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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1919)
-Gononil I'ctnlti nt tin- honil of his Fk Foundling usyluiu recently sent to i tips disembarking nt Hull. HAPPY YANKS Some of the cheering boys that returned to their own country after many months on tlio other side are seen In tliN photograph on the deck of thu sixth returning troop transport. Representatives from nil parts of this country were among the returning fighters that landed at lloboken, and they were not downhearted because of their wounds. FREDEm GlLLE I wiEt&&aE's'-: -sif.f .cwlill 'if''111" HWW H Photographs arc beginning to come showing the surrender of the I troops In Mesopotamia. In this one are Hcen some Turks coining Into tlx jUrltlsh Hues with the German cry of "kamnrade." AMERICAN HARVESTER IN FRANCE l. .' i' "mph gives an interesting wcu or hi Ai.nrii n " r it? used French nriuy viiturlnu Melz. 2 Some homes In the middle WeHt. H Hrlllsh RETURN FROM WAR WITH WOUNDS ll'll'SV in a uuc'it tit id in trance THE 8EMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, of t lie luo ornlmns from the New soldiers released from German orison Frederick II Glllett of Massachu setts will bo thu next chairman of the houso appropriations committee, one of tho most Important committees In that body, lie will succeed John J. Fitzgerald of New York. Not So Very Sudden. Her llttio brother was entertalnlnir la tho front room tho young man who ad Just called. "Look bore," ho said suddonly. "aro ..on going to propose to my sister tc Ightr "Why, Ier or what do you loan?" asked the youth with some gllntlon. "Oh, nothln'; only If you aro you rcu't going to surprlso her. She's ilbod me to go to bed at half-past von. Shu's hung four Cupid pictures ai the drawing-room wall, moved tho ofu over In tho darkest corner, got u and inn to promise to go callln' next l-tor, and has shut tho nog In the cel. 'hp. V ou'll get her all right; only If she Marts talklu' 'bout Its belli' sudden, , tell In r It don't work with you. Seol NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. HOW ROME BEHAVED WHEN GERMANY I r . -I or r w,n .nre lw.aV .y-,riar mmAWWBffl 'I'll is photograph shows a beetle In brated. , ONCE DEPARTMENT STORE, NOW ARMY HOSPITAL What was formerly one of the largest mercantile- institutions In the world Is now Debarkation Hospital No. 8. The building In New York that housed the establishments of Slogol-Coopor Co. and J. 11. Gteenhut 1ms been transformed by, the government Into the largest base hospital In the United States. The photograph shows one of tfie many slcoplng wards. JOSEPH W. FORDNEY Joseph W. Knnlnoy of Michigan, a veteran legislator, will be the nw halrman of the ways and means com mittee of tho houso after March 4. He was schooled in hard knocks us n youngster, having learned the lumber business from the bottom. Not What She Expected. Maria was a tender, sentimental little thing, but, to put It mildly, hardly a beauty. Sho was very fond if hubby, but exacted from him rath-'i- an undue amount of attention and service. "Ob, George," she complained one night, "I don't believe you really love me! Tell me, would you feel tt, dear, If we were parted?" "Kh what's that?" said Georg-. nrlghtenlng up. "I mean If somoono wero to come and offer to take mo away, give me a beautiful home and every lolng care anil all the rost that money could buy, bow would you feel?" "It won't happen," ho answered, re lapsing Into moody silence - Pitts burgh Chronlolo-Telogrnph. Yperlte, New Poison Gas. .1. llrandnlluo nnd J. do Pollnnkoff (Hullctlu do I'Acndemlo do Medicine) calls tho render's httcntlnn to tho flu ency of hot air In tho treatment of burns caused by yperlte, a gas used by tho Germans In their offensive of March, 1018. Theso burns, even when very small, enupo extremely sharp palu nnd sleeplessness. A number of cua3 wero lvpldly honied by hot nlr various trcutnaenta had failed. Koine when the news of the capitulation of the Germans was being cele BIRTHDAY CAKE This shows what the buys of the navy think of Admiral Sims. It Is n birthday cake that was presented to the admiral with tho very best regards of the men. SHOES FOR THE The girl In this j hotogr-iph Is seen run the summit of an enormous pi0 of chocs donnted by people II over the I'lilte 1 States for the destitute people of IUIglum The tdiocs are at a warehouse In Newark. N. J,, which Is tho distributing center of Uic-ms-mi of tons of el-thing for the Hclgkns. SURRENDERED FOR ADMIRAL SIMS DESTITUTE BELGIANS papr Onion S,