Many of the brnve women who attend
our wounded heroes of this wnr are
women who havo used Doctor Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, or who recom
mend it. The hospital, with its work
and long hours, imposes extreme hard
ahip on a woman's strength. Every
woman should make herself fit for.war's
call at home or abroad. She should
obtain a book called the w Medical
Adviser," either at her nearest drug
tore or by sending 60 one-cent stamps
to Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Insti
tute, Buffalo, N. Y., for a book which
tells about Nursing, Bandaging, Anat
omy, Physiology, the Marriage Relation,
Knowledgo of Sex.
Thousands of women in the United
States have overcome their sufferings,
and have been cured of woman's ills, by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. So
too, for liver and bowel troubles,
nothing is bo effective or pleasant as
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Sioux City, Iowa. "For the young
girl developing into womanhood Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a won
deiful tonic and builder. When I was
sixteen years old I used to suffer in
tensely and was very frail and delicato.
Two bottles of the 'Prescription cured
me of my pains and built me up into
strong and healthy womanhood. I am,
therefore, very glad to recommend it to
ray friends who havo daughters suffer
ing as I did." MR8. J. W. Schmidt,
40 West 4th Street.
Liberty Bonds Bought
nd Bold for cash. Write for quotations. Send
Bonds by registered mall.
11 S. La Salle St., Dept. O. CHICAGO. ILL.
For every business. Tim ken-Brown Worm drive
and Tltnken bearings throughout. Price $1085.
T. O. 11., Detroit. Mid-City Motor & Supply Co..
OUtributora.2216 FarnamSt., Omaha, Nebraska.
Prospective Disappointment.
"Yirssum 1" said Sister Mitudle Wad
dles. "We's done whupped do Ger
mans. Mali husbnnd Is over dur, and
I reckon lie mndo u hand nt it. I
s'pects when tint blnck man gits home
he'll be so puffed up he'll think he can
whup me. Itlght den and dar he's
Rwine to 'skiver tint I ain't no Gen
man." Kansas City Star.
For many years druggists have watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription.
S .vamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad
der do the work nature intended they
should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years.
It is sold by all druggists on its merit and
it should help you. No other kidney medi
cine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
No Wonder.
The Burglar's Sweetheart Yn say
yer iiinti Is u safe robber?
The Yeggmnn's Wife Oh, he snys
he's safe, but I keep tellln' him they'll
git him one of these fine nights.
Cutlcura Complexions.
Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap
dally and Ointment as needad to make
the complexion clenr, scalp clean and
hands soft and white. For free snra
pies address "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Bos
ton." Sold by druggists and by mall.
Goap 25, Ointment 25 nnd CO. Adv.
A Fine Comb, Maybe.
'Oh, you should have seen Myrtle
last night," exclaimed big sister gush
ingly. "She had her hair done up
Just too sweet for anythlug."
"Maybe she used a honey comb on
It," said the lrresprestlble small
Millions of particular women now net
and recommend Red Cross Ball Blue. All
grocers. Adv.
Impulsive Utterance.
"Bllgglns prides himself on snylng
what he thinks." "Yes. But he doesn't
think before he says It."
Spanish Influenza can
be prevented easier than
it can be cured.
At the first sign of a
shiver or sneeze, take
Standard cold remedy for JO years la tablet
form safe, sure, no opiate breaks up cold
In 24 hours relieves grip In 3 dys. Money
back 1 f It fails. The genuine box has a Red top
with Mr. llUl's picture. At All Drug Stores.
Suspension of Chewing Is One of
First Indications of Sick
ness of Animal.
With Return of Normal State Thero
Will Be Restoration of Process of
Digestion, Including Function
of Rumination.
(Prepared by tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Although the relation of the uct of
chewing the cud to the natural process
of digestion In cattle Is probably quite
generally understood, the United
States department of agriculture fre
quetly receives Inquiries concerning
the proper treatment for cattle which
have "lost their cud," the Impression
apparently being that the cud Is some
thing which can mechanically disap
pear, and when so lost must be re
placed in order to restore thu unltnul
to health.
Is a Natural Process.
Rumination or chewing tho cud Is a
natural process In connection with the
digestion of cattle and other ruminant
animals. In ruminants the food when
Hist taken into the stomach is Im
perfectly chewed, and is returned to
tho mouth for remastlcatlon. This re
turned ball of food Is termed "the
So called loss of cud, the department
explains, Is simply a suspension of
chewing, frequently one of the first
Indications of sickness in nny kind of
ruminant animals, since ruminants
generally stop chewing the cud when
feeling out of condition. Any condi
tion affecting the general health of
cattle may result In suspension of
chewing, and there Is almost certain to
be an interruption of this process
when there Is any pronounced dis
turbance of digestion.
Superstitious Methods.
Plnclng wads of hay In the mouth,
the use of salt pork, and similar meth
ods for restoring the cud are the out-
These Young Animals Are Growing
Into Money Day and Night.
come of local superstitions and a luck
of knowledgo concerning the digestive
process of the cow. Instead of such
treatment an effort should be made
to determine the exact nature of the
illness affecting the cow with a view
to applying proper treatment.
It may be confidently expected with
an approaching return of the animal
to a state of normal health there will
be a restoration of the process of di
gestion, Including the function of
rumination or cud-chewing.
Production Per Acre Is Thirty-Six Per
Cent Higher Than That of
Twenty Years Ago.
(Prepared by ;ho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Tho yield of potatoes per acre Is
gradually Increasing In this country,
as shown by the records of tho bureau
of crop estimates of the United States
department of agriculture. During
1800-1874 the average annual yield per
nrre was 01 hushes, but tho average
markedly declined to 71.J1 bushels In
1S8.r.-l8!H. Perceptible recovery wns
made in the following ten-year period
and a much larger recovery, rising
to a new high-water mark, was readi
ed In 190r-1014, with Its average yield
of 97 bushels per acre.
In 20 years the productivity of the
average potato acre Increased !!0 per
cent. This Increase is due to various
causes, among which are greater spe
cialization of production, more inten
sive treatment, and higher fertility of
the soil. The ten-year average yield
of 07 bushels per acre' in 1003-1014
was followed by 00.3 bushels In 1010,
80.5 bushels In the very low year 1010,
and 100.8 bushels In 1017.
Compared with population, the yield
of potntoes per aero declined from
1S00-1771 to 1005-1014. The gain of
pioductlon per capita In recent years
has been more because of Increased
acreage than because of Increased pro
duction per acre.
No Other Animal Better Adapted to
Convert Weeds and Waste Into
Food and Clothing.
No animal approaches the sheep In
converting weeds and waste Into food
and clothing. There Is a wealth of
both In the wasted grass and weeds
of barn lots, fields and roadsides. Let.
there bo "a bunch of sheep on every
, I
Profitable for Every Farmer to
Provide Adequate Storage.
Excellent Arrangement Devised for
Grain Farm Alleyway Provided
Where Seed Can Be Fanned or
Treated for Disease.
(Prepared by tho Unltoil States Depart
ment of Agriculture)
In view of tho present high prices
of all grains it is profitable manage
ment for tho general farmer to provide
adequate and dependable storage for
these valuable farm products. Tho
division of rural engineering of the
bureau of public roads, United States
department of agriculture, has devised
an excellent arrangement for a largo
granary adapted for the general grain
farm. This storage is 24 by 14 feet
In Hoor dimensions and is subdivided
Into four bins, each of which Is 7
View of Granary Planned by Rural
Engineers of Department of Agri
culture. by 0 feet, nnd has a capacity of
450 bushels. Each bin Is provided
with a door through which the grain
may be distributed into tho storage,
while It also has a protected scoop
door through which the grain can bo
delivered. Tho four bins front on an
alleyway which Is C by 14 feet, where
the seed can be fanned und cleaned
or else treated against disease. In
case of emergency, where the grain
crop exceeds the permanent storage
capacity, this space also may be par
titioned off and utilized for storage
purposes. The total capacity of the
permanent bins is 1,800 bushels, while
the emergency spneo also available In
the central cleaning floor Increases the
total possible storage to over 2,100
Water Should Be Twenty Degrees
Above Freezing Point Animals
Need Ample Amount.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
All animals require plenty of good,
pure water. This is especially true of
the milking cow, as water constitutes
more thnn three-fourths of the total
volume of milk. The water supply,
therefore, demands the dairyman's
most careful attention. Stale or Im
pure water is distasteful to the cow
and she will not drink enough for mnx
imum milk i oductlon. Such wnter
mny also carry disease germs which
might mnke the milk unsafe for hu
man consumption or be dangerous to
tho cow herself. During the winter,
when cows are stabled the greater part
of the time, they should be wntered
two or three times a day unless ar
rangements have been made to keep
wnter before them at all times. The
water should, If possible, be 15 or 20
degrees above the freezing point, nnd
should be supplied at practically the
same temperature every day. When
wnter well above freezing temperature
is stored In tanks and piped directly
to the cow, there Is probably little oc
casion for facilities to warm It. When
It stands In n tank on which Ico often
forms, It usually pays well to warm It
slightly. This can be done by a tnnk
henter, by live steam, or by hot wnter
from a boiler. If a boiler Is used for
running a separator or for heating
wnter to wash and sterilize utensils,
steam from it can readily and cheaply
be used to warm the wnter.
Trials Show That Clean, White Starch
of Good Quality Can Be
Profitably Made.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Frosted and decayed potatoes have
been found In trlnls conducted by the
United States department of agricul
ture to be entirely capable of produc
ing acceptable and frequently normal
yields of clean, white starch of good
quality. Much of thlg material ap
pears to possess a potential value for
the production of sizing starch ap
proximating that of the stock at pres
ent used for this purpose. The me
chanical difficulties In recovery from
decayed pulp are sometimes grenter
and sometimes less than from normal
stock. Modified procedure adapted to
these abnormal pulps doubtless could
be devised, department specialists
say, but there seems to be no reason
why tho present method might not bo
applied profitably In the menntlmo In
the production of sizing starch In fac
tories at the large shipping centers
Installed to utilize tho great quanti
ties of frozen und decayed potatoes
arriving during tho full and winter.
This would turn to profitable account
large supplies at present without
value, but which are a serious burden
of expense since to their cost of pro
duction must bo addd transportation
und dumping charges.
Municipal Authorities of Danzig, Ger
many, Seem to Have Had a Hand
In About Everything.
Frnuleln Gertrude Haumer, In the
diary which sho contributes to Die
Illlfe. quotes tho following from nn
official memorandum Issued at Danzig:
"The town deals In coal, babies'
soothers, methylated spirits nnd petro
leum, old clothes and wooden soles;
It fattens pigs nnd geeso and breeds
fowls nnd rabbits j It cooks dinner and
supper every day for many thousands
of people ; It provides labor and horses,
distributes prizes for horse breeding,
and places orders for army supplies; It
estimates tho harvest and counts the
cattle, extracts fat from bone, and
sells vegetables and fruit In certain
shops; It dries vegetables nnd makes
sausages ; It allots land for potato and
vegetable growing, nnd Itself cultivates
land ; It collects or organizes the col
lection of nettles nnd fruit stones; It
buys wood In Oerniany nnd In the oc
cupied territory; It kills beasts nnd
makes Jam, examines applications for
leave from the front, and provides the
farmers with manure; It revises the
prices of bread, matches, meat, boots
and various foods, catches fish, and
supplies machinery; It collects copper,
aluminum and brass; and It distributes
sugar for jam making, nnd regnlntes
the feeding of sick persons and bit
Mes." Important to Mothors
Examine carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants nnd children, nnd sec that It
Henra tho
Signature UAfMM
In Use for Over 80 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria
Some Difference.
Jack Ilurryiuorc, the actor, was In
a group who were cracking conun
drum1!, when ho asked: "Now, you
fellows seem very clever at such
things, so tell me what Is tho differ
ence between a mosquito and nn 'ele
phant." "The difference?" asked one.
"Yes," answered Ilnrrymore.
They all gave It up, when the nctor,
walking away, said:
"Their shape."
How's This ?
We offer $100.00 tor any case of catarrh
that cannot bo cured by HALL'S
en internally and acts through the Blood
on tho Mucous Surfaces of the System.
Sold by druggists for over forty years.
Price 75c. Testimonials freo.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
This Man No Wanderer.
Fifty years In one job Is not a com
mon thing thee days, but that Is the
splendid record of a man nt Tain
worth, Now South Wales, who was a
collar-maker foi llfty-one years, lie
swept out the Methodist church week
ly for fifty years, has been In the
choir for forty years, and In the town
band forty years. Ho Is now seventy
years old, and Is still working and like
ly to bo so. '
Keep elenn Inside an well an outside by taking j
n Rontlt laxulln' nt leutit once a week, such ns
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Adr. I
His Mother's Accomplishment.
Theodore, aged four, was visiting
relatives In tho country. Tie stood
watching his mint preparing to light
the kitchen lire, and observing his In
terest, she Inquired If his mother, too,
burned wood.
"No," he answered dejectedly, "sho
don't burn wood." Then his eyes
lighted up and he added triumphantly,
"but she burns the dinner sometimes 1"
Harper's Magazine.
Always suro to please, Red Croas Ball
Blue. All grocers sell it. Adv. '
Cheerful Giver.
"Are you making presents this
year?" "Yes; I expect to kill about
forty friendships."
Yon Are Dyins By Acid
When you have Heartburn, Gas. Bloat, and that Full Feeling
after eating. TAKE ONE
Rids you oE the Excess Acid and Overload and you will fairly feel
the GAS driven out of your body THE BLOAT GOES WITH IT.
Bold by drogKlRtii penerally If your druggist can't nupply you a bltr box of Katonla for
r0o, (tend u thift ndr. with your name and uddresH and we will nend it to you you can send
uh theSOc after you get It. Addreas Eatonla Hemedy Co., 1018 8. Vabaah Are., Chicago, Ill-
Copying Their Elders.
Hobort and Harold had been angry
at caili other for several dnys. Ono
dnj they arrived homo from school
aru, in arm and when Robert wan ques
tloncl as to his sudden ehiuiKo of
heart, ho explained: "Mo and Harold
signed an armistice this morning."
"Nuf Sed."
The following sign appeared recent
ly on the floor of a Baltimore busi
ness establishment:
"Store closed during alterations."
The nnme of tho firm Is Casey S:
"Wwwtm Granulated Eyelids,
lOlir Ey 'nflan,ed "P:
euretoSun.DnJlind Wind
lArn quickly relieved by Murine
PL, y EyeReiBtdy. NoSmartiofr,
J juit Eye Comfort. At
Votir Drugr?iiti or by mail COc per Bottle.
For Book ol lbs Tye free write , tn
Murine Fye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Do you feci tired nnd "worn-out?"
Are you nervous nnd Irritable? Don't
sleep well at night? Have a "dragged
out," unrcsted feeling when you get
up In the morning? Dizzy spells? Bil
ious? Had taste In tho mouth, back
ache, pain or soreness In the loins,
and abdomen? Severe distress when
urinating, bloody, cloudy urine or sed
iment? All these Indicate gravel or
stone In tho bladder, or that the poi
sonous microbes, which are always In
your system, havo nttacked your kid
neys. You should use GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules Immediately.
The oil soaks gently Into tho walls
and lining of the kidneys, nnd the lit
tle poisonous animal germs, which nro
causing the Inflammation, are Imme
diately nttacked and chased out of
your system without lncouvenlenco or
Puts a ...
Stop Co all
That After Effect
(I'Yom tho observations of n cynic.)
I saw a dog after a cat. I saw a cat
after a rat. 1 saw a young man after
my daughter. I saw my neighbor after
the almighty dollar. 1 looked at the
fnllnlteslmal bit of change 1 received
from that same after buying a
dozen eggs. I heard the plaint of the
wife after her husbnnd got home at '
a. m. I heard one of these after-dinner
speakers. I am fed up on this after-the-war
stuff. I heard of a workman
after higher wages. Tho preacher
tries to scare mo about this after life.
I saw a boy take after his father. I
saw another fellow after my Job and I
saw n chap the morning after the night
before. 1 don't need to see tho
kaiser after thu war to convlnco mo
that this life Is Just one blankety blank
thing after another. Indianapolis
Canada. Canada's invitation to
Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta
farmers to make money and happy, prosperous homes for themselves
by helping her raise immense wheat crops to feed the world.
You Can Got a Homestead of 160 Acres Free
or other lands at very low prices. Where you can buy good farm
land at $15 to $30 per acre that will raise 20 to 45 bushels of $2
wheat to the acre it's easy to become prosperous. Canadian farmers
also grow wonderful crops of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed Farm
ing is fully as profitable nn industry as grain raising. The excellent
grasses, full of nutrition, are the only food required either
for beef or dairy purposes. Good schools and churches;
markets convenient; climate excellent Write for literature
and particulars as to reduced railway rates to Supt. of Im
migration, Ottawa, Canada, or to
Room 4, Boe Uldn., Omaha. Neb.
Canadian Government Afiont
WIZARD" Auto Power Unit
His Chance.
The toucher was teaching tho mean
ing of sonio new words. Among them
was the word "monopoly." She told
of the monopolies of Ullzaheth's reign
and then of some of the present day.
Then to malte sure that every one un
derstood It sho decided to make a more
specific example.
"Jaltle" sho turned to the son of n
pawnbroker "suppose that thero was
a great snow on tho ground and that
all the sleds this town held be
longed to your father. What would
he then hnve?"
Jakle's eyes grew bright and his
voice eager as he flashed back tho an
swor: "A chanco to ninko a lot of
I mo roBiuon.
"An ounce of pluck Is worth n ton
! of luck."
"SUM, If I had luck coming my way
by tho ton I wouldn't do any kicking."
Don't Ignore tho "llttlo pains and
riches," especially backaches. Thej
may be llttlo now but there Is no tell
Ing how soon n dangerous or fatal dlfM
case of which they arc tho forerun
tiers may show Itself. Go after tba
cause of that backache at once, or you
mny find yourself In the grip of nn In
curnblo disease.
Do not delay a minute. Go to your
druggist nnd Insist on his supplying
you with n box of GOLD MEDAIi
Haarlem Oil Capsules. In 24 hours
you will feel renewed hcnlth nnd vigor.
After you hnvo cured yourself, con
tlnuc to take one or two Capsules
each day bo ns to keep In first-class
condition, nnd ward oft the danger of
future attacks. Money refunded It
they do not help you. Ask for tha
original Imported GOLD MEDAIi
brand, nnd thus be suro of getting the
genuine. Adv.
And provents others having tho dlsen" no matter how
exposed (10 cent, nnd $1.15 n bottle, V1.B0 nnd $11.00 K
tloacn bottlm. All good drUKCtstd and turf goods houses,
Spohn ModtceJ. Co. Goshen, IncU TJ. S. A.
D ATEIITQ K. Coloman,
ffl I CIl I at l'atent Uwj.r.WuMnglon!
n I hill I w 1.0. AaTieaandboo?ret
Rataa reasonable. Ulgoaalritlereacta. lleuterrloea.
Most complete and official book pub
lished. Best terms. Credit given. Big
gest outfit free. Write quick.
Ziegler Co., 3J East Harrlton, Chicago
W N. U., OMAHA, NoTsi-lois.
f-ii, Wf
that's what thousands of farmers
who have cone from the U. S. to
on homesteads or buy land In Western
every industrious worker to settle in
is especially attractive. She wants
Attaches readily to your car and makes a movable
power plant to run your wood saw. feed mill, corn shelter, en-
eilage cutter, liny baler, pump, electric light plant, etc
Does not deface nor Injuro cari can ho attached or do.
tacbed In u few minutes. Price $57.30, !, e. k. Omibi.Ncb.
Specifications: Full floating abaft: cone clutch control f
ball throttle governor. Tim moilei Illustrated lit a nn?
Ford car; models for other cars furnlHhed when yrai"
and model of car U epcclilcd. Lift Eiclulri Aiti Wutiti
729 Fir.t Neiional Bank Bids. OMAHA,
Guaranteed Exchange Cars
1-1918 Maxwell Touring tUO.M
l-ll7MawellTourinif 13
1-1918 MaiwellTunrtm tT6.W
1-1910 Commerco Track tiOW
2210.18 Fanu-a Street Omaha, Nabraak
Kill Dandruff
With Cuticura
All drujgUU. Boap ff. Ointment
free nt ''Callcm. Dpt. S, BmUb."
Old Folk's Coughs
will be relleyed promptly by Pljo'a. Stop
throat tickle; relieves Irritation. The remedy
tctted by more than fifty yean of use U