The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 27, 1918, Image 1

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    htte 3tmi-Witth Mxibnu.
mil mi m m m m m m
No. 100
Tho Western Union Telegraph
Company started! .preliminary work
yesterday on tho relay station which
it will establish In North Platte and
that means before completed an ex-1
pondlturo of forty thousand dollars
In equipment and labor.
Tho first work to ho done Is the
laying of a wlro conduit from the
north side of Front street down the
east side of Dewey to tho alley be
tweon Front and Sixth, thence about
forty feet east In the alley and thence
into tho south room of the Walte
math building. To put in this con
duit requires tho tearing up of the
stroot paving across Front and south
on Dowey to tho alley. Permission
to do ths was granted by the city
Western Union giving a bond in tho
sum, of fifteen thousand dollars that
it will replace tho part of the street
work tearing up the paving brick
torn up in as good condition as be
fore they began their operations.
Worlnnon began excavating for the
num-holo on the north side of Front
street yesterday afternoon, and it is
expected that within a day or two a
large forco of men will bo put to
w"ork terlng up the pvvjng brick,
drilling through the cemont base and
making tho excavation for the con
duit, tho desire being to complete the
work as rapidly as posslblo and thus
avoiding as much as possible the in
conveniencing of the traffic.
Much of tho equipment for the Ve
lpy "Station has been received and
stored and as soon as the under
ground wires are laid It will bo plac
ed in position.
Tho ten battleships comprising
America's victory iloet arrived In
Now York Wednesday and were giv
en tho greatost ovation that city has
ever known, as tho 10,000 sailors
marched up Fifth avenue.
Among these vessels was tho Texas
to which Everett Evans, Alvlu San
dall and Harry Bartholomew of this
city belong. No doubt tho boys were
moro than happy to agalu set foot on
American soil.
Last evening J. E. Evans received a
message from Everett announcing
his arrival and stating that he would
bo homo In about two weeks. Whother
ho is to come home ori a furlough or
will be discharged, was not stated
in tho message, but it is probable
that ho as well as Saudall and Bar
tholomew will bo discharged.
: :o: :
Lieut. Tlghc Promoted.
Lieut. John Tlghe, (better known
to his friends as Buck), who was sta
tioned at Waco, Toxas, lator trans
ferred to Ft. Sheridan, near Chicago,
has now been transferred to Camp
Upton, Now York, as personal adjut
ant to a battalion major, a promotion
that Is won by both efficiency and
trustworthiness. Lieut. Tlghe entered
the service as a private and by dili
gent work has steadily ascended the
rounds of tho promotion ladder. Wo
aro heartily glad to learn of Lieut.
Tigho's promotion.
: :o: : .
Alex Douglas Weds Miss Stilts.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex M. Douglas, who
wero married in Grand Island Decem
ber 11th arrived home a few days
i ago and are now "at homo" to their
It is understood that tho Installa- , friends in a cozy cottage on west
tlon of tho station will bring six or Front street. The bride was former
eight additional men to North Platte ly Mlss Margaret Stilts, daughter of
to remain permanently. j Mrs. Fern Norris, and a "graduate
::or: i.nurso of the North Platte General
Tho following arc somo of the com-! Hospital Mrs. Douglas is held fn
ments tliat linvo been sent in on "Tiio ; high esteem by a fargo circle of
RIdors of the Purple Sago" which will J friends. Tho groom has been a resi
show at the Keith Wednesday and dent Gf the city for flvo years past,
Thursday, Jan 1-2. This plcturo wiU , holding a position as machinist in
surety appeal to uiose. tvuo iiko a tho shops and is very popular with
western photoplay. One of Farnum's ' i,ia fellow employes and all acquain
best. Great. Ran extra big for four . tances. They are receiving tho con
days. Big Bill's ibest. It has every-' gratulations of ninny friends.
thing, story, star, director, photq-( ::o::
graphy and punch. Wonderful Ap- Tho LEADER MER. CO. aro making
peals to young and old. A most ex- their unnual inventory this week,
collent and unusual production with During this time there aro hundreds
wonderful drawing powers. of ltoms thrown to one side that are
- ., - .T being sold at prices far below
"The Vamp
Interesting developments in
Also the "Smiling Bill Par
son" Comedy
"Billy's Baby"
regular prices. They prefer to count
tho cash rathor than invoice the
Houses In which cases of flu do
velop aro now being quarantined in
accordance with the order of tho state
board of health issued last Saturday,
i Whether this will stop tho spread
of the disease is said to bo at least a
I debatable question. In some towns
' whero quarantine had been enforced
, it is said the disease was practically
stamped out whilo In other towns the
quarantine is reported to have had no
effect. It may bo possible that the
variances cited may havo been due to
a rigid enforcement in ono case and
a lax enforcement in the other. In
view of tho fact that people are dy-
! ing of llu almost weekly in North
Platte, it is evident that we should
Tho feature of Christmas Day In
North Plntto was tho work of tho Red
Cross Canteen In serving n Christmas
dinner to about 300 soldier boys pass
ing through on tho various trains. And
It was a real Christmas dinner tur
key, crnnborry sauce, mnshed potatoes
and othor vegetables, colery. pie, coffee
and other trimmings that go with a
real dinner. Did the boys enjoy It?
Well thoy wore tho happiest, most
gratofulJLot of men you over saw, and
they couldn't half express tholr real
sincerity In tho thanks they extonded
the ladles. Nino big turkeys had boon
roasted to a turn, a great big pan of
oxtra dressing propared, thoro were
Jars and Jars of cranberry sauco,
stacks and stacks of pies, pan aftor
pan of mashed potatoes, in fact it
seemed to The Tribune man as he
"nosod In" during tho early forenoon
that overy foot avallablo In tho canteen
was filled with Invltng food. To serve
this dinner twenty-one ladies threo
from each company had been assigned.
and thoy reported early in the morning
and romalued until lato in tho evening.
It was n strenuous day for them, no
time for Christmas at home, but It was
a happy Christmas for" the ladies, bo
cause they wero making many others
happy who otherwise would have had
a cheerless day
Tho serving of the dinner was not
all tho ladles had provided for tho sol
dier boys for with It went the cheer
iest of Christmas cheer. Every room in
tho canteen was decorated with holly
wreaths and Christmas bells and other
decorations, on tho dining table was an
immense bunch of poinsetta, given by
the North Platte Floral Co., and In tho
reception room was a big Christmas
tree ladened with gifts for the soldior
boys. Over a mantel was a picture of
Santa Claus, and in front of the fin
provised grate Wero throe 5ig dollies
In their nighties. Following the dinner
tho soldiers wero Inducted Into this
room, presented with presents from
tho tree, and with piano music and
singing had a merry time so long ns
the trains waited. Soldiers detained in
the cars through illness, wounds or
otherwise, had their meals and present
taken to them, and if every soldier who
passed through North Platte on Christ
mas was not well treated is was not
through any fault of the Canteen ladles
All tho provender for the dinner
was donated by tho people of the city
and surrourdlng country
W. P. Syndor of the North Plntto
nub-station furnishes Tho Tribuno
with tho following:
Five young HoUtoln dairy cows
havo produced tho following amounts
of milk and butter during one lacta
tion period each:
Llttlo"Roso 1S.241 lbs. of milk;
,120 npprox. quarts; 677.91 lbs. of
butter fat; S47.3S lbs. of butter.
Black" Becky 20,549 lbs. of milk;
10,274 approx. quarts; 600.00 lbs. of
butter fat; 750.00 lbs. of butter.
Eliza 16,870 lbs. of milk; 8,435 ap
prox. qunrts; 582.56 lbs. of butter fat;
28.20 lbs. of buttor.
Topsy 14,673 lbs. of milk; 7,336
approx. quarts; 500.46 lbs. of buttor
fat; 625.57 lbs. of butter.
Becky 14,001 lbs. of milk; 7,002 np
prox. quarts; 485.34 lbs. of buttor
fat; 606.67 lbs. of butter.
Avorage 16,867 lbs. of milk; 8,433
approx. quarts; 569.25 lbs. of butter
fat; 711.56 lbs. of butter.
Do Poop recently gave 52S.8 lbs.
of milk containing 26.6 lbs. of butter
In sovon days, a dally average of S3. 2
lbs, of milk or 41.6 quarts and 3.S
lbs. buttor.
Qur former acquaintance, Rose, Is
putting on fat preparatory to an of
ficial test Her Inst weight was 1950
U)3s Sho will bo qulto a good sized cow
for a cow of a dairy breed when she
gete her growth.
A ittle figuring shows that the
buttor from "Littlo" Rose, if sold nt
tho present country buttor prlco of
65c, would bring 5550. SO, or tho buttor
from the flvo cows would bring
$2,312.58 in ono year. Or if a man
had kept "Black Becky nenr town nnd
sold her milk at 12c per quart, ho
would havo received $1,340.50. Not
a small Income from ono cow. Tho lit
tle herd of flvo cows under similar
conditions, would havo bought him
$5,270. 8S. In the not far distant fu
ture, wo hope to sco herds of this
class about North Platto.
f. H. Krauso, of Wrost Point, ro-
By order of tho Stuto Board of
Iloalth, tho following rioa for pre
venting tin will bo carried out In
North Platto:
No dnneos will bo allowed.
All houses where there Is flu will
bo strictly quarantined. No ono will
bo allowed to leave tho houso dur
ing tho quuruutino. If anyone enters
tho house excepting ministers, nurses
and dtoctors, thoy must stny until
tho quarantine Is lifted. Tho quaran
tine must last for 5 days aftor tho pa
tient's temperature has boon normal.
The attending physician must exam
ine tho patient and udvlso the City
Board of Health when the quarantlno
can bo rulsed. It will not bo necessary
to fmulgato tho house aftor llu, but
tho houso must bo thoroughly nlred
for sovoral hours.
Employers of labor must sond homo
Immediately all employees who show
signs of Illnos nnd in such n manner
that thoy will not spread tho diseaso,
ami iiirnisn a convoynnco it necessary.
Churches, plcturo show's and schools
will remain open.
Evory physician and whoro thoro
Is no physician tho hoad of tho family
must report this diseaso. As Boon as
tho disease Is discovered tho family
becomes automatically quarantined
Falluro to Immediately report the
disease subjects tho civilian or
physician to a flno and posslblo Im
prisonment. Ploaso reinembor tho North Plntto
Board of Health aro only carrying out
tho orders of tho State Board) of
Health and do not wish to work n
hardship on nnyono. Wo will apprec
iate tho co-oporation of all persons
and tholr asslstanco In helping to
stamp out tho disoaso.
Signed North Platto Board Iloalth,
II. Waltemnth, Mayor.
J. Stono, Pros. Board,
j. Jonos, Chief of Pollco.
J. B. nedfiold, City Physician.
tufwud this mornlts. to his homo,
leaving Mrs. Krnuso to contlnuo her
visit with her daughtor Mrs. Arthur
Tramp and son Dr. Krnuso. They
enmo horo tho early part of tho week.
President and Mrs. Wilson wero
royally qunrtored In Buckingham
palnco yesterday afternoon aftor a
journey from Cnlals to London during
which thoy woro accorded all, tho
honors over given to royalty. Nover
has a royal progrons excopt thoso of
great national coromonials, excited
such Interest in London as tho first
stnto visit of an American prosidont.
Tho drlvo of tho short procession
from tho station to tho palaoo was
ftnndo thru streets IJnedj with tho
uard'H regiments In khaki. Frtosh
tings hung ovorhoad nnd covorod tho
buildings, whilo windows, balconies,
sldowalks nnd open spaces woro fill
ed with pooplo, many of whom woro
tho Amorlcan colors.
It was a brlof spectacle. First camo
tho sovorolgn's escort of troops from
tho household cavalry, with holmots
nnd steel cuirasses. Then camo tho
carriages with King Georgo and Pres
ident Wilson and Queen Mary, Mrs.
Wilfhon and Princess rMary. Thoso
woro followed by threo othors, which
passed almost unnoticed, as all oyos
woro on Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and tho
royal family.
: :o; :
Mrs. Harry Easton, whoso husband
Is omployed nt tho stockyards, died
yestorday morning of tho llu nt tho
Pitt's homo In tho Fourth ward. Sho
was twonty years of ago and leavo a
husband and two Binnll children. The
family had beon living in a house at
tho stockynrds, but when Mrs. Easton
was taken Ick with tho disoaso sho
was removed to Pitt's homo to ro
colvo bottor nursing and moro nccos
islblo modlcal treatment. Arrangio
monts for tho funoral had not boon
completed this morning.
Loo Tlgho, who hnd been attending
tho S. O. T. C. nt Lincoln hua rocorV
ed Ills dlschargo and returned homo.
Tho old tlmo rulo to nover carry
over ono season's goods to another
Reason gives you a chanco to buy at
a big saving, such as womon's suits,
COatS. drCSSCS. furs, waists uml Hnnrna
of othor Items. If ymi aro Interested I :'t
Ted Bogue, In tho marine hospital bo sure and visit THE LEADER MER.
corps at Mare Island arrived home CO. storo durinir tho fnvnntnrv 1 J.t
Christmns evening on a sixteen dny
furlough. Foot ball training for a
...... ...... ...... ..
... .. ...,., ...
uso every precaution wo can in or
der to prevent its spread.
Nick Chlros, who is stationed at
, Camp Funston, is homo on a furlough,
I Ho will return to camp tomorrow
! night Nick makes a natty looking sol
sunshine comedy "The Fatal Marriage"
couple of months past has placed Ted
in tlie pink of perfection nnd ho
looks llko a real athlete.
Mrs. Eaton, whoso homo Is In Colo-
In tho final analysis of the Christ
mas trado, merchants as n wholo ex
press somo littlo disappointment.
i . .
jjuHinuss was as goon as last year i :.:
but they had reason, thoy beliovcd !
to expect consldornblo lncrcnso over
A dancing party under tho nus
rado, Is the guest of her daughters 1)lceg oC thu ElkB htl(1 boon planned 1917. One drawback was tho storm of
ansa Lilian caion ana Mrs. erne for New Ycars' night, but has been last week which loft rends in bud
4.U till II. I nnatnniinrl ntwlnt tin linn laatiml vnu. mwlltldit nii.tlw.H ... t it...
Alma Ruohens iu "Tho Ghost Flow- tordny by tho state board of health, provalonco of flu. "Considering those
er" will bo the fenturo attraction at a uanco auvoruseu ior last nignt was conditions," snid a morchnnt this
the Crystal Monday. called off as has also tho ono ndvor morning, "I guess wo should fool
H urwl fr n tmilrrlit I ns1l nnil..ln,V ...11. n... i
LnmiAV Mr.r.!UiTlillM mill Hmol A- "ovu ...h..v. muin.nai wun liiu VOIUUIO Or
Irltiann 1,nM, nf fmml ivnrn millnil In f)fnll,l tllrt (Ml tllVIllfillt )f n fl.w, 1' v u IMUIHUIHCU.
marriage yostorday afternoon by Judge dlnnor on Christmas day by an nice- Senator W. V. Hoagland will leavo
Woodhurst. rated tooth, wo made matters worse for Llnooln Friday of next week to
Judgo Woodhurst united In marriago yesterday morning by slipping on an tnko up hiH dutios ns a lawmaker.
nt tho Harry Cramor residence last Icy pavement nnd wrenching a wrist Senator Busheo, of Kimball, will ar
evening Albert M. Kessler and Miss tlltl- is I"110 Painful. Howover, wo rlvo horo in his sedan Thursday oven
Catherine Slmmetz, both of this city. are thankful that wo havo teetli that ing and tho two will drive to Lin
. . , ...... tf.,., ,l,n, ....... ,.11.. .....1 1 , a .
urn iiicuruiu, i cut nun uiuy ui uuu omn mo lonowiug uay. as soon as
wns us iiiui urn wiuiiun. ouuiu iiu-uinu oumuor iioagiaiui can leaso an
don't. apartment in Lincoln ho will romnvii
Mrs. F. It. Morrill, of HastlliKS. ,,,H 'my thoroto to remain during
died at tho homo of her sister, Mrs. tho hosbIoii of tho leglstlnture.
... . . . 1
E. C. Lambert, In this city wcUiiob- Wg aro requcHtod to announco that
.1 rm. .1 1 . . r 1 . ...
uay. mo uuuuauuu uuu uu luiv;iv m uiiapiain Uram, lately returned troin
tlu at hor homo sovoral wooks ago army 8orvi(.0 ani formor pastor of
nnd hnllovlnir that Hlln had fullv ro-li. ,.,in .,.,..,.1, ... ,i,,. nt,.n.
Tnm'o Pn.ln urlfl, t.KMr. Kvn Tnn.v " ' .. l"u --". ni'un. ut niu mum-
Uncle Tom and all tho rest. There is' -" - -1 " lodlst church S"Jnr ovo"'"-
In the casualty list issued yester
day appeared the namo of Corporal
Leslie D. Sims, of Welltleet, who was
wounded with degree undetermined.
Big bargains aro being brought out
all during tho day cmring tho inven
Coming Tho ono and only Uncle
school the next g
Your Child's
j Arc they in "good condition
J? In h()in
U semester.
should have their eyes ex
u mined,
I Harry Dixon & Son, I
if 8
Every school hoy or girl
Showing the far reaching consequence of an action in anger
CRYSTAL, Tuesday and Wednesday
"The Ordeal of Rosetta"
A unique story of a stenographer who was made to suffer
through the use of her face on a show hill
Just ono placo to sea It and that is tho
Keith Thoatro Monday.
Among tho soldior boys who re
turned homo tho curly part of tho
J.t i weok aro Byron Schott from a Texas
camp and Wm. Sheedy and Frank
Brady from Camp Funston.
T. C. Pattorson returned last oven
Ing from Omaha whoro ho spent
Christmas with his daughtor Ruth.
Mrs. Pattorson and Miss Edith who
accompanied him to Omaha will con
tlnuo tholr visit there.
Tho remains ot Clydfi Courtney
who died at tho detention hospital
Friday of last wook, woro shlppod
to Kansas City today for Interment.
Tho deceased had boon omployod as
cook at tho U. P. dining hall.
Tho remains of Stella Bristol, a
former resident of tho city who died
at San Diego, woro recoivod hero yos
torday for Interment In tho local
hor sister. Sho suffered a rolapso and
death ensued. Tho remains, accom
panied by Mr. Lambert, woro tnken
to Hastings last night.
: :o: :
Plane Shapes Confusing.
American bntth'plnnes nro now
boRlnnltiK to make their nppennincp
on tho western front, according to tft!
Scientific Amorlcan, and It Is of In
terest to nnto th ohnngox undergone
by well-known types of domestic mil'
chinos. Certuln of our mnrhliu-H linvo
tnken on chnrncterlntlcn of (Jcrinan
tmttli'plancs, such ns the tapered front.
oroneller pot and flshllkc fusclnge,
hlln others have taken on the char-
cterlstlcs of the French Spud and the
I:-Itl8h Sopwlth flRhtur. The Amerl-
c n machines In several instances nro
In-losing tho V-shnpe pnulnes, Icnv
In j only the pxhnust pipes showing,
m ' these arc urouped Into one plpo on
pi'licr sldo, which lends back nnd ends
In n perforated tnper. One well-
have a
in charge.
In "All Night"
And a Two Reel LKD Comedy
"A Clean Sweep"
Wii wn tvno of American nlrnlnno hns
cometory along sido hor mothor. Tho ,, so nmtorlully changed of Into
1 .1 ...111 1 . 1. Atml .. . . n . . .. . 1 . il
tluit it is at nrsi coiuounueii wiui inn
doceased will bo romemborcd as ono
of tho two attractlvo daughters of
Jnck Bristol, for a number of years
a employee of tho Union Pacific
nhops. Tho family loft North Platto
French Spud; tho engine Is entirely
inchispd ; the wing nrrniiuijinent Is sim
ilar to the Spnd; nnd the strut ar
rangement 1 Identical to tho French
A true account of the daring cxploitsjand desperate- love
affairs of Boh Mason, adventurer, and
BILLY WEST Hie funniest man on earth in 'The Handy Man
THE SUN, Matinee at 2:30
fifteen or moro years ago.