CO o eg X H O H o o H eft p Z ' . 1.7 very Item Has the Wilcox Re pota T ins iHraifinlfl w ?ir aim dot Tri IWirwli orra i WE EXPECT 8 MORE BAYS TO SELL OUR SURPLUS WINTER GOODS Read Every Word of This Ad-Then lurry Ladies' Cloth Coats Ladies Cloth Coats Values to $40 Ladles Cloth Values to $ Ladles Cloth Coats Values to $G0. Now S $24.45 li Coats qyj VIC 50. Now jjjQH-iTO Z $44.45 Ladies Plush Coats Values to $35. Now Ladies' Plush Coats $24.45 $34.45 id Volour $59.45 Ladios Plush Coats Values to $50. Now Ladles Plush Coats. Values to $75.00 ... Ladies' Cloth Coats Ladies Cloth Coats, past sea- sou's styles . Values up to $25.00 Ladles' Heavy Cotton Sport Coats. Now Children's Coats Go At $4.98 $3.98 $3.98 $4.98 S8.48 It's a Big Sale People-Hustle! Ladies' Dresses Ladios Silk Dresses ( Valuos to $25. Now La'dios' Kino Sorgo DresBos Values to $110.00 Now Ladios' Silk 'and Wool Drosses Valuos to $40.00. Now $14.95 $18.95 ool Drosses $24.95 Ladies' Suits Ladies Suits Values tfJQQ flt to $75.0(1. Now. . . .vpJUi J J Ladios Suits Valuos to $50.00. Now , Ladies Suits Values to $35.00. Now $27.45 $19.95 Ladies' Skirts Ladios Skirts, All Wool Sorgos otc Valuos to $7.50. Now ..... Ladios Wool Skirts Valuos to $4.00 Now Ladies Wool Skirts Values to $10.' Now $3.95 ,.$2.48 $5i95 Saturday Special For One Hour 9 to 10 a. m. Three pairs Ladies' Black Lisle hose our regular 45c quality only three pairs to a customer Reason for this Sale In order to reduce our stocks to as low a point as possible and release capital that we have kept tied up in extra merchandise to protect our customers from advancing prices through the war, we will hold a Clearance Sale'of all Winter Goods at prices that will be less than the same goods can be purchased anywhere. The merchandise is every bit of it from our own stock and not goods that have just been manufactured for sale purposes. tsirday pecial For One Hour 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. Men's Fine Dress Shirts values to $1.25 during this hour only Here are Real BARGAINS In Shoes! Men's Work Shoes Men's best- quality work shoes, a largo variety to solect from, now going at $2.48, QQ $2.98, $3.48 and tpOiiJO Colored Shoes One Lot of Ladies Shoes, color ed 1'loth 'tops, both French and medium heels, now going at .... $3.48 Ladies' Fine Shoes One lot of Ladies' Shoes, lino quality, good lasts, some sizes short, these leathers will Men Take Away These Bargains please you, going at .. now $2.98 Ladies' Brown Shoes Ladies Brown Shoes, nice styles NI QQ choice of lasts and heels, now going at Hero we have one lot of Men's Medium Fine Shoes, Button and Laco, Just right for com mon wear, now going at $3.48 Childrens' Shoes One" lot Children's Shoes, Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, both Kid and Calf. Now going at $1.89 Extra Special Hero wo have a lot of Men's Shoes, broken lots, but flno leathors, values youl will ap preciate, now go ing at $3.98 Childrens' Shoes One lot Children's Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, Kid and Calf, Button and Iaco, now going at $2.19 It's Up to You to Act. Ladles Gingham llouso Dross es, sizes 32 to 31. Now $1.39 Clillds Plaid Skirts to wear with Mlddys. Now Navy Sorgo Skirts For Girls, Now.. Ladies Brown Hoso good Lisle, now Men's Hockford Socks now going at ...79c $1.79 43c 14c Gossard CorBots, dlscontilnuied styles. Values to $4.25. Now $2.48 Gossard, Corsets, discontinued styles, values up to $, now Nemo Corsots, valuos to $3.50, now Nomo Corsots, values to $00.0, now Ladles Outing Flan nolo Gowns, now $3.79 $2.4P $3.48 $1.79 Dry Goods Specials! One Lot Black and Colored All Wool Serge, $1.50 M -1 Q Value . .tP I I Ginghams, 35c Quality... 27c 24c 29c 79c $1.59 43c Percales, 35c quality. 27c Outing Flannels, Heav iest Quality Good Quality Plaid Dross Goods jj, 3G In. Dress Serge, half wool, now Fancy Silks Beautiful Plaid Dross Goods Fuel For the Fire! SILKS Black Dress Satin Value $2.50, now Silk Crepe do Chine, Value $1.75, now.. Taffeta Silks, yard wide, now Fancy Silks, Values to $2,00, now ....$1.88 $1.39 $1.45 3IILLINKHY Ladles' Hats, Values up to $15.00, now.. Ladies' Hats, Values to $5.00, now Children's Hats, Values to $2.50, now $4.98 $2.48 95c Attention! Please! Children's Dresses pretty styles, now Childrens Dresses Values to $1.25, now 69c 83c Children's Dresses, $2.50 valuos Extra nice. Now go ing at .... go- mi no ....iibu HEAD! CMTICISK! CONSID ER! COMPARE! THEN ACT! Ladies' Silk Waists. Heavy Cropo Do Chlno $5.00 Value, now. $3.79 Lad,W Georgette WajHth Values to $3.50 now Ladies' Silk Waists tfQ QO Dark Stripes, now..)uii)0 Bargain Days are Here! BLANKETS Plaid Cotton Blankets Come in Pink, Bluo and oth er Colors, now Plaid Wool Blankets, Largo Size, CO by 80 in fine Quality Folt Linoleum, 2 yards wide, per yard $3.19 $7.89 59c SWEATERS Men's. Heavy Hope Stitch Wool Mixed Sweaters Men's Heavy Merino Sweaters $2.69 $3.48 See These Sure! MEN'S SHIHTS mid PANTS 79c Mon's Dress Shirts Valuo $1.25 $1.50 Values, now, 98c Men's Khaki Pants Now $1.79 Colorod Drapery Goods, doublo width Whito Dotted Swiss for Curtains Bleached Muslin, yard wido Huck towels, good weight 17 by 30 in ..9c 13c lrd..19c 1 . 1 9c Staple Department! Men's Gordon Hats, $3.00 Valuo Mon's Heavy Flecco Lin ed Bhirts and drawers. $1.98 :79c Mon's Black cotton socks. 13c Boy's Heavy Sweaters... 83c $1.89 ...89c Men's Best Grado Ovoralls ... Mon's Work Shirts Boy' Fl,ecco Lined Shirts and Drawers, Extra Heavy 43c Knit Mufflers, 50c valuo. . 23c SALE CLOSES JANUARY 12th Wilcox Department Store. Hurry! The High Cost of Living is Mow Being Slaughtered Cm G HI O H O O C r n o O o H a r m r pi