The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1919, Image 4

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    Here are a Few Record Suggestions in Our Window1
MSF.H. Al .Tolhon, A 2057 ,
Stveutiniin'8 .Iitzz Band
A 200IJ
Campbell and Burr A 2(101
Sterling Trio, A 2002
Irving Kaiifinaii, A 2000.
Sterling Trio, A 2005.
$175. !
-of Light Rays
' Rupert Schwnlger transacted busi
ness In Omaha tho hitter part of lost
I weok .
will cakkoll by chaxci:
mi:i;ts bhothiiu ix fkanck
Light enters the eye from nil ang
les. The lenses of the eye concen
trate the rays. They form a barrage
of light rays focused on the optic
nerve; stimulating ontl making ac
tive tlie area of vision in the brain,
causing us to see.
If the shape of the eye is such that
all light rays cannot be focused,
the ability to see is reduced. By
putting lenses-glasses-before the
eye, its defect in refraction is over
come. Clinton's optometrist is expert in
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
The glasses he recommends are the
glasses you ought to have. Hnvc
him examine your eyes.
, Jeweler and
'At the Sign of the Big Ring
DR..0. 11. CKESSLER,
Graduate Dentist
Office over tho McDonald
State Bank.
Charles Boguo went to Omaha yes-
torday morning on B. of It. T. ihihi,
Phil Plzor, or Lowollon, waH tho
Btieat or. Mr. and Mrs. JuIIub Plzor
Henry HohhaiiHon cntno down from
Lnrnmlo Friday to vlfilt rolatlvos and
frlonds for a fow days.
Win. M. Slmanta left yoatorday for
Omaha whoro ho will transact busl
noaa for sovoral days.
' Eyo sight specialists, Harry Dixon &
Son. All work guaranteed.
Will Spooht, an englnoor, has boon
critically 111 for several days with tho
Hnint his homo In tho Fourth ward.
Dr. Mario Amos has returned from
Anlston, Ala., whoro sho visited Lieut.
Hoy Amos, who will remain In tho rcg
ular service
J. Norton, of Grand Island, camo
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Crook loft tho
latter tmrt of last wcok for a visit In
Ftnv Deslrnblo Second-lluiid Fords
Hendy-Oglcr Aulo Co.
Julius Plzor spent yosterday In Ogal-
alla attending tho sale of the Fox stock
of clothing.
For SaloPedlgrcoj Belgian Hares.
Mrs, O. II. Mooro, 221 So. Sycamoro
Phono Rod 102.
Dr. A. J. Amos, of Pottor, was In
town Sundny enrouto homo from Chl
cago whoro ho took a three-months
podt graduate courso.
Tho Harrington Mer. Co. will buy
your Hay and Grain. Obtain our
pricos boforo you soil. tf
Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dontlst, room 3
McDonald Dank building.
Captain Victor Halllgan, who had
boon, statlonod InTexas arrived homo
tho lattor part of last wook, having
rocolvod his honornblo dlschargo.
In tho baskotball game at the Frank
lin miditorlam Friday ovonlng tho
alumni team defeated tho high school
team by a score of sixteen to twelve.
Miss M. SJIcniun, steam baths ami
Swedish Massago. ladles and gentle
men. Phono 897. Brodbeck bide SOU
W. J. Tlldy has received word that
his son Harloy has arrived at Camp
Funston from ovorscas duty ana will
soon bo discharged from sorvlco.
Tho air tank In tho vulcanizing plant
on Locust street exploded Friday at-
JLernoon, knocking a holo In tho ceil
ing and breaking out tho window lights
but no ono was Injured.
Dr. II. C. Brock, Dontlst. X-Ray
DlagnosJs. Roynolds Bldg. Phono 148
Tho body of tho lato Chnrlcg Dick,
who died of tho Ihii in a hospital In Cal
ifornia, was received Saturday evening
and tho funeral hold yesterday aftpr
uoon from tho rcsldonco of L. H. Dick.
George Karlgor, who works on tho
Frank Turplo farm, was brought to
town Saturday to tako treatment for
blirns received by tho oxploslon of a
can of gasollno while working around
a hay baler.
Writing from Paris under dato of
Docombor 22d, Will Carroll In a letter
to his brothor J. It. Carroll says:
"I am on temporary duty hero and
when I arrived nt my hotel last
Wednesday ovonlng who should I find
standing out in front but Sam. Neith
er of us know that tho other was In
Paris. Ho was here for thirty-six
hours and wc sure did enjoy our visit
"Our aeroplanes are bolng sent to
another aviation Held about 125 miles
south of here, and as it is too long a
Jump from our station near ( alals to
tho now Hold, they stop at an army
Hold Just outsjdo of Paris and my duty
is to tako caro of the planes at this
Hold. I could have made a flight with
a plane, but all lovo of flying has been
takon out of me slnco I mingled with
soveral smashes, and now that the war
Is over, I am ready to quit. As soon
as tho remainder of the pianos reach
tho othor field I expect to start for
home. It may bo a week or a month ,
lifjt I don't think longer than thirty
Begimisig January
15, 1919
! W
At the Old StRnd
Successor to Diener fit Fleishman
A Letter from Joe Schatz.
Tfnrrv Hlvmi 1m rnnnlvnil r 1
from Joo Schatz, who when writing changed ?-ii.uu.
" I Tina nnnntinpf
was in tlio south central pnrt of Franco
Guy Cady, resident field manager
for tho Great Western Sugar Compa
ny, in telephonic communication late
this ovcnlng with tho sugar Compa
ny's officials at Scott's Bluff, was In
formed that tho prlco of beets had
been set at tho same figure as they
were last year $9.50 per ton in this
territory. Labor also remains un
wanted to Buy Hard Coal stove.
Phono Hod 1128.
This announcement will set at rest
ir i.., .i, ... ., . ino many iroK"UHui;ui.iuiia
u iiuu uutu mum imil u iuw nays u 11 , , , . ,,, ppf ,t,nt
had been told that ho would bo 'there l,een C,C(1' a?0,0 1 L?,nCt
for a couple of months. He, however.
expressed tho hope that ho would bo Ul"7a UUL , ' ,,0
In tho states by that time, as all the sarlly need be advanced to compete
boys are anxIou8 to get home. He wi !, , d J onJTt ,
tho lalor situation will makfc tho
growing of sugar beets In this valley
an alluring nronosltlon this scnon
and the ncreago will bo great
says ho will never forget tho last day
of tho war. Ho was on the front
when tho firing ceased, and previous to
olovon oclock, tho hour set for tho fir
ing to ccaso, tho bombardmont was
torrlblo by both tho Americans and tlio
Gormnns. At oloven sharp it stopped
and t lo report of a gun could be
hoard. It mndo ono feol strange, ho
said, to oxpfirlenco such a thing. Be
fore- tho firing ceasod ono momcntnr
lly expected to bo struck by a fragment
ly Increased.-
:o: ;
January 9, 191'J.
Board of county commissioners met
present Springer, Hormlnghausen and
nrZ tul'ZiT!at thSy,YaI.Cd l"idB ot the clerk of tho district court
ZuZt iS I L? rr Ul? nclV T'S read. County clerk is directed to have
soldlors wero a happy and contented . advertised
m5S,S,itS0y W?f ,mV nj0y" SoaA SjSISod to 1:30 p. m.
cd it moro hnd they not boon so worn , 1 -..n ,..,
m" ; i ,i f. n w, 0 eno"Bh 1 KO cut. Upon motion of Herminghausen, Healthy regularity can bo established
through all tho fighting without re- HIV,mwirwi i.v snrinn-nr. PonimiRolnnor, through the uso of Prickly Ash Bit-
It. X. of A. Install Officers.
Silver Leaf Camp No. 301, It. N. A.,
installed tho following officers at
tho K. P. hall Wednesday evening of
last week with Mrs. Michael Hayes
Hayes and Mrs. F. P.Henckel as the
installing officers: Oracle, Mrs. M.
Abel; vice-oracle, Mrs. C. York;
past oracle, Mrs. M. Hayes; chan
cellor, Mrs. C. Donaldson; recorder,
Mrs. M. Schmalzrled receiver,
Mrs. V. Eliiott marshal, Mrs. F. P.
Honcklo assistant marshal, Mrs. N.
York; insido sentinel. Mrs. M. Rod
gors; outer sentinel. Mrs. C. Colla
gen; physician, Dr. Mario Amos; on
tho board of managers, Mrs. F. Si
mants. After tho installation tho
members proceeded to tho dining room
room whoro refreshments wero ser
ved .
Teachcrs' Examination.
The Lincoln County Teachors' ex
aminations will bo holid Saturday,
January 18th, In tho North Platte
High school building.
104-3 . Co. Supt.
: :o: :
Damp and Slushy sidewalks cause
wot feet and chlllblains. Don't forget
Rexall Chillblain Remedy. THE REX
: :o: :
Constipation Is the starting point
for many disesases that end fatally
coivlng a scratch, but thought many
tlnio8 that his Inst minute had come
when tho nr til lory would cut loose.
Tho shells could ho heard coming
through tho air long boforo thoy ex
ploded nnd when they struck tho cx-
S. J. Koch was elected chairman of tors. It is a fine bowel tonic, is mild-
General Farm Sales a Specialty.
Iteforonces and Dates at First Xa
Uonal Bank, Xortli Platte, Xeb.
Phono 1000.
W. V.. Gates, February 1th.
Fred Kuscr, March lSUu
Charley Hoblnson, March 20Ui.
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernity and convalescent pati
ents. Successful operation on
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
HospitalPhone 110
Office Phone 183
Residence Phone 283
1008 West Fourth Street
North Platte, Neb.
tho board.
,ly stimulating and strengthens the
Tho following official bonds wero' stomach, liver and lddneys. Prlco
,Of courso It Is hard to get up In tho , ' '"' treasurer; Win. II . C
morning If you are going by a unro- It V!" J f .'Irf ,0,3 county Judge; Aileen (
liable alarm e.ock.IIavo you seen tho S.JVtJZ9. superintendent; K. P.
intormlttont alarm that is made by tho ' , u. V. 7u uL. i "f"" "La county treasure
Big Bon Clock Co? Its a good one. ""J'lJ I " " .0 8,"n:l"1"nr a county clerk; Tl
You can buy It at Dlxons.
Lonso grinding done In Hurry Dixon
& Sons own shop, theroforo tho quick
est service
poor follow was struck with tho flying
Will Install Officers.
Snrnh Rebekah Lodgo No. 10, I. O.
Wo wish to thank tho ninny friends O. F.. will hold on installation of of-
and noighbors, tho choir, Indies aid ficor Friday evening January 17, at 1, Herman Johnson Dlst. 12, N. D
Wills DllSt. 55, W. S. Ross Dlst. 41,
A. J. Salisbury Sheriff; S. M. Souder,
Woodhurst ,
Gantt county
Clnrk deputy.
r; u. w. lost ueputy
im Sutton deputy sher
iff, J. T. Kcefo county attorney, Paul
Moyer county surveyor.
Justices of tho Peace Chns. Kilmer, I
Jr., Table; J. D. Koliher, Maxwell;
P. H. Sullivan, No. Platto No. 1. i
Road Overscors R. L. Rhino Dist.
$1.25 per bottle. Gummoro-Dont
Drug Co., Spcial Agents.
Ilslrny Xotlco.
Blocky, rel, horned steer- weight
1,000, metal tag in ear, between July
15th and November 1st from experi
mental sub-station. Suitable reward
for recovery.
98-12 W. P. SNYDER. Supt.
musicians, O. R. C, and B. R. T. for.vh!,.l, mHn ih fniin,i m
v..v... iiiiit uvuim linn uutlllllilll
flowers at tho tlmo of tho denth of our
lovetl ono. Mrs. O. II. Moore and
will bo installed for the term beginning ; W- Kreuger Dlst. 43, Milton Raney
Saturday to visit his parents and to at
tend tho funornl of tho lato Frank T
Get a Detroit Weuthcr Proof Top
on ten days trial. llondy-Oglor Onto
Co. tttt:
Dennis Rodmoud, ot Denver, spout
tho lattor part ot last weok In town,
having boon called hero by tho death
of his brothor.
A Jap, who hod been working for a
farmor west of town, died at tho do
tontlon hospital tho lattor part of Inst
wook ot llu and tho body will bo sont
to Donvor to bo cromntod.
Dr. Morrill, DontrtBt. Offlco ovor
Wilcox Department Storo.
Thos. P. Curran, of Omaha, an asso-
clato fcdoral stato director for tho U
S. Boys Working Rosorvo, waa a visi
tor in town Sunday In bohalt ot tho in-
torostB of that organization.
Found on tho stroots, a bunch of
koys. Ownor can havo Bomo by call
ing at this offlco and 'paying for this
Keop in mind tho oxtra flno quality
of optical Borvtco that Harry Dixon &
Son offor you.
Wantod Experienced girl or woman
for hqusokeepor. Good wages to right
party. Mrs. J. V Romlgh, Phono 309
Piatt Whlto, who has been playing
tho beau brumniol In Omaha for a
month past, will need Jur looso this
weok. Ho Is a Juror in tho district
court which convenes next Monday.
Tho transition from tho Omaha white
lights to tho dreary drono of court ov-
Idonco and 'pleadings will bo marked.
Bosslo Lovo, dear llttlo BosbIo Lovo,
In a( chorus? Impossible, you say, hut
It Is a fact. In tlio first ot her Patho
Plays sho has tho rolo of a young girl
w'ho has thoatrlcal ambitions and
climbs by tho wny of tho chorus. And
Just ns Bosslo Lovo In real llfo achlov-
od stardom within a fow months bo
causo Bho possessed charms and tal
ents which aro unusual so In Tho Great
Advonturo Bho spoellly gots out of tho J
chorus bocauso sho bad a personality
that got acrosB8. Llttlo MIbs Lovo 1b
charming In any rolo, but In tho velvoty
knlckorbockors wlilch sho wears as a
cliorus girl In this now play
Bho will find hor way to ovory heart.
Tho plcturo Is adaptod from Honry
Kltcholl Wobstors novol, Tho Great
Advonturo and will bo at tho Sun Tho
atro Thursday.
O. Mayfiold Dlst 47, E. E-Feagln
Dist. 48, II. S. Hnsklns Dlst. 49, Clark
Andro Dist 38, Fayette Long Dlst. 36,
Arthiur DeWolf Dlst. 35, Nat Bratten
Dlst. 34, Davo Hiostand Dist. 33, J.
F. Snyder Dlst. 32, Joss Long Dist 31,
S. Workman Dlst 27, D. P. Dillon
Dist. 24, Wm. Spith Dlst. 22, Ell
Kunklo DiBt. 57, Goo. Schrecongost
Dist. 14, C. P. Carson Dlst. 17, W. T.
Llnnemeyer Dist. 21.
Assessors II. II. Wilmeth, Walker;
A. W. Peterson, Joffroy; R. A. Mc
Wlio. Vroman; Will Lane. Whlttior;
J. C. Hamilton. Medicine: Ashley
Potors, Northt Platto No. 2; II. E.
Anderson, Buchnnan; I. E. Ditto,
J. M. Fristo, Dickens, J. N. Kcmpton
Fox Creek; J. J. Ginnpp. Gaslln; M.
L, Smithr Garfield; Henry Cokor,
Sutherland; John W Kilmer, Tnblo;
Dnn McNickol, Walker; W. C. Couso,
January 1st.
Mrs. Fred G. Rector, noble grand.
Mrs. W. J. Tiloy, vice-grand.
Mrs. E, S. Davis, recording secretary.
Mrs. S. W. VanDoran, financial sec
Mrs- George Prosser, treasurer.
The lodgo is planning for a largo
ciowd and will serve refreshments nnd
enjoy n short program of music at
close of lodgo Be'ssion.
Should a Man Beat His Wife?
This is a subject not usually consul
ered debatable. Somo husbands think
their wives deserve a beating, but ara
afraid to administer it: others admin
ister the boating on no provocation
and usually get away with it. Oncu in
a long time a beaten wife will protest Peckham
and thsn ther is usually a long caio T1o county clerk Is horeby nuthori
In the divorce courts 20(1 t0 employ an extra deputy clork
it nn wif HIvbnndlP,! M,u "r mo year luiii io rnauo out tax list
' ""intiil fliiPh nihnr wnrlf na tnnv nnmo nn
situation without going Into court is nt rcciar monthly salary to ho
J4...4...........4. ft. .......... ....... ft. .....4.......,.....,.,, ,........
J4 .4. 4.V.4.4.4 . ft . .ft. . 4.4 ,........ ft. ft ...ft.ft.ft. ft .ft. ft. ft. ft. ft ..
Bhown in "Tho Woman Who Gavu,-
featuring Evelyn Nesbit, which will be
screened nt thsKoith Theatre, Wednes
day nnd Thursday.
paid out of tho county general fund.
Adjourned to Jan. 14, 1919.
: :o: :
Reed Novel Screened
Where Book Waa Wrote
"Flower of the Dusk," starring Viola
Dana, which will be the attraction at
Honry Schnfer, who formorly lived
In tho valley west of town, was mar
ried at Boonvlllo, 111., Dccembor 31st the Sun Theatro on Wednesday, was
to Miss Flora Sclmacky.a school teach.
or of that town. Mr. Scltaofor Is cm-
adapted for the screen from the famous
novol of that name from tho pen of
ployed in tho Remington typewriter of the noted authoress, Myrtle Heed.
works at Illon, 111., and that plnco will
bo their homo.
Bad dlgostlon robs tho body of tlio
nourishment it needs to maintain
health and strength. To rostoro tono and her company of distinguished play-
The book wrs written in the quaint old
fashioned New England village where
the romantic plot was laid. Director
John N. Collins, who also adapted the
book for the sersan, took Miss Qana
In tho digestive organs thero is no
hotter remedy that Prickly Ash Bit
ters. It Improves dlgostlon nnd clean-
bos tho stomach, liver and bowols.
Prlco $1.25 'per bottle Guinsnerc
Dont Drug Co., Special Agents.
era to tho town sevoral times to get
scenes for tho picture.
: :o: .
Do not cough In 'public. Tako a Rex
all Bronchial Tublot with you. REX
North Side Feed and Sale Stable,
Monday, January 20th, 1919
Commencing at 12:30 sharp,
F. O. Johnson and Frank Strollberg aro selling 61 head of Rogls
istored Duroc Bred sows bred to flvo different Herd Boars.
In this sale will bo tried sows, fall yearlings and spring gilts.
Never beforo has there boon &u:h a draft of brood sows sold at
North Platto. Tho best of breeding and individuals.
Also 5 fall nialo pigs. Anybody needing a good herd boar for tho
futuro should attend this sale and gotxan Illustrator Giant breeding,
tho biggest ot tho breed.
Wo aro intonding to stay In tho hog business and would apprecl
ato very much If you would Join us by buying a sow or two and grow
hotter hogs on your farms. It Ib prosperity upbuilding to tho country
and yourself as well. Yout will feel moro llko working around your
hog lot by knowing you havo a well bred bunch ot hogs around you.
Wo need somo help to work up this kind of brooding and thoro
foro start while- wo aro trying to lntroduco theso sales. Buy ono
now and It luck 1b with you, tho start is mode.
Wo will not describe tho breeding of theso hogs through this AD
but it interested write for a catalogue. Thoy are ready and will bo
mailed on request.
Tho animals to bo offored for salo will bo brought to tho solo
barn Saturday, whoro thoy can bo seen prior to tlio sale.
Don't forgot tho dato, MONDAY, JANUARY 20th, at 12:30 at tho
Mogonson Feed and Salo Barn.
Wo would llko tOjhavo you. will us that day whether you buy or not.