THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Half a Century Ago Haifa Century Ago, every community could be supplied to some extent with locally dressed meat, drawing on live stock raised nearby. Now two-thirds of the consuming centers, with millions of people, are one to two thousand miles away from the principal live-stock produc ing sections, which are sparsely settled. The American meat packing industry of today is the development of the best way to perform a national service. The function of providing meat had to de velop accordingly. Those men who first grasp ed the elements of the changing problem created the best facilities to meet it large packing plants and branch houses at strategic points, refrigerating equipment (including cars), car routes, trained organization, profitable outlets for former waste which became the nat ural, inevitable channels for the vast flow of meat across the country. If there were a better way to perform this necessary service, American ingenuity and enterprise would have discovered it, and others would now be using it. During 1918, Swift & Company has earned a profit on meats (and meat by-products) of less than 232 cents per dollar of sales too small a profit to have any appreciable effect on prices. Swift Join the Red Gross Stop Losing Calves srou can Stamp Abortion Ont of your herd and Keep It Ont T&j the use of DR. DAVID ROBERTS "Anti-Abortion" Small Expense Easily Applied. Sure Results. used successfully lor jo years. Consult Dn. DAVID H03EKT8 about all animal allmeuttt. In formation free. Bend for FltKU copy of ''The Cattle Specialist" with full 1 n for mation on Abortion la Cows. DR. DAVID ROBERTS VETERINARY CO ICO Cread Ave.. Waukesha. Wise. LVKO la aeld In erltfaal sack msm enlr. IUt pteture akeve. Refute all aubautvtaa. Those who ore weak and reduced from an attack of Influenza or Pneumonia will experience wonderful recuperative effects from the use of 1NKD The Great General Tonic ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Cuticura Soap Ideal for the Complexion AU tiraggUu; Bop25. Ointment 24 nilM.Tl com 14. Hirer!" each tree of "CiUar, Dpt. E. tlitu" Complete History of World's War iVt" Illustrated tcene. of itlrrln S photographic battle scenes, maps, ntc Mcitis. AitenU'outUtfrfio. Send lOo for i, l, Tkmpwa t..,KIKrlBKf.,UUl,Bfc III? OIUlOl Mrttaue. a . Aaw- ftAW Iff & Company, U. S. A. N Teach the Child to Save. The American pnrcnt has an oppor tunity today of planting the seed of success In every American child through tile Thrift Slump movement. The government allows each little saver Interest on his Investment Just the same as big Investors on their Lib erty bonds or oTTTer large Investments. I'arents should allow tho child the pleasure, as well as the educational value, of getting this Interest nnd tab ulating It for himself, Instead of doing it for him. This will be not only a Joy to the child ns a result of his savings, hut of great educational benefit ns a foundation for future (success. Get New Kidneys! The kidneys are the most overworked organs of the human body, and when they fail in their work of tflteiiiiK out and throwing oft' the poiuons developed in the system, things begin to happen. One of the first warnings is pain or stiff ness in the lower part of the back; highly colored urine; loss of appetite; indiges tion; irritation, or even stone in the blad der. These symptoms indicate a conditton that may lead to that dreaded and fatal malady, Uright's disease, for which there is said to be no cure. Do not delay a minute. At the first in dication of trouble in the kidney, liver, bladder or urinary organs start taking Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, and save yourself before it is too late. Instant treatment is necessary in kidney and blad der troubles. A delay is often fata). You can almost certainly find immediate relief in (Jold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules. For more than 200 years this famous prep aration has been an unfailing remedy for all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It is the pure, original Haarlem Oil your great-grandmother used. About two cap sules each day will keep you toned up and feeling line. Get it at any drug store, and if it docs not give you almost immediate relief, your money will be refunded. Ue sure you get the COLD MEDAL brand. None other genuine. In boxes, three sizes. Adv. More Than Figure of Speech. New Jersey reports tho scientific discovery that Insanity IS sometimes traceable to unsound teeth. "Going crazy wth the toothacho" may turn out to be more than a figure of speech after all. Norfolk Virglnlan-l'Ilot. Greasing the Ways. Said the near-cynic: "You can say what you pleaso about elbow grease being necessary for success, but I ho oily tongtio has got It beat a thousand ways." HALT SPREAD OF EELWQRM INJURY Farmers Urged to Maintain Careful Watch for Galls and Stamp Out Disease. SALT-WATER METHOD URGED Precautionary Measures Should Bo Practiced to Thwart Disease Most Damage Has Been Dono in State of Virginia. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) To prevent the spread of n serious wheat disease that recently lias dono much damage In certain parts of tho United Stutes, especially Virginia, tho United States department of agricul ture advises farmers In Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland nnd California to maintain n careful watch for celworm galls in their grain and to ninko all possible efforts to stamp out tho dis ease. Tho disease mny bo recognized in tho threshed grain by tho presence of hard, dark-colored galls nhout one half tho slzo of n wheat kernel. These galls contain the very small celworius. It Is best to get seed from unlnfested fields. Where this cannot bo done, n snlt-wnter method Is recommended for removing tho celworm galls from tho sound grain to bo sown. Tho celworm has dono tho most dam age In Virginia, causing as much ns a 40 per cent loss in some fields this year. It occurs in minor degreo In West Virginia, Mnryland and Cali fornia, these being the only states where its positive appearance is known, but It is feared that tho trou ble occurs In other states aud possibly may bnve been overlooked or mistaken for bunt, cocklo seed or bin-burnt wheat. Samples of wheat or grain thought to be affected with this disease should bo sent for positive identification to tho state agricultural experiment sta tion or to the office of cereal investiga tions, United Stntcs department of ag riculture, Washington, D. C. The disease Is not native to the Unit ed States and it can bo controlled by careful precautious. How to Clean Diseased Seed. If disease-free seed cannot be on tallied, the "salt-brlno" method Is recommended for separating the In fected kernels, or galls, from the good wheat kernels. A 20 per cent salt so lutlon should be mado by dissolving -10 pounds of common salt In 25 gallons of water. The diseased seed slunild be poured slowly Into this solution, which meanwhile Is stirred vigorously, Tho sound wheat kernels will sink, while tho galls, light kernels, and trash will float. The galls and other float Breaking Ground for Wheat. lng material may be skimmed off, after which tho salt solution, which mny be used repeatedly, should bo drained away und the grnlu rinsed in water lm mediately. After the grain is dried by spreading it on n floor or canvas and stirring occasionally it is ready for planting. Tho diseased galls should never be thrown on the ground or otherwise dls posed of until they havo been plunged for n fuw minutes Into boiling wnter to kill tho eclworms. After being given this boiling process they may be fed to chickens. Signs of Infection. Tho dlseuso is usually Indicated by Us effect on wheat heads In tho fields, although it may occur to somo extent on all parts of tho plant above tho ground. Diseased heads ordinarily stay green longer thnt Is, ripen later and nro commonly smaller than those not affected, whllo tho chaff or glumes may bo spread open a little by tho black celworm balls. Thesu galls come In the wheat bends in place of good kernels. They aro dark and linrd, nnd somewhat shorter and thick er than wheat grains. Often these can ho seen plainly In tho affected heads between the spreading glumes. Eelworm'e Life Cycle. Within tho wheat galls aro thou sands of very small living but motion less "baby numulodes," called larvao These, when pluccd In water, can bo barely seen as short, threadlike libers, which soon begin active movement, In tho spring the young eolwonns cs capo Into tho soil from galls which have fallen to the ground or which were sown with tho wheut seed. With an eel-llku movement they reach the young seedlings, Ilnally becomo located between the lenf sheaths nenr the buds, and as tho plant grows are grad tially carried up to tho heads. There they enter tho young llowers nnd pro duce the galls, where they grow ' to maturity and lay eggs which develop Into larvae. Thus the life cyclo Is com pleted. At maturity of the plant the lnrvno in the galls become dried and motionless, and can remain n thnf condition alive for many years. BORER IS ENEMY OF FUTURE CORN CROPS Growers Urged to Watch for De structive Insect. If Pest Shoutd Escapo to Corn Belt It Undoubtedly Will Become Most Destructive Enemy Insect Found In Stalk. (Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Futuro com crops of thoUnltcd States will bo exposed to tho European com borer, the most destructive enemy of uinlzo which has over Invaded this country, unless growers co-opcrnto ac tively with federal and stnte authori ties in stamping out tho pest. The In itial outbreak of the borer was discov ered In Massachusetts, near Boston, and nt present tho territory In which It appears is confined to enstcrn Massa chusetts. If this pest should escapo to tho com belt, It undoubtedly will be come tho most destructive enemy of com which has ever occurred in tho Work of European Corn Borer. United States, becauso Its capabilities of Indicting injury to tho crop nro al most limitless. State and federal au thorities aro striving to destroy tho In sect, and to control and conllno it with in tho present Infested area. Com growers nnd other Interested persons nro requested to co-operate with these authorities by carefully ex amining cornfields, stalks of corn, nnd dried vegetation In such fields, to de termine whether tho Insect Is present. Stalks and stems should bo split open from end to end nnd If a slender, dirty whito or pinkish, naked caterpillar Is discovered therein, the exnmlncr should communicate with tho Stato Entomolo gist, State Experiment Station, Stale Board of Agriculture, or tho Bureau of Entomology, United Stntes Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Tho parent of tho European corn borer Is n yellowish moth measuring about one Inch ncross tho expanded wings. It lays Its eggs upon the c6rn leaves or leaves of grasses or weeds in or nenr .the cornfields. Thcso eggs soon hatch and young caterpillars ap pear and begin feeding on near-by leaves. Later they crawl to tho un folding heads of tho corn and begin their work of destruction. They fre quently bore into the tassel stem, de vouring its internal portions to such nn extent thnt the tassel will fall off. This phase of Injury is readily seen and Is usually tho first Indication of the prcseiice of this borer. When the caterpillars become larger they attack the main stalks at the baso of tho leaves and It Is not unusunl to find moro tlmnJ25 Insects attacklnga single stalk of com. After the cars havo formed they nro promptly attacked and very seriously Injured. The caterpillar is almost naked, slcn der, pinkish or dirty whlto In color, and about three-fourths of nn Inch In length Almost Invariably It Is to bo found within the stalk or other portions of tho plant, ns Its Instinct cnuscs tho caterpillar to hide away within tho plant upon which It may bo feeding, When tho caterpillars mature they pu pato within tho stalks, and nboutt Au gust 1, in tho neighborhood of Boston, n new brood of moths emerges to lay their eggs upon the corn, nnd thus con tinuo tho work of destruction. Tho caterpillars resulting from this sum mer brood of moths live throughout tho winter, hidden within tho dcud nnd dried stalks of com, stems of grass, weeds and green garden vegetables, where even tho coldest weather does not injure theuv In tho least. How ever, at this time, they may easily be destroyed by burning such vegetation whllo It is dry and in good condition to Ignito readily. It Is moro impor tant thnt all grasses and largo weeds which havo grown In and near corn fields bo burned, because these may harbor thousands of caterpillars. Dc structlon of tho insects by burning, as described above, Is tho only satisfac tory means of destroying tho pest which has yet been discovered. All ef forts to poison the Insects have prov en both expensive nnd unavailing. Raise Good Chickens. Even (hough you rnlso but n fow chickens every year, they should bu good birds and worth raising. You cannot alTord to givo your time nnd feed to poor fowls. Problem of Feeding. Tho problem of feeding tho world Is not one for the world to solve, but for Individual communities. Each com munlty must liavo n definite iijt' turul wlftp. Net Contents 15T?luidDraoli I03E333 Trnitnl.-n PER OEKT. Afif.filVlVfnrati'oalhfAJ LlllnMmtlhpFondbYBcitala.- I tmgtheStdmacnSnndDojrebrf, TlicretrftomoUniDIicsg Cheerfulness andRcstCcfltobJ, neither Oplam,Morphlfien'i Wlucial.NoTN.0TICi few 1 HftAmnwArrrT 1 AhelpfulRcmcdyfcc vwnsuuouujiw"-- . MdWrishncssMi LOSSOFStEEP rwulUnilhcrcfroitttan1- FaSImncSiarf8fo,rf juaCEKrAimCmirr. "NEW yuji Exact Copy of Wrapper. P1 Acid-Stomach Makes Millions Suffer Indigestion dyspepsia sour Btom ncliB bloatcd.gaBsyBtomacliB belchy, mlsornble-fceling stomachs these nro Acid-Stomachs. What a lot of misery they causol How Acid-Stomach, with its day-after-day Bufferings, docs tnko tho joy out ol life! Not only that Acid Stomach is always undermining ono'u health. Think of what acid does to tho teeth how tho acid cats through tho enamel, causing them to decay. Is it any wonder, then, that Acid Stomach BapB tho strength of tho strongest bodies and wrecks tho health of bo many people? You seo AOID-STOMAOH victims everywhero always ailing. Thoy can't tell exactly what is tho matter; all thoy Bay is, "I don't feel well" "I'm nil in; tired, sickly." If they only know it, nino times out of ten it is Acid-Stomach that is ailing them. It surely makes good digestion diffi cult, causes food to sour nnd fer ment in tho bowels, weakens the blood and fills tho system with poi eons. It nrovenla ono from ccttina tho full strength out of their foot Proper Endlnas. .Tlmiulc was writing a letter to San In Glaus. Ho had completed his list of requests, with Infinite pains and many corrections and had come to the closing sentence. Then ho appealed lo Ills mother. I "Mother," hp said, "can you tell me about th' proper way to cud up this letter?" "Why, sign your name, dear, and give your address." "Yes, I know. Hut shall I say, 'with lots of love, from Harold,' llko I do to papa, or Amcn,' llko I do to God?" How's This ? We offer 1100.00 for any caaa of catarrh that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARKH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATAIUUI MEDICINE la tak en Internally and acta through the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Hold by druggists for over forty years. Price lie. Testimonials free. F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. His Pooltion. "I see tho motorist has not run rtway from tho consequences of this smashup. That proves he Is above suspicion." "Certainly he Is, because he's un der the auto." Kftp your liter acllfe, jour lxmeli clran hj UiluK IT. I'lerce'a I'loueant Pellet, sod you'll keep tifaltbj, wealthy nud wise. Adr. Akin to Mis Profession. "I am told your family doctor Is a poet." "Why shouldn't he be? Isn't poetry a drug on the market?" Yourfc Wholesome, Cleansing. lelreshlnn and Ueallno Lollon Murine for Red- ness, Soreness, Granuia- IP fS tlon.Itchhujandnurnlng U-"J of the Hyea or Eyelids; "2 Dropa" Alter the Movlea. Motoring or Goli will win your confidence. Aak Your DiUKirtat for Murine when your Eyea Nred Care. M-l! Murine Bye Rumudy Co., Chicago j CASTORIA For Infants and Children.' Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the In JJs 8 For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TM OIKTAUR aoMMHT, wrw vo errr. Tnko EATONIO and get rid of your Acid-Stomach. This wondorful mod ern remedy actually takes tho cxcosb acid out of tho Btomach. It quickly and positively roliovcs bloat, heart burn, belching, food repeating, sour, gassy stomach, and tho pains of indi gestion. Makes tho stomach cool nnd comfortablo keeps it Bwcct and strong. Banishes ull Btomach trou bles bo completely that yon forgot you havo a stomach. You can cat what you llko and digest your food in comfort, without fear of distressing nftor-effects. EATONIO helps yon get full strength out of every mouthful you ont and that is what you must havo to bo woll and Dtrong full strength from your food. Got n big box of EATONIO from your druggist TODAY. Wo authorizo him to guaranteo EATONIO to please ou. it it tans in any way, tako it ack: ho will refund your monov. If your druggist does not keep EATONIO. writo to us and wo will send you.a b!g COo box. You onn eend us tho 60c alter yourccoivoit. Address II. L. Kramer, President. Eatonio Itomedy Company, South Wabash, Chicago, 111. T Y A IB V ntjf FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH )y Nebraska Directory BEST BUYERS"DSELLERS " cattuI hogsamsheep STOCK YARDS-OMAHA i THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nabnuka EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from 1.00 up single, 76 centa up doable. CAFE PRICES REASONABLE bufMt Rltliilit B.w l4 CmI Ultra Mi Oe9 tit tor UIM U lault a. n 0rapf One H,000 avn tut. OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY GO, S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglaa Sta., Omaha, Nab, Mm. Of MODERN STORE, OFFICE Ull BANK FUTURES Phono Ponitlaa Zflt. All we ak la a chance to bid, Turkeys, Geese, Capons, Docks, Rabbits, Etc. Wanted We pay highest cash price. No commUalon. PERRY & CO., 413 S. 11th Street. Omaha, Neb. Inference! liercnanta National Uank, Omaba, urany ilxpieta tk). .. PAftKEft'ft """ HAIR BALSAM A telle preparation of merit Help to eradicate dandruff. a or ivcuoringr -olor ana Beaut? toCrav or Faded I lair. toe, an-1 i.ot t Drugg Ian. Colds Grow Better BiirprWnsly noon, throat I iflnmraatlon disap pear!, Irntition is relieved and t'- oat tick ting top, hen you ute reliable, time-tested 4W W. N. U., OMAHA NO. 52-1918L ii m