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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1918)
SLIPPERS. Cushion Sole Slippers for the Whole Family The Girl The Boy The Mother The Father. Children's l)5c to $1.15 Women's 05c to $1.75 Men's 75 c to $1.75 BATH ROBES. For the Little Tots The Hoys and Girls The Father and Mother Children's $2,110 and up -Men's and Women's $8.00 and up lM 1 1 1 III II I I I I I I I III H hi i I II II I l 1 1 in II 1 1 1 1 im MMPiiiiiHiif-iiiMuni iiT 1 1 - - ri i if-Ti 1 1 i j . i i- DRY GOODS-WOMEt4'S READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES unt I'KIUL 1U tvtHYUUUr J.E.NELSON. MANAGER THE BIG STORE IS READY FOR CHRISTMAS! Gloves. Infants', Women's Children's Men's Misses' Boy's Knit Cloth Leather Neckwear for Women. Holiday and Mid-Winter Styles. Wash SATIN Vestees. pleat ings and round neck styles. Satin Collar and Cuff Sets. Buy Your Gifts Every Day -. Handkerchiefs. Blankets At Last Season's Prices. ........65c Crib Blankets and up Bath Robe Blan kets and up id J .52.45 Double Bed Blankets, and up Part Wool Plaid Blan- QC kets, vjjJiUu -and up .J9.8S All Wool Blankets and up Indian Blankets. Wrappers and Robes. Bnt!iI?obc UlAnkctf" Women's Coats. LOT 1. Up to $20.50 Values. M C QC Sale Price vj IdiUU LOT 2. Up to $31.50 Values. 010 CK Sale Price $ldiUJ LOT 3. Up to $30.50 Values. QHI CK Sale Price tfhiH-iUU LOT 4. Up to $41.50 Values. (N1Q GK Sale Price UUiUU Sizes from 1G years to Size 4G Women's Suits LOT 1. Up to $25.00 Values. M E Sale Price p I uiddl LOT 2. Up to $31.50 Values. MQ CK Sale Price tlJiUO LOT 3. Up to $30.50 Values. 0l CR Sale Price z. ipTiUO LOT 1. Up to $41.50 Values. (jQfl EE Sale Price $OiUU Sizes 32 to IS r the Children, For the Girl you will then help us to get through the Christ- 1,or the 'Women , , , . Ft"' the Men mas days without the necessity of hiring extra help. For the Boys The Store fairly breathes Christmas. 1 START YOUR SHOPPING NOW. I Neckwear for Men. All The Latest Styles in the Best Silks. Big Variety. Boys, 35c to 50c. Mens, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Hats and Caps. Christmas Suggestions. FOR CHILDREN. Coats Slippers Bath Robes Sweaters Overshoes Gloves Dresses Shoes Mittens Sweaters Stockings Underwear Leggings Knit Caps Crib Blankets N FOR WOMEN AND MISSES. Coats Hoisery Furs Dresses Sweaters Table Linen Suits Bath Robes Neck Wear Skirts Underwear Draperies Waists Gloves Silk Under garments Slippers Purses Shoes FOR MEN AND BOYS. Neckwear Garters Overcoats . Mittens Mufflers Shoes , Suit Shirts Hoisery Overshoes Bath Robe Handkerchiefs Slippers Underwear Suspenders Gloves Cap or Hat Hosiery for Women A most complete Line. All colors. Women's Cotton Hose 23c and up Women's Lisle Hose 43c and up Women's Silk and Lisle Hose (.e and up Women's Silk Hose 95c and up R S Beautiful Sets to Select from. kids' Fur Sets $2.90 and upwards. WOMEN'S FUR SETS $7,45, $12.25, $14.65, $19.85 and upwards Waists. Crepe De Chene Waists, and up .$3.90 HANDSOME GIFTS Georgette"Crepe Waists, and up .$5.85 KA'IT CLOTH FUJI Child's Knit or Cloth Caps and up Boy's Knit or Cloth Caps and up Misses' Knit Toques, hud up Women's Knit Toques, and up Men's Knit or Cloth Caps and up . .45c :.65c 95c Men's Suits and OXoats No Better Giftsto Men. Fur Coats $31 i5G and up .-Beaver Cloth Coats, fur collar. $27.58 and up . $18.00 :.. $8.50 $12.50 IMtKSS COATS-. and up Mackanaw Coats and up Men's Suits and up Most of our Clothing was bought before the BIG rise in price. LATEST STYLES Dresses. HOLIDAY SALE. Up to $1G.50 Values. On Sale at ipdiUU Up to $2G.50 Values. On Sale at .......$14.85 Others at $ i9.5 and $24.5 A Lot of Latest Style Skirts. Values up to OA tlC $11.50. On Sale at Ptii3u Others at $7.13 and $9.N5 Boys' Suits and Overcoats. .$3.90 .$4.80 .14.35 Knee Pant Suits, ages 2io toS years and up Knee Pant Suits, ages 9 to,10 , GORDON years and up -Uackamnvs and up Knee Pants .UCb and up Millinery Mid winter styles attrnbt. ivoly yriccd for the holiday troke. SweatersWe Fit them AH. T Remnants' CHILI) REX'S, on sale at 73 cents and up MISSUS', on sale at $1.95 and up WOMEN'S, on sale at $2.05 mid up HOY's, on sale at 1)5 cents and up MKX's on sale at $1.15 and un Outing flsnnol, white and col ored, at a real bargain. Give Jewelry From -CLINTON'S It is a distinctive present, from a store known for authorita tive style, artistic designs and quality, that one gives with pride. The great variety in all pieces make selecting a present a delightful experience, with assurance that it will be received with uncommon plcaaure. Jewelry For Women Fancy Diamond Rings Diamond Solitaire Rings Platinum Bar Pins Diamond Broaches Gold Broaches Pearl Necklaces Stone Rings Lingerie Clasps Festoon Lavallieres Pendants Jewelry For Men Diamond Rings Diamond Scarf Pins Emblem Rings Set Rings Signet Rings Waldemar Chains Knives for Waldemar chains Cuff Links Tie Clasps Gold Scarf Pins Monogram Belt Buckles C. S. CLINTON, At the Sign of the Big Ring JEWELER AND OPTICIAN CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. John Hqrrod spent last week visiting her daughter in Paxton. Everything a man wants at HAR C'OURT'S. Roys' Gooda reduced from Twenty flvo to Fifty Per Cent at HARRY SAMUELSON'S. Tho Catholic Girls Club will be the guests of Mrs. Georgo Vorielpka Thusday evening. Miss Gladys Rarnoll is recovering from an operation performed Satur day morning. Earl Carlton, who had been with Company E at Demlng for a year past returned homo Sunday ovening. A new shipment of Georgette Cropo Waists Just arrived for the holiday trade. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mtb. Freda Rarnoll and daughter will loavo this week for Oklahoma to make their homo In tho future. Miss Mario Martini, who la employ ed with tho Leypoldt Co. In Horshoy, spent Sunday hero with reatlvos. HanJ Pnya ad Suit Cases in a very largo varioty of styles. HARCOURT CLOTHING COMPANY. Miss Catherine Sullivan, of Grand Island, arrived hero a few days ago to spend two weeks or longor with her sister Mrs. Herman Schlatter. Mrs. Mary Norrls, who has resided In Omaha for several months past. Is spendin gthls week horo visiting her sons John and Francis Norrls. Do you need a Rlank'et? Hero is whero you can got a REAL blanket at tho right price. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Mr. and Mrs. George Voselpka and Miss Minerva McWIlllams loft Friday ; evening ror a short visit In Omaha i and Grand Island, i Attend the Twenty Por Cent Dis ' count Ralo at SainuHson's $4 00 duals p 00 HARRY SAMl'ELSON A I ATOM LIBIT. LHU ItIlCI FALLS TO HIS DEATH. North Plutto was Hhackmi pvi.i.iv afternoon by tho receipt of a nicssago announcing tho death of Lieut. Leo lilrd, an aviator stationed at Urooks Kiold, Texas, and xon of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Illrd. Details of tho accident which resulted in tho death of this splendid young man, could not bo obtained by tho paronts, and will not be known until today, when tho body, ncconipanled by a nontenant as an escort; will arrive. Press dlh patches appearing In Sunday's papers Hated that ho foil whilo making a tall spin in tho air. Thirty minutes buforo tho death inessago arrived, Mr. Rlrd camo Into Tho Tribune office and handed ub a letter from Leo to read, In which ho stated that ho had made application for a leave of absence nnd would probably start homo Decembor 16th to romain until after tho holidays. As an aviator Leo had mado won derful progress, had completed his course of Instructions nnd received his commission. At tho tJmo of his death ho was an Instructor. Llout. Rlrd was ono of tlio first selective draft mon to leavo Lincoln county, entraining for Camp Funston tho early part of September last year, A few months later ho was transfer red to tho aviation corps, and for eight or nine months had been sta Itoned nt Holds In Toxns. Uorn In North Platto, graduating from tho high school nnd later attend inK tho state university nnd School of Mlnas nt Golden, Col.. Lieut. Loo Rlrd was a young man of moro than ordinary cnpnblllty. of rfplondld chnr-ff-ur and woll likod bv nil who know him. The- greatest l 'wtng of Pup Silk Vorkwenr In town r,0 cents to S.l.fiO. "Mi-OT'n-p f LOTHIN'G COMPANY. GIFTS Notwithstanding the great djmculty of obtaining mer- clmndise this year, you will find that Our Holiday Selection Is Better Than Ever Our windows this week will offer many helpful suggestions in Gifts up to $1.00 and Gifts over $1.00 A wide range of choice selections that will please every- OHO and fit GVPrvnno'c nnnl-nt UU THE DRUGS Up-to-the-minute in every particular r