The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 13, 1918, Image 2

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Tills Hrltlsh offlclnl photograph shows it part of tho crowd of women mid children Unit guvo tliu Liverpool-Irish
holdlers such n stirring ovntlon when they entered the town.
ThlH photograph allows the surgical dressing unit of thf Hod Cross which luis hcen ordered to give up work on
tiandiiKes and Is now making gnrinuntH for the French and Helglnns, who nro In need of clothing. In tho foreground
lit tho machine Is seen Mrs. Payne Whitney.
SHIP WHICH CARRIES THE PRESIDENT I lieutenant in radio corps
j;::t7-. : ti v nmiMfi room urt
All of these heroes helped In tho defeat or I'riisslanlsi.i. All nro wearing the smile of victory,
! won't come oft. In tho front row, loft to right, nro Marshal Koch, General Pershing. Madame Duball, wife ,
governor of Purls; Marshal Joffre. General Duball. and his son. General PcllcUer and General Gnloi
renr, to either side of Murshal Joffre.
the one that
11 C llin mllltnrv
Golopln nro In tho'
iMdwmw.'Aw.vwi ff w T-"v wf. , . . .
President Wilson, during his European trip, wHl visit Carlisle, England, whore his
i. i....,. ,.ni nm.Hn l,lnl ilntnc liwL- in tlio I ! mnn ii (In vs.
mother spent her girlhood.
police reserve sergeant i TWO MARINES WHO WON DECORATIONS
111111 -
I Vrrn Nwippr Unlur.j
The top photograph In this group Is that of tho George Washington,
upon which President Wilson Is tuak'ng his trip across the water to the
poaco conference. Rolow the ship Itself are views of the elaborate interior
of tho vessel, Including the dining room and two scenes In tho "Imperial
Miss Lorenn Heed of Richmond, Me.,
who has Just been appointed a second
lleutennnt in tho nullo corps of the
signal department of the army. Miss
Heed Is one of tho most capable women
eloctrlclnns In Maine. Sho has done
excellent work In radio operating, hav
ing qualified In n Hoston school.
Miss Gladys McGowan Ballard has
been tnado a sergeant of tho Lafayette
battalion of the police reserve In Now
York. Miss Dullard, who Is n nleco of
David It. Francis, American ambassa
dor to Hussla, conies from Louisville, i
Ky. Sho Is considered one of the most
beautiful girls of tho state famous
for Its beautiful women.
Mau'a Invisible Partner.
When wo learn to depend more on
the man within than wo have been
accustomed to do on tho man with
out wu shall learn the worth of tho
invisible partner. Horn with us at
tho cradle It waits only the touch of
wisdom to bring it out. It grows with
us through tho years n help or a hln
Hrance. We have much to do with
him. Too many crush him out of be
ing Those who stop to listen to his
Bitggestlotia learn life's better way.
When ho Is made the consulting pow
or of life's ambitious ho supplies tho
primeval urge that endows men with
illness and power.
The Suooestlon.
Miss Caustic Those men who crlt
le.xo so severely tho wearing of ovcr
n 'Is and trousers by women at work
itimisc mo.
(k PiirinilS Why SOT
Miss Caustic llecauso the men who
mo tho loudest In denunciation nro
. n he the ones whoso wives wenr
tim breeches ut homo. Ilaltlmore
Diamond Cut Diamond.
In Havnrla, where the crown prince,
and Indeed all Prussians, are hated,
they tell a story about a burglan
A burglar, the story runs, returned
homo In tho iluwn light In a dreadful
"What's the matter?" said his wife.
"Didn't you have no luck?"
"Luck? Nawl" snarled tho burglar.
"I made a mistake In tho blackness,
and tried to burgle the palace where
tho crown prince lives. lie was homo,
"Oh," said the burglar's wife, "what
a misfortune I I was wonderln' how It
was that you come back with nothln'
but your underwear on."
Tho Remedy.
Discussing tho Inlluonzn epidemic
uml tho many so-called Intluonzn cures,
Dr. Ilornco Whitney Williams said In
a lecturo at tho University of Chicago:
"Isolation, warmth and perfect care
are tho only treatment. The so-called
cures remind uu of a story about a
grocer. To this grocer a patron
brought buck a pound of butter.
' 'I want to complain about this but
ter. It's awful.' tho patron said.
'Tho grocer sniffed It. 'Smells
sweet enough to me,' he observed.
"'Hut. It's full of hair.' said the
patron. 'I counted eight or nlno hairs
In It. Yes, sir, this butter's full of
hair, and I want to know what you're
going to do about It.
'"Why, mince It right, of course,'
said tho grocer genially, and hu
reached up and took a tiny packet
from n shelf. 'Ilerc. Hero's a packet
of hairpins. You can pin It back with
'em as you go along.'"
Typical Reformer.
Traveling Salesman Has the awn!
enod conscience yet made Us appear
ance In this vicinity?
Crossronds Storekeeper Partly. For
lilstanco, old SI Hubbard, who owes
me ?.87 for tho last nlno yenrs, Is
a-boastln' that never agin will ho nc-
cept free seeds from any dnnged con
gressman. liulralo bxpross.
Paris Libraries.
It has been found that the libraries
of tho city of Paris have moro than
justified their existence slnco tho out
break of tho war. Tho number of per
sons frequenting tho libraries and bor
rowing books has Incrensed by 200,
000 slnco the summer of 1DM. Tho
nubile taste during tho war period In
clined toward historical works and1
works of general Interest. Hooks on
special scientific subjects nnd on Eng
lish, Italian and Russian literature
have also been In great demand.
Great Soldier Democratic.
General Sir Douglas Halg, Hrltlsh
commander In chief, called at an Amer
ican headquarters, and around thN
headquarters they still talk much of
his visit. They llko him.
The headquarters was In the edge of
a wood. It had been raining. A ser
Remit found the general trying to keep
his footlnc on slippery UucUDoarus
whllo ho endeavored to nscertnln tin
whereabouts of the American com
mnndor's hut from the sign boards
Tho sergeant led him to the place lie
sought, but the American command)"
nnd most of his staff, following his
troops, hnd left for a more advanced
P. C. Two second lleutennnts and two
sergeants wero holding down the re
cently vacated olllce.
"I'm Halg," said tho general in sueh
un l in Hill tionos" tone or voice wim
tho Americans didn't realise who their
visitor was for a full half minute.
When they did they explained that
their commander had gone up ahead.
"Just wanted to wish him hick," snni
tho general. Then be shook bands
rtith tho two lieutenants nnd th two
sergeants and left. Stats and Stripes
Death In Ghost's Embraces.
The old churchyard of Truagh, coun
ty Monaghan, Ireland, was long haunt-
?t bv un ov II spirit In the form or n
beautiful colleen, who used to appear
tn vonnir men nnd extract from tnem a
promlso to meet her thero In n month's
time. The compnet was niwnys seaieo
by a series of passionate kisses. With
in tho month tho young man Invari
ably, howovor, died, and wns laid to
rost In tho churchyard on the day of'
tho arranged meeting.
fo.W--.....-. - -- .w-.v..... wXw a ,V f if.MAwvA.. v w-v.a
Here are Lieutenant .Inckson of Denver and Lleutennnt Godbey of St.
Louis, officers of the U. S. marines, who were given the D. S. O. for courage
under most severe shell lire.
When the American troops captured tho hill and village of Moiitfnucon
they discovered an observation post In the upper part of the housn that is
seen In tho photograph, from which the crown prince Is supposed to huve
watched the slaughter of his troops during their futllo attack on Verdun In