The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 07, 1919, Image 10

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(Copright, 1018, Wrattrn Newapapcr I'D Ion.)
"Don't I tell you my entire fortune
la swept awny Hint I nm n pauper I"
Thus voiced old Anson Lome nnd
tho toni'H were high-pitched, becuuso
tho announcement seemed In nowise to
disturb IiIh nephew, Wnlluco Drnke.
"Vmt tin 4.1I tun " triciin,w1ml Will.
aiju ill, ivil nil., tmjrviiiivu u ill
luce, "nnd I'm sorry for your sake, hut
you'ro no pauper ns Ioiik as I liavo a I
pnir 01 strong arms nnu u nrain in
wonting oraer. rvo neen expecting
you, uncle, nnd never were, you more
welcome. Forget your troubles and
watch mo pny hack some of tho unfor
gettable kindnesses you have showered
on mo for years."
"II declare 1" fnllored tho old man,
Ills voice husky with emotion, "It's
It's almost worth tho loss of fortune to
find one true heart among tho ninny.
It's too bad for you. I supposo you 1
will have to glvo up college Just as you
was reaching tho end?"
"I'vo nrrnnged nil Hint, Undo An-
Bon," said Wnlluco brightly. "As soon
ns I heard of your dllllcultlcs I saw
your lawyer. IIo told mo clearly that
when you pnld your debts' you would
hnvo nothing left except Homo ques
tionable securities, foisted on you by
tho unscrupulous brokers who liavo
ruined you. I saw your doctor, too,
uncle. I am not afraid of our getting
along, hut I nm afraid you will worry
over this trouble and break down. Tho
doctor says you must get your mind
mi irom it nnu nnu occupation, rvo
plnnned It nil. Wo want to get on our
feet. Then you must help."
"Why, I'm willing to," declared old
Anson Lome.
"AH right. You, let mo ho captain
for a spell and follow my orders. It
may be bnro bread nnd butter for a
time, hut we're going to get results."
Anson Lome went to sleep thnt
night, mind relieved, free of enro for
the Ilrst tlmo In mnny n long day. IIo
was llko a shipwrecked sailor finding
a safe harbor after being sorely buf
feted about by adverso wind and wave.
When tho collapse of his fortuno had
como thoso whom hojiud benefited had
deserted him. It was this that de
pressed and well nigh crushed him.
Now had como the word from Wallaco
Drake. With pride, with fervent Joy
tho old mnn recognized one pure heart
of gold, staunch as steel In tho stress
and strain of adversity.
Wallaco Drako formulated no grand
plans. When tho crash camo ho hnd
llttlo cnsh, but ho did have the equip
merit of an advanced col lego mnn. IIo
proceeded to sell his library, his nth
Ictlc outfit, all of his Jewelry, all of
his extra wardrobe and furniture.
When he came finally to count up his
liquid cnpltal, he was agreeably snr
prised to Hnd himself tho possessor of
nearly nine hundred dollars,
"We'll tnko a walk, Undo Ans6n,"
ho said ono pleasant afternoon, and
the stroll terminated nt a llttlo ono
Btory building opposlto n public school.
Thero was a 10 hy 12 storeroom and
behind It two living apartments. Tho
store shelves held school supplies,
such as books, slates, stationery and
tho like, and somo confectionery.
"Bottom rung of tho business lad
dor, uncle," spoke Wallaco cheerily.
"All I'm thinking of Is keeping your
mind nnd time occupied. You lovo
llttlo children. You will hnvo a clien
tele hero to your heart's couteut."
, Tt wns marvelous how placidly An
son Lome, accepted tho humble eondl
tlons Into which circumstances had
plunged him. Wallace had secured a
position as assistant nt n physician's
ofllco and arranged so that by study
lug nights until tho end of a year, lu
could graduate with a diploma. Tho
variety, tho activity, tho steady.
though small protlt tho llttlo store
brought In gave Mr. Lorno a vivid In
tcrcst In tho business, nnd soon ho had
a hnppy, welcome coterie of little ones
who delighted In visiting "Grandpa
Lome," Uncle nnd nephew dovel
oped great housekeeping ability, and
tho old man averred he had never been
ho contented and happy lu hU life.
Then a young lady, n Miss Oro Sco
fleld, began to drop Into tho store. Sho
was n settlement worker, nn heiress It
was said, and the history of undo and
nephew Interested her. Besides that,
sho discovered among some fuvorlto
hookH Wallaco had saved from tho
wreck unlquo works on botany, nnd
to his Burprlso and pleasure ono after
noon Wallace found tho charming
young lady lu question Immersed In
ono of the same. This new friend
brought an appreciated element Into
the life of the young man
IIo found Orn In tho living rooms
back of tho storo ono evening when ho
came home, preparing a meal, and tho
domestic ensemble warmed his heart.
"I'm going to Inflict my cookery
fschool acquirements upon you for ono
occasion only," Miss Scolleld advised
Wallace sthlllngly. "It Is your uncle's
birthday. My mother Is Invited and
Mr. Lorno seems greatly pleased with
tho arrangement."
It was after tho meal Jhat Anson
Lorno Bat hack In his chair, drowsy,
dreamy, Infinitely content. IIo had a
vision and It camo true. Tho old dis
carded securities turned out half good
In thts dream, Ills nephew and Orn
Scoilold wero fast becoming something
more than friends. Fortuno smiling,
step hy step the way hack to a com
petency If not opulence was gained,
Orn a bride, and a beautiful future
woven out qI,r blighted past all thlu
wns to ho, nnd came about when tho
Juno bride rosea were In their sweet
wl bloom. ' -
Spontaneous Expressions of Admira
tion From Colonials at Sight of
Gallant American Destroyer.
The next sunrise found us nnrhored
at tho rntrnnce to nn English hnrbor.
Ahead nnd astern, ns fur as the eye
could reach, stretched n line of ships
waiting to enrry food Into Knglund.
That Is how England Is being starved
hy Germany! And that Is how tin'
British and American navies are lin
ing tholr work!
After several deeply loaded Milps
had shot In nast us wo got our pilot
n1(I JoIm,,i ,1,7, procession. Hound out
Jn lu, opposite direction a powerful
,iCHtroy(.r of the latest type swept up,
.,, ,,,..,. ninfPS trailing from her
funnels and a great white hone In her
teeth. She was the very spirit of dash
and daring, with a tlni;c of swank.
"I say, that's n topholc, "Look nt
that," "Absolutely it," "Ripping," was
chorused In the English of the Isles.
a big South African nudged me.
"Yank, look at thnt flag."
It was the .Stars and Stripes.
More than all the speeches I had
heard on the significance of this war
to the Anglo-Saxons meant the (puck
glimpse of that fine ship under that
flag outward bound to defend the
shores of Hnglund.
"Come on. Springboks, a good one
for the Yanks," yelled the big colonial,
and the men who had licked tho Ger
mans In East Africa and who were
going to lick them In France roared
tho Zulu war cry. Gregory Mason In
American Soldier, Ordered to the
Front, at Least Did Not Set Out
on Mission Hungry.
An American doughboy entered a
restaurant In tho Hue Richelieu and
after carefully studying the menu, or
dered dejeuner.
The waitress brought him bacon and
eggs, cheese and a pint of beer. When
he had linlshcd eating, lie paid his bill
nnd called the waitress.
"Now I want some lunch."
This time sire brought him a plate of
roast beef, vegetables and chicken,
which he washed down with half a
dozen cups of tea; then he paid his
bill and called the wondering waitress
back again.
"Now, my dear, I want dinner."
He ate some beef, vegetables, ap
ples nnd drank a bottle of wine.
At 1 :30, after having taken all three
meals nt once, tho soldier left the res
taurant, nnd a llttlo while later set
out on u mission to the front. Stars
nnd Stripes.
Nitrogen From Atmosphere.
There has been erected at the Unit
ed States department of agriculture's
experiment farm ut Arlington, Va the
largest experimental plant In the Unit
ed States for the production of nltro
gen from air. The nitrogen so pro
duceil Is combined with hydrogen to
form ammonia, which can lie used In
the manufacture of explosives and fer
tlllzeis. Experiments with the view
of Increasing the elllclency of the proc
ess are now being conducted by the
bureau of soils. The Ilalier process of
manufacturing nitrogen Is being cm
ployed. This process involves the pro
ductlon of ammonia from hydrogen
and nitrogen. The two glides are mix
ed in the proper proportion, put under
high pressure and subjected to Intense
bent. They are then passed over a
spongy Iron, -whereupon a portion of
rue mixture continues to ninn am
Fish-Skin Shoes,
At tho recent exposition of the
chemical Industries at N'ew York there
wns an Interesting exhibit of leather
made from the skin of fishes, shark
porpoise and tuna llsli, which showed
It to be as full of good qualities as
leather made from the skins of mil
Scientists of the Pratt Institute' nnd
the United States bureau of llsherle
have been experimenting with llsh skin
ns a substitute for leather, and the
raw hide of sharks and porpoises al
ready Is In commercial ue. Porpoise
skin razor strops have been used for
years, and other kinds of fish leathc
would have been on the market long
ago, the scientists say, had It not been
that there was an abundance of real
Industrial Exemption.
Conscription boards havo their trou
bles, and occasionally a tragedy, but
onco In a while they have a little Joke,
too. The local draft board at Scotts
burg thinks It has a "good (me" on the
third district appeal board.
Recently the Scottsburg board sent
up papers of a mnn who sought ex
emptlon because of marrlagu since Au
gust ft, 1018. In due time the paper
were returned by the appeal board with
the ruling "deferred classification re
fused. Place can bo tilled by another.'
It la presumed thnt the appeal clerks
wroto a reason for refusul of nn appeal
for exemption on Industrial grounds 911
the papers Instead of the ono Intended
for case. Indianapolis News.
How much stuff does a Yank take
Into tho line? it ull depends on the
In 0110 squad you will see a man
carrying full pack, Including extra
shoes and overcoat, and wearing
whole string or corned Willie cans
much as n FIJI Islander wears a lnl
cloth. Another man In the same squad
will go up minus his blouse, and cn
rying .only a blanket, gas mask and
helmet. Purls Stars and Stripes.
(Copyright, IMS, Wntern Ncwipuptr t'nleo.)
The Rev. Paul Worthlngton, when
he received the call to his latest
charge, wished desperately that he '
might love, oven us other men, and
marry. For the Reverend Paul wns of
so fine an nppearance, combined with
plcnSItiK personal qualities, that it was
not to be wondered nt when maidens
of every age and station besought him
with veiled or openly bestowed atten
tions. I'aul, who was' not conceited, 'went
over the sltnntlon studiously, conclud
ing It was tho sunnoKudlv sunerlor no-
sltlon of pastor's wife which the girls,01 oruieusi ijuanor anu 1.01s t,
coveted, he himself being merely a n"(1 4 "f Sr?ct " Tw"?h,
means to that end. The RevcrLl SiSlSSS
Paul loved his work and desired above 35( Township 14, Range 30. The un
all things to go about It fearlessly. 1 known holrs. devisees, or loKnteos of
As a single mnn, Paul's visits and
Interest wero wont to he personally
construed. But ns the pcrverso god of
lovo seemed determined to pass him
by he decided to adopt a manner of
forbidding aloofness where young worn-
11 were concerned and seek assistance
entirely among their elders.
Thus It happened that the young set
of Farmlngton church at first dubbed
the new minister n "conceited prig."
Ills eloquent sermons Paul felt in
stinctively wero not being received
with general favor even the good
fellowship sought with the men of his
congregation was a failure.
"What was wrong?" ho asked him
self. "In what way was his endeavor
lie was bound to'loolc for help nt
last from the bright-eyed girls In tho
choir, and Immediately thnt help was
forthcoming, but the singing brought
forth no enthusiasm. It was necessary
to seek out church decorators among
the young women; they were nlso
quickly found, but Paul realized that
he was again passing through the ex
perience of past charges.
Then one day, ns his eyes flashing
with the truth of his statements
glanced over the upraised faces of his
congregation, Paul paused suddenly
before the steady light of a young
wonmn's concentrated gaze. Almost,
It seemed, that she was reading his
soul. Unwilling, yet drawn by some
compelling power, ho turned ngaln and
still again to that absorbed, strangely
winsome face. lie had found his In
spiration. Paul Worthlngton preached
that day as he never had preached be
fore. And when after service he
hastened down the aisle for his cus
tomary hand-shaking, It wns In n fever
of Impatience lest someone should ob
struct his progress until tho young
stranger had gone.
"A splendid sermon 1" praised the
girls of the choir.
"The pulpit flowers?" questioned a
fair member of tho decorating com
mittee; "were they arranged ns you
Tho iteverend Paul nodded absent
ly; ho had located the girl of the ob
servant eyes as sho wns about to step
out to the street. "Good morning," he
greeted. "I wish to thank you for your
earnest attention. A good listener It
a pastor's help."
The girl's unlquo attraction seemed
enhanced with nearness. Unsinlltng
sho allowed him to clasp her hand.
"Your sermon was good, but far too
long," she said quietly.
fho iteverend NPaul fnlry gnsped os
tho little figure of his mentor passed
on her way. IIo was still perturbed
as he ascended the pulpit steps at eve
ning and looked defiance toward tho
pew where the girl demurely waited.
Then his defiance was lost In satisfac
tion. She should see that her criticism
had not Influenced lu the least his
evening sermon; not once would ho
look In her direction. But he did.
And when, during the evening Paul
saw the girl glance at her wrist watch,
unexpectedly even to himself, ho end
ed his discourse.
At tho door It wns tho girl who ex
tended her hand.
"That was much better," she enld,
and cast hack a dimpling smllo.
' IIo could not avoid seeing tho girl
at the midweek lecture sho wore
such a' dushlng hat, and her face
glowed beneath Its brim.
"Next Sunday," she suggested, her
eyes wero twinkling, "In addition to tho
shorter, moro graphic sermon, I would
instltuto tho singing of newer and
moro tuneful hymns In plnco of the
old solemn ones. Farmlngton people
need cheering up."
Thnt evening tho pnstor passed
through many moods, from Indignation
to speculation. "After nil, there might
bo truth In tho suggestions so crudely
given, nis labor lacked result 5 this
was truo. Ho would humble himself
to try tho girl's advice. There was
about her somo confident power.
IIo missed her attentlvo presence
from his nowly nrrnnged Bervlces for
some tlmo after his decision. IIo hnd
tho people all singing now 5 they camo
In Interested numbers to hear his short,
forceful sermons. But success could
not cornponsuto for his lucxpllcnblj
disappointment lu the girl's absence.
Lovo had found tho iteverend Paul
nt Inst, no admitted It freely, love,
In tho presence of tho only ono who
had dared to criticize himself. And
when her faco looked up again from
tho old pew In tho corner tho heart
of tho Reverend Pnul snng.
Later when ho held her hnnds In his
It was as though always they had
known each other and understood.
"You wero brave enough to help
me," said tho new, humhlo Paul.
"I wanted you to stay, you ecc," the
unusual girl confessed.
General Farm Sales u Specialty.
References and Dates at First Na-
Io,ial lln,,k' orlh 1MnUc' Xcb
Phono 1000.
. "
aioreu neun ravine, riuinuu,
David C'nali and Ellen L. Cnsh, and
tho heirs, dovlseos, legatees and per
gonal representatives and against all
persons interostcd In tho ostato of
David Cash and Ellen L. Cash, de
ceased, and against the unknown
owners and claimants of tho following
described land situate In Lincoln
County, Nobraska, Northeast Quarter
Miratn Wiloy, deceased, unknown
heirs, devisees or logatees of Cynthia
T. Wiley, deceased, nnd the unknown
hoirs, devisees or legatees of Frank
M. Wiley, deconsed, and against tho
unknown owners or clalmnnts of tho
following described land situate In
Lincoln County, Nebraska, South half
of Northeast quarter and Lots 1 and
2 of Sectlou 4, Township 13, Itango
29. Goorgo A. Hcagland, his holrs,
dovisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and unknown claimants of the
following described land situated In
Lincoln County, Nebraska, South Half
of Southeast Quarter, South Half of
Southwest Quarter of Section 12,
Township 13, Range 29, Defendants
First Cause of Action.
To David Cash, Ellen L. Cush and
tho hoirs, devisees, legatees and per
sonal representatives and all persons
Interested in tho ostato of David Cash,
deceased, and Ellen L. Cash, deceased,
and tho unknown owners and un
known claimants of tho following de
scribed land situate In Lincoln County
Nebraska, to-wlt: Northeast Quarter
of Northeast Quarter (NEVi of NEVi)
and Lots Two (2). Three (3) nnd Four
(4) of Sectftjon One (1) Township
Thirteen (13). N. of Range Thirty
(30) and tho East Half of Northeast
Quarter (EV2 of NEVi ) and Lots Ono
(1), Two (2) nnd Three (3) of Section
Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteen
(14), N. of Range Thirty (30), West
Cth P. M., defendants.
You and each of you will take notice
that Moroll Keith Nevillo has com
menced an action in f,ho Distriot
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you, tho ob
ject and prayer of which said petition
is to quiet titlo in plaintiff against
you nnd each of you In tho following
described lands sltunte in Lincoln
County, Nebraskn, to-wit: Northeast
Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NEVi
of NEV4) and Lots Two (2), Three (3)
nnd Four (4) of Section Ono (1)
Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thir
ty (30). West Gth P. M., and East
Half of Northeast Quarter (EV2 of
NEVi) and Lots Ono (1). Two (2) and
Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35),
Township Fourteen (14), Rango Thlr
ty (30K West 0th P. M., and to have
decreed to him new nnd independent
title by reason of adverse possession
of said described, promises against
you by himself and his grantors.
Second Cause of Action.
To Abram Wiley, Cynthia T. Wiley,
Frank M. Wiley and tho heirs, devi
sees, legatees and personal represen
tatives and all persons interested In
tho estate of Abram Wiloy, deceased
Cynthia T. Wiley, deceased.and Frank
M. Wiley, deceased, and the unknown
owners and tho unknown claimants
of tho following described lands slt-
uato In Lincoln County, Nebraska, to
wlt: South half of Northeast Quar
ter (SV2 NE'4) and Lots Ono (1)
and Two (2) of Section Four (4) in
Township Thirteen (13),Rnngo Twen
ty-nintv (29), West of tho 0th P. M,
You nnd each of you will take
notico thnt Morell Keith Nevillo has
commenced an action in tho District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska
against you and each of you, tho ob
Joct and prayer of which said petition
is to quiet title In plaintiff against you
nnd each of you in tho following des
cribed lands situnto In Lincoln Coaui
ty. Nebraska, to-wlt: South Half of
Northeast Quartor (SV2 NEVi) and
Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Section
Four (4). Township Thirteen (13)
Rango Twenty-nine (29), west of the
Cth P. M., and to have decreed in him
now nnd independent titlo by reason
of adverso possession of said descrlh
ed lands against you by himself and
his grantors.
Third Cause of Action
To Goorgo A. Hoacland and tho
hoirs, dovisees, logatees and personal
representatives and all persons in
forested In tho estnto of George A
Hoagland, deceased, and tho unknown
ownors nnd unknown claimants of tho
following described lands situnto In
Lincoln County, Nebraskn, to-wlt
South half of Southeast Quarter (SV2
of SE,) and South Half of Southwest
Quarter (SVb of SWV4) of Section
Twelvo (12), Township Thlrtoen (13)
Rango Twenty-nlno (29), west of tho
Gth P. M.. defendants
Yqu, and each of you will tako notice
mat Moron Keith Neville has com
monced an nctlon In tho District
Court of Lincoln County. -Nobraskn
against you and eneli of you, tho ob
Ject and prnyor of which said notitlon
is to quiot title in plaintiff against you
and encn or yon in tho following de
scribed lands situnto In Lincoln Coun
ty. Nebraska, to-wlt: South Half
Southeast Quartor (SVa SEV4) and
South Half of Southwest Quartor (SVa
of SWVi) of Section Twelvo (12)
Township Thirteen (13), Rango Twon
ty-nlno (29), wost of tho Gth P. M
nnd to hnvo decreed in him now nnd
Independent title by ronson of ad
vforso possession of said described
promises against you by himself and
his grantors.
You nn,i each of youi will mnko
nnswor horoln on or before tho 17th
day of February, 1919, or your de
faults will bo takon and Judgmont
taken and entered against you as in
said petition prayed.
I have a good supply of splendid
Roso Comb Cockerels that aro all
brand new blood In country. Largo
boned, sturdy follows, that will
ploaso tho fancy of tho most partic
ular breeder. Twonty birds that range
In price front $3 to $10 each. These
aro from high Bcorlng-, bred from lay
ing stock.
Seo theso beforo you buy elsewhere.
So. Park Poultry Yards
Roso Combs Beds Only.
Price Paid
Hog Market
Office at the Old Stock Yards
We also buy cattle. Call phone
Black 381 for prices
North Platte, Nebraska.
Big Price for Furs.
rom $2 to $4.50 for prime skins.
Muskrats from 20c to $1.50
AotJco of. Incorporation of;
Goodrnan-ltuckley Trust 'Company.
Notice Is hereby given that Edward
. Goodman, Newton B. Buckley,
Graco S. Goodman, havo associated
and John Buxko, havo associated
themselves together for tho purpose
f forming and becoming a Corpora
tion, under 'the laws ot tho Stato of
That the name of said Corporation
is "Goodman-Buckley Trust Com
pany." That tho .principal place of
transacting tile business tnereor, is
North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras
ka. That tho general naturo of the
business to bo transacted is to re
ceive trust funds for investment or
n trust; to act as a safe deposit
company; to accept and execute all
trusts and perform all duties as may
bo committed to them as assignees,
receiver, trusteo or depositor; to take,
accept and hold any real or personal
property in trust and to care for,
manage and convey same; to act as
agent or attornoy-in-fact for any per
son or corporation for the manage
ment and control of any real or per
sonal property and tho sale thereof,
nnd the Investment ot money: to ac
cept from and execute trusts for mar
ried women In respect to tholr separ
ate property and to net as agents for
them In the management thereof; to
act as administrator or executor of
estates or as guardian, curator, or
conservator of tho property of per
sons under disability; or as trustee
of any person or ostato; to loan
money upon real estate and to borrow
money nnd to execute and lssuo Its
notes payable, and to pledge Its real
estate, mortgages or other securities
thorofor; to buy, own, hold and sell
bonds, stocks, warrants, bills of ex
change, notes, mortgages and other in
vestment securities, negotiable or non-
negotiable; to purchase, own or rent
real ostato and to erect buildings
thereon and to do and porform all
acts and exorcise all powors connect
ed with, belonging or Incident to tho.
powors and. responsibilities herein
before, stated.
ThaC tho amount of tho capital
stock authorized by tho said Corpor-
tton is Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000.00). all of which has been
paid in full.
Thnt the time of the commencement
ot said Corporation Is January 1,
1919, and tho tlmo of tho termination
thoroof Is January 1. 1969. That the
highest amount of Indebtedness or
liability, to which tho Corporation
Is to at any time subject itself Is
Thlrty-threo Thousand Throo Hundred
rnirty-tnreo Hollars and Thlrty-throo
Cents ($33.333.33) , oxcluslvo ot money
or proporty hold In trust
That tho officors, who are to con
duct tho affairs ot said Corporation
aro flvo directors, a Prosldont, Vice
Prosi(ont and Secretary-Treasurer.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
December 27, 1918.
D31-J24 Incorporator
Notico of Petition.
Estato i'o. 1610 ot Evangollno
Gough, deceased In the County Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, To all per
sons interested In said Estato tako
notico that a potltton has beon filed
for tho appolntmont ot O. E. Elder
as administrator of Bald ostato, which
has been sot for hearing heroin on
January 24, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated Docombor 28, 1918.
DJI-J17 County Judge,
Let McGraw
Fix It
If your Radiator leaks, or is
filled with sediment and your
car heats, fixed before
winter. Before using any
anti-freezing solution, be sure
your radiator is tight and
Romigh Garage 6th and Locust Street
..General Hospital..
One Hall Block North ot Postoflice.
Phone 58
A modern Institution for the
icicntific treatment of medical,
lurgieal and confinement caoei.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratoriei.
Geo. B. Dent. 61. D. V. Lucas, H. D.
J.B. Redfield.H.iD.JJ. S. SIMMS, M.D.
l'lisylcJan and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstretrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130, Resldenco 115
Office Phone 340 Res. Black 37G
Osteopathic Physician
Belton Bldg. North Platte, Neb.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black 633
Graduate Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block southwest of the
Court House.
Reference:- Farmers State Bank
Sutherland, Ncbr.
alway tako stock buyers with mo
and always soil for the high dollar.
Licensed Embamera
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Bay phpno 41
Night phono Black 588
Notice to Creditors.
Estato No. 1599 of Abner W. Dillon
deceased in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska
Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estato will tako notice
that tho time limited for prosentat'on
and filing of claims against said Es
tato is Juno 14th, 1919, and for settle
ment of said Estate is December 13th.,.
1919; that I will sit at tho county
court room in said county, on March
14th, 1919 at 9 o'clock a. m., and on
Juno 14th, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m.. to
receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad
Just all claims and objection duly filed
D17-4wks. County Judco.
Estrny Notico.
Taken up on the Hansen ranch, bov-
en miles northwest o North Platte,
on or about August 1st 1918, ono cow
and calf, cow branded with J bar un
der J and flguro ono under bar: calf
about five months old and not brand
ed. Owner call, provo property, nay
charges and take animal away.
D2-6w North Platte, Neb.
In tho Matter of tho Estato of
Anna Margaretha Moyor, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested In Said
Notico is hereby glvon that Edward
R. Goodman on Decembor 21, 1918,
filed In this Court an Instrument pur
porting to bo tho last Will and Testa
ment of Anna Margaretha Meyer, de
ceased, and which Will relates to both
real and porsonal ostato and also a
petition praying that tho said Instru
ment bo admitted to probato and that
lottors testamentary bo issued to him,
upon tho ostato of the said Anna Mar
garotha Moyor, deceased, and that said
potitlon will bo heard before tho Coun
ty Court in U10 Courthouso in tho City
of North Platto, County of Lincoln
and Stato ot Nobraska, on tho 14th
day of January, 1919, at nine o'clock
a. m at which tlmo anyono may ap
pear and contest tho probato ot said
Will and show causo, It any thero be.
why letters testamentary should not
bo issued to said petitioner.
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
Decomber 21, 1918.
(SEAL) County Judge.
Dec 24-J10