IRA L RAKE, Editor and Publisher 5 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono i'enr by Mall, In advance. .81.7. Ono Ycnr by Cnrrler, in advance, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska Postofilco as Socond Class Matter. Fit I DA V, HV.Vr.MttKK, 27th, 191S. Traffic Conditions In November. Hals Holdon, regional director of railroads for tho Central Wostorn region, In IUh report for November, Just issued, says: Compared, with same month last year the total loading of live Btock increased 8,043 cars, or 12.3. Tho loading was fully protected at all times and tho traffic moved promptly. Kansas City market liandled a total of 1G,913 cars Inbound, an Increaso of 2,031 cars or 13.6; out bound 0,700 cars, nn Increaso of 230 cars of 3.5. South Omaha market had inbound 11,- 488 cars, an Increase of 404 cars or 4.2; outbound 3,C43 earn, an Increase of 1.7C0 cars or 32.0. St. Joseph market had inbound G.810 cars, an Increaso of 1,931 cars or 39.f; out bound 1,742 cars, an Increaso of 348 cars or 24,8. Tho number of troop movement de creased materially compared with pro- vlous months. A total of 42 special troop trains, with 15,032 men wore operated during the month, In addi tion to which about 9,000 men dis charged from (ho sorvlco wcro bun dled. Tho coal situation In tho Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Colorudo, Utah and Wyoming fields during tho month of November has been easy from a trans portation standpoint. Tho car supply was moro than ample, tho daily re ports of tho coal rods Bhowing ac cumulatively many moro cars avail able than tho mlnoB woro ordering. Tho passenger travel during tho month of November "was light. This was ln largo part duo to influenza opidomlc. Tho cessation of troop movomonts to ports of ombarkatlon aiso nau us onect upon passongor earnings. , Tho, work of demobilization which Is now In progress meaiiB a heavy move ment from cantqh'monts. Additional facilities and tlck'otHollors havo boon Installed to handlo tlio movement : :o: ; Roll Call Reaches 1(1,000,000. Washington, Doc. 25. -Reports ro coived at Amorlcan Rod Cross head quarters today from all parts of tho country show an onrollmont of up- proxlmntoly 10,000,000 in tho "Christ- man roll call" with forty por cont of tho chapters, including a nmnbor of largo cities yet to report. Final ro- turns, which nro not expected for a week or ton days, will bring tho 1919 membership woll beyond the 10,000,- 000 total. : to: : No Iiitonontloii In ;Hhsm. Tho alliod governments hnvo decided against furthor Intervention in Rua nla, at lenst for tho present, accord ing to Indications from official ctrclos, Groat Britain and tho United States, whilo recognising that Russia should uo assisted In a way to pormlt it to rotum to normal conditions, point out that military Intervention on n largo scalo would Involvo difficulties and dangers of all kinds. : :o: : . Eight lUIIIon In Taxes. Tho Bamo spirit of cnthUHlasm nnd co-oporntion which uttondod tho fourth Llborty loan and much tho Bamo mothods, Including advertising In nowspopera and local propaganda campaigns, aro planned as fonturos of tho nation's next groat financial task, tho collodion of about $8,000,- 000,000 In tnxes noxt year. internal Rovflnuo Commissioner Ropor Is making preparations for a great drivo In January nnd Fobrnurv to trot tho 10.000JOOO tmranna to got tho 10,000j000 persona who probably will bo subjoct directly to govornmout tnxoa to lllo their re turns early, accurately and willingly. ttott Form Export Associations. Amorlcan manufucturors aro rapIcUy forming export associations which plan to carry tho products of tho Uni ted States to ovory nation on ourth, to crcnto and onlargo demands for goods ''made In America.," nnd to furnish cargooa for tho Amorlcan morchnnt marlno to transport over tho Baven boob. Tho trndo Invasion of othor countries will bogln ln earnest whon Europo has boon supplied with food andl rtoconjsjjrujction materials and tho world got back to a normal Jieaoo basis. ::o:t- Tho Bteamor Franco docked at Ho- bokon Tuesday with 3,805 Amorlcan troops aboard. Tho toturnlng troops In eluded 1,604 wounded, men from nearly ovory atato ln tho union, thoir injuries ranging from fcullot wounds ln arms, and logs to hIioII shock and cases which will require months of treatment ::ot: No child botwoon tlio agon of 1 year nnd 80 yoars should miss Uncle Tom's Cnhln Kolth Monday. TRUE BLUE By VARREN LEE BARTON. 1 aiiiiilitiiliiiiiiiiiiiitiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifT (CulifrUlit, 1U18, Winlertl NewlMwr Union,) "How you feeling now, Roger?" "Snug us n bug In a rug i" "Mebbe we'd letter forget digging gold and dig back for home, hoy?" "Everybody would laugh at us. No, I'll be all right In a dny or two and we'll strike a fresh trail, see?" Thus spoke Roger Small, rich irinn's son of Chesterton, fifty miles distant, to his fides Achates, Zeb Walls. They were In an old barn and, lying on n henp uf liny and covered to the chin with a ragged horse blanket, Roger, with mottled face, watched his chum and nurse bustle about. The latter had set up light house keeping, lie had a smntl one-burner kerosene stove, a skillet and a few other kitchen accessories, a package of cereal, a bottle of milk mid an old tea pot. This was constantly simmering on the little oil burner and gave out an aromatic steam. "You see, you've got the measles," said Zeb, "and all you can do for It Is to He still and keep warm, so I bor rowed the blanket without asking, and as to the warm drinks you've got to have there's loads of pennyroyal In the fields and that's the tea you're getting. I found a letter with a regit lnr and a special delivery stamp on It and cut them off and sold them for ten .cents nnd bought the cereal." Oil, .eb I The letter was Intended for some one." Course 11 was. It's addressed to a woman nnd some one dropped it be fore It was mulled. I'll hunt her up nnd deliver It." "You're a true blue one, ain't you?" voiced Roger ln grateful admiration. "I try to be. You would run away from home and, having none myself, I was glad to Join you. Now you're sick, think I'd drop you?" Just thon there were sounds of Jolly Juvenile voices outside. Half a dozen boys peered In curiously. "It's the two fellers we hciwd about running away from homo," spoko their leader. "Keep out I This Is a hospital Just now," warned Zeb. "What do you mean?" was Inquired. "Just what I say. My chum's down with tho measles mid I'm nursing him," and Zeb went outside with the group "Huh I" muttered ono of them, "He's lucky. Don't have to go to school. WIsh't I had his sickness, You 'do?" challenged Zeb, his eye brightening. "Look here, any of you fellows anxious to catch tho measles so you don't have to go to school can be accommodated at ten cents per. All you've got to do Is to pay a dime, come In and sit by my chum for nn hour or two and afore a day or so you'll break out most beautifully." Zeb laughed at his own conceit, but the boys went away thoughtful. At noon two of them reappeared with an air of mystery and twenty cents be tween them. "Hny," observed one of them, sheep Ishly, "we'll take twenty cents' worth of your measles between us." That's business," said Zeb, and saw them seated beside his patient and pro ceeded down town to buy some delicti cles for Ills Invalid chum. However infection old not occur and the would-be victims missed the opportunity of an anticipated vacation but the story got out. Miss Inn Blnlr schoolteacher, learned of the Incident "I never heard of such cold-blooded diabolism 1" she told an assistant This Zeb Walls must be a horrible wretch. I shall see that ho and his chum leave town at once, She was pretty as a picture and gen tie as a dove, but for a day or two had been laboring under disappointment and chagrin. Four days previous a certain shy, but adoring young man had whispered to her at a tennis party unit he intended sending her a very Important letter next day, and It hud not come. Zvb, making a fresh Infusion of pen nyroyal ten, was challenged from out side tho burn by a young lady waving her parasol at him. "Come here, you young reprobate I sho called. "Are you the wretch who has boon trying to scatter an epldenil of disease through the town?" "No'ni," dissented Zeb, "I've Just been trying to keep my chum, Roger Small, comfortable." "Well, you must move on and leave here, or I'll have the authorities ufter you. I am Miss Rlalr, the schoolteach er, and I must protect my charges." "Oh, snyl" abruptly ejaculated Zeb, Tvo got something for you," and ho hauled out the letter from which ho had clipped tho stamps. Miss Rlalr examined It with trembling lingers. She read the luclosuru "You dear boy I" sho cried, almost hugging him. "Tell me where you got it." "I found It," explained Zeb. "Was It stealing, taking tho stamps? Th I guess I'd steal for tho best friend I over had, Roger Small." Miss Rlalr led him on to tell all about his struiu.o doings, tracing In his fidelity a ferr that showed a veritable diamond .a the rough. "After all, only friendship and low count for much," she said, nnd forth with saw to It, timid her Joy over tho letter, that the two wayfarers wero comfortably housed, tho father of Rog er sent for, and she bo pleaded for loy al, loving Zeb with the latter that he decided to tako Zeb and make some thing of him. And Miss Inu Rlalr wits glud of till of this, for how her future might havo been marred had tho lost letter novor been 'found I i!;;;niinnnr:i,'n7inniinm!!mim:ijimi: "BABY DOLL" By PERCIVAL MARSH. iiilliiilllllillilllllllllllllllilillllllltlllliin din H!it. 131S, Wntrn Newptr Lnlou.) Wl:-n Horace Rarr announced to his three spinster sisters that he had. ut list accumulated ten thousand dollnrs nnd that It wus sufe in bank, the sol n el ml' I'oiimliicciirv lilted IIihIi- niIiiIh that they would hover have to starve, j He laid gone Into buying grain from nearby fanners mid hail made money fast, storing his purchases and ship ping 'to tho city always on n rising market. When one day ho entered the house nnd slapped down on the table a pack ugo of legal looking documents, with gloating unction remarking, "There tire the title deeds to house and lot, free nnd clear," all hands smiled with delight, for they knew that u perma nent roof wns assured. "Going to the city to buy an auto mobile," bo announced somewhat later. We're going to take all the good out of life we can get." About a week liter there came a telegram to Hor onso, the elder sister. It read : "Home Tuesday afternoon by new nuto. Also a wife," and the flutter this Informa tion caused kept the throe astounded and suspcnseful sisters on tantalizing hooks through forty-eight hours. They were kindly of heart, though having narrow notions In some re- Bpccls. Horace had been a good broth er and they hoped lie had made a suit able choice of n helpmeet. She ciuno and the sisters stared. They had never seen greater beauty. Piquant, petite, ever smiling, It could not be In the heart of any one In tho world to resist her. Sho dazzled them with her pretty ways. As the three sisters were alone llortonse said with sigh: "Sho loves Horace, that Is sure. Slie greets ner new nome us a pulace. She has no relatives, Horace says, so there will be no divided nor Interfering Interests. Only five words express It." "Speak them, Hortense," urged Muriel. ' Sho Is a baby doll," and that set tled conviction seemed unanimous; "One thing," spoke Rose, n week later, "Nettn Is uo gadder. She lovea his home." , "Yes." echoed Muriel, "and her de votion to Horace Is almost pathetic." 'And did you ever see such fnncy work as she Is capable of doing?" sup plemented Hortense, nnd, when tho latter complimented Nettn on this fea ture the next day, the hitter said mod estly : I ought to know something ln that line, for I spent three yenrs us an ap prentice. You see, artificial liowcr making Is my trade." Trade?" mildly Hortense eclioetl the Jarring word. "Well, It Is scarcely a profession, is It?" smiled Netta sweetly. "You see, when your brother firnt met me I hud become forewoman ln a millinery sup ply house. They say I hud become an expert, so If ever dear Horace htm business reverses we have something to fall buck upon." Tho reverses came. A shrewd, hono too scrupulous gruln buyer appeared ns a rival In the field and Horace be gan to lose trade. He made some un lucky mirchases. In six mouths Ills surplus at the bank wns gone. A lit tie later he had to mortgnge the homo nnd sell the automobile. Then ho hud n serious breakdown. "Sisters," said Netta one day. "tho time has come for us to show, our mettle. I want you, Hortense, to go to tV.ft city tomorrow to help mo buy some stock. I am going to start into the artificial flower business In a mod nt wiiv. 1 know tho line. I know tho trndo. and I know further that In Bide of a week you three can become experts with all your quick Ideas and Industry and nlftlness." So Netta took Hortense with her to the cltv and siient a week studying tho market. She hud some money of her own nnd she Invested It unhesitating lv. Sho unrealised ribbons and sheets of silk, and satin and other fabrics used In making pretty lloral counter- felts. She bought dies, and wire and tools. Ry the end of two weeks tho big parlors were transformed Into busy work rooms. System and order pre vailed. A thorough business woman Netta had an linniedlate outlet for her U-.H-..S Horace, recuperating, mur mured over his uselessness. "Ready to work?" questioned Netta brightly. "Very well. First, you slinll help pnek and ship. Then you shall keep the books. Thon, dear, as soon as we nro well started, Instead of sell ing to tho Jobbers you shall be our traveling salesman. We will work up direct clients of our own and tnnko a douhlo profit. Why, tho business will be ideal." "How cozy It has been, nnd how nice," said Hortenso ono day, a year later. Tho mortgnge had been paid off and they had a now automobile nnd money ln bank. Tlu business had grown so thnt work rooms down town wore necessary and Horace was slowly, safely feeling his way hack Into his old business. "Horace," said Hortenso to her brother one day, "I did Netta a griev ous wrong when she first camo among us." "Nobody has discovered it so far." declared Horace good-naturedly. "I called her a baby doll." "Meaning pretty daintiness? Why not? ; S,wot nnme, Isn't It? Why, she would feel llattered If you told hot about It. Don't let thnt grievous sin rest on your memory, sister mine, She ' went to sleep ln my arms lust night crying for tho Joy nt having yound all In life worth living for." whfm making miT a r.fiPCK Take Time Enouflh to Write Legibly ' and Be Sure Amount 19 Indicated Clearly in Writing. Do you know how to write u check so that It cannot be successfully tam pered with? Experts declare that carelessness In that small matter Is responsible for the loss of millions of dollars annually, the loss falling some times ou the Individual and sometimes on 1,10 "Ullk devices to There nre ineehanicnl prevent the raising of checks, but their use is not general, partly because of the expense, but more particularly, probably, because It adds one more to the multitude of things to be done. For those who are dally taking chances William G. Pengelly. hand writing expert In n recent paper, of fers some valutible advice In the draw ing of checks. Ills first suggestion is to take enough time for the process to bo sure of doing a good Job. In filling n the space for the amount In nu merals, write in legible figures, begin ning close to the printed dollur mark; don't leave space for the Insertion of another figure. Then write the amount In words, preferably beginning with n capital, tit the left-hand end of the line; don't write U so that the amount stands In the middle of the line; hav ing written-the amount properly, draw a heavy line from the Inst letter to the word "Dollars" at the right. As he gays, "block the words In" so that additions cannot be easily made either at the beginning or at the end. When the words are written clearly and with nn initial of unmistakable Identity, the check-raiser bus little opportunity for his work. Another safeguard Mr. Pengelly sug gests is the writing of the nniount of the check, either In figures or words, In red Ink, nbove or within the signature at tho bottom. In his experience he has found this to be n successful snfe gunrd against fraud. Rut the all-Im portant things aro legibility of hand writing nnd proper location of the written amounts. Don't bo ln a hurry ln writing n check. It Is a haste that makes trouble. Columbus Dispatch. LIKE OTHER ORIENTAL TOWNS Joppa Since Earliest History Has Beefn More or Less the Plaything of Conquerors. In the tribute lists of Thothmes III. king of Egypt, who held his court on the banks of the Nile, some 1000 years before the Christian era, there figured the town of Joppa. Thothmes in was a mighty warrior. He fought no fewer than seventeen successful campaigns ln Syria, twice captured Knilcuh and was one of the greatest builders and administrators Egypt nnd ever known bo, although nothing Is certain nbout tho mutter, he probably captured Jop pa und laid tribute on the inhabitants who then, ns today, built their houses over the "rounded hillock" which, from the sea, forms a gracious landmark Hint wns .1,400 years ngo, and every now nnd again during nil those cen turies, the old city, which looks out over the Medlter-aneiin toward the coast of Africa, away beyond Egypt, has stepped into nnd out of the history of the world. On Marrying Aviators. It Is noticed that the dear girls are marrying aviation lieutenants more than any other class of soldiers. This Is not because so many of them nre killed, but because the service Is the most romantic, and If there Is any thing a well-balanced girl likes more than anything else It Is romance. And to have a husband who soils the blue skies and goes hiding In the clouds makes a girl very proud. She has a right to be. He Is looked upon as a superman who gets beyond the domain of gravitation nnd wnnders In the re glons where the angels are supposed to lly. YUion such a one gets bad to earth and sits with his wife before the cordial fireplace, and talks to bet of stars, sunsets nnd dreams, eould there be more delightful company? Who would not be nn aviator and face all the perils of aviation for such nn experience? No wonder the govern ment has more uvlators than It wants Ohio State Journal. Blind Boys on Joy Ride. A little engineering Ingenuity hns made dozens of blind and deaf chil dren in llnnlla happier. Deaf and blind children nre some times hnrd to nniuse. A man who fashions some plaything that can make perpetual darkness nnd silence a little easier to endure adds n Jewel to his heavenly crown. Tho merry-go-round thnt has been placed nt the disposal of the children ln tho Deaf und Blind school In, Ma nila Is simple enough for the handi capped boys nnd girls to opernto with out assistance. Tho whirling structure comprises n triangular framework of wood scant lings pivoted on a stout wood post In the center. At each point of tho trl angle Is n sent nnd a wheel. The wheels travel on n circular Iron track, Legs and nrms supply tho motive pow er. Popular Science Monthly. St. Mlhlel Party. Ono Infantry compnny-nt the end of several hours' advance found that it had cutoff several score of flermnns In n wood. Tho Germans didn't show any light. Most them didn't even exhibit enough nerve to come out nnd surrender. When it came time for the cnptnln to make his periodical report to his battalion P. C, this sentence concluded the message ho sent back: "Have nbout a hundred friendly troops In woods on my right." Paris Stars and Stripes. ispr mmfct, - w Let -'his" gift to YOU be a HOOVER! The days aro not long onough, it seoms, for you to attond to your multiplied duties. You must adopt more short-cuts. Most tlroaome, time-con sumlng and disagreeable is tho weekly cleaning day. Let it bo largely replaced by a few moments dally use of a HOOVER. Thon dirt will never accu mulate In your rugs and car pota. Housecleanlng will be much simplified. Though THE HOOVER glides so lightly that a three-year-old can use it, It beats out Imbedded grit, sweeps up stubbcrnost-clinging llttor of all kinds and dustlcssly with draws the dirt thus dislodg ed. Only THE HOOVER beats, sweeps, "suction cleans. Only Tho Hoover cleans THORO LY. When ho give3 you a HOOVER he gives you! tho BEST. North Platte Light & Power Co W. E. FLYNN ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW Office over McDonald Rank. ' Office Phono 1136 Itcs. Phono 1126 L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. 3Iy ono host reference I'm always dated ahead Phono at my expense for dates OGALALLA, NEBRASKA Dll. TWINES HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent pati ents. Successful operation on Appendix, when necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 110- Office Phone 183 Residence Phone 283 1008 West Fourth Street North Platto, Neb. DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLEI Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Therapy 7SS City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales a Specialty. Roforonces and Dates at First Na tional Bnuk, North Platto, Nob. Phono 1000. big Price for Furs. loii will mnko money by coming (o noo mo boforo you ship. L. LIPSHITZ. Best Price Paid for HOGS AT THE Hog Market Office, at the Old Stock Yards We also buy cattle. Call phone Black 381 forprices ' ED. TODENHOFT, North Platte, Nebraska. NOTICE! Why not YvrHo your flro and cyciono insurance vriin n roiinnio company who lurost thoir premiums ln Liberty ItondB and giro our county tho credit. Sco us (or farm and automobile rates NEBRASKA REAL ESTATE CO. Let McGraw Fix It If your Radiator leaks, or is filled with sediment and your car heats, have it fixed before winter. Before using any anti-freezing solutiou. be sure your radiator is tight and clean. McGRAW RADIATOR COMPANY Romigh Garage 6th and Locust Street NORTH PLATTE .General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block North ot Postoftice. Phone 53 A modern institution for tha cientific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casus. Completely qutpped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Deal. M. D. Y. Locas, M. D. J.B. Redfield. M. D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgory and Obstretrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 115 Office Phone 340 Res. Black 376 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic Physician Belton Bldg. North Platto, Neb. Hospital Phone Black 633. House Phone Black 633 y. T. PMTCHARD, Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of tho Court House. Reference:- Farmers State Bank R. I. SIIAPPELL, AUCTIONEER Sutherland, Nebr. alway tako stock buyers with me and always soil for the high dollar. DEHRYBEKEY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Dny phono 41 Night phone Black 588 Notice o Creditors. Estate No. 1599 of Abner W. Dillon deceased In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will take notice that the tlmo limited for prosentat'on anu liling of claims against said Es tate is Juno 14th, 1919, and for settle ment of said Estate is December 13th. 1919; that I will sit at tha county court room in said county, on March 14th, 1919 at 9 o'clock a. m., and on Juno 14th, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad just all claims and objection duly filed WM. H. C. WOODHURST. D17-4wks. County Judge. Notice of Petition. Estato No. 1C05 of Hans D. Jerccn- son, deceased la tho Couuty Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska. Tho State of Nobraska, To all ner- sons intorested in said Estato tako no tice that a petition has been filed for tho administration of tho estato of tho deceased and tho appointment of Edna Jorgensen as administratrix of said estato, which has been set for hearing heroin on January 3rd, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated December Gth, 1918. WM. II. C. WOODHURST D10-3wks Countv Jurtoir. Estray Notice. Taken up on the Hansen ranch, sev en miles northwest of North Platte, on or auout August 1st. 1918, one cow and calf, cow branded -with J bar un der J and flguro ono undor bar; calf about flvo months old and not brand ed. Ownor call, provo property, pay charges and tako animal away. II . P. HANSEN. D2-Cw North Platto, Neb. Notlco to Creditors. Estato No. 1589 of Florenco Love. doceasod. In tho County Court of Lincoln county, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, s.s. Cred itors of said estato will tako notlco that tho tlmo limited for presenta tion and filing of claims against said ostato is April 3, 1919, and for da mont of said ostato Is Deceir' ir 2d, 1919. that I will sit at tho county court room ln snld county on Janu ary 3d, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on April 3d, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. to receive, cxamlno, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. WM. II . C. WOODHURST, D3-4w County Judge.