The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 10, 1919, Image 8

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    "j 1 1 " ' '
IRA L RARE, EdUi,i'.mUu1tHHlicr
Olio fcnr by Mall, in udvnilcc. .91.75
Orio Year by Carrier, In advance, $2.00
- r-
Entered at tho North Platte,. Nobraska
Postofflco aa Socond Claas Matter.
" Fill HAY, JANUARY lOtfi, 1019.
' Unloading Stamps and Hondh
."Too many war savings Htamps aro
botng cashed by -people who ovldontly
nn not nmnnolled to cash them " salt!
Pfiatmnntnr McEvoy yestorduy. "If It, Inrrnnunil frnlplit rnffwi tfi 'nnv off tho
was a patriotic duty to buy thorn, j doflbitilncurrcd by government own-
continued Mr. iucuvoy, - ii i u. iiuniwi- orsiup
Back at Washington One of tho ab
sorbing and all-Important questions
boforo tho Iioubo and senate Is tho
government ownorshlp of railroads.
Tho proposition of govornmont own
orshlp, has many friends, and qulto a
fow of those who do not wunt federal
ownorshlp are favorablo to govern
ment control. At tho sonato Investiga
tion hearing this week Edgar E:
Clark, chairman of tho Insterstatc
railroad commission, advocated lm
modlato roturn of tho roads, while
Director Genoral AlcAdoo asked that
tho return to prlvato ownorshlp ho
mado only at tho ond o,f tho time pro-
scrll)Cd by law, tnorooy onaming tno
PoopHo easily constipated,.- dread
wlntor no fruits, no vogetab'los to
help tho stomach. Your bestSjolIef,
your (greatest friends, Is Ilolllstcr's
Rocky Mountain Tea, guaranteed to
positively rollevo constipation or your
money back. Sold by John O. Pattor
son, Druggist.
Sonator Cummlngs, of Iowa, has
formulated a plan Which favors con
tinuation of government ownorshlp
and tho leasing of the various roads
out to 'Indlvldiiial corporations all
closely watched by tho government.
A board, new member of cabinet or
ir, ,inrv to hol,i them until they be
como duo, for tho govornmont ncoda
money Just as hadly now as a year
ago." Not only aro holders of savings
stamps cashing thdm, hurt, many local
holdors of bonds uro disposing of
ih'nn, n n discount. Unless holdors of
thoso securities aro nnsoiuteiy iorcou railroad) administrator fbr tho
government would bo appointed, un-
dor this plan, to watch ovor all of I
tho roads thus leased out. Tho plan
Is being discussed favorably Inas
much as It advocates; bontlnued
ownorshlp by tho government.
January (5, 1919.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment
present Sprlngor, Ilormlnghausen and
Koch and county clerk
J. P. Snyder, bridge work, $8.80.
Clark Andro, roa(i -work, $34.00.
A. L. Aublo, road work, $5.00.
Cyrus Sonsol, road work, $10.00.
Myron Aublo, road work, $7, GO.
L. II. Joy, road work, $17.50.
John Gadke, caro of EggOrt Martin,
Brady Vindicator, printing. $11.35.
Clauq Anderson, road work, $15.00.
Carl Lunkwitz, bridge work. $20.00.
'Sundrv norsons. road work Dlst.
33, $38.75.
Nols Pramborg, road worje. $10.00.
C. L. Grant, road work, $33.00.
T. B. Hcmimlll, printing. $47.00.
Ilarcourt Clothing Co., mdse county
poor, $5.50.
Prod Tobas, bridgo work. $30.00.
to part with them they make mistake
In doing so, Tor tlioy aro a goou in
voBtment ana by roUilnlng them tho
holders assist tholr govornmont In a
tlmo when tho resources of tho coun
try must bo guarded. You may think
that parting with your $100 or '
may mako no dlfforenco, but If two or
flvomllllbn other peoplo do tho same
thing you can easily seo the result.
Chaplin IHsgulHO Too Natural
For Huns To Resist.
An oxamplo of practical camou
flage is given by Charllo Chaplin in
his socond million-dollar plcturo,
"Shoulder Arms," to bo shown at tho
Kolth theatro on January 17th and
18th whon ho disguises himself as a
treo stump and starts on a spying
trip into enemy territory, only to bo
mot by a Braatl party of Huns, seoklug
llrowood, who promptly dccldo to chop
down tho human stum'p as an addition
to tho load of wood thoy aro about
to take- hack to their trenches.
In Charlie's opinion, his attempt at
camouflage Is ontlroly too successful.
and his rosontmont oven tho stupidity
of tho ILwis In mistaking him for a
gonulno stump gots him Into countless
Civil War Rorlln.
Berlin is In a stato of complete
anarchy and civil war has bogurt
All tho banks aro barricaded and a
great numbor of tho public buildings
aro in the hands of tho Spartacan, or
oxtromo radical group.
Thousands of armed workmen of
tho Spartacus faction, tho correspond
ont reports, aro crowding tho streets
and at sovoral no nts fir nc has bocun
Tho aopnd of machine gun flro could
ho heard from nil parts of Uorlln.
Teachers' Examination.
Tho Lincoln County Teachers' ex
' amlnatflons will bo ltolid Saturday,
January 18th, In tho North Platte
High school building.
104-3 Co. Supt.
riuno at a Ilarpilu,
CtiBtomor near North Platto Is un-
ablo to Ilnlsh payment on piano. Wo
will turn ovor piano to first satisfac
tory party-who avIH pay balanco olth-
or cash or email navmont por montlf,
writo Schmollor & Muollor Piano Co
Omaha, 103-2
For Medical, Surgical, Mat
ernity and convalescent pati
ents. Successful operation on
Appendix, when necessary
Gall bladder
Hospital Phone 110
Office Phone 183
Residence Phone 2?l3
1008 West Fourth Street
North Platte,. Neb.
Practice Limited to
Sunrerj mid Radium Thernp)
78fl City National Rank Dnllding.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Office phone 241. ReB. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Phono 30
ALBERT A. LANE, -Dentist
Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building
North Platte, Nebraska.
Why not write your flro and cyclone
Insurance with a rcllnblo company
Mn. Emma Pulvnr, house rent for who invest their premiums In Liberty
Bonds and give our county tho credit
seo ns for farm and uulomoullo rates
Offlco over McDonald Bank.
Jtes. Phono 1120
North Platte, Neb.
U TV 0 V farmers Jive me a
ennnce to show you what I
l am. You cannot tell by look,-
county poor, $GO.O0
Pan! G. Moyer, sorvlccs, $11.50.
Prank Albro, road work, $0.00.
Nol). Tol. Co., romtand tolls. $25.17
Adjourned to January 9, 1919.
Snlo of Puree Jerseys,
Monday, January 20th Prank Stroll
borg and P. O. Johnson will have a
salo of Duroc Jersey brood sows at
the North Sldo barn. Thoso- two' crnw-
ors will offer sixty-one head of regis- Office Phono 1130
loreu animals, hrcu to five different
head boars and forming a draft the L. M. McCLARA,
iw tviitii nun uuvur uuvii uuurcu
for sai.o in North Platto. . Auctioneer.
iioc growers of .Lincoln countv
navo ooon iow to recsgnlzo tho real My one Host reference I'm always
Vn lln ' F iirnll n H I ... t a 1 i j i -t i . .
..,!. ui n yi 1-1,1 u(i uiuhhuh; many oi uaicu aneau rnono nt my expense
uiuiii iiounng 10 uio yiow tna"a hdg lor dates
l IV linf " linn-lnftfnl yf H. n..rn I
fact .Unit 'tho well-bred animal Is thn OGALALLA, NEBRASKA
proBporuy producer, If this wore - v.aimv Vofli-n
hoi iruo, ino'vaiivo or woll-brod niockv. rati, hornod .steer, wolcht
animals WOUld nOVOr llaVO boon natnh. I 1 nnn- mnlnl tno tn nnr imtwrnnn Tlilv
iiniiLii, finil Novnmtior iHt from onorl
11118 snlO oy Messrs. Strollhonr nnil mnntnl Riili-stntlnn. Mnltnhlo rnwftwl
jonnson is an effort to Intorost grow- for recovery.
om in prouucing nottor hogs, to give 98-12 W. P. SNYDER. Supt
mom a stnrt on tho road toward mak- r v 1 . ,'
Ing monoy out of hoc crowlnir. Notice to Creditors.
m . . . . " 1 T-l i X T Tf 1- T -I
1IIO nnimais to Do sold will lm lirnt iv,auuo ixo. iuuu i iiuna u. jurgun
In on tho Saturday preceding th0 flalo son' Decensoa 1,1 th County Court of
and can ho seen nt tho harn prior to L""coin couiuy, iourasKu.
::o': itors of said estato"wlll take notlco
Rural Uplook Service. t,mt tllu t,m limited for presentation
Prof. Ilalloy 1ms Issued a registor and uli"B ot claims against said os-
whlch contains tho nnmos of 2,710 tnto ,s Mliy 7tll 1919, liml tor Sottle-
liersons who havo been Identified ment of 8aul e8tato 1b January 3d,
with rural leadership In tho United 1920 ; that 1 wU1 slt llt tho c01"1'
States and Canada. This book, Just oft courl rooin ln 8U,d coimty 011 Fobrua-
tho press required four years in its ry 7th 1919' at 10 'c,ock II- '" nnd
qom'pllatlou and ovor 7.000 persons 0,1 Mny 711,1 1919' nt 10 'clock a
woro solicited for Mncluslon. Among to rocolyo. examine, hear, allow, or
tho registrants aro: ' adjust all clalniB and objections duly
V. P. Snvilnr Aaa Sunt nr Ai.,.r,i filed.
Husbandry" at UniveVsl ty of Neb rn 2 T7 Wm- ' C" WOODIiniST.
ka. Supt. of Farmers' Institutes for J7'J31 . CounUy Jmlg-
tnreo years and Supt. of North Platte Notice of Hearing.
tjUO-HUUIOll for tWOlVO years. Stnto of Nohrnskn. Cnuntv nf I.ln-
nun iinnior. .oxnori in corn work coin, br
ror tno Argentlno government 1913- In tho mattor ot tho Estato of Aaron
iu ami agicuuurai agont for Lincoln Mills, Deceased,
county for year 1918. In tho County Court.
o:: . let, o.. .w.'iC. .htaoaoitauloaotaolheeo
DRUM AMI IttGLK CORPS To all persons interested In tho es-
RH.OR(IANIZAT!ON'.ttato of Aaron Mills, deceased, both
creditors and holrs, tako notice, That
Let McGraw
Fix It
If your Radiator leaks, or is
filled vvith sediment and your
car heats, have it fixed before
winter. Before using any
anti-freezing solution, be sure
your radiator is tight and
Roijiigh Garage Gth .and Locust Street
..General HospitaL
One Hall Block North ot Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
scientific treatment of medical,
turgical and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Rey
nnd diagnostic laboratories.
v Staff:
Geo. B. Dent. H. D. V. Lucas, H. D.
J. B. Rcdfield. M.'D.fJ. S. SIMMS, M.D.
I havo a good supply of Bplendld
Roso Comb Cockerels that (aro all
brand now blood In country. Largo
bonod. sturdy fellows, that will
please tho fancy or tho most partic
ular breeder. Twenty birds that range
in prlco from $3 to $10 each. These
are from high scoring, bred froln lay
ing stock.
Seo thoso' beforo you buy elsewhere.
So. Park Poultry Yards
Roso Combs Reds Only.
rhsyiclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and ObstretricH.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phonos: Office 130, Residence 116
Best Price Paid for
Hog Market
Office at the Old Stock Yards
We also buy cattle. Call phone
Black 381 for prices
North Platte, Nebraska.
General Furm Sales n Specialty.
References and Dates at First Na
tional Hank, North Watte, Neb.
riiono 1000..
Offlco Phone 340 Res. Black 376
Osteopathic l'liyslclan
Belton Bldg. North Platto, Nob.
Big Price for Furs.
From $2 to $4.50 for prime skin3.
Muskrata from 20c tp $1.50
Hospital Phono Black 633.
House Phone Black 633
v. t: piutchard,
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterlnar
ian. Hospital 218, 'south Locust St
one-half block
Court Houso.
Notlco of, Incorporation
Goodman.Ruckley Trust "Company.
Notlco is hereby given that Edward.
R. Goodman. Newton 13. Buckley,
Graco S. Goodman, have associated
and John Burko, have associated
thomselves together for tho purpose
of forming and becoming a Corpora
tion, under tho laws of tho Stato of
. .. .. INnhrnskn..
XUUU t-llU ilUillU Ul DU1U WVfl lUI
Roferonco:- Farmers StatoT'Bank
is "Goodman-Buckley Trust .Com
pany.'' That tho principal place of
transacting tho business thereof, Is
North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka. That tho general nature of the
business, to bo transacted is to re
colvo trust funds for investment or
in trust; to act as a safe deposit
Sutherland. Nobr.
I alway tako stock buyers with me company! to accept and execute all
. I twin-tin n 1 tinnrnniM nil iliiHnn rto MlOlf
and always soil for the high dollar.
$ ini at a man what he is.
When you see my name on
a sale hill come and hear me;
.1 Ill I If T
it limit yuu win kiiuw 11 i uiu
your man or not. You will
it find me at tho 'Timmerman
Yt Hotol. Phone 018, Room 10.
Licensed Embamers
Undertakers and Funoral Directors I
Day phono 41
Night phono Black CSS
Notice to Creditors.
On Monday evening, February 3rd. on tho 2tth day ot December, 1918,
1010. an opon mooting will ho hold Carl Gottlloh Fredrlch, filed his petl
In tho court houso nt 8:00 o'clock tion ,ln tho County Court of Lincoln
for tho purposo of organizing a munic- County, Nebraska sotting forth that ho
drum and butlo corps. All men 18 1,10 owner in ico simpio ot uio ioi-
who woro mombors of tho North lowing uoscnueu real estato. to-wit:
Platto Homo Guards Druni nnd Tinirlo To bW'l of bectlon 2C, Township 13
Corns nml who n.m iioanna nr r. North ot Rango 32 West 6th P. M. In
V . . .. ... I r.lnpnln Pniintl' . VMirnalrn Unit Vin
ui;aio,i to auonu mis mooting, witn " "
Vipw of becoming members ot tho al.d Aar0,1l1 M"'o .d,il. in,te3trato 0,1
my organization. This mooting will February 11, 1898, In Lincoln County,
bo hold opon for iow applicant who ?!lM.k?' iJB.?i .L10... !n.. 0 i1
aro desirous of becoming moiubors ot , Countv Nebraska aiin that at
llin iinw nrfntihntlnn wlilM, vlll ,. inCOIIl OHIliy, INOUraSKa, an(l tllttl ttl
- i-i .. i " ' tho t mo or tno ueatn or tlio sa d Aaron
El "nlornow rulos ana regu- MIUs ho wna owner n feo , ,e of
latlons that will bo rpad and acted Ul0 ftl)0V0 described real estato. That
upon at this mooting. lhoro thnn two year8 hftV0 olapS(Ml
Ilospocttully signed, . 8inco i,iB lloath tuat lo nimllcatlon has
Victor F. Bock. Drum Major Ovor U00n nmiio for tho appoaiUnont
of an administrator In the Stato ot
Nebraska, that tho deceasod left sur
viving tho following named heirs and
no other: William Mills, Egbe-t Mills
and Oscar M. Mills.
You aro further notified tlat said
petitioner prays tho Court to fix a tlmo
and placo for tho hearing of said peti
tion,- that notlco of Bald tlmo ar il placo
bo glvon to all persons interested in
said estato, both croditors and holrs,
and for tho Court to dotermlno tho
tlmo of tho doath of tho Bald deceased
and for a determination of tho heir
ship ot tho said deceased, a decree of
kinship nnd tho right of doscent of
said real estate.
You nro further notified that said
mattor will bo heard beforo tho Court
at Uio County Court room ot said
Court on tho 31st day of January,
1919, at 9. o'clock a. m., when any
porsoaanay appear, ooject to or con
mm buiu pouuon.
Datod Docombor 24. 1918.
J7-J27 County Judge
trusts and perform all duties as may
bo committed to them as assignees,
receiver, trustee or depositor; to take,
accept-nnd hold any real or personal
property in trust and to care for,
manago and convoy same; to act as
agont or attorn oy-in-iact tor any per
son qr corporation for tho manage
ment, and qontrol of' any rea.1 or per
sonal, prpperty and. 'tjib sale thereof,
and tho investment of money: tb ac
cept from and execute trusts for mar
ried women in respect to tholr sonar-
Estato No. 1599 of Abnor W. Dillon ato rironerty and to , act as agents for
deceased ln tho County CoUrt of Lin- them Inv tho management thereof; to
coin County, Nebr.iska act as administrator or oxecutor of
Tho State ot Nebraska, ss: Crodl- ostatos or ns cuardlan. curator, or
tors of said estato will tako notlco consorvator of tho nronertv of nor-
thnt tho tlmo l'mited for presentation sons under disability;- or as trustee
and filing of claims against said Es- of any person or estate; to loan
tato is June 14th, 1919, and for settle- money upon real ostnto and to borrow
mont of said Estate Is Decomber 13th. money" and to execute and lssuo Its
lUl'j; mat 1 will sit at tho county notos navahlo. and to nlodco Us real
court room in sam county, on warcn estate, mortgages or other securities
w at " o ciock a. m., ana on therefor; to buy, own, hold and Boll
Juno 14th, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m.. to honds. stocks, warrants, bills of ex-
recelvo, oxamiiio, hear, allov. or ad- change notes, mortgagos and other in-
Jilst all claims and objection duly filed vestment securities, negotlablo or non-
n. u. wuuuwuuar, nejjotiablo; to purchase, own or rent
D17-4WkS. '. iCounty JUdgO. ronl Mtnto nml in firoot ImlliHiiPB
theroon nnd to lo and perronn all
acts and exorcise all powers connect-
We have more salt and more kinds of salt
1 than nil 'the dealers of North Platte put
together. Better call anil get your supply.
, Our sules of CARNATION FLOUR is con-
stuntly increusing.
Leypoldt & Pennington
PHONE 206. Lamb Building; North Locust Street
Est ray N'otJco.
Takon up on thQ Hansen ranch, sov- ed with, belonging or Incldont to the
en mues nc-rtnwost ot North Platto, powers and' resppnsiouiuos norem-
on or about August lst 1918, ono cow boforq stateiL
and calf, cow branded with J bar un- That tho amount of tho capital
dor J and flguro ono undor bar; calf stock authorized by tho said Corpor-
about fivo months old and not brand- tlon Is Fifty Thousand Dollars
ed. Ownor call, prove property, pay ($50,000,00), all of which has been
charges and take animal away. paid in full.
H. P. HANSEN. That tho tlmo of tho commencement
D2-6w North Platto, Nob. of said Corporation Is January 1,
1919, and tho tlmo of tho termination
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ",(,,r00i 18 Janary. 1X10
liability, to which tho Corporation
in 1ia Mnitnr nf thn v.attitn nt Is to at any tlmo subject lisolf is
Anna Mnrifnrftthn Movnr nAnao.l Tlllrty-thrCO Thousand ThrOO HlindrOd
NOTICE OF HEARING Thirty-throe Dollars and Thlrty-throo
To All Porsons Interested ln Said Cents (133,333.33). exclusive of monoy
Eatnto: i or property nem in trust.
NoUco Is hereby glvou that Edward , That tho offlcors. who uro to, con-
R. Goodman on December 21, 1918, duct tho affairs of said Corporation
tiled in this Court an Instrument pur- a v dlroptors, a President; vice
porting to bo tho last Will and Testa- Prosli9nt nnd 'Secrotary-Treasuror.
mont of Anna Margaretha Meyer, de- Dateil at North Platto, Nohraaka,
coased, and which Will relates to both uccombor 27. 1918.
real and personal estato and also a
petition praying that tho said Instru
ment bo admitted to probate and that
letters testamentary bo issued to him,
upon tho ostnto ot Uio said Anna Mar-
garetha Moyer, deceased, and that said D31-J24
tiotltlnn will bo heard hoforn tho f!nnn-
tv Court In tho Courthouse in tho Citv Notlco of Petition.
ot NortlLj'latto, County of Lincoln Estato No. 1G10 ot Evangeline
and Statoof Nebraska, on Uio 14th Cough, doccasod ln tho County Court
day ot January, 1919. at nlno o'clock i L,incom county, NournaKa.
a. m., at which time anyono may ap- The Stato ot NobraHko, To all por
near and contest tho probate ot said Bons Interested ln Bald Estato tako
Will and show causo, If any thero bo, notlco that a petition has boon Mod
why letters, testamentary should not for tho appolntmont of O. H. Eldor
bo lamed to said petitioner. as administrator of said ostato, which
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, has ooon sot for hoarlng horoln on
uecembor 21, 1918. January 24, 1919, at 0 o'clock a, m.
, Wm. H. C. WOODHURST, Datod Docombor 28, 1918.
(SIAL) County Judge. Wm. II. O, WOODHURST,
Deo 24-J10 D31-J17 County Judgo.
Morell Keith Neville, Plaintiff,
David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, and
tho holrs, dovlseds, legntcos and per
sonal representatives and againsU,all
porsons interested in tho estato of
David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, de-
coased, and against tho unknown
ownors and claimants of tho following
doscribed land Bltuato in Lincoln
County, Nebraska, Northeast Quarter
rtheast Quarter and Lots 2, 3
and 4 of Section 1, Township 13,
Rango 30; East Half of Northeast
Quarter and Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section
35, Township 14, Rango 30. Tho un
known holrs, devisees, or legatees of
Aljram Wiley, deceased, unknown
heirs, devisees or legatees ot uynmia
T. Wiley, deceased, and tho unknown
holrs, devisees or legatees of , Frank
M. Wiley, deceased, and against tho
unknown owners or tlalmants ot tho
following described land 'situate in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, South half
of Northeast quarter and Lots 1 and
2 of Section 4, Township 13, Range
29. Goorgo- A. Hcagland, his heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and unknown claimants' of tho
following described land situated in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, South Half
of Southeast Quarter, South Half of
Southwest Quarter of Section 12,
Township 13, Rango 29, Defendants
First Cnuso of Action.
To David Cash, Ellen L. Cash and
tho holrs, devisees, legatees and per
sonal representatives and all persons
Interested In tho estato of David Cash,
deceased, and Ellen L. Cash, deceased,
and tho unknown, owners and un
known claimants of tho following de
scribed land situate In Lincoln County
Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast Quarter
of Northeast Quarter (NE& of NEVi)
and Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four
(4) o SecHOon Ono (1) Township
Thirteen (13), N. of Range Thirty
(30) and the East Half of Northeast
Quarter (E"of NEVi) and Lots Ono
(1), Two (2) and Three (3) of Section
Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteen
(14), N. of Rango Thirty (30), West
Gth P. M.,dofendants.
You and each of you will take notice
that Morell Keith Neville has com
mdncod an action In the Dlstric't
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you, tho ob
ject and prayer of which said petition
is to quiet title in plaintiff against
you and each of you in tho following
described lands situate In Lincoln
County, Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast
Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NEVi
of NEV4) and Lots Two (2), Three (3)
and Four (40 of Section One (1)
Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thir
ty (SO), West Gth P. M., and East
Half ot Northeast Quarter (E ot
NEVI) and Lots One (1), Two (2) and
Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35),
Township Fourteen (14), Rango Thir
ty (30), West Gth P. M and to have
decreed to him new and independent
title by reason of adverse possession
of said described promises agaipst
you by himself and l)ls grantors.
Second Cause of Action;,
To Abram Wiley, Cynthia T. Wiley,
Frank M. WJley and tho heirs, devi
sees, legatees and personal represen
tatives and all 'persons interested in
the estate of Abram Wiley, deceased,
Cynthia T. WUoy, deceased.and Frank
M. Wllejv deceased, and the unknown
ownors and tho unknown claimants
of tho following described lands sit
uate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-
wit: South naif of Northeast Quar
ter (SV2 NE) and Lots Ono (1)
and Two, (2) of Section Four (4) in
Township Thirteen (13), Rango Twen-ty-nlno
(29K West of .the Gth P. M.,
You and each of you will tako
notice that Morell Keith Nevjllo has
commenced an action In the .District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you, the ob
ject and prayer of which said petition
is to quiet titjo in plaintiff against you
nnd each of you in the following des
cribed lands situate, in Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska, to-wit: South Half of
Northeast Quarter (SV2 NE) and
Lots Ono (1) and Two (2) of Section
Four (4), Township Thirteen (13),
Rango Twonty-nlno (29), west of tho
Gth P. M., and to have decreed, in him
now and Independent titlo by reason
of adverse possession of said describ
ed lands against you by himself and
his grantors.
Third Cause of Action,
To George A. Hoogland jind tho
heirs, dovisecs, legatees and personal
roprosentatlvos and all porsons in
terested i tho estate of Goorgo A.
Hoaglnnd, deceased, and the unknown
owners and unknown clalmants'of tho
following doscribed lands situate in
Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit:
South halt ot Southoast Quarter (SVs
of SEVl) and South Half of Southwest
Quartor (SVv of SWVi) ot Section
Twolvo (12), Township Thlrtoon (13),
Rango Twonty-nlno (29), west ot tho
oth p. M., dofondants.
Youl and each of you will tako notice
that Moroll Kolth Neville has com
monood an action ln tho District
Court ot Lincoln County, Nobraska,
ngaliiBt you and enoh of you, Uio ob
ject and prayer of which said petition
is 10 quiet title in plaintiff ngalnstyou
and ouch of you lit tho following do
Bcrllxxl luiidH sltunto ln Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, to-wit: South Half of
Southeast Quartor (SVa SEVl) and
South Half of Southwost Quartor (SVs
of SWV4) of Section Twolvo (12),
Township Thlrtoon (13), Rango Twen-ty-nlno
(29), wost of tho Gth P. M..
and to havo decreed In him now and
lndopondont titlo hy ronson of nd
forso possesion of said described
promlflOB ngalnst you Vy hlniBolf and
his grantorH, ,
You ani each of youl will mako
answor herein on or beforo Uio 17th
day ot Fobruary, 1919, or j your de
faults will bo takonaiuB Judgment
takon and ontorcd against you ns in
Bald potltlon prayed,
J7-5w " PlainUff.