IRA Ii HAUL', Editor mid 1'nhllslicr subscription rates: Ono Year by Mall, In advance, .$1 ." Olio Year by Carrier, In ndvunce, $2.00 Entered at tho Nortli Platto, Nebraska 1'ostofllco aB Socoud ClaMa Matter, i'imday, im:ci:.mjm;k, soih, iais- mssaaat. Electric Lighting Fi xtures Practical Work In Cooking. Tlitt Household Artft jUojwirtiuonl ot tho City SchoolM must bo practical or it will not bo a auecoas. Thin Ih oh poolally true of tho cooking, MIhh Layton, tho teachor in churgo of UiIh dopartmont has V.', Junior High School girls unrolled in tho cooking cMuhhob and tho girls uctually inako and cook ono article of food at uach lesson, Tho equipment U tho best and Ih quite! coniiiloto. In addition to Hioho classes, MIb Lay ton haH a class of 1(5 Senior High School glr!n which iro-t't every day from 10:30 to 12. Th'a Haas pre pares a practical lunch fo- tho teach ers consisting of ono hot t'l3h, ;mid wlchos, a drink and a doiwrt At noon two mombera of the Hoes servo UiIh lunch to tho teachorH and after eating tholr own lunches they clear away tho dlHhott and put everything In place for the afternoon classes. Tho teach orH pay tho actual cohI of tho lunch and aro greatly pleancd with tho ar-rongomont- Tho glrln got tho practical phaso of aorvlng and cooking In qthn tltleH. Miss Layton also has tho older glrlH do part of the marketing nnd thl hns provon to bo a help to the teaohor nnd a benefit to tho girls. f:o:: About Maxwell Soldiers (From tho Totonost ) MrH. M. K. Fetter rocolvcd a letter from her Hon, Dr E. W. Fottor, last wnnk. Iln Raid he wan wot . tho had been nick Poor not have my definite Idea when ho will return home--In tho miring or July. Anilel Schramok. a brother of Chorion SehrnmokL south of town. dlod from woundH In n hospital In France nbout hIx weeks ago. Tho re mains will bo Hhlppod io Omaha. This soldier wont over tho top five timS' V. E. K'iP" rcolvcd a lottor front his son, Frank, Saturday Ho ban re covered sufflclontlv o go to work on pol'oe dutv. Frnnk ivn he was woun ded Initio Second Battle of tho Marno, being Initio HvnohM r.2 davi and ho nW many Huns ilurtng that stay. Olnrt to know bo's hotter. : :o: IT. S. Roys' Working Reserve. Thorn nro still a lorgo number of roelstratlon cardrt Hint havn not yet been returned- I suggo-d thnt thoso cnriN, bo vptiirnfwl ltnio'llatft'v pnd nvold further' trouble. TIioho who fall to rnturit their reglntWttlnn card" will tm rvn()Krvl nil 1 1 11 - ll i Hlnt'ko 11. Ii. Non-mm fVnntv Federal Dir. ::o: : COM.UIHSIONHRB' l'KOCKKUlXUS. Decombor 10, 1918. Board of county commissioners mot pursuant to ndjournmont, proaont SnrliiRor. HorinlnghnuBon. Koch nnd county clerk. Glalnm wero allowed us foltowB: W. 3. llosn. road' work, $25.00. Sundry persons, road work Dint No. 14. $108.50. Q. W. Dlonor. road work, $110.00. H. F. Wlloy. road work, $12.00. Dorrybcrry & Forboa, supplies, $11. GO. State of NobniBka, lnano account. $1,051.88. OooW. Fowlor, road work, $7.50. I. M-Aborcoinbio, road work. $8.50 Win. rotorHon, road work. $70.00. John Murphy, road work, $12.75. C. Ii. Grant, road work, $77.00. F. It. Marr, hoimo rent county poor, $0.00. D. J. Antonldoa, mdso, $3.85. County clerk la hereby Instructed to have the assessment of 11)17 us to part of lot 1, Bootlon 29-14-33, changed from $300 to $240 on account of orror In mtHOHiuont. J. D. AdatiiB Co.. repairs, $38,05'. Sundry porHonH. fees In caao of Stato va Timor. $10.90. J. I). Adams Co drug and Buppltos $41.00. ' II. Hammond, road work, $50.00. Hastings & Hutehlus Co., lumbM $7.90. J. D. AdnniB Co., supplies and grador, $310.87. 13. N. Souder. road 'work. $42.00. Omaha School Co., auppllos. $4,50, . Onmlin Printing Co., supplies, $1051.47. J. D. AdamB Co.; grader ropalrB oto.. $2780.74. John llansen, road work, $20.00. ' LowIb Conklln, road work, $05.00 T. HniiHon. road work, $05.00. Foster Lumbor Co., lumbor, $15.35. Olaronco Culvor, road work. $15.00, .J. 1). Adnmn Co.. ropalra. $08.00. Frv & IlohroiiK. draga, $742. 35. J. W. Hatctior Co.. lumbor. $7.85. 13. K. Soudor, road work.. $30.50. James Stophona, road work, $33.25 Oton Itaker. roal work, $2.00, Suthorlnnd Couriwr printing $82,80 John 13. Jonoa, Bervlcos. $1G.00. Kd Strickland. roal work, $48.00 M. I'lornon. road work, $44,00. W, II, C, WoodhurBt. county Judge costs, $41.30. Sulndry persona, fooa Stato vh Frod Tlukson, $104.85. " Fry & HoliroiiB, uuppllos, $4.00. . V. II. GllclirlBt. Inmbor. $12.10. Koarnoy Dally Hub, binding. $9.50. Sundry poraotiB, bridge work, $44.75 Standard Oil Co., oil. $35.48. "W. H. C. WmKllmrst, feiw state oaeoH, $57.15. 1. H. Sullivan. JubIIco fees. $3. OK. County ctork ia boroby dlrocttHl to cancol 1918 tax list m to H. luvsmus- hoii's 'norsonal proporty nt Itraly from $11,273 to $8,000, on account of orror in ninklne roturn or inorcnanuiHo. ai ao A. R. Woods. Unutv, from $11,807 to $5,507, on account of orror In mak ing return of inorctiandlBO. Also Nor man Iidwania. uraov. personal prop orty from $8-030 to $3,030 on account nf nrror In Klvlnc In ninrchaadlao Countv clork la alao dlroctod to mako oii.chdulo for 1917 for Norninn Bd wardH for samo amottit, $3,030 na bo "WB 1101 OBXKOH inr lllill ymi! . w. V. Hoagland. le?al flonicoi. jioa on -"nmml to Doe 13. 1918 An Acceptable Gift to the Entire Family. Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist IlopniH 1 and 2 Delton Building North Platto. Nebraska. W. E. FLYNN ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW Office orcr McDonald Hank. Office Phone llilG lies'. Phono 1120 GEO. B. DENT, l'hsjlclnn and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstrctrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 115 The most prominent article in any room. New and beautiful designs on display at our rooms. THEY ALL CO AT STRAIGHT L. W. McCLARA, Auctioneer. reforence I'm always Phono nt my expense My one best dated abend for dates OGALAIiLA, NEIIKASKA WHOLESALE PRICES They are built in North Platte. A Limited number of Buffet and Dresser Lamps, candle style, silk shades and mahogany bases at Per Set of Two. Open Evenings Until Xmas. $5.00 The Electric Fixture & Supply Co. 6th and Vine Streets. North Platte, Nebraska. 2.607 l'l-r DEATHS IN NEIIKASKA SINCE OCTOBER. At the Htato conforenco bold In Lin- A lie-ply io Iter. Koch. To tho editor of tho Lutheran Helper, North Platte. Nebr. Dear Sir: No doubt you feel that tho coin Tuoaday, on tho epidemic of ; Sorlpturea justify your Doner thnt inanlBh Influenza provalllni; in o-i.iohuh wan uou; on ino ouier nnnu braaka, It waa learned that tlioro wore uiiiiriixhnatoly 1 live thouwiiul cascH llatwl In tho suite' A total oi .u doatbH an tho rosult of tho "flu" have boon reported Hlnco Octobor, when tho duoaso lirHt mado itw appearance. CoiiHlderatlon of a uniform syteni of comlmtliiK tho dlnonso. In the tato wan tho object of the meotlUK ami while a Htato wldo ban wa dlacuHB wl, It was not put Into elfect. DancliiK. nroinlBcous nurBliiK. visit- itiK. crowdliiK. Hiieezini;, cougbliiB, tho use of rollor towoly. and tho common drinking cup wero cited by Dr. Wild. of the honlth office, as nuclides in aproadliiR the "Iln." Some peoplo hnve fantiiBtlo Iduas as to moans of com wo who have gleaned throiifili our Htudy of the blbla clertnln tnulths which havo proven benellclal, not only In hoallng sin but Blcknoss and dis cord of overy description as well, havo foundation for our understand-j Ing that Jesus was not God but tho . Son of (3od. j In only ono Instance In tho bible record, In speaking of bis relation toj God. could Josus' words bo conHtrued1 othor than that ho declared himself! to ho tho Son of God. Tho prepondor-) nnro of ovldonco Is In favor of the. Christian Sclonco teaching that Johus was not God but tho Son of God.! Qif)tlng from Science nnd, Health. with Key to tho Scripturos. by Man- hating tho dlsoaso. Sprinkling the Baker Eddy, page 331: "Tho invlslblol nreots with fornialuynlilo wnH lm- I'lirlBt wns Iniporceptlblo to tho so- practical, ho said, whll o oatlng fried called porsonal boubcs, whereas .Tesus onions or wearing implicated bags appeared as a bodily existence. This wore simply foolish. dual personality of the unseen nnd the "It you got tho 'flu' go homo right seen, tho spiritual and matorlal, tho away and don't stay In your plae of eternal Christ and tho corporal Jesus business to expose others." ho con- manlfost In ilesh. continued until tho soled "And when you go home, go Master's ascension, when tho bumnn, to lied and stay tlioro until tho doc- matorlal concept dlsappoarod, wbllo tor savs you aro ready to get rip. You tho spiritual solf, or Christ, eontinuos may feel n though you could throw to exist In tho otornal ordor of dlvlno nil ox. but when you got up. yon will . Science, taking away tho sins of tho find you enn hardly stand. Don't try world.' as the Christ has always done, to return to rogulnr work for threo i ovon beforo tho human Josus was in wenks." 1 carnnto to mortnl oyi." Christian Tho state honlth dopartmont. Dr. Sclonco. far from belnir without a Wild said, could not uiidortako to en- Lord and Savior, acknowledges the forco uunrantlno regulation but must living Christ as tho Lord and Savior depend r'pnii local oftlqlnls for that. ' of all. Lutherans Included. ! Proper organization In bach conimun-' Tho dormant understanding having Uv would takoaro of that prnhlran. been awakened through tho study of. be Let -'his" gift to YOU a HOOVER! ho said. O" EIlas-Eason Wedding. Monday evening at eight o'clock at tho homo of Hov. Kr. McDald, Alvln It. Ellas and Mtss Leuua Eason, both of this city, wero united in marriage by Itov. Sullivan, of Elm Crook. The brldo was attended by tier alstor. Mrs. Morgan, and tho groom by his brother Honry Ellas. Following tho wedding n reception was hold at tho homo of tho brldos' parents a fow miles woat of town, nnd tho same night tho couple left on a wedding trip to Kansas City and other eastern points. Tho brldo is well and favoml'v known In town, having been for bo-mo tljiia employed as assistant In the of- tlco of Dr. II. C. Ilrock. Tho groo-i Ih an employo of tho Union Pacltlc a-d a popular young man. ::o:: MN" M Slnman, steam baths h"-' wrdNb Massage, luillos and Kentli men Phono 897. P.rodbeck bldg SRt' Tho most energetic workors fool lazy nnd low'-Bplrltcd nt tlmos. This condition la caused by impurltlos In tho stomach, liver and bowola, which should lio gotten rid of bofpro thoy tiring on a sick spoil. A fow iIoboh of Prickly Ash nittora olcansos tho systoin and sends new urn and vigor to overy part of tho body. Prlco $1.25 por bottle. Oinnniore-Dont Drug Co. Speclnl ABonts Christian Science to an assured free Horn rrom bondngo to sin and a cer tain clonr and cnlm trust in an in finitely gixid God as a healing and saving princlplo. as a safo and suro' tirotectlon gainst death either tempor al or etornal, havo conferred upon tho Christian Sclontlst. happtnoss ovorlastlng. tlum ostabllBblng tho truth of the npostlos' cry "Now Is , tho accepted time, behold, now is tho dnv of salvation." i Healing the sick In Christ's name., and nftor the manner of IiIr command to preach the gosnol and heal tho I sick, would not Indicate false pro'ph eev. for In tho book of Matthe,w, wo also ronil: "Ye shall know them bv their fruits. Do men gather grapofl of thorns or (I 0f thistles?" I Sincoroly yours. ! CUMJDB L. 1WONO. Commltto on PuMIPRtlon. "O Too much ,v net stuff puts the stom ach o'it of order. A dose of Prlokly Ah Itittorn corrects the trouble, ro--torM nppntlto and good indigestion. "Hco S1.2R por bottle. Guntmero Den nrut r-.. p-orlni Agents. The days aro not long onough, It seems, for you to attond to your multiplied duties. You must adopt more short-cuts. Most tiresome, time-con fiuining nnd disagreeablo is tho weekly, cleaning day. Lot it bo largely replacod by a fow moments dally uso of a HOOVER. Thon dirt will nover accu mulate in your rugs and car pets. Housecleaning will bo much simplified. Though THE IIOOVEIl glides so lightly thnt a three, year-old can uso it. it boats out imbedded grit, sweops up stubbomost-cllnging llttor of nil kinds and dustlossly with draws the dirt thus dislodged. Only THE HOOVER beats, sweeps, suction cleans. OnVy Tho Hoover cleans THORO-L-Y. Whon be gives you n HOOVER tio gives yoU tho BEST. North Platte Light & Power Co Reforo'nlSo;- Farmers State Dank It. I. SHAITELL, DEtinVBEIlRY FOUHES. Licensed Etnbamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phono II Night phono lUack 8S8 AUCTIONEER Sutherland, Nebr. Let McGraw Fix it If your Radiator leaks, or is filled with sediment and your car heats, have it fixed before winter. Before using any anti-freezing solution, be sure your radiator is tight and clean. NcGRAW RADIATOR COMPANY Romigh Garage 6th and Locust Street NOTICE I Wiy not write your flro nnd cjclono Insurance ivlt.i a reliable compnnr ulio Invest iholr jiromlums In Liberty Itonds nnd giro our county tho credit. See us for fnrm nnd automobile rates NEBRASKA REAL ESTATE CO. Office Phone 340 Res. Black 37(5 DR. SHAFFER, Osteopathic riiyslclnn Helton Uldg. North Platto, Neb. Notice fo Creditors. Estate No. 1599 of Abner W. Dillon deceased in the County Court of Lin coln Couniy, Nebr.iska Tho Stato of "Nebraska, ss: Credi tors of said estate will tako notlco that tho tlmo limited .'or proaentat'on and filing of claims against said Es tate Is Juno 14th, 1919, and for settle ment of said Estate" is December 13th. 1919; that I will sit at tho county court room in said county, on March 14th, 1919 at 9 o'clock a. in., and on June- 14th, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m.. to receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad Just all claims and objection duly filed WM. H. C. WOODHURST, D17-4wks. County Judgo. NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block North ot Postoftice. ' Phone 58 A modern institution for th icientific traatmnt of medical, surgical and confinement cases. Completely equipped X-Ray nd diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B.Peal M. D. V. Lucas, M..D. J.B. Redfield.MD. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Xollco of Petition. Estate No. 1605 of Hans D. Jorgen son, deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, To all per sons intorestcd in said Estato tako no tice that a petition has been filed for tho administration ot the estato of tho deceased and tho appointment of Edna Jorgensen as administratrix ot said estate, which has been sot for hearing horein on January 3rd, 1919, nt 10 o'clock a. m. Dated December Gth, 1918. WM. II . C. WOODHURST D10-3wks County Judeg. Estray IVoOco. Taken up on the Hansen ranch, sev en miles northwest of North Platte, on or about August 1st. 1918, ono cow and calf, cow branded with J bar un der J and figure one under bar; calf about five months old and not brand ed. Owner call, prove property, pay charges and take animal away. II . P. HANSEN. D2-Gw North Platte, Neb. DIt. TWINEN HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent pati ents. Successful operation on Appendix, when- necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 110 Office Phone 183 Residence Phone 2S3 100S West Fourth Street North Platte, Neb. DOCTOR I). T. QUIGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery and lladluin Thernp 72S City National Rank Dnlldlng. Omaha, Nebraska. ED. KIERIG, Auctioneer. General Farm Sates a Specialty. Reforonces and Dntes at First Na tional Bank, North Plntte, N'cb. lMiono 1000. Notice of Petition. Estato No. 1G02 of Alma B. Sims, deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska: To all por Bons interosted In said estato, tako notice that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of George J. Tay lor, of Wellfleet, Nebraska, as admin istrator of said estate, which has boon sot for hearing herein on De cembor 27, 1918. nt 9 o'clock a. m. Dated December 2, 1918. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, D2-3w County Judge. Notlco io Creditors. Estate No. 1589 of Florence Love. deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho State ot Nebraska, s.s. Cred itors of said estate will take notlco that tho tlmo limited for presenta tion and filing of claims against said o.stato is April 3, 1919, and for settle ment of said estate is December 2d. 1919. that I will sit at tho county court room In said county 'on Janu ary 3d, 1919, at .10 o'clock a. m. and on April 3d. 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, bear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. -WM. II. C. WOODHURST. D3-4w County Judgo. bi Price for Furs. You will mako money by coming' to see mo beforo yon ship. L. LIPSHITZ. I- alway tako stock buyors with mo and always soil for tho high dollar, Best Price Paid for HOGS AT THE Hog Market Office nt the Old Stock Yards Ve also buy cattle. Call phone Bkick 381 for prices ED. TODENHOFT, North Platte, Nebraska. Notice of Suit. The defendants, Theodore E. Pot ter and Pottor, his wife, real name unknown, and tho unknown heirs, dev isees, legatees and personal represen tatives of Theodore E. Potter and Potter, his wife, real name unknown, if deceased, and all persona interested in tho Northwest Quarter (NWU) of Sectio Twelve (12), Township Fifteen (15) north of Range Thirty-three (33), West Sixth P. M.. Lincoln county. Nobraska, are hereby notified that on tho 28th day of August 1918, the Equi table Lnnd Company, as plaintiff hero in, filed its petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, tho ob ject and prayer of which petition are to quiot tho title In plaintiff to the followiug described real estato to-wit: Tho Northwest Quartor (NW4) ot Section Twolvo (12), Township Flif toon (15). north of Rango Thirty-three (33), wost 0th P. M., In Lincoln coun ty, Nebraska. And for gonoral, equitable relief and costs. You and oacb of you are here by required to answer or plead to said petition on or beforo the Cth day of January, 1919, or tho same will be ta ken as true and decroo and Judgment rendered therein as prayed quieting titlo to said real property in tho nnmo of plaintiff and canceling and annul ing any and claims of said defendants or either of them and for costs. THE EQUITABLE LAND CO., nl95w lly J,. W. James, its attorney. Hospital Phone Black C33 Houbo Phono Black G33 y. t. pitiTciiARi), Grndunto Yeterinnrlan Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-halt block southwest of the Court House. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of aalo issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County Nobraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rondered in said; court wherein William E. Sampson is plain tiff nnd Charles E. Rima, ot. al.. aro defendants, and to me directed, I will on tho 23d day of December, 1918, nt 2 o'clock p. m., ot the east front door of tlie court house In North Platte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, soil at pub lic auction to the higliets bidder for cash to satisfy said decroo, intorest and costs tho following described proporty to-wlt: Northwest Quarter (NW4) of Section Twonty-nlno (29), Township Twolvo (12), north ot Rango Thirty-two (32) in Lincoln county, Nobrasko. Doted North Platto, Platte, Neb., November .6, 1918. A. J. SALISBURY, N19-Gw Sheric