at z:au. i c. PIELSTICKER, F. M. JOHANSEX, Clerk Auctioneer. : :o: Lecture on tho Bible. The second of a series of lectures on the bible and the rundamentals of tho christian faith will -jq given by Rev. Koch Thursday ovening at tho Epis copal church at eight oclock. Al though or a simiar nature, these lec tures differ from those given last year. Everynno is welcome. : :o: : The Methodist ai,i society will meet next Thursdnv afternoon in the church parlr.r. As there aro matters of im portance to come before the meeting a largo attendanco is expected. Com mencing at 5:30 in tho evening the la dieM aid will servo one of their usual splendid suppers to tho public, tho menu consisting of hot veal loaf, mashpd potatoes, green string beans, relishes, Jelly, home mado bread and pies- For nnlnlr nrMrm unit .ntli-fnniA.. .-iMinititlutT nlo list yonr Innd with Thocleckc tf Showing with tho Chnplin picturo "Shoulder Arms" at tho Keith Friday night will bo Peggy Hyland in Bonnio Annio Laurio and Saturday night Wal laco Roid In Less Than Kin. Owing to the length of tho shows the pictures will bo started promptly at 7:15 Fri day and Saturday nights. Pleaso bear this in mind nnd come as early as possible. . : o : : ""The Groat Adventure." Have you. jjentle reader, if you aro a girl, evor had smVt'cna for a career on the stage? Haye you ever laid awake nights making plans as to how you are going to get your chance and felt that if you ever did get it you would certainly "make good" and be come a star? Well, Bessie Love, the Pathe atar, plays a girl with such ambitions in tho first of her Pathe plays, "The Great Adventure" which will be nt tho Sun Theatre Thursday. And in this charm ing photoplay you will see how one young girl found her chance and "stole away tho show" from those who hod much more experience. "The Great Adventure" takoB you behind the scenes and tells in delight fnl faBhion a romance such as once in a while happens in this work-n-day world Miss Love is most loveable in a role which fits her like a glove. ANNUAL lUlOOI) SOW SALE. Fifty Illumined big typed Poland China Brood Sows to ho sold Thurs day, Jam It. Snlo to bo hold Inside largo barn on the farm four miles west of Lexington rcgardloss of the weather. If Interested send for cat alogue, J 0 ANDERSON : :o: :- Wnnted A jfood. steady gontloman ly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Lincoln county. No experienco need ed. For full particulars writo promptly to Dr Ward's Medical Com pany, Winona, Minnesota, Established 185C. 99-G ttoottttttoutttitttcmei (CopjrlgUt, 1018, Wwli-ra Newspaper UnloiO "Tho same old Warren Boyd 1" "Hasn't changed one particle 1" Two marrluil sisters of tho Etstou family stood peering from behind n window curtain nt Wnrren Hoyd. He had Just arrived, the guest of their brother Hnrley. It had been over six years since they had been playmates, great changes hnd transpired since then, but the worldly wise wedded sis tors speuulatlvely viewed the young junn whom they believed only one In ilueiice would ever bring to Wnlden, nnd that wns N.tldn. She had been his bright star of hope In boyhood days; he had managed to meet her nt least once or twice during n year. "A SllPlllflnir fnnilnnsa 1 mii mif vl.l if tn- r- - ' . . . I vi . . . iri, iui , .1 1 . . I . . 1 1 I 1 . . . vv . . . i a uivmity, no torn nnriey signtuiiy, who declared sturdily that Nalda was true blue nnd wns waiting for him to grow up. nnd no one else. And now ho had shown up. not ono particle clmnged. nnd as calculating, shrewd wltted Mrs. May Tolson turned over this young man In her mind ns a possible desirable party for Nnlda, her admiration of nny fine points Warren might hnve faded away. "He won't do," she told herself. "lie is just the same big overgrown coun try boy, awkward, self conscious, clum sy. Why, he lets the little ones play with him as If he was some grent good nnturcd dog." From another window Nalda peered also, but tho sweet serenity of her face wns nlmost nngelic ns she read in this great accommodating guest an innate love ftr children, nnd saw him enter heart nnd soul Into their Inno cent pleasures. She hnd not seen him for a year. Yes, he wns the same. Some of the crude lines of fnce nnd form hnd toned down, but there wns not a trace of artifice, not the remot est nttempt to act other than whnt ho was. The little ones piled upon him as a good nntured big brother. He amazed and delighted them with the various marvelous little parcels of sweetmeats ho produced from strange hidden pockets, nnd when Mrs. Tolson nnd Mrs. Mnrcy sailed down Into tho garden In all their royal nrray of dig nity nnd purpose In view, he brushed back his hair ns would some embar rassed school boy and sat uneasily on the chair between them, feeling some how that ho wns In the presence of unfriendly censors, yet know not why. Nalda stole a last distant glnnco nt him. She fancied she liked a certain forced repose nnd gunrdedness thnt came Into his face ns he confronted her officious sisters. "We learn great news, Mr. Boyd," spoke Mrs. Tolson sweetly. "Your uncle has mnde permanent provision for your cousin nnd yourself, wo un di..tnnd?" "The grand old trump 1" cried Wnr ren. "He's enred for us orphans, he's educnled us nnd now he's started us out in life a man to love, truly." "Has ho has he quite settled his business. affairs?" delicately Mrs. Mnr cy Intimated. "Oh, quite," answered Wnrren blunt ly. "You. see, there's the town proper ty nnd the bnnk. That was the bulk, no wanted to divide It between Arthur and I. 'No sir!' I said 'Arthur is a cripple, an Invnlld. Ho needs a suro income. Give him the sure end of tho estate so he'll hnve no worry.' Dear, bravo Arthur I gentle as n girl, patient nmlrt all his grent sufferings." "Why why ," overflowed tho ns touunded nnd Indignant Mrs. Tolson, "whnt wns left for you?" "The old brick works down the riv er. You see, that was n losing Invest ment for Uncle Cnrr, who never un derstood tho business, nnd neglected It. I went down there last week and looked it over. I saw nil those nent little cottages gono to neglect nnd ruin. I saw the workmen half employed, half paid, half hearted. 'Oh, Uncle 1' I snld, 'give me those men, these women, these children. Give mo Mud Creek, sunk In tho slovenliness of indiffer ence, give me this business to raise to something worth while, these souls to plnco upon the higher ground of n now existence.' Thank God! ho did It, nnd I hnve found my llfo work." Nnlda Elston had come down Into the garden. Twenty feet away, sho Btood fairly entranced by the sudden Inspiration thnt hnd flnshed from tho soul of a mnn who to all hnd been a mere lump of common clay, ner soul took firo ln turn. Ills fnce was irradl ated, ho wns at once transformed. "The blind, perverted Idiot I" mut tered Mrs. Tolson, under her brcnth. "When ho could have grabbed ease, luxury, wealth I" echoed Mrs. Mnrcy. "Oh, Indeed; this plodder, this being who whittled nwny his ehnnccs would not do for Nnlda nt all 1" "I hoard you It Is splendid!" cried Nnlda, with beaming, overflowing eyes, on hour later. "Yes, yes, denr War ren, say it again," she plcnded, and she clung to his outstretched hnnds. "You are to go among those poor, for gotten people, n llttlo brother of the poor. You nro to havo monfjy, abso lute control, n free hand. And you come to nsk mo " "If you could suggest somo ono willing to help mo shoulder the bur den, and lend tho benight 1 out from tho shadow Into tho glorious sunlight of n new and beautiful life." "A llttlo sister of tho poor, Just as you aro tho friend, the brother, tho guide nnd tho lender? Oh, Warren 1" nnd how thnt dear, sweet face yearned Into his rapt, eager own "mnko mo worthy of this, tho proudest duty nnd privilege that ever fell to tho lot of woman I" Paul Tobin, who hnd been transact ing business in Denver since his dis charge from sorvice, returned to town yosterdny and will resume his manage ment of tho Interests of tho Harrington Mercantile Cor in this section. Wanted Work night and mornings and Saturdays by high school boy. Phono Rlnck S5S. Carl Brodbeck, '.who had heen stn tioned nt Cnmp Meigs, nenr Washing ton, D. C, in the commissary depart, ment, arrivod home Sunday, hnving received his discharge. Lord Dnltlnioro Pound Paper and Envelopes. Enough for B(J lottors. Special at C9c. REXALL DRUG STORE. W t ' " t t't ' ' v 3 j;t it Oh YOU PATENT FLOUR Uncle Sam says we can make That Old Style Patent "COW BRAND" THAT QUALITY FIRST FLOUR Its Every First Class Grocer in North Platte has "Cow Brand" Patent. BUY A SACK. the Only Patent in Town J.J i.t It it it i.t it i.t :.: :.: j.t J.t :.: H j.t j.t j.t it i.t if it a it i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t it ,SJ 'V j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t it i.t J.t J.t i.t i.t i.t i.t i.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t J.t J.t Harry Brodbeck, ,wbo has been Jfpm.c, on n furlough for several woeksi "wllr return Thursday night to tho Great , Lrfcos naval training stntion. Don't Dry Dishes -Fan ism SE BLAOKLEGOIOS TO VACCINATE AGASNST BLACKLEG SIMPLE :: SAFE :: EFFECTIVE ! Ho dooo to measure. No liquid to spill. No string to rot. Simply a llttlo pill to be lnocted undor tho skin b Write forfroaUookletaon"llliiekleKartil How tu l'rovent It" I FOR SALE BY iiiiiiiiiui iiisiivii vr STONE PHARMACY. AGENT. ttm& I U "GOSH ALL FISH HOOKS. AS THE FELLOW SAYS" We have more salt and more kinds of salt than all the dealers of North Platte put together. Detter call and get your supply. . Our sales of CARNATION FLOUR is con stantly increasing. Leypoldt & Pennington PHONE 206. Lamb Building; North Locust Street WE ARE OFFERING 45 Head of Big Type Poland-China BROOD SOWS Consisting of 10 Tried Sows, 11 Full Gills and 18 Spring dills: Sale io lie held in tho llesack Jlarn. 2 Blocks south of tho U. P. depot in North Flntto on Tuesday, January 21st, 1919, beginning nt one o'clock . in. Tho Tried Sows aro moHtlv sired lv Ornliim Bob 90173 byntlio BIr Orphan G3348. sonio of them sired by Jumbo Chief 80512 by Mcvwh Doublo Chlof 77098. Tho Fall Gilts aro slrod by Star Victor 84409 by Nobraska Bon Amazon 74110. Tho SnrftiK Gilts aro sired by Extra Wondor 88380, by Extra Long G9044. I havo bought my breed ing stock out of such herds as J. E. Smatlan, Schuyler; Phil Dawson, Endlcott; and La Vorn A. Ball, Albion. Thoy aro bred to Fancy Big Bono by Giant Big Bono Prospect, others aro bred by Long Boy by Nobraska Boy. Others are brod to TImms Prospect owned by La Vorn A. Ball. All of our hogs will bo catalogued. BWs may bo mailed to Jesslo Johnson Lincoln, or A. W. Thompson, York, Nobr., ln our care. General Remarks: Will say that wo aro offorlng as good a hunch of Brood Sows as a man will look at Somo of our tried sows will como Into tho ring weighing GOO pounds or hotter. Wo aro offering somo oxcdptional good Fall Gilts that will go out, mako good, bred right and good ln every way. Our Spring Gilts coming just lino, thoy nro Into far row but in good tlirifty condition, growing llko weeds. Our hogs aro not loaded down with llosh, Jjist In a pink growing condllton. All of our hogs nro cholora immune, doublo troatmont. C. G. LANDHLOM & SON, Owners, Col A. W. THOMPSON, Auctioneer. V. C. PIJILSTICKICU, Clerk. em Why wait until noxt suinmor bo foro buying that Electric Fun! It's useful, you know, tho yonr 'round. Boslds By noxt summer tho supply of fans may bo as limited as Gorman victories. You can get oxcollcnt 'sorvico froth your Electric Fan ovon ln zero wcath-or. "How?" Just aa mnny othor shrewd housowlvoa do. For Instnnco Drying dlshos. clothoa, fruit. Driving heat out of tho kltchon Into loss warm rooms nnd halls. Directing It against tho radiator nnd distributing heat ovonly throughout tho room. Como In "and lot's talk It ovor. It's often wlso to buy fans in tho early fall whon thoy nro to bo had. Buy beforehand! Buy now! N'. 11. You suy you linvo n fan. Woll !; K nsnliI(T workable! Holier linvo Is ovmiinuled for Wlnler'h war work. V do It quickly economically. NORTH PLATTE AND POWER COMPANY THE FARMER AUCTIONEER g j ! l i.t it H. N. JOHANSEN North Platte, Neb. W formers give me n chnnee to show you what I am. You cannot tell by look ing at a man what he is. When you see my name on a sale bill come nnd hear me; then you will know if I am your man or not. You will find me nt the Timmerman Hotel. Phone 018, Room 25. v ;; ;; it v j.t :.: i.t i.t J.t J.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t i.t i.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t J.t j.t J.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t J.t j.t J.t J.t Jt J.t' J.t 1:1 j.t j.t j.t j.t DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery nnd Itndium Thprnpj 728 City National Rank Building. Omatin, Nebraska, Office phone 241. 'iter, phono 217 L. C . D RO S T, Odfeopalhic Phyuiclan. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Phono 308 ALIJERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Bolton Building North Platto, Nobrask. Notice of Petition. Estnto No. 1G13 of William A. Mil ler, deceased, in tho county court of Lincoln county, Nobraskn, Tho Stato of Nobraska: To all per sons Interested ln said estate, tako no tice that a petition has boon filed for tho nppolntpent of Martin A. Slovors as administrator of said estate which has boon sot for hearing heroin on Fobruary 7, 1919, at 9 oclock a. m. Dated Jnnuary 10, 1919. Win. -II. C. WOODI1URST, J14J31 County Judge Notlco of Petition. EsUito No. 1G12 of Earl E. Butldr, Deceased, in the county court of Lin coln county, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska: To all por soiih intorested in Bald estnto tako no tice, that a petition has been illcd for tho appolntmont of William M. Sl mnnts as administrator of said es tate, which has been sot for hearing lioroln on Fobruary 7th, 1919, at J) o'clock n. m. ' Dated Jnnuary 9, 1919. W Win. II. O. WOODIIURST, J14J31 County Judgo.