QChe 41f Bll'tfli Ut9 THIRTY-FOURTH YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 24, 1918. No. 99 ALL CASES OK INFUENZA ANNEXATIONS A HE .TANKING L'OltONEK'S JUJtY CENSURES MUST HE QUAltANTINEl). THE PEACE CONFERENCE. AGENT AT .MAXWELL. SIXTV MILLIONS FOR GOOO WI,;80S'8 PA,8 Cn ROADS IN NE1JRASKA. SHOCKS THE GERMANS. Acting undor orders from the State Now York, Dec. 23. Annexation of ' Tll coronor's Jury, called to inqulro Board of Health, and effective at once lands, by both Franco and Italy, are , bito 'e death of KvanRollno GourIi, all flu cases will be strictly quaran- two issues that threaten to inject Into returned the following verdict after tlnod. This quarantine to be similar the peace conference another prob- examining eight or uino witnossos: to that of small-pox or any other 1cm that may bo serious. There is 1 "At an lquost he.rt in the fodernl contagious disease. When n flu case known to be a cortntn element of the , building in North Platte, in Lincoln is quarantined, the quarantine cannot French who favor annexation of the bo raised until tho patients' temper- Rhino lands, from Alsace Lorraine aturo has been normal for a pcfrlod of , north, on the west banks of the river. , sheriff and acting coronor of said flvo days, and tho attending physician County, Nebraska, on tho 23d day of Docomber, 1918, boforo A. J. Salisburv must closely watch his patient and make report to tho city physician whan tho patient can be released. Tho Board of Health asks that phy sicians and ail citizens co-operate in tills ordor. BOARD OF HEALTH. J. H. Stone, Pres. Board, Henry Waltomath, Mayor, Dr. J. B. Redfleld City Physician 0. B. Elder, Clerk, John Jonos, Clilef of Police. Theso lands aro now held by Belgian, county upon tho body of Evangollno British and American troops. The 1 dough lying dead, by the Jurors whoso :o: :- Italians are also looking toward the Adriatic, whoro they control all ad ditional territory. Tho combined move ments threaten to unbalance the pow er of nations if permitted. That the peace conference would turn down either of these two propo sitions, which aro very likely to mani fest themselves, seems almost certain, but a great wave of enthusiasm for nn negation has developed, such as could jbe normally expected on part of a names are horoto subscribed, said Jury upon tholr oath do say Evangollno Cough camo to her death at tho vil lage of Maxwell on December 20th, 1918, being run over and killed by the engine on train No. 6 of tho Union Pacllc railroad company through the nogllgonce, misinformation and care lessness of tho agent, an official of said Union Pacific Railroad Co?' : to : Oil's of Flu. Arthur Courtney, a man about thirty-two years of age, who had been Two boys, one aged seventeen, the victorious nation. Such annexations, it r.tilmr nlc'tit.ften. nml crlvlno- their la nnlnted out. would hrlntr nhntit thp names as Howard Wilcox and Marcla condition of Imperialism similar to vloyeA "s t tho Union Pacific Roberts were arrested Saturday ove- ' that which resulted In tho present doDot' d,ed Saturday night nt the de tains by H. E Bonner. U. P. watch- war and might augur bad for the fu- tont,on ll0Sltal nftr an Illness of a man, and turned oyer to Sheriff Sails- ture. To gutard against that the peace bury for having in their possession a congress will likely defeat theso aims. sack containing six pair of mittens, -::o:: tkroo heavy sweaters, two pair of Merry Clirhtinns. shoes, threo socks and somo canned , Tho Tribune wishes Its readers A goods. Upon being quizzed the boys Merry Christmas. May every minute admitted that they had robbed a store of the day be bright, cheerful and en- at Phillips. Tho Hamilton county Joyable. sheriff was -notified and he arrived ::o:: yestorday and took the boys back with Major Hnrrlnirtoii Passes Though, him. Major M. C. Harrington, who was in week from flu. Tho deceased kept at his work after he bad contracted the disease and did not call in a physician until his condition was such as to preclude hopo of recovery. Tho body is being held awaiting word from rolatlves who live at Kansas City. : :o: : Honor to Whom Honor Is Due. Editor Tribune: In talking with State Engineer Johnson at the Irrigation ::o:: tho quartermaster's department over- " - bp.t .uU), - First Lutheran Church. seas and invalided home by reason of P,a nedf "mtM8 V m Jf" . , , ,., ... , . east of North Platto was built, tho Christmas estlva Service, 0:30 "jute bronchi Is passed through to Board , a. m. Special musical numbers by the Denver yesterday forenoon. The Major b choir; Christmas carols by the con- "plainly Bhowed tho effect of his work fundg ahouM not bo mJ Jn grogation. Sermon subject. "The overseas and he suffering from his Message of the Angels." Pcal trouble, and is a different Umt Uilg ,n nQ mmnm lted a Wo cordially invito all our friends looking man from what he was before cQmty from ad(Ung mttMmi monev to this service. entered the service. to nmko a br,(lgo any w,(Uh Sunday School Festival nt 7:00 p.m. Dr SaTdTcity. Kan. Tt is. tho state would pay for 8ft. Rov. C Franklin Rochester. tQ 0f tho bridge and tho county 8ft or Owing to unavoidable circumstances Christmas with his mother, Mrs. mro , 11 desired. It was necessary to change the pro- Helen White. !, Wo all regret that tho South Platto gram at the Crystal for tonight and to- Lost between Dlener's shoo store brldo is not four feet wider. Some of morrow from "The. Price of a Good and 500 South Willow a dark brown wor ncllned to k,ck Mr. Johnson. Time" to "The Marionettes." But as shoe: Reward. Phone Black S5S. I.do not knw t,mt ayo"e ' dving Clara Kimball Young is the star of Clyde Trotter wont to Omaha yo "Tho Marionettes" not much dlssatis- terday afternoon to transact business faction will be felt for a day or two. Omaha, Nob. Sixty million dollars nro to bo spont on good roads wlthn tho stato of Nebraska and tho money will bo rnlsed by statewide taxation, according to plans now being worked out by good road enthusiasts of the stato. Tho state legislature which moots next month, will be asked to appropriate this amount of money for road work and it tho legislature has not tho powor to mako tho appropria tion, a bill is to bo introduced which will permit tho peoplo of tho state to voto upon tho big bond Issuo. 1 LOCAL AND 113 ItSONA L Tho Ideal Bakory will close at one o'clock on Christmas bay. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Ellas returned this morning from tholr wedding trip to Kansas City and Denver. i Guy Granger has returned from a training camp whoro ho was stationed as nn neroplnno mechanic. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pratt loft this morning for Omaha whoro thoy will visit relatives for several days. Mrs. Harry Bllckonaderfor and daughter loft for Cozad this morning where thoy will spend Christmas with rolatlves. Sheriff Salisbury will go to Aurora tonight to visit his mother, who Is spending tho wlntor there wlfh a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Buchllnck loft yesterdtiy flor Grandi Island whoro they will spend Chrlstmns with relatives. MAY MARSH in "MONEY MAD" The Storv of a Girl who lives in a house of Lies and the final triumph of quick wits and warm hearts Keith Theatre Wednesday and Thursday of censure. I presume tho Increase in cost of construction between the tlmo tho cost was estimated and tho time tho contract was let was so great that tho bridge had to be narrowed to 1G ft. instead of being 20 ft. ns was un derstood when tho bonds were voted. While wo feel that it Is a blunder to make a permanent public Improve ment too small for the needs of future use. yet, wo have a good substantial brldgo that fills our needs quite ade quately. We aro fortunate in getting a bridge as good as this without go ing through tho trouble and oxponso f.of voting now bonds. Let's thank tlte Board of Commissioners and Stato g'Engineora Johnson for a good bridge, no'llllllt nil Mmrt rmrt fYirnrifr Mint urt wnrn A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year , Borlin, Doc. 2.1. The peoplo of Ger many woro glvon a rudo shock when tho latest addross of President Wilson recently dollvorod In Paris, was mado known to them, In which tho prosldont stated thnt ho supported a movomont to bring to Justice all thoso who wore responsible for tho world war. The Gorman pence dolegates woro roady to accept all tho peace principles laid down by tho prosldont and looked up to him ns tho man of tho hour and ono in whom dormnny could place hor future. But they did not think Umt he would stand out for punishment of thoso fixed at tho conforonco as bolng guilty of tho wnr. ::o:: Protcstnut Kpisropal Services. Tuesday, December 24, 1018. 7:30 p. in. Sunday School Festival, Service in Church. 11:30 p. m. Carol Sorvlco and Holy Communion. Mid night Sorvlco. Wodnosday, Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 10:00 a. m. Christmas Festival Ser vice, Sermon and Holy Communion. Rov. Arthur Dittos Jones, Rector. ::o:: Miss Beslo Salisbury roturned Inst evening fiiom a two months' visit with friends In southom California, and loft this morning for Aurora to spontl Christmas with relatives. Start ing January first, Miss Salisbury will succeed Snml. Goozoo ns secretary of tho Mutual Building and Loan As sociation. Mr. and Mrs. Will Patterson, of Minneapolis, nrrlved yesterday to spond Christmas with Mrs. Patter son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonGootz. Mrs. Victor VonGootz, Jr., of Port land, passed through Sunday night cn routo to Stapleton to spend Chrlst mns with hor pnronts. Dr. J. B. Redfleld returned last night from n professional vIbU to Sar bon and loft this morning to look af ter a patient at Coznd. QUARAXTIXK IS A11S0MTTE SAYS THE STATU HOARD. Christmas should be enjoyed ns quietly as posslblo, according to an ordor put out Snturday by tho state board of health In which it announced that tho quarantine on Spanish In fluenza is Intended to bo an "abso lute" quarantine. Tho board says: "In ordor that peoplo will under stand tho quarantine for Spanish In fluenza, wo wish to stato that it is an nbsoluto quarantine. No certificates of immunity will bo accepted, nor will anyono be permitted to bo quarantined out. "Tho disease must be gotten undor control; tho devastation has existed too long. It required tlmo to work out a fcastblo plan, and then it was nec essary to call a conference to ascer tain If local communities would on forco same. Tho abovo plan wns on dorsod almost unanimously by tho conforonco, and It is expected that all local communities will llvo iup to tho same. Any violations must bo prosecu ted Immediately. "That somo Inconvcnlencn will oxlst Is to bo admitted. On tho othor hand, -it Is hopod that ninny lives will bo saved. "Wo also doslro to call tho atton ton of tho peoplo to tho fact that largo crowds unquosltonnbly spread this disease, and wo thoreforo trust thnt Christmas will bo enjoyed In ns qufot a mnnnor na possible." i:o::- Hnrdln's Wheel n Success. Jnko Hardin, who lives in Plant precinct, and Is tho patenteo of a spring auto wheel- has been In Cin cinnati for a week past having sovor ul of tho wheols made to demonstrate tholr 1ractlcablltly. Ho writes that tho Ann making tho wheels pro nounco tho design tho host yet pre sented to tho public. It will requlro ton dnyB to mako tho dlos and pro dulco tho wheols and Immediately thoroaftor public demonstrations will bo given. J. C, ABlcwig is associated with Mr. Hardin ln putting tho whool on tho market. foganwrp. .u i mvitt; " lummy i' MHiiMwraraMAUyBt'ig ' built on time nnd forget that wo were expecting a twenty foot bridge. W. P. SNYDER. i LINA CAVALIERI in If r"k WOMAN OF IMPULSE" f Tt is nrm thirur to start in life with ihe idea of having H I one great Love Affair, and one only, hut it is quite another I to stick to the resolution ii you arc as beautiful as the wo- I mat; in this photo play which mijrht well he styled "the i g Difficulties of a Beautiful Woman" CRYSTAL :-: Thursday and Friday j -: :o: : The Idenl Bakory will close at one , o'clock on Chrlstmns Day. j Paul Harrington, who had been In tho quartermaster's department nt Camp Meigs, spent yesterday in town whilo enrouto to Donvero to spend Christmas with tho home folks. Ho received his discharge, and next week will return to town to tako up tho work ho left when ho entered tho sor vlco. With him at Camp Molgs was Carl Brodbeck and Chas. Rinckor. Ho thinks the former will bo homo in a fow days, but as Rincker Is in the per sonnel department ho is likely to bo longer detained. ToA )l Our Patrons and Friends. Do Clothes mako the Woman or Women make the- Clothes? Get the answer in 61 ,99 Impossible Siisae3 (Starring Margarita Fisher) at "THE SUN" -xThursday ALACE CAF m . jga Bushman and Bayne in ALSO "A PAIR OF CUPIDS" 97 3 AT I THE SUM j Christmas Day The famous Hippodrome clown in a two reel comedy dp "A Movie Dummy" Afternoon at 2:30 Niftht 7:30 ggj 5 A. N. A MERRY CHRISTMAS To All Our Friends Patrons and Everyone In the Community . The KSWOLJW Store H0 wmtM&tftEsam CHAS. T1GHK MEUT. PAUL NOLAN HOYTE SMITHEHS MRS. CHAS. TICHE RAYMOND l-O'lTENHOI-T DURBIN AUTO CO., Studebaker and Oldsmobile Cars and Fulton Trucks. ..: t.m :..: Hit i.m , i.ti.i i tin , ..: i.tif i t.u.t i.ti.t W.t l.H.t i.ti.i i.ti.t i.ti.t i.ti.t .M.t J.tJ.t s::.: i.n.t i.ti.t t . iti.t i.ts: id.t i.ti.t ijtii if it iM.i J.t:: itif i.ti.t i t it V J.t J.tJt J.t st J.t:: J.t M J.tJt J.t J.t j.t it j.t j.t J.tJt nit REPAIR PARTS AND ACCESSORIES. o keep in slock repair purls for the StudeJmkcr and Oltlsntobilo cars and tho Fulton trucks. Also keep in stoek Tires of all sizes, Greases and Oils, Including tlte celebrated Mobile A lubricating oil. EXPERIENCBD MECHANICS FOR REPAIR WORK. We have hvo experienced auto mechanics stud we solicit your repair work. It saves you money in the long run to have your car frequently inspected by experienced men. SEE US ABOUT STORAGE. If you live in town where you can stoie your car in a steam heated garage, you can rest assured that it will pay you to do so. It will save you many dollars in a few months on your storage battery alone. Then again, when you start your car In a cold garage the engine will not be properly lubricated for several minutes whilo your ear is warming up and this will wear out the bearings. Fifth and Dewey Sts. Phone 177 j::t nit JtJ.t yj.t JtJ.t JtJ.t J.tJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t it J.t itJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t i.ti.t JtJ.t JtJ.t i.ti.t itJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t Jtit JtJ.t JM JtJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t J.tJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t its.t J.t" J.tJ.t J.tJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t JtJ.t J.tJ.t J.tJ.t JtJ.t WJ.t ifj.t j;jt Vit it s t ViX UiX its,: tl? ftJt.......