The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1919, Image 3
f THC S'' "'"'laY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEDRASKA. Are You Open -Minded? The average American is open-minded. American business is con ducted by true Americans of vision, open-minded men who believe in their country and strive to meet their country's needs. The men in the packing industry are no exception to the rule. The business of Swift & Company has grown as the na tion has progressed. Its affairs have been conducted honorably, efficiently, and economically, re ducing the margin between the cost of live stock and the selling price of dressed meat, until today the profit is only a fraction of a cent a pound too small to have any noticeable effect on prices. The packing industry is a big, vital industry one of the most important in the country. Do you understand it ? Swift & Company presents facts in the advertisements that appear in this paper. They are addressed to every open-minded person in the country. e CABIft kTTiTl FN Hrenk forth, O beauteous heavenly llKht. And usher In the mornliiKi Ye shepherds, hrlnk not with nffrlKht. ' Hut hear i tie utiKelK" warning. I I The booklet of preceding chapters In this story of the packing industry, will be mailed on request to Swift & Company Union Stock Yards - Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company U. S. A. Soot Cast PATENTS Eras Sp k mm Austin, ton First HI., nihtincs, N'ebr. AVntsonK.OolcniRU.Wash Booisfreo. Ulan. t reference!, lion reauiu. Turkeys, Geese, Capons, Ducks, Rabbits, Etc Wanted We pay highest cash price. No .ommlBslon. PERRY & CO., 413 S. 11th Street. Omaha, Neb. Reference: Merchant National Dank. Omaha, orauj Hipruss Co. BUYERSSELLERS " cattlc mogs.sheep STOCK YARDS-OMAHA Not in Vain. They had arrested him on IJroadwaj for profanity. "Don't you know that It is agains' both the religious and civil laws t( tal;e the name of the Lord In vain?' demanded Judge Will to. "Wal, It warn't 'zaetly In vain,' drawled tlie man. "You see, yer honor a yaller ouss had just started to steal my tllvvjLT, hut when I unloads my vo cabulary, you orter have seen him run !'" Hooked to Death! This may happen If your cattle have horns, or they may Injure each otherand keep the whole herd excited. HE HUMANE, l'roent borne Crowing while calves are young. It means a contented and more profitable herd. U6e DR. DAVID ROBERTS' HORN KILLER At our dealers or POSTPAID 50c Consult Dn. DAVID KOBERT8 , ntont all animal anmenia. in formation free. Hend for price lint of meJlelnen and eft FHEK ewpy of The Cattle SpecialiM" with full Infor nation on Abortion in Cmn.BR. DAVID ROBIR1S VETERINARY CO.. 100 GtindAve. Wiukr.hi. u. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 or., liny Hum, a small box of Hnrbo Compound, ani oz. of (djeenn". Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. Full directions for mak ing and u come in each box of Harbo ompound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and nuke it coft ami gloi-sy. It will not color the l-calp, is not sticky or Kreay. "nil does not rub oiT.Adv. Cuticura Promotes Hair Ffpalfh WJagUiu: sloanM. Ointment tS 4 10, Talenm . BiaSt fuh free ol 6itUira, Dtrl K, Betrayed His Weakness. "Is he n tightwad?" "Is he? Say. listen : When lie came to propose to me lie thought he'd lmve to got down on his knees, nnd. would you believe It, lie oainn In the oldest pair of trousers lie had!" In the Beauty Shop, "I wnnt some wrlnkres." "WliHt about?" "How to get rid of them." Children's handkerchiefs often look hopeless when tliey coma to the laun dry. Wash with good soap, rinse In water blued with Hed Cross Hull Hlue. In Most Cases. "How do you pronounce 'hauteur'?" "Hot nlr, in some eases." DISHES THAT SAVE EGGS. A dish to save eggs need not menu Unit eggs are to be entirely eliminated. for we need the nutri ment of this vuiniinie food even when as high priced as eggs are ut the present time. The thrif ty housewife has been belorehnnded and has packed a supply of eggs In water-glass during the summer or early full, when eggs could he purchased at a reasonable price. IOggs packed care fully may be used as fresh eggs. A dish which takes the place of scrambled eggs, is less expensive and finite nutritive Is the following: Cook a quarter of a cupful of rice In an omelet pan until a light yellow with any sweet fat, Mining often to fceep It from scorching. When of n good color, broth or water may be added, with seasoning. Cook the rice un til perfectly tender. Just before time to serve add a half cupful of milk and an egg or two; stir until well scram bled and serve at once. Honey Drop Cakes Cream a half cupful of shortening and add a half cupful of sugar, one cupful of honey, a beaten egg yolk and it tablespoontul of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Mix well nnd add three ctipfuls of Hour with four tenspounfuls of baking pow der. xI5ehf and add one sillily beaten white of egg. Apple Sauce Cake. Take half a cupful of shortening, a half cupful ot sugar, one cupful of apple sauce. Cream the shortening and sugar, then add the sauce. Mix and sift together two cupfuls of Hour nnd three tea spoonfuls of baking powder, one tea spoonfjil each of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. Beat well, then add a hair cupful of raisins and bake In a loaf. Jelly Roll. Take one cupful of sugar, one beaten egg and one and one-half cupfuls of Hour, sifted with three tonspoonfuls of baking powder; bent well, add six tablespoonfuls of hot water and pour Into n pan, malt ing the bntter about one-quarter of an Inch thick. Turn out on a paper well dusted with powdered sugar, spread with Jelly and roll up nt once. A cloth may be rolled around the cake to keep It In place until cool. Wo amy live without friends, wc may llvo without books. Hut civilized innn cannot live with out cooks; We may llvo without lovo, what I" imsfdoii but pining? Hut wluirti Is the man that run live without dllllllK? Unte always hurts the hater most for in many cases the hated nro big enough not to let the hate In. Adams. mm PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet prrrlloo of merit nlp to eradleate dtndrcfC Forltailoriac Color and BaautrtoGraror Faded Hair too. and ll.ooet DninrliU. A Bad Cough If r.egltcted, often leada to acrtouj trouble. Safeguard your health, reliere your diitreu and aootho your Irritated throat by talcing Ileadaehea. nilteua Attacli, Indication, art cured t7 taking Mar Apple, i.,ot. Jalap madi into Pleatant l'elleu (Dr. rieree'e). AdT. A small rent In a reputation soon I becomes n largj1 hole. YAnM Granulated Eyelids, M UJfBJII c-yei innamed by ex S3 iure to Sun, Dull and Wind quickly relieved by Murine EyeBemedy. No Smarting ' fuft Eve Cnmfnrt. At Ycur Druraiiu or by mail COc per Bottle. Fot Droit ol tbe Eye free write t r. Murine Eyo Remedy Co., Chicago. SUGGESTIONS FOR SWEETS. Honey will play an Important part In the candles for the kiddles as sugar is not yet plentiful enough to wnrrnnt any care less use of il. Honey Taffy. Take two cupful f honey, one-half cupful of sugar one-fourth tea spoon! til of soi mid two tablespoonfuls of vlnegni lloil to the hard crack in cold wntei Cool until it can be handled, then pu as other taffy. Cut and roll In wax.-, paper. Italian Honey Candy. Take pint of honey, two pounds of choppd almonds, three-fourths of a pound of pecans, one teitspoonful of cinnamon and oiie-half pound of grated choco late. Iioil until thick and smooth, then roll and allow to cool. Cut in round cakes and dry them In the oven. Fruit Sweets. Take one cupful epch of dates, figs, riilMns and nut meats; prepnro its above, adding one and a half teaspoonfuls of orange Juice, a little grated rind and on elghtb of a cupful (two tablespoon fuls) of honey. Mold in small balls and roll In coconut. Nougat. I5ent the whites of four eggs until stiff. Hoil two cupfuls - f strained honey until It ernrks, pour slowly over the beaten whites of the eggs. Stir In the nuts and bent urn 1 smooth, pour out on a waxed pnp r, cover with smother and a weight a il let stand oer night. Cut In squar. s ml w rap In waxed paper. Chocolate Chips. Take one and a lmlf cupfuls of eorn sirup and hnlf a cupful of molasses; boll until It crm ks In cold witter. I'our Into an oiled pun. cool and pull. Pull Into rlbbon-shnrd pieces one-half Inch wide and cut In strips one Inch long. Set away to be come hard. When cold and brittle, .up In melted chocolate and cool on wavd paper. Glaced Fruit and Nut Balls. Tnke one cupful each of dates, gs imd raisins with two cupfuls of nuts. Wnh and dry the fruit, remove stones fr m the dates and put all through m. it chopper, mixing the nuts with iho fruit. Do not use the finest knife the balls are iwttor If not too pu- v Boll together two cupfuls of n sirup, one-fourth cupful ouch of stuar nnd water with a tableapoonful "f vinegar. Cook until the mixture is brittle when dropped In cold win r. Set tho piin over hot water and , ip the ballH, which hav been rolled Hie size of a hickory nut, Into the boiling sirup. a dry on a buttered tin or viixod paper. SOME CHOICE RECIPES. We all have some recipes of which w are very fond. The following are g a t li e r e d from many sources, but are nil cher ished recipes: Martha's Cookies. Take ouo cupful ol shortening, a mixture ol any sweet fat. addlnp salt, three beaten eggs, two cupfuls of sugar anil a half cupful of milk 1 1 " Sift two cupfuls of llout with two tenspoonfuls of baking pow der and add lemon llavorlng, elthet I he extract or grated rlniL Let stand nn hour to chill, then add as much Hour as needed to roll. Ginger Cookies. Take one cupful of sugar,' one and one-fourth cupful! of molasses, one and one-fourth cup fuls of melted fat. one-half cupful ol old coffee, two tablespoonfuls ol ginger, two eggs, a teaspoonful of soda ami one teaspoonful of cinnamon. Dissolve the soda In the coffee anil mid salt If the fat Is unsalted. Mix with Hour as soft as possible and lei Maud an hour to stiffen and season before rolling and baking. Chocolate Cake. Take one cupful ot brown sugar, one-fourth of a cupful of shortening, one-fourth of a cupful of sour milk, one teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of vanilla, one egg, one and one-fourth cupfuls of Hour, two squares of chocolate cut up and dissolved in n half cupful of hot wa ter. added the last thing. Hake In layers and put together with boiled frosting or orange lining which Is cspe- peehilly delicious with this cake. Lemon Pie (New England Recipe) -Take one cupful of sugar, two tea spoonfuls of Hour, one cupful of milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, the Juice and rind of a lemon, the yolks of two eggs and the whites of three. Mix i he sugar and butter together; add the yolks of the eggs and the Hour. Mix all the other Ingredients and stir In tho beaten whites last. Hake In an uncooked pastry shell. Raisin Pie. Take one-half cupful of raisins, one cupful of water, three- fourths of a cupful of sugar, one table spoonful of cornstarch, the yolks of two eggs and the Juice and rind of a lemon. Hake with two crusts. The egg may be omitted and it cupful of sour cream substituted In place of the water, which makes a most tasty pie Hlllng. The most evident uood thins thul this world war has brouKht out In us is thrift. As a people wo have been notoriously prolllgato. We have pro duced more wealth In one century than Europe hns In ten. Hut wo have Hung It to the wlndu with both hunds. Dr. Crnne. Colds Coughs Catarrh A trinity of evils, closely allied, that afflict most people, and which follow one on the other, in the order named, until the last one is spread through the system, leading to many evils. But their course can be checked. PERUNA CONQUERS It is of creat value when used promptly for a cold.usu ally checking It and overcoming it In a few days. Ample evidence has provcu mat it 19 even oi more vaiuo in over coming chronic catarrh, dispelling the Inflammatory conditions, enabling the diseased membranes to perform their natural functions, and toning up the entire Bystem. The experience of thousands Is a oafo guide to what It may bo ex pected to do for you. Liquid or tablets both tested by tho public and approved. THE PERUNA COMPANY .... COLUMBUS, OHIO ISM IBM Always a Drawback. Five-year-old lCmest was expressing himself vociferously because his moth er experienced dlllleulty l nulling the comb through his tangled mat of curls. "Never mind," said his father over (he top of his paper. "Some day you'll lie as bald .as pupa and won't bo both ered with hair to comb." Krnest brightened momentarily, then heaved a sigh of resignation. "Oh, well, It would only make that much more face to wash." ho said. WOMEN SUFFERERS MAY NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thounands upon thounmh of women have kidney nnd bladder troublo and never suspect it. Women's "complaint often prove to be nothing else but kidney troublo, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys nre not in a healthy condition, they tnny cnuso tho other or gans to become dibcafed. Pnin In the Kick, hendnche, loss of am bition, nervousness, nre often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay ttnrting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-ltoot, a phynieinn's pre scription, obtained nt any drug store, tnny be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., IJinghnmton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention tuls paper. Adv. Art of Oratory. "Didn't you ever catch yourself talk ing nonsense when you were making a speech?" "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "You have to give some audiences a few sentences they can't understand It Impresses thorn with a sense of Ig nornnce nnd tends Jo make them sort of dependent." Dividing the Bird. "To be hnppy a man needs a won derful digestion and n woman needs beautiful attire," said Mr. Jones. "Yes," commented Miss Hrown; "ono wants the stomach of an ostrich and the other wnnts the feathers." London Answers. Constipation, indigestion, slck-licadncho and bilious conditions arc overcome by a course of Garfield Tea. Drink on retir ing. Adv. Kvory cloud has a silver lining, but the trouble of It Is that the majority of them are on the wrong side. FISH, FRESH AND SALT. Fresh Hsh should be firm and eyes bright. The are usually baked, broiled, fried or boiled. There Is no more Mppi'tizlng dish than fresh Hsh caught and cooked ((A caught and cooked l within an hour. To (j broil, split the Hsh from the head to the tall, wipe It dry and season well with salt and pepper. Grease tho broiler nnd cook over a good heat, turning the broiler so Hint the Hsh will be evenly cooked. Baked White Fish. Tiean the white Hsh mid stuff with a crumb dressing veil-scnsoned with onion and sage. If liked. Honst or bake like meat. Steamed Fish. Arrange the body of the Hsh In a circle, pour over It n cupful of good vinegar, seasoned with pepper and alt ; let It stand an hour In a cool place, pour off the vinegar and stenm twenty minutes, or longer If a large Hsh. When the meat Is easily separated from tho bones It Is done. Ton long cooking will destroy the flavor, but under-done Hsh Is most unpalatable. Drain well and serve on n neatly folded napkin or Hsh cloth. Garnish the pin Iter with parsley. Baked Salt Mackerel. Soak tho Hsh over night skin side up to remove all .salt. Place hi ft dripping pan with a thin covering of sweet or sour cream; bake until the meat separates from the bones. Boiled Fresh Cod. Place the Hsh tied In a cloth with a little salt and scraped horseradish. Let simmer In water until done. Serve on a folded napkin with a drawn butter sauce jmsscd In a sauceboat. A white sauce with chopped, hard-cooked egg is an other well-liked for boiled flsh. Breaxtast Codfish. Pick up salt codfish into small bits and soak over night In cold water. Heat some milk, a hit of butter and when hot add the flsh which has been squeezed dry ; when boiling hot add a Utile Hour mixed with cold milk and cook until (thick, or an egg may be used In place of the flour. Servo at once. Argentine women have won their right to nil tho professions, Including engineering and law. Cynical Youngster. "Inn't my plcturo that I mado prct ty?" asked Robert of a little girl next loor. "Oh, It Is very pretty," sho said ad. mlrlugly. "Well, slater Mary sayn It Isn't bit," said Itobort. "Well, what of It?" remarked tho next door one. "You can't exped praise from one of your own famy. $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh la a local disease ereatlr Inflo eneed bv constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treaty meat. HALL'S CATAimil MISDICINB Is taken Internally and acts through th uiood on tne mucous surrncei or trie ayu tern, HALL'S CATAHIUI MEDICINH destroys the foundation of the dlseas. Klves tho patient strength by Improving) tno general ncaitn ana assists naiur iu doing Us work. $100.00 for any casj ol Catarrh that HALL'S CATAMUj MEDICINE) falls to cure. . Druggists 76c, Testimonials frea. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Served Three Years. Mistress Havo you a good cnai acter, June? New Servant fes, mum: I wsu three years In my Inst place, mum I Mistress That speaks volumes foi you, Jane. Where whb It? New Servant In tho reformatory) mum I London Tlt-Tllts. Important to Mothers Ernnilno carefully every bottle ol CASTOHIA, that famous old rcmcdj tor Infants and children, nnd see that 11 Bears tho Signature of( In Uso for Over 80 Years; Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Troublo Is the ono thing that glvei u innn a chauco to find out how Una people really are. No man Is ever great from hta neighbor's point of view. i Don't trifle with a cold it's dangerous. You can't afford to risk Influenza. Keep always at hand a box of CASCARAJ& QUININE Standard cold remedy for 30 year In tablet form fe, ure. no oplatet brekt up cold In 24 hours relieves trip In 3 dayi. Money back If It falla. The genuine box hat a Red top with Mr Ilill't picture At All Druz Store. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 2-1919. After fln M Flu" ' . fmm or Sold Clean the Acidity and Toxic Poisons Out of the Digestive Tract Alllllons are now suffering from the uftor effects of the deadly "Hu," a fever or u cold. Their appetites are poor; they are weak, and they are waiting for their strength to come back. If these people could only realize that the return to health and strength would be grcntly helped by giving at tention to the stomach thnt Is, remov ing the ucldlty and toxic poisons from the entire digestive tract, making It uct naturally, ko Unit the body will receive the full strength of the food eaten a great deal of suffering would be saved to humanity. Uveryone knows that the disease. It self, and the strong medicines that have been taken, upset the stomnch, leave It hot and feverish, the mouth dry. the tongue coated, a nasty taste, and no desire to eat. This Is a poor foundation to build new strength on. Now, tens of thousands of people all over this country are using UATONIC Tor the purpose of cleaning these poisonous after-effects right out of the ystem and they are obtaining wonder ful results so wonderful that the imazlngly quick benefits are hardly iellevable, Just as shown In the re markable letter which is published jpon the request of this sturdy old Civil War veteran. He Is 77 years old. Head tvhut be says KAT NI ' did for him : "I tra eld arlfller pti f rnij iM-irn rrtm I lud Mir Span l.ti influcnta too 'i iff i m "i'iiirii In an awful luipe. I tried tare illlTrrcnt doctan tut sol do relief. At a Ut rimrt I lent and tst a fcoi of KATONIfJ idi to mjr ureat. nt aurprlie I be er flrit tablet I took bflpe.) me. I cm onn eat ao IIiIdc I wioi, and feel fine." ' Youra tbiokfullj, Powler, Indiana Pec. 4. 1V18 0. S. Martls P. ii.i If ;uu van rnaae au u of tnli letter for aunerlng tiuinaB Itj, jm are at liberie to do ao. o. a. u. This Is only one case out of thousands. You should make the I2ATONIC te-i In your own case at once. You hat everything to gain not a penny can you lose, for we take all the risk. You own common sense, your own feeling tell you that a good appetite, good 6U gestlou, a good stomach, with the fever poisons nnd effects of strong mcdlcliu'al out of your system, will put you on tho road to strong, robust health again. You want to enjoy life again aftel you have buttled with the "flu," fevei or colds, or any other Illness that bin taken your strength. You want to gel back your old-time vigor, be full of peo and enthusiasm be able to work with ease, Instead of listlessly, half-hearta edly dragging out a mere existence. So be sure to take a box of BATONIQ home with you today. We cannot urgl this too strongly. If EATONIO falU to give you positive beneficial result. It will not coct you a penny. There In n risk the benefit Is surely all for yoo T 19 ( FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH )v IVNOTK Over 20,000 riruc More tlirm itlinul tlie nlted Ntutea tell and ruarantoa I.ATOMC If Jim CHiinnl ! Hln I ATOM qiilrUr at xuir drug tnre do not lf without It. Write ii and r till) iiimii a ti, " l hi nice unil mi run end tli afUr inn rt II. Add tl I KiKiiirr I .. KA'IOMl HI . Ml Ilk CO.. 1044 - ' At., VUWk. Ill,