The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 31, 1918, Image 4

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Appreciating your generous patronage dur
ing the year 1918, we wish you
A Happy New Year
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Itoy Lnnnln, who has ben In ser
vice nt Camp Grant, III., lor sovoral
months, returned home Sunday,
J. E. Pearson, bakor nt tho Ideal,
was taken violently. Ill Sunday ovon
ing with a relapso from a case of tho
Last tlmo for "Unclo Tom'H Cahln"
at tho Kolth tonight.
F. T. Murray, who wan conflned'to
tho houao with pnoumonla for threo
weeks, Is again at his place of busi
ness. Mrs. "William Malonoy, Sr., will
loavo shortly for drand Island to
visit hor daughter Mrs. J. J. Hor
rjgan. t
Dr. Morrill, DonWst. Office ovor
Wilcox Popnrtmont Store.
Miss Ireno Hubbard, who has been
employed in Donvor for a year past
Is spending tho holdlays with her
Miss Made LoDIoyt, who Is employ
ed with tho Looho-WIIch Co. In Oma
ha, Is spending two wcoks hero with
hor parents.
It's a scream from start to flnlBh -that
Chaplin Comedy "Shouldor
Anns" and you, aro going to get to see
It soon.
Pronounco O
Miss Ethel Strong, who has boon
employed In tho Loypoldt & Penning
ton offlco for Hovoral months will
loavo Thursday for Omaha to tako a
business coursoi
Takon ur at my placo two miles
west of Stato Farm Three head of
black cows. Thomas E. Dolittlo.
Llout, Walter Ellis has been de
tained In Omaha, by tho illness of his
wife, who liiia.a enso of tho flu. It Is
oxpectod, howovor, that ho will reach
hero this wcok.
Wo have nn especially flno cut of
carnations of our own growing, to-
gothor with many other varieties of
Methodist aid socloty will meet in
tho church parlor noxt Thursday af
tornoon. Refreshments will bo sorved.
All' members aro urgontly requested
to attend this mooting.
Alonzo Clay Wright, formerly of
tho Loypbldft & .Ponnlngtfon oflldo,
who bus bcon In tho sorvlco for sever
al months, will rotuni this wcok and
rosum6 his former position.
MIbb Forn Watts, of tho Brooks
studio, has been vory 111 with flu and
was takon to tho detention liOBpltnl.
Frank Horrod, of Ogajalla, spent
last wcok hero visiting his mother.
Rosolvod: That wo glvo our optical
patlonta tho vory best sorvlco and
natlsfactlon possible HARRY DIX
ON & SON, OptometrlHts & Opticians.
If You Want The
World to Look Bright
Rexall Liver Salts '
A dosp before breakfast every
morning aids the natural functions o!
the liver and kidneys
Similar in effect to a Carlsbad Treatment
By the Bottle, 30c and 60c
Everything in Drug
Jack Hnyow, a Union Pacific yard
man at Kearney died Thursday even
ing of Influenza.
Mrn. Stannard, of Donvor, who had
boon visiting hor parents Mr. and
Mrs. John Burkw, returned to her
homo Saturday.
Ralph Clabaugh and, Miis Marie
IJowon will be unltel In marriago this
evening at tho Clabaugh residence.
North IMatto merchants havo bcon
invoicing their stocks for a few days
pant and will soon have the satisfac
tion of knowing Just how 1918 treated
thorn financially.
See Mm Ida Lemon and Dad Smith
of tho Owl Cafo, for Prof. Marsh's
History of tho War. Look out for fake
Canvasaors for wc have this territory.
"Vivo La Franco" Is a photoplay
of Victory's spirit reflecting women's
heroism nnd you will surely want to
soo It at tho Crystal cither Thursday
or Friday night.
Furnished room in modern homo.
221 So. Locust or phonb Black 232.
Tho Vienna Cafo building at Sidney
burnod Christmas ovoning. It was ono
of tho old land marks of tho to,vn,
having bcon orectea In 187G. Oborfol-
dor brothors owned tho building.
Engineer Norman Connolly has pur
chased of Mrs. John Murphy tho for
mer Van Dyko property Just south of
tho high school building for a con
sideration of five thousand dollars.
For SaleTwo milch cows, each
with calf by side. J. T. LISTER,,
Phono 797F3.
North Platto has built vory few
residences during tho past two years
and this together with tho fact that
a great) demand) for houses exists
leads Tho Tribune to confidently ex
pect much building in this lino dur
ing tho year 1910.
Few Desirable Secoiul-Hilnd Fords.
Ilcndy.Ogler Auto Co.
William Davis, wfio has boon at
tho Iowa stato agricultural collcgo at
Amos as a mcmobor of tho S. A. T.
C, arrived homo on a visit last wook.
Though tho training corps has been
demobilized, William will Jcontilnuo
his study,, taking a special course in
Mrs. Allen Atchison, of Kcarnoy,
who is known by a numbor of North
Platto people, was sovoroly hurt In
tin auto colllson In that city ChrlBtmas
morning. Her husband, Lieut. At
chlBon, stationed at Camp Pike, wns
spending a furlough in Kearney at tho
tlmo of the accident.
Roprcsontntlvo-olect E. SS. Davis
will leavo tho latter part of this week
for Lincoln whero ho will remain for
about nlnoty-days as Lincoln coun
ty's roprcsontatlvo In tho lower houso
of tho leglstlaturo. Mrs. Davis and
Robert Leo will remain in town dur
ing Mr. DavlH' absence
Dr, L. J. KrauBo, Dentist, room 3
McDonald Bank building.
Store Merchandise
Confiscation of Incoming 'booze
from Choyenno an'd frequent arrests
of bootloggers has made the vendors
of liquor In North Platte wary as well
as weary of tholr vocation, and they
have popularized a drink thai not
only make a man crazy drunk but
has tho advantage of being obtainable
In tho city. The discovery of this new
drink was mado tho lnttor' part
of last week when A tailor who had
been In town fdr several weeks and
suspected of being a dope fiend, was
picked up by tho officers on the sus
picion that he had mado way with
some clothing belonging to ( other
people. When this individual was ar
ret) ted thore was found In his pockets
a quart bottlo of Fitch's hair tonfc
and a small bottlo of faco lotion. Up
on boing questioned ho said he had
purchused tho tonic and Iptlotr of tho
colored porter employed at the Land-
graf barber shop. Tho bottles were
returned to Mr. Landgraf and upon
investigation he found that about a
gallon of tho tonic, which is kept in
a keg, had disappeared. The porter
denied tho thoft, but his guilt wbb so
plain that he was promptly fired.
This hair ionic Is said to contain
about fifty porcent alcohol, and there
fore the drinker con amass an awful
Jag It Ira throat can stand the acid
I urn. The faco lotion is evidently
ur.ed as a "chaser."
America's Civilian Army.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 30, 1918.
Boforo tho war began tho United
States government employed approxi
mately GOO.OOO persons In tho civil
branch. After Unclo Sam cast his lot
definitely with the Allies tho great
army of workers bohlnd tho fighting
forces grew by tens of thousands until
it numbered almost a million men nnd
womon. Tho forca oC civilian em
ployees of the Government In the Dis
trict of Columbia Increased from
about 35,000 to approximately 95,000.
rho forces In navy yards increased
from about 20,000 to moro than 100,-
000, nnd in Government ordnanco
plants from 10,000 to about 50,000.
During tho nineteen months of
Amorican participation in the conflict
tho United States Civil Service Com
mission, whoso duty it was to recrdlt
tho civil servlca to moot war needs,
examined almost a million persons,
moro than 400,000 of whom were ap
pointed. From now on tho civilian personnel
will bo gradually reduced. '
:o: u
Railroads entoring, Manhattan., are
preparing ta trnnsport ono thousand
soldiers from Camp Funston. daily.
SInco demobilization began tho avor-
ago has been about 500 daily. This
Incroased ontralnmcut means a swift
or homo coming of Lincoln county
boys stationed at that camp.
Why did thoy fear him? Because ho
rodo hard and shot straight because
to him womanhood was' sacred, and
ho backed honor with two big black
guns. This Is William Farnum as
LaBsltor, tho avenger, In n plcturlza-
tlon of Zano Grey's famous novol
RIdors of the Purplo Sage," a 'great
Amorican drama.
A lottor received from Alfred Brem-
ors, statlonod at Camp Bowie Texas,
states that ho is ablo to get around
on crutches following nn accident in
which ho sustained a compound frac
turo of a leg.
Their Camp Cooks' Prepare Meal
Which Are Unlike Any Served Up
to the Other Allies.
"During "nTdiiy of repose I took occn
slon to visit an'Annnmlte camp, writes
Le Roy Bnldridge In Asia Magazine.
A .bit of French lundsenpe has been
turned Into Annum. Here ono finds
neither "Adrian" barracks nor old
stone farmhouses with roofs of red
tile. Instead are tho pagodus of the
Orient; nrtlstlcnlly fashioned of trees,
bamboos, branches and straw. As wo
pass the kitchen wo see nt once that
the dejeuner being prepared Is not for
Frenchmen. Most prominent Is n ket
tle threo feet In diameter containing
rlco. Which is tho one thing a Pollu
cannot bo forced to ent! Before tho
cook clamps buck tho lid we notice
In tho center of tho whlto steaming
mass a bowl of onions for flavoring.
Squatted near by, the assistant cook
with his coutenu a broad-ended,
curved Chinese blade two feet In
length cliotis up ment Into Uttlo
pqunres ns he chants something with
nn nnnronrlnto rhythm tho while. A
driver comes for his meal. Tho cook
drops n Indleful of rice on ono side of
tho extended pinto nnd on tho other
n little cube of boiled meat nnd In tho
center a splnsh of snuce. Thpsnuco
is tho mystery. No Frencnmnn couiu
explulirlt to mo except In terms of
violent gesticulation. Then Instead of
taking out a "coutenu d'Apacho" ns
nil the rest of us do, nnd starting by
slicing off a hunk of dark nrmy bread
from the loaf which overy Pollu keeps
conccnled somowhoro nbout his per
son, our yellow comrade produces two
sure-enough chop sticks from nn in
ner pocket, nnd, sitting down on the
running bonrd of his truck, enters
upon that fascinating feat of dining
ngnlnst the lnws of gravity.
Capt. Hnlllgnn at Coblerifz.
A cabljegram received last week
from Capt. P. R. Halllgan by his
wife announced that he was quarter
ed at Coblentz, Gormany, with, the
army of occupation. It Is thereforo
probable that Capt. Halllgan will re
main overseas until tho occupation
army "Is brought home, which will be!
several months yet.
Now Years' Service,
A watch night service will bo held
In tho Episcopal church c-n Tuesday
evening, 11:15 to 12. Tho sorvlce will
bo conducted by the Rev. A. D.
Jones and an address will bo deliver
ed by Rev. C. F. Koch. This is a
combined service of tho Lutheran and
Episcopal congregations. Everyone Is
cordially Invited to bo present
ushor In tho New Year with us.
Accidentally Shot.
Seoley Baker, while out rabbit
hunting Friday aftornoon In company
wnn nis wire anu rauior-in-law A.
Chamborlnln, accidentally discharged
tho gun and tho charge entered his
loft arm. Baker had laid his gun
against a brush and In picking it up
by tho muzzlo and pulling It toward
hJm tho hammer was lifted by the
brush and the weapon discharged.
Tho wounded man was taken to the
Goneral Hospital. Tor treatment, arrest the whole spy band. Conval
Amputation of tho arm will probably escont in his father's houso Yukio
not be necessary.
Six Per Cent Interest.
In order to supply funds to cover
approved loan applications tho Mutu
al Building and Loan Association will
Isbuo a limited amount of its paid up
stock. Tliis stock pays six per cent
(HvIdondB, pavablo March 1st and
Septomber 1st.
Monoy Invested In this stock, to
gether with accrued dlvidonds may be
withdrawn on thirty days notice.
Mutual Building and Loan Associa
-: :or
jA si tun Mius birthright."
Marin Sals Leading Woman with
Distinguished Japanese Slur in
Play Directed by William
Hayakiawa, the Japanese star of
picture drama, is supported by a dis
tlngulshcd cast in his new Mutual-
Haworth production, "His Birthright"
is a play that deals with interracial
probloms.ln an engrossing way.
Marin Sals, leading woman of the
cast, who is known throughout Call
fornla as "tho Marin County beauty,"
Is a Notro Dame girl who graduated
from tho famous academy directly in
to a theatrical career, becoming one
of tho best known of the younger
stock actresses on tho Pacific coast
Afiter four years of regular sUigo
training Miss Sals Joined tlio Vita
graph forces and has since been given
lead roles in productions by Vita
graph, Bison, Kalem nnd othor com
panics beforo sho Joined tho Haworth
Howard Davles, tho English actor
who has tho second lead, was for
many years with Wilson Barret on
the London stage, and, Ms screen
career In tho Unltdd States includes
leads in productions by most of the
principal companies.
Mary Anderson, tho pretty Brook
lyn girl who mado a hit in "Tho Hoy
don" nnd "La Paloma," nnd Tsuru
Aoki, tho dainty Japanese girl who Is
Mrs. Haynkawn in prlvato life, with
Harry von Meter, who was formerly
with Henry Kolkor In "Help Wnnt-
ed" mako up tho cast.
At tlio SUN Wednesday and ThurS'
, i n i
Jacob Rush's houso north of Brady
burned to the ground last Sunday
ovoning whilo tho family wore at
tending' church. Tho houso nnd con
tents woro nlmos.t a total loss, a
small Insurance being carried. It Is
not known now tho flro started. Mr.
Rush only recently bought tho placo
from E. Oilman. Mr. Rush camo to
Brady Monday morning and purchas
ed somo lumber and will Immediately
start to rebuild. A subscription list
Is boing circulated by Rev. Boohor
for tho family, they lost nearly all
tholr clothlng.--Brndy Vindicator.
Tho Keith Theatre' is certainly
starting tho now year aright by
showing "The Ridors of tho Purplo
Sago." Readers of tlio book can't bo
kept away and thoso who havep't
read tho book should .not misB tho
chnnco of getting tho story. It will bo
of intorcst to know that "Tho Rain
bow Trail" has also boon mado Into
a photopaly nnd will bo presented at
tho Kolth about February 1st. "Tho
Rainbow Trail" Is tho sequel to "The
RIdors of tho Purplo Sago."
Tho most energetic workers feel
lazy and low-spirited at times. This
condition is caused by impurities in
tho stomach, liver nnd bowels, which
should bo gotten rid of boforo they
brine on n slclc spoil, a row uosos
of Prickly Ash Blttora cloanscn tho
syatom and sonds now Ufa and "Itmr
to overy part of tho body. Prlco $1 25
po- iKift'o, Ourainere-Dent Drug Co..
Yukio, son of Sakl San and Llout.
John Milton, is twenty-ono years old
before he loams tho truo Btory of his
mother's life. Ho sails as a cabin
boy determined to trace his fathor to
Milton, now become an admiral, is
transferred to tho Pacific coast. Yukio
plans to kill him and confides In Edna
Kingston, a spy and adventuress, who
has befriended him. Edna, in tho pay
of Gormany, has other ideas ns to
Yuklo's ultimate rovengo. An impor
tant message is known to bo in Mil
ton's possession, nnd Edna, taking
nt1v!tnin nt Vnliln'o lrrvi fnr linr.
por8Uados hlm to steal tho Uocuinon
trnm h,a fnw
As reward for this act Edna promi-
sea her lovo. Sho succeeds in eluding
Yukio with tho paper, hoping to get
out of San Francisco beforo ho can
claim his reward, but tho boy's senBO
of honor comog to h,a re3CU0 and ho
g0O8 back to ut the paper from hcr,
Then itho woman-8 truo charactor
Comos out and Yukio, set upon by
noP malo accomplices, fights all of
them and gets tho papor which ho re
stores to his father.
Milton breaks into tho room whero
Yukio Is fighting for his life and hon
or, and Is followed by tho police who
abandons ideas of revonge rtnd deter-
mines to enlist In tho service of
America. Shown at tho SUN Wcdnes
day and Thursday.
Species of the Race Vary as Widely
as Their Habits Not Especially
Deadly to Mosquitoes.
As a group bnts are of world-wide
distribution except in the Inhospita
ble polar regions. They are rent mnni'
mals nnd present an extraordinary
variation In size, from tiny little crea
tures, almost ns, small and fragile ns
butterflies, to the huge fruit bats, with
n spread of wings like that of n wild
The heads of bnts are strangely
sculptured, some being smoothly con
toured and shaped like those of little
foxes; others appear like miniature
bulldogs; nnd still others have curious
cartilaginous nose-leaves pprlglit on
the muzzle. Some have the entire faco
molded into a hideous musk repulsive
to look upon.
Their habits uro equally vnrled to
meet special' conditions: Some are
eaters of fruit ulone; others feed sole
ly upon Insects, while others bite other
mammals, including man, fur the pur
pose of drinking tlio oozing blood, upon
which they subsist. All are nocturnal
but some appear late In the' afternoon
before the sun sets. Most snecies,
however, wait until the shades of
night have covered the earth.
Throughout the world the majority
of the species of bats feed upon In
sects, but there are many fruit ent
ors. The teeming insects und plant
life of the tropics afford a never-fall-
ln' fnnd Qtmiklv mill tha nantnt- nf
abundance of these animals is found
there. In some .localities between 20
nnd UO kinds of 'bats exist, with such
vast numbers of Individuals that tho
bat population far outnumbers all oth-'
or liitids of mammals combined.
And ulusl It is not true that bats
prefer a diet of mosquitoes I
Inventors Maklna Interesting Tests
With Vessel That Makes Use of a
Two-Blade Rudder.
Some interesting tests have been
made recently with a dual rudder, Il
lustrated in Popular Mechanics Maga
zine, In an attempt to demonstrate the
possibility of eliminating the revers
ing turbines of ships. The action Is
described as follows:
"for normal cruising the plates are
folded together. A double steering
wheel Is employed. When locked, tho
two members' turn ns one. At other
times, when the two wheels arc thrown
tn opposite directions, the leaves of
the rudder are adjusted to desired
angles., TJio equipmeut gives a boat a
bruke that is quick-acting; it enables
rcversement of direction with tho en
gine running full speed ahead, and
permits a craft to be turned In its
own length. The demonstration boat
Is uble to reverse direction from full
6pced ahead In nine seconds."
Seeing, Hearing and Tastlngl
Tho resident minister of a very small
Western town Is quite an enthusiastic
worker for Unclo Sam, nnd nt u re
cent Red Cross benetlt social wns mak
ing n very patriotic speech while sell
lug Thrift stamps.
An old gentleman In tho crowd had
Just returned from a visit to a larger
town where patriotism nnd somo oth
er things were moro plentiful, nnd
being In a very convivial mood, he wns
buying stamps with more abandon
thnn the rest of the crowd. The
preacher, not recognizing his condi
tion, and feeling that such n show of
patriotism ought to be commended,
paused In tho sale to remark: "Now
just look nt Brother J . ne has
Just returned from our neighboring
town, nnd he saw and heard what thoy
have over there."
A wag In tho renr of the building
called out, glibly: "You bot he did I
And he not only seen It nnd heard It,
but he's brought some of It back with
him." Indianapolis News.
Let McGraw
Fix It
If your Rndintor leaks, or is
filled with sediment nnd your
car heats, have it fixed before
winter. Before usinf any
anti-freezing solution, be sure
your rndiator is tight nnd
Romigh Garage 6lh and Locust Slrcet
..General Hospital..
One Halt Block North oi Poitoflice.
Phone 58
A modern institution for the
icientific treatment of. medical,
lurgleal and confinement cases.
Completely equipped X-Ray
and diagnostic laboratories.
Geo. B. Dent. M. D. V. Lncas, M. D.
J.B.Redfic!d,M.D.?J. S.;SIMMS,M.D.
l'hsyiclan and Surgeon.
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstrotrlcs.
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offlco 130, Residence 115
Office Phone 340 Res. Black 376
Osteopathic Physician
Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Nob.
Hospital Phone Black 633.
House Phone Black G33
Graduate "Veterinarian
Eight years a Government Veterinar
ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St.
one-half block s6uthwest of the
'Court House.
Reference:- Farmers Stato Bank
Sutherland, Ncbr.
I nlway tako stock buyers with mo
and always sell for tho high dollar.
Licensed Embamera
Undertakers and.Funeral Directors
Day phono 41
Night phono Black 588
Notice to Creditors .
Estato No. 1599 of Abner W. Dillon
deceased in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nebraska
Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credi
tors of said estato will tako notice
that the time limited for prosontat'ou
and filing of claims against said Es
tato is Juno 14th, 1919, and for settle
ment of said Estato is December 13th.
1919; that I will sit at. tho county
court room in said county, on March
14th, 1919 at 9 o'clock a. m., and on
Juno 14th, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m. to
receive, examine, hear, allow- or ad-
Just all claims and objection duly filed
D17-4wks. County Judgo.
Estray Notice,
Taken up on the Hansen ranch, bov-
en mllos northwest of North Platte,
on or about August 1st 1918, ono cow
and calf, cow brauded with J bar un
der J and figure ono under bar; call
about flvo months old and not brand
ed. Owner call, prove property, nay
charges and tako animal away.
D2-Gw North Platto, Nob.
In tho Matter of tho RHtnfn nf
Anna Margaretha Meyor, Deceased.
To All Porsons Interested In Said
Notico Is hereby given that Edward
R. Goodman on Docombor 21, 1918,
fllod in thl f!nurt nn Inatrnninnt nn,
porting to bo tho last Will and Testa-'
muni oi Anna margaroma Meyer, do
ceased, and which Will relates to both
real and personal ostato and also a
potltlon praying that tho said instru
ment bo admitted to probato and that
lottors testamentary bo issued to him,
upon tho ostato of tho said Anna Mar
garetha Meyor, deceased, and that said
potltlon Will bo hoard boforo tho Coun
ty Court In the Courthouse in tho City
of North Platto, County of Lincoln
and Stato of Nobraska, on tho 14th
day of January, 1919, at nlno o'clock
a. m., at which tlmo anyono may ap
pear and contest tho probato of said
Will and show cauao, If any thoro bo.
why lottors testamentary should not
bo Issued to said petitioner.
Dated at North Platte, Nobraska.
Docomber 21, 1918.
(SEAL) County Judgo.
Dec 24-J10
Special Agonts