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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1918)
LOCAL AM) PUHSO'AL Mrs. Sebastian Schwalgor returned Sunday from a visit In Kearhoy, ' Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Watts" wont to Chynne Saturday to visit for a fw days. Mrs. Wood Whlto was called to Lincoln Saturday by ilia lllnoss of a rolntlvo. In the casualty list published Sun day appeared tlio name of Helga islan der of Urady, as having boon filled. In action . A few exceptional bargains In sec ou Jiand Fords. llendy-Ogler Anlo Co. Wqrth M. Miller, odltor of the Ogafnlla Nows, como down Saturday to attorn! the funeral of tlio late Leo I). Grimes. Mtsn Gladys Illrd. who Is attending school In Chicago, was callod Home Saturday by tlyi tragic death of hor brother Loo. Mrs. T. C. I'attorson Is recovering from an attack of rheumatism in a kneo which has conflnod hor to hor room for ten days. P.4 W. Sitlon was In town Saturday onrcko to Los Angoles whoro ho will vlBlt his daughter Mrs. Clark Ruch-. nnan for a month or two. Dr. Morrill, DenMst. Office ovor Wilcox I ejiartmont Store. j A complaint was filed in tho county court Saturday by C. H. d'Aycs against Francis and John Norrls charging thorn with assault. Tom Haggorty received a bad cut above the loft oyo tho latter part of lasat week when struck by a dropping buffi o door in a locomotive cab. If you think of Economy don't fall duolng Salo now on at RLOCK3. Mr. and Mrs. Chan. Handy and' son loft for Denver Sunday after visiting at tho Uratt rosldenco while enroute home-from a trip to New York. Dr. L. J. Krausc, Dentist, room 3 McDonald Dank building. Tlio Presbyterian Aid Socloty will moot Thursday afternoon at tho church and bo ontortalnod by Mos damos Carroll, Walkor and MItcholl. Sheriff Salisbury hns appointed It. I, Shappoll as deputy sheriff for the Sutherland section of tho county. Evil doors, If there bo any, will neod bo ware. For Sale Twonty-olght head of pigs, avorago 35 pounds. Tlio mas H. Doolittlo, Phono 782F022. 95-2 Hoynl Neighbors of Amorica, Silver Loaf Camp No. 301 will meet Wednes day afternoon at three p . in. at tho K. P. hall for annual election of of ficers. Why nfct glvo underwear? What cornild make a moro sensible gift? Wo feature VA8SAK and LEWIS, tho two flriosts Union Suits nmdo. IIAR COUUT CLOTHING COMPANY. Poland China Drood Sows for Salo. C. P. Howard. Phono 707F031. 91-3 Tho Woman's Homo Missionary Society of tho M. K, Church will moot with Mrs. Forbes Friday at throe p. m. Good program, followed by ro froshmcnts. Jchso Smith, who was In training at Camp ,Funston, arrived homo Frl day night. Joss is tho plcturo of a "fiOO(Ufollor,:' evidence that ho on Joyed camp life. , Loohiol Johnston has rectlvod word from Now York state of tho death of his want whom ho vlsitud a year ngo. Sho lived to tho good old age of 101 years and 3 months. , lor iiik'K action nun tlsfactor) ' run" lull,) ivhti Tliiioloolrn. it . JoJiruiffcAntc-nldos, who was a mem ber of sn aero squadron ovorseaa, arrived at New York last week and I tefllporarjly stationed at Camp Mills prior to demdblllzatlon. Fred Plerson. of Sutherland, has eld to Phaii.4 Sandors, of Ashland, Neb., section 17-13-34 for a considera tion of $B,000. The purchaser will at once erect building on the tract. Dr. II. C. Drock, Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Iildg. Phone 148 F. N. Austin and family who had been stopping In town for a few weeks went to .Maxwell yowrday where Mr. Austin will shortly eiion a nnw bank '.o he known as the Farmers' State Dank. t .. I ... .. I -. . makes a very aceoptable Cnristnms present. I am agont for all kinds of msgazinos and can furnish them sing ly or In clubs. Mrs. Fred Hector. Phone lied 440. (.'. F. Strauss, who went to Camp Funston with a Lincoln county con tingent, was appointed a corporal, later a bayonot Instructor and then transferred to tho officers' training school at Camp Pike, arrived homo Saturday, I havo customers for town proporty that :1s priced right. What havo you fur ujilnV Snn mo fiMVK PHOniC. nnxt door to Liborty Inn. 94-4 Attorney Robt. Beatty, who was in tho artillery officers' training camp at Camp Taylor. Kentucky, arrived homo Friday. "Dob," who boforo .go ing to camp was In the omploy of Wilcox & Halllgan, will probably opon an office. For Ruin nn pasv frtrma fin rrftrht room house; modern oxcopt heat. In- qulro of E. O. Cool. 521 W. 10th. 3t Mrs. J. W. Fottor, of Maxwell, re quests The Tribune to express her slncero thanks to tho frlonds ln North Platte for their assistance at tho fun oral of her husband, tho Into John Wllbor Fottor, and for tho "beautiful floral offerings. For Salo Single comb Rhodo Is land Red nnd puro-brod White Or- phlngton Cockorels. Ed. Samuelson, Phono 784F12. 92-4 Now that tho war-work for women will soon bo ovor nnd there will bo reconstruction work of various kinds to do tho TwonWoth Contury Club is desirous for nil women of our city to boeomo monibors nnd It is hoped that at tho next meeting, which will bo hold with Mrs. York Illnman, Dec. 18th, that a largo number will bo present. Death and accidents havo laid heavy tribute on North Platto boys during tho past few weeks. First enmo tho unexpected death of Coulter Elder, then tho passing away of Leo Grimes, tho tragic doath of Leo HiVd, the death cf Maurlco Launln In action ln Franco, tho accldont to Alfred liromer, tho 3,000-foot fall of Charley Martini, nnd tho accident to Ralph Vromnn. With but ono exception these boys "passed away or wero injured while In tho sor- vlco of tholr country. . A new shlpmont of Wash Waists, aUo a lot of new dainty Georgotto "lousos. Either makes a vory nccopt- "i'iIo Xnias gift. E. T. TRAMP & JONS. LB II GRIMES AMCOUliTBR KLDKJt LAID TO JtKST. OR. 0. II. CRESSLER, r.ratlnale Dentist OHUm1 ovor the McDnnnlri Hunk. rue InL Man's Gift? for a Dollar For the friends you especially want to please whether they grow, buy, sell or just eat food there is one gift that is sure of a welcome, at Christmas and all. through next year. It is a year's subscription to Ifie COUNTRY GENTLEMAN It will come every Thursday bringing not only expert, helpful advice on every farm problem, and wholesome enter tainment in stories, anecdotes and pic tures, but also a weekly reminder of you and your thoughtfulness in select ing this most sensible of gifts. The first copy is mailed by the publisher to arrive on Ciiristmns Eve, with a gift announcement beautifully colored, bear, ins your name. Give me the names of the friends you select, with only One Dollar for each name, and your Christ mas 'shopping" will be donel North Platte people paid tho last earthly reaped to two North Platto boys Sunday afternoon Leo Grime who died at Chatanooga, Tenn.,.nnd Coulter Elder who passed away at Camp Polk. N. C, loth dying of pneu monia . Judge Grimes who failed to reach Chattanooga before tho sum mons came, arrived, homo with tho Ix.dy Friday night and was met at th depot by the attorneys of the olty and by members of the Elks, of which lodga Lee was, and tho Judge Is, a m Amber. The remains of Coulter ar rived Saturday night and were met by relatives and fronds. 'Hie funeral services of Leo wore hold at the residence at two o'clock moinbers of tho bar. the Elks and; many friends nttendlng. Tho services were conducted by Bishop Ileechor assisted by Rov. Jonoo, with hymns, by n qunrtotto. As a Iwy Leo was a member of tho boys' club Of which the Bishop had charge, and this ; friendship for and Intorost In Leo wns retained throughout the following years. This knowledge of tho young man placed the Dlshop in a position to speak feelingly of Lee's llfo and character and to pay him a Just trib ute The pall bonrors wero Worth Mil ler of Ogalnlln, R. D. Jllrgo. O. R. Robinson, Robert Beatty, Albert Ran- nlo and Dell Donnor. Loo Downing Grimos was born ln North Platto, August 9, 1885, gradu ated from tho local high school In the class of 1904 and later attended Pur duo Uunlverslty. LaFayotte, Indiana, whero ho gradunted from tho Engin eering department In 1908. Follow ing his graduation ho worked out of Pittsburg until November 1909 for tho Union Pacific, when ho transferred to tho Pennsylvania railway where ho was In Sull chnrgo of tho construc tion of tho road way. Finishing that ho was sent on a large Irrigation project near Canon City, Colo., which ho finished In Decmeber 1910 nnd re turned to his homo in North PIntto. whero ho stayed until tho coming March . In 1911 ho was employed by the Florida nnd East .Coast Railroad and In tho contructlon of a line across tho Keys of Koy Wost. He remained with this company for a year whon ho entered a consulting engineors of fice, in Atlanta, Ga.. where he re mained until May 1914. During the time ho was In Atlanta, Ga., ho sup erintended the construction of a six story re-Inforced concrete cold stor age and seed house; tho erection of a largo hotel at Savannah, Ga., also, tho erection of a six-story building In Chattanooga. Whilo on this build ing ho becamo acquainted with John Parks, a builder of brick buildings. In Mny 1914, he nnd Mr. Parks form ed fiartnershlp under tho name of Parks and Grimos Construction com pany. In July 1914 to April 1915, he Hiiporlntended tho erection of a bIx teon story building ln Drooklyn. N. Y. Following tho completion of tho Drooklyn building tho firm began to work nearer homo, nnd for a now firm wore vory successful, building a jiuu.uou nospltnl 'in Chnttanoogai numerous cotton mills, a largo school houso in Portsmouth, Ohio; a lareo hotel In West Virginia. Since tho boH ginning of the war they havo been handling largo government contracts at Fort Oglethorpe. On Novomber 2Sth, Mr. Grimes rep resented tho Parks Grimos Co. in Chicago nt tho organization of the Association of General Contractors of Amorica- Ho returned to his homo on Sun day Docomber 1, nnd on Monday ho. complained or a cold and Tuesday was confined to his room. Wednes day a doctor was called against his protost and ho was removed to the hospital. Ho showed no signs of In fluenza until Saturday when pnou- monla developed. Sfrmdny ho seoniod much improved until toward evening when the Inlluenzu took full hold nnd ho continued to fail until Tuesday night at 11:15 when tho end came. AT SAMUELSON'S . i Hi !fi US l Jfi Si !fi Hi ! Hi Hi ffi bfi Hi Hi Hi B Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m The Week Commencing Dec. 7th And Ending December 14th 7 DAYS WILL ALLOW 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON Men's Suits Overcoats, Sweaters Imperial Union Suits, Duck Coats. (There's No Better Gift for a Dollar ' Coll me today MRS. FRED G. RECTOR 415 east Third st. North Platte. Phone Red .140 An authorhed robKrlptlon rtprHnttlr of TkOsartryCtRtUraaa 31l&rtloaeJottBt1 SohrEwlngTV$t Tho funeral sorvlco of soldier Coul ter Elder was hold at the residence at 2::i0 Rev. Curry conducting tho sor vico. Tho attendance was largo, and tho funeral was ns military in its ap pointments as North Platto could fur nish. Tho drum corps and Homo liuurus nctod as an escort, whilo six returned soldiers from training camps wore pall-lionrors. Thoso woro Chas. Strauss. R. D. DIrgo. Robt. Uentty, Jesso Smith, W. R. Harcourt and W. II. Munger and they woro in uniform. Tho caskot was covored with a Hag. At tho gravo taps wero blown and tho firing squad fired three volleys, the last rospect shown tho soldier dead. Coulter Elder was nineteen years of ago and had boon nt Camp Po'.k less man a month, leaving homo Novom ber 3d for that camp aftor onlistment In tho tank corjvs. Dcntl occurred Novombor 30th from influenza aftor a briof illness. When tho war was first declared Coulter was anxious to en list, but was barred at that tlmo bv reason of his ago. Whon tho ngo limit was reduced pormlttlng him to regis ter, no nmdo every effort to got into tho sorvico immodlatoly. but it was not until tho onrly part of last month that ho was accepted. From early Iwyhood ho took a fancy to soldiering, largely duo no doubt to having heard his father, who was a votoran of the civil war. relate tho experiences of camp ana battle lino. Ho was denied his desire to seo actlvo warfare, but ho gave up his llfo In tho sorvlco of his country Just as freely as did thoso who died at tho front. Havo von nntiend tbn illnnlnv nt diamonds In DIXON'S Jowelory storo winnow . Tiieso stones arc being sold at tho old "price. They range from $8 to $525.00. Thoro nro some that aro extra fino from $100.00 to $175.00. Harry Flolshman said good-byo to his friends Friday night at twolvo and loft In his Studobnkor car for Omanh expecting to roach that city at noon tho following day. All Tho Millinery nnd this season's latest stylo lints to bo closed out nulckly. All the hats that sold up to $0.00 on salo at $2.45. All tho bettor grades, some ns high as $12.00 on salo at $4.95 at THE LEADER MER. COMPANY Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Boys' Wearing Apparel 25 TO 50 PERCENT DISCOUNT Hi Hi Hi tfi Hi if! Hi ffi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m Hi m Hi Hi HARRY SAMUELSON. L P. Family Service Club. Tho Union Pacific Family Servico Cklb, organized for tho purpose of looking aftor tho famlllos of employes who aro In army servico, held its weekly meeting Sunday evening in the conductors' room ln tho depot. Thero was a good sized attendance and a departure from tho usual routino pro ceedings was made by short addresses by J. J. Halllgan, Dlshop Deecher. Ira L. Uaro and Rov. Arthur Jones. A resolution was passed authorizing' tho perpotuatlon of tho club so long as any U. P. employes wero overseas. Since tho formation of tho club about ono thousand dollars havo bcen dlstrll bitted to families whoso heads nro in sorvlco overseas. This distributon has boon In tho form of hospital and doc tor bills, coal, groceries and other necessities. In several instances a regular sium Is paid monthly to fam ilies. Arrangements aro being made to supply each family with a turkoy dinner on Christmas. "Tlio employes ovor thero havo ibeon fighting for us omployoB over horo, nnd tho least wo can do for them," said Chairman Mo combor, "Is to seo that tho members of tholr fnmllies are as well provided a s though tho boys woro hero to sup port them." Tho monthly contribu tions to tho funds ure voluntary nnd rango from n minimum of ten cents to a maximum of two dollars tier month . :o: For Farm Loans see Gcno CrooK, Room wost of Vlonna Cafo. Ralph Vronian Injnrcd. Word received In town Friday told of an accident to Ralph Vroman in which ho suffered a compound frac ture of a leg. Ralph is in a balloon school In California and hilo riding a motorcycle with a sido car attached, was struck by an automobile. Ralph's companion, who was riding In the sido car Avas killed and Ralph sus tained the compound fract'ivro and was otherwise bruised. Ho is in a hospital and doing as ' won as could bo expected under tho circumstances. : :o: : If you haven't and expect to make somo comforters this season, do not fail to seo our nine cent specials; You'll want to buy them all. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Wallace Pioneer Dies. W. J. Kain, for over thirty-four years a resident of Wallace precinct, died Thursday night at tho ago of sixty-six. Death was duo to the flu. Ho leaves a wifo and threo chldren, A. R. Kain, Mrs. Dert Light and Mrs. Harry Recce, all resident of Wallace precinct. Tho funeral was held at Wallaco Saturday afternoon. Tho de ceased was well and favorably known In tho south part of' the county, nnd his sudden death is regretted by a largo circle of acquaintances. ::o:: Clara Kimball Young has not been before North Platto audiences for a long time but you can see her tonight or tomorrow night in her latest suc cess "The Reason Why". Don't for get the place Crystal Theatre. Keith Theatre SlT. December 11-12 Madge Kennedy in "FRIEND HUSBAND" The story of a girl who laughed at marriage vows a girl's oxciting adventure oh a bought-and-paid for honeymoon The Telephone Bill Is a Small Iteoi in the Family Expense According to statistics, tho average family income is expended about like this: Food 35 per cent 20 per cent 16 per cent 6 per cent 7 per cent 4 per cent 4 per cent 3 per cent 2 per cent 3 per cent Education Almost tho smallest item in the family budget is tho monthly telephone bill. Yot the service the telephone renders is very great. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Save Kood liny War Nalnt; Stump wilt I.llirrlr Ituntla